Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cycle analysis"" "subject:"eycle analysis""
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Klimatpåverkansberäkning av nya byggnader / Climate impact calculation of new buildingsAli Nima, Salwan, Alkhatib, Ahmad January 2023 (has links)
Klimatpåverkan från bygg- och fastighetssektorn har under senare år varit en drivandeorsak till utsläpp av växthusgaser, vilket är en utmaning för samhället. I Sverige harklimatpåverkan orsakad av bygg- och fastighetssektorn år 2020 beräknats till cirka 9,8miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter som motsvarar 21% av Sveriges klimatpåverkan.Sverige är ett land som ständigt arbetar för att reducera klimatpåverkan från nyabyggnader och till följd av det har regeringen infört krav på klimatdeklarationer förnyuppförda byggnader. Lagen om klimatdeklaration trädde i kraft 2022-01-01 och är ettsteg för att uppnå klimatmålen år 2045 som syftar till att inte ha några nettoutsläpp avväxthusgaser. Klimatdeklarationer delas upp i ett antal moduler som omfattar en byggnadsproduktskede (moduler A1 – A3), transport (modul A4) samt byggspill ochenergiförbrukning på arbetsplatsen (modul A5). Klimatdeklarationens syfte är att ökamedvetenheten, bidra till mer kunskap om byggnaders klimatpåverkan och bidra till minskning av klimatpåverkan. Detta examensarbete har genomförts i samarbete med Region Kalmar län med syftet att tafram referensvärden för klimatpåverkan för nyligen uppförda sjukhusbyggnader. Målet äratt redovisa klimatpåverkan för olika byggnadsmaterial i efterhand samt att redogöra förhur en klimatdeklaration kan beräknas med hjälp av arkitekt- och konstruktionsritningar.Nya psykiatrilokaler vid Kalmar länssjukhus använts som fallstudie. Den redovisadeklimatpåverkan i detta projekt omfattar olika konstruktionsmaterial och byggnadsdelaroch beräkningarna har gjorts enligt Boverkets föreskrifter om klimatdeklarationer. Examensarbetet har genomförts med hjälp av 3D-modelleringsprogrammet Revit,Boverkets klimatdatabas samt SundaHus databas. Revit användes för att räkna utmaterialmängder som ska ingå i klimatdeklarationen. Boverkets och SundaHus databaseranvändes för att samla in materialens klimatdata. Beräkningen av klimatpåverkan av psykiatribyggnaden genomfördes med 17%produktspecifika värden, dvs. hur mycket en produkt har påverkat miljön under utvinningav råmaterial, transport och tillverkning. De produktspecifika värdena motsvarar 91𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑒/𝑚2𝐵𝑇𝐴 och resterande 83 % som motsvarar 454 𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑒/𝑚2𝐵𝑇𝐴 beräknadesmed generiska värden som är genomsnittsvärden av klimatpåverkan för produkter som ärrepresentativa för svenska förhållanden. Det har även använts schablonvärden som äruppskattade värden gällande diesel och eldningsolja på byggarbetsplatsen. Resultatet i detta examensarbete är baserat på Boverkets föreskrifter omklimatdeklarationer och det redovisar det totala klimatpåverkan som motsvarar 545𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑒/𝑚2𝐵𝑇𝐴. Resultatet av klimatpåverkan omfattas av modulerna A1 – A5, därproduktskede har bidragit med 492, transport 28, byggspill 15 och energiförbrukning påbyggarbetsplatsen med 10 𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑒/𝑚2𝐵𝑇𝐴. Lagen om klimatdeklaration bidrar till ökad kompetens och förståelse inom bygg- ochfastighetssektorn samt hur olika material påverkar klimatet. I dagsläget finns ingagränsvärden att förhålla sig till vid beräkning av klimatpåverkan och därför är det svårt attgöra en bedömning av resultatet. Beräkningarna som gjordes speglar det uppskattadevärdet för sjukhus som stöds av schablonvärden samt tidigare undersökningar avbyggnader med samma funktion. / The climate impact from the construction and property sector has in recent years been adriving cause of emissions of greenhouse gases, which is a challenge for society. InSweden, the climate impact caused by the construction and real estate sector in 2020 hasbeen estimated at approximately 9.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, whichcorresponds to 21% of Sweden's climate impact. Sweden is a country that constantlyworks to reduce the climate impact from new buildings and as a result the governmenthas introduced requirements for climate declarations for newly constructed buildings.Climate declarations must cover a building's product stage (module A1 – A3), transport(A4), construction waste and energy consumption on the construction site (A5). The thesis has been carried out with the help of the 3D modeling program Revit,Boverket's climate database and SundaHus's database. Revit was used to calculatematerial quantities to be included in the climate declaration. Boverket's and SundaHus'sdatabase was used to collect the material's climate data. In the climate declaration, the total climate impact is reported, which corresponds to 545𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑒/𝑚2𝐵𝑇𝐴. The result of the climate impact covers the modules concerning theconstruction phase, i.e. A1 – A5 where product stage A1 – A3 has amounted to 492,transport 28, construction waste 15 and energy 10 in 𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑂2𝑒/𝑚2𝐵𝑇𝐴. The climate declaration act contributes to increased competence and understanding withinthe construction and property sector for how different materials affect the climate.Currently, there are no limit values to refer to when calculating the climate impact andtherefore it is difficult to assess the result. The calculations made reflect the estimatedvalue of hospitals supported by the standard values, which are estimated values regardingdiesel and heating oil at the construction site.
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Climate and economic implications of structure and façade materials on a building's life cycle performance : A case study of a multi-family building in SwedenJatzkowski, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
This study has been conducted in cooperation with OBOS Kärnhem. The objective of the study is to assess environmental impacts from different structural and facade materials to find a configuration with the lowest impact, and to assess the economic implications of different structural and façade materials. The study is conducted on a case study building planned in Linköping, Sweden. The methods that were used are the life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) methods. Cross-laminated timber and concrete were chosen as the 2 structural materials to investigate, and sheet metal, cut slate, and wood paneling were chosen as the façade materials to investigate. The goal and scope were specified. The goal of the LCA was to analyze the climate implications of different structural and facade materials on a building’s environmental performance, while the scope was to compare the environmental impacts, specifically global warming potential, of six scenarios over a lifetime of 80 years. Later, a life cycle inventory of the materials was conducted, and the life cycle inventory was assessed. Finally, the life cycle interpretation was carried out to analyze and interpret the results. For the LCC, costs were calculated for materials and energy use and applied to the case study building. The analyses of results show that the wooden building scenarios have significantly low environmental impacts when compared with concrete buildings. The analyses of the results also show that the buildings constructed with cast-in-situ concrete have lower life cycle costs when compared with buildings constructed with cross-laminated timber. This study concludes that structural material choices affect the environmental performance of a building significantly. Facade material choices also affect the environmental performance, however much less significantly. This study also shows that, within these specific system boundaries, the most impactful life cycle stage for the wood structure building scenarios is the operational phase B6, while the most impactful life cycle stage for the concrete structure building scenarios is the material production stage A1-A3. This study further concludes that while cross-laminated timber buildings have a lower carbon footprint than concrete structure buildings, they currently cost significantly more to build. This highlights the discrepancies between the changes and choices that are required to reach the climate and sustainable development goals, and what is economically viable.
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Klimat- och kostnadseffektivakontorsbyggnader : En fallstudie av ett flervåningshus / Climate and cost-effective office buildings : A case study of a multi-storey buildingJohansson, Anders, Åström, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka klimat- och kostnadseffektiva lösningar för att minska kontorsbyggnaders påverkan på miljön. Byggnader står för en betydande del av Sveriges klimatpåverkan och kostnader, det finns därav behov av att hitta sätt att reducera den påverkan. Teorin som låg till grund för studien var livscykelanalys och livscykelkostnad, som tar hänsyn till klimatpåverkan och kostnader genom hela byggnadens livscykel. Metoden som användes var litteraturstudie, där tidigare forskning och studier analyserades. Diskussion fördes även med sakkunniga personer inom ämnet för att identifiera lösningar för att minska klimatpåverkan och kostnader i byggnader. En hypotetisk fallstudiebyggnad skapades där klimat- och kostnadseffektiva åtgärder implementerades. Genom att titta på byggnadsdelarna stomme, klimatskal, isolering och dess inverkan på energianvändning i en kontorsbyggnad identifierades olika åtgärder som kunde minska klimatpåverkan och kostnader. Dessa inkluderar användning av återvunnet material och minskad energiförbrukning genom förbättrade isoleringsegenskaper. Ytterligare undersöktes val av material och teknik vilket anses hållbara och energieffektiva. Resultatet visar att byggnadsmaterialen har störst påverkan på klimat och kostnaden under Produkt- och Byggproduktionsskedet, medan energiförbrukningen har störst påverkan under skedet Driftenergi i Användningsskedet. De klimatåtgärder som framstår som mest framstående och optimala lösningar för vår fallstudiebyggnad inkluderar användningen av kostnadseffektiva solceller på taket (Åtgärd 7), isolering av ytterväggarna med PIR-isolering (Åtgärd 5), tilläggsisolering av ytterväggarna med EPS-isolering (Åtgärd 3) samt minskat materialspill på byggarbetsplatsen med 25%. Dessa lösningar visar sig inte bara ha en betydligt lägre klimatpåverkan, utan även en mer fördelaktig kostnadseffektivitet över hela livscykeln för fallstudiebyggnaden. / The purpose of this study was to investigate climate and cost-effective solutions to reduce the environmental impact of office buildings. Buildings account for a significant portion of Sweden's climate impact and costs, and there is a need to find ways to reduce this impact. The theoretical framework underlying the report was life cycle analysis and life cycle cost, which consider the climate impact and costs throughout the building's life cycle. The method used was a document study, where previous research and studies were analyzed. A hypothetical case study building was created, where climate- and cost-effective measures were implemented. By examining the building components such as the structure, envelope, insulation, and their impact on energy consumption in an office building, various measures were identified to reduce climate impact and costs. Additionally, the selection of sustainable and energy-efficient materials and technologies was investigated. The results show that building materials have the greatest impact on the environment and cost during the Production and Installation stages, while energy consumption has the greatest impact during the Operational energy use module in the Use stage. The climate measures that stand out as optimal solutions include the use of cost-effective solar panels on the roof (Measure 7), insulating the outer walls with PIR insulation (Measure 5), additional insulation of the outer walls with EPS insulation (Measure 3), and reducing material waste at the construction site by 25%. These solutions not only demonstrate significantly lower climate impact but also exhibit a more advantageous cost-effectiveness over the entire lifecycle.
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Hampafiberns potential för en hållbar utveckling : En jämförande studie mellan hampafiberisolering och konventionella isoleringsmaterial ur ett livscykelperspektiv / The potential of hemp fibre insulation for a sustainable development : A comparative study between hemp fiber insulation and conventional insulation materials from a life cycle perspectiveSvedin, Daniel, Wennberg, David January 2021 (has links)
Världens fokus på hållbar utveckling är större än någonsin tidigare, och konstruktionssektorn ansvarar för upp emot 25 till 40 procent av de globala koldioxid emissionerna. Ett av nyckelmaterialen för att öka en byggnads energieffektivitet är isoleringsmaterialen. Syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete är att utvärdera GWP:n av hampafiberisolering jämfört med de två marknadsledande isoleringsmaterialen, mineralull och cellplast. GWP:n av de tre isoleringsmaterialen beräknas efter att vardera isoleringsmaterial har blivit placerat i ett envåningshus med storleken 30 m2. Livscykelanalysen för byggnader används sedan som bakgrund för att beräkna GWP:n av de tre byggnaderna. De beräknade kategorierna för GWP:n av byggnaderna är: råmaterial, transport, produktion, konstruktion samt energianvändningen. Byggnaderna antas ha en inomhustemperatur på 20°C och har blivit konstruerade i Stockholm, Sverige. Utan överraskning var hampafibern det isoleringsmaterial som hade lägst GWP i kategorierna; råmaterial, produktion och konstruktion. Däremot på grund av hampafiberns mindre optimala termiska konduktivitet jämfört med de andra isoleringsmaterialen var byggnaden med hampafiberisolering den minst energieffektiva. Trots den lägre energieffektiviteten visade sig byggnaden med hampafiberisolering vara den med lägst GWP under en 30 årsperiod, förutsatt att förnyelsebara energikällor användes. Överraskande nog, var däremot källan från vart elektriciteten kom mycket viktig för att avgöra byggnadernas GWP. När den svenska elmixen från Boverkets klimatdatabas användes var skillnaden i GWP mellan de olika byggnaderna marginell. Användes istället förnyelsebara energikällor i form av vindkraft, var hampafiberisoleringen det mest fördelaktiga isoleringsmaterialet ur ett miljöperspektiv. / The world's focus on global warming has grown larger than ever before, and the construction sectorisresponsibleforupwardsof 25to40percentoftheglobalcarbonemissions.Oneof the key materials to increase the energy efficiency of buildings are insulation materials. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the global warming potential of insulation made out of hemp compared with the two leading insulation materials on the global market, Mineral wool insulation & EPS. The global warming potential of the three insulation materials are calculated whilst each is placed in a 30 m2 one-story house. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of buildings is used as background to calculate the global warming potential of each of the three buildings. The calculated categories for the global warming potential are: raw materials, transportation, production, the construction phase, and energy usage in the building. The buildings are assumed to have an inside temperature of 20°C and have been constructed in Stockholm, Sweden. To no surprise the hemp fibre insulation material had the lowest global warming potential out of the three materials during the raw material, production and construction phase. However due to the less optimal value of thermal conductivity for the hemp fiber insulation compared to the other materials, the energy efficiency in the building using hemp fibre insulation was comparatively the worst. However, the building using hemp fibre insulation could be concluded as the one with the least global warming potential during a 30 year usage if the correct energy sources were used. Surprisingly enough it turned out that the source of electricity was vital for the global warming potential. When using the Swedish electricity mix found in Boverkets Climate database the difference between the buildings was marginal. If renewable sources in the form of wind power were used instead of the national mix for electricity the differences were more noticable and the building using hemp fiber as insulation was less impactful the lower the global warming potential of the energy source was per kWh.
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Strategies for Carbon Dioxide Reduction in Scaffolding Sheets : A Case Study of Xervon Sweden ABBarth, Hampus January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor thesis investigates strategies for enhancing sustainability in material usage within Xervon Sweden AB, a leading provider of scaffolding and weather protection solutions. The research integrates life cycle analysis (LCA) with the exploration of alternative materials and recycling methods to identify environmentally friendly approaches to managing plastic waste in facade work. The study employs a comprehensive LCA to assess the environmental impact of current scaffolding materials, including High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE). It explores new materials such as Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), evaluates their feasibility through data collection and analysis, and investigates innovative recycling and reuse methods in collaboration with industry partners. The results from this bachelor thesis revealed from the LCA that material extrusion contributes significantly to CO2 emissions and energy consumption. PHA emerged as a promising alternative due to its renewable sourcing and biodegradability, despite its higher cost. The study also identified a circular system for recycling scaffolding sheets into granules for manufacturing new sheets as the most efficient strategy for CO2 reduction. Additionally, opportunities for external reuse of plastic materials with painting companies and agricultural associations were explored. The conclusions drawn in this bachelor thesis is that Xervon is currently using the most sustainable material within its price range. While PHA shows potential for future adoption, creating a circular system for scaffolding sheets offers immediate benefits. Collaborations with external partners can further extend the lifespan of materials, contributing to overall sustainability efforts. Future research should include broader sustainability indicators and in-house laboratory tests to validate findings. By focusing on these strategies, Xervon can significantly reduce its environmental footprint while maintaining operational efficiency and economic viability. / Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker strategier för att förbättra hållbarheten i materialanvändningen inom Xervon Sweden AB, en ledande leverantör av ställnings- och väderskyddslösningar. Forskningen integrerar livscykelanalys (LCA) med utforskning av alternativa material och återvinningsmetoder för att identifiera miljövänliga metoder för hantering av plastavfall i fasadarbeten. Studien använder en omfattande LCA för att bedöma den miljöpåverkan som de nuvarandeställningsmaterialen, inklusive högdensitetspolyeten (HDPE) och lågdensitetspolyeten (LDPE), har. Den utforskar nya material såsom polyhydroxialkanoater (PHA), utvärderar deras genomförbarhet genom datainsamling och analys, och undersöker innovativa återvinnings- och återanvändningsmetoder i samarbete med industripartners. Resultaten från denna kandidatuppsats avslöjade från LCA att materialextrudering bidrar avsevärt till koldioxidutsläpp och energiförbrukning. PHA visade sig vara ett lovande alternativ på grund av dessförnybara källor och biologiska nedbrytbarhet, trots dess högre kostnad. Studien identifierade också ett cirkulärt system för återvinning av ställningsdukar till granulat för tillverkning av nya dukar som den mest effektiva strategin för att minska koldioxidutsläpp. Dessutom undersöktes möjligheter för extern återanvändning av plastmaterial med måleriföretag och jordbruksorganisationer. Slutsatserna som dragits i denna kandidatuppsats är att Xervon för närvarande använder det mest hållbara materialet inom sin prisklass. Även om PHA visar potential för framtida användning, erbjuder skapandet av ett cirkulärt system för ställningsdukar omedelbara fördelar. Samarbeten med externa partners kan ytterligare förlänga materialens livslängd och bidra till övergripande hållbarhetsinsatser. Framtida forskning bör inkludera bredare hållbarhetsindikatorer och laboratorietester internt för att valideraresultaten. Genom att fokusera på dessa strategier kan Xervon avsevärt minska sitt miljöavtryck samtidigt som de bibehåller operativ effektivitet och ekonomisk lönsamhet
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The Value-chain of Biochar : Case developement and value validation for providers and customers from an environmental, economic and social perspectiveEriksson, Markus, Engel, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
The growing need for climate mitigation solutions has contributed so thatbiochar has gained significant interest. Primary for its ability as a carbon sinkbut there is also a growing interest due to several other aspects within industriese.g. substitution effects, increased resource efficiency, an enabler forindustrial symbiosis, and its beneficial properties when put in soil that can increasegrowth. Previous studies of biochar have been dominant within the environmentalperspective of biochar, analyzing detailed characteristics of its propertiesand carbon sink potential. Some studies have a holistic perspective reflectingon countries specific energy mix and the different benefits of producingbiochar. However, previous studies are far too few to determine the value-chainof biochar. Hence previous studies have knowledge gaps within the holistic lifecycle approach from a provider or customer perspective of biochar, not reflectingon demand for quality requirements in different utilization areas and markets.The need for validation of the environmental and the economic performanceof biochar has to be established, and the economic perspective of biochar hasmajor knowledge gaps since previous studies are scarce. The study aims to establish the value-chain of biochar by evaluating theenvironmental, economic, and social perspectives through life cycle thinking.The core of the study is to distinguish value, which first has to reflect thebiochar quality requirements from providers and customers, captured throughinterviews and literature research. The quality requirements enable a goal forproducing biochar and determine what processes and biomass are needed fordifferent markets. This is evaluated through a case development which considersthe different quality requirements. Life cycle assessment (LCA) with acradle-to-grave perspective and life cycle costing (LCC) with a cradle-to-gatewere then used to distinguish biochar´s environmental and economic performance. The interviews and researched literature resulted in three cases being developed,biochar application in electric arc furnaces in steel production, agriculturalapplication, and commercial application through biochar-macadam. Thesteel industry has higher quality requirements due to the need to have a similarcomposition as fossil coal, resulting in biochar produced from wood being theonly option. The limitations for agricultural application are more related tothe allowed amount of phosphorus per ha and thus all the researched biocharapplies to different degrees. Biochar application in biochar-macadam is similarto agricultural application, however limited due to the EBC certification notallowing the production of biochar from sludge. The generated results from the LCA show that the climate performance isvastly different depending on what biomass was utilized and the different markets.Biochar produced from park and garden, and wood results in a higher climateperformance due to the higher carbon sequestration compared to biocharproduced from straw and sludge, however depending on how the biocharis utilized, the performance varies. During biochar application in electric arcfurnaces, the majority of the produced carbon sink is destroyed which resultsin worse climate performance, instead the majority of the reduced emissionscomes from the substituted fossil coal. Compared to biochar application inagricultural and biochar-macadam where the carbon sink stays intact, steel applicationstill has worse climate performance even when including substitution.Biochar-macadam production results in more emissions compared to agriculturalapplication due to the need to mix biochar with stones and compost,thus biochar in agriculture is the best option from a climate perspective. The economic aspects are generated through the conducted LCC which resulted inbiochar produced from park and garden, and sludge being more beneficial dueto the absence of acquisition costs. Production of biochar from wood provesto be difficult when considering a larger time frame, with the market for steelproduction not returning the investment. Biochar produced from straw hasa positive return on investment when considering the agriculture market, butnot for the production of biochar-macadam. The results show that the marketof biochar is very uncertain due to being considered immature and a futuremarket. The major uncertainty is connected with the immaturity of the market.The quality requirements are not reflected in the market pricing which isone of the major reasons for biochar utilization in the steel industry not beingeconomically beneficial. The value chain of biochar is a combination of many different economic,environmental, and social values. The conducted LCA shows that there areclimate benefits due to carbon sequestration, and a possibility to replace fossilreferences. Other than biochar there are also by-products such as heat and oilwhich can be utilized, improving the climate performance further. The multipleproducts also have economic benefits due to the potential of creating multipleproducts. The carbon sink can be sold as carbon credits, and the heat can beutilized in district heating. For providers, the creation of biochar is an enablerto reduce environmental impact, utilize products already within the system,and create value from waste. The structure of biochar generates a lot of valuefor customers. The porosity enables water storing capabilities which increasesthe efficiency of watering. This reduced the amount needed for soil applications,while also securing the harvest from drought and flooding. Even though thevalue chain of biochar shows that there is a lot of potential, it is still uncertainhow it will be integrated into society, and how the market will be shaped in theyears to come.
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Impact of Different e-Fuels Types on Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Emissions and CO2 Life Cycle AnalysisGuzmán Mendoza, María Gabriela 07 March 2024 (has links)
[ES] Los combustibles bajos en carbono (LCF) se evalúan como un sustituto adecuado de los combustibles pesados fósiles actuales para un motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión (CI ICE) en términos de rendimiento del motor, emisiones contaminantes e impacto ambiental. Los combustibles se evalúan de acuerdo con su factibilidad para sustituir los combustibles actuales del mercado con las alternativas LCF. A través de estudios directos y calibración optimizada específica del combustible, se aprovechan las características de bajas emisiones de los LCF para lograr menos emisiones contaminantes sin sacrificar la eficiencia del motor. La calibración se logra mediante la realización de un diseño de experimentos (DOE) a partir del cual se obtienen modelos para cada combustible, para posteriormente optimizar para bajas emisiones de NOx-hollín. Por último, se compara el impacto tanto de la calibración drop-in como de la calibración optimizada en un análisis de ciclo de vida (LCA) que tiene en cuenta la huella de CO2, así como otras categorías de impacto como la acidificación terrestre, la formación de partículas, el consumo de agua y la formación de ozono.
En general, se encontró que los LCF probados pueden ser reemplazos adecuados para los CI ICE tanto en las calibraciones directas como en las optimizadas (aunque con algunas consideraciones de hardware), donde se puede alcanzar un rendimiento del motor similar a las líneas de base diésel actuales con importantes reducciones de contaminantes como NOx y hollín. Y adicionalmente, se comprobó que la proporción de renovabilidad del combustible es altamente beneficiosa para la reducción del impacto ambiental del combustible, donde los combustibles completamente renovables (como el LCD100 probado) podrían tener huellas de CO2 por kilómetro similares a las de los vehículos eléctricos en Europa, asumiendo que las materias primas y la energía para la producción de combustible provienen de fuentes renovables. / [CA] Els combustibles baixos en carboni (LCF) s'avaluen com un reemplaçament adequat dels combustibles pesats fòssils actuals per a un motor de combustió interna d'encesa per compressió (CI ICE) en termes de rendiment del motor, emissions contaminants i impacte ambiental. Els combustibles s'avaluen segons la seva viabilitat per substituir els combustibles actuals del mercat per les alternatives LCF. Mitjançant estudis d'abandonament i calibratge optimitzat específic del combustible, s'exploten les característiques de baixes emissions dels LCF per aconseguir emissions menys contaminants sense sacrificar l'eficiència del motor. El calibratge s'aconsegueix mitjançant la realització d'un disseny d'experiments (DOE) a partir del qual s'obtenen models per a cada combustible, per posteriorment optimitzar per a baixes emissions de NOx-sutge. Finalment, es compara l'impacte tant de la caiguda com del calibratge optimitzat en una anàlisi de cicle de vida (LCA) que considera la petjada de CO2, així com altres categories d'impacte com l'acidificació terrestre, la formació de partícules en suspensió, el consum d'aigua i la formació d'ozó.
En general, es va trobar que els LCF provats poden ser reemplaçaments adequats per als CI ICE tant en les calibracions d'entrada com optimitzades (encara que amb algunes consideracions de maquinari), on es pot assolir un rendiment del motor similar a les línies de base dièsel actuals amb reduccions importants de contaminants com el NOx i el sutge. I addicionalment, es va comprovar que la proporció de renovable del combustible és altament beneficiosa per a la reducció de l'impacte ambiental del combustible, on els combustibles completament renovables (com el provat LCD100) podrien tenir petjades de CO2 per quilòmetre similars a les dels vehicles elèctrics a Europa, assumint que les matèries primeres i l'energia per a la producció de combustible provenen de fonts renovables. / [EN] Low carbon fuels (LCFs) are evaluated as a suitable replacement for current fossil heavy fuels for a compression ignition internal combustion engine (CI ICE) in terms of engine performance, pollutant emissions and environmental impact. The fuels are evaluated according to their feasibility to substitute current market fuels with the LCF alternatives. Through drop-in studies and fuel-specific optimized calibration, the low emission characteristics of the LCFs to achieve fewer polluting emissions without sacrificing the engine efficiency are exploited. The calibration is achieved by the realization of a design of experiments (DOE) from which models are obtained for each fuel, to be later optimized for low NOx-soot emissions. Finally, the impact of both the drop-in and optimized calibration are compared in a life cycle analysis (LCA) that considers the CO2 footprint, as well as other impact categories such as terrestrial acidification, particulate matter formation, water consumption and ozone formation.
Overall, it was found that the tested LCFs can be suitable replacements for CI ICEs in both the drop-in and optimized calibrations (albeit with some hardware considerations), where engine performance similar to current diesel baselines can be reached with important reductions in pollutants like NOx and soot. And additionally, it was verified that the renewability proportion of the fuel is highly beneficial to the reduction of the environmental impact of the fuel, where completely renewable fuels (like the tested LCD100) could have CO2 footprints by kilometer similar to those of electric vehicles in Europe, assuming that raw materials and energy for the fuel production come from renewable sources. / This doctoral thesis has been partially supported by the Conselleria d'Innovació,
Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana through the
predoctoral contract (ACIF/2021/200). / Guzmán Mendoza, MG. (2024). Impact of Different e-Fuels Types on Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Emissions and CO2 Life Cycle Analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203090
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Undersökning om implementering av återvunna ullfibrer i mattgarn : En jämförande studie om kvalitetens påverkan av återvunnen ull i mattor / Investigation of implementation of recycled wool fibers in carpet yarnOgbekene, Edith, Bergelin, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Ull är en populär fiber och förekommer ofta i mattproduktion. Med hjälp av livscykelanalyser visar ullen vara en av de fibrerna som ligger i toppen av de material som har högst koldioxidutsläpp. Dock finns det en problematik vid beräkning av miljöpåverkan inom ullproduktionen som kan bidra till ett orättvist resultat. Trots det kvarstår faktumet att det finns förbättringar inom ullproduktionen samt att det är viktigt att ta vara på den ullen som annars skulle gått till förbränning. I samarbete med mattföretaget Rugvista undersöker denna studie hur implementering av 60% återvunna fibrer i mattgarn påverkar kvalitén med en målsätting att få in ull i ett cirkulärt flöde. Genom att undersöka detta spanns ett garn med 60% återvunnen ull och 40% konventionell ull på en E-spinner. Syftet var att garnet skulle nå upp de krav som Rugvista ställer på deras garn. Båda garnerna handvävdes därefter i en tvåskaftsbindning med ett inslagsripsutseende och i samma struktur för de skulle kunna bli jämförda med varandra under samma förutsättningar. Garnerna gick därefter igenom ett dragprovstest och de vävda proverna utsattes för ett modifierad martindaletest. Utifrån dragprovstestet påvisade de tillverkade garnet att de krävdes högre kraft för att nå brottspunkten, då majoriteten av protoypgarnerna klarade en kraft på 3500 cN, vilket var max kraften för Rugvistas garn. Dock gick det att se en större variation på brottpunkten till skillnad från Rugvistas garn som var mer enhetligt i deras resultat. I det modifierade martindaletestet gjordes en visuell bedömning på det vävda proverna efter dem hade blivit utsatta för 15 000 varv. Där påvisades referensmaterialet ett bättre resultat då den bevarade sitt utgångs utseende medan prototypen fick noppbildning redan efter 3000 varv samt släppte ifrån sig betydligt mer fibrer. Slutsatsen av studien blev att utifrån testningen visade prototypen att den inte möter den kvalitén som Rugvista ställer på sina mattor. Utmaningen är den korta fiberlängden hos de återvunna ullfibrerna som lätt lossnar från garnet. Studien visar även att de möjligt att tillverka ett tillräckligt starkt garn för att väva mattor i men att det krävs ytterligare forskning för att produktanpassa det till garnets förutsättningar. / Wool is an admired fiber and is frequently utilized in carpet production. According to life cycle analyses (LCA), wool shows to be one of the fibers that ranks highest in carbon dioxide emissions. However, there are challenges when calculating the environmental impact of wool production that contributes to an unfair result. This does not negate the reality that there are some areas within the wool life cycle that needs enhancement, especially when it comes to the utilization of wool that would otherwise have gone to incineration. This study, conducted in collaboration with the carpet company Rugvista, examines how 60% recycled wool fibers in carpet yarn affects the quality with the aim of getting wool into a circular economy. By investigating this, a yarn with 60% recycled wool and 40% conventional wool was spun on an E-spinner. The objective was to produce a yarn that meets Rugvista's quality standards. Both yarns were later handwoven in a weft-faced plainweave structure to allow for a fair comparison. The yarns underwent a tensile strength test, and the woven samples were subjected to a modified Martindale abrasion test. The results from the tensile test, showed that the manufactured yarns required a higher force to reach the breaking point, as the majority of the prototype yarns could withstand a force of 3500 cN, which was the maximum force for Rugvista's yarns. However, the breaking points of the manufactured yarns had a greater variation, unlike Rugvista's yarn, which demonstrated a more consistent result. In the modified Martindale test, visual assessments of the woven samples were conducted after 15 000 cycles. The reference material, Rugvista’s material, retained its original appearance, while the prototype developed a pilling surface after only 3000 cycles and released a remarkable amount of more fibers. The study concluded that the prototype did not meet Rugvista's quality standards for carpets. The primary challenge is the short fiber length of the recycled wool, which tends to detach from the yarn. While the study demonstrates the possibility of producing sufficiently strong yarn for carpet weaving, further research is necessary to optimize the product according to the yarn's characteristics.
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trends and factors, such as the increased level of globalization, climate
change, resource scarcity, and awareness of social and environmental
responsibilities, as well as fiercer competition and lower profit margins in
all industries, force organizations to act to retain, regain, or sustain their
competitive advantages for long-term survival. These trends and factors are
historically known to bring about innovations that drive the evolution of
industries. Sustainability is considered to be such an innovation to achieve
fiscally sound, environmentally conscious, and socially progressive
organizations and supply chains. Sustainable Development and Sustainability
notions are among trending topics of 21st century. Elevated sustainability
concerns of various stakeholders have been forcing members of all industries to
evolve into their more environmentally and socially responsible versions. This
study was initiated through a comprehensive literature review phase that
reviewed 477 articles published in five major databases from 1990 to 2018. The
purpose of this review was to assess the current state-of-the art on the
subject of lean-driven sustainability. Based on descriptive and contextual analysis,
synergies, divergences, and the extent of two-way permeability of lean and
sustainability concepts from the perspective of intra- and inter-organizational
operations were identified along with future research opportunities.
Fundamental strengths and weaknesses of both concepts, existing strong
synergies and untapped potential, along with their key contributors, the
potential-use cases of lean tools to derive sustainable solutions are
highlighted in this review. Next, based on the findings of systematic
literature review, an innovative, holistic, versatile and scalable tool was
developed to assess and benchmark sustainability performance of organizations
and supply chains. The proposed framework was established upon trivet structure
of Triple Bottom Line philosophy and fueled by Lean, Six-Sigma and Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) methodologies for accurate and effective measurement of sustainability
performance. Completeness of the framework was ensured through development of
first-generation Key Performance Indicator (KPI) pool with 33 indicators, a
unique work environment assessment mechanism for safety and environmental
protection issues in terms of 11 risk categories and by construction of an
ownership structure for ease of framework deployment. Proposed framework is
expected to help with true sustainability performance improvement and
benchmarking objectives at a range of business levels from facility to sectoral
operations. Upon completion of the development phase, the Sustainability
Benchmarking Tool (SBT) Framework was validated at the facility level within
the context of value-added wood products manufacturing. Strengths and
weaknesses of the system were identified within the scope of Bronze Frontier
maturity level of the framework and tackled through a six-step analytical and
quantitative reasoning methodology. The secondary objective of the validation
phase was to document how value-added wood products industries can take
advantage of natural properties of wood to become frontiers of sustainability innovation.
In the end, True Sustainability performance of the target facility was improved
by 2.37 base points, while economic and environmental performance was increased
from being a system weakness to achieving an acceptable index score benchmark
of 8.41 and system strength level of 9.31, respectively. Social sustainability
score increased by 2.02 base points as a function of better gender bias ratio.
The financial performance of the system improved from a 33% loss to 46.23%
profit in the post-improvement state. Reductions in CO<sub>2</sub> emissions
(55.16%), energy consumption (50.31%), solid waste generation (72.03%),
non-value-added-time (89.30%) and cost performance (64.77%) were other
significant achievements of the study. In the end, SBT Framework was successfully
validated at the facility level and target facility evolved into its leaner,
cleaner and more responsible version of itself. Furthermore, manufacturing
industries of all sorts are key stakeholders, which rely on universities to
satisfy the demand for competent workforce. Society also expects universities
to educate youth and contribute to their self-development by achieving both,
scientific and intellectual knowledge saturation. To expand the contribution of
the study to the body of knowledge in the fields of Sustainability and Modern
Management techniques, an undergraduate level course curriculum that integrates
modern management techniques and sustainability concepts with wood products
industry dynamics was developed. Students’ pre- and post-education awareness of,
and familiarity with sustainability, potential consequences of ignored
sustainability issues, modern management techniques, global trends, innovation
waves, and industry evolution were compared through a seventeen-question
survey. Results showed that course content was successful at increasing
sustainability awareness at both overall and individual sustainability pillar
levels, At the end, 100% of students were able to develop complete
understanding of various modern management techniques and stated that they felt
confident to apply learnt skills to real life issues within their profession
upon graduation. Overall, this study empirically documented how synergies
between Lean, Sustainability, Six-Sigma and Life Cycle Assessment concepts
outweigh their divergences, demonstrated viability of SBT Framework and
presented a proven example of modern management techniques powered
transdisciplinary sustainability curriculum.</a>
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Materials and thermal storage systems by sensible heat for thermodynamic electro-solar plants / Matériaux et systèmes de stockage thermique en chaleur sensible pour centrales électro-solaires thermodynamiquesNahhas, Tamar 27 October 2017 (has links)
L'énergie solaire est connue pour sa nature intermittente par rapport aux ressources d’énergie fossile. Cette observation souligne la nécessité d'utilisation d’un système de stockage d'énergie thermique. Le système de stockage thermocline est considéré comme un système de stockage rentable. La présente thèse vise à étudier le potentiel des roches basaltiques et siliceuses comme des candidates matériaux de stockage pour les centrales solaires concentrées. Les études expérimentales des propriétés thermo-physiques et thermomécaniques de ces roches à des températures allant jusqu'à 1000°C montrent que ces roches offrent de bonnes propriétés thermiques par rapport aux matériaux classiques de stockage. L'analyse du système de stockage thermocline sur un lit de roches à air direct est réalisée par une approche numérique. En outre, cette recherche vise également à évaluer l’impact environnementale de ce type de système de stockage en effectuant une analyse comparative de son cycle de vie. Enfin, une étude complémentaire réalisée dans le but de produire une carte d'indice de pertinence a permis d’identifier les zones les plus appropriées pour la construction des centrales solaires en Egypte. L'originalité de cette approche alternative pour le stockage d'énergie thermique est qu’elle combine la performance et la disponibilité des matériaux de stockage tout en réduisant leurs impacts environnementaux et financiers. / Compare to fossil fuel energy resources, solar energy is known for its intermittent nature. This observation highlights the need for the use of a thermal energy storage system. The thermocline storage system is considered as a cost-effective storage system. This thesis aims to study the potential of basalt and silex rocks as candidate storage materials for concentrated solar power plants. Experimental studies of the thermo-physical and thermo-mechanical properties of these rocks at temperatures up to 1000°C show that these rocks offer good thermal properties compared with conventional storage materials. The analysis of the thermocline storage system of air rock-packed bed is carried out using a numerical approach. This research also aims to assess the environmental impact of this type of storage system by conducting a comparative analysis of its life cycle. Finally, a complementary study carried out with the aim of producing a relevance index map made it possible to identify the most suitable areas for the construction of solar power plants in Egypt. The originality of this alternative approach for thermal energy storage is that it combines the performance and availability of storage materials while reducing their environmental and financial impacts.
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