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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preface - An Interdisciplinary Vision towards New Avenues of Research

Spina, Stefania 25 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.


FLAVIA MARTINS DA ROSA P DA SILVA 10 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia que propõe a combinação de dados quantitativos e distanciados com a leitura mais detalhada e aproximada em análises de discurso, oferecendo a oportunidade de novos olhares sobre os dados e diversas perspectivas de análise. A metodologia faz uso de recursos dos estudos linguísticos com corpus, tais como listas de frequência, preferência, categorização e leitura de linhas de concordância. Demonstra-se sua aplicação, tomando-se como objeto de exploração obras da literatura brasileira em domínio público compiladas em um corpus com cerca de 5 milhões de palavras, anotado semântica e morfossintaticamente, e utilizam-se ferramentas computacionais que permitem buscas com base em padrões léxico-sintáticos da língua portuguesa. O objetivo é identificar como as personagens masculinas e femininas são caracterizadas nos textos, possibilitando tanto elaborar uma visão geral de como mulheres e homens são construídos através da linguagem. O estudo se dá em duas frentes: observando os predicadores na descrição das personagens e as ações são desempenhadas por elas, fazendo distinção entre masculinas e femininas, comparando-as e analisando as diferenças de forma crítica. / [en] This work presents a methodology that proposes the combination of quantitative and distant-read data with detailed, closer reading in discourse analysis, enabling new possible views over data and diverse perspectives of analysis. This methodology makes use of resources most used in corpus-based linguistic, such as frequency lists, preferences, categorization, and reading concordance lines. Its application is demonstrated using as exploration object Brazilian literature titles in the public domain, compiled in a corpus with approximately 5 million words, semantically and morpho-syntactically annotated, and by using computational tools that enable searches based on lexical-syntactic patterns of the Portuguese language. The purpose is to identify how the male and female characters are portrayed in those texts, enabling the creation of a general view on how women and men are built through language. The study happens in two fronts: by observing the predicates used on describing characters and the actions these characters take, comparing the male and female results and analyzing them in a critical way.


SUEMI HIGUCHI 10 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa aplica algumas técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural (PLN) ao domínio da história, tendo como objeto de investigação o Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro (DHBB), obra de estilo enciclopédico concebida pelo Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). O objetivo foi criar, a partir do DHBB, um corpus anotado para fins de extração automática de informações, relevante para as Humanidades Digitais, capaz de viabilizar ‘leituras distantes’ da política contemporânea brasileira. O processo completo passa pelas etapas de análise morfossintática do material, identificação de entidades relevantes ao domínio, inclusão de anotação no corpus, definição de relações semânticas de interesse para a pesquisa e mapeamento dos padrões léxico-sintáticos existentes nestas relações. Busca-se com estas etapas preparar os textos para a identificação de estruturas de interesse, isolando as informações relevantes e apresentando-as de forma estruturada. Para testar e avaliar um conjunto de padrões quanto à sua produtividade, foram selecionados como temas de interesse idade de entrada dos biografados na carreira política, formação acadêmica e vínculos familiares. O pressuposto é que utilizando padrões léxico-sintáticos é possível extrair informação de qualidade direcionada ao domínio da História, a partir de um corpus anotado do gênero enciclopédico. Na avaliação dos padrões para a extração do ano de nascimento dos biografados a medida-F foi de 99 por cento, para a extração de relações familiares a medida-F foi de 84% e para informações sobre formação acadêmica o índice de acertos alcançou 99,1 por cento. Essas extrações, por sua vez, permitiram uma leitura distante dos dados do DHBB que nos mostra i) queda da média de idade no que se refere à entrada dos políticos na carreira pública, que passam a se posicionar cada vez mais abaixo dos 40 anos, principalmente os nascidos a partir da década de 1960; ii) declínio acentuado na formação militar, sobretudo para as gerações pós 1920, demonstrando que o treinamento civil estava substituindo o militar enquanto caminho para atingir cargos políticos importantes; e iii) vínculos familiares na política como um fenômeno que se mantêm ao longo do tempo em índices bastante significativos, muitas vezes representando mais de 50 por cento do total de membros de determinadas categorias. As principais contribuições da tese são: criação de um corpus de gênero enciclopédico anotado e disponibilizado para estudos linguísticos e das humanidades; apresentação de metodologia baseada em uma filosofia de enriquecimento cíclico, em que à medida que se vai obtendo mais informações, elas são adicionadas ao próprio corpus melhorando a extração; e compilação de um conjunto de padrões passível de ser adaptado para quaisquer corpora contendo o mesmo tipo de anotações. / [en] The research applies some natural language processing techniques (NLP) to the domain of history, having as object of investigation the Brazilian Historical-Biographical Dictionary (DHBB), an encyclopedic style work conceived by the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). The target is to create, from the DHBB, an annotated corpus for automatic information extraction s purpose, relevant to the Digital Humanities, enabling distant readings of Brazilian contemporary political history. The complete process goes through the morphosyntactic analysis of the material, identification of entities relevant to the domain, inclusion of semantic annotation in the corpus, definition of semantic relations of interest and mapping of lexical-syntactic patterns existing in these relations. These steps seek to prepare the texts for the identification of structures of interest, isolating the relevant information and presenting them in a structured way. To test and evaluate a set of textual patterns regarding their productivity in relation to DHBB, some specific topics were selected: age of the politician when entering public life, academic training and family ties. The assumption is that using lexical-syntactic patterns it is possible to extract high quality information from the domain of History, from an annotated corpus of the encyclopedic genre. In the evaluation of the patterns for extraction of the year of birth of the biographees, the F-measure was 99 per cent, for the extraction of family relationships, the F-measure was 84 per cent and for information on academic training, the correctness index reached 99.1 per cent. These extractions, in turn, allowed us to make a distant reading of the data in the DHBB that shows us i) a drop in the average age with regard to the entry of politicians into the public career, who start to position themselves more and more under 40 years of age, mainly those born from the 1960s; ii) sharp decline in military training, especially for the post-1920 generations, demonstrating that civilian training was replacing military training as a way to reach important political positions; and iii) family ties in politics as a phenomenon that remain over time at very significant rates, often representing more than 50 per cent of the total members of certain categories. The main contributions of the thesis are: creation of an encyclopedic genre corpus annotated and made available for linguistic and humanities studies; presentation of a methodology based on a philosophy of cyclic enrichment, in which, as more information is obtained, they are added to the corpus itself, improving extraction; and compilation of a set of productive patterns that can be adapted for any corpora containing the same type of annotations.

The production of world knowledge transformed

Rozo Higuera, Carolina, Schlütter, Kathleen 09 February 2024 (has links)
No description available.

The Female Guise: The Untold Story of Female Education in English Periodicals

Sutton, Karenza 30 November 2022 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on mid-eighteenth-century British periodicals and their claims to educate middle-ranked women in natural philosophy, modern history, and vernacular literature. I argue that articles published in female-penned periodicals are comparable to articles in male-penned periodicals and therefore allowed women to pursue an informal education through reading. I propose that female periodicals also illustrate how women formed counterpublics of learning through correspondence that rivaled the conversations that took place in the male-dominated public spheres, such as in coffee houses and meeting halls. As formal classical education was reserved for elite men, women learned through reading books and periodicals, and through conversation. Given the cost of books, periodicals became the main source for informal learning for middle-ranked women. I call attention to the periodical form that allowed women to complete feasibly short lessons between their daily domestic duties and amusements. Female-penned periodicals encouraged women to diversify their interests by deploying literary depictions of the moral pitfalls of women’s focus on the beautification of the body. Driven by the financial and social rise of the merchant class, middling-ranked women with small dowries sought to gain advantage in the marriage market by distinguishing themselves as suitable wives for merchant or even gentry husbands. Periodicals thus made an economic as well as a moral case for their single female readers to balance fashionable amusements with intellectual pursuits. By examining not only how mid-century female-penned periodicals defined themselves in relation to male-penned periodicals but also the impact of broader changes in formalized education, my thesis uncovers an important and under-discussed aspect of the rise of the middling ranks in eighteenth-century Britain. I show how female-penned periodicals encouraged women's involvement in discussions about the development of the modern disciplines of education. My thesis is organized chronologically and follows the work of three notable periodical editors and authors with chapters on Eliza Haywood's The Female Spectator (1744-46), Frances Brooke's The Old Maid (1755-56), and Charlotte Lennox's The Lady's Museum (1760-61). The purpose of my thesis is not only to chart the changes in representations of women's learning over time, but also to reveal how Haywood, Brooke, and Lennox propose that women share their proto-disciplinary knowledge beyond their counterpublics in order to encourage intellectual discussions between like-minded males and females in the public spheres.

Collaborative Storytelling in The Parable Task: The Dramaturg as Game Designer in Pervasive Performance

Hornak, Percival 14 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Proceeding from a framing of theater as collaborative storytelling, I argue for defining role-playing games as a kind of performance and for their value in structuring experiential and participatory theater. Building on the impulse at the heart of experiential and immersive theater to place the audience within the world of the performance and center their experience, I explore what it means for theater artists to cede control over how audiences make meaning of their work in favor of letting narrative emerge from the participation of the audience during the performance event. I propose a framework called pervasive performance that merges theatrical frames and methods with pervasive gaming, which expands the magic circle of play and blurs the distinction between the game and everyday life. This union of ideas puts audience members in contact with one another and allows them to be playful and co-author the overall performance experience. Further, the blurring of the performance and everyday life transforms audience members’ relationship to the real world and gives them space to imagine and experiment with other worlds and ways of being in them. I devised an alternate reality game (ARG) at UMass Amherst in May 2023, and in my thesis I analyze this project and the process of creating it as a case study in pervasive performance.


Aladağ, Fatma 25 October 2024 (has links)
This study examines Istanbul from the late 19th to early 20th century, focusing on its architectural and urban configuration. As the capital of the Ottoman Empire until 1923, Istanbul underwent significant changes that reflected the broader socioeconomic and political shifts of the era. This research primarily utilizes Mir'ât-ı İstanbul (The Mirror of Istanbul) by Kolağası Mehmed Râif Efendi, published in 1898, as a key text for analyzing the city's urban layout and architectural features. Supplementary sources include the 18th century Hadîkatü’l-Cevâmi‘ by Hüseyin Ayvansarâyî and John Murray's guidebook, Handbook for Travellers in Constantinople. The Mir’ât-ı İstanbul is positioned within the travel writing genre as an urban history source, both in global and local contexts. Mehmed Râif defines the work as a guide for those familiar and unfamiliar with Istanbul, presenting the city’s spatial information through systematic and practical details rather than a narrative structure. In this regard, Mir’ât differs from classical travelogues by offering direct and functional information about the city instead of personal experiences or stories. Moreover, the study investigates the reasons behind the creation of Mir'ât, emphasizing the urgency of preserving architectural heritage in the face of frequent natural disasters like fires and earthquakes, which were prevalent in Istanbul during that period. This preservationist impulse is seen as a response to the broader legal and administrative reforms aimed at safeguarding antiquities and historical structures. The study's methodology involves a comparative textual analysis to discern how different authors perceived and documented Istanbul's urban landscape. It integrates digital and spatial humanities tools, notably Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Space Syntax analysis, to spatially reconstruct and analyze the city's historical urban fabric. GIS enable the precise digital visualization of historical landscapes, while Space Syntax offers valuable analysis of historical urban networks, revealing patterns of connectivity and accessibility through the configuration of street layouts. The application of digital methodologies, such as Voronoi mapping, also holds potential for understanding the influence zones of neighborhoods and mosques. Through these methods, the research offers a model for future research that combines close and distant reading methodologies.:TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and scope of the study 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Biography of Kolağası Mehmed Râif Efendi 1.4 The Source and the Literature Review 1.4.1 Urban Space and Travel Writing: A Theoretical Framework 1.4.2 Locating Mir’ât-ı İstanbul in the Global Context as a Guidebook and a Source of Urban History MİR’ÂT-I İSTANBUL 2.1 Urban Glimpse into Istanbul during the period of Mir'ât-ı İstanbul 2.2 Earthquakes and Fires: Does Mir’ât-ı İstanbul Serve as an Effort to Preserve Istanbul’s Legacy Through Documentation? 2.3 Traveling Istanbul through the lines of Mir’ât: A Close Reading 2.4 Spatial and Thematic Mapping of the Mir’ât-ı İstanbul 2.4.1 WATER STRUCTURES Fountains, Sebils, Baths, Bends, Pools, Aqueducts, Water Gauges, Mills, Wells, Water pumps, Water columns, Water tanks and Ayazmas 2.4.2 RELIGIOUS STRUCTURES Mosques Masjids and Namazgahs Dervish Lodges, Tombs, Dargahs, Zawiyahs, Mevlevi Houses, Hankahs, and Semahanes Churches, Synagogues and Monasteries 2.4.3 OFFICIAL STRUCTURES Police Stations (Karakolhane) Muwaqqitkhanas, Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Banks, Courthouses, Embassies, Hospitals, Offices and Railway Stations 2.4.4 PRIVATE STRUCTURES Coastal Palaces, Mansions, Palaces, and Pavilions 2.4.5 EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURES Maktabs Madrasas and Darülkurrâs Engineering Schools (Mühendishane) Foreign and Non-Muslim Schools 2.4.6 PUBLIC STRUCTURES AND AREAS Bazaars and Flea Market Garden, Nüzhetgah and Promenades, and Hills Carpentry Shops, Forges, Foundries, Kalhanes, Tanneries, Factories, Copper Mines and Mints Bridges, Dalyans, Gates, Lighthouses, Towers, Wharves, and Ports Casino, Hotels, Imarets, Khans, Libraries, Matbahs, Taamhanes, Printing Houses, and Bakeries Towers, Clock Towers, Columns, Inscriptions, Nişantaşı, Stones, and Kız Kulesi (Maiden's Tower) 2.4.7 MILITARY STRUCTURES Castles, Fortresses, Armories, Barracks, Bastions, Maneges, Tanks and Warehouses 2.4.8 MAHALLE (NEIGHBOURHOODS) AND PLACE NAMES 2.4.9 Conclusion ISTANBUL IN BETWEEN CONTINENTS AND CENTURIES 3.1 A Spatial Comparison of the Mir’ât-ı İstanbul, Hadîkatü’l-Cevâmi‘ and Handbook for Travellers 3.2 A Handbook for Travellers by John Murray Publishing 3.3 Spatial and Thematic Comparison of the Handbook for Travellers and Mir’ât-ı İstanbul 3.3.1 WATER STRUCTURES Fountains, Sebils, Baths, Bends, Aqueducts, Mills, and Ayazmas 3.3.2 RELIGIOUS STRUCTURES Mosques Masjids Dervish Lodges, Dargahs, and Mevlevi Houses Tombs Churches 3.3.3 OFFICIAL STRUCTURES Police Stations Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Banks, Courthouses, Embassies, Hospitals, Offices, Forwarding Agents, and Railway Stations 3.3.4 EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURES Colleges, Schools, Universities, Institutes, Madrasas, and Maktabs 3.3.5 PUBLIC STRUCTURES Clubs, Shops, Restaurants, Hatters, Tailors, Opticians, Photographers, Gunsmiths, Watchmakers, Shoemakers and Confectioners Bazaars and Flea Market Squares, Gardens, and Forests Coal Merchants, Kaik Khânehs, Mills, Shipyards, and Factories Bridges, Gates, Lighthouses, Wharves, and Ports Hotels, Imarets, Khans, Libraries, Printing Houses Towers, Clock Towers, Columns, Stones 3.3.6 MILITARY STRUCTURES Castles, Fortresses, Barracks, Bastions ISTANBUL'S URBAN PATTERN IN THE LATE 19th AND EARLY 20th CENTURY: A COMPUTATIONAL APPROACH 4.1 The urban pattern and the thematic distribution of architectural structures in the Mir’ât-ı İstanbul: A Distant Reading 4.2 Neighboring Structures: Spatial Relationship Between Masjids and Surrounding Buildings 4.3 Urban Sphere of Influence of Masjids and Neighborhoods through Voronoi Diagram 4.4 The Spatial Distribution of Fountains in Istanbul by Sponsors 4.5 Istanbul's Historical Street Networks: Space Syntax Analysis 4.5.1. Global and Local Axial Integration Analysis of Historical Istanbul Global and Local Integration of Galata Region Global and Local Integration of Suriçi and Eyüp Regions Global and Local Integration of Üsküdar Region 4. 5. 2 Global Axial Integration Analysis of Historical Istanbul as A Wholistic Perspective CONCLUSION REMARKS AND RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES

Erinnerungskultur digital: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die historische und politische Bildung

Bürger, Thomas, Löffler, Roland 30 August 2024 (has links)
Der digitale Wandel prägt neue Formen der Erinnerungskultur, des Geschichtswissens und des Umgangs der Gesellschaft mit der Vergangenheit. In Deutschland liegen Schwerpunkte der Erinnerungskultur in der Aufarbeitung der Diktatur des Nationalsozialismus und der DDR-Diktatur. Zeitzeugen und auch viele Wissensträger der ersten beiden Nachkriegsgenerationen stehen nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Zugleich gibt es ein weiterhin großes Interesse an der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, wie eine Umfrage der Arolsen Archives unter den zwischen 1997 und 2012 Geborenen („Generation Z“) zeigt. Die Digital Natives wünschen sich jedoch deutlich mehr digitale Angebote zum Lernen und Mitwirken. Interaktive digitale Formen der Vermittlung von Geschichte sollten künftig auch weiteren Themenfeldern wie der Kolonialgeschichte und der Geschichte der Demokratie zugutekommen. In Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie haben Gedenkstätten und Gedächtniseinrichtungen (Archive, Bibliotheken, Museen), zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen sowie Einrichtungen der historisch-politischen Bildung beeindruckende Fortschritte bei der digitalen Wissensproduktion und Wissensvermittlung erreicht. Der vorliegende Band zur Dresdner Tagung vom Oktober 2022 berichtet über Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und gibt Impulse in Form von 18 Beiträgen zu diesen 7 Themen: • Erinnerungskultur als gesellschaftlicher Auftrag • Digitale Werkzeuge und Methoden der Erinnerungskultur • Digitalisierung historischer Zeitzeugnisse • Social Media und historisches Lernen • Gaming in der Erinnerungskultur • Partizipative Erinnerungskultur und Citizen Science • Erfahrungen von Citizen Scientists Die Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft plädieren für mehr (digitale) Kooperationen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Akteuren und Einrichtungen sowie für engere und vor allem nachhaltige Vernetzungen der vielen Einzelprojekte. Digitale Erinnerungsarbeit kann erstarrte Gedenkrituale neu beleben und die Sichtbarkeit des ehrenamtlichen Bürgerengagements verbessern. „Erinnerungskultur digital“ will auch ein Appell sein, mit breiter Geschichtsarbeit und Medienkompetenz gezielter Desinformation zu begegnen. Sie will zur historischen und politischen Bildung beitragen, um die vielfach angegriffene freiheitliche Demokratie aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft heraus zu schützen und zu stärken. / The new digital wave has led to a change in the way we look at memory culture, historical knowledge and society’s dealings with the past. In Germany the main emphasis in memory culture has been on examining the National Socialist and GDR dictatorships. We can no longer draw on people who have lived through these times or on other witnesses from both post-war generations. But there is still a considerable body of interest being shown in the history of National Socialism, as a survey conducted by the Arolsen Archive among people born between 1997 and 2012 (generation Z) shows. Digital Natives are asking for more and more material to provide information and generate interest. Historical study through interactive digital media may in future be used for other areas such as colonial history or the history of democracy. The COVID pandemic has seen memorials and institutions of memory culture (archives, libraries, museums) registering a notable upsurge in the generation of digital knowledge and its dissemination. The present volume from the Dresden conference in 2022 gives an account of experience from different perspectives and its contributions provide pointers in the following seven areas: • Memory culture in the service of society • Digital tools and the methods of memory culture • Digitisation of contemporary historical sources • Social media and historical acquisition • Gaming in memory culture • Participative memory culture and citizen science • Lessons drawn from memory culture The contributions from academics and sociologists call for more (digital) cooperation between the various bodies involved and for closer and more lasting cooperation between the various individual projects. The use of digital methods to promote memory can give new life to old ways of thinking and can draw renewed attention to voluntary involvement in ‚memory culture digital‘; it can confront fake information through intensified historical study and media know-how. Its aim is to strengthen historical and social awareness and to shore up our embattled freedom-loving democracy from the very centre of society itself. (Übersetzung: Roger Paulin)

Die Wortkrieger des Web 2.0 / Laienliterarische Praktiken im Mikrofeld digitaler Schreibforen / The "Wortkrieger" of Web 2.0 / Literary practices of lay-authors in the micro-field of digital writing forums

Ingelmann, Julian 24 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Transformations – Signs and their Objects in Transition: 16th International Congress of the German Semiotics Society 2021; September 28 to October 2, 2021

Fricke, Ellen, Meiler, Matthias 14 September 2021 (has links)
This volume contributes to the understanding of the fundamental, manifold, and ever-changing sign processes that underlie our access to the world. It contains the abstracts of the contributions to the 16th International Congress of the German Society for Semiotics “Transformations – Signs and their Objects in Transition”, which met digitally in Chemnitz from 28 September to 2 October 2021.:Geleitwort / Welcome Address PROGRAMM Programmübersicht Keynotes Panelübersicht Liste aller Vorträge RAHMEN­PROGRAMM Verleihung des DGS-­Nachwuchsförderpreises Dokumentarfilm Reading Circus Posterschau mit studentischen Forschungsprojekten Digitale Exkursion Chemnitz – Leben mit dem Vulkan Podium Transformationen und Infrastrukturen der Wissenschafts­kommunikation Diskussionsforen & Agora Semiotica, quo vadis? Transdisziplinärer Workshop Reading Circus Kolloquium Haus der Zeichen Gather.town PANELS ARCHÄOLOGIE Repräsentationen und Interpretationen dynamischer Prozesse und Aktionen in vormodernen Gesellschaften ARCHITEKTUR Transformationen in Architektur und Städtebau BILD Bilder als Agenten kultureller Transformationsprozesse DESIGN Rückkehr des Realen. Design und Designtheorie im Wandel DIGITAL HUMANITIES Digitale Transformation der Geisteswissenschaften? Theoretische und methodologische Provokationen durch die Digital Humanities KÖRPER Digitale Transformation und Virtualisierung von Körperzeichen KULTURWISSENSCHAFT Images as Agents of Cultural Transformation LITERATUR & JUGEND - UND SUBKULTUREN Mediale Transformationen und/als Innovation narrativer Formate: Aneignung, Literacy, Protest MEDIEN Mediale und semiotische Transformationsprozesse in der Wissenschaftspraxis MODE Religion, Politik und Mode – Zirkulation der Zeichen TANZ, THEATER UND ZIRKUS Zur (Ir)relevanz der Semiotik. Transformationen in den performativen Künsten UMWELT - UND KARTO-/ATLASSEMIOTIK Von der Kartosemiotik zur Atlassemiotik ZEICHENPHILOSOPHIE Das Ende der Referenz? Wahrheitsansprüche im „postfaktischen Zeitalter“ ASSOZIIERTES PANEL DES CHEMNITZER SFB 1410 HYBRID SOCIETIES Anthropomorphisierung aus semiotischer und kognitiver Perspektive. Ein Beitrag zur sozialen Robotik ASSOZIIERTES PANEL PALIMPSESTRÄUME Herausforderungen und Potentiale der Palimpsestraumtheorie PERSONENVERZEICHNIS / Der Band gibt einen Einblick in das Verständnis der fundamentalen, mannigfaltigen und immer im Wandel befindlichen Zeichenprozesse, die unserem Weltzugang zugrunde liegen. Er versammelt die Abstracts der Beiträge des 16. Internationalen Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik „Transformationen – Zeichen und ihre Objekte im Wandel“, der vom 28. September bis 2. Oktober 2021 digital in Chemnitz tagte.:Geleitwort / Welcome Address PROGRAMM Programmübersicht Keynotes Panelübersicht Liste aller Vorträge RAHMEN­PROGRAMM Verleihung des DGS-­Nachwuchsförderpreises Dokumentarfilm Reading Circus Posterschau mit studentischen Forschungsprojekten Digitale Exkursion Chemnitz – Leben mit dem Vulkan Podium Transformationen und Infrastrukturen der Wissenschafts­kommunikation Diskussionsforen & Agora Semiotica, quo vadis? Transdisziplinärer Workshop Reading Circus Kolloquium Haus der Zeichen Gather.town PANELS ARCHÄOLOGIE Repräsentationen und Interpretationen dynamischer Prozesse und Aktionen in vormodernen Gesellschaften ARCHITEKTUR Transformationen in Architektur und Städtebau BILD Bilder als Agenten kultureller Transformationsprozesse DESIGN Rückkehr des Realen. Design und Designtheorie im Wandel DIGITAL HUMANITIES Digitale Transformation der Geisteswissenschaften? Theoretische und methodologische Provokationen durch die Digital Humanities KÖRPER Digitale Transformation und Virtualisierung von Körperzeichen KULTURWISSENSCHAFT Images as Agents of Cultural Transformation LITERATUR & JUGEND - UND SUBKULTUREN Mediale Transformationen und/als Innovation narrativer Formate: Aneignung, Literacy, Protest MEDIEN Mediale und semiotische Transformationsprozesse in der Wissenschaftspraxis MODE Religion, Politik und Mode – Zirkulation der Zeichen TANZ, THEATER UND ZIRKUS Zur (Ir)relevanz der Semiotik. Transformationen in den performativen Künsten UMWELT - UND KARTO-/ATLASSEMIOTIK Von der Kartosemiotik zur Atlassemiotik ZEICHENPHILOSOPHIE Das Ende der Referenz? Wahrheitsansprüche im „postfaktischen Zeitalter“ ASSOZIIERTES PANEL DES CHEMNITZER SFB 1410 HYBRID SOCIETIES Anthropomorphisierung aus semiotischer und kognitiver Perspektive. Ein Beitrag zur sozialen Robotik ASSOZIIERTES PANEL PALIMPSESTRÄUME Herausforderungen und Potentiale der Palimpsestraumtheorie PERSONENVERZEICHNIS

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