Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corporate bperformance"" "subject:"corporate deperformance""
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The Impact of Board Diversity on Textual Social, Environmental Disclosures, and Corporate PerformanceOmara, Hossam K.A.A. January 2021 (has links)
Drawing on the notion of faultlines – a hypothetical dividing line that splits a group
into two or more subgroups based on the alignment of one or more individual
attributes – this thesis proposes a new approach to the measurement and
assessment of board diversity to understand how high(er) performing boards can
be built i.e., the multi-dimensional diversity index (MDI). The proposed MDI
captures the joint effect of differences in director attributes at four diversity levels
for 26,743 directors, namely: (i) surface (or baseline); (ii) identity; (iii)
demographic; and (iv) meso-level. The current study uses three-stage least
squares (3SLS) with a panel of 3,357 FTSE All-Share index non-financial
companies from 2005 to 2018. To this end, a key implication of this study – and
by extension, the proposed MDI – is that it challenges the conventional notion
that boards are improved ‘enough’ by focusing on the micro-dimension and
increasing stand-alone diversity attributes, such as gender. Collectively, this
study’s results suggest that a well-diversified board incentivises managers to
disclose more information on social and environmental activities in contrast to
firms with an extreme faultline score. The results show that highly effective boards
with a moderate faultline score at meso-level diversity (e.g., identity, information,
and non-demographic attributes) lead to better accounting profitability, corporate
value, and market-based performance. Remarkably, the present study finds that nationality diversity per se positively impacts corporate performance; in contrast,
the dominance of male directors hinders firm performance significantly.
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臺灣上市櫃董監事薪酬影響因子與投資組合 / Determinants of Board Compensation of Taiwan Listed Companies and Investment Portfolios李宛諭, Li, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現我國上市櫃公司的董監薪酬確實受到董事會特性、公司特性以及公司經營績效影響。董事會特性中以董事會規模、董監事持股比例和董事兼任經理人比例具有顯著之影響;公司特性以公司規模、負債比例、股價日報酬波動度和投資機會均對董監薪酬具顯著影響;最後,公司經營績效指標中以Tobin's Q、資產報酬率、營業收入淨額與股利殖利率與董監薪酬呈顯著正向影響。這表示我國公司在制定公司董監薪酬時,確實會考量其董事會特性、公司特性以及公司之經營績效。
最後,本研究使用迴歸式的殘差項由大至小組合投資組合以觀察其績效表現,殘差項最大(小)投資組合表示支付過高(低)董監薪酬的公司,研究發現並無法從投資組合的績效表現看出支付過高(低)董監薪酬對公司股價報酬表現之影響,本研究認為這可能是因為支付過高董監薪酬可能同時包含因為該公司的董監事之能力佳而支付較高的薪酬亦可能該公司的董監事僅為坐領高薪的肥貓。 / This study empirically examines variables that influence director compensation of Taiwanese companies. With new disclosure rule for board compensation, we exclude the salaries and bonus of concurrently serving as managers or employees, and divide board compensation as total director compensation and average director compensation. We collect 2005 to 2013 listed companies on Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange as research samples. In our regression analysis, we distinguish three types of determinants: board characteristics, firm characteristics and corporate performance.
Using ordinary least squares estimator method and fixed effect method, our results show that board characteristics, firm characteristics and corporate performance do affect board compensation. We find board size, directors’ equity holding ratio and the ratio of director concurrently serving as manager that significant influence director compensation. From the aspect of firm characteristics, results show that firm size, leverage ratio, daily stock returns volatility and investment opportunity also significant influence director compensation. We also provide evidence that higher Tobin’s Q, ROA, sales and dividend yield, higher director compensation.
Finally, we use residuals from the regression to construct portfolios and observe their performance. The portfolio with highest (lowest) residuals considers as companies overpaying (underpaying) their directors. However, from performance of portfolios, we cannot conclude that directors are overpaid or underpaid can reflect companies future performance, since directors are overpaid may because of their extraordinary ability or simply because they are fat cats.
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員工分紅費用化對董監酬勞與員工紅利發放及經營績效之影響 / The effect of expense treatment for employee bonus on the distribution of director compensation and employee bonus and corporate performance陳姿諭, Chen, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討在費用化制度實施後,公司的酬勞及紅利制度將產生什麼變化,且該項制度的變動是否會改變對董監及員工的激勵誘因,進而影響公司績效。本研究實證結果顯示,員工分紅費用化制度實施後,公司發放的董監酬勞佔稅後淨利比例無顯著變化。在員工紅利部分,現金紅利比重提高,股票紅利比重則降低。無論於費用化制度實施前或後,給予員工現金或股票紅利,皆有助於公司提升經營績效;惟費用化後,現金紅利之激勵效果變差,股票紅利則變好。此外,若同時比較員工現金與股票紅利兩者,可發現無論是費用化實施前或實施後,現金紅利對於提升公司經營績效之效果皆較佳。 / The success of corporate operations relies on the efforts of all people in the firm. By distributing compensation and bonus which are based on corporate performance, it not only can enhance directors’ and employees’ work motivation, but also achieve the purpose of better corporate performance. The accounting treatment for director compensation or employee bonus used to be recognized as a part of corporate earnings distribution, not as an expense. This method was, however, criticized for its failure to present the true operating results of a company. In order to solve this problem and in accordance with the IFRS treatment, the government amended the related laws and required that both director compensation and employee bonus be recognized as salary expense after January 1, 2008.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in director compensation and employee bonus after the above new regulation took effect. This study also examines whether this change alters the incentives to directors and employees. The empirical results show that after the new accounting treatment, no significant changes in the percentage of director compensation to net income. When it comes to employee bonus, the percentage of cash bonus increased, but the stock bonus declined. In addition, employee cash and stock bonus, no matter being treated as an expense or not, did help the firms to enhance performance. However, cash bonus’ motivation effect became lesser, whereas stock bonus’ effect increased. Furthermore, cash bonus was more effective than stock bonus in improving corporate performance before and after the expense treatment for employee bonus.
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研發支出與資本支出對公司績效及股價報酬之關聯分析 / The Related Analysis of R&D Expenditure and Capital Investment on Corporate Performance and Stock Price葉一青 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以國內上市櫃公司(除金融服務業外)作為研究樣本,並以2001年至2011年間為實證期間,進行迴歸模型分析,探討研發支出、資本支出等重大支出對於公司經營績效及股價報酬所產生的效果,並探討國內電子次產業如半導體產業、光電產業、電腦周邊產業及電子零組件產業在研發與資本支出對經營績效與股價報酬的影響差異度;本論文在公司經營績效及市場價值的衡量指標,係以公司之資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、營業毛利率、營業淨利率、營收成長率及公司Tobin’s Q值與股價報酬等作為衡量指標。
一、 就全體產業而言,研究發展支出對於企業之營業毛利率、營業淨利率及Tobin’s Q值有顯著正相關,但對於企業之營收成長率、資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率以及公司股價報酬率等項目並未出現顯著相關性;資本支出對企業之資產報酬率及股東權益報酬率則出現顯著負相關,同時資本支出對企業Tobin’s Q值及股價報酬率出現顯著負相關,但對於企業之營收成長率、營業毛利率、營業淨利率等未出現顯著相關性。
二、 針對電子次產業實證結果:
1. 針對半導體產業實證發現,研究發展支出對於公司資產報酬率出現顯著正相關,資本支出對於公司Tobin’s Q值及股價報酬率則呈現顯著負相關。
2. 針對光電產業的實證發現,研究發展支出對於企業經營績效指標包括公司營收成長率、營業毛利率、營業淨利率、資產報酬率及股東權益報酬率等,全數呈現顯著正相關;而資本支出對於公司Tobin’s Q值或股價報酬率呈現顯著正相關,但對於營業毛利率、營業淨利率、資產報酬率及股東權益報酬率等則呈現顯著負相關。
3. 針對電腦週邊產業的實證發現,研究發展支出對於公司營收成長率、營業淨利率、資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率及公司Tobin’s Q值等皆呈現顯著正相關;而資本支出則對於公司營收成長率出現顯著正相關。
4. 針對零組件產業的實證發現,研究發展支出對於公司營收成長率、營業毛利率、營業淨利率、資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、公司Tobin’s Q值及股價報酬率等全數呈現顯著正相關;而資本支出對於公司營業毛利率、資產報酬率及股東權益報酬率等出現顯著負相關。 / This research mainly examines the related effect of R&D expenditure and capital investment on corporate performance and company’s stock price. The results of this study are trying to offer reference opinions to corporate executive officers that will make R&D or capital investment decisions.
In this study, the database includes the listed companies in Taiwan Stock exchange except the finance industry from 2001 to 2011. We adopt R&D expenditure and capital investment as the independent variables of evaluating of corporate performance and company’s stock price, and also choose the growth rate of sales, the operating margin ratio, the net profit margin ratio, the return on total assets, the return on equity, Tobin's Q Ratio and company’s stock price as the dependent variables. The results of this investigation could be summarized as follows:
1. For all targeted industries, R&D expenditure had positive, significant influence on the operating margin ratio, the net profit margin ratio and Tobin's Q Ratio. Capital investment had negative, significant influence on the return on total assets, the return on equity, Tobin's Q Ratio and company’s stock price.
2. For Semiconductor industry, R&D expenditure had positive, significant influence on the return on total assets. Capital investment had negative, significant influence on Tobin's Q Ratio and company’s stock price.
3. For Optoelectronics industry, R&D expenditure had positive, significant influence on growth rate of sales, the operating margin ratio, the net profit margin ratio, the return on total assets, the return on equity. Capital investment had positive, significant influence on Tobin's Q Ratio and company’s stock price.
4. For Computer peripheral industry, R&D expenditure had positive, significant influence on growth rate of sales, the operating margin ratio, the net profit margin ratio, the return on total assets, the return on equity, and Tobin's Q Ratio. Capital investment had positive, significant influence on the growth rate of sales.
5. For Electronic components/material industry, R&D expenditure had positive, significant influence on growth rate of sales, the operating margin ratio, the net profit margin ratio, the return on total assets, the return on equity, Tobin's Q Ratio and company’s stock price. Capital investment had negative, significant influence on the operating margin ratio, the return on total assets and the return on equity.
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家族企業與公司治理 / Family Ownership and Corporate Governance洪昕楷 Unknown Date (has links)
三、以公司治理綜合指標下之五個構面,分別去探討家族企業與非家族企業對於公司績效之差異。董監事組成構面下之家族企業對公司績效正向影響程度大於非家族企業;股東權益、管理型態、關係人與介入股市構面之各個實證結果,皆是家族企業對公司績效正向影響程度小於非家族企業。 / This study investigates the relation between corporate governance and performance and the difference in that relation between family and non-family ownership using a sample of publicly-traded Taiwanese companies during 2003-2012. Based on Ye, Lee, and Ke (2002, in Chinese), a composite index of corporate governance is set up from five constructs including director and supervisor, shareholders' equity, management style, overinvestment and related party. The empirical results are as follows:
1.The better the corporate governance, the better the corporate performance. This finding is true for each of the three samples including family ownership, non-family ownership and both of them together.
2.Taking return on assets (ROA) or earnings per share (EPS) as corporate performance measure, the effect of corporate governance on performance is stronger for family ownership than for non-family ownership.
3.Except for director and supervisor construct, all other four constructs of corporate governance including shareholders' equity construct, management style construct, overinvestment construct and related party construct have stronger effect on corporate performance for non-family ownership than for family ownership.
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Incorporando a gestão da sustentabilidade aos sistemas de inteligência de negócioPetrini, Maira de Cassia 18 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-12-18T00:00:00Z / Business Intelligence and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focused separately, represent contemporary key questions that have led to the growing interest and substantial increase in the amount of studies. However, taken together, they are practically absent in literature. Having as its objective a start to fill this gap, this study has contributed presenting a theoretical model to the conception of Business Intelligence systems, more specifically in the informational needs identification phase, integrating the concept of corporate social responsibility, which makes part of the relevant information set to be managed by companies. Grounded Theory research method is used in five organizations recognized by their actions related to sustainability. The research question of how to integrate the information management related to CSR to the indicators of traditional performance in the conception of Business Intelligence has led to a theoretical model based in two axes, which are named Institutional Context and Perspective Indicators. On one hand, the incorporation of sustainability to the business strategy depends basically of variables related to the organization, which have been identified in the axis of the proposed model named Institutional Context. On the other hand, Perspective Indicators axis deals with the manner of how to categorize the performance indicators in a way that the management and strategy of the company can be assessed and analyzed in a unique model that integrates not only social and environmental dimensions, but also traditional business dimensions. Finally, this multidimensional structure to the integration of economic, social, and environmental indicators is a final step in a process that leads to a truly sustainable organization. / Sistemas de Business Intelligence ou Inteligência de Negócio e Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC), enfocados em separado, representam questões-chave da contemporaneidade que levaram ao crescente interesse e aumento substancial do número de estudos. Entretanto, tomados em conjunto, estão praticamente ausentes da literatura. Com o objetivo de iniciar a preencher essa lacuna, a contribuição desse estudo é apresentar um modelo teórico para a concepção de sistemas de Inteligência de Negócio, mais especificamente na fase de identificação das necessidades informacionais, integrando o conceito de responsabilidade social corporativa, o qual passa a compor o conjunto de informações relevantes a serem gerenciadas pelas empresas. O método de pesquisa utilizado é a Grounded Theory, sendo conduzida em cinco organizações reconhecidas pela sua atuação voltada para a sustentabilidade. A questão de pesquisa de como integrar a gestão das informações relativas a RSC aos indicadores de desempenho tradicionais na concepção dos sistemas de Inteligência de Negócio levou-nos a um modelo teórico baseado em dois eixos, os quais denominamos Contexto Institucional e Indicadores em Perspectiva. Por um lado, a incorporação da sustentabilidade à estratégia empresarial depende fundamentalmente de variáveis relacionadas à organização, as quais foram identificadas no eixo denominado Contexto Institucional. Por outro lado, o eixo Indicadores em Perspectiva trata de como categorizar os indicadores de desempenho de tal forma que a gestão e a estratégia da empresa possam ser avaliadas e analisadas em um único modelo que integre não somente as dimensões social e ambiental, mas também dimensões tradicionais de negócio. Finalmente, essa estrutura multidimensional para integração dos indicadores econômicos, sociais e ambientais mostrou-se como uma etapa final em um processo que leva a uma organização verdadeiramente sustentável.
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Analýza, výběr a zavedení CPM řešení pro malou firmu / Analysis, selection and implementation of CPM solution for a small companyDyntar, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the modern management concept of Corporate Performance Management (CPM, enterprise performance management) and its implementation in selected small company. The first part focuses on the description of the concept of CPM and its individual components (processes, methodologies, metrics and applications). The theoretical part also deals with selected implementation procedures and available CPM maturity models. In the second part a particular small company is introduced to the reader, together with its activities, organizational structure and the reasons behind their interest in CPM. It is then followed by an analysis of the company, its CPM maturity and proposed steps for CPM implementation. These steps are based on the framework presented in this work, which was created by combining different approaches to CPM implementation and available CPM maturity model. The third part, devoted to the implementation of CPM, starts with an analysis of the CPM in the cloud market, followed by a review of two selected solutions. To select the appropriate application, a multi-criterion model is created. The description of actual implementation, and evaluation of its results are included in the last chapter.
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Měření výkonnosti podniku / Corporate Performance MeasurementPavlová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of Business Intelligence (BI) to support the corporate performance management in ISS Europe, spol. s r. o. This company provides licences and implements original software products as well as third-party software products. First, an analysis is conducted in the given company, which then serves as basis for the implementation of the BI solution that should be interconnected with the company strategies. The main goal is the implementation of a pilot BI solution to aid the monitoring and optimisation of corporate performance. Among secondary goals are the analysis of related concepts, business strategy analysis, strategic goals and systems identification and the proposition and implementation of a pilot BI solution. In its theoretical part, this thesis focuses on the analysis of concepts related to corporate performance and BI implementations and shortly describes the company together with its business strategy. The following practical part is based on the theoretical findings. An analysis of the company is carried out using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology, the result of which is depicted in a strategic map. This methodology is then supplemented by the Activity Based Costing (ABC) analytical method, which divides expenses according to assets. The results are informational data about which expenses are linked to handling individual developmental, implementational and operational demands for particular contracts. This is followed by an original proposition and the implementation of a BI solution which includes the creation of a Data Warehouse (DWH), designing Extract Transform and Load (ETL) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems and generating sample reports. The main contribution of this thesis is in providing the company management with an analysis of company data using a multidimensional perspective which can be used as basis for prompt and correct decision-making, realistic planning and performance and product optimisation.
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Informační bezpečnost jako jeden z ukazatelů hodnocení výkonnosti v energetické společnosti / Information security as one of the performance indicators in energy companyKubík, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis is concerned with assessing the state of information security and its use as an indicator of corporate performance in energy company. Chapter analysis of the problem and current situation presents findings on the state of information security and implementation stage of ISMS. The practical part is focused on risk analysis and assessment the maturity level of processes, which are submitted as the basis for the proposed security measures and recommendations. There are also designed metrics to measure level of information security.
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Využití finanční analýzy v podniku / Applying Financial Analysis at a CompanyZvoníček, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on appreciation company financial situation by method financial analysis. It is based on theoretical findings that specify lacks of money management and its causes in analytical part. On the basis of discovered findings there is an improvement proposal of current situation and benefit evaluation for company.
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