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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv síťových digitálních médií na výrobu zpravodajských a publicistických obsahů Českého rozhlasu / The influence of digital media on the production of Czech Radio news and opinion journalism

Vrbová, Vendula January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis called The influence of digital media on the production of Czech Radio news and opinion journalism focuses on the changes in the producing of news and journalistic content of Czech Radio caused by the origin and development of network digital media. It describes the current form and functioning of the Czech Radio newsrooms and deals with the role that public institution attach to new media. The theoretical part attempts to define new media and describe their effects on traditional mass media. It also places in the context of current public service broadcasting in the Czech Republic and describes the development of technology that preceded the current situation. The aim of the practical part of the master thesis is a qualitative analysis of the impacts of the latest changes in available technology and new habits of consumers of media content. The main source of information in the analytical part of the thesis are respondents from the ranks of Czech Radio workers. The thesis answers the question of how important role digital media play for Czech Radio and how the Department of New Media cooperates with radio journalists. It also focuses on new journalistic content and formats that are emerging in radio broadcast as a result of the expansion of new media. Last but not least, the...

Vybrané časopisecké texty Růženy Jesenské - edice a komentář / Selected journal texts by Růžena Jesenská - Edition and commentary

Nejtková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of submitted thesis is to bring a selection of journal texts by Růžena Jesenská, focused on period 1910-1930. This thesis includes, next to the edition of selected texts, edition note and commentary. The thesis reflects historical context and context of Růžena Jesenská's artworks, relates selected texts to significant artistic texts by Růžena Jesenská (Mimo svět, Z nepřístupných zahrad etc.)

Práticas contemporâneas em design editorial : livros independentes e experimentais /

Zugliani, Jorge Otávio January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Mônica Cristina de Moura / Resumo: As transformações ocorridas no país nas últimas décadas influenciaram mudanças em vários aspectos da cultura, incluindo o meio editorial. Diante disso, surgiu um movimento autoproclamado independente, propondo novas práticas para o consumo e produção de livros, e que se desenvolve apresentando elementos relacionados às características do design contemporâneo. Portanto, esta pesquisa dedica-se a observar os livros independentes, porém, aqueles cuja composição material, estrutural, gráfica, imagética e suas narrativas textuais adotem essas concepções experimentais e envolvam as reflexões contemporâneas em sua confecção e modus operandi. Discute-se a experimentação, o hibridismo, a relação com o artesanal, a valorização da estética, os aspectos da autoria, da memória e da relação com o leitor/usuário. Destacam-se, também, os diálogos entre design gráfico e editorial e as possibilidades transdisciplinares entre design, arte e literatura e outros campos de conhecimento, assim como as dinâmicas oriundas desse cenário diante de questões sociais em contraste com a cultura de consumo. O método adotado compreende o mapeamento das feiras, entrevistas realizadas com diferentes profissionais distribuídos pelo país e o desenvolvimento de análises por meio das funções do design. Os referenciais teóricos abrangem tanto as bases que compõem a teoria do design enquanto linguagem quanto as relações estabelecidas com a filosofia, a sociologia e a arte, buscando atender aos objetivos da pesquisa:... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The occurred transformation in the country had in the last few decades influenced changes in some aspects of the culture, including the editorial environment. In view of this, emerge a publisher movement self-proclaimed independent, considering new practical for the consumption and book production. This movement has developed with elements related of contemporany design. Therefore, this research dedicates to observe it independent books; however, those whose material, structural, graphical, imagery composition and its literal narratives adopt these experimental conceptions and involve the reflections contemporaries in its confection and mode of operation. It is discussed the experimentation, the hybridsm, the handmade, the relation with the artisan one, aesthetic appreciation, aspects of authorship, memory and the relationship with the reader/user. They are distinguished also the dialogues between design graphical and publishing and the transdisciplinary possibilities between design, art and literature and other fields of knowledge, as well as the dynamics derived from the social issues of this scenarios, in contrast to the consumption culture. The adopted method understands the mapping of the fairs of independent publications, interviews carried through with different professionals distributed for the country and the development of analyses by means of the functions of design. The theoretical framework ranges from design theory as the language itself to intersections with ph... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Redakce ČT sport bez šéfredaktora. Kde jsou její limity? / ČT Sport Newsroom without Editor in Chief.Where are its Limits?

Zoubková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis called ČT sport newsroom without an editor-in-chief. Where are its limits? focuses on the leadership of sports newsroom, which operated without editor-in-chief between the years 2013 and 2019. In January 2020 the sports department was reorganized thus there is the editor-in-chief at the head of the organization since then, who manages the organization in terms of journalism. The researcher paid attention to the analysis of both possible structures. In the theoretical part, the author describes possible organizational structures according to which the organization can be structured. She focuses on media routines and history and the presence of the sports newsroom, but she is mostly targeting the hierarchy of the department. The empirical part is based on 14 in-depth interviews with workers of the newsroom, who describe how the sports department works and point out the positives and negatives of the system. The research took place in two phases. The first one before the restructuring of the department, the second one a few months after. The result is, how the sports newsroom according to its employees worked in this kind of atypical structure.

En granskning av content marketing : En kvalitativ studie om innehållsbaserad marknadsföring med en rekommendation för tillämpning / A study of Content Marketing : A qualitative examination about content marketing with a recommendation for its practice.

Ingvar, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Människor är trötta på reklam och företagen har börjat förstå att deras kommunikation till kunderna behöver förbättras. Content marketing, även kallat innehållsmarknadsföring har kommit att bli en populär metod, dock med en svag definition i grunden som bäddar för olika åsikter för vad content marketing innebär. Content marketing är ett hett begrepp i den svenska marknadsföringen, men vad krävs för att lyckas? Den här uppsatsen kartlägger begreppet, varför det är svårdefinierat samt ger en rekommendation till de verksamheter som vill tillämpa metoden kring viktiga aspekter i att arbeta med denna kommunikationsstrategi. För att besvara problemformuleringen utfördes en litteraturstudie och ett flertal personintervjuer med betydande aktörer inom kategorierna traditionella och redaktionella verksamheter samt områdesexperter. Utifrån resultaten från undersökningen kan slutsatsen dras att det inte finns en generell modell som fungerar för alla utan att content marketing måste anpassas för varje enskild verksamhet. Däremot finns det kluster av råd som kommer att presenteras, som exempelvis att ha en tydlig strategi med tydliga mål för att kunna mäta effekten av verksamhetens content marketing-satsningar samt att se sig själva som en publicistisk verksamhet som kräver en särskild redaktionell kompetens och mycket klar bild av sin målgrupp. / The report examines the content marketing strategy. There are several challenges in defining the area and more to come when working with it. This essay aims to provide a recommendation of how to implement the strategy. How can traditional corporations learn from the editorial business and content  marketing experts? Several companies in the categories of traditional, editorial and content marketing experts have been interviewed for the study. The results showed that it is difficult to define content marketing and then suggests to label it otherwise. The study also concludes that there is no general solution for every company, thus different tools are acquired for different situations. However, main points of what factors to consider with the work of content marketing are presented, such as having editorial competence, a clear strategy and to measure relevant data. An English translation of this essay is available upon request.


29 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese investiga o fenômeno do sucesso editorial da coleção Os Pensado-res publicada durante 30 anos, a partir de 1972, pela Abril Cultural, divisão de livros e fascículos da Editora Abril que operou entre 1968 e 1982. Esta pesquisa considera o contexto social, político, editorial e acadêmico em que a coleção surgiu. O objetivo é compreender as razões da auratização dessa coleção por intelec-tuais e por um público mais amplo, e principalmente compreender por que foi criada, que papel teve e a relação com a sociedade brasileira da época. Exclusiva-mente para este trabalho, realizamos entrevistas com profissionais que, em dife-rentes níveis, contribuíram para a elaboração da Coleção ou para sua recepção, como leitores qualificados. / [en] This thesis investigates the phenomenon of the editorial success of the col-lection called Os Pensadores (in english The Thinkers) published during 30 years, from 1972, by Abril Cultural, which was the Cultural Division of Books and Fascicles of Editora Abril that operated between 1968 and 1982. This re-search considers the social, political, editorial and academic context of its emer-gence. The purpose of this work is to revealing the reasons of its success in the intellectual world and also to a broader audience, and especially understanding why it was created, who role and the relationship with the brazilian society of the period. Exclusively for this work, we interviewed professionals who, at different levels, contributed to produce the collection or for its reception as skilled readers

Cobertura noticiosa de la representación del conflicto social en torno al proyecto minero Las Bambas entre setiembre - octubre del 2015; y marzo – mayo del 2019 en los diarios El Comercio y La República / News coverage of the representation of the social conflict around the Las Bambas mining project between September - October 2015; and March - May 2019 in the newspapers El Comercio and La República

Herrera Condori, Orlando 14 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad analizar la representación del conflicto social en torno al proyecto minero Las Bambas. Para su desarrollo se utilizará de base las publicaciones de los diarios El Comercio y La República entre los meses de setiembre - octubre del 2015; y marzo – mayo del 2019. El presente análisis busca dar a conocer cuáles son las identidades construidas para cada uno de los actores involucrados, es decir, la comunidad, la empresa minera y el Estado. Se busca presentar una aproximación al contexto de los conflictos abordando la relación entre los protagonistas expuesta por dichos diarios. Asimismo, se busca identificar y describir las características que la portadas, editorial y noticias les brindan a los actores involucrados en torno al conflicto social. Esta investigación también permitirá identificar el rol que cumple cada actor y cómo los diarios favorecen o no a cada uno de ellos a través del lenguaje escrito, verbal, no verbal y visual. De esta manera se busca comparar la representación que brinda cada diario a los tres involucrados; contextualizar los métodos de diálogo o negociación usados, presentar los intereses de las partes, y mostrar la identidad que se le atribuye a cada uno. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the representation of the social conflict around the Las Bambas mining project. For its development, the publications of the newspapers El Comercio and La República between the months of September - October 2015 will be used; and March - May 2019. This analysis seeks to make known which identities are constructed for each of the actors involved, that is, the community, the mining company and the State. The aim is to present an approach to the context of conflicts by addressing the relationship between the protagonists exposed by these newspapers. Likewise, it seeks to identify and describe the characteristics that the covers, editorial and news provide to the actors involved in the social conflict. This research will also identify the role that each actor plays and how the newspapers favor or not each one of them through written, verbal, non-verbal and visual language. In this way, the aim is to compare the representation that each newspaper provides to the three involved; contextualize the methods of dialogue or negotiation used, present the interests of the parties, and show the identity attributed to each one. / Trabajo de investigación

Redakční systém v .NET / Publishing System in .NET

Mareš, Vlastimil Unknown Date (has links)
This master's thesis with the usage of the system for the content managing - the DotNetNuke system as an editorial system. It describes all options and features of the DotNetNuke system. On its basis of the system's features there have been made proposals for extensions which, when implemented, will let the DotNetNuke system to be used as full-value editorial system.


LANA BETH AYRES FRANCO DE ARAUJO 29 October 2020 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese investiga o processo de seleção, tradução e publicação de obras literárias estrangeiras, tendo por campo de observação o Grupo Editorial Record, que figura, assim, como representante da indústria editorial brasileira. A motivação para este estudo foi o fato de que, ao comprar um livro traduzido, os leitores/consumidores, de um modo geral, não se dão conta das muitas etapas que culminaram no produto que estão levando para casa. O foco desta pesquisa, portanto, volta-se para a sequência de operações que se perfaz obedecendo, via de regra, à seguinte ordem cronológica: a seleção da obra a ser traduzida e a subsequente aquisição de seus direitos autorais; a escolha do tradutor e do copidesque, agentes que, respectivamente, traduzem para a língua alvo o texto estrangeiro e aprimoram o texto já traduzido; a escolha da capa e do título da obra já vertida para o vernáculo; as estratégias de divulgação e de distribuição da obra traduzida; por fim, a recepção dessa obra por parte da crítica e do leitor comum. O objetivo do presente estudo é, portanto, discutir e analisar a rede de agentes e atividades que é promovida e articulada pela indústria editorial brasileira com vistas a confeccionar um bem de consumo possuidor de características e finalidade próprias, que são as obras literárias traduzidas, destinadas à leitura feita nas horas de lazer. Levando-se em conta o expressivo número de obras traduzidas publicadas aqui, pode-se considerar o Brasil como uma cultura tradutora. Em contrapartida, culturas hegemônicas como a norte-americana e a britânica, de um modo geral, traduzem menos, ou seja, importam menos literatura para a tradução, sendo, ao contrário, mais traduzidas, visto que exportam mais suas produções literárias. No que tange ao aporte teórico, o meu estudo se sustenta basicamente nos seguintes pilares: 1) a concepção da literatura como polissistema, desenvolvida por Itamar Even-Zohar; 2) o entendimento da tradução como fenômeno da cultura tradutora, de Gideon Toury; 3) os conceitos de reescrita e de patronagem, propostos por André Lefevere; 4) a visão de tradução como agente formador das literaturas nacionais, promovida por Lawrence Venuti; 5) as abordagens de orientação sociológica propriamente dita, que trazem nomes como Michaela Wolf, Pascale Casanova, Daniel Simeoni, Maria Timoczko, Johan Heilbron, dentre outros. Com base na leitura da bibliografa selecionada e na análise dos dados gerados pelas entrevistas realizadas, é possível concluir que a tradução, tradicional e frequentemente examinada do ponto de vista linguístico, pode ser analisada também sob uma perspectiva mercadológica, sendo considerada, dessa forma, como um produto comercial elaborado para atender à demanda de um nicho da indústria do entretenimento. Assim sendo, por provocar toda uma malha de tarefas executadas por profissionais que concorrem para a manufatura de um produto destinado a um público consumidor específico, parece legítimo concluir que a tradução consiste numa prática social, uma vez que promove a atuação de profissionais não só do campo editorial, mas, particularmente, de profissionais do texto, como o tradutor. / [en] The present dissertation investigates the process of selecting, translating and publishing foreign literary works, with special focus on the publishing house Grupo Editorial Record, which thus represents the Brazilian publishing industry. The motivation for this study was the fact that, when buying a translated book, readers/consumers, in general, are not aware of the many stages which resulted in the product they are taking home. So this research focuses on the sequence of actions which usually unfold in the following order: the selection of the literary work to be translated and the subsequent acquisition of its copyright; the selection of the translator and the copy editor, agents who, respectively, translate the foreign text into the target language and improve the translated version; the choice of the cover and the title of the book already translated into the target language; the strategies for advertising and distributing the translated book; and lastly, the reception of this book by the literary critics and the average readership. The object of this study is thus the net of agents and activities which is promoted and articulated by the Brazilian publishing industry aiming at manufacturing a consumer good with features and purposes of its own, which are the translated literary works destined for leisure reading. Taking into account the expressive number of translated literary works published here, Brazil can be regarded as a translating culture. In contrast, hegemonic cultures such as the North American and the British ones, in general, translate less, that is, import fewer literary works for translation, being more translated instead, as they export their literary production more often. Concerning the theoretical framework here used as reference, my study is based on the following pillars: 1) the notion of literature as a polysystem, developed by Itamar Even-Zohar; 2) the understanding of translation as a phenomenon of the translating culture, by Gideon Toury; 3) the concepts of rewriting and patronage, proposed by André Lefevere; 4) the view of translation as the agent of national literature formation, promoted by Lawrence Venuti; 5) the sociologically-oriented approaches in their own right, whose prominent names are Michaela Wolf, Pascale Casanova, Daniel Simeoni, Maria Timoczko, Johan Heilbron, among others. Based on the selected bibliography and on the analysis of the data generated by the interviews carried out, it is possible to conclude that translation, traditionally and frequently examined under a linguistic viewpoint, can be also analysed under a market-driven perspective, being thus regarded as a commercial good produced to fulfill the demands of a niche of the entertainment industry. Hence, for triggering a wide range of tasks undertaken by professionals who work so as to make the product aimed at a specific group of consumers, it seems legitimate to infer that translation is a social practice, since it promotes the action of professionals not only those belonging to the publishing field, but, particularly, of text professionals such as translators.

Nya tider eller ideologisk urholkning? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas kassering av alliansfriheten.

Börjesson, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
In Sweden, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022, the Social Democrats were inturmoil. Some factions had started openly advocating for Nato membership, while someremained staunchly opposed, favouring the status quo. This shift earned the partycriticism for having abandoned their last claim to any form of ideology. This studyproposes the use of politically aligned newspaper editorials as surrogates for studyingpolitical parties, gleaning insights into how stubborn or malleable the party isideologically, thus determining whether the Social Democrats lean more into idealism orrealism. Eight editorials are analysed and classified as Realist/Idealist andPro-/Anti-Nato. The tendency found is that there is a strong correlation between beingidealist and being against Nato-membership, and vice versa. This correlation is thenapplied to the Social Democrats, who voted for joining the alliance, to ultimately suggestthat the party today is more realist than idealist.

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