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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart Home Adoption : Diffusion Prospects of the Smart Home and Voice as a Mean of Control in Sweden / Adoption av det smarta hemmet : Diffusionsutsikterna för det smarta hemmet och röststyrning i Sverige

Gartz, Madeleine, Linderbrandt, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Smart home technology develops at a rapid pace and the smart home of today is only a fraction of what the smart home has the potential to become. The ambition of the smart home is to make the everyday life easier for its residents by increasing comfort, safety, and efficiency. As speech recognition accuracy has increased, voice has become an increasingly popular mean of control within the smart home. Both speech recognition and smart home technology have been listed as important emerging technologies for several years with high expected market growth. However, the adoption is slow and one might wonder whether the technologies are failing to diffuse. Though there is an arena for the technologies to work, and benefits to be utilized, the majority of the Swedish population has not adopted the technologies yet. Why is that? This thesis aimed to determine the diffusion prospects of the smart home controlled by voice by investigating; the current consumer adoption rate of the smart home and the smart home controlled by voice; the consumers’ perceptions of smart home technology and voice as a mean of control; and what adoption barriers might hinder the diffusion. To examine this, a literature review of previously identified adoption barriers was conducted, followed by interviews with both technology experts and consumers with different levels of smart home experience. Based on these, initial hypotheses were extracted on consumer perceptions and adoption barriers of smart home technology. These initial hypotheses were subsequently tested by conducting a survey aimed at Swedish families with dependent children. The survey found the adoption of the smart home to have reached half of the Swedish families with dependent children, while the smart home controlled by voice only has been adopted by one-fifth of the families. The smart home technology was found to have good prospects of continuing the diffusion. However, the perceptions of smart home technology vary between consumer groups, where some groups have more difficulties perceiving a purpose with the technology. Voice was further determined unlikely to be the only mean of control of the future smart home, as voice is not found suitable in all situations. This thesis also identified several adoption barriers and problem areas that might hinder the future adoption of smart home technology. Solving these adoption barriers and problems are crucial to increase the diffusion prospects of the smart home. / Tekniken för det smarta hemmet utvecklas i rask takt och den teknik som finns idag är bara en bråkdel av vad det smarta hemmet har potential att utvecklas till. Målet med det smarta hemmet är att förenkla vardagslivet för de som bor i hemmet genom att erbjuda ökad komfort, säkerhet och effektivitet. I takt med att noggrannheten för taligenkänning ökar har röst som kontrollmedel av det smarta hemmet ökat i popularitet. Taligenkänning och tekniken för det smarta hemmet har i flera år listats som viktiga trender och teknikerna förutspås ha hög framtida marknadstillväxt. Adoptionen har emellertid visat sig vara ganska långsam, vilket ger upphov till funderingar kring om teknikerna håller på att misslyckas. Trots att det finns en arena för att teknikerna ska fungera och fördelar att dra nytta av, så har majoriteten av det svenska folket fortfarande inte adopterat teknikerna. Hur kommer sig detta? Det här mastersarbetet ämnar utvärdera framtidsutsikterna för det smarta hemmet kontrollerat av röst. Arbetet undersöker; dagens adoption av det smarta hemmet och det smarta hemmet styrt av röst; konsumenternas uppfattning av tekniken i det smarta hemmet och av röst som kontrollmedel; samt vilka adoptionsbarriärer som skulle kunna hindra diffusionen av teknikerna. En studie av tidigare litteratur i området genomfördes, följt av intervjuer med både teknikexperter och konsumenter med olika erfarenhet av det smarta hemmet. Baserat på litteraturstudien och intervjuerna kunde initiala hypoteser kring konsumenternas uppfattning av teknikerna samt potentiella adoptionsbarriärer extraheras. Dessa hypoteser testades genom en enkätundersökning riktad mot svenska barnfamiljer. Det fastställdes att adoptionen av det smarta hemmet har nått hälften av Sveriges barnfamiljer, medan enbart en femtedel av dessa familjer adopterat det smarta hemmet styrt av röst. Tekniken för det smarta hemmet har goda förutsättningar för fortsatt diffusionen och adoption. Däremot skiljer sig uppfattningarna av tekniken för det smarta hemmet mellan olika konsumentgrupper. Detta då vissa grupper har svårare att uppfatta ett värde med tekniken. Ser man till styrningen av det framtida smarta hemmet är det osannolikt att röst kommer vara det enda styrsättet, eftersom röstkontroll inte är lämpligt i alla situationer. Detta mastersarbete identifierade även flertalet adoptionsbarriärer och problemområden som riskerar hindra teknikens framtida adoption. Dessa är kritiska att lösa för det smarta hemmets framtida diffusion och adoption.

Battery supported charging infrastructure for electric vehicles : And its impact on the overall electricity infrastructure / Laddinfrastruktur för elbilar kopplat till stationära batterilager : Och dess inverkan på elnätet

Svensson Dahlin, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The Paris Agreement was formed in 2015 to reduce the environmental impact and limit the increase in temperature to 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. It is believed that an electrification of the transport sector will reduce its negative environmental impact. To reach the goals set by the Paris Agreement we are in need of quick development towards an electrified fleet of vehicles. Despite this urgency electric vehicles (EVs) have failed to reach the majority of the market, instead it has stuck in the chasm between the early adopters and the early majority of the markets. This is due to three main challenges; EVs are relatively expensive compared to conventional petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles, EVs have an inadequate driving range, and the access to a functional charging infrastructure is limited. This thesis focuses on the third challenge regarding charging infrastructure. The charging infrastructure is dependent on the existing electricity distribution infrastructure, i.e. the grid. It is rather time-consuming and costly to strengthen the grid, which is deemed necessary for enabling a roll-out of a charging infrastructure that meets the needs of current and near-future EV operators. This research provides an alternative way of approaching the issues. Instead of strengthening the grid by digging up old cables it looks into the opportunities of incorporating stationary battery storages as a buffer between the EV charging stations and the grid connection point. This battery solution can reduce the power outtake and smoothen out the load from EV charging, thus limiting the impact of EV charging from a grid perspective. The research assesses what type of pathways this solution could follow to successfully drive the adoption of EVs. Furthermore, the study tries to understand how these solutions could be designed to deliver the necessary values regarding EV charging and reducing the overall power outtake from grid connection points. The thesis is carried out by analyzing collected quantitative and qualitative data through the lens of three main theories. These are transition theory, theory on eco-innovations, and theory on the diffusion of innovations. The thesis finds that the two pathways for a battery supported charging infrastructure that will be most efficient in speeding up the adoption rate of EVs is within a workplace and public charging setting in city and urban environments. For both pathways it is expected that a centralized concept, with one battery solution connected to several charging points, will be most feasible in the short-term, which is important as the need for developments are very urgent. The workplace charging will provide 3,6 kW AC-charging while the public charging provides 150 kW DC-charging. The solution is expected to be cost-efficient for specific locations, especially for public charging in city environments with strained grid infrastructures. The study provides an initial assessment for the city of Stockholm which indicates that the power outtake can be reduced by 63,5–112,2 MW in 2030. This means that the current grid infrastructure could support a larger number of EVs, thus reducing the greenhouse-gas emissions from the transport sector and bringing us closer to reaching the goals set by the Paris Agreement. / Parisavtalet utformades år 2015 för att reducera vår klimatpåverkan och begränsa temperaturökningen till 2°C jämfört med nivåerna som rådde innan den industriella revolutionen. Förhoppningen är att en elektrifiering av transportsektorn kan reducera dess negativa klimatpåverkan. För att nå målen i Parisavtalet behövs en snabb omställning mot en elektrifiering av fordonsflottan. Trots situationens brådskande karaktär har elbilar fastnat i en klyfta mellan den begränsade tidiga marknaden och den sena marknaden, vilken utgör majoriteten av kunderna. Det finns tre primära anledningar till detta; elbilar är dyra jämfört med bensin- och dieseldrivna bilar, räckvidden för elbilar är otillräcklig, och det råder begränsad tillgång till en funktionell laddinfrastruktur. Den här studien fokuserar på den tredje anledningen kring otillräcklig laddinfrastruktur. Laddinfrastrukturen är beroende av det existerande elnätet och dess distributionskapacitet. En förstärkning av elnätet är i många fall nödvändig för att möjliggöra en utrullning av en laddinfrastruktur som möter dagens och morgondagens behov. Istället för att förstärka elnätet genom att gräva ner tjockare kablar så fokuserar denna studie på en alternativ lösning kring laddinfrastruktur sammankopplat med stationära batterilager. Batterilagret agerar som en buffert mellan anslutningspunkten till elnätet och laddningspunkten för elbilar. Genom att reducera effektuttaget och jämna ut lastkurvan för elbilsladdning kan en batterilösning begränsa den negativa påverkan det förväntas ha på elnätet. Studien undersöker vilka vägar denna batterilösning kan ta för att öka antalet elbilar i fordonsflottan. Efter att ha förstått vilka dessa lösningsvägar är så analyserar studien hur dessa lösningar kan vara uppbyggda för att erbjuda de efterfrågade och nödvändiga värdena för elbilsladdning och elnätets fortsatta funktionalitet. Studien bygger på analys av kvalitativa och kvantitativa data. Analysen utförs genom att applicera koncept hämtade från teorier kring teknologiska övergångar, miljöinnovationer och spridning av innovationer. De två lösningsområden som förväntas vara mest effektiva i att driva en ökning av antalet elbilar i Sverige är arbetsplatsladdning samt offentlig laddning i stadsmiljöer. En lösning med ett centraliserat batterisystem där en batterilösning är kopplat till flera laddstationer antas vara mest genomförbar på kort sikt, vilket anses vara centralt på grund av utmaningarnas brådskande karaktär. För arbetsplatsladdning tillhandahålls 3,6 kW AC-laddning och för offentlig laddning tillhandahålls 150 kW DC-laddning. Lösningarna förväntas vara kostnadseffektiva for specifika platser och användarprofiler, speciellt för offentlig laddning i stadsområden med ansträngda elnät. En initial uppskattning visar att en laddinfrastruktur kopplat till stationära batterilager inom de två lösningsområdena kan minska Stockholms effektuttag för elbilsladdning med 63,5–112,2 MW år 2030. Detta betyder att dagens elnät kan tillgodose ett ökat antal elbilar, vilka genererar färre utsläpp av växthusgaser och ger oss en bättre chans att nå Parisavtalets mål.

Blockchain for Financial Inclusion and Mobile Financial Services : A study in sub-Saharan Africa

Danho, Sargon, Habte, Yonathan January 2019 (has links)
Financial services have historically been offered by central entities which has put financial systems in the control of a number of central parties. Some argue that this centralization has contributed to a more unequal distribution of wealth. However, during more recent time with the emergence of blockchain, traditional perspectives on transparency and democratization have shifted. Increasing financial inclusion has been highlighted as a crucial step in decreasing poverty levels and blockchain has been discussed as a technology with a potential to make a difference in this ambition. This study will focus on sub-Saharan Africa where 550 million individuals lack access to financial services despite having access to mobile phones. As a consequence of this, mobile financial services boomed in sub-Saharan Africa, starting in Kenya. This study will therefore focus on mobile financial services and more precisely on the perceived usefulness of blockchain technology for the mobile financial services. Furthermore, the study aims to explore what role blockchain can play in further increasing financial inclusion in the region. This was done by conducting several interviews with people representing start-ups, government agencies, telco companies during a research trip to South Africa and by participation in the Blockchain Africa Conference 2019 in Cape town.  The findings from the research show that blockchain is perceived as useful for mobile financial services, mainly because of its ability to reduce costs by removing intermediaries, to automate processes and to create decentralized trust. However, it was also found that the usefulness is negatively affected today due to the lack of common protocols and definitions, which makes it difficult for blockchain to yet make a real difference in increasing financial inclusion. / Finansiella tjänster har historiskt sätt tillhandahållits med hjälp av centraliserad datalagring genom pålitliga intermediärer såsom banker och försäkringsbolag. Detta har satt det finansiella systemet i kontroll av några få centrala aktörer vilket somliga menar har ökat den ekonomisk ojämlikheten. På senare tid, i samband med blockkedjeteknologins framväxt, har synen på demokrati och transparens skiftat. Ökad finansiell inkludering har lyfts fram som avgörande för att minska fattigdomen. Blockkedjeteknologin har framhävts att ha potential att göra skillnad i detta arbete. Denna studie fokuserar på Subsahariska Afrika där 550 miljoner individer saknar tillgång till finansiella tjänster trots att de har tillgång till mobiltelefoner. Att erbjuda mobila finansiella tjänster är viktigt för att möjliggöra finansiell inkludering. Studien ämnar därför att undersöka upplevd användbarhet av blockkedjeteknologi för mobila finansiella tjänster och hur tekniken kan utöka finansiell inkludering i kontinenten. Detta har delvis gjorts genom en forskningsresa till Sydafrika där flertalet intervjuer utfördes med personer som representerar startupbolag, regeringen, telekombranschen och den akademiska världen. Resultaten från studien visar att blockkedjeteknologin upplevs vara användbar för mobila finansiella tjänster, främst på grund av dess förmåga att sänka kostnaderna genom att ta bort mellanhänder, automatisera processer samt skapa säkra decentraliserade system. Däremot måste standardiserade protokoll och definitioner måste utvecklas innan detta kan realiseras. Fram till dess kommer det att vara svårt för blockkedjeteknolgi att göra en verklig skillnad i ökad finansiell inkludering.

Open data – It’s sensitive : A study exploring obstacles and enablers of publishing Open data at two types of Swedish Governmental agencies

Israelsson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
There is currently an effort within the European Union and Sweden to make data produced by government agencies available for reuse to citizens and organizations. While Sweden has had a long history of sharing information with its citizens the country is currently behind its northern neighboring countries when it comes to publishing government data openly. In this study, the author seeks to find if there are types of governmental agencies whose work makes it easier or harder to make it available for reuse. This was done in two phases; in the first phase, the author identified overrepresented and underrepresented agency types on Sweden’s open data portal. In the second phase, the author interviewed two agencies from an overrepresented agency type and two agencies from an underrepresented agency type, to learn what has enabled the overrepresented agencies and what has prevented the underrepresented agencies to publish data openly. The results show that agencies that have sensitive data, in general, had a harder time publishing their data openly than those which did not. The agencies that were underrepresented on the Swedish data portal also had decentralized data generation methods and ways of storage that negatively impacted their ability to publish data openly. What enabled the overrepresented agencies to publish data, beyond having a low amount of sensitive data was the tangible benefits of publishing data openly and the organizational willingness that came with these benefits.

Characteristics of Early Adopters and Early Majority Adopting a Vertical Social Network : A case study of the applicability of the Diffusion of Innovations theory in a Vertical Social Network / Karaktärsdrag av tidiga och sena användare av vertikala sociala nätverk : En fallstudie av lämpligheten att använda Diffusion of Innovations teorin i ett vertikalt socialt nätverk

Hantman Kollén, Sophie, Manhem, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
To remain relevant, even the successful social networks need to evolve. Vertical Social Networks (VSN) are the response of this, satisfying people who are seeking more niched and personalized content. However, this is a highly competitive environment where taking advantage of the first mover advantages is crucial for the future success. This study concerns diffusion of innovations and segmentation according to the technology adoption lifecycle to investigate how a VSN can reach user growth by understanding their current users better. We have built this study upon an explorative case study of a case company operating in the VSN landscape providing their users with an application. Building on extensive literature research, theory, surveys and conducting interviews, differences in user characteristics were identified. Theoretical and empirical evidence was further analyzed based on user behavior and level of satisfaction. Our recommendations suggest that considerations for different phases of the diffusion journey has to be made by targeting the appropriate users as this is vital for satisfying the existing users, and for reaching new ones. / För att bibehålla relevans, måste även de mest framgångsrika sociala nätverken utvecklas. Vertikala Sociala Nätverk (VSN) är svaret på detta, genom att tillfredsställa människor som söker mer nischade och personifierat innehåll. Detta landskap är dock präglat av hög konkurrens där vikten av att vara först på marknaden är avgörande för framtida framgång. Denna studie belyser Innovationsspridning och segmentering enligt Technology Adoption Lifecycle för att undersöka hur ett VSN kan nå användartillväxt genom att förstå sina nuvarande användare bättre. Vi har genomfört en undersökande fallstudie av ett företag inom VSN branschen som bistår sina användare med en applikation. Baserat på tidigare forskning, teori, enkäter och intervjuer identifierades olikheter i karaktärsdrag hos deras användare. Teoretiska och empiriska bevis beträffande olikheter i karaktärsdrag analyserades och diskuterades vidare baserat på användarbeteende och nivå av tillfredsställelse. De föreslagna rekommendationerna innefattar att ett övervägande för olika faser av diffusionsresan måste göras för att tilltala lämpliga målgrupper, då detta är avgörande för att tillfredsställa befintliga användare, och för att nå nya.

The diffusion of a discipline: Examining social marketing's institutionalization within environmental contexts

Foote, Liz 18 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.


FERNANDA LEAO RAMOS 17 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo buscou investigar o impacto da adoção das redes sociais por empresas brasileiras sobre seu comportamento exportador no decorrer da pandemia do Covid-19. Especificamente, buscou-se entender em que medida as empresas se perceberam atingidas por impactos disruptivos da pandemia, apresentavam orientação para mídias sociais, utilizaram as mídias sociais para aquisição de conhecimento, reconhecimento de oportunidades e interação com parceiros, e em que medida tal utilização favoreceu o comportamento exportador. A perspectiva teórica adotada no estudo foi a Teoria da Difusão de Inovações de Everett Rogers. A fundamentação teórica baseou-se ainda na literatura sobre adoção de tecnologia, em particular voltada para digitalização e redes sociais, levando à elaboração de um modelo teórico e à formulação de 11 hipóteses de pesquisa. A metodologia adotada consistiu na aplicação de uma survey online com uma amostra de conveniência de empresas brasileiras. As escalas utilizadas para medir os construtos foram identificadas na literatura, tendo sido anteriormente desenvolvidas e validadas por outros autores. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários autoadministrados disponibilizados na internet, sendo enviado um convite por email ou por redes sociais contendo o link para o questionário. O teste de hipóteses utilizou a modelagem de equações estruturais, tendo-se encontrado relações significativas entre os principais construtos do modelo. As contribuições do estudo à teoria de difusão de adoção de inovações incluem melhor entendimento do potencial impacto de eventos disruptivos e a associação entre a adoção de redes sociais e adoção da exportação. / [en] This study sought to investigate the impact of the adoption of social networks by Brazilian companies on their export behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, the study sought to understand to what extent these companies perceived themselves to be affected by the disruptive impacts of the pandemic, were oriented towards social media, used social media to acquire knowledge, recognize opportunities and interact with partners, and to what extent such use favored export behavior. The theoretical perspective adopted in the study was Everett Rogers Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The theoretical foundation was also based on the literature on technology adoption, particularly focused on digitalization and social networks, leading to the elaboration of a theoretical model and the formulation of 11 research hypotheses. The methodology adopted consisted of the application of an online survey with a convenience sample of micro and small Brazilian companies. The scales used to measure the constructs were identified in the literature, having been previously developed and validated by other authors. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires made available on the internet, and an invitation was sent by email or through social networks containing the link to the questionnaire. The hypothesis test used structural equation modeling, and significant relationships were found between the main constructs of the model. The study s contributions to the Diffusion of Innovations Theory include a better understanding of the potential impact of disruptive events on the adoption of an innovation and the association between social media adoption and export adoption.

An Ethnography of Direct-to-Consumer Genomics [DTCG]: Design Anthropology Insights for the Product Management of a Disruptive Innovation

Artz, Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
Direct-to-consumer genomics (DTCG) health testing offers great promise to humanity, however to date adoption has lagged as a result of consumer awareness, understanding, and previous government regulations restricting DTCG companies from providing information on an individual's genetic predispositions. But in 2017 the broader DTCG market which also includes genealogical testing demonstrated exponential growth, implying that DTCG is starting to diffuse as an innovation. To better understand the sociocultural forces affecting diffusion, adoption, and satisfaction, qualitative ethnographic research was conducted with DTCG genealogy and health consumers. The data was qualitatively analyzed using thematic analysis to understand the similarities and differences in beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and mediating factors that have influenced consumers. Design anthropology theory and methods were used to produce ethnographically informed insights. The insights were then translated into actionable product management and business strategy recommendations.

Information Communication Technologies and Identity in Post-Dayton Bosnia: Mendingor Deepening the Ethnic Divide

McIntire, William David 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Bridging the Gap between Agricultural Innovations and Implementation: The way Forward for Guyana

Garnett, Juneann 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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