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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Définition des nomenclatures et des sources d'approvisionnement pour la fabrication d'une famille de produits

El Hadj Khalaf, Radwan 17 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans un contexte de conception de familles de produits, les industriels sont conduits à concevoir et réaliser une grande diversité de produits pour répondre à des besoins clients di érents et des contraintes spéci ques liées à la chaîne logistique. Cette conception est de type modulaire et permet de générer la nomenclature des produits à partir des modules fabriqués. Conjointement à la dé nition des nomenclatures, le choix des sites de production est également décidé. Souvent, les stratégies adoptées sont extrêmes, et proposent une production pour stock pour anticiper les besoins clients ou une production à la commande pour minimiser les coûts de stockage. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier une stratégie intermédiaire dite d'assemblage à la commande permettant à la fois de réduire les coûts de stockage et les délais de fabrication. La contribution de cette thèse porte sur la proposition d'un modèle servant de support à une approche globale de conception de produits à forte diversité. L'apport essentiel réside plus précis ément d'une part, dans l'intégration des données relatives à la chaîne logistique dans l'opération de conception, et d'autres part dans la proposition d'algorithmes permettant la détermination d'une solution de bonne qualité dans un temps de calcul raisonnable. En outre, les avantages de certaines stratégies telles que la standardisation sont étudiés.

Modèle de processus pour la conception de produits d’assistance aux personnes en situation de handicap : cas d’étude sur la mobilité personnelle / Design process model of assistive products for disabled people : a case study on personal mobility

Pinto, Marcel de Gois 16 December 2016 (has links)
L’impact de ce travail de doctorat se concentre sur l’inclusion sociale des Personnes en Situation de Handicap (PSH). Cette inclusion dépend de plusieurs d’initiatives comme l’Accessibilité des espaces et des informations mais aussi de l’offre de Produits d’Assistance (PA) qui peuvent soulager voire compenser les situations de handicap. Notre travail se place sur ce second terrain, en particulier sur les insatisfactions et abandons des PA par les PSH et la difficulté des fabricants à offrir une variété de produits ciblés sur besoins et avec des prix abordables. Nous pensons que la solution à une telle pro-blématique peut être faite dès la conception des PA. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle de référence pour l’organisation du processus de conception de ces produits autour d’une philosophie et d’une méthodologie de conception. Ce modèle a été construit à partir de recherches bibliographiques sur les processus de conception de produits de manière générale, telles que la conception lean et la customi-sation de masse, et aussi quelques approches et modèles de conception de produits qui intègrent les PSH dans le public de consommateurs. Suite à son développement, la proposition a été testée et amé-liorée à partir de deux cas d’étude réalisés dans le cadre de la Mobilité Personnelle. Le premier cas d’étude se concentre sur la conception de Dispositifs d’Aide à la Marche (DAM), tels que les cannes, les béquilles et les cadres de marche. Ensuite, la deuxième expérience est focalisée sur la conception de Véhicules non-motorisés (VNM), comme les cycles et les fauteuils roulants. Le résultat de ces expéri-mentations et les révisions du modèle de référence pour la conception de PA nous ont permis d'abou-tir à une configuration des principes et à une méthodologie qui accordent les attentes tangibles et in-tangibles des PSH à travers la conception et l’offre de produits personnalisables tout en respectant les exigences des systèmes de fabrication et distribution. / The impact of this PhD work focuses on the social inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PWD). This inclusion depends on several initiatives such as spacial and informational accessibility, and the offer of Assistive Products (AP), which can alleviate or compensate disability situations. Our work focuses on this second point, particularly under the dissatisfaction and abandonment of AP by the PWD and the inability of the manufacturers to offer a variety of products that respond to the users’ needs with affordable prices. We believe that the solution to this problem can be found in the AP design process. Thus, we propose a reference model for the a AT design process organization around a philosophy and a design methodology. This model was constructed from bibliographic research on product de-sign processes in general, such as lean design and mass customization, as well as some product design approaches and models that integrate the PWD as customers. After this, the proposal was tested and improved through two case studies carried out in the Personal Mobility context. The first case study focuses on the design of Walking Aid Devices (WADs), such as walking sticks, crutches and walking frames. Second, the second one focuses on the design of non-motorized vehicles (NMVs), such as cycles and wheelchairs. The result of these experiments and the revisions of the reference model for AP design enabled us deliver a configuration of principles and a methodology of design that matches the tangible and intangible expectations of the PWD through the conception and offering of customi-zed products that respond to the requirements of manufacturing and distribution systems.

Producing special-ordered engines : A mapping of the special-order process and the impact of working from home at an engine assembly plant

Ögren, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
This report is presenting a master thesis work in Industrial Design Engineering with a focus on production development at Luleå University of Technology. The thesis work was conducted in the spring term of 2021 at the engine assembly plant of Scania in Södertälje. The project aimed to map the special-order process to create an overview of the process and present improved work patterns. The project also aimed to map the impact of working from home. A special order is an order that is tailored for the customer in a way that is not supported by the standard order system but produced in ordinary production, this is made possible using the S-order process. The background of the project was that the process is among other things, unclear and person dependent and has resulted in stops and unnecessary and costly maneuverers in the production. The project was a pilot study with a focus on the mapping and analysis of the current and future state of the process, limited to the engine assembly, marine and industry engines and with a focus on the local product preparators. Interviews, observations and document studies were the main methods used to map the process. These data collecting methods complemented each other to create an understanding of the situation using a broad range of perspectives. The result of the data collection was then analysed to present the process and the perceptions of the process to find problems and needs. A specification of requirements was used to summarise the results and to be used during concept development. Concepts were developed through a workshop where the participants brainstormed solutions on the found problems and needs. Literature research was conducted about customisation, digital work environment and learning organisation. Research on customisation was used to understand the background and the challenges with it. The digital work environment consisted of the effects of digital work as well as research on how to design and implement a digital work environment. Research on learning organisation was used to support the presented needs and proposed improved work patterns. The mapping of the current state showed that it is a quick process that affects a lot of people who together quickly must assess if and how the orders are and will be possible to deliver. A coordinator at the engine assembly must make sure that the right people are informed and involved meanwhile these people have been shown to lack understanding of the process its responsibilities and activities, resulting in e.g., worry and stress. To improve the process, a proposition was made on focusing on improving the transfer of knowledge and experience, create a common understanding and approach and improve communication and collaboration. Four concepts were presented where the focus was on learning organisation, continuous improvements and based established methods used at the engine assembly. / Denna rapport presenterar ett examensarbete i Teknisk design inom produktionsdesign vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Examensarbetet genomfördes under vårterminen 2021 på Scania motormonteringsanläggning i Södertälje. Syftet med arbetet var att kartlägga S-orderprocessen för att skapa en översikt över denna och presentera förbättrade arbetsmönster. Projektet syftade också till att kartlägga effekterna av att arbeta hemifrån. En specialorder är en order som skräddarsys för kunden på ett sätt som inte stöds av det vanliga ordersystemet men som produceras i den vanliga produktionen, detta möjliggörs genom S-orderprocessen. Bakgrunden till projektet var att processen bland annat är oklar och personberoende och har resulterat i stopp och onödiga och kostsamma manövrer i produktionen. Projektet var en förstudie med fokus på kartläggning och analys av processens nuvarande och framtida tillstånd, begränsat till motormonteringen, industri- och marina motorer och med fokus på de lokala produktberedarna.Intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier var de centrala metoderna för att kartlägga processen. Dessa datainsamlingsmetoder kompletterade varandra och skapade en förståelse för situationen utifrån ett brett spektrum av perspektiv. Resultatet av datainsamlingen analyserades för att presentera processen och uppfattningarna av denna för att hitta problem och behov. En kravspecifikation användes för att sammanfatta resultaten och för att användas under konceptutveckling. Koncept utvecklades genom en workshop där deltagarna brainstormade lösningar på funna problem och behov.Litteraturforskning genomfördes om kundanpassning, digital arbetsmiljö och lärandeorganisation. Forskning om kundanpassning användes för att förstå bakgrunden och utmaningarna med det. Digital arbetsmiljö bestod av att förstå effekterna av det samt forskning om hur man utformar och implementerar en digital arbetsmiljö. Forskning om lärandeorganisation användes för att stödja de presenterade behoven och föreslagna förbättrade arbetsmönster.Kartläggningen av nuläget visade att det är en snabb process som påverkar många människor som tillsammans snabbt måste bedöma om och hur ordern är och kommer att vara möjliga att leverera. En koordinator vid motormonteringen måste se till att rätt personer är informerade och involverade samtidigt som dessa personer har visat sig sakna förståelse för processen, dess ansvar och aktiviteter, vilket resulterar i bl.a. oro och stress. För att förbättra processen föreslogs att fokusera på att förbättra kunskaps- och erfarenhetsöverföringen, skapa en gemensam förståelse och tillvägagångssätt och förbättra kommunikation och samarbete. Fyra koncept presenterades där fokus var på lärande organisation, kontinuerliga förbättringar och baserade på etablerade metoder som användes vid motormonteringen.

Fab-Cell : outil d'aide à la conception de parois non standards en bois / Fab-Cell : Aided-design tool for non-standard timber walls

Gámez Bohórquez, Oscar 24 March 2017 (has links)
L’intégration du langage informatique dans l’architecture et l’ingénierie a commencé dès les années 1960, mais a connu un réel essor dans les années 1990. Les outils de modélisation ont alors progressivement fait émerger une nouvelle architecture. Tout d’abord baptisée « architecture blob », on lui a ensuite attribué le nom de « blobisme » et ses dérivés sont aujourd’hui appelés « architecture non standard ». Au cours de la dernière décennie, certains chercheurs comme Mario Carpo ou praticiens comme Patrick Schumacher ont introduit les termes de « paramétrisme », « customisation de masse », et « architecture non standard » pour définir ces nouvelles constructions complexes. Elles ne sont pas nécessairement savantes, mais ont été conçues grâce à des outils numériques et réalisées avec des méthodes de fabrication digitales. Cette thèse prend appui sur le postulat qu’une approche non standard dans un projet est loin de se résumer à une démarche purement plastique ou fonctionnelle : elle est destinée à produire des objets constructibles. Le domaine d’étude est celui des murs et enveloppes construites en bois et plus particulièrement les parois de type cellulaire. Ce travail inclut donc un outil paramétrique d’aide à la conception (ACPT, Aided-Conception Parametric Tool) et à la fabrication qui peut accompagner les concepteurs dans l’exploration de solutions non-standards pour des problèmes architecturaux spécifiques Cet outil paramétrique et intégré s’appuie sur une modélisation géométrique et technique des parois murales et des différents dispositifs cellulaires qui les composent. L’approche paramétrique autorise le développement de nombreuses variantes morphologiques. Sa dimension intégrée permet la production et l’optimisation des données tant topologiques que constructives. La production grandeur nature d’une paroi réalisée par un robot de coupe a servi de cadre expérimental pour démontrer les potentialités de notre approche mais aussi en identifier les difficultés. Les améliorations effectuées ont conduit à produire une série de clusters (groupes de fonctions) pour Rhinoceros-Grasshopper (RGH) qui ont permis de mettre en oeuvre la première version opérationnelle de cet outil, baptisée Fab-Cell / The integration of computing language into architecture and engineering has been present since the 1960s but it only proved practical by the 1990s when modeling tools started to participate in an architectural shift that has conceptually mutated through the years. By then, the trend was called “blob architecture” and thirteen years ago, trends succeeding “blobism” were named as non-standard architecture. In the last ten years, academicians like Mario Carpo and practitioners such as Patrick Schumacher nested the terms parametricism, mass customization, and nonstandard architecture to define those complex –not necessarily complicated architectures created by using of digital tools and aided-manufacturing methods. This thesis is underpinned on the fact that using the non-standard approach in any architectural project needs more than just a plastic or functional intention but the means to translate that intention into actual buildable objects. The aims of this study are therefore oriented towards architectural elements using cellular-like patterns as morphologic resource. This work brings up an Aided-Conception Parametric Tool (ACPT) that actually helps designers to explore non-standard solutions to specific architectural problems regarding timber-built walls and envelopes. This ACPT is meant then to succeed architectural intentions in which geometric patterns –as morphologic modifiers- are used to provide walls and envelopes with a particular language (a cellular structure) that might require morphologic form searching (Carpo, 2015a) and topologic optimization by means of parametric generative modeling. The previously mentioned aims were validated by means of a full-scale prototyping exercise in which the first version of the ACPT is tested. Furthermore A series of modeling improvements regarding pattern generation, jointing calculation and fabrication simulation, helped fixing the difficulties found during the first validation stage in order to produce a set of Rhinoceros-Grasshopper (RGH) functional clusters that embody the early operational state of this ACPT called Fab-Cell

Kundorderstyrd tillverkning – Påverkande faktorer, förutsättningar och problem : En övergripande studie om hur små och medelstora företag flyttar kundorderpunkten och går mot mer kundanpassning.

Eriksson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
This study presents a holistic view of which factors small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have to consider, in moving their customer order decoupling point (CODP) further from the customer, thereby becoming more customized. The study also investigate whether SMEs and larger enterprises differ in the strategic questions relating to what influences an enterprise to become more customized, which prerequisites are required and which problems enterprises should anticipate and prepare for. These questions are important, given that strategic change is challenging, and can take considerable time to accomplish; it therefore needs to be based on the right decisions. This study is motivated by the fact that the markets SMEs are selling to tend to become more and more complex and harder to anticipate. Increased globalisation and use of IT and ICT have lead to greater uncertainty in customer demand. At the same time customers have ever more demanding needs and specifications; if these are not met, they will go elsewhere rather than reducing or adapting them. This complexity requires a more customized production and is a way to gain commercial advantages.       Customised production includes many benefits such as reduced uncertainty, by producing totally customized products less capital bound is tied up. But meanwhile many challenges such as reduced production efficiency, furthermore flexibility must be increased and higher demands on communications and IT systems are often necessary. The study starts with a wide and thorough theoretical overhaul around the movement of the CODP, but also addresses other parts of the organization to get the all-important big picture. This theoretical work is leading to a work-model which is used in six interviews within SMEs. In order to get a thorough picture, the enterprises that take part in the study are from different line of business and have from 18 to 235 employees. During these interviews, conducted on a single occasion per company, the model and related questions are discussed. Thereby an analysis of the interviews and the theory is done, with the model as the starting-point.   The result of this study is a basic model, which SMEs can use as an analytical tool, and a checklist, to facilitate a move towards a make-to-order manufacturing strategy, thereby gaining more flexibility. The study provides a basic generic framework which can be adapted and tailored by the company in question to see which parts are relevant to specific circumstances.


Haouari, Lobna 18 December 2012 (has links)
L'IDentification par Radio-Fréquences (RFID) permet une identification rapide et efficace des objets. Dans les systèmes de personnalisation de masse, elle promet un apport considérable grâce à sa capacité à gérer des flux d'information complexes caractérisant ce type de systèmes.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les impacts de la RFID sur les systèmes de configuration à la demande (CTO). Nous nous basons sur un cas réel pour apporter une mesure fiable et directement exploitable. La littérature à ce sujet offre souvent des mesures sommaires, théoriques ou qualitatives, d'où l'originalité de la thèse.L'étude est réalisée par une approche de simulation à évènements discrets et évalue l'apport des technologies RFID à deux niveaux. Le premier concerne des changements directs du système (e.g. accélération des maintes vérifications caractérisant la CTO, libération de ressources...). Ces changements influencent la performance du système en termes de temps de séjour, de taux de retard des commandes, etc. Le deuxième niveau concerne des changements profonds tirant profit d'une visibilité accrue des produits et de la facilité d'une collecte de données rigoureuse. Ces changements se focalisent sur l'allocation dynamique de la charge de travail. La remise en question des processus à l'occasion de l'introduction d'une technologie RFID constitue un point original en raison du manque de publications soulignantsuffisamment cet avantage.Nos expérimentations ont montré que les apports des technologies RFID dans un système CTO sont indéniables. De plus, repenser le fonctionnement du système afin d'exploiter plus profondément le potentiel de la technologie accroit les bénéfices. / Radio Frequency IDentification allows quick and secure identification of objects. In mass customisation systems, RFID technologies can be peculiarly efficient, because they are able to support the complex flows of information which characterize these systems.In this study, we focus on RFID technologies effects on configuration to order (CTO) systems.We base the research on an existing case in order to obtain reliable information directly usable by decision makers. The rarity of studies offering quantitative, detailed and real case based measures makes the originality of this thesis.RFID technology implementation's effect is analysed by a discrete event simulation approach and is presented in two levels:The first level relates direct changes brought about by RFID (e.g. faster execution of the many checks due to the wide range of products, reduced workload for resources…). These changes have an impact on system's performance in terms of lead time, late orders' rate, etc.The second level is axed on deeper changes occurring due to the increased product visibility and the ease of collecting large amounts of data with an RFID technology.These changes mainly focus on the dynamic allocation of workload. Reconsidering of processes and proposing changes deeper than the simple direct technology impact is a breakthrough, in this study, because of the lack of publications highlighting this benefit adequately.In conclusion, RFID contribution in CTO systems and, extensively, in assembly to order systems may be undeniable. Moreover, beyond the direct technology impact, rethinking how the system works by exploiting the deeper potential of technology can increase profits.

Text complexity visualisations : An exploratory study on teachers interpretations of radar chart visualisations of text complexity / Visualisering av textkomplexitet : En utforskande studie kring lärares tolkningar av radardiagramsvisualiseringar av textkomplexitet

Anderberg, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Finding the appropriate level of text for students with varying reading abilities is an important and demanding task for teachers. Radar chart visualisations of text complexity could potentially be an aid in that process, but they need to be evaluated to see if they are intuitive and if they say something about the complexity of a text. This study explores how visualisations of text complexity, in the format of radar charts, are interpreted, what measures they should include and what information they should contain in order to be intelligible for teachers who work with people who have language and/or reading diffi- culties. A preliminary study and three focus group sessions were conducted with teachers from special education schools for adults and gymnasium level. Through thematic analysis of the sessions, five themes were generated and it was found that the visualisations are intelligible to some extent, but they need to be adapted to the target group by making sure the measures are relevant, and that the scale, colours, categories and measures are clearly explained. / Det är både en viktig och krävande uppgift för lärare att hitta lämplig textnivå för elever med varierande läsförmågor. Radardiagramsvisualiseringar av textkomplexitet kan poten- tiellt stötta den processen, men de måste utvärderas för att undersöka om de är intuitiva, vilka mått som bör inkluderas samt om de säger något om komplexiteten av en text. Den här studien utforskar hur visualiseringar av textkomplexitet i form av radardiagram tolkas, vilka mått de bör inkludera samt vilken information de bör innehålla i syfte att vara begripliga för lärare som jobbar med elever med språk och/eller lässvårigheter. En förundersökning och tre fokusgruppsessioner utfördes, med lärare från särgymnasium och särvuxskolor. Efter tematisk analys av data från fokusgrupperna genererades fem teman. Reultaten visade att visualiseringarna var begripliga till viss del, men de behöver anpassas till målgruppen genom att se till att måtten är relevanta samt att skalan, färgerna, kategorierna och måtten är tydligt förklarade.

Omkonstruktion av ljusanordning : Ett förbättringsarbete hos Zetterbergs / Redesign of backlight device at Zetterbergs

Dahlin, Erik, Jalandoni Sjöberg, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Kundanpassning är ett ökande problem för tillverkare och det gäller även för Zetterbergs därproblemet nu är att konstruera lastbilsprodukter som ska passa till alla kunder vars lastbils-fabrikat varierar. Syftet med studien var att utveckla CAD-modeller för en ljusanordning medbred kundanpassning, lågt komponentantal och mindre skador vid tillämpning.För att utföra arbetet användes teori inom DFM (Design For Manufacturing), regelverk ochde tillverkningsmetoder som fanns till godo hos företaget. Datainsamlingen bestod av inter-vjuer, litteraturstudier och observationer. Arbetet följde en generell produktutvecklingspro-cess som började med konceptgenerering. Valet av vinnande koncept för vidareutvecklingbestämdes med Pughs matris. Vidareutvecklingen utfördes i Solidworks där även FEM-ana-lyser och topologioptimerings-analyser utfördes i syfte att förbättra konstruktionerna utanatt förlora hållfasthet och vibrationskänslighet.Resultatet blev två CAD-ritade ljusanordningar vars vikt var lägre än den nuvarande anord-ningen. Distansen mellan skadepunkter och lastbilens ände ökade jämfört med originalet. Enav konstruktionerna hade färre komponenter än originalet. De resulterande ljusanordning-arna visade goda egenskaper, men det finns rum för korrigeringar, som delvis missades imån av tidsbrist. Vidare var de utförda FEM-analyser och topologioptimeringar förenklingarav verkligheten och därför är det svårt att bedöma om dessa adekvat representerar praktiskanvändbarhet utan verkliga tester. Det är därför av framtida intresse att tillverka ljusanord-ningarna i resultatet och testa prestandan i verkliga scenarion, men också för att identifieraeventuella tillverkning och monteringsproblem som omedvetet har negligerats. / Product-customization is a growing problem for manufacturers which is also true for Zetterbergs where the problem currently is to construct lorry products that fit the customers varying lorry-types. The purpose of the study is to develop CAD-models for a back light ordinance with broad customer adaptability, lower assembly component quantity and less damage occurrence during use of the product. To complete the task, design theory including DFM (Design For Manufacturing), manufacturing methods available at the company and regulatory limitations were researched. The data collection consisted of interviews, literature studies and observations. The work followed a general product development process that began with concept generation. Choosing the winning concepts for further development was done through Pugh’s decision matrix. Further development was conducted in SolidWorks where FEM analyses and topology optimizations also were conducted with the purpose of improving the constructions without losing strength and vibratory properties. The result of the study were two light ordinances with their respective construction drawings. The weight of the two ordinances were lower than the original. The distance between damage-points and the endpoint of the lorries both increased. One construction had lower component quantity than the original. Both constructions showed good characteristics. There is room for improvement however as some aspects may have been missed due to time restrictions. Furthermore, the FEM and topology analyses were simplifications of reality. It would be valuable to create real prototypes from the result and conduct tests in more realistic scenarios and simultaneously identify subconsciously neglected manufacturing and assembly issues.

Translucent concrete in product design : Implementation of a new segment of design products through Strategic branding / Translucent betong i produktdesign : Implementering av ett nytt segment av designprodukter genom strategiskt varumärkesbyggande

CASSEL, JULIA, ÖSTEVIK, AGNES January 2018 (has links)
The company Butong is based on a patented process of casting concrete between two layers of bubble wrap, resulting in panels of translucent concrete. This material is mainly applied as panels in vertical gardens and light installations. Today, the business is based on projects that require custom made designs. Alongside these projects, products with a standardised manufacturing process are desired to extend the company towards the consumer market and fill the workflow gaps existing in their current production. Through strategic branding, this project aimed to create a new business segment of standardised design products and the framework needed for Butong to enter the consumer market. From analysing the company and its values, understanding the possibilities and limitations of the material and from investigating the opportunities on the market, the brand position for the segment was determined. A strategy to establish the business on the targeted market was developed, including a brand identity and design guidelines for the new segment. To exemplify the usage of the guidelines, several concepts were produced, of which one was further developed to be the flagship product of the segment. The segment was directed to target both Butong’s current market and the consumer market in order to facilitate its establishment and to reach a larger public. It is developed to consist of products that clearly display the properties of the material and are aligned to the identity of the brand. Following the set guidelines, the developed concepts confirm its value and potential by communicating coherency and the expressions desired. With a standardised manufacturing process, the production can be engaged at any time to make use of the existing workflow gaps and complement Butong’s existing business without obstructing it. / Företaget Butong bygger sin verksamhet på sin patenterade tillverkningsmetod av att gjuta betong mellan två lager av bubbelplast, vilken resulterar i paneler av translucent betong. Detta material används framförallt till att skapa vertikala trädgårdar och effektfulla ljusinstallationer. Idag är verksamheten projektbaserad vilket kräver skräddarsydda lösningar. Ett sortiment bestående av produkter med en standardiserad tillverkningsprocess skulle kunna komplettera den befintliga produktionen genom att fylla de luckor som uppstår i det projektbaserade arbetet. Ett sådant sortiment ses även som en möjlighet för att utöka den nuvarande verksamheten mot en konsumentmarknad. Genom strategiskt varumärkesbyggande var målet med detta projekt att skapa ett nytt affärssegment bestående av standardiserade produkter och det strategiska ramverk som krävs för att kunna etablera Butong på konsumentmarknaden. Av att analysera företaget och dess värderingar, förstå materialets möjligheter och begränsningar samt undersöka marknaden, kunde positioneringen av segmentet bestämmas. En strategi skapades för att etablera segmentet på den tänkta marknaden tillsammans med en varumärkesidentitet och riktlinjer för produktutvecklingen inom segmentet. För att exemplifiera användandet av dessa riktlinjer skapades flera koncept, varav ett vidareutvecklades som en första produkt att representera varumärket med. För att underlätta etableringen av segmentet och utöka verksamheten, valdes både Butongs nuvarande marknad och konsumentmarknaden som målgrupp. Produkterna inom segmentet har ett formspråk som både demonstrerar materialets egenskaper och följer företagets nuvarande identitet. Värdet och potentialen i de framtagna riktlinjerna bekräftas av de uttryck och det genomgående formspråk som de skapade koncepten kommunicerar. Med en standardiserad produktion, kan tillverkningen av produkterna tas vid när som helst och ta till vara på luckorna i arbetsflödet och på så sätt komplettera Butongs nuvarande verksamhet utan att påverka den.

Innovation and Employment in Services : The case of Knowledge Intensive Business Services in Sweden

Nählinder, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
This is a study of innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and the impact innovation has on employment. The thesis relies on theories within the fields of "innovation in services", in particular KIBS, and "innovation and employment", taking as its point of departure the taxonomy of product and process innovation. The thesis is based on a discussion of innovation in services with a focus on how innovation in services may be understood and delineated. A long discussion is dedicated to the taxonomy of product and process innovation and the extent to which these concepts may be applicable to innovation in services. The thesis also scrutinises the concept of KIBS and how this can be defined. It further discusses features commonly associated with KIBS firms. The thesis is also rooted in the broader issue of innovation as a creator and destroyer of employment and makes a contribution in applying these issues to service sectors. The empirical part of the thesis builds on a database compiled for the research project, comprised of 967 Swedish KIBS firms. The database covers issues of innovation, employment and characteristics of the firm. The findings indicate that innovation was common in Swedish KIBS firms and that innovations often had an impact on employment. However, the thesis did not detect a straightforward relation between type of innovation (technological process innovation, organisational process innovation, goods product innovation and service product innovation) and the impact on employment. Explanations other than type of innovation have to be considered to analyse the impact of innovation on employment. The thesis further suggests that although innovation in KIBS is common, innovation itself is difficult to conceptualise and delineate.

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