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Speaking of the Self: Theorizing the Dialogical Dimensions of Ethical AgencyWarfield, Bradley S. 01 April 2017 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to fill, in part, three lacunae in contemporary philosophical scholarship: first, the failure to identify the two distinct types of dialogism—psychological and interpersonal—that have been operative in discussions of the dialogical self; second, the lack of acknowledgement of the six most prominent features of interpersonal dialogism; and third, the unwillingness to recognize that interpersonal dialogism is a crucial feature of human ethical agency and identity.
In Chapter One, I explain why dialogism has been relatively neglected—and certainly underappreciated—in contemporary Western philosophy. In Chapter Two, I offer a picture of Mikhail Bakhtin’s conception of dialogism. I explain why and how Bakhtin focuses on the novel in his account of dialogism. I then offer an account of Bakhtin’s claim regarding the dialogism of the ‘inner’ speech of thought. In the second part of Chapter Two, I offer an account of Gadamer’s conception of dialogism. I begin my examination of Gadamer by discussing the event ontology that serves as the metaphysical framework for his account of “play” (Spiel) and dialogue. In doing so, I explain some of the most important ideas in this part of his thought, such as his notion of understanding, tradition, effective history, the fusion of horizons, and the text. I explain what Gadamer means by genuine conversation, or dialogue, and I then describe one of the most important ideas in Gadamer’s thought—his notion of “play.”
In Chapter Three, I give a critical account of the most influential contemporary account of dialogism in psychology, offered by Hubert Hermans et al., specifically in terms of their establishment of dialogical self theory. My examination consists of several parts. First, I discuss the ways they conceptualize the self, temporally and spatially. Second, I offer a description of their account of I-positions within the dialogical self. Third, I examine their claims about the necessary features of the dialogical self, and argue against one of their claims, which says that dominance relations are intrinsic to dialogue. Fourth, I describe their account of the four kinds of relations that can emerge within the self (2010, 121). Fifth, I briefly discuss their view regarding the “[t]hree models of self and identity, associated with different historical phases” (4), that have predominated in Western history. Sixth, I consider their claim that there are “positions” within the self in addition to the “I-positions” noted above. And lastly, I evaluate their account of (what they call) the nine “features of good dialogue” (10).
In Chapter Four, I offer a critical evaluation of the account of dialogue and dialogism developed by Dmitri Nikulin, arguably the leading contemporary philosopher on the subjects. While I address the features of his account that I think are correct, I ultimately argue that it is problematic for three main reasons: first, it fails to recognize the proper relationship between dialogue and agency; second, its elucidation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for dialogue contains conceptual inconsistencies; and third, its conception of the relation between dialogue and personhood has potentially disastrous ethical implications.
In Chapter Five, I show how Heidegger’s notions of Dasein’s “Being-with” (Mitsein), “discourse” (Rede), and “solicitude” (Fursorge) help lay the groundwork for recognizing some important features of dialogism. I do three things in Chapter Six. First, I briefly discuss Charles Taylor’s work on dialogism. Second, I offer my account of the seven most prominent features of dialogism. And third, I argue that dialogism is a crucial feature of ethical agency and identity. To do so, I offer an example of a personal (and social) virtue, namely, empathy, which illustrates the important role dialogism plays in ethical agency.
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Bakhtin speaking: a dialogic approach for teaching the basic public speaking courseBroeckelman, Melissa Ann January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Speech Communication, Theatre, and Dance / LeAnn Brazeal / Though communication and learning theory suggest that human interaction is a
key component that could enhance both processes, little has been done to incorporate
these findings into the basic public speaking course. This study is an attempt to develop
a dialogic approach for teaching the introductory college public speaking course.
Through the incorporation of standardized analytic grading rubrics, instructor feedback
prior to the public speaking performance, peer workshops, and peer evaluations of
performances, a process-centered teaching approach is developed that has the potential to
increase cognitive learning, improve the quality of student speeches, and increase the
consistency between public speaking sections.
After implementing this teaching approach for one semester, the results showed
an increase in cognitive learning but no improvement in the quality of student speeches or
grading consistency. However, a review of other research and the qualitative data
collected in this study suggest that there might be greater impacts than could be seen here
and that this approach needs to be developed and implemented over a longer period of
time for its effects to be fully seen.
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La production de sens des termes populisme et populiste lors de l’élection présidentielle française de 2012, dans les discours politiques et complémentairement dans les discours journalistiques / The production of meaning of the terms populism and populist during the French presidential election of 2012, in political discourses and additionally in journalistic discoursesAbdulsattar, Mudhar 22 October 2015 (has links)
La présente recherche porte sur l'emploi des termes populisme et populiste lors de l'élection présidentielle française de 2012. Cette étude a été réalisée en traitant deux corpus : les discours politiques et complémentairement les discours journalistiques, recouvrant la période d'octobre 2010 à mai 2012. En se positionnant dans le cadre des théories de la sémantique discursive et de la praxématique, nous avons convoqué l'analyse du discours afin d'analyser la production de sens desdits termes.L'objectif étant de comprendre comment les candidats à la présidentielle de 2012 et les commentateurs dans la presse écrite emploient les termes en question dans leurs discours et de déterminer les procédés linguistiques qui interviennent dans ces discours afin de représenter ces termes.Les résultats obtenus illustrent qu'à partir du point de vue de la production de sens, il existe un jeu sur le sémantisme de ces termes : nous les recevons avec une production de sens majoritairement négative, même si certains locuteurs/écrivains essayaient d'injecter le sens positif dans son sens négatif antérieur. / This research focuses on the use of the terms populism and populist during the French presidential election of 2012. This study had carried out by treating two corpuses : political discourses and additionally journalistic discourses, covering the period from October 2010 to May 2012. By positioning in the theories of discursive semantics and of praxématique, we convened the discourse analysis to analyze the production of the meaning of those terms.The goal is to understand how the presidential candidates of 2012 and commentators in the press use the terms in question in their discourses, and to determine the linguistic processes involved in these discourses to represent these terms.The results show that from the point of view of the production of meaning, there is a semantic act on these terms, which we receive mostly with a negative meaning, although some speakers / writers was trying to inject the positive direction in their previous negative meaning.
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A discourse analysis of a personal narrative told by an adolescent boy in a Cape Town children's home.Davids, Galeema January 2009 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Storytelling serves many purposes. People often tell stories as a coping mechanism, as a way of self-representation, and as a means for self-reflection. Through stories, narrators construct identities and gain perspective on events in their lives. This thesis is a discourse analysis of a single narrative told by a young man staying at a children's home in Cape Town. The study explores how life events are presented and evaluated in narrative and analyses the construction of identities. The objectives of the study are threefold. Firstly it aims to explore how the narrator draws on different social discourses in the telling of his narrative. Secondly, it analyses how, through the telling of these events, identities are constructed. Finally, the study assesses how the participant builds evaluation into his narrative. The study’s overall purpose is to gain an understanding of narrative identities. The analysis reveals that Lucas develops three Master Narratives relating to the themes of family, education and drugs. His attitudes towards all three are ambivalent and he weaves competing discourses into his narrative in relation to each. He seeks, through his story, to construct himself as a wise young man who - having experimented with drugs and dropped out of school - makes the decision to redeem himself by going back to school, rejecting drugs, and mending his ties with his family. In this sense, his narrative is like an archetypal Bildungsroman. The study takes a qualitative approach and is situated within the fields of Discourse Analysis, more specifically, narrative analysis. The main theoretical influences in the study include Tannen (1989/2007; 2008) and Labov (1972). The analysis of this study focuses on identifying the Master Narratives that shape Lucas's story as well as the discourses and competing ideologies which support these Master Narratives. / South Africa
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Dib lecteur de Dante, de Nerval et de Faulkner : l'écriture dibienne et son rapport au modèle / Dib lector of Dante, Nerval and Faulkner : the dibienne writing and its relation to the modelBambrik, Lineda 28 January 2016 (has links)
Mohammed Dib est une figure importante de la littérature algérienne de langue française; d’une stature incomparable et inégale, il appartient au courant réaliste de la première génération d’auteurs maghrébins engagés, qui renouvelle son écriture après l’indépendance de l’Algérie. L’objet du présent travail, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du comparatisme, est d’étudier le rapport du texte dibien au modèle, en mettant en place des axes qui permettent de comparer des phénomènes d’écritures appartenant à des époques et des cultures différentes, et ce en confrontant l’écriture dibienne dans son roman Cours sur la rive sauvage et son recueil de nouvelles Le Talisman, avec La Divine Comédie de Dante, Aurélia de Gérard de Nerval et Treize histoires de Faulkner. La lecture plurielle, que nous avons appliquée au corpus, nous a permis d'approcher de manière plus directe l’univers romanesque de Mohammed Dib. La prise en compte de relation intertextuelle constitue pour nous l’outil d’analyse, permettant ainsi une réflexion sur le texte, placé dans une double perspective: relationnelle et transformationnelle précisant les enjeux d’une œuvre polyphonique.Cette étude nous a permis d’analyser les mécanismes par lesquels se traduisent les relations d’influence et de motifs littéraires, en suivant une certaine chronologie: d’abord,par rapport à Faulkner, un des écrivains américains les plus célèbres, ses oeuvres portentun intérêt particulier pour la Terre- Mère, thématique récurrente qui constitue la matrice de l’imaginaire faulknérien. Ensuite par rapport à Nerval, considéré comme l’un des plus importants romanciers du courant romantique français, du XIXème siècle. Enfin, en s’inspirant de Nerval, Dib perpétue une tradition en rapport avec la poétique de Dante, dans sa Divine Comédie, et reprend l’idée que l’écriture est un voyage initiatique. / Mohammed Dib is a special case in the French-language Algerian literature; it is the realists of the first generation of North African writers who renews his writing after the independence of Algeria. The purpose of this work that is part of the comparative report is to study the text to the model by setting up the axes that compare the phenomena of writings belonging to different eras and cultures, and by confronting the dibienne writing in his novel Course on wild shore and his short story collection The Talisman with The Divine Comedy of Dante, Gérard de Nerval Aurelia and Thirteen stories of Faulkner. The plural reading that we have applied to the corpus allowed us to approach more directly the fictional universe of Mohammed Dib. The inclusion of intertextual relationship provides us with the analysis tool, enabling reflection on the text, placed in a double perspective: relational and transformational as well as the challenges of a polyphonic work. This study allowed us to analyze the mechanisms by which the result of influence relations and literary motifs follow a certain timeline. First, compared to Faulkner, one of the most famous American writers ; its working with a particular interest for the earth- mother, the southern United States of America and the history of his country, which is the recurring theme of Faulkner's imaginary matrix. Then over Nerval, considered one of the most important novelists of the French Romantic movement of the nineteenth century. Inspired by Nerval, Dib continues a tradition related to the poetics of Dante, in his Divine Comedy, and takes up the idea that writing is a journey.
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Etude des éléments dialogiques présents dans les processus de conceptualisation lors des discussions à visée philosophique en cycle 3 de l'école élémentaire. / Study of the present dialogical elements in the processes of conceptualization during the discussions with philosophic aim in cycle 3 of the elementary school.Roine, Philippe 14 November 2016 (has links)
Depuis plus de deux décennies, un nombre croissant de nouvelles pratiques philosophiques ont émergé au sein de l’école primaire. Ces pratiques, venues à la fois des États-Unis et « des pédagogiques nouvelles », se sont longtemps développées en dehors du cadre institutionnel.Mais, depuis 2015, elles sont préconisées par les programmes officiels de l’Éducation Nationale sous le nom de « Discussion à Visée Philosophique ».L’objectif de notre recherche est de caractériser le processus de conceptualisation présent dans les discours des élèves de 9 à 11 ans lorsqu’ils sont en séance de « Discussion à Visée Philosophique ».Dans ce cadre, nous avons interrogé plus particulièrement la place et le rôle des « Discours Autres » dans ce processus.Pour y parvenir, nous avons utilisé, au sein du vaste champ du dialogisme, le cadre théorique de la « Représentation du Discours Autre » et de l’« Auto-Représentation du Discours en train de se faire » d’Authier-Revuz. Mais nous avons aussi porté notre regard sur les formes de modalisation du discours et le conditionnel.Nous avons ainsi montré la présence de ces « Discours Autres » au sein des mouvements discursifs qui participent du processus de conceptualisation et l’importance des processus d’autonymisation et de la modalisation autonymique. Nous avons aussi montré « les effets de détachement » présents dans certains énoncés.Notre étude a ainsi permis de caractériser davantage les processus de conceptualisation présents au sein des « Discussions à Visée Philosophique » du point de vue discursif. / For over two decades, a growing number of new philosophical practices have emerged in the primary schools. These practices which originated in both the United States and the “new pedagogies”, have for a long time been developed outside the institutional framework.However, since 2015, there have been recommended by the official programmes of the National Education System known as “the discussion with philosophical aim”.The object of our research aims to characterize the processes of conceptualization present in the discourses of children aged 9 to 11 during the “discussion with philosophical aim”.In this context, we examined more specifically the place and role of the “other speech” within this process.To achieve this, we used, within the vast range of dialogism, the theoretical framework of the “Representation of another speech” and the “Representation of the speech in process of making” from Authier-Revuz. We also focused on the differents forms of modalisation of the discourse and the conditional tense.We have established the presence of these “other speeches” in the discursive movements who participate in the processes of conceptualization and the importance of the processes of autonymisation and autonymous modalisation. We have also shown the “disconnect effect” present in certain statements.Our study thus helped to futher characterize the processes of conceptualization present in “the discussion with philosophical aim”.
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Smashing potatoes – challenging student agency as utterancesLanas, M. (Maija) 06 December 2011 (has links)
The research investigates how student agency is inscribed as challenging or as misbehaviour in schools. The purpose is to open up and enable alternative ways of interpreting student agency. The empirical part of the research is based on reflexive ethnography and narrative methodology. The data is comprised of narrative and thematic interviews conducted during a period of 3 years (2006–2009), and 4 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the autumn of 2008.
The context for analyzing the meanings inscribed in student agency is a northern Finnish village school. In the villagers’ narrations, the research villages were presented as centres of the people’s lives, dynamic even in their quietude, and life in the villages was presented as an active choice. These stories challenge the national representations that tend to derive from the discourse of social exclusion. These societal discourses ‘other’ the life in northern villages and direct children, through education, concretely, socio-culturally, and emotionally away from their villages towards southern cities.
Based on the fieldwork and applying Mihail Bakhtin’s dialogism and interactionist approach to emotions, I find that the meanings inscribed in student agency are determined dialogically. The meanings and emotions with which student agency is inscribed in a particular situation is, thereby, not determined by the students but come from the broader social, cultural, and political contexts, and the histories of those involved in the dialogue. Thereby, for instance “bad behaviour” cannot be improved simply by targeting the student or by changing student behaviour. This derives from the fact that any action, for example smashing potatoes, can end up carrying historical, political, social, and cultural meanings, and thus, any action can become inscribed as contesting behaviour.
I conclude that contesting behaviour of a student does not cause as much as it performs challenging emotions that derive from broader societal, sociocultural, and political contexts. Thereby the problem is not that challenging emotions take place in school but the illusion that they should not. If challenging emotions in school are imagined to indicate failure, it is assumed that they must be excluded rather than endured and managed. / Tiivistelmä
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessa, miten oppilaan toiminta saa merkityksen haastavana tai huonona käytöksenä koulussa. Tavoitteenani on avata ja mahdollistaa vaihtoehtoisten merkitysten näkeminen oppilaan toiminnalle. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa nojautuu refleksiiviseen etnografiseen ja narratiiviseen metodologiaan, ja aineistona on käytetty haastatteluaineistoa 3 vuoden ajalta (2006–2009) sekä hieman yli neljän kuukauden mittaista kouluetnografiaa syksyllä 2008.
Oppilaan toimijuuden tarkastelun kontekstina on pohjoinen pienkylän koulu. Kyläläisten omissa kertomuksissa kylät näyttäytyvät hiljetessäänkin dynaamisina elämän keskuksina, ja eläminen kylissä aktiivisena valintana. Nämä kertomukset haastavat valtakunnalliset representaatiot, jotka rakentuvat usein syrjäytymispuheelle. Syrjäytymispuhe toiseuttaa elämää pohjoisissa pienkylissä ja ohjaa koulutuksen kautta lapsia konkreettisesti, kulttuurisesti ja kokemuksellisesti pois kylästään, kohti etelää ja kaupunkeja.
Mihail Bakhtinin dialogismia soveltaen ja kenttätyöhön pohjautuen totean, että oppilaan toiminnan saamat merkitykset ja siihen liittyvät tunteet määrittyvät dialogisesti. Toiminnan saamat merkitykset ja siihen liitetyt tunteet eivät siis ole oppilaan omassa hallinnassa vaan tulevat laajemmasta sosiaalisesta, poliittisesta, kulttuurisesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta kehyksestä sekä dialogin osapuolten erillisistä ja yhteisestä historiasta. Näin ollen, esimerkiksi ”huonoa käytöstä” ei voida parantaa yksinkertaisesti kohdistamalla toimenpiteitä oppilaaseen tai tämän käytökseen. Tämä johtuu siitä, että lähes mikä hyvänsä toiminta, tutkimuksessa muun muassa perunan soseuttaminen, voi päätyä kantamaan historiallisia, poliittisia, sosiaalisia ja kulttuurisia merkityksiä ja tulla siten merkityksi haastavaksi käytökseksi.
Tutkimuksessa totean, että oppilaan haastava toiminta ei niinkään aiheuta vaan pikemminkin performoi haastavia tunteita, jotka juontuvat laajemmista yhteiskunnallisista, sosiokulttuurisista ja poliittisista konteksteista. Tällöin ongelma ei ole haastavien tunteiden esiintyminen koulussa vaan luulo, että niitä ei pitäisi esiintyä koulussa. Jos haastavat tunteet erehdytään koulussa kuvittelemaan jonkin tai jonkun epäonnistumiseksi, ne yritetään sulkea pois sen sijana että ne kestettäisiin ja käsiteltäisiin.
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Le Futur et le Conditionnel : valeur en langue et effets de sens en discours. Analyse contrastive espagnol / français / Future and conditional tenses : meaning in language and usages in speech. A contrastive analysis in Spanish and FrenchAzzopardi, Sophie 28 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse se donne pour objectif de mettre en évidence le fonctionnement des différents effets de sens produits en discours par le futur et le conditionnel à partir d’une valeur en langue unique de chacun de ces temps, dans une perspective contrastive entre l’espagnol et le français. La première partie interroge les notions de temporalité, d’aspectualité et de modalité, ainsi que les théories énonciatives qui sous-tendent toute recherche sur le temps verbal pour déterminer les cadres théoriques dans lesquels s’inscrit cette analyse et définir la valeur en langue du futur et celle du conditionnel sur lesquelles on s’appuie. Dans une seconde partie, on se propose de mettre en évidence le mécanisme d’actualisation de cette valeur aspectuo-temporelle dans la production de différents effets de sens de ces deux temps dont le fonctionnement est similaire en espagnol et en français. La troisième partie est consacrée quant à elle à l’analyse d’un fonctionnement différent dans les deux langues étudiées : l’effet de sens conjectural. / The purpose of this work is to show the various usages of future and conditionnal tenses in speech connected with the meaning in language of each tense. This is a contrastive approach between Spanish and French. In the first part, we explore the notions of temporality, aspectuality and modality. The enunciative theories that underlie every research on verbal tense are questionned too in order to define the theorical frameworks and the meaning of each analyzed tense. In the second part, we point out the actualization process of the aspectuo-temporal meaning of each tense that produces various usages in speech which works in a similar way in Spanish and French. In the third and last part, we focus on the analysis of a diferent functioning between these two languages : the conjectural usage.
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Aspectos dialógicos da composição musical Pontos de PartidaEnrique Gras, Germán January 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa estuda o processo composicional sob um enfoque dialógico, tendo como exemplificação minhas próprias composições. No intuito de entender em que se fundam as decisões tomadas por este compositor, no Capítulo 1 é proposta uma aplicação do conjunto de conceitos relacionados àquele de dialogismo proposto por Bakhtin na composição, uma vez que tais conceitos tratam da relação entre a orientação dos diferentes participantes na comunicação discursiva. Através dos capítulos 2 e 3 são abordados diferentes casos referentes às peças escritas durante o doutoramento, em que as diferentes situações dialógicas foram percebidas. Já nas considerações finais, é destacado que o aspecto dialógico que se evidencia ao longo de toda a prática musical, em todas suas demissões (ensaios, apresentações e apreciações e valorações, por exemplo) sustenta e orienta as decisões composicionais, pelo menos em parte. Finalmente, arrisca-se propor que, em seu o aspecto dialógico, a composição pode ser entendida como uma proposição fundada nos valores de uma pessoa, que no acontecer musical, dialoga com os valores de outras. Ou seja, é como uma constante de propostas e respostas entre as posições emocional e volitiva dos participantes do acontecer musical. / This research studies my own compositional process in a dialogic approach. In order to understand on what are based the decisions made by the composer, in Chapter 1 an application on composition of a set of concepts related to Bakhtin’s dialogism are proposed, since such concepts deal with the relationship between the orientation of different participants in discursive communication. Through the chapters 2 and 3 different cases relating to pieces written during my PhD, in which different dialogical situations were perceived are discussed. Already in the final considerations, it is highlighted that the dialogical aspect that are evidenced throughout the musical practice, in all its dimensions (rehearsals, presentations, appreciations and valorizations, for example) supports and guides the compositional decisions, at least in part. Finally, some risk are taken by proposing that, in a dialogical aspect, the composition could be understood as a proposition founded on the values of a person, that dialogues with the values of others in the musical-occurrence. In other words, it is like a constant of proposals and responses between the emotional and volitional positions of the participants of musical-occurrence.
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"Faço-me das tuas nas nossas palavras" : a escrita de textos no ensino de História / "I echo myself from your in our words" : writing texts in History teachingPereira, Marcemino Bernardo, 1966- 11 November 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Corinta Maria Grisolia Geraldi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T10:03:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Pereira_MarceminoBernardo_D.pdf: 1386509 bytes, checksum: d6e08f220a78daf2f661d91907acda94 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Essa é uma investigação narrativa em primeira pessoa contando as experiências de um professor de História do Ensino Fundamental, com foco no ensino/aprendizagem por meio da escrita de textos. Enquanto contava a sua história, o professor pode perceber e entender o quanto os seus próprios registros de aula se encontravam articulados àquela modalidade de ensino. Nesse sentido, é também uma narrativa sobre a escrita de professor na formação docente. A reconstrução das condições enunciativas de produção dos textos dos alunos aqui analisados considerou essa articulação e revelou o quanto a aula que acontece na perspectiva dialógica, sob os cuidados da escuta, pode permitir a emergência de singularidades e promover relações de princípios porque lastreadas por ações responsivas e responsáveis. Essa perspectiva implica também reconhecer a relação professor/aluno e ensino/aprendizagem para além das posições fixas, mas enquanto relação de alteridade, onde nos fazemos uns aos outros na linguagem. Por conta desses movimentos de deslocamento dados pelo outro em nós, essa investigação encontra suporte teórico e metodológico principalmente nos estudo de M. Bakhtin e W. Benjamin. As lições dessa pesquisa, entendidas como aquilo que se aprende das histórias narradas, decorrem principalmente do entendimento de que os textos escritos pelos alunos são, nessas condições enunciativas descritas, textos de história / Abstract: This is a narrative research in first person telling the experiences of a History teacher of an Elementary School, focusing on teaching / learning process through writing texts. While telling his story, the teacher could realize and understand how his own learning logs were articulated to that type of education. Therefore, it is also a narrative about the teaching writing in teacher education. The reconstruction of enunciative condition of production of students texts, analyzed here, considered this articulation and it revealed how the class, which happens through a dialogical perspective, under listening care, can allow the emergence of singularities and promote principle relations because are backed by responsive and responsible actions. This perspective also implies to recognize the teacher / student relation and teaching / learning process beyond fixed positions, but as the relationship of alterity, where we make each other in language. Due to these traversing movements given by the other in us, this research is supported theoretically and methodologically mainly based on the studies of M. Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin. The lessons of this research, understood as what you learn from the stories narrated, mainly result from the understanding that the texts written by the students are, under those enunciative conditions described, history texts / Doutorado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Doutora em Educação
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