Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amissions"" "subject:"comissions""
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Exploring climate impacts of timber buildings : The effects from including non-traditional aspects in life cycle impact assessmentPeñaloza, Diego January 2015 (has links)
There is an urgency within the building sector to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. An increased proportion of biobased building materials in construction is a potential measure to reduce these emissions. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has often been applied to compare the climate impact from biobased materials with that from e.g. mineral based materials, mostly favouring biobased materials. Contradicting results have however been reported due to differences in methodology, as there is not yet consensus regarding certain aspects. The aim of this thesis is to study the implications from non-traditional practices in climate impact assessment of timber buildings, and to discuss the shortcomings of current practices when assessing such products and comparing them with non-renewable alternatives. The traditional practices for climate impact assessment of biobased materials have been identified, and then applied to a case study of a building with different timber frame designs and an alternative building with a concrete frame. Then, non-traditional practices were explored by calculating climate impact results using alternative methods to handle certain methodological aspects, which have been found relevant for forest products in previous research such as the timing of emissions, biogenic emissions, carbon storage in the products, end-of-life substitution credits, soil carbon disturbances and change in albedo. These alternative practices and their implications were also studied for low-carbon buildings. The use of non-traditional practices can affect the climate impact assessment results of timber buildings, and to some extent the comparison with buildings with lower content of biobased building materials. This effect is especially evident for energy-efficient buildings. Current normal practices tend to account separately for forest-related carbon flows and aspects such as biogenic carbon emissions and sequestration or effects from carbon storage in the products, missing to capture the forest carbon cycle as a whole. Climate neutrality of wood-based construction materials seems like a valid assumption for studies which require methodological simplification, while other aspects such as end-of-life substitution credits, soil carbon disturbances or changes in albedo should be studied carefully due to their potentially high implications and the uncertainties around the methods used to account for them. If forest phenomena are to be included in LCA studies, a robust and complete model of the forest carbon cycle should be used. Another shortcoming is the lack of clear communication of the way some important aspects were handled. / <p>QC 20150310</p>
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Viability, feasibility and Sustainability of emission reducing solutions for Nordic wood stoves: Testing and evaluation : Degree project for Master in mechanical engineering with focus on innovative and sustainable product developmentBerg, Casper January 2022 (has links)
As of 2022 the European Union introduced a new Eco Design legislation which states emission limits for stoves sold in the EU. There are already requirements on emissions, but as both legislation are to be harder and there is a higher interest in Eco friendly products, there is an interest to study different ways to reduce the emissions from wood stoves. As stoves are today primarily seen as furniture that can provide some heat, easy usage is expected. The objective of this report is to explore this connection between emission reduction and how viable, feasible and sustainable it might be if it where to be implemented in a real product. Using design thinking and the design thinking methodology, concepts where developed and tested using test stoves which where equipped to measure emissions of carbon monoxide and organic gaseous compounds. The testing was done in accordance with EN 16510 and the developed prototype was a catalytic filter mesh which was designed to be rotated so that air could flow around it instead of through it during startups and refueling. The theory behind it was that previous studies on similar catalytic mesh filters showed promising emission reductions. However, these test where done on static catalytic filters which where always in the path of the air in the flue system. That meant pressure drops due to restricted airflow in the stoves could result in impaired combustion and increased emissions. The Testing showed promising result with the variable filter outperforming a stationary filter setup. The variable filter showed 16\% reduced carbon monoxide emissions and 25\% reduced organic gaseous compound emissions compared to the stationary filter setup. Furthermore the benefits of variable filters is believed to increase as the amount of filters stacked increase since it would in a stationary setup provide a lot of air restriction which could have serious effect on how easy the product would be to start and maintain. As for usability the setup is believed to be implementable in such ways that no additional work would be necessary from a user perspective and thus not discourage new users from choosing a stove which produces less emissions. / Från och med 2022 inför Europeiska Unionen Eco Design direktivet med utsläppsgränser som måste föjlas vid försäljning av kaminer i EU. Det finns redan liknande krav på usläpp, men då de troligen ökar i framtiden och intresset för miljövänliga produkter ökar, så finns det det intresse att studera lösningar som minskar utsläppen från vedkaminer. Eftersom vedkaminer i dagens läge inte bara behöver värma ett hus, utan ses också som en möbel så är användarvänligheten av ytersta vikt. Syftet med denna raport att utforska kopplingen mellan minsking av utsläpp och hur det skulle kunna implementeras på ett rimligt sätt i en verklig produkt. Genom användning av Desing thinking och Design research methodology, utvecklades koncept och testades i en kamin som mätte bl.a kolmonoxid och organiskt gasformiga föreningar. Testerna gjordes i enlighet med EN 16510 och den utvecklade prototypen var ett katalytiskt filternät som var designat för att roteras så att luft kan strömma runt den istället för genom vid uppstart och påfyllning. Teorin var att tidigare studier på liknande katalytiska nätfilter visade på lovande utsläppsminskningar. Dessa tester gjordes dock på statiska katalytiska filter som alltid var i vägen för luften i rökkanalen. Det innebar att tryckfall på grund av begränsat luftflöde i kaminerna kunde resultera i försämrad förbränning och ökade utsläpp. Testningen visade lovande resultat med det variabla filtret som överträffade en stationär filteruppsättning. Det variabla filtret visade 16 \% minskade kolmonoxidutsläpp och 25 \% reducerade utsläpp av organiska gasformiga föreningar jämfört med den stationära filteruppsättningen. Dessutom tros fördelarna med variabla filter öka när mängden staplade filter ökar då en stationär uppställning skulle ge en hel del luftbegränsningar som kan ha allvarliga effekter på hur lätt produkten skulle vara att starta och underhålla. När det gäller användbarhet tros installationen vara genomförbar på ett sådant sätt att inget ytterligare arbete skulle behövas ur ett användarperspektiv och därmed inte avskräcka nya kunder från att välja en kamin som har linkande lösning.
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Étude des concentrations et de la composition des PM₁₀ sur le littoral du Nord de la France : Evaluation des contributions maritimes de l'espace Manche-Mer du Nord / Study of concentrations and composition of PM₁₀ on the North coast of France : Evaluation of the maritime contributions of the Channel-North Sea areaRoche, Cloé 11 March 2016 (has links)
La région Nord-Pas-de-Calais figure parmi les régions françaises les plus concernées par les dépassements de valeurs limites journalières de concentrations de PM₁₀ (50 µg m-³). Sur le littoral, le niveau de fond atmosphérique particulaire demeure parfois élevé, bien que relativement éloigné des sources principales de particules que sont le trafic routier et l'industrie. Alors que de nombreuses études ont été réalisées sur les émissions en milieu industrialo-portuaire, il ressort un manque de connaissances concernant l'impact des émissions issues du secteur maritime, qu'il s'agisse d'apports naturels (sels marins) ou anthropiques (trafic maritime). Dans ce travail, deux campagnes de mesures ont été menées : en 2013 au Cap Gris-Nez et au premier trimestre 2014, simultanément au Cap Gris-Nez et dans le port de Calais. La concentration en PM₁₀ a été suivie et la composition chimique (métaux, ions hydrosolubles, EC, OC, traceurs organiques) en a été déterminée. Sur le site du Cap Gris-Nez en 2013, l'évolution des niveaux de PM₁₀ est similaire à celle observée en région, reflétant la fluctuation du fond atmosphérique. Les espèces majoritairement sont NO₃-, OC, SO₄²-, CI-, Na⁺ et NH₄⁺ et représentent 69% de la masse de PM₁₀. La proportion de ces espèces varie selon la saison et les conditions météorologiques (température, vitesse et direction du vent). Les situations de fortes teneurs de PM₁₀ sont caractérisées par une plus grande proportion de nitrate d'ammonium. Les données recueillies sur le site de Calais ont permis de montrer que les émissions du trafic maritime ont pour effet d'augmenter le nombre de particules ultrafines dans l'atmosphère. Sous cette influence, les concentrations en NOx et SO₂ apparaissent plus élevées, ainsi que celles des espèces V, Ni et Co qui peuvent être proposées comme traceurs du trafic maritime. L'utilisation de la factorisation matricielle nous a permis d'identifier 10 sources de particules et d'en estimer les contributions. Ainsi, en moyenne en 2013 au Cap Gris-Nez, 41% des PM₁₀ sont issus des aérosols inorganiques secondaires, 37% des sels marins et 10% de la combustion de biomasse. Pour cette dernière, la contribution peut atteindre 17% en hiver. Enfin, le trafic maritime (5%) contribue davantage à la concentration de PM₁₀ que le trafic routier (2%). / The Nord-Pas-de-Calais region is one of the most concerned areas in France by exceedance of the PM₁₀ mean daily limit value (50 µg m-³). The particulate atmospheric background level can also be high on the coastal zone, despite the absence of any urban and industrial sources at its vicinity. Numerous studies have been performed regarding those sources, but there is still a lack of knowledge about the impact of emissions resulting from the marine compartment, including natural emissions (sea salts) and anthropogenic emissions (maritime traffic). Two measurement campaigns have been achieved, in 2013 at Cape Gris-Nez and in the first trimester 2014, simultaneously at Cape Gris-Nez and in the harbour of Calais. Concentrations of PM₁₀ were recorded and chemical composition was determined (metals, water soluble ions, Ec, OC, organic tracers). In 2013, the evolutions of PM₁₀ levels at Cape Gris-Nez and in the region similar, reflecting the atmospheric background fluctuation. NO₃-, OC, SO₄²-, CI-, Na⁺ and NH₄⁺ were found as the major species and correspond to 69% of PM₁₀ mass. The proportion of these species evolves depending on the season and the meteorological conditions (temperature, wind speed and direction). High PM₁₀ concentration situations are characterized by high proportion of ammonium nitrate. Data collected in Calais show that maritime traffic emissions increase the number of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere. Under this influence, NOx and SO₂ concentrations are higher, as those of V, Ni and Co, species that could be used as maritime traffic tracers. 10 sources were identified and apportioned by matrix factorization. In average, in 2013 at Cape Gris-Nez, 41% of PM₁₀ come from secondary inorganic aerosols, 37% from sea salts and 10% from biomass combustion. This last contribution can reach 17% in winter. Maritime traffic represents a higher contribution to PM₁₀ than road traffic, 5% against 2%.
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Impact of fuels and exhaust aftertreatment systems on the unregulated emissions from mopeds, light and heavy-duty vehicles non réglementées des scooters, voitures et camions / Influence du carburant et des systèmes de post-traitement des gaz d'échappement sur les émissions non réglementées des scooters, voitures et camionsClairotte, Michaël 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le secteur du transport joue un rôle majeur dans le changement climatique et la pollution atmosphérique. Parmi les secteurs d'origine anthropique, le transport routier est considéré comme le premier contributeur au réchauffement climatique, due notamment aux émissions de CO2, de précurseurs d'ozone, et d'aérosols carbonés (carbone noir). De plus, les émissions liées au transport routier telles que les oxydes d'azote (NOx), l'ammoniac (NH3), les carbonyles volatiles, les hydrocarbures gazeux, et les aérosols, contribuent à la dégradation de la qualité de l'air.Le but de cette étude était d'approfondir l'état des connaissances en termes de facteurs d'émissions associés au transport, pour les polluants en phases gazeuse et solide. Un intérêt particulier a été apporté sur l'influence des systèmes de post-traitement des gaz d'échappement, et de la qualité du carburant, sur les émissions d'espèces réglementées et non-réglementées. Des campagnes de mesure ont été menées sur différentes catégories de véhicules dans le laboratoire d'étude des émissions (VELA) du centre commun de recherche de la commission Européenne (JRC-EC) à Ispra, en Italie. La flotte de véhicules choisie comprenait des camions (moyens et poids lourds), des voitures et des deux-roues formant un ensemble représentatif des véhicules circulant en Europe. En plus des carburants classiques, essence et diesel, les véhicules ont été alimentés avec des carburants alternatifs tels que le bioéthanol, et le gaz de pétrole liquéfié. Les émissions en phase gazeuse ont été mesurées par spectroscopie infra-rouge à transformé de Fourier (FT-IR; pour les composés azotés, les carbonyles volatiles et les petits hydrocarbures), par spectrométrie de masse à temps de vol après ionisation multi-photonique résonnante (REMPI-ToF-MS; pour les hydrocarbures aromatiques mono et polycycliques), par spectromètrie de masse haute résolution à temps de vol dédié à l'analyse des aérosols atmosphériques (HR-TOF-AMS; pour les aérosols organiques), et par photométrie d'absorption multi-angle (MAAP; pour le carbone élémentaire).Parmi les véhicules étudiés, les scooters ont été les plus gros émetteurs d'aérosols organiques primaires et d'hydrocarbures mono et polycycliques. De plus, le système de post-traitement des gaz d'échappement étudié pour le scooter le plus récent (conforme à la réglementation Euro 2) pourrait être responsable d'émissions importantes d'aérosols organiques. Concernant les voitures, et en particulier celles équipées de moteurs à allumage par étincelle, la plupart de leurs émissions intervenaient en début de cycle, avant que la température d'amorçage du pot catalytique soit atteinte. Ces émissions liées au démarrage à froid du véhicule pouvaient masquer les effets bénéfiques des carburants alternatifs en terme d'émissions de précurseurs d'ozone. Finalement, les camions étaient les plus gros émetteurs de suie (carbone élémentaire) et de NOx. Malgré le fait que plusieurs systèmes de retrofit se sont montrés particulièrement efficaces pour réduire les émissions des polluants réglementés (particules et NOx) de ces véhicules, certains d'entre eux produisaient des quantités significatives de NH3. Ce projet a permis de collecter des informations précieuses pour l'élaboration de la législation relative au développement d'un transport durable en Europe. / Transport sector plays a key role in global warming and air pollution. Among the anthropogenic sectors, on-road transport is recognized as the first contributor to global warming, mainly due to its emission of carbon dioxide, ozone precursors and carbonaceous aerosols. In addition, on-road transport contributes to the deterioration of air quality by releasing nitrogen oxides, ammonia, carbonyls, hydrocarbons and aerosols. However, the current European legislation of vehicles emissions focusses on a limited number of pollutants, namely hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.The aim of this work was to improve the knowledge about the emission factors of gas phase and particle-associated emissions from vehicle exhaust. The impacts of aftertreatment devices and fuel quality on regulated and unregulated species were studied. Several sampling campaigns with different types of vehicles were conducted in the vehicle emission laboratory (VELA) at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) Ispra, Italy. The vehicles chosen were representative of some categories circulating in Europe (heavy duty vehicles, light duty vehicles, two-stroke mopeds), and either standard fuel or some alternative fuels (ethanol and liquefied petroleum gas) were used. The gas phase was monitored by a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (carbonyls, nitrogen-containing species, small hydrocarbons), and a resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (mono and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). The particulate phase was analyzed by a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (organic aerosol, chloride, nitrate), and a multiangle absorption photometer (black carbon). The mopeds were found to have the higher emission factors of primary organic aerosol and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. While efficient to reduce the regulated emissions, the after-treatment used to comply with the moped Euro 2 emission standard might be responsible of large emission of unregulated organic aerosols. Most of the emission linked to the gasoline light duty vehicles were released before the light-off of the catalyst. Whereas alternative fuels studied helped to reduce ozone precursor emissions, the emissions associated to the cold start of the vehicle reduced this beneficial effect. Finally, the heavy duty diesel vehicle featured the highest NOx and black carbon emissions. Despite efficient retrofit and after-treatment systems (for particles and NOx), these vehicles could release significant amount of NH3. These results provided valuable insights for the drafting of legislation related to the achievement of sustainable transport in Europe.
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Étude expérimentale et numérique de la dispersion d'aérosols dans le sillage d'une roue de véhicule / Experimental and numerical study of fine particles spreading in the vehicle wheel near wakeGérardin, Fabien 17 March 2009 (has links)
S’il est admis que la pollution particulaire observée sur les sites industriels est issue des étapes de production et de fabrication, il est en revanche peu fréquent de considérer le phénomène d’aérosolisation de particules provoqué par le passage du véhicule. Qu’il s’agisse de routes goudronnées ou de voies industrielles, la circulation de véhicule est à l’origine de l’envol de particules présentes naturellement à leur surface. Anecdotique dans certaines situations urbaines, cette source d’émission peut se révéler très préoccupante dans un contexte industriel. L’exposition des travailleurs aux particules dans des secteurs d’activités tels que les carrières, les chantiers BTP, les cimenteries, etc. constitue une préoccupation majeure pour les hygiénistes industriels. Sur la base d’une recherche bibliographique, les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont consacrés à la caractérisation de la source d’émission principale. Ils visent une description aérodynamique détaillée du sillage d’une roue de véhicule et l’illustration, pour les différentes configurations expérimentales, de la répartition spatiale des particules aérosolisées en aval du point de contact de la roue avec le sol. Ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans un cadre expérimental élargi à la simulation. Adossé à une étude numérique, l’ensemble de l’expérimentation s’est déroulé en laboratoire dans des conditions opératoires maîtrisées. A terme, cette investigation scientifique posera les fondements d’une réflexion sur les moyens technologiques qui pourront être déployés pour garantir une atténuation significative des émissions de poussières provoquées par la circulation de véhicules en situation industrielle / Whilst it is common knowledge that fuel combustion in a motorised vehicle generates gaseous and particulate pollution, particles emission caused by a travelling vehicle is accounted for to a much lesser extent. Whether a vehicle is moving on motorways, roads, unpaved roads or industrial soils, it projects particles that are naturally present on the ground. This case represents a significant diffuse emission source, depending principally on the speed of the vehicle, on the load and on the humidity of the road surface material. Studying the aerodynamic behaviour of air in the vicinity of wheels under real conditions is not easy from an experimental point of view and numerical models are difficult to validate. Insufficient knowledge of this issue and the complexity of this type of aerodynamic behaviour support the preferred option of studying a simple case, such as an isolated wheel The goal of this work is to provide background information on the aerosol spreading in the field close to a vehicle rotating wheel. From a state of the art on this issue, this study was to assess the airflow and particles experimental behaviour around a wheel integrating the presence of patterns on the surface of the tire. While not claim a comparative study between different pattern geometries, this work is to highlight the differences between flow around a smooth wheel and patterned wheel. This research is based on the experimentation extended to the simulation. It will be the bases for a reflection on the possibilities of devices development to reduce dust emissions caused by the movement of industrial vehicles
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Charakterisierung von 16alpha-[18F]Fluorestradiol-3,17beta-disulfamat als potentieller Tracer für die Positronen-Emissions-TomographieRodig, Heike 08 May 2002 (has links)
In den westlichen Industrieländern ist Brustkrebs die häufigste krebsbedingte Todesursache bei Frauen. Bei der Diagnose von Brustkrebs ist für bestimmte Fragestellungen die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) eine wichtige Ergänzung zur Mammographie und Sonographie. Die derzeit eingesetzten PET-Tracer 2-[18F]Fluor-2-desoxy-D-Glucose (FDG) und 16a-[18F]Fluor-17b-estra--diol (FES) können Mammakarzinome bzw. deren Metastasen nicht mit 100%iger Sicherheit nachweisen. Aus diesem Grund wurde eine [18F]-markierte Verbin-dung entwickelt, die möglicherweise die diagnostische Sicherheit bei Brustkrebs erhöhen kann: [18F]16a-Fluorestradiol-3,17b-disulfamat ([18F]FESDS). [18F]FESDS sollt dabei an Estronsulfatase binden, die in Mammakarzinomen signifikant höher exprimiert wird. Es wurde geprüft, ob [18F]FESDS für die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie eignet ist. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Estronsulfatase nicht das alleinige Target von [18F]FESDS darstellt. Auch die Carboanhydrase hat eine sehr hohe Affinität zu dem potentiellen Tracer. Durch selektive Hemmung der Carboanhydrase mit Azetazolamid konnte jedoch in vitro die Estronsulfatase dargestellt werden. In vivo ist es nicht gelungen, mit [18F]FESDS die Estronsulfatase bei vorliegender Carboanhydrase-Hemmung besser darzustellen. Die Daten deuten darauf hin, dass eine Darstellung der Estronsulfatase mit der PET weder mit dem Radiotracer [18F]FESDS allein noch bei Koinjektion von [18F]FESDS mit Azetazolamid (zur CA-Hemmung) möglich ist.
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The Science Based Targets initiative: Its impact on the financial results and the determinants to joing / Initiativet Science Based Targets: Dess inverkan på finansiella resultat och faktorer för att ansluta sigPineda Pérez, Beatriz January 2023 (has links)
We are currently experiencing a climate crisis. The planet’s temperature is rising considerably due to the emission of greenhouse gases generated by human activities. This situation poses a challenge for everyone, including companies. Private sector actors are taking actions to mitigate the consequences of climate change, such as global warming. Some of these measures are imposed by national regulations, and others are motivated by the firms' own will. The latter include Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), a voluntary initiative that supports companies in setting climate targets to reduce emissions in line with climate science and the Paris Agreement. The number of companies taking action through participation in it is growing. However, SBTis a young initiative that should be further explored, as more research is needed on its effects. This master’s thesis responds to this gap by studying the impact of joining the SBTi on the financial performance of companies measured through stock returns, volatility and financial risk. For this purpose, the Difference-in-Differences (DiD) statistical technique has been applied through a linear regression model to a sample of 4869 companies. It includes both SBTi member and non-members. At the same time, this research also addresses a second objective, to estimate the determinants to join SBTi, since this is a voluntary action, through a Probit model. It has been found that there is a negative relationship when the financial variable is stock return. While when volatility and financial risk are measured, there is no statistically significant effect. These findings show that being a member of SBTi could reduce investor returns, but does not influence the other two financial indicators. This suggests that investors are not attracted to these companies and may indicate that they see the initiative as a costly distraction. Also, as investors manage their portfolios to reduce market downturns, investing in firms that are part of the initiative will not be something they will consider in terms of their votality. Although the initiative's objectives and commitments help to mitigate climate risks by encouraging the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, they do not generate significant impacts on the level of financial risk, according to the observations. Regarding the results on the likelihood of joining SBTi, it was found that companies that produce lower returns to investors, have lower stock price fluctuations, have higher financial risk and pollute less, are more likely to be members. This suggests that the initiative should drive its efforts towards companies with these characteristics. This study is innovative in its field in that it addresses a topic of current interest but that has been little explored, the SBTi. It applies two methodologies, regression analysis through DiD and Probit model, but with global panel data, which makes it more challenging. This master’s thesis contributes to the research community in three ways. First, it fills a gap providing new insights into SBTi from a financial perspective. Second, it informs the initiative itself of the implications of its activity and makes it easier to identify potential members and attract them. Third, it can be useful for investors who want to be part of the fight against climate change and include these companies in their portfolios, but want to know the financial consequences of doing so. / Vi upplever för närvarande en klimatkris. Planetens temperatur stiger avsevärt på grund av utsläppen av växthusgaser som genereras av mänsklig verksamhet. Denna situation utgör en utmaning för alla, inklusive företag. Privata aktörer vidtar åtgärder för att mildra konsekvenserna av klimatförändringar, såsom global uppvärmning. Vissa av dessa åtgärder föreskrivs av nationella regleringar, medan andra motiveras av företagens egna vilja. Det senare inkluderar SBTi, en frivillig initiativ som stödjer företag i att fastställa klimatmål för att minska utsläppen i linje med klimatvetenskapen och Parisavtalet. Antalet företag som vidtar åtgärder genom deltagande i initiativet ökar. Dock är SBTi en ung initiativ som bör undersökas mer, eftersom merforskning behövs om dess effek. Denna avhandling fyller detta gap genom att studera effekten av att delta i SBTi på företagens finansiella prestationer, mätt genom aktieavkastning, volatilitet och finansiell risk. För detta ändamål har den statistiska tekniken DiD tillämpats genom en linjär regressionsmodell på ett urval av 4869 företag. Det omfattar både medlemmar och icke-medlemmar av SBTi. Samtidigt behandlar denna forskning även ett andra mål, att uppskatta faktorer som påverkar beslutet att delta i SBTi, eftersom detta är en frivillig åtgärd, genom en Probit-modell. Det har konstaterats att det finns ett negativt samband när den finansiella variabeln är aktieavkastning. När volatilitet och finansiell risk mäts finns det däremot ingen statistiskt signifikant effekt. Dessa resultat visar att att vara medlem i SBTi kan minska avkastningen för investerare, men påverkar inte de andra två finansiella indikatorerna. Detta tyder på att investerare inte lockas av dessa företag och kan indikera att de ser initiativet som en kostsam distraktion. Dessutom, eftersom investerare hanterar sina portföljer för att minska marknadsnedgångar, kommer investeringar i företag som är en del av initiativet inte vara något de överväger med avseende på volatilitet. Även om initiativets mål och åtaganden bidrar till att mildra klimatrisker genom att främja minskning av koldioxidutsläppen, genererar de inte signifikanta effekter på finansiell risknivå enligt observationerna. Vad gäller resultaten angående sannolikheten att delta i SBTi, visade det sig att företag som ger lägre avkastning till investerare, har lägre aktieprisfluktuationer, har högre finansiell risk och förorenar mindre, har större sannolikhet att vara medlemmar. Detta tyder på att initiativet bör rikta sina ansträngningar mot företag med dessa egenskaper. Denna studie är nyskapande inom sitt område genom att den behandlar ett ämne av aktuellt intresse men som är relativt outforskat, nämligen SBTi. Den tillämpar två metoder, regressionsanalys med DiD och en Probit-modell, men med globala paneldata, vilket gör det mer utmanande. Denna avhandling bidrar till forskarsamhället på tre sätt. För det första fyller den en lucka genom att ge nya insikter om SBTi ur ett finansiellt perspektiv. För det andra informerar den själva initiativet om konsekvenserna av dess verksamhet och underlättar identifieringen av potentiella medlemmar och att locka dem. För det tredje kan den vara användbar för investerare som vill vara en del av kampen mot klimatförändringar och inkludera dessa företag i sina portföljer, men som vill känna till de finansiella konsekvenserna av att göra det.
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Uppskattningar av utsläpp från anläggningsmaskiner : En förstudie / Estimating emissions from construction equipment : A prestudyHalldin, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Byggbranschens resurs och energianvändning är en av de främsta orsakerna till global uppvärmningoch står i Sverige för 20% av de totala utsläppen under ett år. För att minska utsläppen frånbyggarbetsmaskiner kan bland annat energieffektivare maskiner användas på byggarbetsplatser.Examensarbetet har utförts på Skanska Rental i syfte att i framtiden kunna synliggöra utsläppen fråndessa maskiner. Detta genom att ta fram hur uppskattningar av utsläppen kan utföras, samt presenterasför kunder som hyr maskiner. I denna förstudie genomfördes en gruppintervju med kunder, enlitteraturgranskning av fem olika beräkningsmetoder samt två individuella intervjuer angåendedatainsamling. Gruppintervjun visade att kunder gärna vill ta del av hur mycket utsläpp en maskinproducerar, och att de med informationen kan fatta mer hållbara beslut än de gör idag.Litteraturgranskningen visade att alla fem beräkningsmetoder kan användas för att uppskattautsläppen i drift för en anläggningsmaskin, men att de har olika för- och nackdelar. Europeiskamiljöbyråns nivå tre beräkning anses vara bäst lämpad för Skanska Rental. Detta eftersom den utgårfrån en hög detaljnivå vilket ger möjlighet att jämföra specifika maskiner mot varandra. Den användersig även främst av information som är tillgänglig från tillverkare och standardvärden från EEAshandbok för utsläppsberäkningar (Winther & Dore, 2019). Den data som kan behöva samlas in ärtiden en maskin spenderar i drift samt vilket arbetsmoment maskinen utfört under den tiden. Detta kanöka träffsäkerheten av uppskattningen, eftersom mer representativa belastningsfaktorer kan användasför maskinens arbetstid. I de individuella intervjuerna lyfts bland annat sensorer som ett alternativ tillatt samla den typen av data. Avslutningsvis uppmuntras tillverkare att ta fram livscykelanalyser avsina maskiner, samt att fler studier utförs med livscykelperspektivet inkluderat. Detta eftersomelektriska maskiner identifierats som en framtida utveckling inom branschen. / The construction industry's use of resources and energy is one of the main causes of global warming,and is responsible for 20% of Sweden's annual emissions. In order to reduce the emissions fromconstruction equipment, more energy efficient equipment can be used on construction sites. Thisbachelor's thesis was carried out at Skanska Rental in the purpose of, in the future, being able to showthe emissions of their products. This work was done to find out how emissions from constructionequipment can be estimated and presented to customers. In this prestudy, one group interview withcustomers was conducted, as well as a literature review of five different calculation methods foremissions, and two individual interviews regarding data collection. The group interview showed thatcustomers would like to know how much emissions the equipment produces, and that their sustainabledecision making can improve with that information. The literature review showed that all fivecalculation methods can be used to estimate the emissions, but that they have different pros and cons.The European environment agency’s tier 3 calculation is seen as the best suited for Skanska rental.The main reason for this is the high level of detail, which allows specific equipment to be compared toeach other. The method mainly uses information which can be acquired from manufacturers andstandard values from the EEA handbook for calculating emissions (Winther & Dore, 2019). The datawhich might need to be collected is the operating time of the equipment, and what work is being doneduring that time. This can be used to increase the accuracy of the estimate, since more representativeload factors can be used for the operating time of the equipment. In the individual interviews, sensorsare brought up as an alternative for gathering this data. Finally, more studies are encouraged to becarried out with the life cycle perspective included, and that manufacturers should produce life cycleanalyses of their equipment. This is because electric equipment has been identified as a futuredevelopment within the field.
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A Study of Additive manufacturing Consumption, Emission, and Overall Impact With a Focus on Fused Deposition ModelingTimothy Simon (9746375) 28 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Additive manufacturing (AM) can
be an advantageous substitute to various traditional manufacturing
techniques. Due to the ability to
rapidly create products, AM has been traditionally used to prototype more
efficiently. As the industry has progressed, however, use cases have gone
beyond prototyping into production of complex parts with unique
geometries. Amongst the most popular of
AM processes is fused deposition modeling (FDM). FDM fabricates products through an extrusion
technique where plastic filament is heated to the glass transition temperature
and extruded layer by layer onto a build platform to construct the desired
part. The purpose of this research is to
elaborate on the potential of this technology, while considering environmental
impact as it becomes more widespread throughout industry, research, and
<p>Although AM consumes resources
more conservatively than traditional methodologies, it is not free from having
environmental impacts. Several studies have shown that additive manufacturing
can affect human and environmental health by emitting particles of a dynamic
size range into the surrounding environment during a print. To begin this
study, chapters investigate emission profiles and characterization of emissions
from FDM 3D printers with the intention of developing a better understanding of
the impact from such devices. Background work is done to confirm the occurrence
of particle emission from FDM using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
plastic filament. An aluminum bodied 3D printer is enclosed in a chamber and
placed in a Class 1 cleanroom where measurements are conducted using high
temporal resolution electrical low-pressure impactor (ELPI), scanning mobility
particle sizer (SMPS), and optical particle sizer (OPS), which combined measure
particles of a size range 6-500nm. Tests
were done using the NIST standard test part and a honeycomb infill cube. Results from this study show that particle
emissions are closely related to filament residence time in the extruder while
less related to extruding speed. An
initial spike of particle concentration is observed immediately after printing,
which is likely a result of the long time required to heat the extruder and bed
to the desired temperature. Upon conclusion of this study, it is theorized that
particles may be formed through vapor condensation and coagulation after being
released into the surrounding environment.</p>
<p>With confirmation of FDM
ultrafine particle emission at notable concentrations, an effort was
consequently placed on diagnosing the primary cause of emission and energy
consumption based on developed hypotheses. Experimental data suggests that
particle emission is mainly the result of condensing and agglomerating
semi-volatile organic compounds. The
initial emission spike occurs when there is dripping of semi-liquid filament
from the heated nozzle and/or residue left in the nozzle between prints; this
supports the previously stated hypothesis regarding residence time. However,
the study shows that while printing speed and material flow influence particle
emission rate, the effects from these factors are relatively insignificant.
Power profile analysis indicates that print bed heating and component
temperature maintaining are the leading contributors to energy consumption for FDM
printers, making time the primary variable driving energy input.</p>
<p>To better understand the severity
of FDM emissions, further investigation is necessary to diligence the makeup of
the process output flows. By collecting exhaust discharge from a Makerbot
Replicator 2x printing ABS filament and diffusing it through a type 1 water
solution, we are able to investigate the chemical makeup of these compounds.
Additional exploration is done by performing a filament wash to investigate
emissions that may already be present before extrusion. Using solid phase
micro-extraction, contaminants are studied using gas chromatography mass
spectrometry (GCMS) thermal desorption. Characterization of the collected
emission offers more comprehensive knowledge of the environmental and human
health impacts of this AM process.</p>
<p>Classification of the
environmental performance of various manufacturing technologies can be achieved
by analyzing their input and output material, as well as energy flows. The unit
process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) is a proficient approach to developing
reusable models capable of calculating these flows. The UPLCI models can be connected to estimate
the total material and energy consumption of, and emissions from, product
manufacturing based on a process plan. The final chapter focuses on using the
knowledge gained from this work in developing UPLCI model methodology for FDM,
and applying it further to the second most widely used AM process:
stereolithography (SLA). The model created for the FDM study considers material
input/output flows from ABS plastic filament.
Energy input/output flows come from the running printer, step motors,
heated build plate, and heated extruder. SLA also fabricates parts layer by
layer, but by the use of a photosensitive liquid resin which solidifies when
cured under the exposure of ultraviolet light. Model material input/output
flows are sourced from the photosensitive liquid resin, while energy
input/output flows are generated from (i) the projector used as the ultraviolet
light source and (ii) the step motors. As shown in this work, energy flow is
mostly time dependent; material flows, on the other hand, rely more on the
nature of the fabrication process. While a focus on FDM is asserted throughout
this study, the developed UPLCI models show how conclusions drawn from this
work can be applied to different forms of AM processes in future work.</p>
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Spatial Modeling of the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in the Contiguous USAUddin, Muhammad Salaha January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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