Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural anda creative"" "subject:"3cultural ando creative""
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Fair and Square? : Leading the Cultural and Creative Sectors towards Social Sustainability with the Fair Practice CodeBank, Rikke, Dogan, Hande January 2024 (has links)
Art and culture are increasingly recognised as essential components of our societal development, enriching the quality of our lives through imagination, connection, and innovation, while supporting various aspects of well-being, including health and lifelong learning. However, the professionals in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) often experience precarious employment conditions, including contract instability and limited social security. Ensuring secure work environments is not just a matter of policy—it is a fundamental human right. Opening this dialogue in the CCS, the Fair Practice Code serves as a compass emerging with the potential to lead the future direction of these sectors, initiated in the Netherlands and currently being adapted to Denmark. Given the urgency in addressing the psychosocial challenges within the CCS, this thesis offers a timely contribution, bridging the research gap between sustainability leadership and fair practice. With this study we explore stakeholders’ perceptions of the Code and how sustainability leadership actualises it, consequently examining social sustainability within the CCS. To address the research questions, an exploratory research design is employed, including semi-structured interviews with primary stakeholders within the CCS in Denmark and with complementary insights from the Netherlands to facilitate the collection of data. The study found that stakeholders in the CCS perceive sustainability as a foundation for the Fair Practice Code, with the other four values - trust, transparency, solidarity, and diversity - embedded within. Based on our findings, we present a revised compass for steering social development and two sets of recommendations to practitioners within the CCS.
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文化創意產業行銷策略之研究:以音樂表演藝術團體為例 / Research on marketing strategies of cultural and creative industry: The case study of music performing arts張培銣, Chang, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以組織發展成熟為區隔,分析目前位處組織成熟期的音樂表演藝術團體之行銷策略與經營模式,透過其經驗分享與個案分析方式,與位於組織萌芽期的團體作對比,進一步分析其內外部優劣勢與與整體環境之評估,希望能夠提供未來文化創意產業發展的具體建議。以國內最知名的朱宗慶打擊樂團為例與新創團體-心享交響管樂團為例,本研究分析研究音樂表演團體之成功因素與行銷策略,透過國內外文獻與研究,進一步驗證藝文教育對文化創意產業發展之重要性,提供台灣的文創產業更寬廣的未來。 / Cultural and Creative Industry is an invisible asset which belongs to the whole human beings. It presents in various forms during ages, and it also transformed into the ultimate attainment in the history. Performance Art is the core of the Cultural and Creative Industry, and it develops the appearance of the “Culture” and also elaborates the limits of the “Creativitity”. It provides people to have wide imagination in their day-to-day lives.
Even the music performance is the most popular activities in Taiwan, but it is still a huge chanllege to attract more people getting into the concerts hall. More and more groups attepmt to find out a better solution to make their customer loyally and increase the frequency of customer presence to the programs. According to the research, it will be better to understand the customer behavior well or teach them when they were in childhood.
The researcher interviews two music performance groups, one is a well-known band, Ju Percissopm Groups; and the other one is a new beginner, Shin-Sharn Wind Symphony Orchestra. After the research, it shows the importance of the education. Meanwhile, it is more essential to link up with the trend and maintain the relationship with the other different groups. For example,” Madame Cantabile”, the famous Japanese Drama which broadcasted couple years ago, it had already promotes the classical music, and it also fascinates lots of new consumers which has never listen to classic music. It made a huge hit to classical music, and it also set an excellent example for the Cultural and Creative Industry.
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傳統產業藉由群聚策略提昇競爭力之研究梁健萍 Unknown Date (has links)
2.探討個案公司對於群聚策略之導入:所遇到的問題及如何解決;同時分析群聚資 源的整合方向。
5.善用優勢分工以整合群聚成員的資源。 / In Taiwan, the whole environment is downturn because of industry changing. How do make individual industry to take strategic decision to face the challenges and struggle to survive in this timing. Traditional industries were not appealed and paid attention by government in Taiwan under government focus on High-Tech electronic industry. But some companies made good even outstanding by themselves. How do these traditional industries survive and face the whole world changing? How do they reintegrate the resource to start again? It is worth to study this topic. We use case-studying way to research. My paper theme is “In A’company case, using Clustering-Policy to enhance its competitiveness ”. We use depth interviews way to understand how these company choose solution to restruct under fierce international competition.
We choose the company to research that it is glass-making manufacture afer evaluating many traditional companies. And we want to achieve the following purpose:
1. Analyze environment and structure of glass industry in many ways in order to handle my research topic.
2. To study how the case company use the Cluster-Policy strategy. Which problems did they face? How did they solve ? And we analyze the direction of cluster resource.
3. We want to understand the way they took in company changing for survival for suggesting to other industry.
The following list are my research results:
How to integrate the resource is the key point to raise their competitiveness in traditional industry. Under limited resource, we can use the following ways to jump up.
1. Joint show - exhibition or museum
2. Brand building and brand made-TTG
3. Cultural creativeness and artistic - glass temple and glass temple palanquin (folk binding)
4. Ecological conservation and cultural and creative combinations - plus brand to promote conservation
5. Clustering Integration Division - make good use of the advantages of division of labor
Through by stating the relevant operating methods, analyzing problems and ideas, we can understand the Clustering-Policy solution and thinking logic of this company taking.
According to my research, we can see that the glass industry entry barriers are not difficult, by production technology and high transparency, the manufacturers are unable to be price makers, but they can use Clustering-Policy to create a new business direction.
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簡單中的不簡單:簡單生活節的價值共創 / The value co-creation of SimpleLife Festival高于婷, Kao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,(1)參與簡單生活節共創的角色有參與者(演出者與擺攤者)、贊助者(最大宗為統一超商)、場地提供者(華山文創園區)、支援平台(StreetVoice),彼此因認同簡單生活風格而集結,其創造的價值為風格型態的品牌價值以及宣傳平台價值,而活動讓(2)參與者得到金錢效益以及增加曝光度、贊助商得到金錢效益和品牌效益、場地提供者得以累積能耐以及增加曝光度、StreetVoice網路平台增加使用者的黏著度。(3)主辦者透過四大基石與利害關係人共創價值:設立支援平台以累積創意能量、讓利害關係者參與設計互動方式、互動密切頻繁、雙方相互提供價值,(4)組織層面須要能體察社會趨勢的領導者,以及藝術和商業頭腦兼具的A型團隊;營運層面需要明確的商業模式,不只在共創過程中和各利害關係者累積長期良好的合作關係,還要能將關鍵資源運用至關鍵流程中,而發展背後的支援平台更是活動長期經營的關鍵。 / SimpleLife festival, a big cultural two-day event in Taipei Huashan1914 Creative Park every two years since 2006, which attracts more than 30000 people and generates considerable income. It is a collaborative creation on lifestyle aesthetics which combines music, markets, exhibitions and lectures, and the scale and business model are very innovative in Taiwan. Hence, what are the values from this event and how to co-create it are the precious issue.
This research explains: (1) What values do SimpleLife festival create and who are the stakeholders? (2) What are the values for stakeholders? (3) How does conductor co-create with stakeholders? (4) For conductor, what are the key factors to maximize value of holding SimpleLife festival?
The findings of this research demonstrate:(1) Participants, sponsors(7-ELEVEN), place provider(Huashan1914 Creative Park), and internet platform(StreetVoice) are the stakeholders of SimpleLife Festival, they gathered by identifying the same lifestyle concept. It creates brand value of lifestyle and promoting value. (2) Participants get income and promoting value; sponsors get income and generate branding; place provider gains awareness and core competence, and backup platform increases stickiness from users. (3) The conductor co-creates with stakeholders by utilizing four powers: build platform, enhance engagement of stakeholders, interacting frequently, and provide values. (4) For organizations, leaders with trends investigation and a team with both commerce and art brain are needed. For operation, clear business model is needed, not only define clear key resources and key process, but build the backup platform is the key factor of operating in the long run.
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松山文化創意園區之空間體驗分析 / Spatial and Experiential Analysis of the Sungshan Cultural and Creative Park簡瑋君, Chien,Wei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在消費空間的佈局設計發現,整體園區中利用不同空間組合、搭配與混搭。創造出空間的層次與體驗。形成不同的消費空間形式。最後,消費者對於文化創意園區的期待與想像,對空間再利用抱持積極與正面的態度。可惜的是,對於松山文化創意園區所延伸出對文化創意產業的定位,與屬於我們的自身文化本質的討論是缺乏的。這也是未來可以再進一步深思研究的方向。 / This study is based on the personal spatial experience toward Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. From the consumers’ point of view, we depict and review the actual spatial experience, so as to find out more detailed and appropriate observations for space utility. It is hoped that this research finding can be used to make recommendations for the current situation and future modification.
According to the above research object, the research methodology employs in-depth interview and participant observation at the same time.
Major study findings are:
1.The overall experience of space usage is positive.
2.The space provides services and contents to meet different consumers’
3.The main concern of space evaluation depends on the space contents, for
example, the feature of exhibitions is too commercial, and the proportion of
space usage for the cultural related events is relatively low.
4.The space is designed for different functions and objectives and thus
creates different forms of consumption space.
Overall, the respondents have positive and proactive attitudes toward the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park space usage. However, we still need to keep in mind that, whether the true value behind the reused space reflects its cultural and historical contextual experience, is the subject to be pursued in the future.
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農產加工業轉型體驗型農企業之研究 / The transformation process of conventional industries from manufacturing to experience-argribusiness陳佩妤, Chen, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣曾被稱為蘭花王國、植物王國、水果王國,這都在在的說明台灣農業有著得天獨厚的特色,台灣的土壤條件、天然氣候、歷史軌跡、人文智慧等風土條件是其他產業所無法擁有的,台灣農產加工品的風格競爭力是有足夠的力量來替台灣產業找到出路。台灣的消費社會已經從符號消費進入體驗消費,藉由打造品牌,注入文化,營造體驗提供給消費者真實感的附加價值,能夠重新詮釋台灣農產品的獨特與價值,以提升台灣農企業的市場競爭力。過去以生產為主的農產加工業想轉型必須運用文化、創意、美學,橫跨一級農業、二級工業與三級服務業的價值鏈,透過「1+2+3」的產業組合,發揮「1 X 2 X 3」的綜效成為第六產業。
本研究發現,(1)農產加工業轉型為體驗型農企業的過程中,經營者是相當重要的掌舵人,不能搖擺。做中學是轉型很重要的助力。更要善用風土資產、產業文化資產當成發展體驗型農企業的武器。(2)轉型成體驗型農企業必須提出生活風格提案,藉由說一個真誠的故事,打造體驗型農企業的獨特形象,做出區隔。(3)藉由包含企業差異故事的獨立空間當作一獨特的媒介元素,品牌說故事的效果能達到差異化。空間經驗的體驗應包含形態、動線、相互作用、活動、背景環境。體驗型農企業的美感體驗打造應該從平面設計⇒產品設計⇒空間⇒城鎮。(4)體驗型農企業需要提供具有教育及忘我的體驗營造深度體驗的營造,讓體驗更加深刻。另一個深度體驗營造的要素是工作人員的服務,藉由工作人員與顧客的互動帶給顧客一場精彩又深刻的表演。(5)體驗型農企業營造品牌真實體驗提高附加價值的時候,要利用農產品的風土條件讓顧客感受到產品的天然性。勇於提供與市面上大部份產品不同的產品於服務,帶來原創性與獨特性的真實。體驗型農企業必須提出獨特經營理念,且真誠地執行,得到消費者影響性的認同。藉由勾起懷舊回憶或歷史的場域空間,與獨特的活動及服務,使顧客無可救藥地注意並喜歡上體驗型農企業提供的體驗。(6)最後必須用自己獨特的方式融合五個面向的真實價值,讓顧客感受到最真實體驗的感動,所以顧客願意花較高的價格購買產品或服務,提高體驗型農企業的獲利。 / Taiwan has been called as the kingdom of plants, the kingdom of fruits. The reason is the unique terrior capital of Taiwan, such as soil, weather, history, and human. By building the brand, putting the culture in, and creating the experience to customer, they could feel the added value and the unique of Taiwan’s agricultural produce. The agricultural processing industry in Taiwan had been regarded as the primary industrial sectors. However, the agricultural processing industry is transforming to Sixth industry, which integrates the primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry by culture, creative and aesthetics. The integration of different industrial sectors (1+2+3) got the synergy (1X2X3).
There are two essential concepts in the study, one is the core experience element of experience-agribusiness (the concept is similar with the culture- creative industry), and the other one is Authenticity. Based on the two concepts, the research is to investigate the dynamic constructing process of the agricultural processing industry in Taiwan’s transformation, building brand, and creating the experience value. This research aims to investigate following questions: (1) What is the transformation process form the agricultural processing industries to experience-agribusiness? (2) What are the essential elements in the experience- agribusiness? (3) How does experience-agribusiness to increase added value by building brand?
The preliminary research findings include
1. The owner should be determinate, which means the owner clearly know the vision. Learning by doing is the best way to successfully transform. The terroir capital and industrial culture is the very important tool.
2. The experience-agribusiness always tells a life style story to build a unique image. The space is the proper media, which includes shape, movement, event, interaction, and context.
3. The experience-agribusiness provides affective experience, which is educational, obsessed experience. The experience is given by the interaction of staff and customer.
4. The authenticity is the core of added value of experience-agribusiness. By integrating the five elements of authenticity, which are natural, original, exceptional, referential, influential elements. Afterward, customer is willing to pay more for the added value.
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文化創意產業新創事業籌資模式研究──以證券化為核心 / A Study on Fundraising for Startups in the Cultural and Creative Industry-Focus on Securitization沈泰宏, Shen, Ted Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,文化創意產業已經成為全球各國競相發展的軟實力重要產業,特別是在英國引領全球風潮,韓國異軍突起之後,臺灣近十年來也積極將施政重心放在文創產業的發展與提升之上。然而,文創中小微型新創事業基於先天本質上具有需求不確定性高、創作者重創意而忽略經濟性、不易與資金持有者溝通等特性,加上臺灣市場規模較小,新創事業失敗風險較高,且政府的政策、法規,亦未能充分發揮作用,故普遍面臨籌資困境。經本研究從證券化可分散風險、利潤共享、增加宣傳機會、提供穩定長期民間資金之角度出發,參考外國立法例及進行個案比較分析,本研究認為股權型群眾募資較適合臺灣文創中小微型新創事業,建議除了現行相關籌資政策、法規仍應進行調整外,也應鬆綁民間成立股權型群眾募資平臺,並採取風險控管之機制。最後,就長遠來看,兩岸應可考慮就股權型群眾募資進行合作,俾使臺灣業者利用現有之軟實力優勢,能夠結合中國大陸的市場及資金,共同邁向雙贏。 / In recent years, cultural and creative industries have become an important soft power around the world, especially after UK leading the global trend and South Korea’s emerging success. Taiwan is also actively focusing on the development of cultural and creative industries over the past decade. However, the micro, small and medium-size startups in cultural and creative industries are usually characterized with high uncertainty for demands, creators ignoring the economy, and hard to communicate with the capital holders. In addition, given Taiwan’s smaller markets, high risk of startups, and the ineffective government’s policies and regulations, fundraising difficulties are generally confronted.
This study aims to focus on the securitization for its benefits: risk arrangement, profit sharing, more promotional opportunities and long-term private fund. By referencing to foreign regulations and conducting comparative analysis of related cases, this study concluded that the equity crowdfunding is the better solution for Taiwan’s cultural and creative startups. As a result, it is recommended that the financing policies and regulations should be modified, and should allow the establishment of private equity crowdfunding platform and adopt risk control mechanisms.
Moreover, in the long run, Taiwan and Mainland China should consider seeking cooperation for equity crowdfunding to combine Taiwan’s soft power advantage with the fund and market of Mainland China, jointly moving towards a win-win situation.
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租稅對企業投資文化創意產業影響之研究羅仕豪, Lo, Shih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以發放問卷的方式,詢問692家於台灣證券交易所上市之公司有關投資文化創意產業意願的問題,共回收69份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,由「投資抵減」與「投資損失準備」所構成之稅制群,投資意願顯著高於「無任何租稅優惠」自成一群的稅制群。表示提供投資文化創意產業之企業投資抵減與投資損失準備的租稅優惠確能增加企業投資文化創意產業之意願,惟其仍未使受訪公司的投資意願由不願意轉成願意。在十三類的文化創意產業中,受訪公司僅對「數位休閒娛樂產業」有較高的投資意願。在十六類的受訪公司所屬產業中,「橡膠業」、「汽車業」、「百貨業」等三種產業對文化創意產業有較高的投資意願。 / In order to bring an advance in the cultural & creative industries, the government grants preferential tax treatment to the cultural & creative industries and enterprises investing in these industries. Both of these preferential tax treatments will influence investment inclination of enterprises to the cultural & creative industries. The goal of this research is to investigate the relation between the preferential tax treatment offered to enterprises investing in the cultural & creative industries and investment inclination of these enterprises to the cultural & creative industries, in order to offer some useful reference to the government for promoting the cultural & creative industries.
The population of this research is 692 companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC), and the sample is the 69 companies which send back the questionnaire. The result shows that there is significantly higher investment inclination in the group of “tax credits“ and “tax deductions for loss from investment“ than the group of “non-preferential tax treatment.” Namely offering preferential tax treatment to enterprises investing in the cultural & creative industries can significantly increase investment inclination of these enterprises, but it still can not change investment inclination of these enterprises dramatically, from unwilling to willing. Among 13 categories of the cultural & creative industries, the sample companies only have significantly higher investment inclination to “the digital recreation amusement industry.” The sample companies are divided into 16 categories of industries. Among these categories of industries, “the rubber industry,” ”the automobile industry,” and “the wholesale & retail industry” have significantly higher investment inclination to the cultural & creative industries.
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Learning through performance : theatre, education and the First World War at the beginning of the centenary momentPhipps, Amanda Dawn January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores representations of the First World War in English theatre, Theatre in Education (TIE), and Living History between 2014 and 2015. By employing an interdisciplinary approach it evaluates these performance genres in relation to responses sought from Key Stage 3 History pupils. The beginning of the centenary created a cultural outpouring and provided opportunities for secondary schools to include field trips and creative learning about the war. Examination of this commemorative period is contextualised by examining pupils’ interaction with cultural works since 1914, showing that the centenary moment stemmed from a tradition of creatively remembering and teaching the conflict. This perspective highlights long-standing complexities in the relationship between creative practitioners, teachers and education authorities. It also confronts the divide that has grown between some creative practitioners and revisionist historians of the First World War. Revisionist historians’ reassessment of the conduct and necessity of the war has led some to harshly judge cultural works, such as performances, for misleading audiences. Yet little research has been conducted into twenty-first century productions about the war and their reception by school audiences. An investigation of these performances problematizes scholarly notions about how and who has the authority to communicate the First World War to the next generation. Whilst the providers, gatekeepers, and critics of learning through performance are of central consideration, this thesis also values the pupil’s voice. Ten Key Stage 3 cohorts are used as case studies, providing a snapshot of the creative activities and field trips employed by schools in 2014 and 2015. Interviews and questionnaires provide pupils’ feedback on what they thought and how they felt about studying history through performance. Observations of History lessons and performances also remove the debate from the hypothetical to the realities of history teaching. They reveal that pupils’ cultural backgrounds, schooling, and exposure to cultural works shaped their responses to performances about the First World War. Pupils also assigned the performances varying degrees of historical authority, some viewed them as merely entertainment, others as educational sources and several as a mixture of the two. Performances brought immediacy and life to the historical topic and provoked an empathetic response from many pupils. Yet some struggled with the symbolism of theatre and others feared the participation that came with TIE and Living History. Consequently, this thesis explores pupil’s critical, personal and emotional engagement with performances, raising questions about what criteria should be used to evaluate the success of such non-formal learning on the war.
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論在地文化對文創產業發展的助力與影響 -以西方主流國家與亞洲、拉美國家為例 / The Local Culture Influence on the Development of Culture and Creative Industries- Respective Experience from Major Western and Asia/ Latin America Countries舒夢蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
在分析文創產業發展卓著的歐美國家相關文獻後發現,創意產業之所以成功,乃是利用長久積累的在地文化底蘊作為根基,加以創意應用至不同產業,本文遂以田野調查法與訪談法,針對西方主流國家,如義大利、荷蘭、奧地利以及亞洲日本與拉丁美洲的祕魯,參考相關文獻之後,進行實地訪查與調查分析,探討在地文化對一個國家的文創產業發展有何助力與影響。研究最終可得以下結論:這些國家運用其豐富特色的在地文化,且人民對自身文化的強烈認同感,將在地文化落實於日常生活之中,以在地文化作為核心,結合創意與科技,輔以商業模式的思維,形成一種文化產業或是創意產業的成功模式,國家再以鼓勵文創產業相關政策的助攻,進而造就出強有力的國際競爭力。 / The cultural and creative industries have become a significant part of the mainstream economy in the 21st century under the tide of globalization. According to UN data, the average annual growth rate of cultural and creative industries was 8.8% worldwide in the past decades, and as high as 12% in developing countries. Countries in Europe and the Asia Pacific region consider the cultural and creative industries to be a source for new funding as well as a great opportunity for revival. These industries have become a main engine pushing the global economic development forward in the next twenty years.
Since 2002, Taiwan has recognized the cultural and creative industries to be one of the key industries to develop at national level. However, their growth rate over the past decade has always been lagging behind the average growth rate when compared to other countries. Identifying the direction of their development in Taiwan will be crucial for economic development as well as business upgrade and transformation.
Analysis of relevant documentations concerning the development of the cultural and creative industries in Europe and the US shows that those countries have achieved significant success in these industries due to their solid foundation in local cultures and creativity.
This paper therefore aims to discuss the influences and the impact which local cultures have on the cultural and creative industries in a given country, taking the examples of Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Japan and Peru. The surveys were conducted through field research and interviews. In addition, relevant documentation was analyzed.
From the research concluded by this paper, the author found the reasons why these countries are successful in the cultural and creative industries can be summarized as follows:
These countries have been utilizing their profound local cultures with their specific features, and their people’s strong cultural identity, to implement the local cultures into daily life. With their local cultures at the core, the cultural and creative industries have established a successful business model in which creativity and technology are combined together. Meanwhile, favorable policies from governments have added strong competitive advantages to their respective industries in the global market.
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