Spelling suggestions: "subject:"difficulties."" "subject:"ifficulties.""
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Late-life functional capacity and health among Finnish war veterans:Veteran Project 1992 and 2004 surveysLeskinen, R. (Riitta) 16 September 2015 (has links)
Becoming involved in war is an experience that has the potential to shape later-life health. The aim of the present study was to explore Finnish Second World War veterans’ health status and the determinants of self-rated health (SRH) and functional capacity, especially the ability to walk, and to identify risk factors and their combinations that predict late-life mortality among veterans.
The study population comprised Finnish Second World War veterans who participated in the Veteran 1992 and Veteran 2004 Project surveys. In 1992, a postal questionnaire was sent to all 242,720 war veterans living in Finland. The follow-up survey, the Veteran 2004 Project, was conducted with a randomized sample of veterans who participated in the Veteran 1992 Project. The total number of participants in the baseline survey was 177,989 men and 48,745 women, and in the follow-up survey, 4,348 men and 651 women. The response rate was high in both surveys: 93% in 1992 and 87% in 2004. All analyses were conducted separately for men without disability, men with disability and women.
In a cross-sectional study, SRH and functional capacity was found to be better among 80–84-year-old Finnish war veterans in 2004 compared with 1992, although the prevalence of many diseases increased during the follow-up.
Among the 4,999 veterans who participated in both surveys, the majority rated their health as improved or unchanged during the follow-up. Walking difficulties and cardiovascular (CVD), musculoskeletal and neurological diseases were found to be predictors of declined SRH. When exploring functional capacity among veterans, neurological and musculoskeletal diseases, but especially walking difficulties, predicted veterans’ future functional impairment as many as 12 years in advance, and worsening of these conditions was associated with impaired activities of daily living.
During an average 9.9-year follow-up, walking difficulties alone or together with multimorbidity and/or with a third risk factor was the most important risk factor for total and for CVD mortality among all veteran groups.
In conclusion, the majority of veterans rated their SRH as improved or unchanged during the follow-up. The importance of walking difficulties as a determinant of SRH and functional capacity and as a predictor of mortality was confirmed. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida suomalaisten toisen maailmansodan veteraanien terveydentilaa ja tutkia, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat veteraanien itsearvioituun terveyteen ja toimintakykyyn (erityisesti kävelykykyyn) sekä tunnistaa ne riskitekijät ja tekijäyhdistelmät, jotka ennustavat kuolleisuutta.
Tutkimuspopulaationa käytettiin Veteraaniprojekti 1992 ja Veteraaniprojekti 2004 -tutkimuksiin osallistuneita veteraaneja. Vuonna 1992 kysely lähetettiin postitse jokaiselle Suomessa tuolloin asuneelle 242 720 veteraanille. Seurantatutkimukseen valittiin 5 750 veteraanin satunnaisotos vuoden 1992 tutkimukseen osallistuneista. Veteraaniprojekti 1992 -tutkimukseen osallistui 177 989 miestä ja 48 745 naista ja seurantatutkimukseen 4 348 miestä ja 651 naista. Osallistumisprosentti oli 93 % (1992) ja 87 % (2004). Analyysit tehtiin erikseen veteraanimiehille joilla ei ollut invaliditeettia, invalidimiehille ja naisille.
Poikkileikkaustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin 80–84-vuotiaiden veteraanien terveyttä ja toimintakykyä vuosina 1992 ja 2004. Vuonna 2004 veteraanit arvioivat terveytensä ja toimintakykynsä paremmiksi kuin samanikäiset veteraanit vuonna 1992, vaikka monet sairaudet yleistyivät seuranta-aikana.
Suurin osa molempiin kyselyihin vastanneista 4 999 veteraanista arvioi terveytensä joko parantuneen tai pysyneen ennallaan seuranta-aikana. Veteraanien kokemat kävelyvaikeudet, sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, tuki-ja liikuntaelinsairaudet sekä neurologiset sairaudet ennustivat itsearvioidun terveyden heikkenemistä. Sydän- ja verisuonisairauksia lukuun ottamatta edellä mainitut tekijät ennustivat myös toimintakyvyn laskua jopa 12 vuotta etukäteen. Myös kävelykyvyn heikkeneminen ja sairauksien paheneminen seuranta-aikana ennustivat toimintakyvyn laskua.
Kävelyvaikeudet joko yksin tai yhdessä multimorbiditeetin ja/tai jonkin kolmannen riskitekijän kanssa oli tärkein sekä kokonaiskuolleisuutta että sydän- ja verisuonitautikuolleisuutta ennustava tekijä kaikissa veteraaniryhmissä keskimäärin 9,9 vuoden seuranta-aikana.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että enemmistö tutkimukseen osallistuneista veteraaneista arvioi terveytensä joko parantuneen tai pysyneen ennallaan seuranta-aikana. Koetut kävelyvaikeudet ovat erittäin tärkeä itsearvioitua terveyttä, toimintakykyä ja kuolleisuutta ennustava tekijä.
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La lutte contre la délinquance économique et financière dans l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) et dans l'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires en Afrique (OHADA) : état des lieux et perspectives / The Fight against economic and financial criminality in the West African Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU) and in the organization for the harmonization of African business law (OHADA) : current situation and perspectivesDiakhate, Serigne 07 February 2017 (has links)
La délinquance économique et financière, constituée par l'ensemble des activités illégales, qui peuvent être commises de manière individuelle, en entreprise ou bande organisée, a des méthodes d'action différentes de celles des infractions de droit commun. Le plus souvent, elles se commettent par des procédés astucieux (tromperie), ou frauduleux (faux par exemple), par l'exploitation des secrets commerciaux ou des données confidentielles (délits d'initiés), exigeant pour cela des connaissances et un savoir-faire propres au monde des affaires, voire une ingénierie financière, à l'encontre des particuliers, d'entreprises. de l'Etat ou d'organisations internationales. Généralement, leur finalité est la recherche du gain facile, donc de l'argent sale ou noir, fruit d'activités illégales ou criminelles. Cet argent est au centre de la délinquance économique et financière. Il en est le moteur. C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles la lutte contre cette forme de délinquance doit avoir comme principale finalité la saisie des avoirs d'origine criminelle ou délictuelle. A cette fin. nous avons fait dans cette étude, des propositions de réforme dans les codes pénaux et de procédure pénale des Etats appartenant à la sphère UEMOA-OHADA et d'y inclure des dispositions permettant de procéder efficacement à cette saisie. Cette question de saisie des avoirs d'origine illicite montre à quel point il est difficile de lutter contre cette forme de délinquance. Car, aujourd'hui, l'action des Etats, pris individuellement. pour combattre ce fléau, a perdu son efficacité. C'est pourquoi, le traitement de cette délinquance devrait nécessairement passer par une harmonisation du droit pénal des affaires de l'OHADA et une uniformisation du droit pénal économique et financier de l'UEMOA. Cependant. ce combat au niveau communautaire n'est pas sans poser quelques difficultés dans la mesure où les Etats membres de ces deux organisations ne veulent pas se départir, au profit des Institutions communautaires, du pouvoir d'élaborer des sanctions pénales contre les incriminations communautaires applicables sur leur territoire. D'où la nécessité de tenir compte de l'impératif d'harmonisation des règles pénales de sanction contre les violations du droit communautaire, d'un côté, et de l'impératif du respect de la souveraineté des Etats, de l'autre, même si ces deux impératifs sont difficilement conciliables. En tout état de cause, pour rendre efficace la lutte contre ce phénomène criminel, les dispositifs actuels doivent évoluer vers de nouveaux instruments plus adaptés. Ainsi des typologies de mesures relatives au droit pénal de forme et de fond sont elles proposées tant au niveau national et régional. En effet, une lutte envisagée à un seul niveau est d'avance vouée à l'échec. C’est ainsi qu'il faut instaurer un véritable coopération judiciaire dans l'espace UEMOA-OHADA pour une lutte efficace contre la délinquance économique et financière dans cet espace. / Economic and financial criminality, constituted by all illegal activities, which can be committed individually, in companies or organized groups, has different methods of action than those of violation of common law. Most often, they are committed by clever means (trickery), fraudulent (false for example), by the exploitation of trade secrets or confidential data (insider trading), requiring knowledge and know-How of the business world, or even financial engineering against individuals, companies, the State or international organizations. Most often, their finality is the search for easy gain. therefore dirty or black money is the fruit of illegal or criminal activities. This money is at the center of economic and financial crime. It is the driving force behind it. This is one of the reasons why the fight against this form of crime must have as main objective the seizure of assets of criminal origin. In this sense, we have made in these study proposals for reform in the penal codes and criminal proceeding of the States belonging to the WAEMU-OHADA sphere and to include disposal enabling effective seizure. This issue of seizure of assets of illicit origin shows how difficult it is to fight this form of delinquency. Because today, the action of States taken individually to fight this scourge, has lost its effectiveness. Therefore, the treatment of this delinquency should necessarily involve a harmonization of the criminal business law of the OHADA and a standardization of the economic and financial criminal law of WAEMU. However, this battle at Community level is not without some difficulty, to the extent of that the member states of these two organizations do not wish to abandon the power to draw up criminal sanctions against Community incriminations applicable in their territory to the benefit of the community institutions. From where the necessity to take account of the need to harmonize criminal law rules penalties against community law violations. on the one hand and the imperative of respect for State sovereignty on the other, even if these two imperatives are difficult to reconcile. At all events, in order to make efficient the fight against this criminal phenomenon, the current plan of action must evolve towards new and more appropriate instruments. Thus, are typologies of measures relating to criminal law in form and substance proposed at both national and regional level. Indeed, a fight envisaged at a single level is in advance tied to failure. It is thus necessary to establish real judicial cooperation in the WAEMU-OHADA area for an effective fight against economic and financial crime in this area.
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En studie om skrivutveckling med fokus på stavningKarlsson Mollner, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how some teachers in the classes 1, 3 and 6 look on the reasons of difficulties in spelling, how they work with the formal side of writing development with focus on spelling and what they think about information- and communication technology influencing the writing development of pupils. The following questions are answered in the study: How is the teaching in to-day´s school regarding the development of writing and spelling? What can the reasons be why pupils spell badly according to the teachers? How can information- and communication technology influence the writing development of pupils? The study is a qualitative study based on half-structured interviews with six teachers from two schools in the classes 1, 3 and 6. In the survey of literature in my study a summary of earlier research concerning writing development is given. A comparison is made with the produced results in this study. The result shows that the teaching is in keeping with the writing pedagogics which is recommended in literature. The teachers are well aware of the importance of phonology for spelling development but they say nothing about the morphological spelling strategies. The opinions amongst the teachers differ regarding the importance of teaching spelling rules. This study does not verify that the information- and communication technology influences the writing ability of the pupils in a negative way. / Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur några lärare i årskurserna 1, 3 och 6 ser på orsaker till stavningssvårigheter, hur de arbetar med skrivutvecklingens formella sida med fokus på stavningen samt hur de anser att informations- och kommunikationstekniken påverkar elevers skrivutveckling. Följande frågeställningar besvaras i studien: Hur kan undervisningen se ut i dagens skola beträffande skrivutveckling och stavning? Vilka orsaker kan det finnas till att elever har brister i stavningen enligt lärarna? Hur kan informations- och kommunikationstekniken påverka elevers skrivutveckling? Studien är en kvalitativ studie baserad på halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex lärare i årskurserna 1, 3 och 6 fördelade på två skolor. I studiens litteraturgenomgång ges en överblick av tidigare forskning inom skrivutvecklingsområdet. En jämförelse görs med de framkomna resultaten i denna studie. Resultatet visar att den undervisning som lärarna bedriver stämmer väl överens med den skrivpedagogik som förespråkas i litteraturen. Lärarna är väl medvetna om fonologins betydelse för stavningsutvecklingen men nämner inget om de morfologiska stavningsstrategierna. Uppfattningen bland lärarna går isär beträffande vikten av att undervisa i stavningsregler. Denna studie ger inga belägg för att informations- och kommunikationstekniken påverkar elevers skrivförmåga på ett negativt sätt.
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L'apprentissage de l'espagnol à l'école publique au Chili en milieu défavorisé : les difficultés des maîtres face aux transformations curriculaires / The learning of Spanish in the public school of Chile in the poor context. : the difficulties of teachers to curricular changes in the teaching of the Spanish languageEspinoza Sotelo, Paola 02 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche aborde la problématique du changement curriculaire dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol au Chili. Cette transformation du curriculum en 1996 a provoqué une modification dans la dénomination de la discipline scolaire, une nouvelle organisation des contenus, ainsi qu’une nouvelle approche didactique pour l’enseignement. Nous postulons que ces modifications ont occasionné une instabilité dans la manière de percevoir l’enseignement de l’espagnol aujourd’hui. Ainsi, le point de départ de cette recherche est de connaître et d’expliquer comment les différentes transformations curriculaires ont agi chez les enseignants, aussi bien dans la représentation qu’ils se sont construite de la discipline que dans la manière de traiter les contenus. Notre motivation principale était de connaître le point de vue des enseignants d’espagnol du primaire. De ce fait, nous avons interviewé douze enseignants des différents établissements scolaires à Santiago du Chili ; ces établissements avaient comme point commun le fait d’avoir une population scolaire majoritairement défavorisée. Notre intérêt pour la dernière classe du niveau primaire, s’explique par le fait que celle-ci dispense un niveau scolaire qui donne accès à l’enseignement secondaire. Ainsi, dans cette classe, les élèves sont censés avoir acquis un certains nombre de capacités et des compétences nécessaires pour le niveau secondaire. Une de nos hypothèses de départ postule que les élèves des enseignants interviewés n’ont pas acquis les compétences et les capacités de base signalées exigées par le curriculum dans ce niveau scolaire. Nous avons postulé ceci, car les nouveaux contenus et la nouvelle approche didactique de la discipline scolaire, impliquent un enseignement plus sophistiqué, basé notamment sur le développement des compétences que les enseignants ne comprennent pas dans toute sa dimension. / This research addresses the issue of curriculum change in the teaching of Spanish in Chile. This modification in the curriculum in 1996 caused a change of the school discipline’s name, a new organization of content as well as a new didactic approach to teaching. We postulate that these changes have caused instability in the manner of perceiving the teaching of Spanish today. Thus, the starting point of this research is to know and to explain the impact of the different curricular alterations among teachers, both in their own representation of the discipline and in the way they handle the content.Our main motivation was to know the views of primary school Spanish teachers. Therefore, we interviewed twelve teachers from different schools in Santiago, Chile. All of these institutions had in common a predominantly disadvantaged school population.Our interest in the last grade of primary school, is explained by the fact that it provides a level of education that gives access to secondary education. Thus, in this class, students are expected to have acquired a number of abilities and skills to get to the secondary level. One of our initial hypotheses postulates that the students of the interviewed teachers have not acquired the capabilities and basic skills that the curriculum of this grade reports as required. We postulated this as the new contents and new didactic approach to school discipline involve a more sophisticated teaching, a teaching based particularly on the development of skills that teachers do not fully understand.
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Career indecision amongst undergraduate university students at an academic institution in the Western CapeGoliath, Dané January 2012 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / One of the most important decisions adolescents are confronted with in the transitioning period from high school to tertiary institutions, is making career decisions. Young adults and adolescents may experience high levels of stress when they are expected to make decisions pertaining to a desired career. The stressful period may be too overwhelming for them.As a result it may have adverse implications on the quality of their career choice. The applicability of career indecision amongst undergraduate university students is considered an inability to choose a university major or occupation (Brogan & Hiebert, 2006).According to Creed, Patton and Prideaux (2006), career indecision is linked to issues related to career development and problems in making career related decisions, society’s expectations and perceptions, as well as the role of the family which may have an impact on the student’s ability to make career choices. In a study conducted by Creed and Patton (2003) it was revealed that age, gender and career indecision were predictors of career maturity knowledge. Joordan, Smithard and Burger (2009) postulate that career indecision influences career related thoughts and career decisions and plays an important role in the way individuals formulate career goals. Gordon and Meyer (2002) are of the view that it is not atypical for individuals to experience a certain level of developmental career indecision, this may be resultant to not having adequate experience and sufficient knowledge pertaining to the world of work. Developmental career indecision amongst students is viewed as a wholesome state which may ultimately prompt the student to explore careers and set goals (Feldt,2010).Brown, Brooks and Associates (1996), delineate that a career choice is an act which replicate an individual’s motivation. This action compels the individual to work toward their goals and to achieve it. As students venture on attaining their goal (career choice) they are confronted with many challenges, some of which include the transition from secondary school to tertiary level and the adaptation to an academic environment.This emphasizes the importance of career guidance, and that it should not be neglected. Stead and Watson (1999) conducted a study on first year university students in the Western Cape which revealed that students from disadvantaged schools were unable to choose study directions at tertiary level due to negligence of not providing career guidance at school level.Resultant to this, students were not afforded the opportunity to make informed decisions pertaining to career choices. Brown et al. (1996) presume the more informed an individual is about career choices and their
abilities, the more likely they are to make career choices as they are more
prepared to do so.The current study aimed to examine career indecision experienced by undergraduate university students at an academic institution in the Western Cape. The study examined the differences in career indecision based on gender and age, it also examined the relationship between a lack of information and career indecision and lastly access to a career counsellor and career indecision. A biographical questionnaire and the Career Decision Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ) were administered to undergraduate university students. The sample (n = 224) consisted of first, second and third year male and female undergraduate commerce students. The results indicated that there are significant
differences in career decision making based on gender and age. In addition, the results revealed that there is a moderate relationship between lack of information and career indecision and findings also indicated a significant relationship between access to a career counsellor and career indecision.The results of the current study should however, be interpreted with caution as a convenience sampling strategy was utilized thus limiting generalizabilty to the broader population of students. Furthermore limitations are put forth and the study concludes with recommendations for further research and for academic institutions for consideration.
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The use of word prediction as a tool to accelerate the typing speed and increase the spelling accuracy of primary school children with spelling difficultiesHerold, M.P. (Marina Patricia) 23 September 2004 (has links)
Word prediction has been offered as support for children with spelling difficulties. The literature however has shown wide-ranging results, as the use of word prediction is at the cost of time and fatigue due to increased visual-cognitive demands. Spelling support with word prediction is through word completion, keystroke reduction and the interactive process between spelling and reading. The research project was a cross-over within-subject design using 80 Grade 4 – 6 children with spelling difficulties in a school for special needs. The research task took the form of entering 30 words through an on-screen keyboard, with and without the use of word prediction software. The subjects were divided into four groups, who completed the research task in combinations of one of two equivalent wordlists and the presentation order of the typing method used. The Graded Word Spelling Test, administered before the study began, served to investigate whether there was a relationship between the children’s current spelling knowledge and word prediction efficacy. The results indicated an increase in spelling accuracy with the use of word prediction, but at the cost of time and the tendency to use word approximations, which decreased as grade and age increased. Children’s current spelling knowledge could not serve as an indicator of who would be most likely to benefit from word prediction use. The cross-over design counter-balanced the effects of the inequalities in the two wordlists and the effects of practice and fatigue noted in the presentation order. Further research into the impact that more extensive training and practice would have on word prediction efficacy and the usefulness of word prediction in more functional writing is necessary. / Dissertation (M (Augmentative and Alternative Communication))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / unrestricted
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Nurture support for socially and emotionally vulnerable pupils in the transition to secondary school : a case study explorationParsons, Naomi Sarah January 2013 (has links)
The transition from primary to secondary school is considered to be a challenging process for all pupils, but particularly difficult for those with social and emotional difficulties. Nurture groups aim to develop social and emotional skills and are seen to correspond closely with the recommendations made in transition literature. It is therefore proposed that nurture provision could be an effective means of supporting socially and emotionally vulnerable pupils in the transition. Previous literature adds support to this view, but no study as yet has focused specifically upon this topic. A small-scale case study design was used to explore the ways in which one secondary school applied nurture principles to support vulnerable pupils through the transition process. The research followed an embedded, single case design incorporating contextual and interview data regarding the school's nurture provision. Contextual information was gathered through the research diary and analysed in relation to the identified propositions. In addition, four illustrative case examples surveyed the views of the nurture facilitator and three pupils who received different levels of nurture support: these interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. An integrated case description combines the findings from all data sources and offers a coherent account of the provision.The findings support the proposition that nurture provision can be an effective means of supporting socially and emotionally vulnerable pupils in the transition to secondary school. In line with nurture literature, the findings suggest that secondary schools need to adapt the primary nurture model to ensure provision meets the needs of their setting and cohort. While this promotes flexibility, secondary schools still need to adhere to a number of core principles to ensure they are delivering a true nurturing approach. A tentative model is presented, which proposes that secondary school nurture provision should aim to support social and emotional development through a range of provision that is firmly grounded in psychological theory. Provision should adhere closely to the six nurture principles, with effective identification of needs informing a personalised approach that is tailored to each individual pupil. The importance of relationships for learning and development is emphasised. The thesis concludes by suggesting that nurture provision can be an effective means of supporting socially and emotionally vulnerable pupils in the transition to secondary school, providing a number of core elements are in place.
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Socialt hållbart företagande : - En sociologisk studie om företags upplevda möjligheter och svårigheter till att arbeta med social hållbarhetParmlind, Caroline, Weinert, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att förklara och förstå hållbarhetsansvarigas upplevelser av företags möjligheter och svårigheter att arbeta med social hållbarhet, samt fånga deras upplevelser av motiverande av såväl företagsledning som medarbetare. Därtill vilka sociala förutsättningar de uppfattar behövs för att möjliggöra arbete med social hållbarhet. På grund av företags paradoxala strävan efter vinst och hållbarhet är detta fenomen viktigt att förstå utifrån en sociologisk vinkel. Studien är genomförd med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där åtta respondenter från sju olika företag intervjuades. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av två teorier; Ahrne och Papakostas teori om tröghetens mekanismer och förnyelsens förutsättningar (2014) samt Asplunds teori om social responsivitet och abstrakt socialitet (1987). Studien visar att hållbarhetsansvariga upplever att det krävs engagemang från företagsledningen och en tydlig intern kommunikation för att skapa förutsättningar där ett arbete med social hållbarhet är möjligt. Studien visar också att sociala interaktioner bidrar till en känsla av stolthet och meningsfullhet och är det främsta redskapet för att bemöta negativa synsätt på arbete med hållbarhetsfrågor. Genom att arbeta med social hållbarhet kan företag påverka såväl marknaden som samhället i helhet till det positiva och därmed använda hållbarhetsarbetet som en konkurrensfördel. Näringslivet har en stor påverkan i utvecklandet av social hållbarhet, såväl globalt som lokalt, och därmed är företags samhällsansvar en viktig del i skapandet av en socialt hållbar framtid. / This candidate thesis aims at explaining and understanding sustainability managers experiences of their company’s opportunities and difficulties in working with social sustainability. As well as capturing their perceptions on motivating both company management and employees, and what social conditions are needed to enable work with social sustainability. Due to companies paradoxical pursuit of profit and sustainability it is important to understand this phenomenon from a sociological angle. This study is conducted with a qualitative approach in which eight respondents from seven different companies were interviewed. The result is analyzed by using two theories; Ahrne and Papakostas’ theory about inertia's mechanisms and the conditions of renewal (2014) and Asplund’s theory about social responsiveness and abstract sociality (1987). The result shows that sustainability managers experience a need of commitment from the management and a distinct internal communication in order to create conditions where work with social sustainability is made possible. The study shows that social interactions contribute to a sense of pride and meaningfulness and are the primary tool to counteract a negative view on working with sustainability issues. By working with social sustainability, companies can have a positive influence on both market and society and thus use sustainability efforts as a competitive advantage. Business has a major impact on the development of social sustainability, both globally and locally, corporate social responsibility is therefore an important part of creating a socially sustainable future.
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Exploring associations between classroom relationships and learning for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Behavioural, Emotional and Social DifficultiesBulman, William January 2013 (has links)
A growing body of research supports the suggestion that the relationships which children form with their teachers and classmates have an impact on learning (Roorda, Koomen, Spilt, & Oort, 2011). Largely built on studies with typically developing children, the current understanding of the relationship-learning association is that these relationships can impact upon learning either by directly improving the quality of pedagogy or through mediating factors such as increased pupil motivation (Martin & Dowson, 2009).The aim of this study was to expand the discussion and evidence base surrounding relationship-learning association to include pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD). Previously these groups were not directly addressed by this literature, yet there is evidence from both government-compiled (Department for Education, 2011d) national statistics and independent research (e.g. Symes & Humphrey, 2010) that these groups are at risk of poor academic and social outcomes. While classroom relationships might be an ingredient of superior teaching of children with special educational needs (Dyson, Farrell, Polat, Hutcheson, & Gallanaugh, 2004), it was hypothesised that difficulties commonly associated with either or both of these groups, such as communication problems (Cashin, 2005; Lindsay, Dockrell, & Strand, 2007) may serve to influence the nature and salience of the relationship-learning association.The study used a mixed methods design, incorporating a multiple regression analysis to determine whether changes in teacher or peer relationship quality over 18 months predicted attainment relative to other plausible predictors at the end of that period (N= ASD:143 BESD: 648) and an embedded, multiple case study (Yin, 2011) analysis around two children from each group to determine how the facets of their individual educational needs and other contextual factors influenced the importance and nature of the relationship-learning association in their education. Multiple regression models indicated that relationship change was not a statistically significant predictor of attainment other than peer relationship change for pupils with BESD, where the effect size implies that some academic benefits may accrue at group level from successful relationship interventions. Case study analysis suggested that many of the factors reducing the likelihood of relationships directly improving attainment also make them more important to the effectiveness of teaching and the classroom functioning of pupils. Implications and directions for future research are also discussed.
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A interação nas aulas de matemática: um estudo sobre aspectos constitutivos do processo interativo e suas implicações na aprendizagem. / Interaction in mathematics classes: a study about constitutive aspects of interactive processes and it\'s learning implications.Sueli Fanizzi 18 March 2008 (has links)
As pesquisas em Educação Matemática têm nos mostrado, nas últimas duas décadas, a importância da comunicação e da interação na sala de aula. Apontam para a criação de um ambiente onde os alunos têm a possibilidade de trocar pontos de vista, confrontar resoluções, apresentar argumentações como uma estratégia favorecedora do processo de aprendizagem. Analisar os componentes presentes nas relações interativas da sala de aula entre professor e aluno e entre os próprios alunos e suas possíveis implicações na aprendizagem da Matemática foi o objetivo central deste trabalho de mestrado, caracterizado nos moldes da pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem interpretativa. Inicialmente foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os temas linguagem, comunicação e interação, relacionado às áreas da Lingüística e da Educação Matemática e, posteriormente, ocorreu uma intervenção em alunos de 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola municipal do município de São Paulo, que apresentavam um desempenho escolar insatisfatório em Matemática. Por meio da análise da transcrição das falas dos momentos de interação, gravadas em áudio ao longo de um projeto de dez aulas-oficinas de Matemática, ministradas pela pesquisadora, foi possível identificar nas manifestações orais, além dos conteúdos diretamente relacionados ao conhecimento matemático, componentes afetivos, sociais e culturais. O silêncio, embora não seja considerado uma manifestação oral, também foi analisado como forma de expressão no contexto da sala de aula. Ainda que a pesquisa tenha sido desenvolvida com alunos previamente selecionados a partir da aplicação de um instrumento diagnóstico para comporem um grupo mais homogeneizado do ponto de vista pedagógico, verificou-se uma diversidade de situações em que o processo interativo influenciou ou não a aprendizagem dos alunos. Concluiu-se que expressar-se oralmente nas aulas de Matemática nem sempre está relacionado ao desenvolvimento direto do raciocínio sobre os conceitos e as idéias da área, uma vez que a expressão é composta por fatores de natureza emocional, social e cultural que, muitas vezes, antecedem a discussão matemática propriamente dita ou se sobrepõem a ela. Ainda assim, a expressão dos conteúdos não matemáticos merece seu devido valor na sala de aula na medida em que pode significar uma preparação para a discussão sobre as idéias matemáticas. / Research over the last two decades on Mathematical Education has demonstrated the importance of communication and interaction inside classrooms. Such research points to the creation of an environment where students are able to exchange points of view, confront resolutions, and present arguments as a favorable strategy in the learning process. Analyzing the components present in interactive relationships inside classrooms, between teacher and student and among students themselves and its possible implications in learning Mathematics, was the main objective of this research paper. Such analysis was reached through qualitative research of the interpretative approach. Initially a bibliographic research was made on the following themes: language, communication and interaction related to the areas of Linguistic and Mathematical Education. Subsequently, an intervention was carried out on third graders in a municipal school in the city of São Paulo who presented an insufficient Mathematical performance. Through the analysis of the transcripts of the talks during the moments of interactions, recorded in audio throughout a project of ten mathematics workshop classes and which was lectured by the researcher, the following conclusion was reached. It was actually possible to identify in the oral manifestations, beyond the content directly related to the Mathematical knowledge, affectionate, social and cultural components. Silence, although not considered an oral manifestation was also analyzed as a form of expression in the classroom context. Even though the research was developed with previously screened students, from the application of a diagnostic instrument so that the group was educationally homogeneous, it was verified that the diversity of situations in the interactive process may influence or not the learning process of students. It was concluded that the oral expression in Mathematics classes is not always related to the direct development of the logic reasoning over the concepts and ideas of Mathematics, since the expression is composed of an emotional, social and cultural nature and that it often foregoes the mathematical discussion in and of itself or overlaps it. Nevertheless, the expression of non-Mathematical contents shall be valued in classrooms as it may stand for a preparation of a discussion of Mathematical ideas.
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