Spelling suggestions: "subject:"discriminative"" "subject:"discriminatives""
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The role of astrocytes in the effects of early-life stress on lateral amygdala-dependent behaviourAdedipe, Ifeoluwa 06 1900 (has links)
Le stress en début de vie (ELS) est associé à une susceptibilité accrue au développement de troubles liés au stress, tels que le trouble dépressif majeur (TDM). L'amygdale latérale (AL), une région du cerveau importante pour la régulation des comportements émotionnels et cognitifs, est vulnérable aux effets du ELS. Cependant, les mécanismes par lesquels l'ELS altère le comportement ne sont pas très bien définis. Auparavant, de nombreuses études se sont concentrées sur les mécanismes neuronaux qui sous-tendent les troubles comportementaux induits par le stress, mais le rôle des cellules gliales dans ce circuit reste indéterminé. Pourtant, les astrocytes, un type de cellule gliale, sont des déterminants clés du comportement. Nous avons donc cherché à identifier le rôle des astrocytes dans les effets de l'ELS sur le comportement dépendant de l'AL. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un modèle de rongeur avec séparation maternelle, limitation de la litière et de la nidification pour reproduire les effets de l'ELS sur le cerveau en développement afin d’évaluer ses effets à long terme sur les astrocytes et le comportement dépendant de l'amygdale latérale. Bien que l'ELS n'ait pas eu d'influence sur le comportement anxieux des souris, ce dernier a altéré de manière significative la détection des menaces, un processus cognitif qui implique la capacité de distinguer avec précision un son menaçant précédemment appris (le stimulus conditionné) d'un son non menaçant dans un contexte nouveau. De plus, la diminution de la sensibilité au stress des astrocytes par la suppression des récepteurs glucocorticoïdes astrocytaires a amélioré de manière significative la fonction cognitive chez les souris ELS et naïves. Globalement, nos résultats suggèrent que les astrocytes jouent un rôle central dans la régulation des effets de l'ELS sur les troubles cognitifs. Ces données soulignent l'importance des astrocytes comme cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour atténuer le dysfonctionnement cognitif, un symptôme omniprésent de la psychopathologie. / Early Life Stress (ELS) is associated with an enhanced susceptibility to the development of
stress-related disorders, such as major depressive disorder (MDD). The lateral amygdala (LA), a
brain region important for the regulation of emotive and cognitive behaviours is vulnerable to the
effects of ELS. However, the mechanisms by which ELS impairs behaviour are poorly defined.
Previously, research has focused on the neuronal mechanisms underlying stress-induced
behavioural impairments, however the role of glial cells in this circuitry remains undetermined.
Astrocytes, a type of glial cell, are key determinants of behaviour. Hence, we aimed to identify
the role of astrocytes in the effects of ELS on LA-dependent behaviour. To accomplish this, we
used a rodent model of maternal separation and limited bedding and nesting to replicate the
effects of ELS on the developing brain by assessing its long-term effects on astrocytes and
lateral-amygdala dependent behaviour. Although ELS did not influence anxiety-like behaviour in
mice, ELS significantly impaired threat-detection, a cognitive process involving the ability to
accurately distinguish between a previously learned threatening tone (the conditioned stimulus)
and a non-threatening tone in a novel context. Additionally, decreasing astrocyte stress
sensitivity by deleting astrocyte glucocorticoid receptors significantly enhanced cognitive
function in both ELS and naïve mice. Overall, our results suggest that astrocytes are pivotal in
the regulation of the effects of ELS on cognitive impairment. This data highlights the importance
of astrocytes as potential therapeutic targets for mitigating cognitive dysfunction, a pervasive
symptom of psychopathology.
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Tracking Under Countermeasures Using Infrared ImageryModorato, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Object tracking can be done in numerous ways, where the goal is to track a target through all frames in a sequence. The ground truth bounding box is used to initialize the object tracking algorithm. Object tracking can be carried out on infrared imagery suitable for military applications to execute tracking even without illumination. Objects, such as aircraft, can deploy countermeasures to impede tracking. The countermeasures most often mainly impact one wavelength band. Therefore, using two different wavelength bands for object tracking can counteract the impact of the countermeasures. The dataset was created from simulations. The countermeasures applied to the dataset are flares and Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCMs). Different object tracking algorithms exist, and many are based on discriminative correlation filters (DCF). The thesis investigated the DCF-based trackers STRCF and ECO on the created dataset. The STRCF and the ECO trackers were analyzed using one and two wavelength bands. The following features were investigated for both trackers: grayscale, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and pre-trained deep features. The results indicated that the STRCF and the ECO trackers using two wavelength bands instead of one improved performance on sequences with countermeasures. The use of HOG, deep features, or a combination of both improved the performance of the STRCF tracker using two wavelength bands. Likewise, the performance of the ECO tracker using two wavelength bands was improved by the use of deep features. However, the negative aspect of using two wavelength bands and introducing more features is that it resulted in a lower frame rate.
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L’accès intermittent pour modéliser l'addiction à la cocaïne chez la rate : études sur des traitements pharmacologiques et des processus de rechuteNdiaye, Ndeye Aissatou 08 1900 (has links)
Il n’existe aucun traitement médicamenteux approuvé contre l’addiction à la cocaïne. La cocaïne est l’une des drogues les plus consommées dans le monde, mais peu de consommateurs développent une addiction. Le traitement continu à la d-amphétamine est considéré comme l’une des stratégies pharmacologiques les plus prometteuses pour réduire la consommation et la recherche de cocaïne chez les personnes souffrant d’un trouble lié à l’usage de la cocaïne. Les stimuli associés à la cocaïne déclenchent l’envie de consommer et la rechute, un obstacle majeur à la guérison de l’addiction. Ceci inclut les stimuli conditionnés (SCs) et les stimuli discriminatifs (SDs). Les SCs apparaissent simultanément aux effets de la drogue et y sont associés. Les SDs informent de la disponibilité (SD+) ou la non-disponibilité (SD-) de la drogue. La réexposition à ces stimuli environnementaux associés à la prise de drogues peut déclencher un état de manque et la rechute.
L’accès intermittent (IntA) à l’auto-administration de cocaïne est un modèle animal proposé il y a plusieurs années pour mieux refléter le patron de consommation de drogue chez l’homme. En effet, les niveaux intracérébraux de cocaïne fluctuent au cours de la session d’auto-administration. Pendant mon doctorat, j'ai utilisé ce modèle animal pour évaluer l'effet du traitement à la d-amphétamine et l'implication des SDs et des SCs dans la rechute vers la consommation de cocaïne chez des rats femelles. La plupart des études cliniques et précliniques dans le domaine ont porté sur des mâles, même si l’addiction touche à la fois les femmes et les hommes, les femmes pouvant être plus vulnérables. Aujourd’hui, des recherches croissantes s’intéressent aux deux sexes afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes neurobiologiques associés.
Dans la première partie de ma thèse, j'ai évalué les effets d'un traitement continu à la d-amphétamine sur le développement et l'expression des modes de consommation de cocaïne liés à l’addiction chez des rats femelles. Dans l’expérience 1, des rats femelles ont reçu 14 séances d'auto-administration de cocaïne (1/jour). Un groupe a été traité avec de la d-amphétamine, et le groupe témoin n’a pas été traité. Après l'arrêt du traitement, la motivation pour la cocaïne sous un ratio progressif, le comportement de recherche de cocaïne sous extinction et la réinstallation du comportement éteint de recherche de cocaïne, induite par la cocaïne, ont été évalués. Dans l’expérience 2, des rats femelles ont reçu 14 séances d'auto-administration de cocaïne (1/jour). Ensuite, des niveaux de référence de motivation pour la cocaïne sous ratio progressif ont été établis. Les rates ont ensuite été réparties en 2 groupes et autorisées à s'auto-administrer quotidiennement de la cocaïne pendant 14 nouvelles séances. Ensuite, un groupe a reçu de la d-amphétamine, le groupe témoin n’en a pas reçu. Dans les deux expériences, le traitement à la d-amphétamine n’a pas influencé la consommation de cocaïne lors des séances d’auto-administration et de rechute. Il est important de noter que la d-amphétamine a diminué la motivation pour la cocaïne sous ratio progressif et la recherche de cocaïne sous extinction.
Dans la deuxième et dernière partie de ma thèse, j'ai comparé les effets des SC et SDs sur la recherche de cocaïne (expérience 1 et 3) et de sucrose (expérience 2). Le SD+ est représenté par une lumière, le SD- par une lumière distincte du SD+ (ou l’absence de lumière) et le SC par une 3ième lumière associée à un son. J’ai aussi étudié les effets de la présentation du SD- pendant le SD+ après abstinence. J'ai également comparé la capacité du SC et du SD+ à renforcer la réponse comportementale de recherche de cocaïne (comme des renforçateurs conditionnés). Au cours de 15 à 20 séances d’accès intermittent, les rats se sont auto-administrés de la cocaïne. La livraison de la cocaïne ou du sucrose est associée à un son couplé à une lumière (SC). Au cours de chaque séance, la cocaïne/sucrose était disponible pendant des périodes ON de 5 minutes avec un environnement lumineux associé au SD+ et indisponible pendant des périodes OFF de 25 minutes avec environnement lumineux associé au SD-. Après la dernière session, nous avons mesuré la recherche de cocaïne/sucrose déclenchée par des signaux ainsi que la recherche de cocaïne renforcée uniquement par les signaux aux jours 2 et 21 d'abstinence. Nous avons aussi évalué les effets de renforcement conditionné des signaux uniquement au jour 22 après l'abstinence. Le SD+ associé à la cocaïne déclenche, plus efficacement que le SC, une augmentation du comportement de recherche de cocaïne/sucrose. Les SC et SD+ ont montré des propriétés de renforcement conditionné similaires. Enfin, l’introduction du SD- lors de la présentation du SD+ a supprimé le comportement accru de recherche de cocaïne.
Dans l’ensemble, ces études suggèrent que l’auto-administration de cocaïne par accès intermittent constitue un modèle intéressant pour étudier et comprendre les mécanismes neurobiologiques associés à l’addiction à la cocaïne. Nonobstant les similarités globalement observés ici dans les deux sexes, la présence des femelles dans les études sur l’addiction reste essentielle. / There are no approved medications to treat cocaine addiction. Cocaine is one of the most consumed drugs worldwide, but few users develop addiction. Continuous d-amphetamine treatment is one of the most promising pharmacological strategies to reduce cocaine taking and seeking in human users. Stimuli associated with drug use trigger the urge to use and relapse, a major obstacle to recovery from addiction. These include conditioned stimuli (SCs) and discriminative stimuli (SDs). CSs appear simultaneously with the effects of the drug and become associated with them. SDs inform about the availability (SD+) or non-availability (SD-) of the drug. Re-exposure to these environmental stimuli associated with drug-taking can trigger drug craving and relapse.
Intermittent access to cocaine self-administration is an animal model proposed several years ago to better reflect human pattern of drug use. Indeed, brain cocaine levels fluctuate over self-administration sessions. During my Ph.D. I used this animal model to assess the effect of d-amphetamine treatment and the involvement of SDs and SCs in relapse to cocaine use of female rats. Most clinical and preclinical studies in the field have used males, even though addiction afflicts both women and men, and women can be more vulnerable to this disorder. Today, researchers are increasingly interested in both sexes to better understand neurobiological mechanisms of addiction.
In the first part of my thesis, I assessed the effects of chronic continuous d-amphetamine treatment on the development and expression of addiction-relevant patterns of cocaine use in female rats. In experiment 1, female rats received 14 cocaine self-administration sessions (1/day). One group was treated with d-amphetamine, and the control group was not. After cessation of treatment, motivation under progressive ratio, cocaine-seeking behaviour under extinction and cocaine-primed reinstatement of the extinguished cocaine-seeking behaviour was assessed. In experiment 2, female rats received 14 cocaine self-administration sessions (1/day). Then, baseline levels of responding for cocaine under a progressive ratio schedule were established. The rats were allocated to 2 groups and allowed to self-administer cocaine daily for 14 sessions again. Next, one group received d-amphetamine treatment, the control group did not. In both experiments, d-amphetamine treatment did not influence cocaine use during self-administration sessions and cocaine seeking in reinstatement. Interestingly, d-amphetamine decreased responding for cocaine under progressive ratio and cocaine-seeking under extinction.
In the second and last part of my thesis, I compared the effects of reward-associated cues SC and SDs on cocaine (Exps. 1 and 3) and sucrose (Exp. 2) seeking. The SD+ is represented by a light, the SD- another light (or the absence of light) and the SC by a 3rd light paired with a sound. I also studied the effect of including SD- during SD+ presentation after abstinence. I also compared the ability of the SC and SD+ to reinforce instrumental responding (acting as conditioned reinforcers). During 15-20 intermittent-access sessions, rats self-administered cocaine or sucrose paired with a light-tone SC. During each session, cocaine/sucrose was available for 5-min ON periods with the SD+ light condition and unavailable for 25-min OFF periods with the SD- light condition. Following the last session we measured cue-triggered cocaine/sucrose seeking (days 2 and 21 of abstinence) as well as reinforced responding for cocaine solely by the cues on day 22 after abstinence. The cocaine-associated SD+ more effectively triggered cocaine/sucrose seeking behaviour than SC, and Both SC and SD+ showed similar conditioned reinforcing properties for cocaine. Finally, the introducing of SD- during SD+ suppressed the increased cocaine-seeking behaviour.
Overall, these studies suggest that intermittent access of cocaine self administration is an interesting model to understand neurobiological mechanisms associated to cocaine addiction. Notwithstanding the overall similarities in both sexes, the presence of females in drug addiction studies remain essential.
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Relating Dependent Terms in Information RetrievalShi, Lixin 11 1900 (has links)
Les moteurs de recherche font partie de notre vie quotidienne. Actuellement, plus d’un tiers de la population mondiale utilise l’Internet. Les moteurs de recherche leur permettent de trouver rapidement les informations ou les produits qu'ils veulent. La recherche d'information (IR) est le fondement de moteurs de recherche modernes. Les approches traditionnelles de recherche d'information supposent que les termes d'indexation sont indépendants. Pourtant, les termes qui apparaissent dans le même contexte sont souvent dépendants. L’absence de la prise en compte de ces dépendances est une des causes de l’introduction de bruit dans le résultat (résultat non pertinents). Certaines études ont proposé d’intégrer certains types de dépendance, tels que la proximité, la cooccurrence, la contiguïté et de la dépendance grammaticale. Dans la plupart des cas, les modèles de dépendance sont construits séparément et ensuite combinés avec le modèle traditionnel de mots avec une importance constante. Par conséquent, ils ne peuvent pas capturer correctement la dépendance variable et la force de dépendance. Par exemple, la dépendance entre les mots adjacents "Black Friday" est plus importante que celle entre les mots "road constructions". Dans cette thèse, nous étudions différentes approches pour capturer les relations des termes et de leurs forces de dépendance. Nous avons proposé des méthodes suivantes: ─ Nous réexaminons l'approche de combinaison en utilisant différentes unités d'indexation pour la RI monolingue en chinois et la RI translinguistique entre anglais et chinois. En plus d’utiliser des mots, nous étudions la possibilité d'utiliser bi-gramme et uni-gramme comme unité de traduction pour le chinois. Plusieurs modèles de traduction sont construits pour traduire des mots anglais en uni-grammes, bi-grammes et mots chinois avec un corpus parallèle. Une requête en anglais est ensuite traduite de plusieurs façons, et un score classement est produit avec chaque traduction. Le score final de classement combine tous ces types de traduction. Nous considérons la dépendance entre les termes en utilisant la théorie d’évidence de Dempster-Shafer. Une occurrence d'un fragment de texte (de plusieurs mots) dans un document est considérée comme représentant l'ensemble de tous les termes constituants. La probabilité est assignée à un tel ensemble de termes plutôt qu’a chaque terme individuel. Au moment d’évaluation de requête, cette probabilité est redistribuée aux termes de la requête si ces derniers sont différents. Cette approche nous permet d'intégrer les relations de dépendance entre les termes. Nous proposons un modèle discriminant pour intégrer les différentes types de dépendance selon leur force et leur utilité pour la RI. Notamment, nous considérons la dépendance de contiguïté et de cooccurrence à de différentes distances, c’est-à-dire les bi-grammes et les paires de termes dans une fenêtre de 2, 4, 8 et 16 mots. Le poids d’un bi-gramme ou d’une paire de termes dépendants est déterminé selon un ensemble des caractères, en utilisant la régression SVM. Toutes les méthodes proposées sont évaluées sur plusieurs collections en anglais et/ou chinois, et les résultats expérimentaux montrent que ces méthodes produisent des améliorations substantielles sur l'état de l'art. / Search engine has become an integral part of our life. More than one-third of world populations are Internet users. Most users turn to a search engine as the quick way to finding the information or product they want. Information retrieval (IR) is the foundation for modern search engines. Traditional information retrieval approaches assume that indexing terms are independent. However, terms occurring in the same context are often dependent. Failing to recognize the dependencies between terms leads to noise (irrelevant documents) in the result. Some studies have proposed to integrate term dependency of different types, such as proximity, co-occurrence, adjacency and grammatical dependency. In most cases, dependency models are constructed apart and then combined with the traditional word-based (unigram) model on a fixed importance proportion. Consequently, they cannot properly capture variable term dependency and its strength. For example, dependency between adjacent words “black Friday” is more important to consider than those of between “road constructions”. In this thesis, we try to study different approaches to capture term relationships and their dependency strengths. We propose the following methods for monolingual IR and Cross-Language IR (CLIR): We re-examine the combination approach by using different indexing units for Chinese monolingual IR, then propose the similar method for CLIR. In addition to the traditional method based on words, we investigate the possibility of using Chinese bigrams and unigrams as translation units. Several translation models from English words to Chinese unigrams, bigrams and words are created based on a parallel corpus. An English query is then translated in several ways, each producing a ranking score. The final ranking score combines all these types of translations. We incorporate dependencies between terms in our model using Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Every occurrence of a text fragment in a document is represented as a set which includes all its implied terms. Probability is assigned to such a set of terms instead of individual terms. During query evaluation phase, the probability of the set can be transferred to those of the related query, allowing us to integrate language-dependent relations to IR. We propose a discriminative language model that integrates different term dependencies according to their strength and usefulness to IR. We consider the dependency of adjacency and co-occurrence within different distances, i.e. bigrams, pairs of terms within text window of size 2, 4, 8 and 16. The weight of bigram or a pair of dependent terms in the final model is learnt according to a set of features. All the proposed methods are evaluated on several English and/or Chinese collections, and experimental results show these methods achieve substantial improvements over state-of-the-art baselines.
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Influ?ncia do ciclo estral no efeito do diazepam na ansiedade e mem?ria de ratasSousa, Diego Silveira 17 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:37:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Memory and anxiety are related phenomena. Several evidences suggest that anxiety is
fundamental for learnining and may facilitate or impair the memory formation process
depending of the context. The majority of animal studies of anxiety and fear use only males as
experimental subjects, while studies with females are rare in the literature. However, the
prevalence in phobic and anxiety disorders is greater in women than in men. Moreover, it is
known that gender maybe influence benzodiazepine effects, the classic drugs used for anxiety
disorders treatment. In this respect, to further investigate if fear/anxiety aspects related to
learning in female subjects would contribute to the study of phobic and anxiety disorders and
their relationship with learning/memory processes, the present work investigates (a) the
effects of benzodiazepine diazepam on female rats performance in a aversive memory task
that assess concomitantly anxiety/emotionality, as the interaction between both; (b) the
influence of estrous cycle phases of female rats on diazepam effects at aversive memory and
anxiety/emotionality, and the interaction between both and (c) the role of hormonal
fluctuations during estrous cycle phases in absence of diazepam effects in proestrus, because
female rats in this phase received or not mifepristone, the antagonist of progesterone receptor,
previously to the diazepam treatment. For this purpose, the plus maze discriminative
avoidance task, previously validated for studies of anxiety concomitantly to
learning/memory, was used. The apparatus employed is an adaptation of a conventional plus
maze, with two opens arms and two closed arms, one of which presenting aversive
stimulation (noise and light). The parameters used were: time in non-aversive arm compared
to time in aversive and percentage of time in aversive arm on several temporal divisions, in
order to evaluate memory; percentage of time in open arms, risk assessment, head dipping and
end exploring to evaluate anxiety ; and distance traveled for locomotion. In experiment I, we
found anxiolytic effect of diazepam only for 4 mg/kg dose, however the amnestic effect
appear at a dose of 2 mg/kg. In second experiment, rats were divided in groups according
estrous cycle phase (metaestrus/diestrus, proestrus e estrus). In this experiment, when we
considered estrous cycle phase or diazepam treatment, the results did not demonstrate any
differences in anxiety/emotionality parameters. The amnestic effects of diazepam occur in
female rats in metestrus/diestrus and estrus and is absent in proestrous rats. Proestrous female
rats that received mifepristone exhibited the amnestic effect of diazepam and also anxiolytic
effects, that it was not previously observed in this dose. The results have demonstrated
dissociation of anxiolytic and amnestic diazepam effects, not previously observed in males; the absence of amnestic effect of diazepam in proestrous phase; and the possible role of
progesterone in aversive memory over diazepam effect, because the mifepristone, associated
with diazepam, caused amnestic effect in proestrus / A mem?ria e a ansiedade s?o fen?menos relacionados. Diversas evid?ncias sugerem que a
ansiedade ? fundamental para o aprendizado, podendo facilitar ou prejudicar a forma??o de
mem?rias dependendo da situa??o, o que se constitui num fator relevante tanto para o
funcionamento normal dos processos cognitivos quanto para a compreens?o dos transtornos
de ansiedade. A maioria dos estudos com modelos animais que se prop?e a estudar medo e
ansiedade usa machos como sujeitos experimentais existindo, assim, escassez no estudo de
f?meas na literatura. Entretanto, a preval?ncia para transtornos f?bico-ansiosos ? maior em
mulheres do que em homens. Al?m disso, sabe-se que o g?nero pode influenciar o efeito de
benzodiazep?nicos, f?rmacos classicamente utilizados no tratamento de transtornos de
ansiedade. No intuito de contribuir para o estudo de transtornos f?bico-ansiosos e sua rela??o
com processos de mem?ria e aprendizado, o presente trabalho investigou (a) os efeitos do
benzodiazep?nico diazepam sobre o desempenho de ratas em uma tarefa de mem?ria aversiva
com concomitante avalia??o da ansiedade/emocionalidade; (b) a influ?ncia das fases do ciclo
estral de ratas no efeito do diazepam na ansiedade/emocionalidade e mem?ria aversiva, assim
como a intera??o entre ambas e (c) o papel de flutua??es hormonais ao longo das fases do
ciclo sobre aus?ncia do efeito do diazepam no proestro, pois ratas nessa fase receberam ou
n?o o antagonista do receptor da progesterona, mifepristona, previamente ao tratamento com
diazepam. Para isso, foi utilizado o modelo da esquiva discriminativa em labirinto cruz
elevado, previamente validado para estudos envolvendo ansiedade e aprendizagem. O
aparato utilizado ? uma adapta??o do labirinto em cruz elevado convencional, constitu?do de
dois bra?os abertos e dois bra?os fechados sendo que um dos fechados tem uma estimula??o
aversiva com som e luz. Foram utilizados os par?metros: tempo no bra?o n?o-aversivo
comparado ao tempo no aversivo e percentual de tempo no bra?o aversivo em diferentes
divis?es temporais para avaliar mem?ria; percentual de tempo nos bra?os abertos, avalia??o
de risco, mergulhos de cabe?a e explora??o da ponta do bra?o aberto para ansiedade ; e
dist?ncia percorrida para locomo??o. A partir da curva dose-resposta, no primeiro
experimento, observamos o efeito ansiol?tico (4mg/kg) e amn?stico (2mg/kg) do diazepam.
No segundo experimento, as ratas foram separadas de acordo com as fases do ciclo estral
(metaestro/diestro, proestro e estro). N?o foram observadas diferen?as significativas na
ansiedade/emocionalidade, nem entre fases do ciclo, nem do tratamento com diazepam
(2mg/kg). O efeito amn?stico do diazepam ocorreu nas ratas em metaestro/diestro e estro,
estando ausente nas ratas em proestro. Na presen?a da mifepristona as ratas em proestro exibiram o efeito amn?stico do diazepam e tamb?m passaram a apresentar efeito ansiol?tico, o
qual n?o havia sido observado previamente nesta dose. Os resultados demonstraram
dissocia??o de efeitos amn?sticos e ansiol?ticos em f?meas, n?o previamente observada em
machos; aus?ncia do efeito amn?stico do diazepam no proestro, que ocorre nas outras fases e
o poss?vel papel da progesterona na mem?ria aversiva sob efeito do diazepam, uma vez que a
mifepristona possibilitou o efeito amn?stico no proestro, fase na qual os n?veis de
progesterona est?o elevados
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Stochastic approximation and least-squares regression, with applications to machine learning / Approximation stochastique et régression par moindres carrés : applications en apprentissage automatiqueFlammarion, Nicolas 24 July 2017 (has links)
De multiples problèmes en apprentissage automatique consistent à minimiser une fonction lisse sur un espace euclidien. Pour l’apprentissage supervisé, cela inclut les régressions par moindres carrés et logistique. Si les problèmes de petite taille sont résolus efficacement avec de nombreux algorithmes d’optimisation, les problèmes de grande échelle nécessitent en revanche des méthodes du premier ordre issues de la descente de gradient. Dans ce manuscrit, nous considérons le cas particulier de la perte quadratique. Dans une première partie, nous nous proposons de la minimiser grâce à un oracle stochastique. Dans une seconde partie, nous considérons deux de ses applications à l’apprentissage automatique : au partitionnement de données et à l’estimation sous contrainte de forme. La première contribution est un cadre unifié pour l’optimisation de fonctions quadratiques non-fortement convexes. Celui-ci comprend la descente de gradient accélérée et la descente de gradient moyennée. Ce nouveau cadre suggère un algorithme alternatif qui combine les aspects positifs du moyennage et de l’accélération. La deuxième contribution est d’obtenir le taux optimal d’erreur de prédiction pour la régression par moindres carrés en fonction de la dépendance au bruit du problème et à l’oubli des conditions initiales. Notre nouvel algorithme est issu de la descente de gradient accélérée et moyennée. La troisième contribution traite de la minimisation de fonctions composites, somme de l’espérance de fonctions quadratiques et d’une régularisation convexe. Nous étendons les résultats existants pour les moindres carrés à toute régularisation et aux différentes géométries induites par une divergence de Bregman. Dans une quatrième contribution, nous considérons le problème du partitionnement discriminatif. Nous proposons sa première analyse théorique, une extension parcimonieuse, son extension au cas multi-labels et un nouvel algorithme ayant une meilleure complexité que les méthodes existantes. La dernière contribution de cette thèse considère le problème de la sériation. Nous adoptons une approche statistique où la matrice est observée avec du bruit et nous étudions les taux d’estimation minimax. Nous proposons aussi un estimateur computationellement efficace. / Many problems in machine learning are naturally cast as the minimization of a smooth function defined on a Euclidean space. For supervised learning, this includes least-squares regression and logistic regression. While small problems are efficiently solved by classical optimization algorithms, large-scale problems are typically solved with first-order techniques based on gradient descent. In this manuscript, we consider the particular case of the quadratic loss. In the first part, we are interestedin its minimization when its gradients are only accessible through a stochastic oracle. In the second part, we consider two applications of the quadratic loss in machine learning: clustering and estimation with shape constraints. In the first main contribution, we provided a unified framework for optimizing non-strongly convex quadratic functions, which encompasses accelerated gradient descent and averaged gradient descent. This new framework suggests an alternative algorithm that exhibits the positive behavior of both averaging and acceleration. The second main contribution aims at obtaining the optimal prediction error rates for least-squares regression, both in terms of dependence on the noise of the problem and of forgetting the initial conditions. Our new algorithm rests upon averaged accelerated gradient descent. The third main contribution deals with minimization of composite objective functions composed of the expectation of quadratic functions and a convex function. Weextend earlier results on least-squares regression to any regularizer and any geometry represented by a Bregman divergence. As a fourth contribution, we consider the the discriminative clustering framework. We propose its first theoretical analysis, a novel sparse extension, a natural extension for the multi-label scenario and an efficient iterative algorithm with better running-time complexity than existing methods. The fifth main contribution deals with the seriation problem. We propose a statistical approach to this problem where the matrix is observed with noise and study the corresponding minimax rate of estimation. We also suggest a computationally efficient estimator whose performance is studied both theoretically and experimentally.
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Vliv parcelačního atlasu na kvalitu klasifikace pacientů s neurodegenerativním onemocněním / Influence of parcellation atlas on quality of classification in patients with neurodegenerative disseaseMontilla, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to define the dependency of the classification of patients affected by neurodegenerative diseases on the choice of the parcellation atlas. Part of this thesis is the application of the functional connectivity analysis and the calculation of graph metrics according to the method published by Olaf Sporns and Mikail Rubinov [1] on fMRI data measured at CEITEC MU. The application is preceded by the theoretical research of parcellation atlases for brain segmentation from fMRI frames and the research of mathematical methods for classification as well as classifiers of neurodegenerative diseases. The first chapters of the thesis brings a theoretical basis of knowledge from the field of magnetic and functional magnetic resonance imaging. The physical principles of the method, the conditions and the course of acquisition of image data are defined. The third chapter summarizes the graph metrics used in the diploma thesis for analyzing and classifying graphs. The paper presents a brief overview of the brain segmentation methods, with the focuse on the atlas-based segmentation. After a theoretical research of functional connectivity methods and mathematical classification methods, the findings were used for segmentation, calculation of graph metrics and for classification of fMRI images obtained from 96 subjects into the one of two classes using Binary classifications by support vector machines and linear discriminatory analysis. The data classified in this study was measured on patiens with Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a combination of PD and MCI and subjects belonging to the control group of healthy individuals. For pre-processing and analysis, the MATLAB environment, the SPM12 toolbox and The Brain Connectivity Toolbox were used.
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Koncepty strojového učení pro kategorizaci objektů v obrazu / Machine Learning Concepts for Categorization of Objects in ImagesHubený, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on objects and scenes recognition using machine learning and computer vision tools. Before the solution of this problem has been studied basic phases of the machine learning concept and statistical models with accent on their division into discriminative and generative method. Further, the Bag-of-words method and its modification have been investigated and described. In the practical part of this work, the implementation of the Bag-of-words method with the SVM classifier was created in the Matlab environment and the model was tested on various sets of publicly available images.
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Incorporating Scene Depth in Discriminative Correlation Filters for Visual TrackingStynsberg, John January 2018 (has links)
Visual tracking is a computer vision problem where the task is to follow a targetthrough a video sequence. Tracking has many important real-world applications in several fields such as autonomous vehicles and robot-vision. Since visual tracking does not assume any prior knowledge about the target, it faces different challenges such occlusion, appearance change, background clutter and scale change. In this thesis we try to improve the capabilities of tracking frameworks using discriminative correlation filters by incorporating scene depth information. We utilize scene depth information on three main levels. First, we use raw depth information to segment the target from its surroundings enabling occlusion detection and scale estimation. Second, we investigate different visual features calculated from depth data to decide which features are good at encoding geometric information available solely in depth data. Third, we investigate handling missing data in the depth maps using a modified version of the normalized convolution framework. Finally, we introduce a novel approach for parameter search using genetic algorithms to find the best hyperparameters for our tracking framework. Experiments show that depth data can be used to estimate scale changes and handle occlusions. In addition, visual features calculated from depth are more representative if they were combined with color features. It is also shown that utilizing normalized convolution improves the overall performance in some cases. Lastly, the usage of genetic algorithms for hyperparameter search leads to accuracy gains as well as some insights on the performance of different components within the framework.
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