Spelling suggestions: "subject:"difficulties."" "subject:"ifficulties.""
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Influences on Teachers' Decision-Making when Working with Students who have Difficulty Learning to ReadPettet, Traci H 08 1900 (has links)
Research shows that having an excellent reading teacher in the classroom is key to preventing reading difficulties. However, teachers often feel unprepared to work with students experiencing reading difficulties. This can be problematic in a school that uses a multi-tiered system of support for students in which the classroom teacher is responsible for core instruction and early reading interventions. This qualitative study examined the influences on elementary teachers' instructional and assessment decisions when teaching reading to students who are experiencing reading difficulties. Data were collected through both survey and interviews and were analyzed using thematic analysis. Five themes were identified that suggest teachers' literacy instructional decisions are influenced by administrators, their knowledge of reading instruction, professional development, their beliefs about using data for instruction, and collaboration. Findings from this study provide evidence that teacher decisions are more heavily influenced by forces when teachers lack a deep understanding of their students or of effective literacy instruction. When this happens, teachers' efficacy is also affected, which research shows can affect student outcomes. Teacher decision-making is supported through professional development on effective literacy instruction and use of data for planning. Teacher efficacy improves with opportunities to work with and learn from colleagues and from having administrators who work alongside them when making literacy decisions. Recommendations for administrators, teacher educators, and teachers are included as well as suggestions for future research.
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Patienters upplevelser av att använda tolk inom hälso- och sjukvårdenAbdi Ismail, Ifrah, Zewdie Vedberg, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Migrationen har ökat markant det senaste decenniet. Detta leder till svårigheter att tillämpa vård på lika villkor för patienter som inte har sitt modersmål i landet de befinner sig i. Detta kräver att en tredje part som är tolk blir involverad för att underlätta kommunikationen mellan vårdgivare och patient. Syftet: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser vid användning av tolk i kommunikation med hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar. Datainsamling genomförd i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Tolv utvalda artiklar har kvalitetsgranskats utifrån SBU:s kvalitetsgranskningsmall (2012). Resultat: Patienters upplevelser av tolkanvändning inom hälso- och sjukvården var varierande. Resultatanalysen redogörs i fem kategorier; Jämlik vård, oro för missförstånd och bristande tillit, informella tolkar, professionalism hos tolken, tillfredsställelse med telefontolk/videotolk respektive fysisk närvaro. Slutsats: Tillgången till auktoriserade tolkar upplevdes avgörande för att få en jämlik vård. Däremot upplevde deltagarna att det uppstod brist på auktoriserade tolkar samt information om tillgången till auktoriserade tolkar. Patienterna beskrev positiva såväl som negativa aspekter av tolkanvändning. Den negativa upplevelsen gentemot den auktoriserad tolken beskrevs som att det förekom dialektskillnader som ledde till missförstånd, bristande tillit över tolkens översättningsförmåga samt tolkens sätt att vara objektiv och neutral i sitt uppdrag. Detta resulterade i att patienterna valde att använda informella tolkar bland annat familjemedlemmar som saknade medicinska språkkunskaper. Vilket i sin tur ledde till svårigheter att uppnå patientdelaktighet och personcentrerad vård. Nyckelord Tolk, patienters upplevelser, migranter, kommunikationssvårigheter, hälso- och sjukvård. / Introduction: Migration has increased significantly in recent decades. This leads to difficulties in applying care on equal terms to patients who don’t have their mother tongue in the country in which they are located, which requires the involvement of a third party who is an interpreter to facilitate communication between healthcare professionals and patients. Aim: the purpose is to investigate patients' experiences of using an interpreter in communication in health care. Method: A general literature study based on scientific qualitative articles. Data collection was performed in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Twelve selected quality articles were reviewed based on the SBU quality review template (2012). Results: Patients' experiences of interpreter use in health care vary. The results analysis is presented in five categories; Equal care, Concerns about misunderstandings and lack of trust, non-formal interpreters, professionalism of the interpreter, Satisfaction with telephone interpreter / video interpreter and physical presence. Conclusion: The availability of authorized interpreters was perceived as crucial in order to receive equal care. However, the participants felt that there was a shortage of authorized interpreters and information about the availability of authorized interpreters. Patients described positive as well as negative aspects of interpreting. The negative experience towards the authorized interpreter was described as that there were dialect differences that led to misunderstandings, lack of trust in the interpreter's translation ability and the interpreter's way of being objective and neutral in his assignment. This resulted in patients choosing to use informal interpreters, including family members who lacked medical language skills. Which in turn led to difficulties in achieving patient participation and person-centered care. Keywords Interpreters, patients' experiences, migrants, communication difficulties, health care.
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Svårigheter i telefonrådgivning : En systematisk litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheterLundberg, Anita, Smedberg, Jeanette January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Sjuksköterskor har arbetat med telefonrådgivning över 50 år. Tanken var att minska antalet besök till läkare samt öka tillgängligheten genom att uppringare redan i början av sjukdomsprocessen slussas till rätt vårdnivå. Sjuksköterskor som sitter i telefonrådgivning skall kunna göra adekvata och riktiga omvårdnadsbedömningar utifrån uppringarens individuella hälsoproblem. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av svårigheter i telefonrådgivning. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie utifrån Polit och Becks niostegmodell. Studien baseras på åtta artiklar från CINAHL och PubMed. Sju kvalitativa och en mixad artikel mellan januari 2010 till januari 2020 inkluderas. Artiklarna analyserades genom Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor möter svårigheter i telefonrådgivning, belysta i tre kategorier: kommunikation, utsatthet och organisation. Slutsatser: Sjuksköterskor hade svårigheter i telefonrådgivning, vilka bör underlättas genom utbildning i kommunikationsfärdigheter, utveckling av beslutstöd, stöd från kollegor och tid för återhämtning.
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Exploring the Educational Context Surrounding the School Attendance Problems of Children Seeking Mental Health ServicesKlan, Amy 05 October 2020 (has links)
School attendance problems experienced by children are a concern across Canadian educational systems. Higher rates of attendance issues exist among children who experience emotional and behavioural difficulties, which places them at heightened risk for poor educational outcomes. Frequently explored in educational research are variables related to school attendance problems among the general child population, however, a shortage of literature exists that explores these elements among children with emotional and behavioral difficulties. To address this void, this mixed-methods study explored child and educational elements that surrounded the school attendance problems of a sample of children receiving mental health services at a community clinic. Together, analyses of data gathered from the CANS, SDQ, and client files indicated that dynamic and reciprocal relationships existed among children’s emotional, behavioural, social, and academic difficulties which contributed to their attendance and overall educational experiences. These results corroborate existing research related to school attendance problems, however, provide unique insights into the profiles of this particular population and how their needs can be better met to promote more positive school experiences.
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Matematiksvårigheter och läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Hänger det ihop?Thander, Lina January 2020 (has links)
This study is a quantitative study that has examined 29 students in grade 8 who have not received a pass grade in mathematics. The focus of this study is in two areas: first, which mathematical abilities do the students have the greatest difficulties in, and second, on the relationship between mathematics difficulties and reading and writing difficulties. Mathematical abilities have been studied using knowledge matrices from the national tests in mathematics. Reading and writing difficulties has been investigated using test results from diagnostic material in the area. The results show that conceptual and problem-solving skills are the most difficult abilities in which previous research also indicates. Procedural ability is the ability where most students show competency, which also is consistent with previous research. The study indicates that there are links between mathematics difficulties and reading and writing difficulties, although it is not possible to show strong correlations in this small study.
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Les aidants dits naturels / Family caregiversRieucau, Audrey 13 November 2013 (has links)
Introduction : Ces dernières années, les auteurs se sont attachés à créer une théorie générale de la problématique de la relation d’aide afin de mettre en évidence l’importance de la place occupée par les familles auprès du sujet âgé souffrant de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Il peut toutefois être intéressant de replacer l’aidant dans sa singularité de sujet affecté par d’autres questionnements que ceux relatifs à l’aide, afin de déterminer les facteurs influençant son vécu. Problématique : Dans quelle mesure la personnalité, les représentations du vieillissement, le lien de parenté et la qualité des relations passées vont influencer le vécu du rôle d’aidant principal d’un parent ou conjoint âgé en perte d’autonomie psychique, que ce dernier réside à domicile ou en institution ? Objectifs : Dans un premier temps, ce travail a pour objectif, d’établir les relations entre les différentes dimensions du vécu de l’aidant familial (difficultés, satisfactions et stratégies). Il se propose ensuite d’étudier l’influence sur ce vécu du lien de parenté et de l’entrée en institution d’une part, et de la personnalité (modèle en Cinq dimensions) et des représentations de la vieillesse d’autre part. Méthodologie : Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une étude auprès de 113 participants, dont 80 enfants et 33 conjoints. La première moitié accompagnait un proche à son domicile, la seconde en institution. Dans une première partie de l’étude, les participants ont rempli un questionnaire sociodémographique accompagné d’échelles évaluant la qualité des relations passées (QRASA), le fardeau (ZBI), les difficultés (CADI), satisfactions ressenties (CASI) et stratégies utilisées (CAMI) dans la relation d’aide, la personnalité (NEO PI-R) et la dépression (BDI). Dans un second temps, dix-sept participants ont été vus en entretien semi-directif afin d’appréhender qualitativement leur expérience d’aidant, les relations qu’ils entretiennent avec la personne accompagnée ainsi que leurs représentations de la vieillesse. Résultats : Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les difficultés, satisfactions ressenties et stratégies utilisées dans la relation d’aide sont liées entre elles, créant un équilibre nécessaire pour que l’aidant familial puisse investir son rôle. Cet équilibre est influencé aussi bien par des facteurs situationnels (lieu de résidence de la personne malade), relationnels (qualité des relations avec la personne accompagnée) que personnels (personnalité et représentations liées au vieillissement). Conclusion : Les implications en termes d’accompagnement et de prévention auprès de cette population sont discutées. / Introduction: Over the past years, authors have proposed a general theory of the caregiving relationship in order to highlight the importance of the place occupied by the families, who have an elderly relative suffering from Alzheimer's disease. However, it may be interesting to consider the caregiver with all his specificities, and as an individual affected by other problems than only the caregiving. We wonder to what extent the personality of a caregiver, the representations of the ageing process, the family relationship and the quality of the past relationships can influence the experience of caregiving. The studied caregivers were children or spouses of a patient losing his psychic autonomy, living at home or in an institution. Methods: We realized a study with 113 subjects (80 children and 33 spouses of an Alzheimer’s patient). Half of the patients were living at home and the other half in an institution. First, all caregivers filled a socio-demographic questionnaire and different clinical scales, assessing: the quality of the passed relationships (QRASA) ; the burden (ZBI) ; the difficulties (CADI ), satisfactions (CASI ) and strategies they used (CAMI) in the caregiving situations ; the personality (NEO PI-R) and the depression (BDI ). Second, 17 subjects have been seen in a semi-structured interview in order to qualitatively assess their experience of the caregiving, the past and present relationship they have with their parent or spouse. Results: The results of this study showed that the difficulties, the satisfactions which are experienced, and the strategies which are used in the caregiving relation are linked together. A balance between these variables is required for the family caregiver to invest his role. This balance is influenced by situational factors (the place where the patient lives), relational factors (the quality of the present and past relationship with the patient) as well as personal factors (personality and representations linked to the ageing process). Conclusion: The implications in terms of support and prevention for this population of caregivers are discussed.
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Difficultés socio-affectives dans l’anorexie mentale : impact sur la sévérité du trouble et comparaison avec le syndrome d'Asperger / Socio-affective difficulties in anorexia nervosa : impact on the severity of the disorder and comparison with Asperger's syndromeCourty, Annaïg 23 September 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’impact et la caractérisation des difficultés socio-affectives dans l’anorexie mentale (AM). Les difficultés intéroceptives et introspectives, telles qu’appréhendées par des mesures d’alexithymie, pourraient être liées à la sévérité des tableaux cliniques des AM et impacter non seulement leur état somatique mais également leur fonctionnement interpersonnel. Par ailleurs l’alexithymie et l’évitement social sont des déficits retrouvés dans les troubles du spectre autistique. L’Institut de Psychiatrie de Londres a d’ailleurs proposé un modèle mettant en cause un partage d’endophénotypes entre ces troubles et l’anorexie mentale qui rendrait compte de leur chevauchement phénotypique. Le manque de flexibilité et de cohérence centrale font l’objet d’une littérature grandissante et semblent bien être commun aux deux pathologies. Des difficultés socio-affectives communes sont aussi discutées, mais encore peu étudiées. Un axe de notre travail a été d’étudier les liens entre l’alexithymie, les facteurs cliniques (e.g âge de début, durée d’évolution, nombre de rechutes, évolution de l’état globlal) et l’anxiété sociale en prenant en compte d’éventuels facteurs de confusion mis en cause dans la littérature (état nutritionnel,, affects anxio-dépressifs). Le deuxième axe de notre travail a porté sur la caractérisation du chevauchement existant entre les troubles du spectre autistique et l’anorexie mentale en comparant les profils socio-affectifs d‘anorexiques et de personnes atteintes du syndrome d’Asperger. Pour répondre au premier axe de recherche, nous avons réalisé deux études : une 1ère auprès de 60 patientes ; une 2ème auprès de 213 patients. Les sujets des deux études étaient des patients hospitalisés pour un épisode d’anorexie dans une unité spécialisée dans la prise en charge des troubles des conduites alimentaires. La première étude a porté sur une population homogène d’adolescentes anorexiques, malades depuis moins de 3 ans et toutes hospitalisées dans le même centre parisien. La participation à la deuxième étude a été proposée à tous les patients âgés de 13 à 65 ans hospitalisés pour un épisode d’anorexie au sein de 11 services spécialisés en France. Pour les deux études, nous avons utilisé les scores à des instruments psychométriques mesurant l’alexithymie (TAS-20 ou BVAQ), la symptomatologie alimentaire (EDI, ou EDE-Q et EAT) et les affects anxio-dépressifs (SCL-90 ou HAD). L’état global des patients, l’anxiété et l’évitement social ont été évalués lors d’entretiens semi-structurés (respectivement Morgan et Russell, LSAS). De ces deux études, il ressort que l’alexithymie semble jouer un rôle péjorant, non seulement sur les symptômes alimentaires, mais également sur l’évitement social. L’impact de l’alexithymie existe au-delà de l’effet de l’état nutritionnel et des affects dysphoriques. Le fonctionnement alexithymique semble par ailleurs influencer négativement l’évolution de l’état clinique des personnes ayant nécessité une hospitalisation pour anorexie mentale dans une unité spécialisée. Pour répondre à notre deuxième axe de recherche, nous avons réalisé une étude psychométrique comparative auprès de 15 personnes présentant un Syndrome d’Asperger, 15 anorexiques et deux groupes de témoins appariés à chaque groupe clinique. Nous avons utilisé des entretiens semi-structurés pour confirmer les diagnostics du Syndrome d’Asperger et d’AM (ADOS et MINI). Les participants ont complété des échelles d’alexithymie (BVAQ), de traits autistiques (AQ), d’empathie (IRI, EQ), de dépression (BDI) ainsi que de symptomatologie alimentaire (EAT). Cette étude comparative montre que les anorexiques se rapprochent des personnes souffrant du Syndrome d’Asperger en ce qui concerne l’alexithymie et certains traits autistiques, notamment cognitifs. (...) / This work concerns the impact and the nature of socio-affective difficulties in Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Interoceptive and introspective difficulties, as apprehended by measures of alexithymia, could be linked to the severity of clinical profiles among AN patients, and have an impact not only on their somatic state but also on their interpersonal functioning.Alongside, alexithymia and social avoidance are deficits that are encountered in disorders in the autistic spectrum. The London Institute of Psychiatry has indeed proposed a model involving shared endophenotypes between these disorders and AN, thus concluding to a phenotype overlap. The lack of flexibility and central coherence among these patients are issues that are being increasingly broached in the literature, and these features do indeed appear common to both pathologies. Socio-affective difficulties are also widely discussed in this respect, but as yet there have been few studies. Our first line of research was the study of the links between alexithymia, clinical factors (such as age at onset, duration of illness, number of relapses, evolution of global state), and social anxiety, taking into account any possible confounders highlighted in the literature (nutritional state, anxious-depressive affects). The second line of research was an exploration of the overlap between disorders in the autism spectrum and AN, by way of a comparison of the socio-affective profiles of AN patients and patients with Asperger's syndrome. To address the first line of research two studies were conducted. The first involved 60 female patients, and the second included 213 male and female patients. The patients in both of these studies were hospitalised for an episode of anorexia in units specialised in the care of eating disorders. The first study explored a homogenous population of anorexic adolescent girls with an illness duration of three years or more, all hospitalised in the same facility in Paris. Participation in the second study was proposed to all patents aged between 13 and 65 years hospitalised for an episode of anorexia across 11 specialised units in France. For both studies the scores used were derived from psychometric measures of alexithymia (TAS-20 or BVAQ), eating disorder symptoms (EDI or EDE-Q and EAT), and anxious-depressive affects (SCL-90 or HAD). Global state, anxiety and social avoidance were assessed in the course of semi-structured interviews (GOAS and LSAS respectively). From these studies it emerged that alexithymia appears to have an aggravating role, not only on eating symptoms, but also on social avoidance. The impact of alexithymia extends beyond that of the nutritional state and dysphoric affects. Alexithymic functioning also appears to have a negative impact on the evolution of clinical state among individuals having required hospitalisation in a unit specialised in AN. To explore the second line of research we performed a comparative psychometric study on 15 individuals presenting Asperger's syndrome, 15 anorexic patients, and two control groups matched to the two clinical groups. Semi-structured interviews were used to confirm the diagnoses of Asperger's Syndrome and AN (ADOS and MINI). The participants completed the scales for alexithymia (BVAQ), autistic traits (AQ), empathy (IRI,EQ), depression (BDI) and eating symptoms (EAT). This comparative study showed that AN subjects exhibited similarities with Asperger subjects for alexithymia and certain autistic traits, in particular cognitive. In contrast, important differences were observed for social skills, with anorexics exhibiting more empathy and greater concern for others that the patients with a disorder in the autism spectrum. From a clinical point of view in the field of the care of AN, this research shows the value of developing new approaches centred on the recognition of emotional states and the improvement of social skills. (...)
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Aspects psychologiques des aides à domicile face à l'accompagnement de personnes âgées atteintes d'une maladie d'Alzheimer ou de personnes âgées présentant des conduites d'alcoolisation / Psychological aspects of social care workers in the accompaniment of the elderly with Alzheimer's disease or the elderly with alcohol misuseMoscato, Alba 20 June 2014 (has links)
Introduction : Peu d'études se sont intéressées aux aides à domicile dans l'accompagnement de la vieillesse et moins encore, dans celui concernant les conduites d'alcoolisation à cet âge. Dans cette thèse s'inscrit dans une approche intégrative incluant une méthodologie quantitative et qualitative. Ainsi, nous étudions les aspects psychologiques de ces aides à domicile tout en les comparant à celles accompagnant la maladie d'Alzheimer.Méthode : 99 aides à domicile recrutées en milieu écologique ont répondu à un questionnaire de données professionnelles de 62 items, une échelle d'estime de soi (EES), un questionnaire de satisfaction de vie professionnelle (ESVP), un inventaire d'épuisement professionnel (MBI) et une échelle évaluant la symptomatologie anxio-dépressive (HADS). Les participantes ont été réparties en deux groupes : celles soulignant des difficultés dans l'accompagnement de la maladie d'Alzheimer (n=63) et celles évoquant des difficultés dans l'accompagnement de conduites d'alcoolisation (n=36). Parmi elles, 18 ont accepté de participer à un entretien de recherche enregistré et analysé à l'aide du logiciel QDA Miner 4.Résultats : Les résultats des dimensions psychologiques sont statistiquement significatifs lorsqu'ils sont associés aux caractéristiques professionnelles. Dans l'accompagnement des conduites d'alcoolisation, lorsqu'elles connaissent le diagnostic de la pathologie, l'épuisement émotionnel est plus élevé et celui-ci est corrélé positivement avec l'humeur dépressive et négativement avec la satisfaction de vie professionnelle. L'accomplissement personnel est corrélé négativement avec la symptomatologie dépressive. La satisfaction de vie professionnelle est corrélée positivement avec la relation de satisfaction avec l'entourage. Dans l'accompagnement de la maladie d'Alzheimer, quand elles ne connaissent pas le diagnostic de la pathologie de la personne âgée, leur épuisement émotionnel est plus élevé et celui-ci est corrélé négativement avec la satisfaction de vie professionnelle et positivement avec la symptomatologie anxio-dépressive.Pour les conduites d'alcoolisation, le discours relatant des difficultés avec la personne âgée a un lien de similarité avec les représentations de la maladie, la progression de la maladie, les relations avec les familles et le sentiment d'impuissance de l'aidante face à la pathologie de l'aidé. Le discours sur les satisfactions a un lien de similarité avec ceux évoquant l'expérience pour accompagner, les représentations et les compétences pour parler de la maladie avec les âgés. Concernant la maladie d'Alzheimer, le discours relatant des difficultés avec la personne âgée a un lien de similarité avec ceux évoquant les représentations et la progression de la maladie, ainsi que les identifications de l'aidante face au vieillissement de l'âgé. Le discours sur les satisfactions a un lien de similarité avec l'expérience pour accompagner et les raisons pour lesquelles elles exercent ce métier. Cette étude permet de mieux appréhender les spécificités psychologiques des aides à domicile française et ouvre ainsi, des perspectives de recherche. Des implications cliniques pourraient voir le jour dans la prévention des aspects psychologiques auprès de cette population. / In France, few studies were interested by care social workers in the accompaniment of old age and less still, in that concerning the alcohol misuse at this age. In this thesis, we study the psychological aspects of these professional all while comparing them with those to support the Alzheimer's disease. 99 social care workers answered a questionnaire of 62 professional data, a scale of self esteem (EES), a questionnaire of job satisfaction (ESVP), an inventory of burnout (MBI) and a scale of anxio-depressive symptomatology (HADS). The professionals were divided into two groups: those with the difficulties in the support of the disease of Alzheimer (n=63) and those with the difficulties with alcohol misuse (n=36). Moreover, 18 of whom were interviewed. In the support of alcohol misuse, significant results show that when they know the diagnosis of pathology, emotional exhaustion is higher and this one is correlated positively with depressive mood and negatively with the job satisfaction. The personal achievement is correlated negatively with depressive mood. The job satisfaction is correlated positively with relatives' relations. In the support of Alzheimer's disease, when they don't know the diagnosis of the pathology, emotional exhaustion is higher and this one is correlated negatively with the job satisfaction and positively with anxio-depressive symptomatology. For the alcohol misuse, the interview of difficulties with the elder is related to similarity with those showing the representations and progression of the disease, the family's relations and the feeling of ineffectiveness for supporting the pathology. The discussion of satisfactions is related to similarity with those evoking the professional experience, the representations and skills to speak with the person about the disease. For Alzheimer's disease, the discussion of difficulties with the elder is related to similarity with those evoking the representations and the progression of the disease ¿ and that ¿ with the identifications of the senior. The discussion of satisfactions is related to similarity with those talking the professional experience and the evocation of the personal reasons to work. This study allows considering the specificities of French social care workers. It opens some research perspectives and could have a clinical implication in prevention of this population.
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The deliberate practice of procedural nursing skills: Effects of block-random sequencing on long-term retentionCerniglia, Andrew J. 04 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Die ontwikkeling van 'n riglyn vir opvoerders vir die bewusmaking van simptome van temporale-en frontalelob-epilepsie by die laerskoolleerder (Afrikaans)De Beer, Christina Elizabeth 23 October 2006 (has links)
The Whole thesis is in Afrikaans: Epilepsy is a phenomenon that can manifest in a variety of ways, which differ mainly in severity, appearance, aetiology, effect and control thereof. In this study a lack of knowledge and education about epilepsy is pointed out as a factor that was neglected over the years. It is of utmost importance to distinguish between three main categories of epilepsy as all three types have a restraining effect that may leave any learner vulnerable. The popular belief about the concept epilepsy until recently did not recognize the type of epilepsy where a disturbance in consciousness or relapse in consciousness only occurred as in the case with elementary partial attacks (temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy). Ignorance about temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy, as well as the fact that the physical symptoms of this type of epilepsy are very subtle in nature, may be the cause why acceptance of this condition has been slow or undervalued. In reality learners with lobe epilepsy are not regarded as disabled and should such a learner not be diagnosed and not receive the correct treatment, he/she will not be able to function optimally. The researcher has made a study of epilepsy as well as the physical, cognitive, emotional, social, self image impact on the learner in family and school context. The impact of epilepsy on the primary school learner was studied from a gestalt point of view. In this study the researcher employed both a quantitative and qualitative research approach. It was therefore fitting to formulate a research question and a hypothesis. The research question formulated for this study is as follows: What is the knowledge basis of teachers regarding learners with lobe epilepsy? The empirical study indicated that the researcher could provide an answer to the research question by way of semi-structured interviews that indicated that the knowledge basis of the teachers was not sufficient to identify learners with this phenomena. The researcher determined through these interviews that teachers experienced a need to extend their knowledge about temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy. The hypothesis formulated for this study is as follows: Should information and clear guidelines regarding the identification of a learner with lobe epilepsy be offered to teachers, the learner with lobe epilepsy would be identified timeously in the school system. The researcher did a pre-test on the knowledge levels on lobe epilepsy among teachers by way of questionnaires. The pre-test was followed by a structured information session after which an after-test was done by way of questionnaires to determine the change in the teachers’ knowledge basis. The empirical study showed that the teachers’ knowledge basis increased due to the information session offered to them. After this study the teachers could identify learners and refer them for diagnosis and treatment as a result of an increased knowledge basis about this phenomena. The study was followed up by guidelines offered to the teachers on identifying the primary school learner with temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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