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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

«Wordes bolde». Evoluzione stilistica dal "Roman de Horn" a "King Horn" a "Horn Childe"

Gottardi, Pierandrea 12 July 2022 (has links)
The doctoral thesis compares the style of the “Romance of Horn”, “King Horn”, and “Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild”. Each of them is a different version of the same story; the first is an Insular French romance, the second and third are Middle English romances. The stylistic analysis is both quantitative and qualitative, and it is developed employing the lemmatized edition of each witness of each version. The work begins with an introduction to the concept of style. The first chapter focuses on a review of the literature regarding each version, considering specifically the witnesses and textual criticism, metre and genre, language, date, and style. For the Insular French version, a specific review of the literature about the author is offered. The second chapter introduces stylometry and stylistic analysis with a brief literature review. Then, the protocols for the edition and lemmatization of each witness are described. Finally, the methods adopted for the stylistic analysis are explained. The third chapter develops the study of descriptions, anaphors, and formulas in each version. The collected data and their interpretations are considered altogether through the lens of a group of theoretical concepts: connotation, attribution, horizon of expectations and discursive tradition. Via these concepts, a trajectory of stylistic mutations is traced, and a link between style and socio-cultural context is displayed. The conclusions sum up all the information and inferences, suggesting further possibilities for new research. / La tesi sviluppa lo studio comparativo dello stile come osservato nel “Roman de Horn”, in “King Horn” e in “Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild”, tre versioni della medesima vicenda, la prima in anglonormanno, le altre due in inglese medio. Nella tesi l’indagine stilistica è svolta in maniera qualitativa e quantitativa, lavorando sulle edizioni lemmatizzate secondo codifica TEI dei singoli testimoni di ciascuna versione. Dopo un’introduzione sul concetto di stile, il primo capitolo è dedicato a un’introduzione ai testi e ai testimoni delle tre versioni. Dopo un cappello introduttivo sui rapporti genetici tra le versioni, di ciascuna di esse si opera un'escussione della bibliografia esistente intorno a testimoni ed eventuale stemmatica, metro e genere, lingua, datazione, stile dell’opera; per la versione anglonormanna si aggiunge uno specifico approfondimento sull’autore. Nel secondo capitolo, si inquadrano stilistica e stilometria nel panorama accademico attuale, quindi si espongono i protocolli di edizione e lemmatizzazione adottata, infine i metodi di analisi adottati e le ragioni per cui circoscrivere l’indagine ai fenomeni di descrizione, anafora e formula. Nel terzo capitolo si procede ad analizzare in ogni versione le descrizioni e poi anafore e formule. Per le descrizioni, dopo aver offerto un quadro specifico per versione, si opera una sintesi sulla base dei concetti di connotazione e attribuzione, chiarendo una possibile traiettoria del mutamento stilistico. Parallelamente, dopo un’analisi di anafore e formule in ciascuna versione si offre una visione d’insieme alla luce dei concetti di orizzonte d’attesa e tradizione discorsiva, ponendo così in relazione stile e contesto socioculturale dell’Inghilterra medievale. Nelle conclusioni, si riassumono gli approdi dell’analisi, valutando metodi e risultati e proponendo possibili aperture a lavori futuri.


Hiller, Moritz 13 July 2021 (has links)
"Maschinenphilologie" – das heißt: Fahndung nach dem Subjekt der Philologie. Literaturarchive, Textkritiken und Digital Humanities sind heute Schauplätze digitaler Medien, die nicht nur den passiven Gegenstand, sondern das methodische Werkzeug von Philologie abgeben. Ihre Wirkmacht nötigt zur Frage, wie eine bestimmte Maschinengattung die Prämissen, Praktiken und Institutionen dieses seit 1800 humanistisch geprägten Wissenschaftsfeldes affiziert. Und damit auch seinen geschichtsträchtigen Subjektbegriff: Denn wo nicht mehr nur oder primär Menschen, sondern auch ihr maschinelles Andere schreibt, liest, archiviert und ediert, ist die Logosliebe, mit N. Katherine Hayles zu sprechen, längst posthumanistisch geworden. Grund genug, dieses Beziehungsgeflecht von Menschen und Medien noch einmal abseits von allen Humanexzeptionalismen zu denken: Philologie am heutigen Tag ist immer auch Maschinenphilologie. / This dissertation is in pursuit of the elusive agent of philology. Be it literary archives which curate digital remains, textual criticism which processes computer software, or the Digital Humanities as an alleged new paradigm of humanities, digital media poses particular challenges for philology today—not only as an object of study, but also as a methodological tool. "Machine Philology" confronts these challenges, asking more generally how a particular type of machinery affects the premises, practices, and institutions of a scientific field informed by traditional humanism. Central to the project is an inquiry into the notion of subjectivity. For, where not only human beings, but also their machinic Other, reads, writes, archives, and edits, it is to be argued that philology has—following N. Katherine Hayles—become posthumanistic. The dissertation uses this as an opportunity for a fundamental reconsideration of the entangled network of human beings and media that philology can be described as, evacuated of any human-exceptionalism: Philology today is machine philology.

Using Digital Mapping Techniques to Rapidly Document Vulnerable Historical Landscapes in Coastal Louisiana: Holt Cemetery Case Study

Moore, Alahna 18 May 2018 (has links)
This thesis outlines a technique for rapid documentation of historic sites in volatile cultural landscapes. Using Holt Cemetery as an exemplary case study, a workflow was developed incorporating RTK terrain survey, UAS aerial imagery, photogrammetry, GIS, and smartphone data collection in order to create a multifaceted database of the material and spatial conditions, as well as the patterns of use, that exist at the cemetery. The purpose of this research is to create a framework for improving the speed of data creation and increasing the accessibility of information regarding threatened cultural resources. It is intended that these processes can be scaled and adapted for use at any site, and that the products generated can be utilized by researchers, resource management professionals, and preservationists. In utilizing expedited methods, this thesis specifically advocates for documentation of sites that exist in coastal environments and are facing imminent destruction due to environmental degradation.

Consuming Digital Debris in the Plasticene

Parks, Stephen R 01 January 2018 (has links)
Claims of customization and control by socio-technical industries are altering the role of consumer and producer. These narratives are often misleading attempts to engage consumers with new forms of technology. By addressing capitalist intent, material, and the reproduction limits of 3-D printed objects’, I observe the aspirational promise of becoming a producer of my own belongings through new networks of production. I am interested in gaining a better understanding of the data consumed that perpetuates hyper-consumptive tendencies for new technological apparatuses. My role as a designer focuses on the resolution of not only the surface of the object through 3-D printing, but the social implications to acknowledge consequential conditions of new forms of consumer technology.

數位人文於政治學的應用: 解構兩岸關係中的ECFA政策 / Applying Digital Humanities to Political Science: Deconstructing the Policy of ECFA in the Cross-Strait Relations

林顯明, Lin, Hsien Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為第一本運用數位人文學於政治學領域的研究著作,隨著電腦科技及網際網路的快速發展,過去許多僅能以紙本方式加以儲存的政府檔案與歷史文件,在經過電腦科技的輔助下完成數位化工作。數位化後的文檔即可提供研究者進一步研究與分析使用;對此,本研究採取文字探勘(Text-Mining)技術針對數位化後的資料進行論述分析(Discourse Analysis),由於本研究的資料來源是奠基在數位化文本上透過文字探勘技術所進行的論述分析;因此本研究在此提出一種基於數位人文方法上的論述途徑:數位論述方法(Digital Discourse Analysis, DDA)。以此作為本研究重要的論述與分析基礎,具體的論述分析步驟與策略則採用Norman Fairclough的三段論述分析法,將文本、論述與社會行動加以聯結,並與數位論述分析法加以結合,發展出基於文本的五大分析步驟:總篇數與總字數分析、關鍵詞變化趨勢分析、情緒形容詞使用分析、論述策略使用分析、重大議題聯結分析以及政策論述策略圖像等五項具體分析步驟與架構。有了上述具體的研究步驟後,研究者將研究的對象至於國內四大報(自由時報、中國時報、蘋果日報以及聯合報),2009-2014年六年間針對ECFA所做的新聞報導內容以及兩大黨(民主進步黨、中國國民黨),2009-2014年六年間ECFA政策新聞稿及相關內容,進行論述分析。運用上述五個具體步驟,勾勒出臺灣四大報與兩大黨在針對ECFA進行報導與政策論述時的論述策略使用及語言使用模式。 研究結果顯示,四大報中,中國時報與聯合報對於ECFA的新聞報導內容與論述策略較為類似,皆為正向報導、弱監督式以及社會民生議題聯結度低的報導策略;相較之下,自由時報的報導策略則明顯與中國時報及聯合報不同,自由時報常以強監督式的方式進行報導,並且與社會民生議題的聯結程度較高。蘋果日報方面,ECFA新聞議題並非其報導的重要內容,但與另外三大報相比,蘋果日報的ECFA新聞報導與國際議題的聯結程度較高,也較關心到區域經濟整合等相關議題。在兩大黨方面,對於ECFA的政策論述皆以政治類與經貿類關鍵詞為主要論述主軸,國際以及社會民生議題則是因循著不同年度社會、政治經濟脈絡的不同而策略性的出現;另外,兩大黨的ECFA政策論述皆以內銷導向、國際與社會議題工具性出現、論述立場尚屬中立等共同特性,但較不一樣的是民主進步黨的ECFA政策論述具有高監督性、而中國國民黨的ECFA政策論述則具有高針對性與回應性的特質。除了上述的研究發現外,本研究最後研究者也將此次的研究嘗試與社會科學研究趨勢往「語言」、「論述」、「詮釋」轉向進行討論,以及2000年以後政治學所出現的「改造運動」(Perestroika Movement)進行認識論與方法論的討論。讓本研究成果不僅具有實證價值、更擁有與社會科學和政治學研究發展趨勢對話之效。 / This study is the first book applying digital humanities on Political Science research. After digitized document, that can provide research to do more and deeper analysis. This study used digitized document to do discourse analysis. Due to technology development I advocated a brand new analysis framework: Digital Discourse Analysis (DDA). Practical discourse analysis steps, I introduced Norman Fairclough's idea about: three steps of analysis, link text, discourse and social action. Basic on Fairclough's framework, I developed a five steps analysis: the total number of articles and number of words analysis, keywords trend analysis, emotional adjectives use analysis, discourse strategy use analysis, association analysis of major issues and policy discourse strategies image analysis. I found that the China Times and the United Daily News are more similar on ECFA news reports contents and policy discourse strategies. They usually positive reported, low level of supervised and weak linked to livelihood and social issues reported. On the contrary, Liberty Times was more supervised reported and higher degree of link to social and livelihood issues. As for Apple Daily, ECFA issue is not an important part of its news reported issues. Two major parties ECFA policy discourse have some similar characteristics: begin domestic policy discourse-oriented, international and social issues instrumental appear and discourse stand neutrality. On the other hand, Democratic Progressive Party ECFA policy discourse has more high supervisory; Kuomintang ECFA policy discourse has highly-targeted and responsive characteristics. In this study, the researcher will also discuss some new trend of social science research including of language turn, discourse turn and interpretation turn. And discuss Epistemology and Methodology issues after 2000 Perestroika Movement. So that make this research not only has the empirical research value, but also has the value of dialogue on political science and social science research trends.

Navigating the Interim

Saphire, Joseph E, Jr 17 July 2015 (has links)
Navigating the Interim attempts to build a framework for the ways in which visual art, media studies, and forms of social practice might intermingle within a career in the arts, as well as within a thorough art education curriculum. From broad theoretical analysis to the specificity of technical exercises and prompts, this paper serves as a roadmap for the ways in which production, teaching, and organizing might begin to merge into a single holistic practice. The author’s projects provide an anchor from which to analyze the various conceptual trajectories of art that have stemmed from modernism throughout the 20th century, as well as to challenge the anti-aesthetic phenomenon that has emerged out of this evolution, which has influenced paradigms within art education and leads to an analysis of the author’s own creative impulses, such as media activism, noise-based and appropriative tactics, and concerns about Debordian Spectacle. These self-analyses and reflections are situated within various binary oppositions: object-action, opacity-transparency, deconstruction-enstrangement, replacement-extension, and static-progressive.

Čeští novináři na Twitteru: Analýza sociálních interakcí českého mediálního prostoru / Czech journalists on Twitter: Social network analysis of Czech media system

Krsová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the communication inclusion and exclusivity of Czech journalist on Twitter and how they use conventions of this platform to connect with other users. Through the description of current communication layers and functions of Twitter this thesis depicts how it became one of main sources of news and how it pushed journalists to reinterpret their traditional roles in the society. It also describe how digital humanities and digital trace data gathered from social media can be used as means of analysis of social interactions of its users. The practical part presents a cluster analysis based on Twitter data of 457 Czech journalists that shows how is Twitter used to communicate within and outside the Czech media system.

Relying on News Media. Long Term Preservation and Perspectives for Our Collective Memory: IFLA News Media Section Satellite Conference 2017, August 16th-18th, 2017, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden: Program

26 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Ill-Treatment of Their Countrywoman: Liberated African Women, Violence, and Power in Tortola, 1807–1834

Browne, Arianna 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
In 1807, Parliament passed an Act to abolish the slave trade, leading to the Royal Navy’s campaign of policing international waters and seizing ships suspected of illegal trading. As the Royal Navy captured slave ships as prizes of war and condemned enslaved Africans to Vice-Admiralty courts, formerly enslaved Africans became “captured negroes” or “liberated Africans,” making the subjects in the British colonies. This work, which takes a microhistorical approach to investigate the everyday experiences of liberated Africans in Tortola during the early nineteenth century, focuses on the violent conditions of liberated African women, demonstrating that abolition consisted of violent contradictions that mirrored slavery.

(Re-)Thinking African Regional Organizations’ Non-military Conflict Intervention Practices through Re-iterative Data Modeling

Warnck, Skollan Elisabeth, Schober, Vincent Joshua 17 July 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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