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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

影響幼兒家長使用M-learning意願之研究:以微信公眾號為例 / Factors Influencing Parents’ Intention towards Use M-learning

劉寧, Liu, Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼兒家長對 M-learning 的使用意願和影響其使用意願的主要 因素,同時了解不同背景之幼兒家長對於M-learning 使用意願的差異以及不對於M-learning 使用意願影響因素的調節效應;藉由以上的探究,瞭解幼兒家長在當今時代全新的學習方式之下對於幼兒教養和親職教育的需求,為未來的Mlearning內容提供者與設施設備開發提供參考。 本研究根據幼兒家長的特點和 M-learning 的特性,以科技接受模式、計畫行 為理論、動機模型、整合性科技接受與使用理論為理論依據,延伸出知覺有用性、 知覺易用性、知覺趣味性和知覺行為控制四個因素作為自變項;以性別、年齡、 社經地位三個因素為背景變項,以使用意願為依變項發展出本研究之研究架構。 本研究採用立意取樣問卷調查法,以大連市某3 間幼兒園所之幼兒家長為研 究對象,共回收469 份問卷,剔除無效問卷36 份,共回收433 份有效問卷,有 效回收率為92.3%;調查所得資料以描述統計、線性回歸分析、單因子變異數分 析等統計方法進行分析。本研究獲得之結論如下: 一. 在功能與特性上,微信公眾號與Facebook 的粉絲專頁相似,微信朋友圈與 Line 的動態消息相似; 二. 知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺趣味性以及知覺行為控制均對幼兒家長使用 M-learning 意願有顯著正向影響; 三. 不同背景變項 (性別、年齡、社經地位)的幼兒家長對於M-learning 知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺趣味性以及知覺行為控制與M-learning 使用意願關係間存在不同的調節效應; 四. 知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺趣味性以及知覺行為控制在不同性別、年齡、社經地位之幼兒家長群體中M-learning 使用意願的預測力不同; 五. 性別和年齡對幼兒家長使用M-learning 的意願無顯著影響,社經地位對幼兒家長使用M-learning 的意願有顯著影響。

行政管理資訊系統使用者參與效果之研究-技術接受性模式檢證 / Research of User Participatin in Public Management Information System -Testing of Technology Acceptance Model

陳焜元, Chen, Kuen Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
Osborne & Gaebler在所著的「新政府運動」(Reinventing Government)一書中,曾引述戴明(W. D. Deming)博士所倡導的「全面品質管理」(Total Quality Management)概念指出:員工的參與才能有效的解決問題,因為員工最了解制度,而且最清楚癥結所在。這樣的提示,雖早被管理者重視且廣泛地運用在組織活動的設計範疇中,不過,就參與效能的評估與改善,仍有不少值得再予強調的課題。本研究既係依此觀點,藉由檢視使用者參與行政管理資訊系統發展過程之現象,提供一個思索的空間。   整體研究架構,以檢證Davis所提出的技術接受性模式為基準,同時透過此一模式了解使用者參與在系統使用行為上造成模糊結果的原因,進而提醒行政管理者,在系統發展或執行過程,勿陷入以效率掛帥的功能主義典範窠臼,對於溝通、平等與尊重等新人性主義典範所揭示的概念應予適度關注。也就是說,在民主的工作環境下,應將本身視為組織生活的目的,而非僅有工具性價值;參與效能的評估不僅須針對「結果」而且應顧及「過程」。   在上述要旨下,關於研究實體部分,經就文獻分析、實證調查結果的發現與筆者實務經驗,提出以下結論與建議:   (一)技術接受性模式,尚可適度詮釋國內行政管理資訊系統使用者的使用行為。惟其適用的分析情境、態度與行為關係之假定,仍有再作深入探究之必要。   (二)參與及系統使用行為關係之研究,不僅可透過置入中介變項的權變研究觀點來了解,分析使用者在這二行為間的心理歷程,對於改善參與效能而言,亦是一種可行的途徑。   (三)使用者對系統有用性及簡易性的認知,是影響系統使用態度、意向及行為的二大要素。其中有用性的認知更具決定性地位。   (四)使用者參與效能的模糊結果,除了源於理論欠紮實、研究模式過於簡化,以及研究方法上的瑕疵以外,研究上未仔細區辨系統使用情境之差異亦為主因。不過,參與究非萬靈丹,無定論的結果,並不代表即是一種錯誤。   (五)參與效能的改善,除了管理當局的支持與專家協助以外,有賴從加強系統發展者與使用者的教育訓練著手。   (六)自主性的系統使用情境下,使用行為(頻率)始能較正確地詮釋使用者接受程度。   (七)未來應重視以系統發展者與使用者互動作為分析單元的研究。   至於在行政管理實務上,本研究所欲表達的主要意念是:員工的參與及評估的步驟是缺一不可的。因為,沒有評估的參與,則參與無法發揮實際的效果,充其量僅具象徵性的價值;而僅有評估卻無參與活動,這樣的評估除了可能是膚淺、不切實際以外,在實務上存在的機率亦不大。公部門的決策及管理階層,面對高度層級節制的組織文化,能否擺脫「官大學問大」心態,而以恢宏的胸襟與氣度,善用與因應來自員工的意見,塑造具有參與效能的情境,將是成功地推展各項事務最基本的前提要件。

Conception d'une clarinette logique / Conception of a logical clarinet

Guilloteau, Alexis 30 September 2015 (has links)
Le processus de conception des instruments à anche simple, élaboré au fil des siècles par les facteurs, est essentiellement basé sur des lois de comportement empiriques qui résultent de l’arbitrage des clarinettistes. Leurs critères subjectifs d’appréciation semblent être aussi bien alimentés par des descripteurs acoustiques (fréquence de jeu, spectre perçu, dynamique) que par l’aisance dans leur contrôle. Les connaissances actuelles en propagation guidée dans les réseaux de trous latéraux, offrent une base nécessaire à la prédiction du comportement acoustique linéaire du résonateur de l’instrument. Nous cherchons, à l’aide de ceux-ci, à proposer une méthode d’optimisation géométrique (positions et dimensions des trous latéraux) afin d’atteindre une retranscription objective, la plus proche possible, des critères d’appréciation du musicien. L’heuristique suivie au cours de cette étude vise à affiner les modèles de comportement ainsi que la construction des critères objectifs d’appréciation à l’issue de chaque réalisation d’un prototype de clarinette jusqu’à leur validation expérimentale. Avec l’aide d’un facteur d’instrument, deux prototypes ont été réalisés et nous exposerons les avantages et inconvénients des procédures d’optimisation appliquées à chacun d’eux. / Single reed instruments conception process developed by instrument makers, is essentially based on empirical laws obtained from their interaction with musicians. Some of the subjectives criteria seems to be defined by both acoustic descriptors(like playing frequency, radiating spectrum and musical dynamics for exemple) and the ease of their control. Present knowledges in guided wave propagation in tone hole lattice are a necessary background to explain linear behavior of the clarinet. We aim to develop an optimisation method for clarinet geometrical variables in a way to reach the best objective translation of the clarinetists appraisal criteria. Then, the followed heuristic in this study consist in the enhancement of the acoustic behavior laws in parallel with the development of objective criteria after each logical clarinet making, until their experimental validation. The collaborative work with an instrument maker, helps us to make 2 prototypes with each specific procedure depicted in this document.

數位金融時代下行動銀行app持續採用行為研究 / Understanding Consumers’ Continuance Intention toward Mobile Banking in the Fintech Era: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study

梁榕修, Liang, Jung Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從金融科技創新應用之觀點,舉行動銀行app之應用為例,整合過去行銷與科技採用之相關文獻,並呼應金融科技時代的創新元素,據此探究使用者對於行動銀行app持續採用行為、與提供未來創新發展上之建議。首先以質化研究的方式,了解行動銀行app使用者的使用原因、使用經驗、對app的整體評價與建議;其次發展出量化研究模型,找出各種影響消費者持續使用意願的因素。 本研究針對「僅使用行動銀行app者」、與「行動銀行app和網路銀行皆有使用者」發放網路問卷調查,在量化研究的部分,首先根據Fintech重要核心價值中的差異化與利基型專業產品,提出競業差異作為研究模型之第一層探討面,結果顯示: 1. 設計美感對使用者能產生正向的情感品質知覺,提升對科技使用的知覺有用性、知覺易用性與降低知覺風險。 2. 品牌聲望有助於提升消費者對於業者所提供之產品與服務的相對優勢。 其次,結合過去創新擴散理論、科技接受模式以及個人知覺風險,作為研究模型之第二層探討面,結果顯示: 複雜性、知覺有用性、知覺風險能顯著影響消費者對於行動銀行app的採用意願。 最後,整合質化訪談發現與量化結果分析,給予結論與建議: 1. 業者可從設計美感加強消費者對於新科技使用的知覺有用性與降低知覺風險 2. 品牌聲望為輔,實質創新為主,首先降低複雜性 3. 從知覺有用性方面創造創新競爭優勢、同時兼顧知覺風險 4. 持續推廣行動銀行app,作為創新發展基礎後盾、與開拓市場之契機。 / This paper takes mobile banking application as an example in the view of FinTech innovation. Combined with findings from marketing and information system research, this study adopts key elements of FinTech innovation to arrive at a more complete understanding of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. By first taking the qualitative method and conducting semi-structured interviews, we look into consumers’ motivations, experiences, and evaluations of using mobile banking. For the quantitative part our empirical tests involve structural equation modeling. In addition, with the reference to one of main core values of FinTech innovation: differentiation and niche, specialized products, we propose competitive differences among competitors to form our first layer research model, the results demonstrate that: 1. Design aesthetics can increase one’s perceived affective quality of system usage, which in turn, had a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and lower perceived risk 2. Brand reputation can positively affect consumers’ sense of relative advantage in terms of the product and service provided by specific vendor. Meanwhile, our research integrates the concepts of Rogers’ innovation diffusion model, technology acceptance model, and personal perceived risk to further propose our second layer research model, and the result shows that: complexity, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk emerge as important antecedents of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. Lastly, we conclude our analysis of both qualitative and quantitative survey and make suggestions as below: 1. Placing a high value on the influence of design beauty, could increase consumers’ perceived usefulness and reduce perceived risk of new technology. 2. Focusing mainly on innovation while brand reputation subsidiary, and take complexity as priority. 3. Creating competitive advantage of innovation based on perceived usefulness, without overlooking the significant influence of perceived risk. 4. Keeping giving an impetus actively to the usage of mobile banking to solidify foundations of innovation development and increase opportunities in the market.

An empirical framework for banking digitally unbanked seniors

Diako, Bongani Harry 10 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English and Afrikaans / The main thrust of the thesis is an empirical analysis of the problems experienced by unbanked seniors to conduct digital banking. Population ageing is a worldwide phenomenon and seniors’ numbers are projected to grow to beyond 1 billion people globally by this year (2020). Currently, seniors and other banking customers are surrounded by various forms of e-banking technologies. E-banking is further envisaged to be the catalyst of the financial inclusion of the unbanked people of all ages. However, the problem is that customers’ adoption of e-banking is a challenge for the banks. Seniors are particularly not willing to use e-banking. Thus, seniors stay digitally unbanked and this makes their inclusion into the financial marketplace a priority. How the banks could use e-banking to bank digitally unbanked seniors and, as a consequence improve financial inclusion, is the problem the study set out to resolve. Therefore, an empirical analysis of the problems experienced by unbanked seniors to conduct digital banking was conducted and, as a result, an empirical framework of how the banks can extend these services to this population segment was developed. An original theoretical framework primarily founded on the TAM and Baroudi’s customers’ technology design involvement theory was proposed. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with latent constructs was utilised. The measurement model was first estimated and then covariance matrix between variables served as input to estimate the structural coefficients between constructs. The study’s data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire survey, utilising a probability sampling method with a sample of 420 digitally unbanked seniors. A focus group with banking industry experts was also held to consider the findings. The study’s findings empirically verified the study’s model’s strength in determining digitally unbanked seniors’ willingness to use e-banking. Latent constructs under consideration included customer co-creation, awareness and empowerment, design, perceived ease of use, usefulness, cost, attitude, privacy and security, and trust. The findings demonstrate that design, attitude, privacy and security are statistically significant determinants of digitally unbanked seniors’ willingness to use e-banking. Managerial implications and recommendations are provided in the recommendations chapter. / Die hoofbetoog van die tesis is ’n empiriese ontleding van die probleme wat ervaar word deur ongebankte pensionarisse om hulle banksake digitaal te doen. Bevolkingsveroudering is ’n wêreldwye verskynsel en daar is voorspel dat die getal pensionarisse teen vanjaar (2020) 1 miljard mense wêreldwyd sou verbysteek. Tans is daar ’n groot verskeidenheid elektroniese bankdienste beskikbaar wat pensionarisse en ander bankkliënte kan gebruik om hulle banksake te doen. Daar word ook verwag dat elektroniese bankwese die katalisator sal wees van die finansiële insluiting van ongebankte mense van alle ouderdomme. Die probleem is egter dat die aanname van elektroniese bankwese deur kliënte ’n uitdaging vir banke is. Pensionarisse is veral nie gewillig om elektroniese bankdienste te gebruik nie, en hulle bly dus ongebank. Dit veroorsaak dat hulle insluiting in die finansiële mark ’n prioriteit is. Die probleem wat hierdie studie wil oplos is hoe die banke elektroniese bankwese kan gebruik om digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse te kry om bankdienste te gebruik. Dus is ’n empiriese ontleding uitgevoer van die probleme wat ongebankte pensionarisse ervaar om hulle banksake digitaal te doen. Gevolglik is ’n empiriese raamwerk ontwikkel van hoe die banke hulle dienste na hierdie bevolkingsegment kan uitbrei. ’n Oorspronklike, teoretiese raamwerk, wat hoofsaaklik gegrond is op die kliëntetegnologieontwerp-betrokkenheidsteorie van TAM en Baroudi, is voorgestel. Strukturele gelykstellingsmodellering (SEM) met lantente konstruksie is aangewend. Die metingsmodel is eers bereken en die kovariansiematriks tussen veranderlikes het gedien as inset om die strukturele koëffisiënte tussen konstrukte te bereken. Die studie se data is ingesamel deur middel van ’n gestruktureerde vraelysopname, met ’n waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming van 420 digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse. Daar is ook ’n fokusgroep met kundiges in die bankwese gehou om die bevindings te oorweeg. Die studie se bevindings het die studiemodel se vermoë om die gewilligheid te bepaal van digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse om elektroniese bankdienste te gebruik empiries bevestig. Latente konstrukte onder oorweging het medeskepping van kliënte, bewustheid en bemagtiging, ontwerp, waargenome gebruiksgemak, bruikbaarheid, koste, houding, privaatheid en sekuriteit, en vertroue ingesluit. Die bevindings demonstreer dat ontwerp, houding, privaatheid en sekuriteit statisties beduidende determinante is van digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse se gewilligheid om elektroniese bankdienste te gebruik. Bestuursimplikasies en aanbevelings word voorsien in die aanbevelingshoofstuk. / Business Management / D. B. L. (Marketing)

Mobile learning readiness : psychological factors influencing student's behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning in South Africa

Bellingan, Adele 01 1900 (has links)
With recent advances in technology, distance education has seen a move towards online and e-learning programmes and courses. However, many students in South Africa have limited access to computer technology and/or the Internet resources necessary for online learning. Worldwide trends have recently seen a growing emphasis on the use of mobile technology for learning purposes. High mobile penetration rates in South Africa means that mobile learning can potentially overcome many of the challenges associated with distanceand online learning. This research therefore aimed to explore adult distance education students’ mobile learning readiness in the South African context. Specifically, this study examined the influence of mobile learning self-efficacy, locus of control, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived behavioural control and attitude towards mobile learning on students’ behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning. In order to test a model predicting students’ behavioural intention, the conceptual framework guiding the investigation combined the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of the investigation combined the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and extended the model to include locus of control and mobile learning self-efficacy. A sample of 1070 students from a private higher education institution in South Africa participated in this study. Data were collected using an online survey questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis indicated that perceived ease of use contributed most significantly to behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning, followed by attitude towards mobile learning, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, perceived behavioural control and locus of control. Mobile learning self-efficacy did not significantly influence behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning. Overall, the model accounted for 44.8% of the variance in behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning. Significant differences in age, gender, race and household income existed with regard to several of the psychological constructs hypothesised to influence behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning. 4 Structural equation modelling was used to examine the fit between the data and the proposed model. The chi square goodness for fit test and the RMSEA indicated poor fit between data and model. Considering the sensitivity of the chi square statistic for sample size and the negative influence of too many variables and relationships on the RMSEA, a variety of alternative fit indices that are less dependent on the sample size and distribution were used to examine model fit. The GFI, AGFI, NFI and CFI all exceeded their respective acceptable levels, indicating a good fit with the data. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Användbarhet och användarvänlighet av smarta enheter i den egna bostaden hos unga konsumenter / Usefulness and ease of use of smart devices in the private home amongst young consumers

Nurmi, Sarah, Görander, Clara January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is written within the topic of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart homes among young adults in Sweden. Smart homes are taking up more and more space on the housing market and aim to make consumers' everyday lives easier. Factors behind buying a smart home present a gap of knowledge about who the potential buyers are among young adults. The essay is written with the aim of reviewing generation Y and Z’s ownership and regular use of smart home devices in their households in terms of usefulness and ease of use. The aim is also to gain an insight into the willingness of generation Y and Z to buy and pay for a smart home. By using previous research combined with a quantitative study in the form of a web survey, an analysis was formed from the consumers' responses. The result shows that young consumers have a broad knowledge of what IoT means with a majority having at least one smart device in their household. The willingness to buy and pay for smart homes is proving to be varied, with young consumers not yet convinced on the issue. The outcome of the thesis contributes to an interesting discussion about IoT and smart homes from different perspectives and gives you as a reader knowledge about smart home devices and their potential in the housing market.

Optimering av ljuddiffuser – Monteringsvänlighet och kostnadsreducering / Optimization of a noise diffuser – ease of assembly and overall cost reduction.

Fox, David, Töyrä, Nils-Robin January 2018 (has links)
Målet med detta projekt har varit att utveckla en monteringsvänlig och kostnadseffektiv ljuddiffuser, en komponent som inte ska påverka ljudnivån och luftflödet för mycket, tillskillnad från den befintliga lösning som idag används i 3nine AB:s oljedimavskiljare. Examensarbetet följer den produktutvecklingsprocess som redogörs i boken Produktutveckling – Konstruktion och design av Karl T. Ulrich och Steven D. Eppinger. Där arbetet har anpassats för tidsramen på 10 veckor och delats upp i fyra faser. Fas1 – Förstudie, Fas 2 – faktainsamling, Fas 3 – Genomförande och Fas 4 – Rapportering. Den lösning som används idag består av fem vikta bitar sträckmetall som har sytts ihop med ståltråd, ljuddiffusern tar lång tid att montera ihop och att montera ned i maskinen. De fem vikta bitarna sträckmetall har vassa kanter efter klippning som försvårar monteringen ytterligare. En ljuddiffuser har en kostnad på 100 kr/st att framställa. För denna lösning togs mätvärden i 3nine AB:s verkstad fram som agerar som referensmätvärden, monteringstid – 333 [s], ljudnivå – 68 [dB], luftflöde – 319 [m ³/h] och DFA – index (mätvärde för monteringsvänlighet) – 5,4 %. Där 100 % ses som optimal monteringsvänlighet och högre DFA-index leder till reducerade kostnader. Då luft strömmar genom maskinen så påverkar detta mätvärdena och möjlig design av ny prototyper, men strömningslära är kunskaper som vi saknar och detta analyser med avseende på detta avgränsades bort. Genom Idéutvecklingsprocesser som Brainstorming, 6-3-5 Brainwritning, Morfologiskmatris, Pughmatris, konceptskisser, Virtuella koncept (3D-CAD) och friformsframställning (3D-utskrivning av prototyp) så togs fem prototyper fram som sedan testades för monteringstid, ljudnivå, luftflöde och DFA-index. Dessa tester resulterade i att det var en prototyp som utmärkte sig med förbättrade resultat jämfört med referensmätvärdena av befintliga ljuddiffusern. Mätvärden för prototypen ”45° väggen”, monteringstid – 16 [s], ljudnivå – 65 [dB], luftflöde – 342 [m ³/h] och DFA – index (mätvärde för monteringsvänlighet) – 93 %. Risk – och FEM-analys genomfördes på prototypen för att identifiera svagheter i konstruktionen, lösningar på dessa rekommenderas i form av små förändringar som t.ex. rundningar vid hörn. Dessa mätvärden redogör att den framtagna lösningen är bättre än dagens lösning och rekommenderas att implementeras och vidareutvecklas av företaget / The aim of this project has been to improve the existing noise diffuser used currently today in the oil-separatingmachines developed by 3nine AB. By reducing noise levels, increasing the air flow, increasing the “ease of assembly” and making it more cost effective. The thesis follows the product development process described in the book “Product Development - Construction and Design” by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. The work was adapted for a 10-week timeframe and divided into four phases. Phase 1 - Pre-Study, Phase 2 – Information gathering, Phase 3 - Implementation and Phase 4 - Reporting. The solution used today consists of five folded pieces of stretch metal that have been sewn together with steel wire, the noise diffuser takes a long time to assemble and to fit into the machine. The five folded pieces of stretch metal have sharp edges after cutting, which further complicates the assembly. The production cost for each diffuser is 100 kronor. For the present solution, the measurement values taken at 3nine AB's workshop were set as reference values, assembly time - 333 [s], noise level - 68 [dB], airflow - 319 [m³ / h] and DFA-index (measurement value for ease of assembly) - 5.4%. DFA-index when 100% is seen as the optimal ease of assembly and a higher DFA-index leads to reduced costs. As air flows through the machine, this affects the measured values and possible design of new prototypes, but fluid mechanics is one knowledge we lacked and therefor analysis of this was not possible and delimited. Through Idea Development Processes such as Brainstorming, 6-3-5 Brainwriting, Morphological Matrix, Pugh matrix, Concept Sketches, Virtual Concepts (3D-CAD) and Rapid prototyping (3D-prototype printing), five prototypes were produced, then tested for assembly time, noise level, airflow and DFA -index. These tests resulted in a prototype that featured improved results compared to the reference values of the existing noise diffuser. Measurement values for prototype "45° wall" where assembly time - 16 [s], noise level - 65 [dB], airflow - 342 [m³ / h] and DFA index - 93%. Risk-analysis and FEA was carried out on the same prototype to identify weaknesses in the design. The solutions to these weaknesses are recommended in the form of small design changes such as rounded sharp corners. These measured values state that the solution developed is better than today's solution and is recommended to be implemented and further developed by the company.

Handheld Infrared Technology As a Tool for Quantifying and Predicting Quality Attributes of Tomato Products

Santos, Alejandra M. 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A typology of the requisite skills for financial services employees to enhance self-service technology usage : the case of the South African banking industry

Thaver, Gerald 02 1900 (has links)
Financial services institutions invest in self–service technologies for various reasons. These include the demands to rationalise costs and to meet the channel preferences of a „technology- savvy‟ client base. Some advantages of self–service technologies (“SSTs”) include the optimisation of staff activities and faster and improved customer services. Retail banks experience various migration-related costs when migrating customers to an SST environment; in terms of both branch infrastructure and the development of employee skills. Some customers continue to favour face-to-face service interactions, which necessitates an identification and evaluation of the necessary skills required by employees to facilitate this migration process. This study aims to both identify and classify the requisite skills needed by financial services professionals to enable them to migrate customers from physical to electronic service channels; including ATMs. With the appropriate training and competencies, employees can guide customers more effectively through the migration process in a non-judgemental way. This would, in turn, address the lack of self-service technology understanding among customers in the longer term. The lack of support from skilled service employees has, in many instances, led to customers paying higher transactional fees and experiencing inconvenience at physical channels, thereby resulting in overall lower self-service usage. / Business Management / DBL

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