Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crosscultural communmunication"" "subject:"crosscultural commoncommunication""
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Vocal Expression of Emotion : Discrete-emotions and Dimensional AccountsLaukka, Petri January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigated whether vocal emotion expressions are conveyed as discrete emotions or as continuous dimensions. Study I consisted of a meta-analysis of decoding accuracy of discrete emotions (anger, fear, happiness, love-tenderness, sadness) within and across cultures. Also, the literature on acoustic characteristics of expressions was reviewed. Results suggest that vocal expressions are universally recognized and that there exist emotion-specific patterns of voice-cues for discrete emotions. In Study II, actors vocally portrayed anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness with weak and strong emotion intensity. The portrayals were decoded by listeners and acoustically analyzed with respect to 20 voice-cues (e.g., speech rate, voice intensity, fundamental frequency, spectral energy distribution). Both the intended emotion and intensity of the portrayals were accurately decoded and had an impact on voice-cues. Listeners’ ratings of both emotion and intensity could be predicted from a selection of voice-cues. In Study III, listeners rated the portrayals from Study II on emotion dimensions (activation, valence, potency, emotion intensity). All dimensions were correlated with several voice-cues. Listeners’ ratings could be successfully predicted from the voice-cues for all dimensions except valence. In Study IV, continua of morphed expressions, ranging from one emotion to another in equal steps, were created using speech synthesis. Listeners identified the emotion of each expression and discriminated between pairs of expressions. The continua were perceived as two distinct sections separated by a sudden category boundary. Also, discrimination accuracy was generally higher for pairs of stimuli falling across category boundaries than for pairs belonging to the same category. This suggests that vocal expressions are categorically perceived. Taken together, the results suggest that a discrete-emotions approach provides the best account of vocal expression. Previous difficulties in finding emotion-specific patterns of voice-cues may be explained in terms of limitations of previous studies and the coding of the communicative process.
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現代漢語拒絕言語行為與策略及其教學探究 / The Speech Act of Refusal in Mandarin Chinese: An Analysis of Verbal Strategies to Express Refusal and Disagreement with Suggestions for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language曲禹宣, Chu,Yu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果歸納出了11類間接拒絕策略與5類輔助策略,並針對各語境歸納出了主要的拒絕模式。教學應用方面,主要是將研究結果編寫成教學內容,除了以各語境歸納出的拒絕模式導入對話的情景教學方法外,也思考了各拒絕策略可應用的教學方式。期盼研究成果可以應用於對外華語教學層面,除了提出相關主題教學時的應用方法外,也能提升教師的教學效率與學習者的學習成效。 / Verbal communication is a kind of social behavior which denotes activities as transferring messages or exchanging feelings by means of language. Various communicative actions appear in our daily life. Refusals are one of their most common forms.
The performance of refusal speech varies greatly regarding to its objectives and contexts. The speech act of “indirect refusal”, for example, often occurs in situations where a younger person has to refuse a request of an elder one. “Direct refusal”, on the contrary, appears more in private occasions. Given the importance of context people with different cultural backgrounds easily fails to understand the more underlying pragmatic features of language.
Although students of the Chinese language may gradually increase their lexical knowledge and become well-skilled in language performance, failures in decoding the pragmatic features still occur in many communicative situations. Even for advanced students understanding context poses a great challenge. Most teaching materials, however, focus on teaching vocabulary, phrases, and grammar. Some materials are designed according to various language competences. To lay focus on speech act sets, however, is still less common.
The present thesis aims to analyze the speech act of refusal in Mandarin Chinese and wants to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. For the research in communicative behavior, the author collected data and results from different sources: 1. personal recordings of verbal behavior; 2. questionnaire for verbal behavior in different communicative situations; 3. theoretical discussions.
First, based on the dynamic features of verbal communication, the author discusses refusal as speech act and analyzes its pragmatic strategies and linguistic structures. Different forms of refusal as indirect refusal and false refusal will be treated separately. Furthermore, the results of linguistic analysis will be applied to instructions for teaching in the hope that language learners can enhance both their communicative and pragmatic capabilities in a more efficient way. An analysis of common teaching materials is included, too.
In detail, the present thesis includes four discussions:
(1) Understanding the speech act of refusal: Based on previous theories the speech act of refusal will be discussed under different pragmatic perspectives.
(2) Analyzing the speech act of refusal: Analyses of the pragmatic features and the linguistic structure of refusal are conducted for six different contexts. Eleven realization strategies of refusal and five supporting strategies of communicative behavior are discussed in detail.
(3) Analyzing teaching materials: Frequency and methods of presenting different pragmatic features of refusal in teaching materials will be analyzed and evaluated.
(4) Suggestions for teaching: Methods for teaching various speech acts of refusal are proposed according to the results obtained from the inquiries in its pragmatic and linguistic features. Examples for teaching different strategies and supporting strategies of refusal are included.
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The place of language and intercultural abilities : the experience of global business professionalsEchavarría, María Luisa 30 June 2014 (has links)
Recent surveys of international business professionals indicate that foreign language abilities and cultural sensitivity are important competitive advantages in today's globalized economy. The current study interviewed 71 practicing global professionals currently working in cross border transactions in diverse fields. Biographic, demographic and second language data were collected, including information on experiences and opinions on the use and importance of foreign language and cultural awareness abilities in the professional world. Research questions include: (1) Who are the global professionals applying L2 abilities at work? (2) How do they apply these abilities? (3) What are the profiles of advanced and non-advanced proficiency users? (4) How important are linguistic abilities and how much of a competitive advantage do they represent? (5) What language strategies and communication strategies are used? (6) What are the most common beliefs on the role of foreign languages and culture awareness in business? (7) How well do intercultural communication models explain the culture views and experiences reported by working professionals? Results indicate that learners with self-reported advanced proficiency regularly apply the four language abilities (listening, reading, speaking and writing) at work, albeit in varying degrees, depending on the level of complexity of the task (phone, email, face-to-face meeting, etc.). For the majority of informants, foreign language and culture abilities are considered important for professional effectiveness. For those who reported advanced foreign language abilities, they also exhibited a greater appreciation for increased exposure to foreign language learning, had received more foreign language instruction, and had more experience working and living abroad. Those advanced in foreign language abilities were also more likely to be non-native speakers of English, have earned a university degree while using an L2, had family or community connections to the target language, have emigrated, or have a spouse with a different L1. The study also ranks and identifies the informants' strategies used to deal with language and culture issues. Participants' anecdotes were analyzed in light of current cultural analysis models applied in International Business Communications. Suggestions are presented for curricula changes to improve foreign language proficiency in professional settings. / text
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African spirituality set in a context of Batswana ChristiansSegami, Tom Mogorogi 11 1900 (has links)
In transmitting the Gospel, Western missionaries passed on their portrayal of Christ as a European. Conversion to Christianity was aimed more at promoting Western cultural, moral and spiritual issues. Western culture has thus been an obstacle or hindrance to effective cross-cultural communication of the Christian message. Batswana believers are challenged to peel the Western cultural layers off Christianity, in order to reclaim Christ. Batswana Christians will have to dress Christianity in the Tswana cultural heritage if it is to be of any lasting significance to them. Christian spirituality is centred on Jesus Christ, in the worldview of all Christians. Jesus joins faith and culture together. If Christianity is truly universal, then every culture should surrender to Jesus Christ and not to any other culture. Jesus’ question “who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8: 29), challenges Batswana Christians to write their own fifth Gospel. / Christian Spirituality Church History and Missiology / Thesis (M. Th. (Christian Spirituality))
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從跨文化角度分析台灣英語學習者回應間接抱怨語之行為 / A cross-cultural study on Chinese EFL learners' responses to indirect complaints廖盈淑, Liao, Ying Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究以「間接抱怨的反應」的語言行為為研究方向;一方面以跨文化語用學的探討為主,研究母語為中文的台灣人與母語為美語的美國人語言行為之差異,藉以探討該語言行為的文化普遍性、獨特性;另一方面是以外語語用學的探討為主,研究台灣大專生學習美語的外語行為是否接近母語為英語的美國人,以深究研究對象的語用轉移現象。研究的四組受試人分別為36位以英語為母語的美國大學生、36位以中文為母語且以中文為學習主要媒介的台灣的大學生、36位英語學習程度較佳的台灣大學生、36位英語學習程度中等的台灣大學生。蒐集語言資料的工具是語言言談情境問卷(Discourse Completion Task,簡稱DCT),依照蒐集到的語料進行量化、質化的資料分析。研究結果顯示:四組研究對象皆傾向以憐憫策略來回應間接抱怨。然而以兩項研究變項(性別與社交關係)來進一步討論時,研究結果呈現不同的策略使用:以中文為母語和英語學習程度較佳的台灣大學生這兩個研究對象趨於以沉默或是轉移話題來回應女性陌生人的間接抱怨,但是英語學習程度較中等的台灣大學生,卻是較常使用建議策略來回覆陌生人。再者,探究研究對象們的語用標記時,英語學習者常轉化中文的發語詞於英語表達中,相較於以英語為母語的美國大學生,他們的語用句型也較為簡化。根據研究結果與探討,英語學習者們的英語學習程度高低並不與其語用表現成正比,這論述可以呼應語用知識是有別於語言知識的概念。故在英語為外語教學上,除了英語能力的提升外,學習者應能有機會體驗不同情境下的語用表現,自覺性的討論出該表現背後的不同文化意涵,進而提升其對母語文化以及目標語文化所該具有的知識與內涵。 / This study investigated response strategies to indirect complaints (IC). On the one hand, it explored the cross-cultural differences in speech behaviors between native Mandarin Chinese speakers and native American English speakers. On the other hand, it examined EFL learners’ IC response behaviors in Taiwan. Four participant groups were invited in this study: 36 native speakers of American English living in the United States, 36 native Mandarin Chinese speakers living in Taiwan, 36 EFL learners with high English proficiency level, and 36 EFL learners with intermediate English proficiency level. Their language data were collected through designed Discourse Completion Test (DCT). Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to deal with the collected data. The research results indicated that the commiseration strategy was mostly used by all four participant groups. Yet, taking the two independent variables (gender and social-distance relationships) into consideration, informative results were found across different groups. The two groups of native Chinese speakers and EFL learners with high English proficiency level applied off strategy to their female strangers’ indirect complaints. On the contrary, the group of EFL learners with intermediate English proficiency level used more advice strategy to their strangers’ indirect complaints. Furthermore, negative transfer was found in the EFL learners’ linguistic realization to achieve illocutionary forces, including pragmatic markers and simplified sentential expressions. The research findings implied that there was not any positive relationship between language learners’ linguistic abilities and their pragmatic performance. The implicature is correlated with the concept that pragmatic knowledge is distinct from linguistic knowledge. Thus, in EFL courses, language learners should be provided opportunities to consciously explore different cultural meanings behind speech act behaviors.
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Haitian Adult Immigrants as Learners and ParentsPhilippi, Dayana Octavien 01 January 2016 (has links)
Haitian immigrant parents often face challenges to visibly engage in their children's education in the United States due to social, cultural, and economic factors. This study addressed parent involvement (PI) among Haitian immigrant parents of adolescents in a Florida community. The purpose of this exploratory, multiple-case study was to better understand connections between immigrant Haitian parents' beliefs and learning experiences and their experiences supporting their adolescents' learning. Three research questions were developed to explore Haitian adults' lived experiences and perceptions of themselves as keepers of knowledge and as learners, their experiences and perceived roles as parents, and the resources they possessed that could increase PI. The conceptual framework included social constructs of family literacy, new literacy studies, and funds of knowledge. Nine Haitian parents of teenage children and 3 educators and liaisons from the community were selected for interviews. Qualitative data analysis included open coding, theme identification, and triangulation of data from an archival PI survey. Findings indicated that adults' experiences with learning at home and learning at school influenced their perceived parenting roles and self-efficacy at home, the type of PI in which they engaged, and future aspirations for their children. Results were used to develop a white paper aimed at community stakeholders to enhance educators' and social service providers' cultural knowledge of Haitian families and to promote two-way communication. The project may encourage the development of culturally responsive PI strategies and adult learning opportunities benefiting local and trans-national Haitian communities throughout the United States.
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Teaming at a Distance: The Work Experience on Global Virtual TeamsMaley, Lejla Bilal 01 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Emerging Forms of Globalization Dialectics: Interlocalization, a New Praxis of Power and Culture in Commercial Media and Development CommunicationSzalvai, Eva 07 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Crossing Oceans with Words: Diplomatic Communication during the Vietnam War, 1945-1969Koscheva-Scissons, Chloe 25 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Att vända kappan efter vinden - hyckleri eller en bra marknadsföringsstrategi : En jämförande intervjustudie om svenskars upplevelser av kulturella anpassning i digital marknadsföring av McDonald’s / To blow with the wind - hypocrisy or a good marketing strategy : A comparative interview study of Swedes experiences of cultural adaptation in McDonald’s digital marketingThorsell, Alice, Rosenberg, Josefina January 2024 (has links)
I dagens alltmer teknologiska och globala samhälle, där marknadsföring och reklam inte längre är bundet till landsgränser, är det viktigare än någonsin förr att marknadsförare på internationella företag är medvetna om hur kulturella värden i reklam uppfattas av sin publik. Tidigare forskning indikerar att användningen av lokaliserad reklam i marknadsföring ofta är fördelaktig, eftersom bristande kulturell känslighet kan bli kostsam för internationella företag. Mot bakgrund av detta syftar denna studie till att utforska tankar, upplevelser och reflektioner kring McDonald's reklam som är anpassad för en svensk marknad. Då amerikanisering och homogenisering av kulturella värden länge varit ett aktuellt ämne, undersöker denna studie även svenskars uppfattningar av McDonald's inhemska, amerikanska reklam. Detta för att avgöra om spridningen av amerikanska värderingar har möjliggjort användningen av standardiserad reklam av internationella företag. Empirin samlades i denna studie in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer utförda i två fokusgrupper. Fokusgrupperna bestod av åtta svenska individer som fick ta del av både svensk och amerikansk McDonald's-reklam och därefter delta i diskussioner om sina intryck och uppfattningar. Studiens resultat visade att den svenska publiken upplevde den amerikanska reklamen som främmande, opersonlig och överdrivet säljdriven. De kulturella skillnaderna och språkbarriären uppskattades inte av publiken då de hindrade relaterbarheten till innehållet. Däremot ansågs den amerikanska reklamen kunna vara attraktiv för en yngre generation. Den svenska reklamen resonerade betydligt bättre med publiken. Den upplevdes som tilltalande och personlig och värderingar om ett gemensamt ansvar för naturen relaterade till publiken. Dock var publiken kritisk till huruvida budskapet i den svenska reklamen verkligen var autentiskt. De svenska värderingar som förmedlades i reklamfilmen ansågs vara tillgjorda och användas för att manipulera mottagaren till en mer positiv syn på företaget. Många av dessa resonemang kunde härledas till deras upplevelse av McDonald’s som företag och det starka bandet snabbmatskedjan ansågs ha till USA och amerikanska värderingar. En dissonans uppstod därmed mellan att värna om miljön och att konsumera snabbmat, då detta ledde till associationer om masskonsumtion. Resultatet från denna studie understryker betydelsen av att anpassa reklam efter kulturella värderingar för internationella företag som vill lyckas på en global marknad. Studien belyser även de utmaningar marknadsförare på internationella företag står inför då anpassning efter lokala värderingar bör ske, men måste genomföras på ett sådant sätt som framstår som genuint för mottagaren samtidigt som värderingarna bör överensstämma med varumärket och dess lokala konnotationer. Produkten i sig och upplevelsen av varumärkets ursprung antas därmed spela in i hur publiken uppfattar de lokala anpassningarna, vilket utgör en viktig insikt för marknadsförare på en global marknad. / In today's increasingly technological and global society, where marketing and advertising are less and less bound by national borders, it is more important than ever for marketers at international companies to be aware of how cultural values in advertisements are perceived by their audience. Previous research indicates that the use of localized ads is often beneficial, as cultural insensitivity can be costly for international companies. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the opinions, experiences, and reflections regarding McDonald’s ads tailored for the Swedish market. Given the ongoing discussion about Americanization and the homogenization of cultural values, this study also examines Swedish audiences’ perceptions of McDonald’s domestic American advertisements to determine whether the spread of American values has facilitated the use of standardized advertising by international companies. The empirical data for this study were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted in two separate focus groups. These focus groups consisted of eight Swedish participants who viewed both Swedish and American McDonald's advertisements and then discussed their impressions and perceptions. The study's results indicated that the Swedish audience perceived the American advertisements as unfamiliar, impersonal, and overly sales-driven. The cultural differences and language barriers were not well-received by the audience, rendering the advertisements unrelatable. However, the American McDonald's advertisements were viewed as more attractive to a younger generation. In contrast, the Swedish McDonald's advertisements resonated better with the Swedish audience, being perceived as more appealing and personal. The values of collective responsibility for the environment were seen as particularly relatable. However, the audience criticized the authenticity of the messages conveyed in the Swedish advertisements. They perceived the values depicted in the ads as contrived, aimed at manipulating viewers into holding a favorable opinion of the company. These viewpoints were primarily associated with their perception of McDonald’s as a corporation and its strong ties to the USA and American values. A discrepancy emerged between environmental concern and the consumption of fast food, leading to associations with mass consumption. The findings of this study underscore the significance of international companies adjusting their advertising to align with cultural values for success in the global market. Additionally, the study emphasizes the challenges faced by marketers at international companies, highlighting the necessity for adaptation to local values in a manner that appears authentic to viewers and resonates with the brand and its local connotations. Consequently, the product itself and perceptions of the brand's origin are presumed to influence how audiences perceive these localized adaptations, providing critical insights for marketers in a global market.
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