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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”George Floyd och hans kriminella bakgrund…?” : En mixed methods-analys om hur George Floyd och ”vi och dem” representeras samt konstrueras i Twitter-kommentarer / "George Floyd och hans kriminella bakgrund…?” : A mixed methods analysis of how George Floyd and ”us and them” are represented and constructed in Twitter comments

Salomonsson, Herman, Harrysson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the user comments left on Twitter posts surrounding the murder of George Floyd, by the two biggest evening papers in Sweden. George Floyd was killed on the 25th of May 2020 during an arrest by Minneapolis police, which sparked outrage across the globe. People took to the streets to protest against police brutality and racial injustice, but thorough discussion also took place on social media and most notably, Twitter. Former research expresses a big interest in studying the public discourse tied to these topics, as it reflects public opinion. This study uses a mixed methods analysis, which includes a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The material studied are comments left on Aftonbladet- and Expressen’s Twitter posts from the day George Floyd was killed until a week after the police officer who was responsible was found guilty, almost a full year later. The purpose with this study was to deduce how the comments represented George Floyd, and how “Us” and “Them” were constructed. The study also aimed to find out which deliberative or non-deliberative qualities appear in the comments, and which of them generated the most attention. This was achieved with the theoretical basis of Critical Race Theory, Deliberative Democracy and Othering.The results show that George Floyd is mainly represented as a criminal, and that the comments constructed a strict “Us” and an even stricter “The Others”. The comments contained many non-deliberative qualities, and these were the ones who gained the most traction.

Skolans demokratiska uppdrag

Mattisson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
I denna tolkande studie undersöks samhällskunskapslärares förståelse och tolkning av skolans demokratiska uppdrag på gymnasieskolan. Styrdokumenten såsom skollag, läroplaner och kursplaner i samhällskunskap ålägger skolan ett demokratiskt uppdrag, men beskriver inte hur detta ska omsättas i praktiken. Genom abduktion som metodologisk utgångspunkt analyseras ett empiriskt material, som utgörs av kvalitativa intervjuer angående tolkningar hur detta uppdrag kan omsättas. Detta material och skolans styrdokument sammanvävs i en analys med demokratiteori och tidigare forskning. Analysen och resultatet tyder på att de fem intervjuade samhällskunskapslärarna har en tendens att tolka demokrati i en skolkontext och värdegrundarbete i termer av organisationsproblematik. I analysen av lärarens och undervisningens roll i det demokratiska uppdraget, visar resultatet att lärarna ser med konsensus på förmedlad demokrati, men ger förankrad demokrati en mer splittrad betydelse, för att tillsist en dikotomi ska uppstå i tolkningarna av demokratiska arbetsformer. Studiens slutsatser visar på att integrativa demokratiideal ger en rad verktyg såsom samtal och demokratiskt deltagande, för att demokratiska färdigheter ska kunna utvecklas hos eleverna. Den samtalsdemokratiska demokratiteorin visade sig vara ändamålsenlig för att eleverna i undervisningssituation ska kunna utveckla demokratisk kompetens. Utbildning om demokrati på ett teoretiskt plan uppfyller inte ensam ett demokratiuppdrag, medan utbildning genom demokrati kan påbörja den process som gör elever till demokratiska medborgare. Dialog, öppet klassrumsklimat, demokratiska strukturer och arbetsformer är fler verktyg som kan uppfylla skolans demokratiska uppdrag i en undervisningskontext.

Den heliga Anden och vi har beslutat : En kvalitativ studie av konsensusmetoder i Equmeniakyrkans kyrkokonferens / ”It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” : A qualitative study of the decision making methods in the annual conference of the Uniting Church in Sweden

Lillskog, Kim January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the consensus decision making methods that are used at the annual conference of the Uniting Church in Sweden. The methods are analysed through the experiences of people that have attended the conference. Seven participants in the annual conference have been interviewed, and their expressed experiences have then been viewed through Anthony Giddens’ structuration theory, the theory of Jane Mansbridge et. al. regarding developments to the concept of deliberative democracy and through Paul Fiddes and his thoughts on finding the mind of Christ. The study concludes that the decision making methods has so far been well received and applied towards their objectives, though there is room for improvement.

Delibertiv demokrati i 'soft space planning' : En fallstudie om informella samarbetsnätverk på kommunal nivå

Svensson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Studien utforskar hur ideal från den deliberativa demokratiteorin speglas i ett svenskt planeringsfall som går att definiera som ett informellt samarbetsnätverk, eller ’soft space in planning’. Syftet med arbetet är att delge en ökad kunskap kring den problematik som kan uppstå när aktörer å ena sidan vill effektivisera planeringsformerna men å andra sidan också måste säkerställa att de demokratiska grunderna vidhålls. Arbetet utgår ifrån deltagandet i och observerandet utav ett exploateringsprojekt i en svensk kommun där kommunen tillsammans med en byggaktör och arkitekt inlett en process utanför den lagstadgade planprocessen för att komma fram till en gemensam vision. Observationerna kompletteras med en intervjustudie där en informant från respektive aktör intervjuats. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet att en av grundprinciperna för processen var att skapa en arena för öppen diskussion angående de värden som önskades inkorporeras i platsens utformning. Under processens gång fanns det moment som upprätthöll de deliberativa idealen genom att tillåta alla aktörers representanter en plats i samtalet. Däremot innehöll processen också moment som kunde uppfattas som utmanande för några deltagare vilket riskerade att hämma deras åsiktsutryckande. Sammantaget gav deltagarna en positiv bild av processens genomförande och utfall även om den i vissa aspekter lämnade lite att önska gällande de deliberativa idealens säkerställande. Detta till trots argumenterar arbetet att utfallet kan anses stå på demokratiska grunder även om inte alla deliberativa ideal uppfyllts fullständigt. / The study explores how ideals from deliberative democracy theory are reflected in a Swedish planning case that can be defined as an informal cooperation network, or ‘soft space in planning’. The purpose of the work is to share increased knowledge about the problems that may arise when actors on the one hand want to streamline planning methods, but on the other hand also must maintain the democratic foundations. The work is based on participation in and observation of a development project in a Swedish municipality where the municipality, together with a developer and architect, initiated a process outside the statutory planning process to arrive at a common vision. The observations are supplemented by an interview study in which an informant from each actor was interviewed. In summary, the results showed that one of the basic principles of the process was to create an arena for open discussion regarding the values that were desired to be incorporated into the design of the site. During the process, there were moments that maintained the deliberative ideals by allowing everyone a place in the conversation. However, the process also contained elements that could be perceived as challenging for some participants, which risked inhibiting their expression of opinion. Overall, the participants gave a positive picture of the process's implementation and outcome, even though it left a little to be desired in confirming some aspects of the deliberative ideals. Despite this, the study argues that the outcome can be considered to be on democratic grounds even if not all deliberative ideals were fulfilled completely.

Samtal, klassrumsklimat och elevers delaktighet : överväganden kring en deliberativ didaktik

Larsson, Kent January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study learning through deliberative dialogue, the social climate of the classroom, and certain aspects of student participation in civic education in upper secondary schools, as well as aspects of deliberative didactics. It takes its theoretical point of departure in John Dewey’s texts on democracy and education. An additional perspective on the social and moral aspects of democratic life is provided by Axel Honneth’s studies on disrespect and a morality of recognition. An empirical study is presented in which students and teachers were interviewed in focus groups about their opinions and experiences, on the basis of the aim of the dissertation and the research questions addressed. The analysis reveals a potential to learn civics thorough dialogue and discussion. A dialogue with deliberative qualities is characterized as one with a clearly defined purpose and relevant knowledge content. In the course of such a dialogue, the participants apply and develop certain abilities, some of which are identified in the study. Regarding the social climate in the classroom, especially during learning through dialogue and discussion, several difficulties and problematic situations were mentioned in the focus group interviews. These were problems related to “disturbing silence” and “troubling speech”. Honneth’s theory of moral recognition is in such situations seen as a basis for teachers’ professional reflections and for deliberative dialogues involving teacher and students. Concerning student participation and the civic education classroom as a form of democratic community and a public sphere, both students and teachers interviewed spoke of a balancing act between many different interests, some of which are discussed with a focus on the formation of interests. Other aspects studied are how a sense of community can be created and how the private and individualistic meet the public and common in civic education. It is concluded that the civic education classroom, considered as a public sphere, can be an arena for deliberation and thus develop a sense of community and a deliberative competence for use in a wider citizenship perspective. In the final chapter it is concluded that deliberative didactics can be seen as a didactic dimension of reflexive cooperation. It is characterized as a reflexive approach whereby the teacher invites the students to deliberate on issues of subject content, ways of working, the social climate of the classroom, and different aspects of participation and common interests. It is also argued that the practical cooperation – the actions and their consequences – following from intersubjective speech are as important as the dialogue itself.

Mot ett kommunikativt och deltagande Europa? : En idéanalys av åtgärder för att stärka demokratin i EU / Towards a communicative and participatory Europe? : An analysis of ideas in proposals for strengthening the democracy in the European Union.

Dahlander, Kristian January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this inquiry is to investigate which ideals of democracy that three proposals for strengtening the democracy in the European Union consists of and to judge if the desired effects of the proposals are reachable. The method that is used is an analysis of ideas and contents. Theories that are used are deliberative and particiapatory ideals of democracy. The theories are used to investigate if the ideas in the proposals correspond to the ideals of deliberative and participatory democracy. The major result is that the proposals fail to fulfil the ideas of the theories. The reason is that the proposals are lacking ideas of how to make the citizens more aware and active in politics. The point of departure in the proposals is that the European Union will be more democratic if the people are brought in to the politics, but they do not suggest how people should form opinions through communication and become conscious and competent in political issues through participation. It is also likely that the effects of the proposals not are reachable to all the citizens. Only the ones who have an interest in communicating and participating in European politics will be gained by the proposals.

The Legitimacy of the EU : Different approaches of how to treat legitimacy within the EU

Källberg, Ellen January 2007 (has links)
The nation state has over time become the natural locus for democracy and consequently also legitimate governance. Both concepts have been developed within the nation state and are therefore considered closely connected to it. Nation states are, however, not the only actor on the international arena anymore. The European integration is an example of a new actor, where nation states have started collaborating. Similar to nation states, EU has decision-making authorities and must therefore attain legitimacy. The thesis questions how legitimacy can be treated within an entity such as the EU. Three different ways of attaining legitimacy are brought up. The first perceives EU as legitimate in its current design with an intergovernmental part and a regulatory part. The intergovernmental part is claimed to be legitimised through democracy from the member states, and the regulatory part is legitimised through non-majoritarian democracy. Non-majoritarian democracy implies decision-making by independent institutions, which relies on expertise and fairness. The second part emphasises the need to enhance democracy for the EU to become legitimate. The EU is considered too similar to a nation state to make do with lesser standards of legitimacy than a liberal democratic nation state. Deliberative democracy could bring legitimacy through creating a dimension where citizens become oriented towards what can be perceived or acknowledged as the “common good” through active participation in deliberative processes. Federalism is brought up as another alternative that would possibly permit for democracy to be practiced in the EU. Legitimacy is claimed to be achieved through sustaining values such as mutual respect, reciprocity, compromise and toleration, values that are connected to a commitment to working for the “common good”. The purpose of this essay is to describe different aspects on the concept “legitimacy” in the EU context and to show how it is achieved and/or how it can possibly be achieved in a future union of nation states. The purpose is not to arrive at a solution, or even to construe a common ground, but to construe a limited insight on how “legitimacy” in the EU can be treated according to theorists/theories. / Nationalsstaten har kommit att bli den naturliga platsen för demokrati och legitimt styre. En trolig förklaring till detta är att båda koncepten har utvecklats inom nationsstaten och anses därför vara starkt sammankopplade med den. Nationalsstater är dock inte längre den enda aktören på den internationella arenan. Den Europeiska integrationen är ett exempel på en ny företeelse, ett forum/sammanhang där nationalsstater har börjat sammarbeta. Som med nationsstater har EU beslutsfattande befogenheter och måste därför uppnå legitimitet. Uppsatsen ifrågasätter hur legitimitet kan behandlas inom en enhet såsom EU. Tre olika sätt att uppnå legitimitet tas upp. Det första uppfattar EU som legitimt i sitt nuvarande utförande med en mellanstatlig del och en reglerande. Den mellanstatliga delen skulle kunna legitimeras genom medlemsstaternas demokrati, och den reglerande delen legitimeras genom ”icke-majoritets demokrati”. ”Icke majoritets demokrati” innebär beslutsfattande av självständiga instutitioner, som förlitar sig på experter och rättvisa som värdegrund. Den andra delen framhåller behovet av att öka demokrati för att ska bli EU legitimt. Enligt detta synsätt är EU alltför likt en nationsstat för att klara sig med en lägre standard av legitimitet än en liberaldemokratisk nationsstat. Deliberativ demokrati skulle kunna bringa legitimitet genom att tillföra en dimension där medborgare, genom aktivt deltagain i deliberativa processer, blir orienterade mot lösningar som uppfattas och erkänns som ”allmänt goda”. Federalism tas upp som ytterligare ett alternativ. Legitimitet anses kunna uppnås genom upprätthållandet av värden såsom gemensam respekt, ömsesidighet, kompromisser and tålamod. Värden som är kopplade till åtagandet att sträva mot ”det allmäna goda”. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva olika aspekter av legitimitetsbegreppet i EU och att visa på hur legitimitet uppnås eller kan uppnås i en framtida union av nationalstater. Uppsatsen gör varken anspråk på att tillhandahålla klara lösningar eller ens att föreslå en gemensam bas av möjliga sådana, men att erbjuda läsaren en begränsad insikt i hur legitimitet behandlas utifrån några teoretiska perspektiv, och av några teoretiker.

Medborgardialog : Ett demokratiexperiment i Örebro kommun

Pettersson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
Abstract In the beginning of 2007 the Swedish municipality Örebro decided to have a democratic experiment, which ought to go under the name, “Dialouge for the citizens”. The representative elected politicians in Örebro tried to find ways to involve the people in the process of ruling. Why they choose to try this experiment on this very delicate matter, the closure of several schools in the municipal, is one of the questions this essay is trying to answer. The purpose of this essay is to find out whether the process was an attempt for the politicians of the representative democracy to implement deliberative democracy in the structure of the local governance. The result of this study is that the politicians didn’t manage to reach to the citizens the way they formerly had planned.

Politiskt deltagande genom spåkliga och multimodala resurser

Magnusson, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie söker interdisciplinär förstå­else för hur normativa ramar i politiska samråd upprätthålls och förhandlas interaktionellt. Detta görs genom att tillämpa språkvetenskapliga metoder på statsvetenskapliga och sociologiska teorier. Normer för deltagande i deliberativa samtal (såsom medborgardialoger och samrådsmöten) har beskri­vits som problematiska då de diskriminerar vissa grupper medan andra grupper privilegieras. Dessa problem har dock beskrivits som svåråtkomliga då det rör sig om underförstådda norm­processer. Genom 24 timmar videoinspelningar av naturligt förekommande interaktion, från fem mötestyper undersöker denna studie normer för deltagande från ett etnometodologiskt per­spek­tiv. Med metoden conversation analysis visar studien hur normer relevantgörs verbalt och multimodalt av samtalsdeltagare i sammanhang där en intresseorganisation möter kom­mun­representanter för att utöva politisk påverkan. Analysen sker genom tre analysenheter: (1) begäran och tilldelning av ordet, (2) bevakning av talarutrymmet och (3) samtalsdeltagarnas pragmatiska och institutionella förväntningar på inspel under samtalets gång. Studiens resultat uppvisar orienteringar som vittnar om normativa ramar som utgör både resurser och hinder i interaktionen för mötesdeltagarna. Studien vittnar om att verksamheten deltagande demokrati gynnar erfarna politiska samtalsdeltagare som genom att åberopa institutionaliteten i sammanträdena ser till att göra sig hörda. Detta stärker det kritiker menar med att deliberativa normer privilegierar grupper med deliberativt kapital. Studien pekar på vinster med en interaktionell ansats och föreslår att empirisk forskning om deliberativa samtal bör använda sig av mer detaljerade analysenheter än vad man oftast tidigare gjort, för att på så vis uppmärksamma och bemöta exkluderande normativa ramar för den deliberativa demo­kratin.

Den kritiska Messengergenerationen : En studie om politiska diskussioner i sociala medier samt skolans roll i att forma kritiskt tänkande individer

Eriksson, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to explore how social media can be used as a forum to discuss politics and also how young people use critical reflection to evaluate the information available on social media. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative research is used. The empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with six high school students who voted in the Swedish parliamentary elections in/of 2014. The empirical data were then analyzed based on previous research on social media, and the school's mission to foster individuals who think critically. The analysis is also based on the theory of deliberative democracy model. The study shows that social media can be used as a platform for political discussions but it is in a large extent characterized by mudslinging between the sides for and against the various political elements. The survey also shows that the interviewed students do not understand the implications of source criticism. Instead they use critical thinking to determine what is a good or a bad source. The study shows that the deliberative democracy model cannot be applied to social media in its present form, but should be seen as an ideal image of how a deliberative democracy should work.

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