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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Objektive Lesbarkeitsuntersuchungen oder sinnlose Formeln? : Eine Untersuchung von drei Methoden fürs Entscheiden der Lesbarkeit, appliziert auf zwei literarische Werke / Objective Readability Tests or Useless Formulas? : A study of three readability measures, applied on two fictional novels

Åkerman, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks två etablerade och en experimentell metod för bestämmande av läsbarheten hos texter. Metoderna undersöks genom att de appliceras på två litterära verk: Atemschaukel av Herta Müller och Berühre mich. Nicht. av Laura Kneidl. Metoderna som undersöks är läsbarhetsformeln Flesch-Reading-Ease (meningslängd och ordlängd) och ordfrekvens (hur vanliga orden är). Dessa båda läsbarhetsundersökningar är väletablerade och har använts flitigt. I detta arbete testas även en ny möjlig läsbarhetsfaktor: Upprepningar av ord, där upprepningar av innehållsord räknas. Resultaten av analyserna enligt de olika metoderna sammanställs och jämförs för att besvara två frågor: 1. Vilket verk förefaller mest lättläst enligt de två etablerade läsbarhetsundersökningarna? 2. Samvarierar mängden upprepningar med resultaten från de andra två läsbarhetsundersökningarna? Resultaten ger en något splittrad bild: Atemschaukel är enligt Flesch-Reading-Ease det mest lättlästa verket, medan ordfrekvensen visar på motsatt förhållande: Berühre mich. Nicht. har de genomsnittligt vanligare orden. Huruvida upprepning av ord har ett samband med läsbarheten är svårt att avgöra baserat enbart på resultaten i denna undersökning. Användandet av språkliga stilfaktorer för eventuellt att läsbarhetstest inte lämpar sig för undersökning av skönlitterära texter.

Selected antecedents towards the acceptance of m-payment services and the relationship with attitude and future intentions

Makokoe, Isaac 01 March 2017 (has links)
M. Tech. (Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Keywords: Mobile payments, usefulness, ease of use, security, attitude, future intentions. An increased reliance on mobile phones by consumers for making retail purchases has been witnessed over the years. Given the pervasive use of m-payments and the incessant diffusion of innovations in South Africa, it is important for marketers to have knowledge of the right set of factors that enhance consumers’ intent towards favouring m-payments in future encounters. This study draws from the undertones of Davis’s (1989) Technology acceptance Model (TAM). Whereas the theory alludes to the influences of both usefulness and ease of use on consumer attitudes and behaviour, this study further amplifies the salience of cosumer perceptions of security as a salient drive towards m-payment acceptance. This is because m-payments involve moneybased transactions and therefore it is important for consumers to have assurance that they operate along a secure platform. The TAM was nominated as the underlying theory in this research owing to its effectiveness when applied during the initial phases of an innovation, to avoid costly mistakes of implementing innovation attributes that do not offer the requiredset of elements for persuading consumers. The purpose of this study was to test an integrative research model of the antecedents of mpayment acceptance using a South African sample of consumers. A quantitative study comprising a non-probability snowball sample of 474 consumers aged between 18 and 50 years was conducted in 2016, in and around the five major towns of Southern Gauteng province in South Africa. The structured questionnaire requested respondents to indicate their perceptions regarding the usefulness, ease of use and security of m-payment platforms they have utilised. In addition, the questionnaire relates to consumers’ attitude evaluations of m-payments in general, as well as their intentions to both use and recommending m-payments to others in the future. Initially, descriptive statistics were performed on the data set, including correlation analysis and multicolinearity testing. Subsequently, structural equation modelling was applied by first, assessing the measurement model using fit indices, confirmatory factor analysis and statistical accuracy tests of reliability and validity. Specification of the measurement model led to the conclusion that the future intentions model was a five-factor structure comprising usefulness, ease of use, security, attitude and future intentions. Thereafter, the results of the structural model (Structural model A) supported the existence of a direct influence between usefulness and security with attitude, while the latter was found to have a direct influence on future intentions. Nevertheless, the relationships between ease of use and attitude was not significant and therefore, alternative hypothesis Ha3 could not be supported in this study leading to the need to specify a vi subsequent competing model. Under Structural model B, perceived usefulness is used as both a dependent and an independent variable since it is predicted by perceived ease of use and in turn predicts attitude towards using and behavioural intention to use simultaneously. The results of Structural model B led to the decision to accept the competing model as the ultimate model for this research since the model presents complete evidence of path weights that are greater than 0.20, interpreted as evidence for significant path outcomes. Insights gained from this study could assist both marketing academics and practitioners to understand the perceptions of consumers towards m-payments. In this regard, if a determination is made that conducting m-payment transactions in secure and effort-free environments could enhance the effectiveness of consumers in their jobs and lives in general, then marketers could be in a better position to deliver a worthwhile innovation solution for South African consumers.

La relación entre la influencia social, el precio y la facilidad de uso en función a la intención de uso en las Aplicaciones de entrega de comida.

Cotrina Arrunátegui, Angie Melyna, Ratti Romero, Sebastiano Michele 08 July 2021 (has links)
El propósito de este estudio es investigar los factores que determinan la intención de uso en las Aplicaciones de entrega de comida en Lima, durante la pandemia del Covid -19. Asimismo, esta está basada en tres hipótesis respecto a las variables antes mencionadas. Por lo cual, esta propuesta estará elaborada bajo el concepto de concluyente, cuantitativo transversal con alcance correlacional. Cabe resaltar que el muestreo será “no probabilístico'' a 400 encuestados y las variables serán medidas mediante la escala de Likert de 5 niveles. Por último, las hipótesis planteadas sostienen análisis estadísticos de ecuaciones estructurales a través de SPSS AMOS. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the intention of use in Food Delivery Applications in Lima, during the Covid -19 pandemic. Likewise, it is based on three hypotheses regarding the aforementioned variables. Therefore, this proposal will be elaborated under the concept of conclusive, transversal quantitative with correlational scope. It should be noted that the sampling will be "non-probabilistic" to 400 respondents and the variables will be measured using the 5-level Likert scale. Finally, the hypotheses raised support statistical analysis of structural equations through SPSS AMOS. / Trabajo de investigación

Utilidad percibida, facilidad de uso e influencia social en relación a la intención de uso en comercio social en tiendas por departamento. / Perceived usefulness, ease of use and social influence in relation to intention to use social commerce in department stores.

Ramos Bustamante, Andrea Ximena, Urbina Enciso, Diego Alonso 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio estuvo enfocado en analizar la relación entre la utilidad percibida, facilidad de uso e influencia social en relación a la intención de uso en el comercio social en tiendas por departamento. Para ello, se realizó una literatura previa enfocada en las variables y la categoría elegida, lo que permitió conocer la relación de las variables en contextos distintos. Además, basados en esta revisión de literatura, se desarrolló una metodología de estudio para la recolección de información que compromete a las variables estudiadas, la cual será aplicada a 400 personas en Lima que cumplan con la condición de ser usuarios activos en redes sociales en los 6 meses previos a su aplicación. Los resultados del estudio se encuentran en función a tres hipótesis planteadas que se desean comprobar. / The present study was focused on analyzing the relationship between perceived usefulness, ease of use and social influence in relation to the intention to use social commerce in department stores. For this purpose, a previous literature review focused on the variables and the chosen category, which allowed us to know the relationship of the variables in different contexts. In addition, based on this literature review, a study methodology was developed for the collection of information that compromises the variables studied, which will be applied to 400 people in Lima who meet the condition of being active users of social networks in the 6 months prior to its application. The results of the study are based on three hypotheses that we wish to test. / Trabajo de investigación

Capturing Passengers' Trust in Shared Autonomous Vehicles : The impact of Communication Style, Ease of Use, and Freedom of Choice / Passagerares tillit för delade autonoma fordon : Effekten av kommunikationsstil, användarvänlighet och valfrihet

Åberg, Frida January 2022 (has links)
A growing body of international research on urban transport shows that women from all over the world are experiencing safety issues within today’s transport systems. Furthermore, these reports shed light on and discuss how gender bias within the transport sector contributes to this problem. To design future mobility services that everyone will use and enjoy, it is thus important to understand women’s travel needs and to involve a diverse group of users in the development process. With a vision of shaping mobility for a sustainable future NationalElectric Vehicles Sweden (NEVS) is developing a mobility solution consisting of connected, autonomous, and electrified vehicles designed and optimized for shared mobility within city environments. To address this issue in NEVS service this thesis applied an exploitative research approach to examining factors that affect women’s willingness to share rides with others(potential strangers) in a context where there is no driver physically present. The methodology, inspired by the ’Design Thinking’ framework consisted of two main phases:(I) Problem definition and (II) Concept development. To understand women’s safety issues within today’s transport system and frame the design challenge an extensive literature study covering the topics of women’s safety in public transport, technology acceptance, trust, and human-centered design was conducted. To further define user needs and encourage the end-users to take an active role in co-designing solutions for themselves two focus group workshops were held. The initial research and the results from the workshops further formed the basis for the subsequent Concept Development phase. A need for control over the shared travel situation revealed by the participants’ great demand for information led this phase to examine passengers' needs in relation to an In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS). Two prototypes were developed and further tested together with users to evaluate the proposed solutions. The results showed that the anthropomorphic system features used to create a more human-like interaction had a positive impact on the participants’ overall user experience and their perceived safety during a ’shared ride’ scenario. Having a female voice communicating system information made the participants feel less nervous, more comfortable, and more secure compared to when the same information was communicated solely by a visual interface. Other factors that had a major impact on the user experience in general and the perceived security were perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and freedom of choice. The results showed how not understanding how to interact with the vehicle’s physical features had a negative impact on perceived safety while freedom of choice such as being able to book a specific seat in the vehicle is indicated to have a positive impact on people’s willingness to share their journey with a stranger.

The 404 error message : What type of feedback generates a good user experience? / 404-felmeddelandet : Vilken typ av feedback genererar en bra användarupplevelse?

Gullberg, Saga January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the 404 error and in what way feedback should be given to the user in an error message to generate a good user experience. To investigate this, data was gathered from 1) a literature review looking at previous studies in User Experience Design, as well as different models to evaluate ease of use and perceived usefulness, 2) a pre-study questionnaire with nine participants who were asked questions related to error messages and feedback in general, and 3) two user tests; the first including 16 participants and the second including 46 participants. During the user tests the participants interacted with a prototype of a website that included 404 error messages. In the first user test the participants' user experience was evaluated based on the TAM model, including perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The second user study focused more on text and illustrations and their effects on the user experience. Three versions of texts were tested, formal, apologetic and amusing. The illustrations either included a character or an object. The result showed that, in general, the users preferred formal texts, as well as illustrations that included a character. The result also suggested that there is not one type of feedback that fits all users, in order to generate a good user experience, it is important to know the audience.

What drives individual decision-making of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) to Sub-Saharan Africa

Yusuf, Mukhtar Abubakar 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Future of Gaming? : A study on the effects of cloud gaming on traditional game purchase and engagement

Kokkonen, Alexander, Holmlund, Josef January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, there has been an increased number of people that are engaged in gaming - a phenomenon connected to constantly developing internet infrastructure and a growing middleclass. The phenomenon of Cloud gaming has received increasing attention since it was introduced some years ago; in 2022 all Cloud gaming services combined had 31,7 million paying users. The number that is estimated to triple by 2025. Given this information, we proceeded to identify a gap in previous literature within the topic of Cloud gaming. Previous research within the topic of Cloud gaming has predominantly discussed Cloud gaming as a business model rather than focusing on consumers. We sought to seize the opportunity to fill this research gap by studying consumers' motivations to engage in this new technology and examine which factors can influence the customer's decision-making process in the path to purchase. We also wanted this study to contribute to marketing practice by examining important current research priorities within the field of marketing. In order to investigate our research purposes, we adopted an exploratory qualitative study where we, with the help of online focus groups, investigated the customers' perceptions of Cloud gaming as a service and their motivations to engage in it. Another purpose of this study was to find out how the gaming industry may be affected by the increased usage of cloud gaming, therefore we wanted to conduct a semi-structured interview with an industry representative. The most interesting result of this study indicates that a somewhat odd situation arises for the Cloud gaming companies where the respondents who spent the least amount of money and engage the least in traditional gaming, showed the greatest motivation to engage in Cloud gaming. Therefore we suggest that there are a number of different measures that must be kept in mind by marketers within the industry.

Användbarhet och användarvänlighet i projektverktyg för agila distribuerade systemutvecklingsprojekt inom högre utbildning

Bruhn, Philip January 2022 (has links)
In the business world today, system development increasingly uses agile methods. For future system developers to get the most value from their education, universities have now started to use the same methods. This place demands on usability and user-friendliness in the project tools that the students use. To investigate how these project tools are experienced by students and how they support agile project methods, a qualitative action research was conducted. Five students with completed project work in an agile distributed system development course participated in a semi-structured interview. A content analysis was performed using Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3). The results show that the students experienced shortcomings in certain areas in terms of both usability and ease of use. The study also shows that teachers have a direct impact on which project tools are used. Therefore, the project tools used should be carefully examined in terms of usability and ease of use before they are introduced to students. The study shows the importance of building up a habit and experience of the tools early in the education in order to increase students' perceived usability and ease of use. / Systemutveckling i näringslivet använder sig i dag i allt högre utsträckning av agila metoder. För att blivande systemutvecklare ska få de bästa förutsättningarna så har nu högskolor och universitet börjat använda samma metoder. Detta ställer krav på användbarhet och användarvänlighet i projektverktygen som studenterna nyttjar. För att undersöka hur dessa projektverktyg upplevs av studenter och hur de stöttar agilt arbete så genomfördes en kvalitativ aktionsforskning. Fem studenter som avklarat ett projektarbete i en distribuerad systemutvecklingskurs där ett agilt arbetssätt användes deltog i semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Med stöd av Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3) gjordes en innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar på att studenterna upplevde brister inom vissa områden vid både användbarhet och användarvänlighet. Studien visar även på att lärare har en direkt påverkan på vilka projektverktyg som används. Lärare bör därför noggrant undersöka projektverktygen som används i hänseende till användbarhet och användarvänlighet innan de introduceras till studenter. Studien visar att det är viktigt att bygga upp en vana och erfarenhet av verktygen tidigt i utbildningen för att öka studenters upplevda användbarhet och användarvänlighet.

Putting the I in I-voting: An examination of internet voting adoption factors on the individual level

Chatten, Daniel, Karlsson, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Internet voting (i-voting) has been researched since countries started trialing it two decades ago. Although several countries have abandoned their trials, some implemented i-voting in national elections. I-voting research discusses successful implementations of i-voting in countries such as Estonia, Switzerland, and Canada, which has generated many different factors for successful adoption. However, no systematic literature review (SLR) on i-voting adoption factors has been identified. The problem that this thesis addresses is the lack of a comprehensive overview on reasons why an individual decides to adopt an i-voting solution. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is “to identify i-voting adoption factors on the individual level”. This study aims to answer the following research question: “How can TAM be adapted to explain an individual’s intention to adopt i-voting?” A semi systematic literature review of 117 articles is used that contains articles spanning two decades of i-voting research. The scope is narrowed down to adoption factors on the individual level and include the non-technical factors: “Voter experiences and perceptions”, “Trust”, and “Education”, and the technical factors: “User experience”, and “Performance”. The technology acceptance model (TAM) is used to explain how the factors relate to Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usability (PU) within TAM. A suggestion of an extended model is also made that includes other factors which were identified to explain individual adoption. Thus, the conclusion of this thesis is that TAM can in part explain an individual’s intention to adopt i-voting, but that it should be adapted to include the following additional factors: “Trust”, “Demographics”, “Education”, and “Voter experiences and perceptions”. Recommendations for future research on i-voting, limitations, and ethical and societal consequences are also discussed.

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