Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dismemberment"" "subject:"dismemberments""
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The Significance of the Depositional Microenvironment in the Decomposition of Dismembered Body PartsFranicevic, Branka January 2018 (has links)
A scarcity of experimental studies covering the decomposition of dismembered
body parts has created a gap in knowledge of the effect of dismemberment on the
estimation of post-mortem interval (PMI) and their post-mortem history in a
forensic context. The aim of this study was to record the decay of detached body
parts in some depositional settings where they are likely to be disposed of: burial,
wrapping and freezing.
A series of controlled laboratory experiments was carried out using Sus scrofa
body parts and pork belly, to understand how ambient temperature, soil moisture,
and wrapping and freezing of body parts affected their decomposition. Rates of
decay were subject to a higher temperature and soil moisture level in a burial
microenvironment, with metabolic microbial activity confirming the results.
Temperature was a predominant factor in the decay rates of wrapped body parts,
with a raised ambient temperature causing even higher temperature in the
wrapped microenvironment, resulting in accelerated decay rates. Freezing
decelerated the decomposition of body parts, retarding microbial growth and
activity and causing differential decomposition between body parts. Freezing
demonstrated morphological changes in body parts specific to this
microenvironment. Predominantly Gram-negative bacteria that may be
associated with body microflora were involved in decomposition in all three
Taphonomic, chemical and microbiological analyses carried out in this study have
a potential for forensic application in the examination of dismembered remains
that have been deposited in freezing and indoor settings. Further experiments are
necessary to understand buried decomposition patterns in field conditions.
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Analýza motivu kosmického vejce ve stvořitelských mýtech / Analysis of a cosmic egg motif in creation mythsTvrdá, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare similar cosmogonic narratives in Indian and Chinese culture. The most important elements are the motives of the egg and the giant/god who is formed from it. Comparative method consist of the comparison of the meanings and interpretations of the motives of these two elements, depending on the expectations and character of the source of this mythological narrative. Final findings are, that the importance of both motives in the texts and their participation in the process of creation of the world change chronologically, due to changes in religious, philosophical and social preferences. In Indian cultural environment in the begining, the vague motive of the egg slowly emerges and becomes a single creative element, gaining importance and continues to the stage where it reaches the same level of importance as the cosmic being. The primordial being on the other hand, loses its function of cosmic matter and passes it to the egg. The being itself then plays an active role rather than an object. China, for its religious scepticism suppressed motive of the egg until it was completely removed from texts. The primary role is played by the cosmic giant whose role is not focused on the creation of the world itself but the desintegration of the giants body, representing fission...
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Julgamento fracionado do mérito no processo civil brasileiro / Fragmented judgement of merit in Brazilian civil procedure law.Ambrizzi, Tiago Ravazzi 09 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo analisa, à luz do direito positivo em vigor no Brasil, a possibilidade de emissão de sentenças parciais dentro de um mesmo processo, de modo a solucionar por etapas o objeto litigioso. Procura-se demonstrar que não se trata de novidade absoluta, já convivendo o sistema brasileiro de longa data com situações de fracionamento da resposta judiciária, possibilidade que ficou amplificada com as sucessivas alterações por que passou o Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro. Examinam-se e refutam-se os afirmados obstáculos que impediriam ou contraindicariam o uso da técnica, com a demonstração de ser ela, em verdade, uma imposição do modelo processual constitucional brasileiro. Examinam-se aspectos técnicos ligados ao uso da técnica, verificando-se, principalmente: (i) em quais modalidades de cumulação de pedidos e de sujeitos ela tem cabimento; (ii) se também é possível falar na apreciação por etapas dos diferentes fundamentos da ação e da defesa; (iii) se a emissão de sentença parcial é ato discricionário ou vinculado do juiz; (iv) qual o momento adequado para que o juiz delibere acerca do custo financeiro do processo; (v) se é possível a formação gradual da coisa julgada dentro de um mesmo processo. Por fim, procura-se harmonizar o sistema de recursos ao uso da técnica, fazendo-se rápida menção aos sistemas jurídicos de outros países e ao Projeto do Novo Código de Processo Civil, que contempla o instituto aqui tratado na figura do Julgamento Antecipado Parcial do Mérito. / In the light of positive law in force in Brazil, this study analyses the possibility of partial judgements being given in relation to the same lawsuit, in order to settle litigation in stages. The study seeks to demonstrate that this is not an absolute novelty and that the Brazilian legal system has been accustomed for a long time to situations in which the judicial response is fragmented. This possibility has increased following the successive alterations undergone by the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure. The obstacles alleged to prevent or counterindicate the use of this technique are examined and refuted, demonstrating that in truth the technique is an imposition of the Brazilian constitutional procedural model. An examination is made of the technical aspects related to the use of the technique, verifying in particular: (i) in which modes of joinder of claims and subjects it is admissible; (ii) if it is also possible for the different grounds for the suit and the defence to be examined in stages; (iii) if the giving of partial judgement is a discretionary or binding act of the judge; (iv) what is the appropriate moment for the judge to decide on the financial cost of the proceedings; (v) if it is possible for res judicata to be gradually formed within the same lawsuit. Finally an attempt is made to harmonize the appeal system with the use of the technique, referring rapidly to the legal systems of other countries and the Bill of Law for the New Code of Civil Procedure, which contemplates the institution dealt with here as Partial Summary Judgement of Merit.
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Les lésions osseuses tranchantes (par scies) et tranchantes contondantes : analyse des mécanismes lésionnels et des instruments à l'origine de ces lésions / Sharp bone lesions (saws) and sharp-blunt bone lesions : analysis of the lesional mechanisms and instruments at the origin of these lesionsTorres Nogueira, Luisa Maria 10 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail expérimental s’est intéressé aux lésions osseuses produites par des scies et par une hachette, sur des échantillons humains et animaux. En ce qui concerne les scies, 170 faux départs ont été étudiés au stéréomicroscope en utilisant cinq scies différentes. Les scies universelles se comportent comme les scies à tronçonner, du fait de l’inclinaison vers l’arrière de chaque dent. La largeur minimum du faux départ permet de classer les lésions selon les catégories de Symes. Les profils convexes indiquent l’utilisation d’une scie universelle ou d’une scie à tronçonner. Les profils concaves sont beaucoup plus variés, et indiquent l’utilisation d’une scie à refendre. La forme des murs permet de déterminer le type d’avoyage sauf quand ils sont droits ou difficiles à analyser. Parmi les critères secondaires, l’aspect des stries au fond de la lésion s’est révélé de grande importance pour identifier le type d’avoyage. En ce qui concerne la hachette, nous avons utilisé un protocole standardisé produisant des lésions osseuses de petites dimensions. Le stéréomicroscope a constaté le caractère vertical des stries, qui s’explique par le mouvement vertical effectué par l’instrument au moment de l’impact. Le microscope électronique à balayage a permis de décrire parfaitement les lésions, de comprendre la surélévation des berges (« uprising ») et l’effet exercé à distance (« lateral pushing back »). La présence du latéral pushing back et de stries verticales permet d’affirmer que les lésions osseuses ont été produites par un instrument tranchant contondant. Ces caractères se pérennisent même après carbonisation. / In this experimental work bone lesions produced by saws and a hatchet on human and animal samples were analyzed. With regard to the saws, 170 experimental false starts lesions were studied under stereomicroscope produced by five different saws. Universal saws behave like crosscut saws, because each tooth displays a tilt backwards. The minimum width of the kerf makes it possible to classify bone lesions according to Symes’ categories. Convex profiles indicate the use of a universal or crosscut saw. Concave profiles vary a great deal and indicate the use of a rip saw. The shape of the walls allows for determining the type of set except when they are straight or difficult to analyze. Among the secondary criteria, the appearance of the striae on the kerf floor is able to point the type of set. For the study of bone lesions by a hatchet a standardized device was used to produce small bone lesions. The stereomicroscope was able to observe the vertical striae explained by the vertical movement of the instrument at the time of impact. The scanning electron microscope allowed for a detailed analysis of bone lesions and made it possible to understand the uprising and the lateral pushing back. The presence of a lateral pushing back and of vertical striae is sufficient to determine that the bone lesions were achieved by a sharp blunt instrument. These characters are visible even after carbonization.
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Myter, kön och styckmord : En kritisk diskursanalys av Aftonbladets rapportering om styckmorden i Askersund och Boden / Myths, sex and dismemberment : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Aftonbladets coverage of the homicides in Askersund and BodenSunnemark, Viktor, Elingbo, Isak, Ljungberg, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Statistiskt sett är våldsbrott ett manligt fenomen. Detta leder – logiskt nog – till att medias bevakning av brott ofta beskriver manliga förövare. Ett resultat av detta är bristande studier kring kvinnliga gärningspersoner: Hur representeras kvinnliga brottslingar? Finns där en skillnad i rapporteringens representation när en man begår liknande brott? Om så – varför? Genom en kvalitativ textanalys har vi studerat kvällstidningen Aftonbladets rapportering av två fall: 1. Styckmordet i Askersund, 2014. 2. Styckmordet i Boden, 2013. I Askersund-fallet är både förövare och offer kvinnor, medan i Boden-fallet är förövaren man och offret kvinna. Detta ger oss en möjlighet att se om representationen i fallen skiljer sig åt. För att finna dessa skillnader genomför vi en kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) med hjälp av semiotiska begrepp. Efter utförd CDA, tillämpar vi Jack Lules teori om traditionella myter inom journalistiken, för att se om skillnaderna kan kopplas till någon av Lules arketyper, eller förklaras genom genusteori knuten till medial representation. Sett till fallen, hittade vi flertalet skillnader i hur förövarna representerades. Jonna Henningsson, förövaren i Askersund-fallet, representeras som en farlig, oförutsägbar mördare, medan Kristoffer Johansson, förövaren i Boden-fallet, inte alls får samma utrymme eller betoning av någon av hans personliga attribut. Istället fokuserar rapporteringen i Boden-fallet på hans offer – Vatchareeya Bangsuan. Eftersom de båda fallen är snarlika i alla aspekter förutom förövarens kön, drar vi slutsatsen att denna skillnad springer ur konventionen att kvinnor inte mördar, och om de gör det så skapar det en fascination. Om män mördar, däremot, är det inom ramen för manligt beteende och därmed inte av samma nyhetsvärde, vilket leder till ett fokus på det kvinnliga offret. / Statistically, crimes of violence are predominantly a male phenomenon, leading to the media coverage of crimes such as manslaughter and homicide – and the media studies based on the reports – often portrays a male perpetrator. A logical result of this is a lack of studies regarding female crime offenders: How does the media represent female culprits? Does the representation differ from reports of a man committing a similar crime? If so – Why? Through a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), we have studied the newspaper Aftonbladets coverage of two murder cases: 1. The killing and dismemberment of Lovisa Lindh in Askersund, 2014. 2. The killing and dismemberment of Vatchareeya Bangsuan in Boden, 2013. The Askersund case has a female perpetrator and victim, while the Boden case has a male perpetrator and a female victim. This gives us an opportunity to study if – and how – the representation in each case differs from one another. To locate eventual differences, we are performing a CDA using semiotic concepts. Then, we seek to apply Jack Lules theories of traditional myths in journalism, along with medial gender studies – to see if these differences may be connected to any of Lules stated archetypes, or to be explained by gender conventions of our culture. Looking at the cases, we found plenty of differences on how the two perpetrators were represented. Jonna Henningsson, the perpetrator in the Askersund case, is represented as a dangerously unpredictable murderer. Kristoffer Johansson, the perpetrator in the Boden case, does not at all get the same amount of coverage or emphasis on any of his personal traits. Instead, the Boden case reports are heavily revolving around his female victim – Vatchareeya Bangsuan. Since the cases are much alike in every other aspect but the perpetrators gender, we draw the conclusion that this difference hails from the established convention that women does not kill, and if they do – it creates a fascination. If men do – it’s somewhat along the lines of male behavior and therefore not nearly as newsworthy, leaving the journalists to focus on the female victim.
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Julgamento fracionado do mérito no processo civil brasileiro / Fragmented judgement of merit in Brazilian civil procedure law.Tiago Ravazzi Ambrizzi 09 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo analisa, à luz do direito positivo em vigor no Brasil, a possibilidade de emissão de sentenças parciais dentro de um mesmo processo, de modo a solucionar por etapas o objeto litigioso. Procura-se demonstrar que não se trata de novidade absoluta, já convivendo o sistema brasileiro de longa data com situações de fracionamento da resposta judiciária, possibilidade que ficou amplificada com as sucessivas alterações por que passou o Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro. Examinam-se e refutam-se os afirmados obstáculos que impediriam ou contraindicariam o uso da técnica, com a demonstração de ser ela, em verdade, uma imposição do modelo processual constitucional brasileiro. Examinam-se aspectos técnicos ligados ao uso da técnica, verificando-se, principalmente: (i) em quais modalidades de cumulação de pedidos e de sujeitos ela tem cabimento; (ii) se também é possível falar na apreciação por etapas dos diferentes fundamentos da ação e da defesa; (iii) se a emissão de sentença parcial é ato discricionário ou vinculado do juiz; (iv) qual o momento adequado para que o juiz delibere acerca do custo financeiro do processo; (v) se é possível a formação gradual da coisa julgada dentro de um mesmo processo. Por fim, procura-se harmonizar o sistema de recursos ao uso da técnica, fazendo-se rápida menção aos sistemas jurídicos de outros países e ao Projeto do Novo Código de Processo Civil, que contempla o instituto aqui tratado na figura do Julgamento Antecipado Parcial do Mérito. / In the light of positive law in force in Brazil, this study analyses the possibility of partial judgements being given in relation to the same lawsuit, in order to settle litigation in stages. The study seeks to demonstrate that this is not an absolute novelty and that the Brazilian legal system has been accustomed for a long time to situations in which the judicial response is fragmented. This possibility has increased following the successive alterations undergone by the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure. The obstacles alleged to prevent or counterindicate the use of this technique are examined and refuted, demonstrating that in truth the technique is an imposition of the Brazilian constitutional procedural model. An examination is made of the technical aspects related to the use of the technique, verifying in particular: (i) in which modes of joinder of claims and subjects it is admissible; (ii) if it is also possible for the different grounds for the suit and the defence to be examined in stages; (iii) if the giving of partial judgement is a discretionary or binding act of the judge; (iv) what is the appropriate moment for the judge to decide on the financial cost of the proceedings; (v) if it is possible for res judicata to be gradually formed within the same lawsuit. Finally an attempt is made to harmonize the appeal system with the use of the technique, referring rapidly to the legal systems of other countries and the Bill of Law for the New Code of Civil Procedure, which contemplates the institution dealt with here as Partial Summary Judgement of Merit.
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Pratiques funéraires complexes : réévaluation archéo-anthropologique des contextes ibéromaurusiens et capsiens (paléolithique supérieur et épipaléolithique, Afrique du Nord-Ouest) / Complex funeral practices : archaeo-anthropological reassessment of iberomaurusians and capsians contexts (paleolithic and epipaleolithic, Northwest Africa)Aoudia-Chouakri, Louiza 11 February 2013 (has links)
L’ibéromaurusien (23 000 - 9500 Cal BC) et le Capsien (9600 - 5000 Cal BC) sont deux cultures de la fin du paléolithique supérieur et de l’épipaléolithique d’Afrique du nord ; elles ont été définies sur la base de la typologie de leur assemblage d’industrie lithique. L’Ibéromaurusien est caractérisé par une industrie lamellaire microlithique et la Capsien par une industrie microlithique riche en segments minuscules, en microburins et microlamelles. La discontinuité biologique prêtée à ces deux groupes, sur la base d’arguments anthropologiques discutables, a fortement influencé le débat sur leur mode de remplacement. Ainsi une origine Moyen-Orientale a été proposée à la culture capsienne. Nous avons souhaité vérifier cette théorie à partir de l’étude du traitement funéraire dans ces deux groupes. En appliquant les méthodes de l’anthropologie funéraire moderne, nous proposons une révision critique de l’ensemble du corpus aujourd’hui disponible. Il comprend une soixantaine de sépultures Ibéromaurusiennes, renfermant 126 individus découverts dans 10 sites, 48 sépultures Capsiennes contenant 55 individus, issues de 13 sites, et enfin 38 sépultures du site de Columnata, livrant 89 individus. Nous avons scrupuleusement analysé les contextes de découvertes de ces individus dans les publications et les carnets de fouilles. Nous avons révisé les dénombrements, la détermination du sexe et l’estimation de l’âge au décès. Nous avons également exploré la surface de l’os à la recherche de stigmates permettant de valider ce que l’analyse taphonomique des sépultures laissait présager. Nous avons d’abord caractérisé le système funéraire de chacun de ces deux groupes, puis nous avons comparé les composants de ces deux systèmes afin de rechercher une éventuelle transmission ou rupture de coutume entre les deux sociétés. Les normes funéraires telles que nous les avons établies, confirment la spécificité de chacun de ces deux groupes. Les gestes funéraires sont différents et l’absence de transmission directe entre ces deux groupes de chasseurs cueilleurs est d’abord envisagée. Toutefois, l’interprétation ostéo-archéologique des sépultures révèle la présence d’une coutume funéraire minoritaire (conditionnelle), longue dans sa durée d’exécution, et complexe par la technique qu’elle requiert, quasi identique dans les deux groupes. Ce traitement passe par une étape de découpe du cadavre (décollation, désarticulation, décarnisation et éviscération), la tête après dépouillement est décorée parfois surmodelée. Enfin, le corps ainsi partitionné est inhumé en blocs anatomiques disloqués. Ce traitement, par les degrés d’apprentissage qu’il nécessite et la complexité de sa conception, suggère un lien direct entre les deux traditions. Cet héritage culturel Ibéromaurusien chez les Capsiens nous conduit à privilégier l’hypothèse d’une relation ancêtre-descendant et une origine locale de la culture Capsienne. / The iberomaurusien (23,000 - 9500 cal BC) and the Capsian (9600-5000 cal BC) are two cultures dating from the end of the upper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic in North Africa. They have been established on the basis of the characterisitics of their lithic industries. The Iberomaurusien is characterized by a lamellar microblade industry and Capsian by a microblade industry rich in tiny segments and microburins microbladelets. Biological discontinuity of these two groups has been assumed on the basis of questionable anthropological arguments which have strongly influenced debate on their origins. Thus a Middle-Eastern origin has been proposed for the Capsian. We wanted to test this theory using a study of the mortuary practices in these two groups. By applying the perspective of modern mortuary anthropology, we offer a critical review of the entire available corpus. This includes 60 Iberomaurian graves, containing 126 individuals discovered in 10 sites, 48 Capsian graves containing 55 individuals from 13 sites, and 38 burials from the Columnata site providing 89 individuals. We carefully analyzed the contexts of discovery of these individuals as described in publications and field notes. We have revised the counts, the sex-determination and estimation of the age at death. We also explored the surface of the bones looking for stigmata to validate what a taphonomic analysis of the graves might reveal. We first characterized the burial system of each of these two groups, and then the components of these two systems were compared to find a possible transmission or break in burial custom between the two societies. The funeral practices as we have established them, confirm the specificity of these two groups. Funeral rituals are different and the absence of direct transfer between these two groups of hunter-gatherers is first considered. However, the osteo-archaeological interpretation of the graves revealed the presence of a (conditional) minority funeral custom, which lasted a long time, and required a complex technique, that was almost identical in the two groups. This treatment goes through a stage of dismembering the cadaver (beheading, disarticulation, butchering and evisceration), and the skull after flaying is sometimes plastered. Finally, thus partitioned, the body is buried assembled in dislocated anatomical blocks. This treatment, by the levels of knowledge that it requires, and the complexity of its design, suggests a direct link between the two traditions. This endurance of Iberomaurusian cultural heritage in the Capsian leads us to confirm the hypothesis of an ancestor-descendant relationship and a local origin of the Capsian culture.
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Proponenti samostatného Československa v angloamerickém tisku mezi lety 1914 - 1918 / The Proponents of the Czecho-Slovak Independence in English and American press between 1914 - 1918Kříž, Jonáš January 2020 (has links)
The thesis analyses the reflection of the Czechoslovak freedom movement within the English and American daily press during the World War I (1914 - 1918). In its theoretical part the thesis provides the chronological framework of the Czechoslovak movement and discusses its main challenges as well as essential milestones and achievements. It also introduces the reader to the most popular theoretical concepts regarding the idea of the Czech national independence existing at the brink of the war. With regard to the historical perspective the thesis also elaborates on the development and timeline of Masaryk's exile endeavour as well as personal relations, the latter contributing greatly in promoting the Czechoslovak cause abroad. In its analytical part the thesis deals with the sample of media articles related to the issue of Czechoslovaks and their pursuits. Using the qualitative approach it reconstructs the media frameworks through which the theme of the Czechoslovaks was presented and interpreted in a variety of British and American dailies during the Great War. Besides the daily press it also builds its findings upon the historical literature, archival documents and correspondence. Focusing on the identified media frameworks the thesis strives to identify themes, ideas, concepts and arguments that...
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Dismembering and re-membering in J.M. Coetzee's selected fiction: a decolonial approachNdumiso, Ncube 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / The present study deploys Ngugi wa Thiongo’s (2009) decolonial concepts of
dismembering and re-membering to critically explore J. M Coetzee’s selected fiction. In
my reading of the novels Waiting for the Barbarians, Foe and Disgrace, I relate
concepts of dismembering and re-membering to decoloniality. In the rendition of Ngugi,
dismembering refers to the displacement and dispossession of the colonised, and their
mental colonisation through cultural imperialism. Re-membering becomes the
decolonial effort to undo physical and psychological dismembering. In the same way in
which, since the Berlin Conference of 1884/5, Africa was divided, mapped and
colonised, the cultures and histories of Africans were dismembered and dominated.
Concerns for the land are expressed in the mapping and the confiscation of land which
is depicted in the native’s desert dwellings in Waiting for the Barbarians, Cruso’s
clearing of the land in Foe and Petrus’s taking over of Lucy’s farm in Disgrace.
Furthermore, Coetzee’s use of language is one important narrative strategy that is
explored to ascertain how Coetzee negates or speaks for, of and about the colonised
through the narrator focaliser. This study reveals the reflexive nature of the selected
novels and seeks answers to the question of why Coetzee tends to make his “black”
characters voiceless and rootless (and sometimes nameless)? Is Coetzee suggesting
that they have been silenced by history, by colonialism, or is he suggesting that he, the
author, has no right to speak on their behalf? In the mode of writing and story-telling, is
Coetzee suggesting the impossibility of the coloniser to speak for the colonised or, in
speaking of them, does he give the servant characters a voice and can this voice be
theirs, or can it be considered reliable? Is Coetzee presenting the power of passivity as
a means of resistance and re-membering? This study, from a decolonial perspective,
engages with the complex way Coetzee handles voice and the question of the agency
of the colonised. / Hierdie studie benut Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (2009) se dekoloniale begrippe van verdeling en
herindeling in ʼn kritiese beskouing van J. M. Coetzee se geselekteerde fiksie. In my
vertolking van die romans Waiting for the Barbarians, Foe en Disgrace, bring ek die
begrippe van verdeling en herindeling in verband met dekolonialisme. In Ngũgĩ se vertolking
verwys verdeling na die verplasing en onteiening van die gekoloniseerdes, en hul geestelike
kolonisering deur kulturele imperialisme. Herindeling word die dekoloniale poging om
fisiese en sielkundige herindeling ongedaan te maak. Op dieselfde manier wat Afrika verdeel,
gekarteer en gekoloniseer is sedert die Berlynse Konferensie van 1884/5, is Afrikane se
kulture en geskiedenisse verdeel en gedomineer. Kommer oor die grond word te kenne gegee
in die kartering en konfiskering van grond – soos uitgebeeld in die boorling se
woestynverblyf in Waiting for the Barbarians, Cruso se opruiming van die grond in Foe en
Petrus se oorname van Lucy se plaas in Disgrace. Verder is Coetzee se taalgebruik ʼn
belangrike verhalende strategie wat bestudeer word om vas te stel hoe Coetzee die
gekoloniseerde ontken of vir, van en oor die gekoloniseerde praat deur middel van die
verteller/fokaliseerder. Hierdie studie openbaar die refleksiewe aard van die geselekteerde
romans en soek vir antwoorde op die vraag van waarom Coetzee geneig is om sy “swart”
karakters stemloos en wortelloos (en soms, naamloos) te maak. Suggereer Coetzee dat hulle
deur die geskiedenis, deur kolonialisme, stilgemaak is – of suggereer hy dat hy, die outeur,
nie die reg het om namens hulle te praat nie? Wil Coetzee deur sy manier van skryf en
vertelling, aan die hand doen dat dit onmoontlik is dat die koloniseerder vir die
gekoloniseerde kan praat; of, wanneer hy van hulle praat, gee hy aan die dienaarkarakters ʼn
stem en kan dit hulle stem wees, of kan dit as betroubaar beskou word? Hou Coetzee die
kraag van passiwiteit voor as ʼn vorm van weerstand en herindeling? Hierdie studie
ondersoek, vanuit ʼn dekoloniale perspektief, die komplekse wyse waarop Coetzee stem en
die vraag van die tussenkoms van die gekoloniseerde hanteer. / Ucwaningo lwamanje luchitha imiqondo ka-Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (2009) yokuqothula
nokujoyina kabusha ukungabuswa ngelinye izwe ekuhloliseni ngokucophelela ukuqamba
okukhethiwe kukaJ.M. Coetzee. Ekufundeni kwami amanoveli i-Waiting for the Barbarians,
Foe and Disgrace, ngichaza imiqondo yokuqothula futhi ukujoyina kabusha ekungabusweni
ngelinye izwe. Ekuhumusheni kuka-Ngũgĩ, ukuqothula kubhekisela ekufudukeni
nasekuthunjweni kwalabo ababuswa ngelinye izwe, kanye nengqondo yabo ekubusweni
ngelinye izwe ngokusebenzisa imiphakathi yamasiko. Ukujoyina kabusha kuba wumzamo
wokungabuswa ngelinye izwe ukulungisa ukuqothula kokukhubazeka ngokomzimba
nangokwengqondo. Ngendlela efanayo lapho i-Afrika ihlukaniswe ngakhona, ihlelwe
ibalazwe futhi ibuzwa ngelinye izwe kusukela kwiNgqungquthela yaseBerlin ka 1884/5,
amasiko kanye nemilando yabantu base-Afrika yaqothulwa futhi yabuswa. Ukukhathazeka
kwezwe kuboniswa ebalazweni nasekuthunjweni komhlaba - njengoba kuboniswe
ezindaweni zokuhlala zasogwadule ku- Waiting for the Barbarians, ku-Cruso ukuhlanzwa
komhlaba-enovelini i-Foe nakuPetrus ukuthatha ipulazi likaLucy enovelini i-Disgrace.
Ngaphezu kwalokho, ukusetshenziswa kolimi lukaCoetzee kuyisisindo esisodwa esibalulekile
sokulandisa esihlolisiswayo ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi uCozezee uphikisa kanjani noma
ukhuluma kanjani, futhi mayelana nababuswa ngelinye izwe ngokusebenzisa umlandisi. Lolu
cwaningo lwembula uhlobo oluthile lokucabanga lwamanoveli akhethiwe futhi lufuna
izimpendulo embuzweni wokuthi kungani uCoetzee ejwayele ukwenza "abalingisi" bakhe
abamnyama bengabonakali futhi bangenasisekelo (futhi ngezinye izikhathi abangenalo
igama). Ingabe uCoetzee uphakamisa ukuthi baye bathuliswa ngumlando, ngukubuswa
ngelinye izwe, noma ingabe uphakamisa ukuthi yena, umbhali, akanalo ilungelo
lokukhuluma egameni labo? Ngendlela yokubhala nokuxoxa ngezindaba, ingabe uCoetzee
uphakamisa ukuthi akunakwenzeka ukuba obusa elinye izwe akhulumele ababuswayo kulelo
zwe noma, uma ekhuluma ngabo, uyabanika abalingiswa abayinceku izwi futhi leli zwi
lingaba ngelabo, noma lingathathwa njengelethembekile? Ingabe uCoetzee uveza amandla
okungahambisani njengendlela yokumelana nokujoyina kabusha? Lolu cwaningo, kusukela
embonweni wokungabuswa ngelinye izwe, luhambisana nendlela eyinkimbinkimbi uCoetzee
alawula izwi kanye nombuzo wokumela ababuswayo. / English Studies / M.A. (Theory of Literature: (English Studies))
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Dismemberment and dispossession in the work of Quentin Tarantino and Nathalie DjurbergTerblanche, Catherine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study aims to apply the biopolitical theories of Giorgio Agamben on homo sacer to the stereotypical representation of the violent woman. Using feminist methodologies for dismantling and exposing social stereotypes, this research explores the relationship between femininity, violence and the representation of these. By focussing on the influence of traditional narratives as found in ancient mythology and fairy tales, the study investigates the contemporary portrayal of the stereotypical violent woman using acts of dismemberment and dispossession in the work of Quentin Tarantino and Nathalie Djurberg, which serve as examples of the controversial relationship between real and filmic violence. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Art History)
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