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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A escrita em inglês na pós-graduação: dificuldades, convergências e divergências nas percepções de discentes e docentes / English writing in graduation courses: difficulties, convergences and divergences in students and professors perceptions

Marina Santhiago Dantas Lunn 21 February 2018 (has links)
A crescente internacionalização do ensino superior (MOROSINI, 2006) tem feito com que tanto instituições financiadoras quanto universidades pressionem pesquisadores a publicarem internacionalmente (MUELLER, 2000). Visando a aumentar a visibilidade da pesquisa local dentro do cenário acadêmico internacional (FLOWERDEW, 1999), a publicação em periódicos com alto fator de impacto geralmente ocorre em inglês, a língua franca das ciências (HÜLMBAUER et al., 2008). Entretanto, publicar em inglês, que desafia pesquisadores não nativos de inglês em geral (OLIVEIRA, ZUCOLOTTO E ALUÍSIO, 2006), é ainda mais desafiador para neófitos com pouco domínio daquela língua. Apesar de bastante estudadas no exterior, tanto do ponto de vista discente (LEKI E CARSON, 1994; CABRAL E TAVARES, 2005; LAVELLE E BUSHROW, 2007; ENE, 2014) quanto do docente (ENGLISH, 1999; PEDRA E NOCITO, 2012; CARRIÓ-PASTOR E MESTRE-MESTRE, 2014; DAVOUDI, NAFCHI E MALLAHI, 2015) ou de ambos (CASANAVE e HUBBARD, 1992; BITCHE-NER E BASTURKMEN, 2006; DONOHUE E ERLING, 2012), no Brasil, nunca foi feito um estudo que reunisse as principais dificuldades de pós-graduandos com a escrita acadêmica em inglês. Com o intuito de contribuir para o melhor conhecimento da complexidade do esforço de inserção de pesquisadores iniciantes na comunidade acadêmica global via publicação internacional, esta pesquisa de mestrado objetivou conhecer as dificuldades de pós-graduandos de uma universidade pública brasileira com a escrita acadêmica em inglês tanto na percepção discente quanto na docente e averiguar se haveria convergências ou divergências naquelas percepções. Dois questionários foram confeccionados e aplicados eletronicamente, angariando 385 participações (303 pós-graduandos e 82 professores). As análises quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados mostraram convergência nas percepções das duas maiores dificuldades de pós-graduandos (escrever um texto que soe natural em inglês e usar preposições adequadamente). Os dados não só revelaram uma crença predominantemente alinhada com uma visão tradicionalista do ensino da escrita em inglês (FERREIRA, 2007), mas também indicaram que as percepções de pós-graduandos sobre suas próprias deficiências com a escrita em inglês não eram claras. O conhecimento das dificuldades específicas de pós-graduandos com o inglês acadêmico escrito possibilitará o alinhamento das percepções de discentes e docentes, contribuindo assim para melhor orientar futuras iniciativas pedagógicas e institucionais que beneficiem tanto pós-graduandos quanto professores. / The growing internationalization of higher education (MOROSINI, 2006) has caused funding agencies and universities to put pressure on researchers to publish internationally (MUELLER, 2000). In order to increase the visibility of local research within the international academic context (FLOWERDEW, 1999), publication in high-impact factor journals usually occurs in English, the lingua franca of science (HÜLMBAUER et al., 2008). However, publishing in English challenges most non-native English speaking researchers (OLIVEIRA et al., 2006), especially junior researchers with little mastery of English. Although graduate students main difficulties have been regularly studied abroad, either from their own perspective (LEKI & CARSON, 1994; CABRAL & TAVARES, 2005; LAVELLE & BUSHROW, 2007; ENE, 2014), from their professors (ENGLISH, 1999; PEDRA & NOCITO, 2012; CARRIÓ-PASTOR & MESTRE-MESTRE, 2014; DAVOUDI, NAFCHI & MALLAHI, 2015) or from both (CASANAVE & HUBBARD, 1992; BITCHENER & BASTURKMEN, 2006; DONOHUE & ERLING, 2012), in Brazil those students perceptions of their difficulties with academic English writing had never been gathered in one single investigation before. Hoping to cast light on the complex effort involved in junior researchers indictment into global academia through international publication, this research aimed at uncovering the difficulties graduate students in a Brazilian public university face with academic writing in English. Students and professors perceptions of the formers difficulties were investigated and then compared in order to reveal points of convergence or divergence. Two questionnaires were designed and applied, yielding 385 participants (303 graduate students and 82 professors). One of the main findings of the quantitative and qualitative data analysis is that students and teachers perceptions converge regarding the students main difficulties with writing in English: writing texts that would sound natural in English and using prepositions adequately. The data not only revealed a predominant belief in the traditional teaching of English and of writing (FERREIRA, 2007), but they also indicated that students perceptions of their own writing difficulties in English were unclear. The knowledge of specific challenges to graduate writing in English will facilitate the alignment of students and professors perceptions, thus contributing to inform future pedagogical and institutional initiatives benefitting both staff and students.

O enfrentamento do fracasso escolar em uma escola pública: análise crítica na perspectiva do cotidiano escolar. / Facing failure at public school: a crytical analysis in the perspective of school´s quotidian.

Joseana Dalsan 04 April 2007 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo de caso, que teve como objetivo analisar sob a perspectiva teórica da psicologia escolar crítica, um projeto de intervenção psicopedagógico, com crianças que vinham apresentando dificuldades de escolarização, numa escola pública municipal de ensino fundamental I, no interior do Estado de São Paulo, a partir da análise do discurso dos participantes deste projeto: gestora, coordenadora pedagógica, psicopedagoga, professoras das classes regulares, professora dos grupos de apoio e seus alunos. Objetivou ainda, analisar de que forma esse trabalho vem contribuindo para a dinâmica dos mecanismos intra-escolares produtores de problemas de escolarização dos alunos de camadas populares. Concluiu-se que o projeto é baseado na teoria construtivista psico-genética de Piaget, que relaciona diretamente o estágio de desenvolvimento cognitivo com a capacidade das crianças aprenderem determinados conteúdos escolares, e tem como característica principal a atuação da psicopedagogia em três frentes: a reorganização das Classes de Aceleração na rede municipal, a capacitação dos professores que atuam nessas classes e a avaliação psicopedagógica individual dos alunos que não avançam na escolarização. Este projeto estaria reproduzindo e fortalecendo a visão hegemônica de fracasso escolar centrando sua análise das causas nos alunos e em suas famílias advindas das classes populares, e também culpabilizando o professor supostamente mal formado para resolver os problemas escolares desses alunos, deixando a instituição escolar fora de foco, ou seja, as relações, concepções, as práticas escolares, as condições precárias de trabalho dos educadores, as políticas públicas que atravessam a escola, perpetuando a exclusão dos alunos das classes populares, dentro da escola, distanciando-os do seu direito de escolarizar-se. / This is a case study which purpose is an analysis based on the theory perspective of critical school psychology. An analysis of a psycho-pedagogy intervention project, with children with learning difficulties, in a municipal school of fundamental learning I (as considered in Brazil), in countryside São Paulo state. The analysis is based on the speech of the project´s participants: director, pedagogy coordinator, psycho-pedagogy coordinator, teachers from regular classes, teachers from support groups and their students. The objective was also analyse the way this project contributes to the intra-school dynamics which produce educational problems in lowerclass students. Conclusions led to a project based in the psychogenetic constructivist theory of Piaget, which relates directly cognitive development and the capability to learn certain contents, and which has as main point the acting of psycho-pedagogy in three fronts: the reorganization of \"Acceleration Classes\" in the municipal school net; the training of teachers who act in these classes; and the evaluation of individual students who do not progress in school. This project would be reproducing the hegemonic vision of educational failure centered in students and their lower-class families, and also blaming the teachers, supposedly not well-trained to deal with their students´ problems, leaving the institution out of the main focus, say, the relations, conceptions, school practices, scarce conditions of work, the political issues that cross school; all of this perpetuating the lower-class students´ exclusion, inside the school, distancing them from their right to learn.

Violência, educação, subcidadania e democracia na periferia da grande metrópole / Violence, education, uncitizenship and democracy in the suburb of the great metropole

Carlos Adalberto Martins 15 October 2007 (has links)
A temática da formação da cidadania, conforme nossa legislação de ensino, mantém-se como um dos eixos básicos da finalidade da educação. Mas se a educação para a cidadania parece ser um imperativo social, o dilema é saber se a educação desenvolvida em instituições de ensino pública e privada da periferia da grande metrópole tem atingido seus objetivos. O presente trabalho estuda os resultados do processo de educação para o exercício da cidadania e prática da democracia em instituições escolares públicas e privadas dentro do contexto de violência da periferia de São Paulo. Para tanto, foi delimitada e caracterizada a região de Itaquera-Guaianases-Cidade Tiradentes, onde se buscou demonstrar o processo de exclusão social e carências históricas, bem como ausência de ação efetiva de determinados agentes do governo, no exercício de suas funções em prol da comunidade, com o seu descrédito junto à população. Neste quadro foram analisados e comparados o resultado de uma proposta escolar de educação com ênfase na preparação para o exercício da cidadania e a prática da democracia de uma instituição privada de ensino, com os resultados obtidos por uma escola pública, que desenvolve seu programa de educação para a cidadania dentro do contexto geral do Estado. As instituições que serviram de base para a realização do trabalho foram a Escola Estadual Aquilino Ribeiro e o Colégio Professor Augusto Alves Maia. A instituição pública atende o ensino fundamental, com ciclos I (1a a 4 ª séries) e II (5a à 8a séries); o ensino médio e além do ensino regular conta também com a modalidade Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Possui aproximadamente 1.100 alunos freqüentando regularmente seus cursos, que funcionam em três turnos: manhã, tarde e noite. A instituição particular de ensino mantém os cursos de educação infantil, fundamental, médio e técnico, tendo aproximadamente 1200 alunos, funcionando também em três turnos, manhã, tarde e noite. As fontes para a realização do presente trabalho foram as entrevistas com professores, alunos, coordenadores, diretores, pais de alunos e membros das escolas envolvidas. O trabalho abrangeu a ação desenvolvida no período de 1999 a 2006. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi a verificação da compreensão por parte dos alunos e dos membros da comunidade daquilo que foi trabalhado nas escolas sobre os direitos políticos, civis, sociais, econômicos e culturais que procuram assegurar ao indivíduo uma vida digna, com acesso a bens essenciais como moradia, educação, saúde, trabalho, lazer, previdência social, alimentação decente, acesso aos bens culturais e ao conjunto de bens de consumo que são oferecidos às sociedades modernas, identificando as dificuldades dentro de um quadro que sabe ser extremamente adverso. / The subject of the formation of citizenship, according to our legislation on education, remains one of the basic axes of the purpose of education. However, if education for citizenship seems to be a social imperative, the dilemma is to know if the education in public and private learning institutions in suburbs of the great metropolis has attained its objectives. This work studies the results of the education process for practice of citizenship and democracy in public and private learning institutions in the context of violence of the São Paulo suburbs. To this effect, the region of -Guaianases-Cidade Tiradentes was outlined and characterized, where it was sought to demonstrate the process of social exclusion and historical deficiency, as well as lack of effective action by certain government agents in carrying out their duties on behalf of the community, with their discredit by the population. In this setting, the result of an education proposal was analyzed and compared, with emphasis on preparing one for the practice of citizenship and democracy of a private learning institution, with results obtained by a public school, which developed its education program for citizenship in the general context of the State. The institutions that served as basis to conduct the work were Escola Estadual Aquilino Ribeiro and Colégio Professor Augusto Alves Maia. The public institution includes elementary education, with cycles I (2nd to 5th grades) and II (6th to 9th grades); high education and, besides regular education, it also has the modality Youth and Adult Education (EJA). It has approximately 1,100 students regularly attending its courses, which work in three shifts: morning, afternoon and night. The private learning institution maintains kindergarten, elementary school, high school and technical school, with approximately 1,200 students, also working in three shifts - morning, afternoon and night. The sources for this work were interviews with teachers, students, coordinators, directors, parents of students and members of the schools involved. The work covered activities in the period from 1999 to 2006. The overall goal of the work was to verify the understanding by the students and members of the community of what was taught in the schools on political, civil, social, economic and cultural rights that seek to assure the individual of a decent life, with access to essential assets like housing, education, health, work, leisure, social security, decent feeding, access to cultural assets and the set of consumer goods offered to modern society, identifying the difficulties within a setting one knows to be extremely adverse

Subsídios para elaboração de um plano de gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil em cidades de pequeno porte / Grant for development of a waste management and management plan construction in small cities

Caroline Michele Palamin 14 October 2016 (has links)
A exploração de tecnologias sustentáveis facilitará a adequação dos municípios brasileiros à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) instituída em 2010 e que deve ser aplicada a todos os municípios brasileiros, sejam de grande, médio ou pequeno porte. Entre os diferentes tipos de resíduos gerados no País e no mundo, os resíduos da construção civil, também conhecidos como RCC, ficam no topo da geração de resíduos sólidos, e os mesmos merecem atenção. Os municípios de pequeno porte ainda sofrem algumas dificuldades de elaboração de de diretrizes e implantação da PNRS. O presente estudo propôs subsídios e alternativas para a criação de um plano de gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos da construção civil para cidades de pequeno porte, e suas vantagens, como forma de minimizar os impactos ambientais gerados por esse resíduo proveniente das diversas atividades da indústria construtiva, e seu efetivo crescimento. Para isto, ainda foi estudado a necessidade e viabilidade da reciclagem dos RCC, pois uma das principais ações incentivadas pela resolução é a reinserção destes resíduos no ciclo produtivo. O trabalho ainda aborda as principais dificuldades e carências que estas municipalidades encontram em seguir e cumprir as leis vigentes para o seu porte. Para isto foi realizado um amplo levantamento bibliográfico que proporcionasse o maior número de alternativas possíveis na criação dos subsídios, e que demonstrasse experiências já enfrentadas por pequenas cidades em se inserir corretamente no que as legislações impõem as mesmas. Foi observado que os municípios de pequeno porte tem dificuldades em elaborar seus planos de gestão no tratamento de resíduos, como falta de recursos para investimentos próprios, e corpo técnico preparado, além de sofrerem uma grande carência de suporte por parte de entidades públicas para se adequarem as leis, e ainda há falta de planejamento adequado das prefeituras em organizarem um plano específico para cuidarem e direcionarem seus RCC, do não conhecimento do assunto por parte da própria população quanto a alternativas de não geração dos mesmos, reuso e disposição correta. / Exploring sustainable technologies will facilitate the adaptation of municipalities to the National Solid Waste Politics (PNRS) established in 2010 and should be applied to all municipalities, whether large, medium or small. Among the different types of waste generated in the country and the world, the construction waste, also known as RCC, are on top of the solid waste generation, and they deserve attention. The small municipalities still suffer some difficulties in the implementation and management of PNRS. This study proposed subsidies and alternatives to the creation of a management plan and management of construction waste to small towns, and its advantages, in order to minimize the environmental impacts generated by this waste from the various activities of the design industry and its actual growth. For this, we have studied the need and feasibility of recycling of RCC, as one of the main actions encouraged by the resolution is the reinsertion of this waste in the production cycle. The work also addresses the main difficulties and shortcomings that these municipalities are to follow and comply with the laws in force for their size. For this we conducted a broad literature that provided the largest number of possible alternatives in the creation of subsidies, and to demonstrate experience already faced by small towns to insert correctly in the laws impose the same. It was observed that the small towns teem difficulties in drawing up their management plans in waste, such as lack of resources for own investments, and prepared staff and suffer a great lack of support by public entities to suit the laws, and there is still a lack of adequate planning of municipalities in organizing a specific plan to care and direct their RCC not a matter of knowledge by the population itself as not generating alternatives thereof, reuse and proper disposal.

Discalculia na sala de aula de matemática: um estudo de caso com dois estudantes

Villar, José Marcelo Guimarães 28 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-09-21T17:34:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarceloguimaraesvillar.pdf: 3124465 bytes, checksum: 287e4a96ec7d01d437b06c31b1b8bf42 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-09-22T15:20:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarceloguimaraesvillar.pdf: 3124465 bytes, checksum: 287e4a96ec7d01d437b06c31b1b8bf42 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-09-22T15:21:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarceloguimaraesvillar.pdf: 3124465 bytes, checksum: 287e4a96ec7d01d437b06c31b1b8bf42 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-22T15:21:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarceloguimaraesvillar.pdf: 3124465 bytes, checksum: 287e4a96ec7d01d437b06c31b1b8bf42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-28 / O presente trabalho, intitulado Discalculia na sala de aula de Matemática: um estudo de caso com dois estudantes, apresenta-se como um estudo preliminar dos aspectos neurológicos relacionados à dificuldade de aprendizagem na matemática, particularmente o distúrbio Discalculia. Primeiramente, elabora-se um questionário com docentes buscando investigar se os possíveis problemas na aprendizagem matemática se dão por fatores neurológicos. Após, é realizado outro questionário com profissionais da saúde procurando obter informações do processo de identificação, formas de tratamento, propostas de habilitação, orientações e propostas para o professor de matemática com o aluno discalcúlico. Por fim, dois alunos realizam um conjunto de exercícios problema, com intuito de identificar e reconhecer traços característicos da Discalculia, e atividades investigativas com perfil lúdico, utilizadas como ferramentas de intervenção pedagógica para reabilitar alunos com Discalculia e aqueles que apresentam problemas de aprendizagem na matemática. A análise buscou identificar as características ou sintomas por situação problema dentro do contexto de ensino. O estudo está fundamentado em leituras de vários teóricos, como Bastos (2008, 2016), Farrell (2008), Díaz (2011), Shalev et al. (2004, 2005, 2007), entre outros. A partir do questionário com os docentes, foi possível contatar que os mesmos, como não distinguem e nem reconhecem os termos dificuldades de aprendizagem, transtornos e distúrbios de aprendizagem, não foram capazes de identificar que as causas do déficit de aprendizagem na matemática também podem estar atribuídas às disfunções neurológicas, como é o caso do distúrbio de aprendizagem, a Discalculia. Já as especialistas reconheceram esse distúrbio, mas apontaram que esse tema ainda está em processo de pesquisa e que os problemas associados às dificuldades de aprendizagem, às vezes, são semelhantes e se sobrepõem, acarretando dificuldades na avaliação e identificação. A partir dos resultados obtidos das análises dos exercícios problemas, constatou-se que um dos alunos diagnosticado como discalcúlico apresentou fortes características de Discalculia. O outro, que não apresentava laudo, também apresentou traços significativos, surpreendendo. Importante salientar que esse resultado é inicial, havendo a necessidade de uma investigação com especialistas. Os resultados permitem afirmar também que os déficits apresentados nos sujeitos não foram necessariamente idênticos, mas qualitativamente diversificados. O estudo ressalta também a importância dos professores conhecerem as dificuldades dos alunos para que se tenha um planejamento e uma condução de ensino que corresponda aos mesmos. / This study, entitled Dyscalculia in the Mathematics classroom: a case study with two students, is presented as a preliminary study of the neurological aspects related to the difficulty of learning in mathematics, particularly the Dyscalculia disorder. Firstly, we made a questionnaire to teachers to investigate that it is possible problems in mathematical learning are due to neurological factors. After that, we made another questionnaire with health professionals, to get information on the identification process, treatment forms, habilitation proposals, guidelines and proposals for the math teacher with the dyscalculia student. Finally, two students perform a set of problem exercises in order to identify and recognize characteristic features of Dyscalculia, and research activities with a playful profile, used as pedagogical intervention tools to rehabilitate students with Dyscalculia and those with learning problems in mathematics. The analysis sought to identify the characteristics or symptoms by problem situation within the teaching context. The study is based on readings by several theorists, such as Bastos (2008, 2016), Farrell (2008), Díaz (2011), Shalev et al. (2004, 2005, 2007), Campos (2014), among others. From the questionnaire with the teachers, it was possible to contact them, as they do not distinguish and do not recognize the terms learning difficulties, disorders and learning disorders. Then, they were not able to identify that the causes of the learning deficit in mathematics can also be attributed to neurological dysfunctions, such as the learning disorder, Dyscalculia. Experts have acknowledged this disorder, but pointed out that this theme has still been in the process of researched and that problems associated with learning difficulties are sometimes similar and overlapping, leading to difficulties in evaluation and identification. From the results, that was obtained from the analyzes of the problem exercises, it was verified that one of the students diagnosed as dyscalculia presented strong characteristics of Dyscalculia. The other, which did not present an award, has also presented significant features, surprising. It is important to point out that this result is initial, and there is a need for an investigation with specialists. The results have also allowed us to affirm that the deficits presented in the subjects were not necessarily identical, but qualitatively diversified. The study has also highlighted the importance of teachers to know the difficulties of the students so that they have a planning and a teaching direction that corresponds to them.

Syntaxe et dialogue : les configurations syntaxiques impliquant "il y a" / Syntax and conversation : syntactic configurations with "il y a"

Jullien, Stéphane 16 June 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d’étudier les configurations syntaxiques impliquant le présentatif il y a. Une de ces constructions, la construction présentative clivée en il y a (il y a un cygne qu’a mordu les fesses à mon grand papa) est bien documentée (Lambrecht, 1988, 2002). Le segment [il y a SN] peut faire partie d’un large éventail de configurations syntaxiques, abordées principalement du point de vue de la syntaxe, de la sémantique ou de la structure informationnelle (Cappeau, Deulofeu, 2001, Berrendonner, 2003). Très peu de recherches rendent compte de ces configurations en interaction. Selon la Linguistique Interactionnelle (Ochs et al., 1996, Ono, Thompson, 1996, Helasvuo, 2004), les productions langagières et la syntaxe sont configurées pas à pas au fil de l’alternance des tours de parole et des activités réalisées par les participants au cours de l’échange. Dans le même temps, dans cette perspective, les unités linguistiques détiennent un rôle dans l’accomplissement de ces activités. Une analyse séquentielle de ces configurations syntaxiques illustre comment, à la suite du segment [il y a SN] et en fonction des activités en cours, les participants de l’échange s’orientent vers la poursuite du tour de parole du locuteur avec une proposition relative, comme pour la présentative clivée, ou en entrant dans une séquence conversationnelle plus large, comme la construction d’une liste. La fin du segment [il y a SN] se révèle être un emplacement séquentiel dans lequel les autres participants de l’échange peuvent commenter le discours en cours, proposer des ajouts – des expansions ou des complétions – ou un simple continuateur, montrant ainsi qu’ils s’orientent eux aussi vers la réalisation de cette séquence conversationnelle. Tout en permettant au locuteur de prolonger son tour de parole en projetant la réalisation d’une unité de construction de tour composée (Lerner, 1991, 1996), le segment [il y a SN], en fonction de l’activité en cours et de son contour prosodique, peut participe à des initiations de clôture de séquence. Notre analyse porte sur des interactions entre adultes et entre adultes et enfants présentant ou non un trouble spécifique du développement du langage (Leonard, 2000). L’étude de ces interactions souligne la nature collaborative du langage au travers de l’étayage que peut proposer l’adulte à l’enfant (Bruner, 1983) et apporte un autre regard sur le déploiement de ces configurations syntaxiques dans l’alternance des tours de parole. / The purpose of this research is to study syntactic configurations implying the presentational il y a ‘there is’. One of these configurations, the presentational ya-cleft construction (il y a un cygne qu'a mordu les fesses à mon grand papa\ literally 'there's a swan which bit my grandfather in the buttock\') is well documented (Lambrecht, 1988, 2001a). The ya-clause can nevertheless be embedded in a broad range of configurations. Most of their descriptions rely on syntax, semantics or information structure (Cappeau, Deulofeu, 2001, Berrendonner, 2003) but little has been said about them in interaction. Interactional Linguistics (Ochs et al., 1996; Ono & Thompson, 1996; Helasvuo, 2004) views grammar and linguistic structures as shaped step-by-step throughout the turn exchange and the actions interactants are accomplishing. In the same manner, this approach considers syntactic constructions as a resource for the accomplishment of these actions through interaction. A sequential analysis of these configurations illustrates how interactants, depending on the ongoing activities they accomplish, orient themselves toward the realization of a one ya-clause construction, a list-construction, a presentational ya-cleft construction or a broader sequence. The end of the ya-clause is a sequential location in which other interactants can collaboratively participate to the shaping of these configurations producing continuers, completions or expansions. The ya-clause, with a specific prosodic marking, allows for the expansion of the speaker's turn at talk, projecting the final part of a compound TCU (cf. Lerner, 1991, 1996) or it may initiate a closing sequence.Our analyses focuses on interactions between adults and between adults and children, with or without SLI (Leonard, 2000). The study of children's data underlines the collaborative nature of language production through the scaffolding (Bruner, 1983) adults propose to children and brings a distinct look to these syntactic configurations. In the same time, this type of analysis unables the observation of how children with impaired language deploy their productions through interaction.

Högläsning i förskola och  i förskoleklass : En  studie om förskolelärares arbetsmetoder vid högläsning / High reading in preesschool  and and pree school class : A study of pree school teachers working metohds  in high reading

Andreasson, Monica January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för förskollärares uppfattning och arbetsmetoder med högläsning i förskola och i förskoleklass för att bidra till att utveckla högläsning som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för barnets skriv- och språkutveckling i förskola och i förskoleklass. Det centrala i studien är vilken betydelse högläsning skapar för barn med eventuella koncentrationssvårigheter. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts och analyserats utifrån tre intervjuer, tre observationer och reflektionsfrågor till förskolelärare för att få förskolelärares uppfattning om området högläsning. Resultatet i studien visar att samtliga förskolelärare uppfattar att högläsning är ett viktigt område och är av stor betydelse för barnets språkinlärning. Samtliga förskolelärare belyser att utgångspunkten för högläsning i förskola och förskoleklass ska vara utifrån barnets intresse samt att de anser att miljön och deras egen roll är av stor vikt för att främja barnets språkutveckling.   Nyckelord: högläsning, förskola, förskoleklass, koncentrationssvårigheter, litteracitet, / Abstract   The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the perception of teachers and working methods to help develop high reading as an educational tool for the child's writing and language development in pre-school and pre-school class. The central part of the study is the importance of high reading for the child, with difficulty in concentrating and for children with difficulty in concentration. A qualitative study has been conducted and analyzed on the basis of three interviews, three observations and reflection questions for pre-school teachers to get pre-school teachers perceptions of the field of reading. The result of the study shows that all pre-school teachers perceive that reading is an important area and is of great importance for the child's language learning. All preschool teachers emphasize that the starting point for high reading in preschool and preschool class should be based on the child's interest and that they consider the environment and their own role to be of great importance in promoting the child's language development.   Keywords: reading aloud, pree – school, pree – school class, koncentration difficulties, literacy, language development och pedagogy.


Wiebusch, Andressa 30 August 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is related to the Training, Knowledge and Professional Development research group from the Postgraduate Program in Education, Master‟s Degree in Education, at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The aim was to understand the challenges and difficulties to beginning teachers practice at university. Based on authors such as Bolzan (2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016), Cunha (2000, 2006, 2007, 2010), Isaia (1992, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2010) Isaia and Bolzan (2004, 2007, 2008, 2009), Marcelo Garcia (1988,1999, 2009, 2010, 2011), Zabalza (2004), Pimenta and Anastasiou (2014) among others, higher education, teaching training, professional development and teaching learning aspects were analyzed, considering the process of starting the teaching experience as well as the development of the pedagogical work by beginning teachers. It is a qualitative research, in the light of a sociocultural narrative approach by Bolzan (2001, 2006, 2009, 2010), based on Bakthin (1992), Vygotstki (1991, 1994), Connelly and Clandinin (1995) and Freitas (2002) that gave support to the investigation. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, with guiding topics taking into account beginning teaching, the teachers learning and the pedagogical work. The study category was defined as beginning teacher learning university and it involved two dimensions: the training processes and the pedagogical work combined with the institutional dynamics. These analysis elements lead to the findings organization. This study contributes to examine emergent characteristics of teaching in higher education and professional development such as: the necessary background for teaching in this context, public politics, institutional infrastructure, support programs for beginning teachers due to the complexity of this job. / Esta pesquisa insere-se na linha de pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Programa de Pós-graduação, Mestrado em Educação, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). O objetivo foi compreender os desafios e enfrentamentos na docência dos professores iniciantes na Educação Superior. A partir dos pressupostos teóricos de Bolzan (2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016), Cunha (2000, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010), Isaia (1992, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2010), Isaia e Bolzan (2004, 2007, 2008, 2009), Marcelo Garcia (1988,1999, 2009, 2010, 2011), Zabalza (2004), Pimenta e Anastasiou (2014) entre outros, buscamos problematizar o Ensino Superior, a formação docente, o desenvolvimento profissional, a aprendizagem da docência, tendo em vista o processo de inserção na docência e o desenvolvimento do trabalho pedagógico dos professores iniciantes. O estudo caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir da abordagem narrativa sociocultural, de Bolzan (2001, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2010), com base nos estudos de Bakthin (1992), Vygotstki (1991, 1994), Connelly e Clandinin (1995) e Freitas (2002) fontes para a construção do caminho investigativo. Para a coleta de dados, utilizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas, com tópicos guia direcionados à iniciação à docência, à aprendizagem do ser professor e ao trabalho pedagógico. Evidenciamos a categoria de estudo como a aprendizagem docente do professor iniciante universitário constituída por duas dimensões: os processos formativos e o trabalho pedagógico e um eixo articulador que caracteriza a dinâmica institucional. Esses elementos de análise representam a sistematização dos achados. A pesquisa realizada permite-nos problematizar o reconhecimento de demandas emergentes da docência do Ensino Superior e do desenvolvimento profissional como: a necessidade de preparação para atuar nesse nível de ensino, de políticas públicas, de infraestrutura institucional, de criação de programas de apoio e acolhimento aos professores iniciantes, diante da complexidade da profissão.

Čtení s porozuměním a žáci s SPU ve výuce francouzštiny / Reading skills and specific learning difficulties in French as a foreign language teaching

Nemravová, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of teaching French to children affected by learning disorders. It aims to describe various principles and their application into practice at beginners classes. The theoretical part investigates learning disorders as a whole with their causes, manifestations, diagnose and reeducational techniques and activities that are applied in practice. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to foreign language teaching in the context of learning disorders, fundamental principles and methods of partial linguistic spheres. Further on, the practical part presents a case study of two children with learning disorders during a French class. Individual activities are introduced that are appropriate for their teaching. Finally, two applications suitable for both class at school and home preparation are designed, with their main contribution being the immediate feedback that allows children to work alone. Regarding the rather practical character of the diploma thesis, a great number of examples illustrating various learning disorders are introduced in order for the reader to understand the difficulties that affected children encounter. KEYWORDS specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, foreign languages, French, reading skills, activities, reeducation

Specifické obtíže dospělých s dyslexií / Specific difficulties of adults with dyslexia

Táborová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the difficulties of adults with dyslexia. Not enough attention is being paid to this issue in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of this thesis characterizes dyslexia and summarizes possible difficulties of adults with dyslexia on the basis of both Czech and foreign information sources. The empirical part of this thesis describes the research, whose main goal is to chart (especially cognitive) difficulties, which are related to common everyday activities. Another area monitored in this thesis is self-efficacy of adults with dyslexia in their everyday life. Data are compared with intact counterparts. The research group consists of 120 respondents, including 60 adults with dyslexia and 60 adults without dyslexia (66 women and 54 men). The intact counterparts were matched with adults with dyslexia based on the same gender, year of birth and highest education received. The whole set of used methods concluded the anamnestic part and three self-evaluation questionnaires - the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, the Dyslexic difficulties questionnaire (created for the purpose of this thesis) and the General Self-Efficacy scale. The results confirmed higher difficulties of adults with dyslexia. The self-efficacy does not differ, however, it correlates more with difficulties in...

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