Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural competence"" "subject:"bycultural competence""
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Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy to Teach English-Mediated Courses at Korean University Levels: Comparisons of Native English-Speaking (NES), Native Korean (NNES), & Korean 1.5 Generation English-Speaking (K1.5ES) TeachersKim, Yoon Jung 22 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Building the ARC in Nursing Education: Cross-Cultural Experiential Learning Enabled by the Technology of Video or Web ConferencingSpalla, Tara Lynn 18 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceptions of Dental Hygiene Students/Dental Hygiene Directors on the Integration of a Spanish Language Course in the Dental Hygiene CurriculumSandoval, Najely Fernanda 09 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Формирование лингвокраеведческой компетенции в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному : магистерская диссертация / Formation of linguistic and cultural competence in the process of teaching russian as a foreign languageХа, Л. Ч., Ha, L. T. January 2024 (has links)
В условиях глобализации и интенсивного межкультурного взаимодействия, владение иностранными языками, включая русский, становится важным средством культурной интеграции. Русский язык, используемый широко в много разных странах, играет важную роль в создании пространства межкультурного диалога и полилога культур. Включение лингвокраеведческого материала в обучение позволяет студентам глубже понять культурные и исторические особенности региона, что способствует более эффективному усвоению языка и повышению мотивации к его изучению. Это особенно важно для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в определенных регионах России, так как они воспринимают культуру страны через местный контекст. Кроме того, в условиях многополярного мира, способность к эффективной коммуникации и толерантное отношение к другим культурам становятся необходимыми компетенциями. Формирование этих компетенций способствует не только успешной адаптации иностранных студентов к новому языковому и культурному окружению, но и развитию их коммуникативных навыков, что важно для их дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. В данной работе проведено исследование лингвокраеведческой компетенции и ее формирования у иностранных студентов в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному на Урале. В данном исследовании рассматривается интеграция регионального лингвострановедческого материала в процесс изучения русского языка как иностранного для формирования лингвокраеведческой компетенции у студентов. В основе исследования лежит трехкомпонентная структура лингвокраеведческой компетенции, включающая знания о местной культуре, умение использовать язык в культурном контексте и навыки межкультурного взаимодействия. В учебном курсе «Дорога на Урал» используется страноведческий и краеведческий материал, который включает лекции, семинары и мультимедийные ресурсы. Студентам рекомендуется активно участвовать в обсуждениях, посещать исторические и культурные мероприятия, а также самостоятельно исследовать особенности региона. Результаты опытно-экспериментальной работы показали, что после прохождения курса у студентов значительно улучшились показатели лингвокраеведческой компетенции. Это свидетельствует о том, что интеграция регионального материала в преподавание русского языка как иностранного значительно обогащает образовательный опыт студентов, повышает их мотивацию и способствует лучшему пониманию языкового и культурного контекста. Таким образом, внедрение таких курсов, как «Дорога на Урал», демонстрирует эффективность использования регионального лингвострановедческого материала для развития лингвокраеведческой компетенции у иностранных студентов, что в конечном итоге способствует их успешной адаптации в новой социокультурной среде. / In the context of globalization and intensive intercultural interaction, proficiency in foreign languages, including Russian, becomes an important means of cultural integration. The Russian language, widely used in many different countries, plays a significant role in creating a space for intercultural dialogue and polylogue of cultures. Incorporating regional and cultural linguistics into education allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical features of the region, which contributes to more effective language acquisition and increased motivation to study it. This is especially important for foreign students studying in specific regions of Russia, as they perceive the culture of the country through the local context. Moreover, in a multipolar world, the ability to communicate effectively and show tolerance towards other cultures become necessary competencies. Developing these competencies not only facilitates the successful adaptation of foreign students to a new linguistic and cultural environment but also enhances their communication skills, which is crucial for their future professional activities. This work explores the linguistic and cultural competence and its formation in foreign students learning Russian as a foreign language in the Ural. The research discusses the integration of regional cultural and linguistic materials into the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to develop students' linguistic and cultural competence. The study is based on a threecomponent structure of linguistic and cultural competence, which includes knowledge of local culture, the ability to use the language in a cultural context, and intercultural interaction skills. The "Road to the Ural" course uses regional and cultural materials, including lectures, seminars, and multimedia resources. Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions, attend historical and cultural events, and independently explore the region's features. The results of experimental work showed that after completing the course, students' indicators of linguistic and cultural competence significantly improved. This indicates that integrating regional linguistic-cultural materials into the teaching of Russian as a foreign language significantly enriches students' educational experience, increases their motivation, and enhances their understanding of linguistic and cultural context. Thus, the introduction of courses like "Road to the Ural" demonstrates the effectiveness of using regional linguistic-cultural materials to develop linguistic and cultural competence in foreign students, ultimately contributing to their successful adaptation to a new sociocultural environment.
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An investigation into the Saudi Arabian cultural knowledge among non-Muslim nurses working in the obstetric unitsSidumo, Euginia Motlalepule 30 November 2007 (has links)
The study was conducted with the aim of assessing the Saudi Arabian cultural knowledge among the non-Muslim nurses. These nurses work in the obstetric units at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Jeddah and come from different cultural groups and are caring for the Saudi Arabian Muslim women. In order for care to be congruent, comprehensive and of a high quality, the patients' needs should be met at the best attainable level.
Nurses in all health care settings are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the culture that they serve in order to eliminate barriers.
Data analysis was facilitated with the use of the SPSS 11.5 computer program. The study findings may suggest the development of educational guidelines, which will direct the activities of an educational intervention. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies))
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The knowledge of professional nurses about culture competent care at selected medical wards, oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo ProvinceManganyi, Thokozile 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine professional nurses’ knowledge of culture- competent care at selected medical and oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province. A quantitative descriptive design was used and data collected from one hundred and five professional nurses by means of a structured questionnaire. The study found that cultural knowledge needs to be nurtured through continuing education and mentoring and that culture-competent care should be included in the curriculum. Furthermore, cultural knowledge is not effective if there is no correlation of theory and practice and early clinical placement of student nurses during their basic training / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)
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Le conte merveilleux en classe de français langue étrangère : Approches didactiques pour les collégiens et lycéens chinois / The marvelous tale in class of French : teaching methods for the Chinese pupils of the secondary schoolPeng, Mei 15 February 2011 (has links)
Le conte merveilleux, par ses caractéristiques et sa structure narrative universellement identique, peut constituer un support privilégié de la classe de langue. Son utilisation adéquate permet à l’enseignant de guider l’apprenant vers une acquisition de toutes les compétences : linguistiques, culturelles, interculturelles et fonctionnelles. Le présent travail s’appuie sur les notions théoriques associées à l’étude de ce genre littéraire. Les activités proposées sont destinées aux élèves chinois de français dans le secondaire, par lesquelles, les enseignants peuvent amener leurs élèves à partir dans le voyage merveilleux des contes français et chinois. Ainsi les élèves peuvent apprendre à aimer lire en français et découvrir le plaisir de vivre le conte dans la classe. / The marvelous tale, with his characteristics and his narrative structure universally similar, forms a privileged support in language class. The use of tale allows the teachers to guide their pupils to acquire all the competences: the linguistic, the cultural and the functional competences. Our work includes many theories that have a link with this literary kind. We suggest some activities for the Chinese pupils of secondary school. With these activities, the teachers may lead their students to go to a marvelous travel in the world of French and Chinese marvelous tales. The students learn to love reading in French and discover the pleasure to live the tales in the class.
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華語綜合性教材文化能力內容之現況與分析— 以《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》為例 / Cultural competence in Chinese language teaching — a critical examination of current Taiwanese teaching materials (practical audio-visual Chinese and far east everyday Chinese)林吟屏, Lin, Yin Ping Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文參考分析結果,從文化知識、文化技能、態度、文化意識等四部分,提出對於華語綜合性教材中文化能力內容編寫之建議,冀能對於未來教材文化能力內容之規劃及開發有所助益。 / This study aims to integrate some results of recent research in theory and practice of teaching culture competence in foreign language teaching into methods and materials of teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). Researcher focus on three topics: (1) Which are the aims of teaching culture in foreign language teaching? And what are the subjects of teaching cultural competence? (2) To what extend do content and method in CSL comprehensive teaching materials conform to these aims and subjects? (3) What suggestions should be given to the editors of CSL comprehensive teaching materials in order to improve the acquisition of culture competence of Chinese language learners?
This study starts with an overview of theories of developing culture competence in foreign language teaching. The aims and methods of teaching culture in standard curricula for language teaching as the “AP Chinese language and culture course description”, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” and the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” will be analyzed. According to this, it can be seen that the goals of cultural teaching shifted from merely providing cultural knowledge to developing cultural competence.
There are different concepts about what culture competence is, how we can evaluate it, and how we can develop it. This study makes use of the description of cultural competence by means of four aspects: cultural knowledge, cultural skills, attitude and cultural awareness. These four aspects can be seen as a basic concept for teaching cultural competence, too. Modern didactics and materials should be aware to develop each aspect of culture competence.
How are these aims for developing culture competence presented in present CSL materials? A detailed analysis of two common teaching materials (“Practical Audio-Visual Chinese” and “Far East Everyday Chinese”) shows that teaching culture is mainly restricted on teaching cultural knowledge. There is a noticeable lack of exercises and practices to develop cultural skills, to promote a positive attitude to cultural diversity, and to develop cultural awareness.
Finally, the suggestions for developing cultural competence in CSL teaching materials will be given in conclusion, and wish this study will help development of Chinese teaching materials edition in future.
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國際商務溝通職能模型之建構與評鑑工具之發展 / The construction of international business communication competency model and the development of assessment tool吳春慧, Chun-Hui Wu Unknown Date (has links)
教育訓練、評鑑和未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore what is the necessary competency for
international business communication and use them to develop the assessment tool.
Through literature review, expert interviews, expert panel and questionnaire survey, the
study builds the international business competency model and assessment tool to offer
a structure helping Taiwanese talents to go on the world stage smoothly.
According to the result, there are three levels and nine dimensions in the
international business competency for Taiwanese. It includes “must have”, “nice to
have” and “goal” levels, which contain sensitivity, sympathy, aggressiveness,
flexibility, business profession ability, language using ability, message delivering
ability, listening and achieving consensus. Moreover, the research also develops
behavior indicators for each dimension. In the part of assessment tool, the efficacy is
confirmed by reliability, validity and discrimination analysis.
The international business communication competency model and assessment
tool are all confirmed the efficacy. In the end, the researcher provides the suggestions
for training, assessment and follow-up academic studies.
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The relationship between graduate employability and work performance in the mining industry in South AfricaBreedt, M. 06 1900 (has links)
In a rapid changing environment mining companies have to change the way in which they do
business, while employees have to manage their careers and ensure they are multi-skilled.
Organisations are looking to employ individuals who are career driven, highly adaptable and
flexible and display the necessary employability skills.
The main purpose of this study was to determine if any relationship exists between the
different factors of graduate employability and work performance in the mining industry in
South Africa. A cross-sectional quantitative research approach was followed. A simple random
sample was drawn from graduate male and female employees between the ages of 18 – 30
years with any post-matric qualification employed in the mining industry in South Africa.
Through the process of exploratory factor analysis, six graduate employability factors and four
work performance factors were identified. The graduate employability factors included career
self-management drive, cultural competence, career resilience, emotional literacy, career
literacy and self-efficacy. The work performance factors included the supervisor role,
employee role, recognition and organisation support. Correlation and regression analyses
were conducted.
The results indicated a relationship between graduate employability and work performance.
Strong, positive correlations were found between graduate employability and work
performance with career self-management drive being the strongest predictor of work
performance. Recommendations for the mining industry focused on how employability could
be enhanced to improve work performance. / Human Resource Management / M. Com. (Human Resource Management)
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