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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dificuldades de alunos ingressantes na universidade pública: alguns indicadores para reflexões sobre a docência universitária / First-year students\' difficulties in public universities: signals of the need of reflections about university teaching.

Valéria Cordeiro Fernandes Belletati 21 June 2011 (has links)
A elitização da universidade pública brasileira é a preocupação central desta investigação. Com os programas de inclusão social, tem-se possibilitado maior representatividade de alunos em condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis nestas instituições. Na Universidade de São Paulo USP, locus escolhido para esta pesquisa, o Programa de Inclusão Social INCLUSP, desde 2007, tem favorecido a entrada de alunos que cursaram todo o ensino médio em escolas públicas, majoritariamente constituída por alunos em condições menos favorecidas da sociedade brasileira. Teve-se como objetivo trazer elementos que possibilitassem pensar a docência universitária no sentido de favorecer trajetórias acadêmicas de sucesso destes alunos, entendidas como possibilidade de formação profissional, científica e política, função que atribuímos à universidade pública, que se entende concretizar-se na promoção do ensino profissional indissociado da pesquisa e da extensão. Para tanto, realizou-se a coleta de dados por meio de dois questionários abertos, respondidos por escrito pelos sujeitos, em momentos diversos. Com o primeiro questionário buscou-se identificar dificuldades de alunos ingressantes que cursaram todo o ensino médio comum em escolas públicas. Na segunda etapa, intentou-se perceber a permanência ou não das dificuldades apontadas no ano seguinte ao ingresso e a forma como os sujeitos lidavam com estas dificuldades. A coleta de dados ocorreu em três cursos da USP que apresentaram maiores índices de evasão de alunos que cursaram o ensino médio comum público, entendida como uma forma de exclusão. Foram identificadas como principais dificuldades acadêmicas, que se constituem em entraves a uma trajetória de sucesso: a exiguidade do tempo e sua má gestão; a opção por uma abordagem superficial de aprendizagem; a quantidade e complexidade dos conteúdos; o desânimo frente a situações de insucesso; dificuldades de convivência acadêmica. A partir do estudo foi possível apontar como demandas à docência a necessidade de reflexões sobre a função social da universidade e sobre a baixa representatividade de alunos em condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis, especialmente, nos cursos mais prestigiados; identificar e refletir sobre as dificuldades dos ingressantes, tendo-se em conta a diversidade entre os cursos e entre os sujeitos-alunos; considerar aspectos relativos à gestão do tempo como conteúdos de ensino, versando sobre o como e o que estudar e aprender considerando que estes se encontram em processo de afiliação e de construção de novas formas de se relacionar com o saber; de repensar sobre as funções das atividades avaliativas, a organização do currículo e de atividades de aprendizagem e, a importância do professor criar possibilidades ou atividades que favoreçam a convivência acadêmica, contribuindo para integração e afiliação do ingressante. Tais demandas indicariam a necessidade de uma formação contínua de professores universitários, especialmente pela exigência de pouca ou nenhuma formação pedagógica para a docência neste nível de ensino, no sentido da formação de docentes reflexivos no âmbito do conceito de desenvolvimento profissional docente, favorecendo a constituição de bases pedagógicas para que o professor tenha referências mais amplas para sustentar o trabalho de ensinar. / The concentration of Brazilian public universities on the elite is the central concern of this research. Inclusion programs have provided the possibility of a greater representation of students in unfavorable socioeconomic conditions in these institutions. At the University of São Paulo USP, chosen locus for this research, the inclusion program INCLUSP, has, since 2007, favored the admission of students who studied their entire high school in public schools, which, in Brazil, are majorly composed of students in societys less favorable conditions. An objective of this research is to provide elements that promote university teaching in the sense of favoring a successful academic career for these students, which is understood as the possibility of professional, scientific and political education, role which we attribute to public universities and is perceived to be realized by the promulgation of professional teaching coalesced with research and extension. For that purpose, data was collected through two open questionnaires, which were answered in writing by the subjects of this research at different moments. The first questionnaire looked to identify the main difficulties that freshmen students who attended public high schools have in their first year at the university. The second stage sought to establish whether the difficulties brought up during the first stage lasted through the year following the subjects admission or not, and how they had dealt with these difficulties. The data collection occurred in three courses of the University of São Paulo which presented lower retention of students who attended public high schools, which is interpreted as a form of exclusion. The main academic difficulties that were identified, which constitute barriers to a successful trajectory, were: the exiguity of time and its bad management; the choice of a superficial approach to schooling; the quantity and complexity of contents; the frustration when confronted with unsuccessful situations; and difficulties with academic daily life. From the study it was possible to extract as demands of the teachers the necessities: of reflecting about the social function of the university and the low representation of students in unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, especially in more prestigious courses; of identifying and reflecting about difficulties freshmen students have, keeping in mind the differences between courses and subjects-students; of considering aspects of time management as teaching contents, emphasizing how and what to study and learn considering that the students are in a process of affiliation and construction of new forms of relating to knowledge; of rethinking about: the function of evaluative activities, how the curriculum and the learning activities are organized and the importance of the professor creating possibilities and activities that favor the academic daily life, contributing to the affiliation and integration of the newcomer. Such demands indicate the need of continuous development of university professors, especially due to the low requirement of pedagogical formation of teachers in this level of teaching, as to create reflective teachers, favoring the construction of pedagogical bases so that the professor has more ample references to support the work of teaching.

Att läsa med tusen tankar i huvudet : En studie om att främja läsbarheten i patientinformation till ungdomar som har adhd

Starkenberg, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
Patientlagen säger att en patient ska få individuellt anpassad information om sitt hälsotillstånd och om de metoder som finns för undersökning, vård och behandling. Det gäller såväl muntlig som skriftlig information. Studier visar att patienter värderar skriftlig information högt, men att det inte alltid finns information av bra kvalitet att tillgå. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka hur man skulle kunna utforma skriftlig information till målgruppen underviktiga ungdomar 13–15 år som har adhd. Projektet är ett uppdrag av en dietist som saknar ett skriftligt material som hon kan lämna ut till sina patienter som ingår i målgruppen. Jag har undersökt vilka förutsättningar ungdomar med adhd har för att läsa och förstå en text. Jag har också undersökt vilken forskning som finns om utformning av patientinformation och andra typer av faktatexter med fokus på läsbarhet. Jag har sedan utgått från teorier om text och teorier om text och bild i samverkan för att undersöka vad som skulle kunna främja läsbarheten i patientinformation till målgruppen. Undersökningen visar att det finns flera olika faktorer som påverkar läsning och läsförståelse hos ungdomar som har adhd. Dessa är svårigheter med koncentration och motivation, nedsatt arbetsminne och läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Med hjälp av insamlad empiri och teorier om text och teorier om text och bild i samverkan har jag skapat ett gestaltningsförslag i form av en broschyr med kostråd till målgruppen. Mottagaranpassningen av texten handlar i huvudsak om att använda en enkel layout som inte distraherar läsaren. Den skrivna texten har ett enkelt men inte barnsligt språk och en meningslängd som skapar flyt i texten.

Digitaliseringens betydelse för äldre : En kvalitativ studie om hur äldre människor påverkas av digitaliseringen / The importance of digitalization for the elderly : A qualitative study on how elderly people are affected by digitalization

Evelina, Jönsson, Anne, Lutonda January 2020 (has links)
Digitaliseringens utveckling i det svenska samhället har skett i en rasande takt och har inneburit förändringar i hur vi idag lever våra liv. Den digitala utvecklingen har gått betydligt fortare än vad vi kunnat förutse och påverkar vårt samhälle där en förutsättning för delaktighet innebär att kunna använda internet. Men för äldre människor kan det bli problematiskt, det finns en rad svårigheter som kan uppstå i ett användande av digital teknik vilket gör att de tvingas ta hjälp av och förlita sig på andra människor. Syftet med studien var att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur samhällets ökade användning av digital teknik kan komma att påverka äldre människor samt skapa en uppfattning om hur äldre människor själva upplever den digitala tekniken. Målet har också varit att lyfta problematiken att många äldre kan ha svårigheter att hänga med i samhället när allt mer i vår miljö integreras med teknik som kan vara problematiskt för äldre människor att hantera.   Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta personer i åldern 70-88 år där resultatet har sammanställts och anknutits till vetenskapliga artiklar, samt teorier och begrepp från Foucault, Jönhill och May. Resultatet visar att samhällets ökade användning av digital teknik har viss betydelse för äldre människor. Det är många som har ett mycket begränsat digitalt användande och därmed inte är inkluderade i samhället på samma sätt som de människorna som använder digital teknik i större utsträckning. Vidare visade studien att äldre människor ofta stöter på svårigheter i sitt användande och det resulterar i att de behöver be någon om hjälp vilket ofta är en yngre familjemedlem. Det framkom också att äldre människor inte anser att den digitala tekniken har påverkat deras vardagsliv i någon större utsträckning. / The evolution of digitalization in Swedish society has taken place at a furious pace and has meant changes in how we today live our lives. Digital development has gone much faster than we could have foreseen and is affecting our society where a prerequisite for participation means being able to use the internet. But for elderly people it can be problematic, there are a number of difficulties that can arise in the use of digital technology, which means that they are forced to ask for help and rely on other people. The title of this paper is The importance of digitalization for the elderly and the aim of the study was to create a deeper understanding of how society’s increased use of digital technology may affect elderly people and create an understanding of how elderly people experience digital technology. The goal has also been to raise the problem that many elderly people may have difficulties keeping up with society when more and more of our environment is integrated with technology that can be problematic for elderly people to handle.   The study has been based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with eight people aged 70-88, where the results have been compiled and linked to scientific articles, as well as theories and concepts from Foucault, Jönhill and May. The result shows that society’s increased use of digital technology has some significance for elderly people. Many people have a very limited digital use and are thus not included in society in the same way as the people who use digital technology to a greater extent. Furthermore, the study showed that elderly people often encounter difficulties in their use and this results in them having to ask someone for help, which is often a younger family member. It also emerged that elderly people do not believe that digital technology had affected their everyday lives to any great extent.

Barn i socioemotionella svårigheter : utmaningar för lärare och förväntningar på specialpedagogen / Children in socioemotional difficulties : challenges for teachers and expectations on the special educator

Habibi, Behzad January 2020 (has links)
Det är vanligt att lärare kommer i kontakt med och undervisar elever som befinner sig i socioemotionella svårigheter. Många lärare känner sig otillräckliga eftersom de finner arbetet med elever i socioemotionella svårigheter som utmanande. Det här har bidragit till att vissa lärare förhåller sig negativt till inkludering. När lärare känner sig otillräckliga finns möjlighet att söka hjälp från specialpedagoger. Därmed blir det betydelsefullt att veta vilka förväntningar lärare har på specialpedagogen. Syftet har varit att utforska hur lärare uppfattar socioemotionella svårigheter och hur de förhåller sig till inkludering. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vilka utmaningar lärarna möter i arbetet med elever i socioemotionella svårigheter samt vilka förväntningar som finns på specialpedagogen. Denna uppsats har en kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med lärare. Intervjuer genomfördes via röst- samt telefonsamtal. En tematisk analys har tillämpats och de specialpedagogiska perspektiven har använts som analysverktyg. Lärarna framhöll både positiva och negativa aspekter med inkludering gällande elever i socioemotionella svårigheter. Däremot framkom ett mer positivt förhållningssätt om lärarna gavs bättre förutsättningar att genomföra inkludering. Lärarna framhöll det som utmanande att undvara tid åt att hjälpa elever i socioemotionella svårigheter och anpassa undervisningen till deras behov, parallellt med övriga klassen. Den hjälp som förväntades av specialpedagogen önskades ske huvudsakligen genom olika former av samtal. / It is not unusual that teachers come in contact with students who are in socioemotional difficulties. Many teachers feel inadequate while working with students in socioemotional difficulties as they find it challenging. This has contributed to the fact that some teachers have a negative attitude towards inclusion. When teachers feel inadequate, there is the opportunity to seek help from special educators. Thus, it is important for the special educator to know which expectations teachers have on the special educators. The aim of this study was to explore how teachers perceive socioemotional difficulties and how teachers relate to inclusion. Furthermore the aim of this study was to explore what challenges teachers face when working with students in socioemotional difficulties and what expectations there are on the special educator. A qualitative approach has been adopted in study and semi-structured interviews have been conducted with teachers. Interviews were conducted by voice and telephone calls. A thematic analysis has been applied and the special educational perspectives have been used as an analysis tool. The teachers emphasized both positive and negative aspects with inclusion, regarding students in socioemotional difficulties. However, a more positive attitude emerged if they were given better prerequisites to implement inclusion. Teachers emphasized that it was challenging to spend time helping students in socio-emotional difficulties and adapt the teaching to their needs, in parallel with the rest of the class. The help that was expected of the special educator was wanted mainly through various forms of conversation.

"Det är en tolkningsfråga helt enkelt" : en kvalitativ studie av lärares syn på anpassningen inför de nationella i svenska / "it's a simple interpretation" : a qualitative study about teachers view of adaptation before the national exam in swedish

Bengtsson, Jennie, Stuhre, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
De nationella proven i svenska omfattar olika riktlinjer om vilka anpassningar som är tillåtna. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om Skolverkets riktlinjer som finns gällande anpassningar för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter inför de nationella proven i svenska för årskurs 3. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats via intervjuer med fem lärare i grundskolans tidigare år. Intervjuerna utfördes på tre olika skolor och i två olika kommuner. Ramfaktorteorin hjälper oss att förstå villkoren bakom de intervjuade lärarnas beslut om anpassningar för elever inför de nationella proven. Studiens resultat påvisar att majoriteten av respondenterna har svårigheter att tolka de nuvarande riktlinjerna. Respondenterna efterfrågar förändringar som kan ha en positiv inverkan för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Samtliga respondenter uttrycker att det finns andra omständigheter, till exempel lokaler, ekonomi, tillgång till specialpedagog, kollegial samverkan och Skolverkets riktlinjer som påverkar arbetet inför de nationella proven. Samtliga respondenter befarar att genomförandet av de nationella proven medför negativa konsekvenser för de elever som inte tillåts att använda sina vanliga hjälpmedel. / The national tests in Swedish comprise different guidelines on specifically allowed adaptations. The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine teachers' perceptions regarding the guidelines of the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) that apply to adaptations for pupils in reading and writing difficulties in preparation for the national exams in Swedish in year 3. The empirical material been obtained through interviews with five teachers from compulsory school early years. The interviews were accomplished at three different schools and in two different municipalities. The frame factor theory helps us understand the conditions behind the interviewed teachers' decision on adaptations pupils for the national exams. The results of the study demonstrate that the majority of the respondents has difficulties interpreting the existing guidelines. All respondents express that there are other circumstances, such as premises, finances, access to special education, collegial cooperation and the guidelines of the Swedish National Agency for Education that affect the work for the national exams. All respondents fear that the implementation of the national exams will have negative consequences for the pupils who are not allowed to use their ordinary tools.

Att ge amningsstöd på barnavårdscentralen : En intervjustudie om distriktssköterskans erfarenhet

Gunnarsson, Julia, Miller, Susanne January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amningsfrekvensen sjunker trots att forskningen visar på fördelar med amning. Flertalet faktorer påverkar mammans val att amma. Distriktssköterskan på barnavårdscentralen ska stödja föräldrar i föräldraskapet för att gynna en allsidig utveckling för barnet.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av att ge amningsstöd på barnavårdscentralen. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats tillämpades i studien. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio distriktssköterskor på barnavårdscentralen. Utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys analyserades det insamlade materialet. Resultat: Huvudfynden för studien var att flera aspekter inverkade på amningens utfall. Amningsstöd var viktigt för att etablera amning eftersom amning kunde medföra utmaningar för mamman. Slutligen belystes utmaningar för distriktssköterskan när amningsstöd skulle ges, så som tidsbrist, kunskapsbehov och vikten av att vara lyhörd inför mamman.  Slutsats: Amning är komplicerat och mamman har inte alltid en bild av amning som speglar verkligheten. Distriktssköterskan har en viktig roll att stötta mamman till en fungerande amning. Tidsbrist, ej samstämmiga amningsråd och brist på fortbildning skapar utmaningar för distriktssköterskan i att ge amningsstöd / Background: Even if research show that breastfeeding has positive health effects the breast feeding rates are declining. Many factors influence the mothers’ choice in breastfeeding. The District Nurses role at the child health care center is to support parents in parenthood to promote all around healthy development for the child.  Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate the District Nurses experience of giving breastfeeding support at the child health care center.  Method: A qualitative method with an inductive approach was used for the study. The data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews with ten District Nurses at the child health center. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the gathered material.  Findings: The key findings for the study was that many aspects had an impact on the mothers’ choice to breastfeed. Breastfeeding support was important to establish breastfeeding because with breastfeeding challenges arose for the mother. There were also challenges for the District Nurse in the shape of lack of time, need of knowledge and the importance in being perceptive of the mothers needs.  Conclusion: The conclusion shows that breastfeeding is complicated and the mother doesn’t always have a reality-based image of breastfeeding. The District Nurse has a key role in supporting the mother to breastfeed successfully. Lack of time, inconclusive breastfeeding advice and lack of continuous education created challenges to give breastfeeding support for the District Nurse.

Vems behov kommer först? : En vetenskaplig essä om vilka elevers behov som ska prioriteras, samt hur omgivning, föräldrar och skolans resursfördelning spelar in

Kas Elias, Salma January 2020 (has links)
“Whose needs come first?” is a scientific essay based on a self-experienced story about astudent in difficulties in school. It leads us to a dilemma about which students me as a youthworker in school and the after-school center should prioritize – a child in difficulties who is inneed of a lot of extra help and support but who also is very disturbing to others, or the rest ofthe students. The purpose of this scientific essay is to investigate who you judiciously shouldact towards the individual student and towards the whole class. Furthermore, the purpose isalso to examine how the schools' resources are generally distributed in school, how they aredistributed to children in need, which effect a diagnosis on a child could have on theallocation of resources, and how the parents' involvement could influence these decisions. The methods used to write the scientific essay are both the essay-writing itself, and also withrelevant literature present information from previous research, which connects to the purposeand the question formulations which are based on the purpose. Then, via a discussion andreflection highlight both the relevant and applicable on the self-experienced story, but alsocriticize the literature, because it is not often as applicable in the school’s reality as it soundseasy in the literature. Ethical and moral discussions are also an important aspect of the essay. This essay illuminates the difficulties of putting all the situations and all the students underthe same roof facing a dilemma, and that a lot of different factors could influence the outcomeof the situation, such as the environment, socioeconomic factors, background, culturalpreferences, and allocation of resources. / ”Vems behov kommer först?” är en vetenskaplig essä med utgångspunkt i en berättelse om enelev i svårigheter. Den leder oss fram till ett dilemma som handlar om vilka elever jag som fritidshemslärare i klassrummet och på fritidshemmet ska prioritera – ett barn i svårigheter som är i behov av mycket extra hjälp och stöd men som även stör klassen, eller resten aveleverna? Essäns syfte är att undersöka hur man omdömesfullt agerar gentemot den enskilda eleven och gentemot hela klassen. Syftet är även att undersöka hur skolans resurser fördelas generellt samt till barn i behov av extra stöd, och vilken påverkan en diagnos kan ha på resursfördelningen, samt hur föräldrarnas delaktighet i dessa beslut kan påverka. Metoden som använts till essäskrivandet är, förutom essäskrivandet i sig, att med relevant litteratur presentera information från tidigare forskning kopplat till syftet och frågeställningarna, vilka är baserade på syftet, och sedan med hjälp av diskussion och reflektion lyfta fram både det relevanta och tillämpbara på berättelsen, men även kritiseralitteraturen då det inte är lika tillämpbart i verkligheten i skolan som de får det att låta i teorin. Etik och moral är även en viktig aspekt som tas upp och diskuteras. Denna essä belyser svårigheterna med att dra alla situationer och elever över samma kam – att bland annat omgivning, socioekonomi, bakgrund, kultur och resursfördelning kan ha stor påverkan på situationers utfall.

Exploring problems encountered in the teaching and learning of statistics in grade 11

Makwakwa, Eva 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore problems encountered in the teaching and learning of statistics in grade 11 and to offer ways of addressing them. A convenient sample of 100 grade 11 mathematics teachers and 448 grade 11 mathematics learners participated in the study. A descriptive survey design was used. Data were collected from the teachers using a teacher questionnaire, classroom observation schedule and teacher interview, and from learners through the use of a learner questionnaire, classroom observation schedule, diagnostic test and learner interview. The validity and reliability of all these instruments was established. Descriptive statistics and frequencies were used to analyse learner questionnaires, teacher questionnaires and learners‟ responses to a diagnostic test. Teacher and learner interviews were transcribed and classified according to themes. Classroom observations were analysed by using themes and checking for similarities and differences. The results showed that teachers had difficulty with the interpretation and calculation of measures of dispersion; representation and interpretation of data on graphs or plots; determining the five number summary; constructing and interpreting probability diagrams and tables; and interpreting probability terminology. Also, the results showed that learners experienced difficulties when using graphs to predict the results; interpreting and determining measures of dispersion; computation of quartiles when the total number of data values was even; representing data on graphs or plots; interpreting and determining measures of central tendency; constructing and interpreting probability graphs and tables; and interpreting probability terminology. The results found possible causes of the teachers‟ difficulties to be (1) their lack of statistics content knowledge; (2) inadequate textbooks; (3) in-service programmes which did not cover statistical topics, or which did not pay adequate attention to probability; and (4) teachers failure to attend these in-service teacher workshops. Further, the findings of the study were that the probable causes of learners‟ difficulties were (1) inadequate teaching of statistics topics in previous grades; (2) teachers‟ lack of content knowledge in statistics meant they had difficulty explaining concepts to learners; (3) inadequate learning material and learners‟ inability to use the statistics function mode on their calculators; and (4) learners‟ lack of conceptual knowledge of certain aspects of statistics. Lastly, the results of the study found that the possible ways to address the problems in the teaching and learning of statistics in grade 11 to be: (1) teachers should receive financial support from their schools/districts to attend in-service education and training programmes; (2) textbooks should be well written (provide thorough explanations) and contain all the information necessary to teach data handling and probability (i.e. formulae, more examples); (3) in-service teacher programmes should meet the needs of the teachers by offering topics that teachers find difficult to teach; and (4) more and longer inset programmes on probability, preferably five-day workshops, should be arranged. / Mathematics Education / M. Sc. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

Digitala matematikappar som stöd i undervisningen för elever i matematiksvårigheter: En innehållsanalys utifrån fyra undervisningsaspekter. / Digital mathematical applications to support students with learning difficulties in mathematics: A contents analysis based upon four different educational aspects.

Ögren, Nanny, Englund Gustavsson, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utveckla ett analytiskt ramverk som fungerar för analysering av 11 appar och kategorisera dem utifrån deras användbarhet i undervisningen av elever i matematiksvårigheter. Vilka undervisningsaspekter som valdes ut grundades på en anpassning för elever i svårigheter i matematik. Alla appar används av elever i förskoleklass eller grundskolan år 1-6. Det urval som gjorts för studien var appar som redan granskats av tidigare forskare. Aspekterna som valdes ut för studien var explicit undervisning, visuella representationer, belöningssystem och färdighetsträning. Apparnas möjlighet till explicit undervisning skapar förutsättningar för att eleverna ska bli självständiga och känna sig trygga. Visuella repesentationer presenterar om appen ger eleven ett bildligt verktyg för att kunna utveckla sitt lärande. Området belöningssystem i apparna erbjuder återkoppling och skapar förutsättningar till engagemang hos eleven. Om eleven får utöva färdighetsträning kommer arbetsminnet att stärkas och den matematiska förmågan att utvecklas. Det är viktigt att lösa många uppgifter för att nå djupare kunskaper i matematikämnet.  Studien resulterade i att det analytiska ramverket kan användas av lärare för att analysera vilka aspekter som ger ett fungerande stöd för elever i matematiksvårigheter, när de arbetar i den utvalda appen. / The purpose of the study is to develop and use an analytical framework that works for the analysis of 11 apps and categorize them based on their applicability in teaching students with mathdifficulties. Which teaching aspects were selected was based on an adaptation for students with difficulties years 1-6. The selection made for the study was apps that are already being reviewed by previous researchers. The aspects selected for the study were explicit teaching, visual representations, reward systems and skilling training. The apps opportunity for explicit teaching creates the condition for students to become independent and confident. Visual representations present whether the app gives the students a pictorial tool to be able to develop their learning. The area of rewards systems in the apps offers feedback and creates conditions for the students commitment. If the student is allowed to practice skills training, the working memory will be strengthened, and the mathematical ability will be developed. It is important to solve many tasks to reach deeper knowledge in the subject of mathematics. The study resulted in an analytical framework that provides a tool for teachers. The tool can be used when scrutinizing apps aiming for a functional support for students with mathematical difficulties.

Výzkum nových parametrů online písma u dětí s grafomotorickými obtížemi / Research of new online handwriting features in children with graphomotor difficulties

Gavenčiak, Michal January 2021 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, there is currently no objective method to diagnose graphomotor difficulties in children. Ongoing research uses modern digitizers to capture the hand-writing process and quantify its parameters. The first goal of this thesis is to develop software tools to faciliate work with the collected data, such as database validation and writing exercise rating, done by specialists. Another goal of this thesis is to design new on-line handwriting parameters which are then to be analysed on a cohort of school children from 2nd to 4th class of primary school (n=239). The implementation of two desktop programs on the .NET platform is described, among three new quantifying parameters based on the principles of isochrony, two-dimensional cross-correlation, and geometrical centroid. All three parameters show significant correlation (r = [0,2; 0,3])with the HPSQ-C rating in 2nd- and 4th-graders and correlation (𝜌= [0,2; 0,5]) with specialist’s subjective scores in all children from the cohort. The analysis suggests children with graphomotor difficulties struggle with regulating handwriting speed and working memory.

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