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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da vitamina D por via intratumoral na proliferação e expressão de genes alvo de xenoenxerto de câncer de mama de  pacientes pós-menopausadas / Influence of vitamin D via intratumoral proliferation and expression of target genes in breast cancer xenografts in postmenopausal patients

Victor Celso Nogueira Fonseca Filho 02 December 2013 (has links)
O efeito antiproliferativo do calcitriol foi detectado principalmente em linhagens de carcinoma mamário expostas in vitro a alta concentração hormonal (10 - 100nM), que é associado com hipercalcemia em seres humanos. Nossa hipótese era que a administração intratumoral de calcitriol permitiria maior concentração do hormônio e ativação da via genômica. Para testar esta hipótese, um modelo de enxerto tumoral que reproduz o mais próximo das características moleculares do tumor primário, foi estabelecida. As amostras de câncer de mama recolhidos foram enxertados em camundongos nude e depois da sexta semana, semana, os enxertos tumorais foram tratados semanalmente com injeções intra-tumorais de veículo (controle) ou o calcitriol 0,06 mcg (dose que pode permitir que picos séricos de calcitriol na faixa terapêutica prevista) durante seis semanas. A proliferação e apoptose do enxerto tumoral Veículo (controlo) ou o calcitriol 0,06 mcg (dose que pode permitir que o soro de pico, assim como, a expressão dos genes alvos foram avaliadas através de reações imunohistoquímica ou RT-PCR. A expressão de VDR foi detectada em todas as amostras, assim como uma tendência para maior expressão de mRNA CYP24A1 (indução 10-18 vezes) em amostras tratadas com calcitriol, indicando que a via genómica foi induzida pelo hormonio. O elevado índice proliferativo, avaliado pela expressão de Ki67, foi detectado. No entanto, não havia diferenças na expressão de marcadores de proliferação (incorporação de BrdU, Ki67 e CDKN1B expressão) nem marcadores de apoptose (caspase-3 clivada e BCL2 expressão) entre os enxertos tumorais tratados por veículo e calcitriol tratado. Além disso, não houve diferença entre os grupos detectada na expressão de mRNA do CDKN1A. Em resumo, os efeitos antitumorais não foram observados neste modelo de enxerto tumoral. A indução do gene alvo CYP24A1 pode ter em parte impedido os efeito antitumorais da vitamina D / Antiproliferative effects of calcitriol were mainly detected in breast carcinoma lineages exposed in vitro to high hormone concentrations (10-100 nM), which is associated with hypercalcemia in human beings. Our hypothesis was that intra-tumoral administration of calcitriol would allow higher issue concentration of the hormone and activation of the genomic pathway. To test this hypothesis, a tumorgraft model, that more closely reproduces the molecular characteristics of the primary tumor, was established. Freshly collected breast cancer samples were grafted in nude mice and after the 6th week, tumorgrafts were treated weekly with intra-tumoral injections of vehicle (control) or calcitriol 0.06 mcg (dose that may allow peak serum calcitriol levels in the predicted therapeutic range) for six weeks. Tumorgraft proliferation and apoptosis, as well as expression of target genes, were evaluated through immnunohistochemistry reactions or RT-PCR. VDR expression was detected in all samples as well as a trend towards higher expression of CYP24A1 mRNA (10-18 fold induction) in calcitriol treated samples, indicating that the genomic pathway was induced by the hormone. A high proliferative index, evaluated by Ki67 expression, was detected. However, there were neither differences in the expression of proliferation markers (BrdU incorporation, Ki67 and CDKN1B expression) nor in apoptosis markers (cleaved caspase 3 and BCL2 expression) between vehicle and calcitriol treated tumorgrafts. In addition, no difference between groups was detected for the expression of CDKN1A mRNA. In summary, calcitriol antitumoral effects were not observed in this tumorgraft model. Calcitriol induction of the target gene CYP24A1, might have in part, precluded vitamin D antitumoral effects

Rôle du Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGFβ) au cours de la tumorigenèse pancréatique / Role of Transforming Growth factor beta during pancreatic tumorgenesis

Vincent, David 05 October 2012 (has links)
Le TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor-β) est une cytokine ayant de nombreusesfonctions au cours de la vie embryonnaire et de la vie adulte. Au cours de la cancérogenèse,le TGFβ a un effet anti-tumoral sur les épithelia sains ou immortalisés, et acquière despropriétés facilitant la progression tumorale des épithélia transformés. Afin d’étudier cettedualité fonctionnelle du TGFβ, nous avons choisi comme modèle d’étude l’adénocarcinomedu pancréas, une tumeur de très mauvais pronostic, qui représente la cinquième cause demortalité par cancer dans les pays développés. Les cancers du pancréas, dans leur grandemajorité, présentent des mutations activatrices de l’oncogène Kras, sécrètent de grandequantités de TGFβ et présentent des mutations inactivatrices au niveau de gènes régulateursde la voie du TGFβ. L’objectif général de mes travaux de thèse était de comprendre le rôle duTGFβ au cours des différentes phases de la cancérogenèse pancréatique grâce à l'utilisationde souris génétiquement modifiées. Tout d’abord, nous avons montré que l’activation cibléede la voie du TGFβ dans le pancréas coopérait avec l’oncogène Kras afin d’induire unepancréatite, une inflammation du pancréas favorisant le développement tumoral. Nous avonségalement démontré le rôle suppresseur de tumeur de TIF1γ, une protéine dont la fonction estméconnue mais qui a été proposée pour réguler la voie du TGFβ. En conclusion, mes travauxont tout d’abord contribué à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes à l’origine del’inflammation du pancréas. Ceci ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de traitement visant àinactiver le programme pro-inflammatoire du TGFβ et ainsi d’inhiber l’effet pro-tumoral dela pancréatite. D’autre part, mes travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence une nouvelle voiesuppresseur de tumeur dans le pancréas. La caractérisation des programmes anti-tumorauxmis en jeu par TIF1γ devrait permettre de définir de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. / The TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor-β) belongs to a wide family of cytokinesinvolved in numerous functions during embryogenesis and adult life. During tumorigenesis,TGFβ is considered as a double-edge-sword preventing tumor initiation in normal orimmortalized epithelia but, in contrast, facilitating tumor progression in transformedepithelia. We have studied this dual functionality of TGFβ in Pancreatic DuctalAdenocarcinoma (PDAC), a devastating disease representing the fifth leading-cause ofrelated-cancer death in industrialized countries. Most of pancreatic cancers present activatingKras oncogene mutations, high expression level of secreted TGFβ and inactivating mutationsof affecting major mediators of the TGFβ signaling. The main objective of my thesis was tounderstand the role of TGFβ during pancreatic tumorigenesis using genetically modifiedmouse models, then mimicking the human disease. First, we showed that targeted activationof TGFβ signaling in the pancreas could cooperate with Kras oncogene to induce pancreatitis,an inflammation of the pancreas described as a tumor-promoting environment. Second, wedemonstrated the tumor suppressor role of TIF1γ, a protein recently involved in the TGFβsignaling. In conclusion, this work has contributed to a better understanding of the molecularmechanisms responsible for pancreatitis initiation. Our results open new therapeuticsperspectives leading to the inhibition of the TGFβ-mediated program of thus inhibiting prooncogeniceffect of pancreatitis. Moreover, we defined a new tumor suppressor pathwayactivated in the pancreas. The molecular characterization of programs engaged by TIF1γcould allow defining new therapeutic strategies.

Analyse 3D des remodelages des réseaux neuronaux dans le cancer du pancréas / 3D visualization and analysis of axonal networks system in pancreatic cancer

Lucchesi, Adrien 12 July 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, un nouveau composant de l'environnement des tumeurs (ET) a été mis en évidence: les projections des neurones du système nerveux. En effet, les tumeurs sont infiltrées par des axones, ce qui pourrait réguler la progression du cancer.Le cancer du pancréas fait partie des cancers les plus mortels. Les traitements thérapeutiques actuels qui ciblent ce cancer ne sont pas efficaces. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre les différentes composantes de l'ET de ce cancer afin d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Nous proposons de décrire l’innervation des tumeurs pancréatiques ce qui est le point de départ pour mieux comprendre l’importance de cette composante de l'ET. Les objectifs ont été d’analyser en 3D les réseaux d'axones qui innervent le pancréas sain et cancéreux, ainsi que leurs relations avec d'autres types cellulaires de l'ET (vaisseaux sanguins (VS)).Pour cela, nous avons utilisé une méthode d'imagerie 3D de pancréas entiers, rendus transparents, qui proviennent de modèles génétiques de souris qui développent des cancers du pancréas similaires à ceux de l'homme. Nous avons observé que les réseaux d'axones sont plus denses et plus complexes dans les régions cancéreuses du pancréas par rapport aux régions saines. Alors que dans les tissus sains les axones sont associés aux VS, ils ne le sont plus dans les régions cancéreuses. Nous avons de plus identifié des groupes morphologiques de réseaux d'axones qui permettent de discriminer une région saine d'une région cancéreuse.L’analyse de la structure en 3D de ces réseaux d'axones pourrait donc représenter une donnée prédictive et pronostique de l'état d'avancé clinique de la maladie. / Cancers are diseases in which cancer cells interact with a complex tumor environment (TE). In recent years, a new component of TE has been highlighted: neuronal projections of the nervous system. Indeed, the axons of neurons innervate the tumors, which could regulate cancer progression.Pancreatic cancer is among the most deadly cancers. Indeed, the current therapeutic treatments that target this cancer are not effective. It is therefore important to better understand the different components of the TE of this cancer in order to identify new potential therapeutic targets.In this thesis, we propose to describe the innervation of pancreatic tumors which is the starting point to better understand the importance of this component of the TE. The objectives were to visualize and analyze in 3D the networks of axons that innervate the healthy and cancerous pancreas, as well as their relations with other cell types of the TE (blood vessels (BV)).For this, we used a method of 3D imaging of whole pancreas, made transparent, which come from genetic models of mice that develop pancreatic cancer similar to that of humans.We observed that axon networks are denser and more complex in cancerous regions of the pancreas compared to healthy regions. Moreover, while in healthy tissue, axons are associated with BV, they are no longer in cancerous areas.We also identified morphological groups of axon networks that discriminate a healthy region from a cancerous region.The analysis of the 3D structure of these axon networks could thus represent a predictive and prognostic value for the progression of the disease.

Étude du rôle des voies de signalisation des Activines dans l'initiation et la progression du cancer du pancréas / The role of Activin signaling pathway in the initiation and progression of pancreatic cancer

Zhao, Yajie 27 September 2019 (has links)
L'adénocarcinome canalaire pancréatique (PDAC) est une maladie agressive dans le monde. En raison du manque d'outils de détection hautement sensibles et spécifiques à un stade précoce de la maladie et de traitements peu curatifs, la plupart des patients sont diagnostiqués à un stade incurable avec une mortalité élevée. Comprendre la pathologie moléculaire, en particulier le stade précoce de cette maladie mortelle, est d’une importance capitale pour améliorer les bons pronostics de ces patients. La première et principale partie de mes travaux reposait sur une analyse de profilage génétique dans laquelle ils mettaient en évidence le rôle de la signalisation TGFβ / Activine et du récepteur ALK4 au cours du développement de la PDAC, en plus des quatre gènes oncogéniques courants (KRAS, CDKN2A, TP53 et SMAD4). ). D'autre part, INHBA (codant pour ActivinA) en tant que membre clé des ligands de la superfamille TGFβ est une cible de l'activation oncogénique de Kras dans les cellules du canal pancréatique et a été désigné comme composant potentiel de la SASP par une analyse au sécrétome de cellules subissant une sénescence induite par Kras. . Le but de mes travaux est donc d’étudier l’impact de la signalisation ActivinA lors de l’initiation de la PDAC. Dans la première partie de mon projet, j'ai démontré qu'ActivinA était un facteur SASP protecteur de la tumeur, produit par les cellules sénescentes d'ADM / PanIN, qui limitent leur prolifération et leur expansion dans les lésions hautement prolifératives via son récepteur ALK4 lors de l'initiation du PDAC. De plus, nos travaux ont révélé que les cellules sénescentes Dclk1 + limitent l'expansion des lésions prénéoplasiques et ont un impact partiel sur le composant stromal soutenu par la signalisation ActivinA. En outre, j'ai également exploré les fonctions autocrines et paracrines de la signalisation ActivinA au dernier stade de la PDAC. Nous avons constaté que le manque de signalisation ActivinA-ALK4 chez la souris entraînait une augmentation de la capacité de prolifération des cellules tumorales et une accumulation réduite de cellules stromales, ce qui pourrait aider à expliquer leurs métastases variées et un temps de survie relativement plus long. En conclusion, mon travail donne un autre aperçu de la signalisation ActivinA et Dclk1 dans l'initiation de la PDAC et leur existence dans des cellules sénescentes au sein de lésions précurseurs pancréatiques de bas grade devrait être considérée comme une étape cruciale pour développer de nouvelles stratégies diagnostiques et thérapeutiques pour les patients atteints de PDAC / Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an aggressive disease worldwide and remains the ranking of 7th leading cause of cancer related death in the past 5 years. Because of the lack of highly sensitive and specific detective tools in an early stage of this disease and low curative treatments, most of the patients are diagnosed in an incurable stage and end up with a high mortality. Understanding the molecular pathology especially the early stage of this lethal disease is of great importance to improve the outcome of these patients. The first and major part of my work was based on gene profiling analysis in which they emphasized the role of TGFβ/Activin signalling and ALK4-receptor during the development of PDAC in addition to the four common oncogenic genes (KRAS, CDKN2A, TP53 and SMAD4). On the other hand, INHBA(encoding for ActivinA) as a key member of TGFβ-superfamily ligands is a target of Kras oncogenic activation in pancreatic duct cell and has been pointed a potential SASP candidate component through a secretome analysis of cells undergoing Kras induced senescence. Therefore, the aim of my work is to investigate the impact of ActivinA-signalling during PDAC initiation. In the first part of my project, I demonstrated that ActivinA as a tumour-protecting SASP factor, produced by ADM/PanINs senescent cells, that limit their proliferation and expansion into highly proliferative lesions through its ALK4 receptor in the initiation of PDAC. Furthermore, our work revealed that senescent Dclk1+ cells limit the expansion of preneoplastic lesions and partly impact the stromal component which is sustained by ActivinA-signalling. Besides, I also explored the autocrine and paracrine functions of ActivinA-signalling in the late stage of PDAC. We found that lack of ActivinA-ALK4 signalling in mice leads to an increased proliferative capacity in tumor cells and a reduced accumulation of stromal cells, which might help to explain their diverse metastasis and a relative longer survival time. To conclude, my work gives another insight of ActivinA-signalling and Dclk1 in the onset of pancreatic cancer and their existence in senescent cells within low grade pancreatic precursor lesions should be considered a crucial step for developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for PDAC patients

Role of Ring1B in ephitelial to mesenchimal transition, invasion and migration of mammary epithelial cells

Bosch Gutiérrez, Almudena 21 December 2009 (has links)
The Polycomb group (PcG) family of proteins form chromatin-modifying complexes essential for embryonic development, and stem cell renewal and are commonly deregulated in cancer. There are several reports that address the possible implication of PcG proteins in tumor progression and metastasis, but very little is known about the specific role of these proteins in tumor progression and invasion. On the other hand, the molecular processes of the worst cancer prognosis, metastasis, which leads to an incurable disease, are yet incompletely elucidated. Here we show a role for Ring1B, a PcG protein, in three processes related to metastasis: in the Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a critical morphogenic event that occurs during embryonic development and during the progression of various epithelial tumors, an in the migration and the invasion of mammary epithelial cells. / Las proteínas del grupo Polycomb (PcG) forman complejos modificadores de la cromatina esenciales en el desarrollo embrionario y en la renovación de las células madre, y su desregulación ha sido asociada al cáncer. Varios estudios muestran la posible implicación de las proteínas de PcG en la progresión tumoral y en la metástasis, pero a pesar de ello se sabe muy poco de los procesos moleculares en los que estas proteínas están participando. Por otro lado, los procesos moleculares responsables del peor pronóstico en cáncer, la metástasis, que continua siendo una enfermedad incurable, siguen sin estar completamente elucidados. En esta disertación mostramos el papel de Ring1B, una proteína del PcG, en tres procesos implicados en la metástasis: en la transición epitelio-mesénquima (EMT), un proceso morfogénico crítico en el desarrollo embrionario y durante la progresión de varios cánceres epiteliales, y en la migración y la invasión de las células epiteliales mamarias.

Emerging novel prognostic markers in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Isohookana, J. (Joel) 02 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most aggressive cancers, the 5-year survival rate being less than 5%. At the time of diagnosis, 90% of PDACs extend beyond the pancreas and distant metastases are often present. Due to aggressive growth, local expansion and early appearance of metastasis, primary PDAC tumours are local enough for curative surgical resection in only 10–20% of the cases. Adjuvant chemotherapy is indicated in these curative-treated cases, with slight improvement in survival. PDAC is considered to represent a heterogeneous group of biologically and prognostically different malignancies. Characterization of these subgroups is essential and there is an urgent need for more accurate biomarkers and targeted treatments in PDAC. In the current work, we immunohistochemically investigated the expression levels and prognostic values of oxidative stress markers (8-OHdG, Keap1, Prx I, II, III, V and VI), epigenetic histone modifiers (KDM4A, KDM4B, KDM4D and SIRT1–4), and cell-cycle regulators (p16, Rb, CDK4) and DNA-repair enzymes (FEN1 and MGMT) in the cohort of surgically treated PDAC patients. We found that Keap1 expression was associated with better pancreatic cancer-specific survival. Expression of antioxidative peroxiredoxins I, III, V and VI was also connected with a more favourable tumour characteristics and Prx I and VI showed prognostic value. When considering the biology of PDAC, we noticed that pivotal epigenetic regulation also occurred in exocrine pancreatic tissue adjacent to resection margins. Overexpression of the cell-cycle regulator CDK4 and the DNA-repair enzyme FEN1 in the whole population, and elevated expression level of MGMT in the most high-risk patients were connected with worse prognosis. The results of the study can be utilized in the future when individualized therapies are being designed for PDAC patients. Due to occurrence of the epigenetic regulation also in exocrine pancreatic tissue adjacent to resection margins, it could be evaluated in future for routine diagnostics and treatment optimization. The potential role of MGMT in the development of PDAC chemoresistance should be studied in the future. / Tiivistelmä Haiman duktaalinen adenokarsinooma (PDAC) on yksi aggressiivisimmista syöpäsairauksista. Viiden vuoden elossaoloennuste on vain lähellä 5 prosenttia. Diagnoosihetkellä 90% haiman adenokarsinoomista yltää haiman ulkopuolelle ja usein kasvain on jo lähettänyt etäpesäkkeitä. Kasvutaipumuksen sekä metastasoinnin takia kuratiivinen kirurginen hoito on mahdollista vain 10–20% tapauksista. Liitännäissolunsalpaajahoito on aiheellista näissä kuratiivistavoitteisesti hoidetuissa tapauksissa. Kuitenkin vaikutus kokonaiselossaoloaikaan on melko vähäinen. Uusimman tutkimustiedon valossa PDAC:aa pidetäänkin heterogeenisenä ryhmänä biologisesti ja ennusteellisesti erilaisia tautiryhmiä. Näiden tautiryhmien tunteminen ja tunnistaminen riittävän tarkkojen merkkiaineiden avulla olisi ensiarvoisen tärkeää, jotta hoitoja voitaisiin kohdentaa niistä hyötyville potilaille. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitimme immunohistokemiallisin menetelmin oksidatiivisen stressin merkkiaineiden (8-OHdG, Keap1, Prx I, II, III, V ja VI), epigeneettisten histonimodifikaattorien (KDM4A, KDM4B, KDM4D ja SIRT1–4) sekä solusyklin säätelijöiden (p16, Rb, CDK4) ja DNA-korjausentsyymien (FEN1 ja MGMT) ilmentymistä ja ennusteellista arvoa kirurgisesti hoidetuilla PDAC-potilailla. Tutkimuksessamme totesimme, että kasvainkudoksen Keap1-ilmentymä yhdistyi parempiennusteiseen taudinkuvaan. Antioksidatiivisten peroksiredoksiinien I, III, V ja VI ilmentyminen yhdistyi niin ikään suotuisampaan kasvaimen fenotyyppiin ja Prx I ja VI osoittivat ennusteellista arvoa. Havaitsimme lisäksi, että PDAC:n biologiaan keskeistesti vaikuttavaa epigeneettistä säätelyä tapahtuu myös malignin haimakudoksen viereisessä eksokriinisessä haimakudoksessa. Solusyklin säätelijä CDK4:n ja DNA-korjausentsyymi FEN1:n voimakas ilmentyminen koko tutkimuspopulaatiossa sekä kohonnut MGMT:n ilmentyminen korkeimman riskin potilailla yhdistyivät huonompaan taudin ennusteeseen. Väitöskirjatyön tutkimustuloksia voidaan tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää, kun tutkitaan yksilöllisiä hoitomuotoja PDAC-potilailla. Koska epigeneettistä säätelyä tapahtuu myös syövän viereisessä eksokriinisessa haimakudoksessa, voidaan tulevaisuudessa tämän kudoksen arviointia mahdollisesti käyttää rutiinisti diagnostiikassa sekä hoidon optimoinnissa. MGMT:n mahdollinen rooli PDAC:n kemoresistenssin kehittymisessä tulisi tulevaisuudessa selvittää.

Reaktivní práškové kompozity a cementové kompozity bez makropórů / Reactive powder composites and cement composites without macropores

Panenková, Monika January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design principles and manifacture of ultra performance concrete (UHPC), reactive powder composites (RPC) and other fine-grained materials, such as Macro defect free (MDF) or Densified systems with small particles (DSP). Theoretical part of this work is focused on the requirements of properties and composition UHPC and RPC and methodology of their design principles. Experimental part describes design principles RPC, manufacture of test specimens, testing of certain physical and mechanical properties, such as tensile strenght, bending strenght and compressive strenght and determination chemical character X-ray and thermal analysis.

Läsionen mit unklarem biologischen Potential (B3-Läsionen) in der Bildgebung: Vorkommen, Erscheinungsbild, Konsequenzen / Lesions with unknown biological potential (B3-lesions) in radiological imaging: occurence, appearance, consequences

Kornet, Katharina 08 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Polycomb group proteins Bmi1 and Ring1B are involved in cell plasticity and tumorigenesis of the pancreas

Martínez Romero, Carles 21 December 2009 (has links)
L'adenocarcinoma ductal pancreàtic (PDAC) és un dels càncers més letals. Per tal de millorar el diagnòstic precoç, s'estan investigant les etapes inicials de la formació del càncer, com és el cas de les lesions preneoplàstiques, i es vol desxifrar l'origen cel·lular de la malaltia. Les proteïnes Polycomb constitueixen una família de silenciadors epigenètics que es troben en una varietat de tumors sòlids. La hipòtesi principal és que Polycomb pot estar participant en els processos preneoplàstics del pàncreas i en l'aparició i progressió del tumor. La expressió de Bmi1 i Ring1B fou analitzada durant el desenvolupament del pàncreas, en teixit pancreàtic de diferents models murins de la malaltia i en mostres humans de teixit pancreàtic. Es va dur a terme l'anàlisi del mecanisme de Bmi1 mitjançant models in vitro i induint la depleció de Bmi1. Bmi1 i Ring1B s'expressaren en precursors pancreàtics durant etapes primerenques del desenvolupament i en cèl·lules ductals i dels illots,però no en els acins, en el pàncrees adult. Bmi1 s'induí en cèl·lules acinars durant lesió aguda, en lesions metaplàstiques acinoductals, en neoplàsies intraepitelials pancreàtiques (PanIN) i en PDAC. Ring1B s'incrementà significativament en PanINs de grau alt i en PDAC. La disminució dels nivells de Bmi1 en la línia cel·lular acinar canvià l'expressió dels enzims digestius pancreàtics. Aquests resultats suggereixen que Bmi1 i Ring1B podrien estar contribuint de diferent manera en la progressió tumoral. / Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal cancers. To improve early diagnosis, research efforts are focused in characterising early events of cancer formation like preneoplastic lesions and deciphering the cell origin of the malignancy. Polycomb proteins constitute a family of epigenetic silencers found in a variety of solid tumours. The main hypothesis is that Polycomb might play a role in preneoplastic states in the pancreas and in tumour development and progression. The expression of Bmi1 and RingB was analysed during pancreatic development, in pancreatic tissue from mouse models of disease and in human pancreatic tissue samples. Mechanistic insights of Bmi1 were performed using in vitro models and with induced Bmi1 depletion. Bmi1 and Ring1B were expressed in pancreatic exocrine precursors during early development and in ductal and islet cells, but not in acinar cells, in the adult pancreas. Bmi1 was induced in acinar cells during acute injury, in acinar-ductal metaplastic lesions, in pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) and PDAC. In contrast, Ring1B was significantly increased in high-grade PanINs and in PDAC. Bmi1 knockdown in acinar cell line changed the expression of pancreatic digestive enzymes. These results suggest that Bmi1 and Ring1B could contribute differently to tumour development.

The role of the axon guidance molecule Slit2 in pancreatic cancer

Göhrig, Andreas 22 April 2015 (has links)
Lokale Invasion und Ausbreitung von Tumorzellen entlang von Nerven und Gefäßen limitieren den Erfolg kurativer Therapien von Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom (PDAC). Der axon guidance Faktor Slit2 und seine Robo-Rezeptoren steuern die Navigation von Nerven und Gefäßen sowie die Motilität von Epithelzellen. Sie stellen somit attraktive Regulatoren der klinisch bedeutsamen Ausbreitungswege des PDAC dar. Zielsetzung der vorgelegten Arbeit war die Charakterisierung der Expression von Slit2 im PDAC und seiner Funktion für Tumorwachstum und -ausbreitung. Quantitative Analysen belegten eine deutliche Reduktion der Slit2 mRNA Expression in humanen PDAC Proben im Vergleich zu gesundem Gewebe. Zudem korrelierten Slit2 mRNA-Werte unterhalb des Medians mit einer höheren Inzidenz lymphatischer Metastasierung und einem gesteigerten Prozentsatz befallener Lymphknoten. Die Slit2-Rezeptoren Robo1 und 4 wiesen hingegen vergleichbare Immunreaktivität im Tumor und gesundem Gewebe auf, wobei eine differentielle Lokalisation in Epithelien, Nerven und Gefäßen zu beobachten war. Die Re-Expression von Slit2 in Slit2-defizienten Zelllinien führte zu einer Hemmung der gerichteten Migration und Invasion. Der Robo1-Rezeptor knockdown hingegen stimulierte die Motilität von Tumorzellen mit endogener Slit2 Expression. Slit2-konditioniertes Medium aus Tumorzellen hemmte die Lamellipodienbildung und die Migration von Endothelzellen. In orthotopen humanen Xenograft-Modellen und einem murinen, syngenen Tumormodell reduzierte die Re-Expression von Slit2 in PDAC Zellen Tumorwachstum, Invasion, Metastasierung und Angiogenese. Zudem verminderte die Induktion von Slit2 in PDAC Zellen deren gerichtete Migration entlang aussprießender Neuriten in einem ex vivo Model. Die vorliegenden Daten weisen Slit2 die Funktion eines Tumorsuppressors im duktalen Pankreaskarzinom zu. Ein Verlust der Slit2-Robo Aktivität könnte somit Metastasierung und neuronale Invasion fördern und einen aggressiveren Phänotyp begünstigen. / Early dissemination of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) via vascular routes and neural invasion limits curative therapy, suggesting a central role for the interaction of tumor cells with blood vessels and nerves in the tumor stroma. Slit2 and its Robo receptors constitute a system of guidance cues that function in axon guidance, angiogenesis and epithelial morphogenesis, respectively. Here, we studied the expression of Slit2 in PDAC and its function for tumor growth and dissemination. Slit2 mRNA expression was reduced in specimens of human PDAC as compared to non-transformed pancreas and low Slit2 mRNA expression correlated with a higher incidence and a higher extent of lymphatic metastasis. In contrast, the Slit2 receptors Robo1 and Robo4 were uniformly present in clinical samples of PDAC and healthy pancreas and displayed differential localization on epithelial tumor cells, nerves and tumor vasculature. Stable or inducible re-expression of Slit2 in Slit2-deficient PDAC cell lines inhibited directed migration and invasion. Conversely, Robo1-knockdown stimulated the motility of PDAC cells with endogenous Slit2 expression. Tumor cell derived Slit2, furthermore, suppressed lamellipodia formation and migration of primary endothelial cells. In vivo studies in orthotopic human xenograft and mouse syngeneic pancreatic cancer models revealed that re-expression of Slit2 in PDAC cells inhibited tumor growth, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis. In addition, induction of Slit2 in PDAC cells impaired the unidirectional migration along outgrowing neurites in ex vivo co-cultures of tumor cells and dorsal root ganglia. These data provide evidence for a functional role of Slit2 as a tumor suppressor in human PDAC. A loss of Slit2-Robo activity as observed in human PDAC samples, might consequently promote metastasis and neural invasion and favors a more aggressive phenotype.

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