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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plan de negocio para la implementación de una plataforma de educación musical online / Business plan for the implementation of an online musical education plataform

Awa Bravo, Jorge Eduardo, Palomino Lescano, Martín Alejandro 07 December 2021 (has links)
Bemol 51 será una plataforma digital de educación musical dirigido a personas con interés en aprender temas relacionados a la música desde cero. Los usuarios podrán acceder a los cursos a través del aula virtual, la cual albergará todo el material relacionado como videos grabados interactivos, ejercicios interactivos y material. De esta manera, el alumno, de acuerdo con su disponibilidad de tiempo, podrá llevar las clases a su propio ritmo. Los cursos serán grabados por profesionales con amplia experiencia en la materia a dictar. En el presente proyecto de negocio, se hace un análisis para tener conocimiento de los intereses y las preferencias de los clientes con relación a los cursos que tienen mayor demanda en el mercado. Además, acorde a los resultados de los análisis, se proponen estrategias de marketing digital, las cuales serán elaboradas de la mano con uno de los aliados, en este caso, una agencia de marketing, para dar a conocer los servicios de la empresa, atraer al público objetivo y, por ende, logren adquirir el curso. Por otro lado, se muestran los procesos y funcionamientos como el plan de operaciones, diseño de procesos, diseño arquitectónico y desarrollo del contenido de la plataforma. Asimismo, se muestran las proyecciones económicas, tanto de la inversión necesaria y las posibles ganancias y/o pérdidas. / Bemol51 will be a digital music education platform aimed at people with an interest in learning music-related topics from scratch. Users will be able to access the courses through the virtual classroom, where users will find all the related material such as interactive recorded videos, interactive activities and materials. In this way, the student, according to the availability of his time, will be able to take the classes at his own pace. The courses will be recorded by professionals with extensive experience in the subject to be taught. In this business project, an analysis is made to gain knowledge of the interests and preferences of clients in relation to the courses that are most in demand in the market. In addition, according to the results of the analysis, digital marketing strategies are proposed, which will be developed hand in hand with one of the allies, a marketing agency, to publicize the company's services, attract to the target audience and, therefore, potential clients could acquire the course. On the other hand, the processes and functions such as the operations plan, process design, architectural design and development of the content of the platform are shown. Likewise, the economic projections are shown, both of the necessary investment and the possible gains and / or losses. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Архитектурный подход к управлению персоналом предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Architectural approach to enterprise personnel management

Исаева, А. С., Isaieva, A. S. January 2022 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации рассмотрены современные проблемы управления персонала, проанализированы объективные характеристики для проблемы управления персоналом. Изучена деятельность Государственного Бюджетного Учреждения «Научно-технического центра инноваций и технологий» и составлена модель полной архитектуры предприятия с применением прикладного пакета ARIS. Обоснована необходимость внедрения цифровой платформы в деятельность организационно-управленческого отдела Центрального Республиканского Банка Донецкой Народной Республики. Выполнена разработка проекта внедрения цифровой платформы на предприятие; определена экономическая эффективность внедрения, а также применён системно-динамический подход с целью демонстрации трудозатрат на выполнение этапов внедрения цифровой платформы. / In the master's thesis, modern problems of personnel management are considered, objective characteristics for the problem of personnel management are analyzed. The activities of the State Budgetary Institution «Scientific and Technical Center for Innovation and Technology» were studied and a model of the complete architecture of the enterprise was compiled using the ARIS application package. The necessity of introducing a digital platform into the activities of the organizational and management department of the Central Republican Bank of the Donetsk People's Republic is substantiated. The development of a project for the implementation of a digital platform for an enterprise was completed; the economic efficiency of implementation was determined, and a system-dynamic approach was applied to demonstrate the labor costs for the implementation of the stages of implementation of the digital platform.


RENATA MATTOS EYER DE ARAUJO 19 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo favorecer o processo de inclusão no ensino superior das pessoas com deficiência a partir do reconhecimento de seus olhares e vozes no contexto do Núcleo de Apoio e Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência – NAIPD/PUC-Rio. A inclusão das pessoas com deficiência é uma conquista do movimento social e político desse grupo de pessoas que reivindicou seus direitos de participação plena e efetiva na sociedade. Na esfera do ensino-aprendizagem, a partir da década de 1990, o conceito de inclusão tem sido discutido com base numa mudança nos padrões hegemônicos, buscando reconhecer a diversidade humana e o respeito às diferenças. Nos últimos anos, como reflexo dos avanços, a inclusão é motivo de discussão e implantação de políticas públicas no ensino superior. Nesta pesquisa, sustenta-se ser necessária a revisão das práticas de ensino-aprendizagem e a definição de estratégias que permitam que estudantes com diferentes condições possam ter oportunidades, considerando o princípio da equidade. Entende-se também que o desenvolvimento de projetos de design com o uso de metodologias participativas pode ser uma ferramenta no processo de inclusão no ensino. Assim, para responder à questão: De que modos o design tem possibilidade de favorecer o processo de inclusão no ensino superior das pessoas com deficiência?, foram escolhidos como fundamento a abordagem metodológica Design em Parceria, como vem sendo desenvolvida no departamento de Artes e Design da PUC-Rio, e a abordagem de pesquisa Histórias de Vida. A escolha por um estudo exploratório de cunho qualitativo-interpretativo privilegia uma escuta sensível e atenta ao outro; constituída no acolhimento e reconhecimento das singularidades; no diálogo e interação entre sujeitos. As histórias de vida levam a conhecer as vivências, pensamentos e sentimentos pessoais, assim como, representam de algum modo, um contexto social e histórico. No encontro das vozes de estudantes e professores destaca-se: a importância da empatia e diálogo permanente; a relevância da atenção e respeito às condições pessoais de estudantes e professores; a necessidade de abertura para conhecer e rever conceitos e práticas, considerando que é observado o desconhecimento acerca dos assuntos específicos relativos à deficiência. Em suma, a partir de encontros entre um grupo de estudantes e a pesquisadora se dá o processo de projeto em design que reúne olhares e vozes de estudantes e professores e consolida a investigação com o desenvolvimento da plataforma digital de comunicação – PLURAIS. O ambiente interativo propõe a participação com a aproximação das pessoas para se conhecerem e compartilharem suas experiências. A experimentação em processo com o uso continuado por estudantes e professores poderá gerar modificações. Entende-se que o desenvolvimento de projetos de design com foco na singularidade dos sujeitos e construção de sentidos a partir da interação entre eles, contribui para mudanças de atitudes e comportamentos em prol de uma cultura inclusiva na universidade. / [en] This research aims to favor the inclusion process of people with disabilities in higher education by recognizing their voices and views in the context of the Nucleus of Support and Inclusion for People with Disabilities (Núcleo de Apoio e Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência – NAIPD/PUC-Rio) at PUC-Rio. The inclusion of people with disabilities is an achievement of the social and political movement led by this group to claim their rights of full and effective participation in society. In the scope of teaching-learning, starting in the 1990 s, the concept of inclusion has been discussed based on a shift in hegemonic standards, aiming to recognize human diversity and to respect the differences between people. In the last few years, as a result of those advances, inclusion has become a topic of discussion and implementation of public policies in higher education. In this research, the need for the current teaching-learning practices to be revised is sustained, as well as strategies that allow students with different means to have access to opportunities, considering the principle of equity. It is also understood that the development of design projects based on participatory methodologies can be a tool in the process of inclusion in education. Thus, to answer the question: In which ways does Design have the possibility to favor the process of inclusion in higher education for people with disabilities?, the theoretical frameworks chosen were the Design in Partnership methodology – as it has been developed in PUC-Rio s Department of Arts and Design – and the Life Histories research approach. The choice for an exploratory study of a qualitative-interpretative perspective privileges the attentive and sensible listening to other people s perspectives; constituted by welcoming people s singularities; by dialogue; and by the interaction between subjects. The life histories lead to knowing people s experiences, thoughts and personal sentiments, as well as represententing, in a way, a historical and social context. In the meeting of teachers and students discourses, what stands out is: the importance of empathy and permanent dialogue; the relevance of attention and respect to teachers and students individual conditions; and the need for openness to learn and review concepts and practices – considering the lack of knowledge in regards to the specific subjects that relate to people with disabilities, that has been observed so far. In essence, from the meeting between a group of students and the researcher, the design process starts, by gathering voices and views of students and teachers and consolidating this investigation with the development of a digital platform of communication – PLURAIS. The interactive environment encourages people to participate by getting to know each other and by exchanging their experiences. The experimentation process, with the continuous usage by teachers and students, may result in modifications. It is understood that the development of design projects with a focus on subjects singularities and sensemaking processes stemming from their interactions contributes to attitude and behavior changes in favor of an inclusive culture in Universities.

The Changing Dynamics Within Management Consulting : How Digital Business Models and Gig Workers has Disrupted a Traditional Industry / Den föränderliga Dynamiken Inom Management Consulting : Hur Digitala Affärsmodeller och Frilansare Har Stört en Traditionell Bransch

Augustson, Julia, Berholt, Elin January 2022 (has links)
As the gig economy is growing at a rapid pace and digitalization has spread throughout the management consulting industry, a notable disruption of this traditional industry has occurred. Digitalization in the management consulting industry has affected both how the management consultant does his/her job as well as how the connection between consultant and client and the relationship between colleagues constitutes. Digitalization also facilitates remote working, which has after the Covid-19 pandemic become a high priority. This in turn has enabled the growth of the gig economy and the increasing number of gig worker. Digital gig platforms acting as a meetingplace have increased in both numbers and popularity as well as digital service platforms providing digital tools with the help of SaaS or AI to deliver a more complex solution to the customer. The disruption of the management consulting industry has only begun and therefor it is a need to analyze the way this industry works today and discuss how the industry has adapted to digitalization. Therefor the purpose of this master thesis is to increase the knowledge of how the progress of digital business models affect the management consulting industry by answering the two research questions: “How has the management consulting industry within the area of organizational development been disrupted by the increasing amount of independent workers using gig platforms?” and “How has digitized Service platforms in the area of organizational development changed the traditional management consulting business model?”. This master thesis is conducted through a literature review and semi structured interviews. What can be concluded is that the management consulting industry has been disrupted by the digital platforms in a way that has put pressure on the larger traditional management consulting companies, more digital platforms are created and an increasing number of gig workers have resulted in collaborations between freelancers and traditional management consulting companies. It is also seen that traditional management consulting companies are adopting other business model alternatives that includes solutions based on AI or cloud solutions. / I och med att gigekonomin växer i en snabb takt och digitaliseringen har spridit sig genom hela managementkonsultindustrin har en tydlig påverkan skett på denna traditionella industri. Digitaliseringen i managementkonsultindustrin har påverkat både hur managementkonsulter utför sitt jobb och kopplingen mellan konsulten och klienten samt vad relationen mellan kollegor har för funktion. Digitalisering gynnar även distansarbete, som efter Covid-19 pandemin har fått en allt högre prioritet på arbetsplatser. Detta har i sin tur medfört en växande gigekonomi med ett ökat antal gigarbetare. Digitala gigplattformar som fungerar som mötesplatser har ökat både i antal och popularitet, likaså digitala serviceplattformar som tillhandahåller digitala verktyg som till exempel SaaS- och AI-lösningar för att kunna tillhandahålla en mer komplex lösning till kunden. Den påverkan som gigekonomi har haft på  managementkonsultindustrin är i början av utvecklingen, vilket skapar ett behov av att industrin och hur denna fungerar idag analyseras, samt diskutera hur industrin har anpassat sig till digitaliseringen. Därför är syftet med detta examensarbete att öka kunskapen kring hur utvecklingen av digitala affärsmodeller påverkat managementkonsultindustrin genom att svara på de två forskningsfrågorna: ”Hur har managementkonsultindustrin inom området organisationsutveckling blivit förändrad av det ökade antalet gigarbetare som använder sig av digitala plattformar” och ”Hur har digitala serviceplattformar inom området organisationsutveckling ändrat de traditionella managementkonsulternas affärsmodeller”. Detta examensarbete utfördes med hjälp av en litteraturstudie samt genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsatsen som kan dras från detta examensarbete är att managementkonsultindustrin har blivit påverkad av digitala plattformar och därmed har satt press på de större traditionella managementkonsultföretagen, fler digitala plattformar skapas och ett ökat antal av gigarbetare har resulterat i en ökning av samarbeten mellan frilansare och traditionella konsultföretag. Resultatet visar vidare att fler traditionella managementkonsultföretag anpassar sig till andra affärsmodellsalternativ som innefattar lösningar baserade på AI eller molntjänster.

Exploring the Diffusion Potential of a Collaborative Mobile Platform for Disaster Management and Relief

de Mendonca Salim, Joao 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the creation of a collaborative digital platform for disaster management and relief, focusing on the case study of the city of Petrópolis natural disaster in February 2022. The frequency and intensity of natural disasters are rising, necessitating efficient and timely disaster response efforts. This thesis details the development of a software application that fosters collaboration among governmental agencies, emergency services, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and civil society to enhance logistical planning and situational awareness during disasters. The proposed platform harnesses the power of social networking and leverages the ubiquitous presence of smartphones equipped with cameras, GPS, and sensors to gather crucial real-time data. Through a secure and user-friendly interface, verified stakeholders can access essential information while the public contributes valuable data through their smartphones. The platform ensures reliable data collection and dissemination by analyzing metadata, assessing human needs, empowering decision-makers with up-to-date information, and providing verified information channels and real-time data analysis. The platform seeks to minimize overlapping efforts, reduce mismanagement of resources, and ultimately save lives and livelihoods in disaster-stricken areas.

Приоритизация инфраструктурных проектов на основе социально-экономического прогнозирования в контексте стратегического развития региона на примере проектов с государственным участием : магистерская диссертация / Prioritization of Infrastructure Projects Based on Socioeconomic Forecasting in the Context of the Strategic Development of a Region: Using the Example of Projects with State Participation

Кошкин, А. А., Koshkin, A. A. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и библиографического списка. В работе проведено исследование методологических основ социально-экономического прогнозирования и его роли в управлении инвестиционными проектами. Разработан и апробирован прототип цифровой платформы для социально-экономического прогнозирования. Продемонстрировано, что социально-экономическое прогнозирование является действенным инструментом для принятия решений в области реализации инфраструктурных проектов. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography. The study examines the methodological foundations of socioeconomic forecasting and its role in the management of investment projects and project prioritization. A prototype of a digital platform for socioeconomic forecasting was successfully developed and tested. The research demonstrates that socioeconomic forecasting is a valuable tool to support decision-making in the implementation of infrastructure projects. The conclusion summarizes the key findings and provides a synthesis of the study's outcomes.

Vývoj knižních trhů s důrazem na vývoj internetu včetně konceptu e-book (vztah nakladatel - knižní distributor - knihkupectví) / The book market development with an emphasis on the internet development including the concept of an e-book (relationship of a publisher - book distributor - bookseller)

Váňová, Miloslava January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the changes of the book market between its entities, libraries and final consumer of information (readers, library users) after the arrival of the internet. Development of the internet has brought searching of the new business models and opportunities for cooperation. Electronic publishing that, along with the internet availability, commenced to raise is the starting factor for the development of electronic books. The thesis outlines the roles of individual entities of the book market, i.e. publisher and seller (distributor, book-seller and digital platform) and libraries during the production, sale and accessing books with the focus on electronic books. After description of used terminology, especially different approaches to the definition of "an e-book", the next chapter presents hardware devices and software programs that enable reading e-books. The third chapter introduces the role of a publisher in the process of publishing printed and electronic e-books. The aim of the chapter is to highlight different strategies of processing the printed and electronic text, incl. possibilities of self-publishing which gives new possibilities to the author's hands. The fourth chapter describes distribution and sale of printed and mainly electronic books and also defines the new...

Proof of Concept for Automating Personal Settings in Construction Machines with a Mobile Application : An Observational Study on Transferring Data at Volvo

Hue, Estelle, Lindström, Vera January 2022 (has links)
In today’s market, digitization and automation are crucial for the survival of most companies due to the high level of software already present. The need to adapt to the demands of the day, forces a big mechanical company to perform a paradigm shift towards becoming a software producing company as well. However, the current systems are limited, they are not developed for such a change. Machines in the construction industry are complicated vehicles that require careful configuration by the operators. Each operator may have their own personal preference of how the settings of a construction machine should be configured in order to get full utilization. The problem for the operators revolves around the current situation of frequently having to configure these settings each time operating a machine, requiring time. Consequently, creating the risk of operators neglecting the configuration. Therefore, the problem of the thesis is that there is no existing system of how to facilitate this reoccurring activity. The purpose of this thesis is to prove the usefulness of introducing a mobile application as the missing system for when operators switch machines, through a proof of concept. The proof of concept suggests a quality approach towards the first steps in automating the work environment of operators for construction machines. The objective is to improve the efficiency of the workflow by saving the operators machine settings in a profile, in order to transfer the settings between the machines. The goal is to investigate and deliver a proof of concept for how to store and transfer the personal settings in a useful manner. Due to the limited time of the thesis, the starting focus is placed on wheel loaders with the research limited to one specific type of machine. The thesis consists of a qualitative study, analysing inductively from details to produce abstractions and hypotheses. The agile design science research method applied to the research, was evaluated continuously in the different phases and iterations of the thesis plan to adjust to improvements reviewed as necessary. The observational research includes an explorative and evaluative aspect, first to form an idea and consequently to prove the idea. A design of an user interface of a mobile application served as a method to support the evaluation. The result for the thesis is the proof of concept of a useful mobile application system to automate the personal settings of the construction machines. The evidence is supported by information gathered during the pre-study and the demonstration of a small prototype tested by engineers as well as the intended users, the operators. The questionnaires prove the prototype to be a useful improvement in the operators daily work environment. The documentation and suggested system construction are approved by the target audience to be viable and of value. / På dagens marknad är digitalisering och automatisering avgörande för de flesta företags överlevnad på grund av den höga nivån av mjukvara som redan finns. Behovet av att anpassa sig till dagens krav tvingar ett stort mekaniskt företag att utföra ett paradigmskifte mot att också bli ett mjukvaruproducerande företag. De nuvarande systemen är dock begränsade, de är inte utvecklade för en sådan förändring. Maskiner inom byggbranschen är komplicerade fordon som kräver noggrann konfiguration av operatörerna. Varje operatör kan ha sina egna personliga preferenser för hur inställningarna för en entreprenadmaskin ska konfigureras för att få fullt utnyttjande. Problemet för operatörerna kretsar kring den nuvarande situationen att ofta behöva konfigurera dessa inställningar varje gång man använder en maskin, vilket kräver tid. Följaktligen skapar risken för att operatorer försummar konfigurationen. Därför är problemet med avhandlingen att det inte finns något befintligt system för hur man kan underlätta denna återkommande aktivitet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bevisa användbarheten av att introducera en mobilapplikation som det saknade systemet för när operatörer byter maskin, genom ett proof of concept. proof of concept antyder ett kvalitetstänkande mot de första stegen i att automatisera arbetsmiljön för operatörer för entreprenadmaskiner. Målet är att förbättra effektiviteten i arbetsflödet genom att spara operatörens maskininställningar i en profil, för att överföra inställningarna mellan maskinerna. Målet är att undersöka och leverera ett proof of concept för hur man lagrar och överför de personliga inställningarna på ett användbart sätt. På grund av projektets begränsade tid läggs startfokus på hjullastare med forskningen begränsad till en specifik maskintyp. Projektet består av en kvalitativ studie, som induktivt analyserar från detaljer för att producera abstraktioner och hypoteser. Den agila designvetenskapliga forskningsmetoden som tillämpades på projektet utvärderades kontinuerligt i de olika faserna och iterationerna av projektplanen för att anpassa sig till förbättringar som granskades vid behov. Observationsforskningen innefattar en utforskande och utvärderande aspekt, först för att bilda en idé och följaktligen för att bevisa idén. En design av ett användargränssnitt för en mobilapplikation fungerade som en metod för att stödja utvärderingen. Resultatet för avhandlingen är ett bevis på konceptet för användbarheten av det mobila applikationssystemet för att automatisera entreprenadmaskinernas personliga inställningar. Bevisen stöds av information som samlats in under förstudien och demonstrationen av en liten prototyp som testats av ingenjörer såväl som de tilltänkta användarna, operatörerna. Enkäterna visar att prototypen är en användbar förbättring i operatörens dagliga arbetsmiljö. Dokumentationen och den föreslagna systemkonstruktionen godkänns av målgruppen för att vara lönsam och av värde.

Analysis of the using the official websites as a tool for promoting national tourism product of Indonesia : master's thesis / Анализ использования официальных веб-сайтов как инструмента продвижения национального туристического продукта Индонезии : магистерская диссертация

Виджая, М. Ф., Wijaya, M. F. January 2024 (has links)
Цель исследования: изучить роль официального туристического сайта в продвижении туристического национального продукта, его основные коммуникационные особенности и рекламные стратегии, направленные на привлечение туристов, а также разработать проект коммуникационного продвижения туристического продукта Индонезии для российских туристов. Объект исследования – инструменты продвижения национального туристического продукта. Предметом данного исследования является использование официальных веб-сайтов как инструментов продвижения национального туристического продукта Индонезии для российской аудитории. Результаты показали, что российские туристы ценят подробную и практическую туристическую информацию, рекламные стимулы и привлечение социальных медиа. Это должно лечь в основу разработки маркетинговых стратегий, которые будут востребованы российскими туристами и будут отвечать их конкретным потребностям. Предложенный проект представляет собой дорожную карту для повышения эффективности индонезийского туристического сайта в привлечении российских туристов. Следует изменить формат веб-сайта, включив в него более локализованный контент для русского языка, например, подробную практическую и учитывающую культурные особенности информацию о поездках, расширенную языковую поддержку и интерактивные функции. Индонезийские туристические власти должны продвигать веб-сайт через социальные сети, партнерские отношения с российскими туристическими агентствами и влиятельными лицами, оптимизацию SEO и целевую интернет-рекламу для лучшего охвата и привлечения российских туристов. / The purpose of the study: to study the role of the official tourist site in promoting the tourist national product, its main communication features and advertising strategies aimed at attracting tourists, and also to develop a communication project to promote the tourist product of Indonesia for Russian tourists. The object of the study is tools for promoting the national tourism product. The subject of this study is the use of official websites as tools for promoting the national tourism product of Indonesia to the Russian audience. The results showed that Russian tourists value detailed and practical travel information, promotional incentives and social media engagement. This should form the basis for developing marketing strategies that will be in demand by Russian tourists and will meet their specific needs. The proposed project provides a roadmap for improving the effectiveness of the Indonesian tourism website in attracting Russian tourists. The website should be changed to include more localized content for Russian, such as detailed practical and culturally relevant travel information, enhanced language support, and interactive features. Indonesian tourism authorities should promote the website through social media, partnerships with Russian travel agencies and influencers, SEO optimization, and targeted online advertising to better reach and engage Russian tourists.

Разработка прототипа системы управления в сфере логистики и транспорта, основанной на технологии обработки данных с использованием ML : магистерская диссертация / Development of a prototype management system in the field of logistics and transport based on data processing technology using ML

Иванов, И. А., Ivanov, I. A. January 2024 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа на тему «Разработка прототипа системы управления в сфере логистики и транспорта, основанной на технологии обработки данных с использованием ML» посвящена разработке и созданию прототипа системы онлайн-бронирования отправлений сборных грузов с встроенной технологией независимого прогнозирования сроков доставки, основанной на использовании комплексной модели машинного обучения. Цель работы – повышение уровня обоснованности принимаемых управленческих решений в сфере логистики за счет разработки системы управления, основанной на принципах оптимизации стоимости и времени доставки и базирующейся на комплексе моделей анализа данных и машинного обучения. Работа состоит из четырех основных разделов: 1. Теоретические основы разработки прототипа системы управления в сфере логистики и транспорта, основанной на технологии обработки данных с использованием ML. В этом разделе проводится теоретический анализ методов и моделей, классификация алгоритмов ML для решения задач в сфере логистики и транспорта, а также рассматриваются преимущества и специфика внедрения перспективной модели машинного обучения в информационное приложение. 2. Разработка модели машинного обучения системы управления в сфере логистики и транспорта. В рамках данного раздела осуществляется формализация основных математических и аналитических зависимостей для имплементируемой в систему управления в сфере транспорта и логистики модели машинного обучения. 3. Тестирование алгоритма машинного обучения. В этом разделе описывается эксперимент по использованию модели машинного обучения, оценивается его эффективность по сравнению с базовыми моделями и рассматриваются условия и ограничения применения данного алгоритма. 4. Разработка прототипа системы управления в сфере логистики и транспорта, основанной технологии обработки данных с использованием ML и экономическая оценка реализации проекта. В этом разделе приводится описание и процесс создания прототипа системы, его архитектура, стек, основные планируемые функции и характеристики, а также экономическая оценка реализации проекта. Научная новизна работы состоит в решении актуальной задачи предсказания времени доставки грузов на основе исторической информации о сроке доставке заказов применительно к сервисам онлайн-бронирования логистических услуг. При этом актуальность работы также обусловлена предложением нового подхода при предсказании сроков доставки, разработанного и адаптированного к современным условиям управления в сфере логистики и транспорта. В результате исследования было осуществлено прототипирование решения, позволяющего существенно сократить ресурсные затраты экономических агентов на логистические процессы и в целом качественно повысить уровень таких бизнес-процессов. / The final qualification work titled "Development of a prototype management system in the field of logistics and transport based on data processing technology using ML" is dedicated to the development and creation of a prototype system for online booking of consolidated cargo shipments with an integrated independent delivery time forecasting technology based on a comprehensive machine learning model. The aim of the work is to improve the justification level of managerial decisions in logistics by developing a management system based on the principles of cost and delivery time optimization, utilizing a complex of data analysis and machine learning models. The work consists of four main sections: 1. Theoretical foundations for the development of a prototype management system in the field of logistics and transport based on data processing technology using ML. This section conducts a theoretical analysis of methods and models, classification of ML algorithms for solving problems in logistics and transport, and discusses the advantages and specifics of implementing a promising ML model. 2. Development of a machine learning model for the management system in the field of logistics and transport. This section formalizes the main mathematical and analytical dependencies for the machine learning model implemented in the transport and logistics management system. 3. Testing the machine learning algorithm. This section describes the experiment on using the ML model, evaluates its efficiency compared to basic models, and discusses the conditions of applying this algorithm. 4. Development of a prototype management system in the field of logistics and transport based on data processing technology using ML and economic evaluation of the project implementation. This section provides a description and process of creating the system prototype, its architecture, stack, main planned functions and characteristics, as well as an economic evaluation of the project implementation. Scientific novelty of the work lies in solving the urgent problem of predicting cargo delivery times based on historical information about order delivery times in relation to online booking services for logistics services. The relevance of the work is also due to the proposal of a new approach to predicting delivery times, developed and adapted to modern management conditions in the field of logistics and transport. As a result of the research, a prototype solution was developed that significantly reduces resource costs for economic agents in logistic processes and generally qualitatively improves the level of such processes.

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