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Monitoring und Feedback in der stationären Psychosomatik mit dem OQ-Analyst und dem ICD-10-Symptom-RatingProbst, Thomas 16 March 2015 (has links)
Diese publikationsgestützte Dissertation umfasst Arbeiten zum Thema Monitoring und Feedback in der stationären Psychosomatik. In zwei Arbeiten wurde untersucht, ob die Effektivität von psychosomatischen Behandlungen gesteigert werden kann, wenn Therapeuten regelmäßig Feedbackberichte der Monitoring- und Feedbacksoftware OQ-Analyst erhalten Hier zeigte sich, dass Feedback den Outcome von Patienten mit erhöhtem Risiko einer Verschlechterung verbessern kann. Bei den restlichen Patienten dagegen konnte Feedback den Therapieprozess nur schwach und nur kurzfristig für eine Behandlungswoche verbessern. In einer weiteren Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob sich unterschiedliche Belastungsgrade im wöchentlichen Monitoring differenziell verändern. Hierfür wurde das ICD-10-Symptomrating herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse lieferten Hinweise darauf, dass sich depressive Beschwerden und Angstbeschwerden schon in der ersten Behandlungswoche verbessern, somatoforme Beschwerden jedoch erst im späteren Behandlungsverlauf. Die vierte Arbeit setze sich mit der Fragestellung auseinander, ob Therapiebeziehung, soziale Unterstützung, Motivation, und Lebensereignisse mit bedeutsamen Verbesserungen und bedeutsamen Verschlechterungen assoziiert sind. Während alle vier Bereiche mit bedeutsamen Verbesserungen verknüpft waren, waren nur soziale Unterstützung und Lebensereignisse mit bedeutsamen Verschlechterungen assoziiert. / This dissertation is based on four publications on monitoring and feedback in psychosomatic in-patient therapy. In two publication it was investigated whether the effectiveness of psychosomatic in-patient therapy can be increased when therapists routinely receive the feedback reports of the monitoring and feedback software OQ-Analyst. Feedback could improve the outcome of patients at risk of treatment failure. For the remaining patients, feedback could optimize the therapy process only slightly for one treatment week. In another publication, the ICD-10-Symptom-Rating was used to explore how different symptoms change on a weekly basis. While depressive symptoms and symptoms of anxiety disorders improved already in the first treatment week, more treatment weeks were required to improve somatoform symptoms. In a fourth publication, associations between considerable positive as well as considerable negative change and the therapeutic alliance, social support, motivation, and life events were investigated. While all four factors were associated with considerable improvements, only social support and life events correlated with considerable deteriorations.
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Surfaces et films minces d'alliages métalliques complexes / Surfaces and thin films of complex metallic alloysDuguet, Thomas 28 September 2009 (has links)
Après un chapitre d’introduction à propos des alliages métalliques complexes et leurs surfaces, le manuscrit est divisé en deux parties distinctes. La première partie (Chap.II) porte sur la détermination structurale de la surface d’ordre 2 de la phase décagonale Al-Cu-Co par LEED et STM. Les conclusions de ce chapitre indiquent (i) que la surface observée expérimentalement correspond à des terminaisons denses et riches en l’élément de plus faible énergie de surface (Al) et (ii) que la phase serait stabilisée par le terme entropique de l’énergie libre de Helmotz. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse (Chap.III, IV et V), on applique une approche originale de science des surfaces pour résoudre un problème applicatif : l’adhérence des revêtements quasicristallins sur les substrats métalliques. On propose d’insérer une couche d’accrochage entre le revêtement et le substrat. L’alliage ?-Al4Cu9 est un bon candidat pour réaliser cette interface car il possède des propriétés structurales et électroniques intermédiaires entre un métal et un quasicristal. On élabore donc par MBE des interfaces modèles par adsorption puis recuit de Cu sur le quasicristal i-Al-Cu-Fe, puis d’Al sur Cu(111). Les expériences de photoémission, STM et LEED, ainsi que les calculs de DFT, démontrent la faisabilité d’une interface cohérente entre l’alliage de surface ?-Al4Cu9 et le Cu d’une part, et entre ?-Al4Cu9 et le quasicristal, d’autre part. Ces résultats fondamentaux sont reproduits avec succès dans le domaine applicatif, par l’élaboration de revêtements de phase ? par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron (Chap.V) / After an introductive chapter on complex metallic alloys and surfaces, the thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part (Chap.II) concerns the structural determination of the 2-fold surface of d-Al-Cu-Co quasicrystal, by using LEED and STM. The results show (i) that the experimental terraces correspond to dense and Al-rich terminations -the element with the lowest surface energy- and (ii) that this decagonal phase could be entropically stabilized. In the second part of the manuscript (Chap.III, IV and V), we apply a surface science approach to solve a technological bottleneck: the adherence of quasicrystalline coatings on metallic substrates. We propose to grow a buffer layer that would accommodate the differences between the two materials. For that purpose, the ?-Al4Cu9 phase is a good candidate as it shares electronic and structural properties with both substrate and coating. Hence, we synthesize model interfaces by using MBE, first by adsorption and annealing of Cu on the 5-f surface of i-Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal and then in the Al on Cu(111) system. Photoemission, STM and LEED experiments, along with DFT calculations show that a coherent interface can be grown between the ?-Al4Cu9 surface alloy and both the Cu and the quasicrystal. Those fundamental results are successfully reproduced in the real world, by growing similar interfaces using magnetron sputterring (Chap.V)
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Evaluation psychometrischer Methoden zur Verbesserung der Diagnostik der ZwangsstörungSchulze, Daniel 16 February 2022 (has links)
Die Zwangsstörung ist durch sehr verschiedenartige Symptome charakterisiert. Diese Symptomheterogenität stellt Herausforderungen für die psychologische Diagnostik dar. Die Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) gilt als der Goldstandard bei der Messung von Zwangssymptomen. Mittels einer großen Stichprobe von Zwangspatienten hatte diese Arbeit drei Ziele zur Weiterentwicklungen psychometrischer Methoden:
Erstens wurden die Messmodelle von Zwangssymptomen evaluiert und verbessert. Dabei fand eine umfassende Überarbeitung statt, wobei Bayesianische Messmodelle genutzt wurden.
Zweitens wurde getestet, ob die Messeigenschaften der Y-BOCS über die Zeit und für weitere klinische relevante Variablen konstant sind. In einer breit angelegten Messinvarianzanalyse wurden nur wenige Verletzungen der Messinvarianz gefunden. Falls solche vorliegen, werden Gruppenvergleiche verzerrt und eventuell falsche Schlussfolgerungen gezogen.
Für diese Situationen wurde drittens eine Erweiterung partieller Messinvarianzmodelle entwickelt und angewendet. Partielle Messinvarianzmodelle ermöglichen valide Gruppenvergleiche auch dann, wenn Messinvarianz nur für einige wenige Items hält. Es wurde eine Methode zur Modellmittelung entwickelt, die die Unsicherheit berücksichtigt, die in der Auswahl von Items für partielle Messinvarianz liegt. Das entwickelte Bayesianische Verfahren macht Analyseentscheidungen komplett sichtbar und damit diskutierbar.
Die vorgelegten Studien dienen der Weiterentwicklung psychometrischer Analysen in der klinischen Diagnostik im Allgemeinen und stärken die Validität der Messung durch die Y-BOCS im Besonderen. Klinische Studien können vertrauenswürdige Ergebnisse nur aufbauend auf soliden Messverfahren erzielen. Außerdem werden weitere neuere Entwicklungen in der psychometrischen Theorie im Hinblick auf ihren Nutzen in der klinischen Diagnostik und dem Verständnis der Zwangsstörung diskutiert. / Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by heterogeneous symptoms. Like for many clinical phenomena, this heterogeneity in symptoms poses challenges to psychological assessment. The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) has developed into a gold standard within the past three decades. Using a large sample of patients suffering from OCD, we worked towards three goals in order to advance psychometric methods:
First, evaluating and improving the measurement models associated with OCD symptoms by means of an exhaustive overhaul and the usage of Bayesian measurement modeling.
Second, to test whether the Y-BOCS' measurement properties are stable across time and other features relevant to clinical research. In a broad analysis of measurement invariance (MI), we found only few instances where MI did not hold. Under such circumstances, group comparisons may be biased and conclusions could be misleading.
For such situations, we thirdly derived and applied a procedure extending partial MI modeling. In partial MI models, group comparisons are still valid, even if MI holds only for a few items. We developed a model averaging approach that appropriately reflects the uncertainty stemming from choosing items for partial MI models. The developed Bayesian procedure makes decisions made during the analysis fully transparent and thus open to discussion.
The presented studies form a research program that advances psychometrical analyses in clinical assessment and increases the validity of the assessment of OCD by means of the Y-BOCS. Clinical trials require such sound measurements in order to provide trustworthy conclusions. Furthermore, we discuss other recent advances in the field of psychometry and their usability for clinical research as a whole and the understanding of OCD specifically.
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Synthèse d'agents chélateurs bi-fonctionnels pour le marquage de peptides avec le [indice supérieur 64]Cu / Development and evaluation of bifunctional chelating agents for peptide labeling with [superscript 64]CuDenis, Céline January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Grâce à des caractéristiques physiques particulières, le [indice supérieur 64]Cu (T[indice inférieur 1/2]= 12.7 h; β[indice supérieur+], 0.65 MeV [17.8 %]; β[indice supérieur −], 0.58 MeV [38.4 %]) est un candidat idéal pour l’imagerie TEP et la radiothérapie ciblée du cancer. Son utilisation est actuellement limitée par la disponibilité de chélateurs bi-fonctionnels (CBFs) offrant une résistance élevée aux réactions de transmétallation in vivo. Récemment nous avons développés deux nouveaux CBFs cycliques, DOTHA[indice inférieur 2] et NOTHA[indice inférieur 2], portant des ligands hydroxamates pour la complexation au [indice supérieur 64]Cu. Ces CBFs possèdent une cinétique de marquage rapide dans des conditions très douces, une stabilité élevée in vivo et un profil de biodistribution favorable avec une clairance rapide. Nous proposons maintenant d’étendre notre approche à la préparation de CBFs acycliques plus flexibles et compacts afin de moduler les propriétés biologiques et la pharmacocinétique des traceurs peptidiques. Le but de mon projet de maîtrise est de développer une série de chélateurs acycliques dérivés de l'histidine et de l'acide glutamique et fonctionalisés avec des groupements hydroxamates pour identifier un CBF offrant un complexe stable in vivo avec le [indice supérieur 64]Cu(II). Les CBFs ont été préparés en solution pour faciliter l’optimisation de chaque étape réactionnelle. Les groupements chélatants hydroxamates ont été sélectionnés pour leur habilité à former des complexes stables avec différents métaux et ils ont été liés en position N-terminale et sur la chaîne latérale des acides aminés grâce à des réactions de substitution nucléophile. Les groupements para-methoxy-benzyles ont été judicieusement sélectionnés pour la protection des groupements hydroxamates afin de faciliter, au besoin, une déprotection sélective sous des conditions très douces. L’optimisation du marquage a été effectuée avec l’isotope stable du cuivre et ensuite avec le [indice supérieur 64]Cu en faisant varier le contre ion métallique, le pH, la concentration, et la température. Le CBF offrant la plus grande stabilité, soit celui dérivé de l’histidine, a été conjugué à un peptide, le H[indice inférieur 2]N-PEG-[D-Tyr[indice supérieur 6],βAla[indice supérieur 11],Thi[indice supérieur 13],Nle[indice supérieur 14]]bombesin(6-14) (BBN), se liant fortement aux récepteurs de la relâche de la gastrine surexprimés dans les cancers du sein et de la prostate. La stabilité et l’activité spécifique du CBF-histidine et du radiotraceur marqués au [indice supérieur 64]Cu s’est avérée faible in vitro. Il est connu que l’activité antibactérienne de ligands hydroxamates est associée à leur capacité à complexer le fer. En perspective, comme nos chélateurs complexent très fortement le Fe(III), une alternative pour ces composés serait d’évaluer leur capacité à inhiber la croissance et la prolifération des bactéries. || Abstract : Thanks to its particular physical characteristics, [superscript 64]Cu (T[subscript ½= 12.7 h; β[superscript +], 0.65MeV [17.8 %]; β[superscript −], 0.58MeV [38.4 %]) is an ideal candidate for PET imaging and targeted cancer radiotherapy. Currently, its use is limited by the availability of bi-functional chelators (BFCs) which give high resistance to in vivo transmetallation reactions. Recently, we developed two new cyclic BFCs, DOTHA[subscript 2] and NOTHA[subscript 2], bearing hydroxamate pendant arms for the complexation with [superscript 64]Cu. Those BFCs have fast labeling kinetics under very mild conditions, a high in vivo stability and a biodistribution profile which is favorable with a fast clearance. Now, we propose to expand our approach to the preparation of acyclic BFCs, which are more flexible and compact, in order to better modulate biological properties and the pharmacokinetics of the peptidic tracers. The goal of my Master’s degree project is to develop a series of acyclic chelators derived from histidine and glutamic acid and functionalized with hydroxamate pendant arms to identify a BFC that shows highly stable in vivo complexes with [superscript 64]Cu(II). BFCs have been prepared in solution to facilitate the optimization of each reactive step. Hydroxamate chelating groups have been selected for their ability to form stable complexes with different metals and they have been conjugated in N-terminal position and on the lateral chain of amino acids via nucleophilic substitution reactions. Para-methoxy-benzyl groups have been judiciously selected for the protection of the hydroxamate groups to facilitate, if needed, a selective deprotection under mild conditions. The labeling optimization has been performed with a stable copper isotope, and then with [superscript 64]Cu varying the metallic counter-ion, pH, concentration and temperature. The BFC having the highest stability, the one derived from histidine, was conjugated to a peptide, H[subscript 2]N-PEG-[D-Tyr[superscript 6],βAla[superscript 11],Thi[superscript 13],Nle[superscript 14]]bombesin(6-14) (BBN), strongly bounding the gastrin releasing peptide receptor, which is overexpressed in breast and prostate cancers. Both the stability and specific activity of BFC-histidine of the radiotracer labeled with [superscript 64]Cu were low in vitro. It is known that the antibacterial activity of hydroxamate ligands is associated with their ability to complex iron. In perspective, because our hydroxamate ligands strongly complex Fe(III), an alternative for these compounds would be to assess their ability to inhibit the growth and proliferation of bacteria.
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Electromigration enhanced kinetics of Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds in Pb free solder joints and Cu low-k dual damascene processing using step and flash imprint lithographyChao, Huang-Lin 02 June 2010 (has links)
This dissertation constitutes two major sections. In the first major section, a
kinetic analysis was established to investigate the electromigration (EM), enhanced
intermetallic compound (IMC) growth and void formation for Sn-based Pb-free solder
joints to Cu under bump metallization (UBM). The model takes into account the
interfacial intermetallic reaction, Cu-Sn interdiffusion, and current stressing. A new
approach was developed to derive atomic diffusivities and effective charge numbers
based on Simulated Annealing (SA) in conjunction with the kinetic model. The finite
difference (FD) kinetic model based on this approach accurately predicted the
intermetallic compound growth when compared to empirical observation. The ultimate
electromigration failure of the solder joints was caused by extensive void formation at the
intermetallic interface. The void formation mechanism was analyzed by modeling the vacancy transport under electromigration. The effects of current density and Cu
diffusivity in Sn solder were also investigated with the kinetic model.
The second major section describes the integration of Step and Flash Imprint
Lithography (S-FIL®) into an industry standard Cu/low-k dual damascene process. The
yield on a Back End Of the Line (BEOL) test vehicle that contains standard test
structures such as via chains with 120 nm vias was established by electrical tests. S-FIL
shows promise as a cost effective solution to patterning sub 45 nm features and is capable
of simultaneously patterning two levels of interconnect structures, which provides a low
cost BEOL process. The critical processing step in the integration is the reactive ion
etching (RIE) process that transfers the multilevel patterns to the inter-level dielectrics
(ILD). An in-situ, multistep etch process was developed that gives excellent pattern
structures in two industry standard Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) low-k dielectrics.
The etch process showed excellent pattern fidelity and a wide process window.
Electrical testing was conducted on the test vehicle to show that this process renders high
yield and consistent via resistance. Discussions of the failure behaviors that are
characteristic to the use of S-FIL are provided. / text
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Structures atomiques des phases icosaédriques de type F et dislocationsBeauchesne, Jean-Tristan 28 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des structures atomiques des phases icosaédriques de type F et leurs dislocations.<br /><br />Dans cette étude nous avons d'abord construit une structure générique permettant de traiter dans un seul schéma les phases icosaédriques de type F connues. Afin de valider ce modèle nous avons synthétisé quelques compositions suggérées par ce dernier. Ces synthèses ont permis entre autres de découvrir deux nouvelles phases quasipériodiques à la stoechiométrie Al66,08Cu21,35Mn8,29Fe4,28 , l'une icosaédrique (métastable) de type F et l'autre décagonale (stable). Elles ont montré, à une composition au-delà de celles déjà étudiées dans le système (Al,Pd,Fe), l'existence d'une phase F-IQC.<br /><br /> Globalement, ces résultats expérimentaux d'études de nouvelles phases icosaédriques ont permis de montrer la fiabilité du modèle : sur les trois essais de nouvelles compositions, deux ont montré l'existence de phases icosaédriques de type F et la troisième a mis en évidence une phase décagonale en relation d'épitaxie canonique avec la phase icosaédrique brut métastable (axe 10 confondu avec un axe 5).<br /><br />Possédant un modèle fiable nous avons donc pu y introduire des dislocations. Nous avons ainsi précisé la géométrie des dislocations à l'échelle atomique, hors de la zone de cœur, dans les phases F-IQC. Dans cette structure nous avons aussi identifié les mouvements des phasons et tenté d'apporter des éléments de réponse aux mouvements de ces dislocations.
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Phase formation, martensitic transformation and mechanical properties of Cu-Zr-based alloysAsgharzadeh Javid, Fatemeh 08 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Motivation zur Untersuchung ternärer und quaternären CuZr-Legierungen bestand in der Annahme, dass die Zugabe von Kobalt den Stabilitätsbereich von B2 CuZr bis zur Raumtemperatur erweitert und Aluminium einen signifikanten Effekt auf die Glasbildungsfähigkeit des CuZr-Systems hat. Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Cu50-xCoxZr50 (0 ≤ x ≤ 20) und Cu50-xCoxZr45Al5- (x = 2, 5, 10 und 20) Legierungen. Hierbei wurden die Phasenbildung, die thermische Stabilität, die Mikrostruktur, die Martensitbildung und die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Legierungen untersucht.
Die Abhängigkeit der Phasenbildung von der Erstarrungsrate und der thermodynamischen Stabilität von Cu-Co-Zr-Legierungen zeigte, dass die Zugabe von Kobalt die Glasbildungsfähigkeit von Cu-Co-Zr-Legierungen absenkt und die stabilen kristallinen Produkte des Systems von Cu10Zr7 + CuZr2 zu (Cu,Co)Zr Phase mit einer B2 Struktur verändert. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass bei den schmelzgesponnene Bänder mit wenigstens 5 Atom-% Co das Glas direkt in B2 (Cu,Co)Zr kristallisiert, während Massivproben mit Co-Gehalten zwischen 0 ≤ x < 5 die monokline (Cu,Co)Zr Phase und Cu10Zr7 sowie CuZr2 beinhalten, wobei für x ≥ 10 die B2 (Cu,Co)Zr Phase bei Raumtemperatur im Gleichgewicht ist. Des Weiteren werden mit steigendem Co-Gehalt die Martensitumwandlungstemperaturen zu niedrigeren Werten verschoben.
Die Phasenbildung im ternären System wird im pseudo-binären (Cu,Co)Zr-Phasendiagramm zusammengefasst, welches die Entwicklung neuer Formgedächtnislegierungen sowie metallischer Glas-Komposite bei Zugabe des Glasbildungselementes Aluminium vereinfacht.
In den Vierstofflegierungen erhöht Al die Glasübergangs- und Kristallisationstemperaturen und verbessert dadurch die Glasbildungsfähigkeit des Systems. Die röntgenographische Analyse zeigte, dass die Kristallisationsprodukte der schmelzgesponnenen Bänder variieren: von Cu10Zr7 + CuZr2 + AlCu2Zr zu (Cu,Co)Zr + AlCu2Zr, wenn Co ≤ 5 und Co ≥ 10. Die Herstellung von Massivproben mit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern führte zu einem vollständig amorphen Gefüge, einem metallischen Glas-Komposit oder einem vollständig kristallinen Gefüge. Für Co ≤ 5 tritt neben (Cu,Co)Zr und AlCu2Zr ebenfalls Cu10Zr7 auf.
Mittels Rasterelektronen (REM)- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) erfolgte die Analyse des Einflusses von Al- und Co-Zugaben auf die Mikrostruktur von CuZr-Legierungen. Für die Cu-Co-Zr-Al-Legierungen sowie Cu30Co20Zr45Al5 (ø = 4 mm) und Cu45Co5Zr45Al5 (ø = 2 mm) wurden mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen mittels TEM durchgeführt. Nachfolgend wurde die Heterogenität der Mikrostruktur in der Cu40Co10Zr45Al5 (ø = 2 mm) untersucht.
Der Einfluss von Co auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von rascherstarrten Cu50-xCoxZr50 (x = 2, 5, 10 und 20 Atom-%) Legierungen zeigt, dass das Verformungsverhalten der Stäbe unter Druckbeanspruchung stark von der Mikrostruktur der (Cu,Co)Zr Phase und somit von der Legierungszusammensetzung abhängt. Kobalt beeinflusst die Bruchfestigkeit der Gussproben. Weiterhin zeigen Proben mit martensitischem Gefüge eine Kaltverfestigung. Neben der Kaltverfestigung zeigen die Legierungen mit hohem Co-Gehalt eine verformungsinduzierte Martensitumwandlung und weisen zwei Streckgrenzen auf. Für die Vierstofflegierungen wurde der Einfluss der Kühlrate und der chemischen Zusammensetzung auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Für Cu48Co2Zr45Al5 (ø = 1.5, 2, 3 und 4 mm) und Cu45Co5Zr45Al5 (ø = 3 mm) wurde der Einfluss der Kühlrate und der Heterogenität diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Cu50-xCoxZr45Al5-Legierungen stark von der Makrostruktur und dem Volumenanteil der amorphen und kristallinen Phase abhängen.
Die verformungsinduzierte Martensitumwandlung in Cu40Co10Zr50- und Cu40Co10Zr45Al5-Gussstäben wurde mittels hochenergetischer Röntgenstrahlung durchgeführt. Die In-situ- Druckversuche erfolgten weg- und kraftkontrolliert. Das makroskopische und mikroskopische Spannung-Dehnungs-Verhalten sowie die Phasenumwandlungskinetik wurden dabei betrachtet. Die relativen Veränderungen der vollständig integrierten Intensität der ausgewählten B2- und Martensitreflexe, die auf die Veränderungen der Volumenanteile der entsprechenden Phasen unter Verformung hinweisen, wurden als Phasenumwandlungsvolumen M/M+B2 beschrieben. / The fact that the presence of Co extends the stability range of B2 CuZr to room temperature, together with the significant effect of Al on improving the glass forming ability of the CuZr system was the motivation to investigate the ternary and quaternary CuZr alloys with the aim of synthesizing BMG composites containing B2 (Cu,Co)Zr crystals. This PhD thesis deals with preparation and characterization of Cu50-xCoxZr50 (0 ≤ x ≤ 20) and Cu50-xCoxZr45Al5 (x = 2, 5, 10 and 20) alloys. The phase formation, thermal stability, microstructure, martensitic transformation and mechanical properties of these alloys were investigated.
The dependence of phase formation on solidification rate and the thermodynamically stability of Cu-Co-Zr alloys reveals that the addition of Co decreases the glass forming ability (GFA) of the Cu-Co-Zr alloys and changes the stable crystalline products of the system from Cu10Zr7 + CuZr2 to (Cu,Co)Zr phase with a B2 structure. The results indicate that for the melt-spun ribbons with at least 5 % Co, the glass crystallizes directly into B2 (Cu,Co)Zr, while in the case of bulk specimens, compositions with 0 ≤ x < 5 of Co contain the monoclinic (Cu,Co)Zr phase and Cu10Zr7 and CuZr2, whereas, for x ≥ 10, the B2 (Cu,Co)Zr phase is the equilibrium phase at room temperature. Furthermore, increasing the cobalt content decreases the martensitic transformation temperatures to lower temperatures. The phase formation in the ternary system is summarized in a pseudo-binary (Cu,Co)Zr phase diagram, that helps for designing new shape memory alloys, as well as bulk metallic glass composites with the addition of glass former elements.
In the quaternary alloys, Al increases the glass transition and crystallization temperatures and hence improves the GFA of the system. The X-ray analysis illustrates that for the melt-spun ribbons, the crystallization products vary from Cu10Zr7 + CuZr2 + AlCu2Zr to (Cu,Co)Zr + AlCu2Zr when Co ≤ 5 and Co ≥ 10, respectively.
Depending on the cooling rates, the bulk samples represent a fully amorphous structure or BMG composites or a fully crystalline structure. For Co ≤ 5, beside (Cu,Co)Zr and AlCu2Zr, Cu10Zr7 exists as well.
Scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy investigations were done to investigate the effect of Al and Co addition to the microstructure of CuZr alloys. In the case of Cu-Co-Zr-Al alloys, Cu30Co20Zr45Al5 (ɸ = 4 mm) and Cu45Co5Zr45Al5 (ɸ = 2 mm) compositions were selected for the microstructure verification using TEM. Later, the heterogeneity of the microstructure in Cu40Co10Zr45Al5 (ɸ = 2 mm) alloy was considered.
The effect of Co on the mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Cu50-xCoxZr50 (x = 2, 5, 10 and 20 at.%) alloys depict that the deformation behavior of the rods under compressive loading strongly depends on the microstructure, and as a results, on the alloy composition. Cobalt affects the fracture strength of the as-cast samples; and deformation is accompanied with two yield stresses for high Co-content alloys, which undergo deformation-induced martensitic transformation. Instead samples with a martensitic structure show a work-hardening behavior. For quaternary alloys, the effects of cooling rate and chemical composition on mechanical properties of the alloys were investigated. Cu48Co2Zr45Al5 (ɸ= 1.5, 2, 3 and 4 mm) and Cu45Co5Zr45Al5 (ɸ = 3 mm) compositions were selected to discuss the effect of cooling rate and heterogeneity, respectively. The results depict that the mechanical properties of Cu50-xCoxZr45Al5 alloys strongly depend on the microstructure and the volume fraction of the amorphous and crystalline phases.
The deformation-induced martensitic transformation of Cu40Co10Zr50 and Cu40Co10Zr45Al5 as-cast rods, was studied by means of high-energy X-rays. The in situ compression measurements were performed in track control and load control modes. The macroscopic and microscopic stress-strain behavior, as well as the phase transformation kinetics were considered. The relative changes in the fully integrated intensity of the selected B2 and martensite peaks, which indicate the changes in volume fraction of the corresponding phases under deformation, was described as phase transformation volume, M/M+B2.
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Catalyseurs à base d'or supporté sur des oxydes minéraux pour la réaction d'oxydation préférentielle du monoxyde de carbone en présence d'hydrogène (PROX) / Supported gold based catalyst for CO preferential oxidation in presence of hydrogen (PROX)Liao, Xuemei 11 September 2013 (has links)
L’activité catalytique de l’or en réaction d’oxydation préférentielle du CO (PROX) dépend de plusieurs facteurs tels que la nature du support, l’ajout de promoteurs, la taille des particules ou la nature du prétraitement. L’objectif de cette thèse a donc été de clarifier l’influence de ces paramètres sur cette réaction en utilisant des catalyseurs à base d’or modifiés. Dans une 1ère partie, nous avons étudié un système à base d’or supporté sur des oxydes Ce-Fe préparés par co-imprégnation ou imprégnations successives en faisant varier le rapport Ce/Fe. Le dopage de la cérine par le fer conduit à la formation d’une solution solide qui améliore l’activité en PROX en raison d’une mobilité d’oxygène accrue. Dans une 2ème partie, nous avons évalué une série de supports (Al2O3, CeO2 et Ce2Zr2O7) pour optimiser le dépôt de Au, Cu ou Au-Cu. La combinaison Au-Cu/CeO2 s’est révélée être la meilleure en PROX. Nous avons donc étudié l’influence du rapport Au/Cu (1/3, 1/1 ou 3/1) ainsi que l’influence du pré-traitement (calcination ou réduction) sur ce système. Les catalyseurs ont été systématiquement caractérisés par des méthodes physico-chimiques (BET, DRX, MET, XPS, RTP, FTIR). Les performances catalytiques du système Au-Cu/CeO2 dépendent fortement de la taille des particules, de l’état chimique de l’or déterminé par XPS, de l’interaction Au-support et de la distribution de surface des 2 métaux. Une étude cinétique corrélée à de l’infrarouge à transformée de Fourier a permis d’établir un mécanisme de réaction d’oxydation de CO dans le lequel CO adsorbé réagit avec O2 adsorbé pour conduire à la formation de CO2. / The catalytic activity of gold for CO preferential oxidation in rich hydrogen (PROX) is generally influenced by various parameters such as the nature of support, the addition of a promoter, the particle size or the pre-treatment. Therefore, the objectives of this work were to clarify the influence of these parameters on a series of modified gold catalysts in PROX reaction. In a 1rst part, we have studied a system based on Au supported on Ce-Fe oxides prepared by co-precipitation or impregnation with various Ce/Fe ratios. The doping of CeO2 by iron led to the formation of a solid solution which improved the PROX activity due to an increase of the oxygen mobility. In a 2nd part, a series of supports (Al2O3, CeO2, and Ce2Zr2O7) was evaluated in order to load Au, Cu or Au-Cu. The combination of Au-Cu/CeO2 was shown to be the best system. The influence of Au/Cu (1/3, 1/1 or 3/1) ratio was therefore undertaken along with the effect of the pre-treatment (calcination or reduction). The catalysts have been systematically characterized by physico-chemical techniques (BET, XRD, TEM, XPS, TPR, FTIR). The kinetics of PROX reaction and CO oxidation mechanism on Au-Cu/CeO2 were explored and correlated with an FTIR study. The catalytic performances of these catalysts are strongly dependent upon the particle size of the metal, the chemical state of gold, the gold-support interaction and the surface distribution of Au and Cu. We have proposed a CO oxidation mechanism in which adsorbed CO reacts with adsorbed O2 to produce CO2.
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Estudo de metalofármacos antiinflamatórios de cobre e dos materiais híbridos resultantes de suas imobilizações no hidróxido duplo lamelar hidrotalcita: síntese, caracterização e avaliação da atividade farmacológica / Studies of Anti-inflammatory Copper-based Drugs and Corresponding Hybrid Materials from their Immobilization on the Layered Double Hydroxide Hydrotalcite: Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Pharmacological ActivitiesGordijo, Cláudia Regina 04 October 2007 (has links)
Os fármacos antiinflamatórios não-esteróides (FAINEs) são amplamente utilizados no combate a processos inflamatórios e dores, mas apresentam restrição de uso em razão de sérios efeitos colaterais sobre o trato gastrointestinal. A atividade biológica de complexos metálicos tem sido objeto de pesquisa de grande interesse na área de metalofármacos e compostos do tipo Cu(II)-FAINEs apresentam boa atividade antiinflamatória e efeitos colaterais reduzidos em relação aos fármacos orgânicos. Nesse trabalho, com o objetivo de contribuir para ampliar os estudos sobre o desenvolvimento de alternativas aos FAINEs, foram preparados e caracterizados complexos cobre(lI) com ibuprofeno, indometacina, naproxeno, sulindaco, meloxicam. Os compostos foram imobilizados em Hidrotalcita, um hidróxido duplo lamelar (HDL) de magnésio e alumínio (Mg/AI = 3) que é biocompatível e tem uso como antiácido estomacal. As interações dos metalofármacos com o HDL geraram materiais híbridos bioinorgânicos do tipo Cu-FAINElHDL, nos quais os complexos podem estar presentes de duas maneiras: intercalados entre as Ia meias ou adsorvidos nas superfícies externas do hidróxido duplo lamelar, dependendo do solvente utilizado. A intercalação de complexos neutros é favorecida em solvente misto álcooVamida no qual a Hidrotalcita sofre esfoliação promovida por um processo de hidrólise da amida. A estabilidade alguns dos complexos e dos materiais híbridos em condições gástricas simuladas (pH e temperatura) e as atividades antiinflamatória, analgésica e ulcerogênica in vivo dos sistemas contendo indometacina (Indo) foram investigadas. A intercalação do complexo Cu-Indo no HDL favorece sua estabilização, contribuindo para potencializar a sua atividade farmacolágica. Os materiais híbridos bioinorgânicos obtidos neste trabalho apresentam propriedades interessantes com vistas a potencial aplicação como sistemas de liberação controlada de fármacos. / Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely consumed to treat inflammatory diseases and pain but their clinical use are limited due to serious side-effects on the gastrointestinal tract. The bioactivity of metal complexes exhibits great interest in metal-based drug research. Cu(II)-NSAID compounds show good anti-inflammatory property and decreased side-effects compared to their organic parent drugs. This work aimed to contribute for development of alternative NSAIDs. Cu-NSAlD compounds containing the drugs Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Naproxen, Sulindac and Meloxicam were synthesized and characterized. The compounds were also immobilized on Hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide (LDH) of magnesium and aluminum (Mg/Al = 3), that is biocompatible and used as stomach antacid. The interactions of the copper drugs with LDH led to Cu-NSAID/LDH- bioinorganic hybrid materiais. Two kinds of complex-LDH interactions were observed by changing the solvent: intercalation between LDH layers or adsorption on the LDH external surfaces. The intercalation of neutral complexes is favored in an alcohollamide solvent mixture where Hydrotalcite undergoes exfoliation process promoted by the amide hydrolysis. The stability of some complexes and their correspondent hybrid materials under gastric conditions (pH and temperature) and also in vivo anti-inflammatory, analgesic and ulcerogenic activities for Indomethacin (Indo)-containing systems were investigated. The stabilization of the Cu-Indo structure is promoted by intercalation of the complex into the LDH layers, contributing to increase its pharmacological activity. The bioinorganic hybrid materials here investigated also exhibit interesting properties for applications as controlled drug delivery systems.
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Ligas à base de cobalto depositadas quimicamente: propriedades magnéticas e catalíticas / Electroless cobalt alloys: magnetic and catalytic propertiesRibeiro, Mauro Celso 23 March 2009 (has links)
A influência de variáveis do banho na composição, microestrutura e nas propriedades magnéticas de filmes de CoB preparados por deposição química foi estudada. Dois diferentes tipos de agentes complexantes foram utilizados: citrato de sódio e Glicina. Filmes com menor teor de boro foram obtidos com o uso de Glicina como complexante. A deposição de Co é acelerada em presença de Glicina ou de amônia no banho, porque ambos evitam a diminuição do pH na interface solução/filme de CoB em crescimento. A coercividade dos filmes variou em função do teor de boro, sendo que filmes com maior teor de boro apresentaram mais baixa coercividade. Catalisadores de Co/Al2O3 são utilizados na síntese de combustíveis à partir de derivados do Gás Natural (Síntese de Fischer-Tropsch - SFT). O processo usual de preparação destes catalisadores, denominado impregnação úmida, consiste na impregnação do substrato em solução de sal de Co(II), secagem/calcinação e redução com H2 a 300/350 °C. Uma fração considerável do Co não é reduzida à fase metálica na etapa de redução, o que resulta em perdas de área ativa para a catálise da SFT. Normalmente pequenas quantidades de metais preciosos tais como Pt, Ru ou Pd são adicionadas para catalisar a redução dos óxidos de cobalto e aumentar a área superficial ativa do catalisador, o que representa um grande incremento no custo destes catalisadores. Nesta tese, foram investigadas duas propostas alternativas de solução para este problema: a preparação de catalisadores de Co por deposição química sobre Al2O3 e a preparação pelo método usual, mas com adição de pequenas quantidades de Cu,Ag e Au, dos quais Cu e Ag têm custo mais baixo do que os metais preciosos normalmente utilizados. Co foi depositado quimicamente sobre γ-Al2O3, previamente ativada com pequenas quantidades de Pd, utilizando NaBH4 como redutor. Uma amostra de catalisador de CoB/PdAl2O3 (contendo 13,4 % em massa de Co e c.a. 25% at. de boro) foi obtida e caracterizada por RTP, Quimissorção de H2 e XRD, assim como foram efetuados testes de SFT sob diferentes temperaturas de ativação. Para efeito de comparação, foi preparado por impregnação úmida uma amostra de Co/PdAl2O3 contendo 11% em massa de Co, sobre a mesma alumina ativada com Pd utilizada na preparação dos catalisadores de CoB/PdAl2O3. Embora a amostra de catalisador de CoB/PdAl2O3 tenha tido menor área superficial ativa do que a amostra de catalisador de Co/PdAl2O3, sua atividade catalítica foi sensivelmente maior. Essa diferença pode ser explicada supondo-se que o boro é solubilizado durante a reação, deixando uma fase de Co metálico altamente dispersa. Catalisadores de Co/Al2O3 promovidos por metais do grupo 11 foram preparados por impregnação úmida. Além da caracterização por RTP, Quimissorção de H2/titulação de O2 e XRD, a estrutura das amostras de catalisador foi estudada por XANES/EXAFS. Dos resultados de EXAFS e do fato de que altos teores de Cu e Au levaram à desativação do catalisador, é sugerido que durante a redução, o promotor é segregado para a superfície das partículas de Co. Dos três metais testados, Ag e Au apresentaram maior efeito promotor da atividade catalítica, proporcionando maior área superficial ativa para catálise da SFT. Não houve modificações importantes na seletividade dos catalisadores por conta da presença destes metais. / The influence of bath composition on the boron content, microstructure and magnetic properties CoB films deposited by chemical deposition was studied. Two different complexing agents were used in this study: sodium citrate and Glycine. CoB films with lower boron content were obtained with the use of a Glycine containing bath. The Co deposition is accelerated when either Glycine or ammonia is present in the solution because both substances prevent the decrease of the pH in the region near the CoB film/solution interface. The coercivity of the films varied in function of the boron content, as films with larger boron contents showed lower coercivities. Co/Al2O3 is used as a catalyst for the synthesis of liquid fuels from either coal or natural gas derivatives (Fischer Tropsch Synthesis FTS). The usual preparation procedure of such catalysts, known as wet impregnation, consists in the Al2O3 impregnation with a Co(II) aqueous solution, water evaporation/calcination and reduction with H2 at 300/350 °C. A considerable fraction of the cobalt oxides formed during calcination is not reduced to Co0 during reduction and this leads to active area loss. Normally, small quantities of precious metals like Pt, Ru or Pd are added to promote the reduction of cobalt oxides and therefore increase the active area of the Co/Al2O33 catalyst, yet these metals are extremely expansive. In this thesis, two different approaches to solve this problem are presented: the preparation of Co/Al2O3 by chemical deposition of the metallic phase and the use of Cu, Ag or Au (from which, Cu and Ag are cheaper metals) as promoters on wet impregnation prepared Co/Al2O3 catalysts. Cobalt was chemically deposited on γ-Al2O3, activated with a small quantity of Pd, with NaBH4 as a reducing agent. The resulting CoB/PdAl2O3 sample (with 13,4 % wt. Co and approximately 25 % at. of boron) was characterized by TPR, H2 Chemisorption and XRD, as well as SFT tests were made with the catalyst at different pre-reduction temperatures. For the sake of comparison a Co/PdAl2O3 catalyst sample with almost the same Co loading (11 % wt.) was prepared by wet impregnation on the same Pd-activated Al2O3 used to prepare the CoB/PdAl2O3 sample. Although the CoB/PdAl2O3 has a smaller active surface area (measured by H2 Chemisorption) than that of the Co/PdAl2O3 sample, it presented a much higher catalytic activity for the SFT. This difference may be explained assuming that boron impurities (present in the catalyst as boron oxides) is solubilized during the reaction leaving a highly dispersed Co phase. Group 11 promoted Co/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by wet impregnation and characterized by TPR, H2 Chemisorption/O2 pulse oxidation, XRD and XANES/EXAFS. From the EXAFS results and from the fact that higher loadings of Cu and Au lead to catalyst deactivation, it is proposed that in the reduced catalyst the SFT inactive promoter is segregated to the surface. Silver and Gold were the most active in promoting Co reduction and therefore increasing catalytic activity for the SFT. No important modification in the selectivity of the reaction was observed.
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