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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Business Models for an Aggregator : Is an Aggregator economically sustainable on Gotland?

Lambert, Quentin January 2012 (has links)
Under the determined impulse of the European Union to limit the environmental impact of energy-related services, the electricity sector will face several challenges in coming years. Integrating renewable energy sources in the distribution networks is certainly one of the most urging issues to be tackled with. The current grid and production structure cannot absorb the high penetration shares anticipated for 2020 without putting at risk the entire system. The innovative concept of smart grid offers promising solutions and interesting implementation possibilities. The objective of the thesis is to specifically study the technical and economic benefits that the creation of an aggregator on the Swedish island of Gotland would imply. Comparing Gotland's power system characteristics to the broad variety of solutions offered by demand side management, wind power integration enhancement by demand response appeared particularly suited. A business case, specifically oriented towards the minimisation of transmission losses by adapting the electric heat load of private households to the local wind production was designed. Numerical simulations have been conducted, evaluating the technical and economic outcomes, along with the environmental benets, under the current conditions on Gotland. Sensitivity analyses were also performed to determine the key parameters for a successful implementation. A prospective scenario for 2020, with the addition of electric vehicles, has finally been simulated to estimate the long term profitability of an aggregator on the island. The simulation results indicate that despite patent technical benefits for the distribution network, the studied service would not be profitable in the current situation on Gotland. This, because the transmission losses through the HVDC-cable concern limited amounts of power that are purchased on a market characterized by relatively cheap prices and low volatility. Besides, the high fixed costs the aggregator has to face to install technical equipment in every household constitutes another barrier to its setting up.

Selective adjustment to EU regulatory provisions in new member states : the case of electricity market liberalization in Bulgaria and Czech Republic

Neofitov, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
The present work aspires to provide a comprehensive analysis of the policy developments through which European-level prescriptions regarding the liberalization of national electricity markets have been accommodated within the domestic policy contexts of two new member states of the European Union: Bulgaria and Czech Republic. Despite being subjected to uniform demands, adaptation to community regulatory provisions in the two countries has prompted divergent patterns of policy change, resulting in full compliance in the Czech Republic and a failure to meet EU objectives in Bulgaria. In order to address the observed inconsistency the envisaged research identifies a causal link between the outcomes of regulatory compliance and the influence of utility regulation as a sector-specific EU governance pattern on the dynamics of resource re-distribution at the domestic level. A major concern of the research is how contextual factors, such as incumbent power balances across actor populations in the target policy area condition the impacts of EU inputs on domestic policy decisions. In this respect the work hypothesizes that due to transition "sediments" in the new EU member states external rules may be selectively applied in order to match the existing realities and lead to outcomes that diverge from the...

Valorisation optimale asymptotique avec risque asymétrique et applications en finance / Asymptotic optimal pricing with asymmetric risk and applications in finance

Santa brigida pimentel, Isaque 16 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est constituée de deux parties qui peuvent être lues indépendamment. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous étudions des problèmes de couverture et de valorisation d’options liés à une mesure de risque. Notre approche principale est l’utilisation d’une fonction de risque asymétrique et d’un cadre asymptotique dans lequel nous obtenons des solutions optimales à travers des équations aux dérivées partielles (EDP) non-linéaires.Dans le premier chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la valorisation et la couverture des options européennes. Nous considérons le problème de l’optimisation du risque résiduel généré par une couverture à temps discret en présence d’un critère asymétrique de risque. Au lieu d'analyser le comportement asymptotique de la solution du problème discret associé, nous avons étudié la mesure asymétrique du risque résiduel intégré dans un cadre Markovian. Dans ce contexte, nous montrons l’existence de cette mesure de risque asymptotique. Ainsi, nous décrivons une stratégie de couverture asymptotiquement optimale via la solution d’une EDP totalement non-linéaire.Le deuxième chapitre est une application de cette méthode de couverture au problème de valorisation de la production d’une centrale. Puisque la centrale génère de coûts de maintenance qu’elle soit allumée ou non, nous nous sommes intéressés à la réduction du risque associé aux revenus incertains de cette centrale en se couvrant avec des contrats à terme. Nous avons étudié l’impact d’un coût de maintenance dépendant du prix d’électricité dans la stratégie couverture.Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous considérons plusieurs problèmes de contrôle liés à l'économie et la finance.Le troisième chapitre est dédié à l’étude d’une classe de problème du type McKean-Vlasov (MKV) avec bruit commun, appelée MKV polynomiale conditionnelle. Nous réduisons cette classe polynomiale par plongement de Markov à des problèmes de contrôle en dimension finie.Nous comparons trois techniques probabilistes différentes pour la résolution numérique du problème réduit: la quantification, la régression par randomisation du contrôle et la régression différée. Nous fournissons de nombreux exemples numériques, comme par exemple, la sélection de portefeuille avec incertitude sur une tendance du sous-jacent.Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous résolvons des équations de programmation dynamique associées à des valorisations financières sur le marché de l’énergie. Nous considérons qu’un modèle calibré pour les sous-jacents n’est pas disponible et qu’un petit échantillon obtenu des données historiques est accessible.En plus, dans ce contexte, nous supposons que les contrats à terme sont souvent gouvernés par des facteurs cachés modélisés par des processus de Markov. Nous proposons une méthode nonintrusive pour résoudre ces équations à travers les techniques de régression empirique en utilisant seulement l’historique du log du prix des contrats à terme observables. / This thesis is constituted by two parts that can be read independently.In the first part, we study several problems of hedging and pricing of options related to a risk measure. Our main approach is the use of an asymmetric risk function and an asymptotic framework in which we obtain optimal solutions through nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE).In the first chapter, we focus on pricing and hedging European options. We consider the optimization problem of the residual risk generated by a discrete-time hedging in the presence of an asymmetric risk criterion. Instead of analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the solution to the associated discrete problem, we study the integrated asymmetric measure of the residual risk in a Markovian framework. In this context, we show the existence of the asymptotic risk measure. Thus, we describe an asymptotically optimal hedging strategy via the solution to a fully nonlinear PDE.The second chapter is an application of the hedging method to the valuation problem of the power plant. Since the power plant generates maintenance costs whether it is on or off, we are interested in reducing the risk associated with its uncertain revenues by hedging with forwards contracts. We study the impact of a maintenance cost depending on the electricity price into the hedging strategy.In the second part, we consider several control problems associated with economy and finance.The third chapter is dedicated to the study of a McKean-Vlasov (MKV) problem class with common noise, called polynomial conditional MKV. We reduce this polynomial class by a Markov embedding to finite-dimensional control problems.We compare three different probabilistic techniques for numerical resolution of the reduced problem: quantization, control randomization and regress later.We provide numerous numerical examples, such as the selection of a portfolio under drift uncertainty.In the fourth chapter, we solve dynamic programming equations associated with financial valuations in the energy market. We consider that a calibrated underlying model is not available and that a limited sample of historical data is accessible.In this context, we suppose that forward contracts are governed by hidden factors modeled by Markov processes. We propose a non-intrusive method to solve these equations through empirical regression techniques using only the log price history of observable futures contracts.

Opportunities, Barriers and Preconditions for Battery Energy Storage in Sweden : A Study Investigating the Possibilities of Grid Connected Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Swedish Electricity Market

Isaksson, Maja, Stjerngren, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
The global energy system is under transformation. The energy transition from a centralized, fossil fuel based energy system to a more decentralized, renewable energy based system will challenge the balancing of electricity supply and demand. This stresses the importance of grid flexibility. In this challenge, energy storage will play a valuable role as it can provide flexibility and support the renewable energy integration. More specifically, lithium-ion battery energy storage systems (Li-ion BESS) demonstrate technological advantages and valuable application possibilities in the electricity grid. This thesis examines opportunities and barriers for deployment of grid-scale Li-ion BESS in the Swedish electricity market, and provides an overview of different perspectives of possibilities with BESS from several market actors. The purpose of the exploratory study is to gain an understanding of prospects for grid-scale BESS in Sweden. Through a comprehensive literature study and an empirical study, based on fourteen interviews with various actors in the electricity market, data was collected and analyzed. The analysis of the empirical findings resulted in two tables summarizing opportunities and barriers for implementation of BESS in Sweden. The opportunities and barriers are categorized into three hierarchical levels; contextual level, power system level and BESS level, referring to where in the system the benefits or hinders are localized. Also, key discussion points related to BESS (such as storage time perspective, ownership, grid services, cost, price signals and knowledge gap) are explored and evaluated. Furthermore, to understand the possibilities for grid-scale BESS in Sweden, a potential business setup for BESS is assessed and analyzed to identify preconditions for BESS to be attractive on the Swedish electricity market. The findings of the thesis indicate that grid flexibility is most likely going to be a considerable issue within 10-20 years. By the time of the potential nuclear phase out in Sweden, there will be major instabilities in the electricity grid if solutions are not in place. Therefore, keys to grid flexibility need to be evaluated and planned for well in advance, and the findings indicate that BESS could be a possible part of the solution. Until now, the regulatory framework has been perceived as rather unclear when it comes to energy storage, which has led to uncertainties among the market actors. These unclarities are about to be clarified with new laws and regulations, which will enable potential businesses for BESS. With the changes in the regulatory framework in place, we see an opportunity with new actors on the market. Our analysis shows that the BESS owner will most likely be a commercial actor, to enable utilization of a BESS for combined applications. An important factor, affecting the possibilities of implementing BESS on the Swedish electricity market, is the cost of BESS. We consider the cost aspect as vital for the likelihood of deploying BESS in Sweden. Based on our main findings, we conclude several preconditions for the deployment of BESS in Sweden. These are; decreased costs of BESS, acceptance from market actors, increased knowledge, a trading platform for grid services provided by a BESS, coordination between markets and electricity load forecasts. We believe that if these preconditions are fulfilled, Li-ion BESS has a chance to affect and have an impact on the Swedish electricity market. / Dagens energisystem är under förändring. Det sker en omvandling där energisystemet går från att vara centraliserat och fossilbaserat till att bli mer decentraliserat och baserat på förnybar energi. Detta kommer att utmana balanseringen av elproduktion och elkonsumtion, vilket betonar vikten av flexibilitet i elnätet. I den stundande utmaningen kommer energilagring att spela en viktig roll eftersom det kan bidra med flexibilitet och samtidigt stödja integrationen av mer förnybar elproduktion. Mer specifikt har energilagersystem med litiumjon-batterier flertalet tekniska fördelar och värdefulla användningsområden i elnätet. Det här examensarbetet utforskar möjligheter och hinder för en framtida implementering av nätanslutna litiumjonbatterilager på den svenska elmarknaden och ger en överblick över perspektiv på utsikter för batterilager från flertalet marknadsaktörer. Syftet med den utforskande studien är att få en ökad förståelse för framtidsutsikterna för storskaliga batterilager i Sverige. Genom en omfattande litteraturstudie och en empirisk studie, baserad på fjorton intervjuer med olika aktörer på elmarknaden, samlades data in och analyserades. Analysen av de empiriska resultaten resulterade i två tabeller som sammanfattar möjligheter och hinder för implementering av batterilager i Sverige. Möjligheterna och hindren kategoriseras i tre hierarkiska nivåer; kontextuell nivå, kraftsystemnivå och batterilagersystemnivå, med hänvisning till var i systemet fördelarna eller barriärerna är lokaliserade. Dessutom utvärderas flera betydande diskussionsteman relaterade till batterilager (såsom lagringstid, ägande, nättjänster, kostnad, prissignaler och kunskapsluckor). För att förstå möjligheterna för att etablera batterilager i Sverige har en möjlig affärsuppställning utvärderats och analyserats. Detta för att identifiera förutsättningar för att batterilager ska vara attraktivt på den svenska elmarknaden. Examensarbetets resultat tyder på att nätflexibilitet sannolikt kommer att bli ett betydande problem inom 10-20 år. Den troliga avvecklingen av den svenska kärnkraften kommer att resultera i instabilitet i elnätet om inte lösningar finns på plats. Därför behöver lösningar för att uppnå flexibilitet i elnätet utvärderas och planeras i god tid och uppsatsens resultat visar på att batterilager kan vara en möjlig del av lösningen. Fram till nu har det funnits oklarheter i regelverket gällande energilagring, vilket har lett till osäkerheter hos marknadsaktörerna. Nya lagar och förordningar kommer att klargöra flertalet osäkerheter och möjliggöra potentiella affärer med batterilager. När det förändrade regelverket är på plats, ser vi potential för nya aktörer på marknaden. Vår analys visar på att batterilager med största sannolikhet kommer att ägas av kommersiella aktörer för att möjliggöra kombinerade användningsområden av batterilager. Möjligheterna till implementering av batterilager på den svenska elmarknaden påverkas i hög grad av kostnaden för batterilager. Vi anser att kostnadsaspekten är avgörande för sannolikheten att utnyttja batterilager i Sverige. Vår slutsats är att det finns flertalet förutsättningar för att batterilager ska bli attraktivt och lönsamt i Sverige. Dessa är; minskade kostnader för batterilager, acceptans från marknadsaktörer, ökad kunskap, en handelsplattform för nättjänster som tillhandahålls av batterilager, samordning mellan marknader samt lastprognoser. Om dessa förutsättningar uppnås anser vi att litiumjon-batterilager har en chans att påverka den svenska elmarknaden.

A New Market Logic Approach for Achieving Load Profile Smoothness in the Swedish Electricity Market : Incorporating Inventory Management Principles for Optimized Battery Operation

Antoniadis, Theodoros January 2022 (has links)
As the demand for imported electricity from the grid continues to increase in Södermanland county, achieving a smoother load profile for the overall imports becomes very critical. The utilization of batteries in every type of a company’s infrastructure aims to provide a backup solution when the electric network’s capabilities are unable to support demand for high imported capacities. The current degree project aims to analyse the impact of a New Market Logic, which encourages the prospective stakeholders of a future industrial park to invest in upgrades of their energy infrastructures. Interviews with company employees and literature reviews were used to analyse the conventional energy system according to its power-generating entities, distribution operators, and market norms of electricity. Microsoft Excel was used to simulate a model that aligns with the research goal specifications. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out to provide a better understanding of how different aspects impact the economics and the energy flows. Inventory management theory principles were applied to the design of an integrated battery charging algorithm with the goal of achieving a smother load profile while keeping a low battery capacity. The results indicated a smoother load profile of the companies, followed by a lower intensity in fluctuations during hourly peaks. Further, the author observed a positive economic impact on the yearly cash flows of the companies accompanied with a sustainable investment cost. This was particularly evident when the charges were adjusted according to the norms introduced by the New Market Logic. / <p>This thesis is a part of the integrated Master's studies program at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The author had the privilege of completing it in Sweden through the Erasmus+ Exchange program. </p>

Att studera den svenska elmarknaden : En ekonometrisk analys av relationen mellan pris och kvantitet / Studying the Swedish Electricity Market : An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Price and Quantity

Wallén, Moa, Alexandersson, Lina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines how an econometric model, which allows for simultaneity, performs when estimating electricity supply and demand on the Swedish aggregated electricity market, divided into its four price areas. Previous research and theory points to the importance of taking simultaneity into consideration when estimating simultaneous equation models. The purpose of the thesis is to clarify whether a simultaneous equation model is adequate for estimation of the Swedish electricity market. To answer the question, the existence of simultaneity between electricity price and quantity (produced and consumed electricity) is examined. Regression analyses are performed for each price area and the coefficients are estimated with 2SLS, while Hausman tests and F-tests are carried out to unveil potential simultaneity. The results show that the performance of the model of the thesis varies: the coefficients of the price variables in the demand functions are never statistically significant, while the coefficients of the monthly dummy variables in most cases have expected signs and are statistically significant, especially during summer. Regarding the supply side, the results show that net export have the expected positive statistically significant effect on quantity of electricity supplied in price areas 2, 3, and 4, while the signs and significance of the coefficients of the price variables varies. A price increase in area 3 has a statistically significant positive effect on supply in all areas, while the price of area 4 has a statistically significant negative effect on supply in area 3 and 4. A price increase in area 1 leads to a statistically significant positive effect on supply only in area 2, while such a change in the price of area 2 is associated with a statistically significant decrease of the supply in that same area. As to simultaneity between price and quantity demanded, the Hausman tests gives sufficient evidence to conclude that simultaneity exists in all price areas. Similarly, on the supply side the performed F-tests result in clear evidence of existence of simultaneity. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur en ekonometrisk modell som tar hänsyn till simultanitet presterar vid estimering av utbjuden och efterfrågad kvantitet av elektricitet på den svenska aggregerade elmarknaden, uppdelad efter de fyra elområdena. Tidigare forskning och teori visar på betydelsen av att ta simultanitet i beaktning när simultana ekvationsmodeller estimeras. Uppsatsen syftar till att klarlägga om en simultan ekvationsmodell är lämplig för estimering av den svenska elmarknaden. För att få svar på frågan undersöks om det förekommer simultanitet mellan elpris och kvantitet (producerad och konsumerad el). Regressionsanalyser utförs för varje elområde och koefficienterna skattas med hjälp av 2SLS, medan Hausmantest och F-test utförs för att upptäcka eventuell simultanitet. Uppsatsens modell levererar varierande resultat: i efterfrågeekvationerna är prisvariabeln aldrig statistiskt signifikant medan månadsvariablerna i de flesta fall har förväntat tecken och är statistiskt signifikanta, framför allt under sommarhalvåret. För utbudssidan visar resultatet att nettoexport har väntad positiv statistiskt signifikant effekt på utbjuden kvantitet i elområde 2, 3 och 4, medan tecken och signifikans för prisvariablernas koefficienter varierar. En ökning av priset i område 3 leder till en statistiskt signifikant utbudsökning i alla områden, medan priset i område 4 har en statistiskt signifikant negativ effekt på utbudet i område 3 och 4. En prisökning i elområde 1 leder endast till en statistiskt signifikant positiv utbudsökning i område 2, medan en prisökning i elområde 2 i stället endast leder till en statistiskt signifikant utbudsminskning i samma område. Vad gäller simultanitet mellan pris och kvantitet på efterfrågesidan visar Hausmantesten att det finns tillräckligt starka statistiska bevis för att påstå att simultanitet förekommer i alla elområden. Även för utbudssidan resulterar de utförda F-testen i tydliga bevis för förekomst av simultanitet.

Active distribution network operation: A market-based approach

Zubo, Rana H.A., Mokryani, Geev 11 May 2021 (has links)
Yes / This article proposes a novel technique for operation of distribution networks with considering active network management (ANM) schemes and demand response (DR) within a joint active and reactive distribution market environment. The objective of the proposed model is to maximize social welfare using market-based joint active and reactive optimal power flow. First, the intermittent behavior of renewable sources (solar irradiance, wind speed) and load demands is modeled through scenario-tree technique. Then, a network frame is recast using mixed-integer linear programming, which is solvable using efficient off-the-shelf branch-and cut solvers. Additionaly, this article explores the impact of wind and solar power penetration on the active and reactive distribution locational prices within the distribution market environment with integration of ANM schemes and DR. A realistic case study (16-bus UK generic medium voltage distribution system) is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. / This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Higher Education Scientific Research in Iraq and in part by British Academy under Grant GCRFNGR3\1541.

Distribution Network Operation with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

Zubo, Rana H.A. January 2019 (has links)
Distributed generators (DGs) are proposed as a possible solution to supply economic and reliable electricity to customers. It is adapted to overcome the challenges that are characterized by centralized generation such as transmission and distribution losses, high cost of fossil fuels and environmental damage. This work presents the basic principles of integrating renewable DGs in low voltage distribution networks and particularly focuses on the operation of DG installations and their impacts on active and reactive power. In this thesis, a novel technique that applies the stochastic approach for the operation of distribution networks with considering active network management (ANM) schemes and demand response (DR) within a joint active and reactive distribution market environment is proposed. The projected model is maximized based on social welfare (SW) using market-based joint active and reactive optimal power flow (OPF). The intermittent behaviour of renewable sources (such as solar irradiance and wind speed) and the load demands are modelled through Scenario-Tree technique. The distributed network frame is recast using mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) that is solved by using the GAMS software and then the obtained results are being analysed and discussed. In addition, the impact of wind and solar power penetration on the active and reactive distribution locational prices (D-LMPs) within the distribution market environment is explored in terms of the maximization of SW considering the uncertainty related to solar irradiance, wind speed and load demands. Finally, a realistic case study (16-bus UK generic medium voltage distribution system) is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results show that ANM schemes and DR integration lead to an increase in the social welfare and total dispatched active and reactive power and consequently decrease in active and reactive D-LMPs. / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Iraq / The selected author's publications, the published versions of which were attached at the end of the thesis, have been removed due to copyright.

Techno-economic study of grid connected residential PV system with battery storage - A review of the Local System Operator (LSO) model

Kabir, MD Ahsan January 2017 (has links)
The grid connected solar PV system with battery storage is one of the promising alternativeenergy solutions for electricity consumers. The Local System Operator (LSO) will be a newactor to operate its own energy system by integrating PV and battery system with other technicalsolutions. This thesis investigates the technical and economic viability of a grid connected PVsystem with battery storage in behind-the-meter approach for aggregated residential load toassess the LSO model for the present conditions in Sweden.The system model is developed using the System Advisory Model (SAM) – a simulationsoftware for renewable energy system analysis. The PV system model is designed using solarirradiation profile and fifty multi-dwelling aggregated residential load data from Sweden. Theappropriate design inputs of solar PV module, inverter and system loss are taken from previousstudies. The electricity price is analysed from the comparative study of Nord-pool wholesaleprice, market retail price and distribution grid tariffs. The financial metrics such as discountrate, inflation rate, system cost and currently available PV incentives are considered to make anaccurate model. To help with the assessment, three cases are formed; the first case representsonly the PV system and the other cases include storage - using a lithium-ion or lead-acid battery.This comparative study helps to determine the optimum PV and battery size at two differentlocations in Sweden.The optimum net present value (NPV) and profitability index (PI) is found at the 40 kW PVand 3 kWh battery system at Karlstad, Sweden. The optimum case is considered for furtherinvestigation to evaluate the system life time energy profile, electricity bill saving capabilityand battery performance. The system peak shaving potential is investigated by making twoother scenarios with higher battery capacity. Sensitivity analysis is also performed to assess thesystem’s technical and financial input parameters. The system capacity factor at the site locationis found as an influential parameter to the annual production and profitability. The optimumsize of PV system with a lithium-ion battery investment is found feasible for the LSO realimplementation only considering the current PV incentives and electricity price in Sweden. Thereport concludes with the assessment, the technical and economic feasibility of the studied PVand battery storage system profitability depends on the system site location, residential loadsize, consumer electricity cost and available PV incentives. / solcellsystem (PV) med batterilagring är en lovande alternativenergilösning förslutkonsumenten. Den 'local system operator', LSO, blir en ny aktör som driver egetenergisystem genom att integrera PV- och batterisystem med andra tekniska lösningar. Dennaavhandling undersöker det tekniska och ekonomiska genomförbarhetet i ett nätanslutet PVsystem med batterilagring i 'bakom mätaren' scenario för aggregerade bostäder i ettflerbostadshus, för att urvärdera LSO modellen.Systemmodellen är utvecklat med 'system advisory model' (rådgivande modell), SAM, ettsimuleringsprogram för förnybara energisystem. PV systemparametrarna beräknas med hänsyntill väderprofiler och lastdata från Sverige. Lämpliga parametrar för solcellsmoduler, omriktareoch systemförluster tas från tidigare studier. Slutkonsumenternas elpriser analyseras frånjämförande studie av NordPool grosshandelspris, konsumentpris och distributionnätstariffer.Finansiella mått såsom system kostnad, rabatt och inflationstakten och tillgängliga incitamentför PV investeringar används för att göra modellen noggrannare. Tre fall undersöks; det förstarepresenterar systemet med bara PV, och de övriga fallen lägger till lagring, genom antingenlitiumjon eller bly-syre batterier. Denna jämförande studie är ett underlag för att bestämma denoptimala PV och batteristorleken för anläggninar på två olika område i Sverige.Den optimala netto nuvarande värde (NPV) och lönsamhet index (PI) är på 40 kW PV systemetoch 3 kWh batteri på Karlstad, Sverige. Ytterligare undersökning av detta fall används för attutvärdera energiprofilen under systemets livstid, möjlighet till minskad elräkning, och batterietsprestanda. Potential för utjämning av systemets topplast utreds genom att skapa två andrascenarier med högre batterikapacitet. Känslighetsanalys utförs också för att bedöma de tekniskaoch ekonomiska parametrarna. Den optimuma storleken på PV system med ett litium-jonbatterifinns rimligt för LSO riktiga genomförande med tanke på incitamenten. Simuleringsresultatenoch systemkonsekvenserna av LSO modellen diskuteras. Rapporten visar att den tekniska ochekonomiska genomförbarheten av det studerade PV systemet med litium-jon batteri beror påslutkonsumentelpriset, PV incitament och globala trender i kostnaderna försystemkomponenter, samt på valet av lämplig plats med en effektiv analys av väder profil ochsystemetförluster.

Three essays on European electricity markets

Spiridonova, Olga 29 October 2019 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht Fragen, die sich mit dem Einfluss der Übertragungskapazitäten und der Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien auf dem Strommarkt befassen. Die Arbeit besteht aus drei eigenständigen Aufsätze, die für die politische Debatte einen Beitrag leisten. Das erste Kapitel konzentriert sich auf ein Netzwerk mit strategischen Unternehmen, die die Stromflüsse zu ihrem Vorteil manipulieren können. Dieses Kapitel gehört zur Forschungsliteratur, die Strommärkte als Gleichgewichtsprobleme mit Gleichgewichtseinschränkungen darstellt. In diesem Rahmen vergleiche ich mehrere Strategien zur Stärkung des Wettbewerbs und zeige, dass der Netzausbau zwar den Wettbewerb ankurbeln kann, mit Umstrukturierungen aber größere Verbesserungen des Verbraucherüberschusses und des Wohlstands erzielt werden können. Das zweite Kapitel basiert auf einem ähnlichen Modell mit einem einfachen Zwei-Knoten-Netzwerk. Dieser Ansatz zeigt mögliche nachteilige Auswirkungen (höhere Preise, geringerer Gesamtverbrauch, geringerer Konsumentenrente) einer höheren Einspeisung erneuerbarer Energie in einem Netz, in dem eine Region mit hohem erneuerbaren Potenzial von einer Region mit hoher Last durch eine begrenzte Übertragungskapazität getrennt ist. Die Annahme ist, dass es in jeder Region einen strategischen Akteur gibt, der seine Marktmacht ausübt. Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit der Substitution zwischen Übertragungs- und Speicherkapazitäten - beides Instrumente zur Integration von erneuerbarer Energien. Eine Analyse mit einfachen Speicherheuristik zeigt den relativ bescheidenen Effekt des zeitlichen Ausgleichs. Im Gegensatz dazu birgt die Erweiterung des Übertragungsnetzes ein erhebliches Steigerungspotenzial für die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen, die Verringerung der Kürzungsraten und die Reduzierung der minimalen konventionellen Stromerzeugung. / This thesis investigates several questions related to the influence of transmission capacities and generation of renewable energy on the outcomes in the wholesale electricity markets. The thesis consists of three self-contained essays that contribute to the policy debate. The analysis of the first essay focuses on a network with strategic firms that can manipulate power flows to their advantage. Methodologically, this chapter belongs to the research literature that represents electricity markets as equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints. In this framework I compare several policies of enhancing competition and demonstrate that although network expansion can stimulate competition, larger improvements in consumer surplus and welfare can be achieved with restructuring. The second essay is based on a similar model, but in a stylized two node network. This approach demonstrates potential adverse effects (higher prices, lower total consumption, lower consumer surplus) from higher renewable infeed in a network where a region with high renewable potential is separated from a region with high load by a limited transmission capacity. I adopt a worst-case assumption that in each region there is a strategic player exercising its market power. The third essay studies the substitution between transmission and storage expansion - two instruments for the integration of expanding renewable energy. Using a myopic storage heuristic I demonstrate the relatively modest effect of temporal balancing of renewable power. In contrast, transmission expansion has a significant potential in increasing renewable penetration, mitigating curtailment rates, and reducing the minimum conventional generation power at any hour. If Europe is to pursue the high targets of renewable power in electricity consumption, the only way to avoid the expansion of cross border lines is extremely high installed renewable capacities and energy capacities of storage.

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