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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äta bör man annars dör man, en litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans roll vid ätsvårigheter och malnutrition efter stroke

Andersson, Mats, Wasniewski, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Cirka hälften av de patienter som drabbats av stroke kan få svårigheter med att äta. Det kan bero på att de har drabbats av olika funktionsbortfall som är vanligt efter stroke. Svårigheter med att äta kan i sin tur leda till malnutrition, då det uppstår en obalans mellan energi- och näringsomsättning och energi- ochnäringsintag. Syftet med den här studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans omvårdnad bland patienter med stroke relaterat till deras nutrition. Teoretisk referensram för studien vara Dorothea Orems omvårdnadsteori. Den valda metoden var en litteraturstudie som bygger på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskan kunde identifiera ätsvårigheter med hjälp av sväljtest, observation och/eller patientintervju. För att identifiera malnutrition hos patientenanvände sjuksköterskorna olika mätinstrument som kombinerades på olika sätt.Omvårdnadsåtgärder som sjuksköterskan kan vidta vid måltid för att undvika malnutrition var flera olika beroende på patienten. Justeringar i omgivningen under måltid, matning, stöd, modifiering av konsistensen på mat och dryck, gesmå portioner och mellanmål, avsättning av tid, adekvat sittställning och underlättande av sväljning med hjälp av olika sväljtekniker. / Approximately half of those who suffer from stroke can get eating difficulties. It may arise from different disabilities which is common after a stroke. Eating difficulties can also lead to malnutrition because of the imbalance between themetabolism and the nutritional intake. The aim of this study was to illustrate the role of the nurse among patients with stroke related to their nutrition. The theoretical frame of reference for the study was the nursing theory of DorotheaOrem. The chosen method was a literature review which was based on 11 scientific articles. The result shows that the nurse could identify eating difficulties with swallow test, observation and/or patient interview. To identify malnutritionof the patient the nurses used different measuring instrument which were combined in different ways. Interventions that the nurse could use during a meal were several depending on the patient. Adjustments of the surroundings during a meal, feeding, support, modification of the consistency of food and drink, giving small portions and snacks, allocate time, adequate sitting position, making the swallowing easier with different swallowing techniques.

To effectively assist children with autism in their English learning process : Special education teachers’ use of communication strategies

Matti, Miranda January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore some special education teachers’ experiences regarding the use of communication strategies in the subject of English in English medium schools with children with autism. The study is based on the teachers’ own reported lived experiences. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Four special education teachers who have worked for minimum two years with autistic children participated in the study which addresses the following questions: What communication strategies are used by special education teachers to effectively assist children with autism in their English learning process? What challenges arise when working with communication strategies with autistic children? What are the most important things to consider when working with autistic children’s English language use? The results have shown that the communication strategies used to effectively assist children with autism in their English learning process depend entirely on the child, their prior knowledge and interests. However, it has been possible to conclude that visual support is a resource of great importance for children with autism to succeed in expressing their communicative intentions.

Kommunikationen mellan socialarbetare och klient - genom en tolk : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetarnas upplevelser av möten med klienter, där ett gemensamt språk saknas och en tolk är involverad / Communication between social worker and client - through an interpreter : A qualitative study of social workers experiences of meetings with clients where a common language is missing and an interpreter is involved

Dragan, Vlad January 2023 (has links)
Det här arbetet undersöker socialarbetarnas syn på språksvårigheter som de kan möta i relation till klienter, när ett gemensamt språk saknas, och en tolk är involverad. Arbetet undersöker även socialarbetarnas syn på hur en tolk borde vara för att minska potentiella svårigheter. Metoden som har använts är semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra biståndshandläggare. Studiens resultat visar att under vissa omständigheter kan svårigheter uppstå, i form av osäkerhet och oro kring om huruvida budskapet har nått fram till klienten så som det var menad att nå fram, eller om informationen har deformerats när den har passerat genom tolken. Studiens resultat visar att relationsskapandet till klienter blir svårare när kommunikationen sker genom en tolk. Studiens resultat visar även att svårigheterna kan, enligt socialarbetarna, minimeras genom att tolken följer de yrkesetiska reglerna skriva av Kammarkollegiet. / This work examines social workers' approach on language difficulties they may encounter in relation to clients, when a common language is missing, and an interpreter is involved. This work also examines the social workers approach of how an interpreter should work in order to reduce potential difficulties. The method that has been used is semistructured interviews with four social workers. The result of the study shows that under certain circumstances difficulties can arise, in the form of uncertainty and concern about whether the message has reached the client as it was meant to reach, or whether the information has been reshaped when it has passed through the interpreter. The study’s results show that building relationships with clients becomes more difficult when communication takes place through an interpreter. The result of the study also shows that, according to the social workers, the difficulties can be minimized if the interpreter follows the rules of professional ethics, written by the Kammarkollegiet.

Проблемы перевода современной медицинской терминологии с английского языка на русский на основе книги Р. Вотчера и К. Гапта "Понимание безопасности пациента" : магистерская диссертация / Problems of translation of modern medical terminoligy from English to Russian based on the book R. Wachter and K. Gupt "Understanding patient safety"

Филиппова, А. К., Filippova, A. K. January 2022 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассматриваются трудности перевода медицинской терминологии на основе книги Р. Вотчера и К. Гапта «Понимание безопасности пациента». В рамках данной работы проанализированы аббревиатуры, омонимичные аббревиатуры, фразовые глаголы, синонимы и межъязыковые омонимы («ложные друзья переводчика»). / The final qualifying work deals with the difficulties of translating medical terminology based on the book "Understanding Patient Safety" by R. Watcher and K. Gupta. Within the framework of this work, abbreviations, homonymous abbreviations, phrasal verbs, synonyms and interlingual homonyms (“false friends of the translator”) are analyzed.

Klarspråk i beslutsbrev : En receptionsstudie av hur läsare med respektive utan läs- och skrivsvårigheter förstår och upplever två versioner av ett bygglovsbeslut / Plain language in notifications of decisions. : A reception study of how readers with and without reading and writing difficulties understand and perceive two versions of a decision on building permission

Lind, Tanja January 2017 (has links)
This case study uses a reading comprehension test and interviews to investigate how readers with and readers without reading or writing difficulties understand and perceive a decision on building permission in two versions: an original version and a version revised in accordance with the recommendations in a guide to plain language, Klarspråk­stestet för beslut. The aim is to contribute to usage guidance on adjusting texts for people with reading and writing difficulties and to study how comprehension and perception differ between those who have reading and writing difficulties and a control group. The study includes twelve participants, half of them with reading and writing difficulties. The theoretical framework of the study is plain language based on adequate simplifications and explanations for the intended recipient.   The result shows that there were differences between the groups’ mean scores on comprehension questions when they have read the decision in the original form, but there were no longer any differences between the groups when they had read the version in plain language. Just two people answered all the questions on the reading comprehension test correctly. One of the reasons for this may be that decisions on building permission are a type of decision that can be difficult to understand. Revising such decisions in accordance with the recommendations of the Swedish Language Council can facilitate reading comprehension, but does not automatically mean that the content is correctly understood or that the decision is perceived as being sufficiently adapted to the reader’s perspective. The result of the reading perception test shows that most participants were more positively disposed towards the plain language version of the decision. Another result is that there is a tendency for the last text the informants read to be perceived as better. All the informants’ responses to the questions on perception show that they want to find answers to their questions early in the text. The participants with reading and writing difficulties think that the technical terms should be explained in detail, while the informants without reading and writing difficulties think that these words are sufficiently well explained. The viewpoints expressed about the content show that the informants have different reading goals.

Insatser för lästräning i svensk grundskola : Förekomst av och innehåll i lästräningsinsatser för elever med lässvårigheter. / Reading intervention in Swedish compulsory schools : Content and frequency of reading interventions for students in need of reading support.

Sättlin, Anna-Lotta January 2022 (has links)
This essay aims to examine how reading interventions are used  in Swedish elementary schools. The two initial questions examine how many schools that implement reading interventions individually and in small groups with students with reading difficulties and which teaching methods and reading programs that are being used for these interventions. The third question considers which reasons the special needs teachers and special education needs teachers states for choosing  methods and programs for students with reading difficulties.  To answer these questions a survey with special needs teachers and special education needs teachers was completed. The results indicate that 52,1% of the elementary schools in this survey use intensive reading interventions based on phonics. The result also indicates that decoding is the most frequent content in reading interventions and that many different methods and programs are used in reading interventions, both digital and analogue. Finally, there are different reasons for why a program or method has been chosen in the different schools.  The most common cause stated, is that the chosen method has shown good results in the past for students with reading difficulties. Some respondents stated research as a cause for their chosen method, but the majority did not.

Identifying and addressing student difficulties and misconceptions: examples from physics and from materials science and engineering

Rosenblatt, Rebecca J. 20 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Zusammenhänge zwischen problematischer Smartphonenutzung und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, Lebensqualität und Schulleistung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Kliesener, Tobias Marius 05 January 2024 (has links)
Background: European studies on determinants and factors associated with problematic smartphone use (PSU) in children and adolescents are still sparse. This study reports the current amount of PSU symptoms and the presence of (clinically relevant) PSU in German children and adolescents. We also investigated associations between sociodemographic factors, different smartphone usage patterns, and daily smartphone usage time and the amount of PSU symptoms in this group. In addition, associations of PSU symptoms and high smartphone usage times (> 2 h/day) with behavioural problems, quality of life (QoL), and school performance were investigated. Methods: Within the framework of the LIFE Child study, 564 children and adolescents aged 10–18 years provided information on PSU symptoms (using the Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale), daily smartphone usage time, smartphone activities, behavioural strengths and difficulties (using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire), QoL (using the KIDSCREEN-27), and school performance. Multiple regression analyses were applied to assess associations. Results: In the present sample, PSU was present in 13 children (2.3%). Older age, female gender, high daily smartphone usage time of > 2 h, and intensive smartphone use for social networking, gaming, or watching video clips were significantly associated with more PSU symptoms. Children and adolescents reporting more PSU symptoms also showed lower QoL, more behavioural difficulties, and poorer school performance, independently of age, gender, socio-economic status, and daily smartphone usage time. In contrast, daily smartphone usage time per se showed only weak or non-significant associations with these aspects of health and behaviour. Conclusion: Intensive smartphone use for entertainment may increase the risk of developing PSU symptoms. Furthermore, the results indicate that PSU symptoms (more than long smartphone usage times per se) are associated with more behavioural difficulties and poorer QoL

Svårigheter vid anmälan av barn som far illa - En studie utifrån skolkuratorers perspektiv

Johansson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Varje år beräknas runt 100 000 barn fara illa i Sverige. Socialtjänsten har ett ansvar för att barn och unga ska växa upp under goda och trygga förhållanden. För att detta ska vara möjligt är anmälningsskyldigheten ett redskap som innebär att myndigheter som rör barn och unga har en skyldighet att till socialnämnden anmäla när de får misstanke eller kännedom om barn som far illa. Skolkuratorer träffar barn varje dag och har därför en gynnsam position när det gäller att uppmärksamma barn som far illa. Studiens syfte har därför varit att belysa vilka för- och nackdelar samt svårigheter anmälningsskyldigheten kan tänkas medföra gentemot barnet och skolkuratorn utifrån ett skolkuratorsperspektiv. De huvudsakliga frågeställningarna ifrågasätter vilka svårigheter det finns med anmälningsskyldigheten gällande barn som far illa samt hur barnet reagerar vid en anmälan. Studien har grundats på en kvalitativ forskningsansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts. Fyra skolkuratorer har intervjuats och det har ur empirin visat sig att skolkuratorerna främst ser anmälningsskyldigheten som något positivt. Det finns dock svårigheter och nackdelar som skolkuratorerna framfört. Ett ständigt uppkommande faktum har varit att barnet vid anmälan ofta backar och inte berättar sanningen för de inblandade myndigheterna vilket kan resultera i att utredningen läggs ner. Många forskningsavhandlingar belyser när professionella och yrkesverksamma med anmälningsskyldighet väljer att anmäla samt när det räknas som en misstanke. Denna studie kommer därför belysa vilka svårigheter det finns med anmälningsskyldigheten gällande barn som far illa. / Each year around 100 000 children are victims of child abuse in Sweden. In Sweden the social services (Child protection services) have a responsibility to work for children’s right to grow up in safe environment conditions. For this to be possible other authorities and agencies are obliged to report to the social services when they suspect or get award about child abuse. School counselors meet children every day at school and possess a position where they can discover child abuse. The purpose of the study has been to highlight which difficulties and disadvantages that mandatory reporting may arise from the perspective of school counselors. The main issues questioning what difficulties there are with the notification requirement regarding child abuse and how the child reacts to a notification/report. The study was based on a qualitative research approach where semi-structured interviews have been conducted. Four school counselors have been interviewed and the empirical data have found that school counselors primarily see notification/reporting as something positive. However, there are difficulties and disadvantages about reporting to the social services. An ever-emerging fact have been that the child at registration often runs and not telling the truth to the authorities involved, which may result in the investigation is closed.Many research theses highlights the fact that many professionals don’t child abuse and also what they count as a suspicion of child abuse. This study will therefore examine the difficulties, advantages and disadvantages that mandatory reporting may arise from the perspective of school counselors.

Effekten av bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback på bäckenbottendysfunktioner : En litteraturstudie / The effect of pelvic floor muscle training with biofeedback on pelvic floor dysfunctions : A review

Kjellberg, Lydia, Johansson, My January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bäckenbottendysfunktion innebär onormal funktion i bäckenbottenmuskulaturen som orsakas av ökad eller minskad muskeltonus och nedsatt koordination av bäckenbottenmusklerna.  Det innefattar flera olika funktionella problem och delas upp i urologiska, gynekologiska eller kolorektala. Biofeedback är en apparat som kan användas som ett tillägg till vanlig bäckenbottenträning. Den är till för att lära sig använda rätt teknik och kontrollera och identifiera rätt muskler. Man kan använda biofeedback till att träna styrka, uthållighet, koordination samt avslappning. Syfte: Undersöka effekten av bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback på blås- och tarmtömningsbesvär (utöver urin- och fekalinkontinens), livskvalitet och sexuell funktion jämfört med bäckenbottenträning utan biofeedback/sedvanlig behandling/ingen träning alls. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med databaserna PubMed och Web of Science. Studiernas kvalitet granskades med PEDro och resultatets tillförlitlighet granskades enligt Uppsala Universitets Fysioterapeutsprograms bedömningsmall för systematiska översikter.  Resultat: Sju randomiserade kontrollerade studier inkluderades. Alla studier visade signifikant förbättring hos interventionsgrupperna. Fyra studier undersökte tömningssvårigheter, tre undersökte livskvalitet och två studier undersökte sexuell dysfunktion. Fem studier undersökte biverkningar av biofeedback utan fynd. Alla studier hade god kvalitet enligt PEDro, men samtliga visade på mycket låg tillförlitlighet (+) enligt Uppsala Universitets Fysioterapeutsprograms bedömningsmall för systematiska översikter. Konklusion: Det tyder på att bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback har positiv effekter på blås- och tarmtömningssvårigheter, livskvalitet och sexuell funktion hos personer med bäckenbottendysfunktion. Inga fynd av biverkningar av bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback hittades. Studierna hade god kvalitet enligt PEDro och dess sammanvägda resultat hade mycket låg tillförlitlighet (+). Resultatet bör därför tas med försiktighet och fler randomiserade kontrollerade studier behövs för att kunna dra några slutsatser. / Background: Pelvic floor dysfunction means abnormal function of the pelvic floor muscles caused by increased or decreased muscle tone and reduced coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. It includes several different functional problems such as urological, gynecological or colorectal. Biofeedback is a device that can be used as an addition to regular pelvic floor training. It helps people to use the right technique and to control and identify the right muscles. Biofeedback can be used to train strength, endurance, coordination and relaxation. Objective: Investigate the effect of pelvic floor training with biofeedback on bladder- and bowel voiding difficulties (except for urinary- and fecal incontinence), quality of life and sexual function compared to pelvic floor training without biofeedback/usual care/no training. Method: Systematic literature study which used the databases PubMed and Web of Science. The quality of the studies was reviewed using PEDro and the reliability of the results were reviewed according to Uppsala University's Physiotherapy program assessment template for systematic reviews. Results: Seven randomized controlled trials were included in this study. All studies showed significant improvement in the intervention groups. Four studies examined voiding difficulties, three examined quality of life and two studies examined sexual dysfunction. Five studies investigated side effects of biofeedback with no findings. All studies had good quality according to PEDro, however all showed very low reliability (+) according to Uppsala University's Physiotherapy program assessment template for systematic reviews. Conclusion: It indicates that pelvic floor training with biofeedback has positive effects on bladder- and bowel voiding difficulties, quality of life and sexual function in people with pelvic floor dysfunction. There are no findings of side effects of pelvic floor training with biofeedback. The studies were of good quality according to PEDro and their combined results had very low reliability (+). The result should therefore be taken with caution and more randomized controlled trials are needed to reach more reliable conclusions.

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