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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza využití IS v obchodním controllingu energetické společnosti / Information System usage analysis in the sales controlling department of enegry company

Benešová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis covers the process analysis in sales controlling department of an energy company from the point of view of effectiveness of information system support. Based on this analysis is provided evaluation of the system implementation. According to the importance of the practical part of the thesis, it is not divided from the theoretical part, but it penetrates the theory withint the whole thesis. the main scope of controlling and information system is first introduced in the beginning of the thesis, followed by the process description and its analysis. Conclusion includes all essential findings and evaluation of premilinary hypotesis.

Podnikatelský plán pro rozvoj malé firmy / Business Plan for Small Company Development

Sehnalová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This master`s thesis is concerned with a business plan of changing the heating medium. The thesis analyses the current conditions and problems of the company, and offers a business plan, implementation of which will increase the profit of the company and ensure its future growth.

Společenská odpovědnost ve vybrané společnosti

SLAVÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of corporate social responsibility in the energy company E.ON, both in the Czech Republic and in Europe. The first part describes the topic of social responsibility in general and related topics closely related to the of social responsibility are mentioned. The methodical part describes the data processing itself as it was done in the practical part and what methods were used for the evaluate-on. The practical part describes E.ON in the Czech Republic as well as in Europe. Activities around social responsibility are described in selected regional units. All activities related to social responsibility were mapped in the E.ON CZECH Group. The second part consists of a questionnaire survey of employees of E.ON CZECH, where the aim was to find out employees' awareness of social responsibility in the company.

Energibolag genom den unga miljöopportunistens lins : En receptionsstudie i studenters tolkningar av energibolags miljörelaterade kommunikation

Möller, Evelina, Matts, Daniella January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Marketingová komunikace - zákaznická orientace v energetické společnosti E.ON / Marketing communication - customer orientation in the energy company E.ON

GLÁSEROVÁ, Vladimíra January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation introducec individual tools of marketing communication in the energy company E.ON. According to research MAC/BRAND, diskussions with the company managers and own consideration was solved the efficiency of individual tools and potential improvement suggestions.

Совершенствование риск-ориентированного подхода к управлению охраной труда и промышленной безопасностью в Филиале «Свердловский» ПАО «Т Плюс» : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of the risk-oriented approach to occupational health and industrial safety management in Branch “Sverdlovskij” of PJSC “T Plus”

Земцов, Л. Е., Zemtsov, L. E. January 2019 (has links)
Рост штрафов, репутационные риски при несоблюдении требований охраны труда и промышленной безопасности, экономический ущерб от аварий и т.д. – это вызовы, стоящие перед энергокомпаниями. Переход России на риск-ориентированный подход к управлению охраной труда и промышленной безопасностью требует ввод новых методов управления в существующие бизнес-процессы. Цель диссертации – совершенствование действующих систем управления охраной труда и промышленной безопасностью в энергокомпании. Научная новизна предполагает: обобщение мирового опыта управления охраной труда и промышленной безопасностью в энергокомпаниях; оценку актуальных тенденций развития данной сферы; а также совершенствование существующих систем управления охраной труда и промышленной безопасностью для Филиала «Свердловский» ПАО «Т Плюс». Полученные результаты позволят Филиалу «Свердловский» поэтапно перейти на риск-ориентированный подход к управлению процессами не только в области охраны труда, но и промышленной безопасности и привести внутренние бизнес-процессы в этой сфере к требованиям вновь вводимых нормативных и законодательных актов России. / The growth of fines, reputational risks in case of non-compliance with the requirements of occupational health and industrial safety, economic loss from accidents, etc. – are the challenges facing energy companies. Russia's transition to a risk-oriented approach to occupational health and industrial safety management requires the introduction of new management methods into existing business processes. The aim of the dissertation is to improve the existing management systems of occupational and industrial safety in the energy company. The scientific novelty assumes: generalization of world experience of occupational and industrial safety management in energy companies; assessment of actual tendencies of this sphere; as well as improvement of existing systems of occupational and industrial safety management for Branch “Sverdlovskij” of PJSC “T Plus”. The obtained results will allow Branch “Sverdlovskij” to gradually move to a risk-oriented approach to managing processes not only in the field of occupational health safety, but also industrial safety and bring internal business processes in this area to the requirements of the newly introduced regulatory and legislative acts in Russia.


[pt] A auditoria e o monitoramento contínuo visam melhorar a eficiência das operações na empresa, identificando e avaliando riscos de maneira tempestiva e provendo rapidamente informações críticas à alta administração para uma melhor tomada de decisão. Mediante a adoção de ferramentas de controle incorporadas aos sistemas de informação ou a utilização de softwares apropriados, a auditoria e o monitoramento contínuo propiciam o acompanhamento em tempo real dos processos empresariais. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal desenvolver e aplicar em uma empresa do setor elétrico brasileiro uma metodologia para estabelecer e hierarquizar regras de monitoramento de processos de negócio, na perspectiva de implementação futura de uma plataforma tecnológica de auditoria contínua. Mais especificamente, a metodologia compreende a seleção dos processos auditáveis com maior exposição ao risco; identificação de eventos de risco associados a esses processos; e estabelecimento e hierarquização de regras de monitoramento propriamente ditas. A pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada, descritiva e participativa e teve como estratégia principal a adoção do método de estudo de caso, com a realização de oficinas de trabalho para a coleta de dados primários. Destacam-se como resultados: (i) a revisão crítica da literatura existente sobre auditoria contínua; (ii) uma metodologia para estabelecer e hierarquizar regras de monitoramento associadas a processos de maior exposição a risco para fins do projeto de auditoria continua em uma empresa do setor elétrico brasileiro; e (iii) demonstração da aplicabilidade e efetividade da metodologia proposta, conforme descrito no estudo de caso. / [en] Continuous monitoring and audit aim at improving the efficiency of operations at the company, identifying and timely assessing risks for providing critical information to senior management for better decision-making processes. By adopting control tools embedded in company s information systems or by using specialized software, continuous monitoring and audit provide real-time assessment of business processes. This dissertation aims to develop and apply in a Brazilian power energy company a methodology for establishing and hierarchizing monitoring rules for the purpose of continuous monitoring and audit. The proposed methodology encompasses selection of business processes with greater exposure to risk; identification of risk events associated with those processes; and establishment of monitoring rules themselves. This research can be classified as applied, descriptive, methodological and participatory. Its methodological approach includes the development of a case study and workshops for collecting primary data. The main results can be summarized as follows: (i) critical review of existing literature on continuous audit; (ii) a methodology designed for establishing and hierarchizing monitoring rules with the purpose of continuous monitoring and audit at a Brazilian power energy company selected for this research; and (iii) demonstration of the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed methodology according to the results presents in the case study.

Návrh elektronického zabezpečovacího systému jako část fyzického zabezpečení energetických objektů kritické infrastruktury / Proposal of an electronic security system as part of the physical securing of critical infrastructure energetic objects

Mihálik, Andrej January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the design of an electronic security system as part of the physical security for the energy company in the Czech Republic. The electronic security system is designed to meet all legal requirements, internal directives and has also passed ISO 27001 certification. The Implementation of the security system is demonstrated on the selected object of the company that belongs to the elements of the critical infrastructure.

Upplevelsestrategi vid kundinteraktioner : En jämförandestudie om kundupplevelsen i kundservice på bank och elhandelsbolag / Experience strategy in customer touch points : A comparative study in the use of Customer Experience within the customer service at a bank and an energy company

Awaijan, Sara, Karlsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The rapid development of today’s society is accelerated with digitalization and the customers have more possibilities to compare businesses with each-other than before. The focus on Customer Experience have increased in popularity during the last decade and an increasing number of companies have begun to consider the importance of their customers, the society, and their personnel. This study explores the customer experience in two companies in different industries and how it can be expanded to increase competitiveness and the emotional value towards the customers. An energy company and a bank are compared regarding their operations surrounding customer focus and employee commitment to identify challenges and possibilities in combination to increased digitalization. This study investigates how Customer Experience Management can be introduced, which is a corporate strategy to lift the emotional aspects of a company in order to increase the connection to its customers. The study compares two companies through qualitative interviews and a quantitative employee survey to answer three research questions; (1) the current way in which the companies operate, (2) possibilities to develop through Customer Experience Management, and finally (3) how digital tools can be introduced in order to elevate the customer experience. The analysis combines the empirical findings with literature and theories to enable development for businesses who aim to increase their customer focus and customer experience concerning customer service and the organization. The findings of this study show that the companies have opportunities to progress in areas such as strategic focus, organizational culture and the potential to implement digital tools in order to increase the customer experience. Important factors which are considered drivers in the customer experience are ways to increase the customer satisfaction and loyalty, the commitment and motivation of the employees, as well as expressed strategies to saturate the organization. An increased focus on emotional value creation is considered crucial for companies to differentiate and increasing their competitiveness. / I dagens samhälle går utvecklingen snabbt med hjälp av digitaliseringens framfart och kunder har mer och mer möjligheter till att jämföra företag mellan varandra. Att fokusera på kundupplevelser har ökat i popularitet under de senaste åren där fler och fler företag inser vikten av att bry sig om sina kunder, samhället och sin personal. Denna studie undersöker kundupplevelsen på två företag och vad som kan göras för att utveckla den. Ett energibolag och en bank jämförs i deras arbetssätt kring kundfokus och medarbetarengagemang inom kundservice för att identifiera utmaningar och möjligheter i samband med ökad digitalisering. Studien undersöker hur man kan introducera Customer Experience Management, vilket är en ledningsstrategi som fokuserar på att lyfta företagens emotionella delar för att skapa starkare band till kunderna och öka konkurrenskraften. Studien jämför två företag genom djupintervjuer och en medarbetarenkät för att svara på tre forskningsfrågor som handlar om; (1) det nuvarande arbetssättet, (2) utvecklingsmöjligheter från ett perspektiv kring Customer Experience Management, och slutligen (3) hur digitala verktyg kan introduceras för att höja kundupplevelsen. Analysen kombinerar de empiriska fynden med litteratur och teorier för att ge möjligheter till utveckling för företag som vill utveckla sitt kundfokus och kundupplevelse inom kundservice och organisationen i sig. Slutsatserna visar att företagen har utmaningar inom områden så som strategiskt fokus, organisationskultur och potential för digitala verktyg som kan användas för att höja kundupplevelsen i företagen. Viktiga parametrar som identifieras som drivande för att öka kundupplevelsen är bland annat verktyg för att öka kundnöjdhet och lojalitet, medarbetarnas engagemang och motivation samt uttalade strategiska val som genomsyrar hela organisationen. Att fokusera på emotionellt värdeskapande i företagen ses som en grundläggande utvecklingsmöjlighet för företag som vill differentiera sig och öka konkurrenskraften.

Energieffektivisering och beslutsfattande inom fastighetsbranschen : En studie av hur ett energibolag kan bistå fastighetsägare / Energy efficiency and decision making in real estate : A study of how an energy company can assist property owners

Camaj Ericson, Therese January 2014 (has links)
I Sverige står byggnader för nästan 40 procent av den totala energiförbrukningen och energibesparingspotentialen är enorm. Samtidigt dyker det upp mängder med aktörer som vill hjälpa fastighetsägare att energieffektivisera och allt fler energitjänster introduceras till marknaden. Möjligheterna för ett samarbete mellan fastighetsbolag och företag som erbjuder energitjänster har aldrig varit större, och en av dessa aktörer är energibolagen. Konkurrensen är dock hård och för att säkerställa sin konkurrenskraft på marknaden krävs effektiva samarbeten, där kundnöjdhet är i fokus, vilket i sin tur ökar behovet av kundkännedom hos energibolagen. Syftet med denna studie är att hjälpa energibolaget Elkraft Sverige att förstå olika fastighetsbolags energisituation och behov av energitjänster, samt rekommendera hur de bör utveckla sitt energitjänsteerbjudande för att kunna bistå dessa kunder på bästa sätt i framtiden. Detta gjordes genom att olika typer av svenska fastighetsbolag kartlades och analyserades med avseende på deras energisituation, beslutsfattande gällande energifrågor samt behov av energitjänster. För att samla in data genomfördes först en litteraturstudie, sedan semi-strukturerade intervjuer med högt uppsatta beslutsfattare samt en enkätundersökning. Slutsatsen blev att Elkraft Sverige bör finslipa sina befintliga energitjänster och komplettera sitt begränsade erbjudande genom att ingå externa allianser med kompetenta aktörer. Intresset för energitjänster kommer att öka i framtiden och för att säkerställa att energitjänstekoncepten är väletablerade när efterfrågan kommer, måste Elkraft Sverige agera proaktivt börja spetsa till dem redan nu. Fokus bör ligga på att ta fram en bra energianalysmodell, som aktivt utvärderas genom att man jobbar med feedback från kunder som nyttjar energitjänsten. Vidare bör Elkraft Sverige anamma rollen som en trygg, rådgivande aktör, och fokus måste ligga på kundnöjdhet, inte bara levererad energi. Genom att satsa på energitjänster kan företaget nämligen stärka sina kundrelationer, vilket är ett sätt att säkerställa framtida leveranser. Elkraft Sverige bör dessutom se till att personalstyrkan är kompetent och har relevanta utbildningar i bagaget. Detta i kombination med att de anställda på företaget är lyhörda, och känner av vilket individuellt behov kunden har, är extremt viktigt på en så pass konkurrensutsatt marknad som energitjänstemarknaden. Förtroende är nämligen oerhört viktigt och energibolag rankas ofta negativt på trovärdighetsskalan. Sist men inte minst är det viktigt att Elkraft Sverige fortsätter vara uppmärksamma på de trender och förändringar som sker på energitjänstemarknaden. / Buildings stand for almost 40 percent of the energy usage in Sweden and the potential for energy efficiency within the sector is huge. Meanwhile, the market for energy services is growing vastly and the opportunities for collaboration between property owners and companies providing energy services is bigger than ever. One category that is trying to take a share of the new market is the energy companies. The competition is hard though, and to secure their position on the developing market, the energy companies must form new strategies, moving from exclusively delivering energy to also include energy services, which require a new customer perspective. The purpose of this study is to help the energy company Elkraft Sverige to understand different type of property owners’ energy situation and need for energy services. The report aims to deliver a recommendation to Elkraft Sverige, describing how they should move forward with their development of energy services in order to support their customers in the best way possible. This was done by initially investigating different property owners’ energy situation, their decision-making regarding energy projects as well as their need for energy services. Next, the result was analyzed, and finally a recommendation was made. The data collection methods consisted of a literature study, semi-structured interviews and a survey. The interviewees comprised solely of decision-makers of high rank. The conclusion is that Elkraft Sverige should perfect their existing energy services and also look for external alliances to complement their limited offer. The company must act proactively and start to form their energy services immediately since the interest for energy services is increasing, and it is important to be ready when the demand rises. Their full attention should be directed towards designing a service regarding energy analysis, which should be updated when necessary, based on feedback provided by customers. Furthermore, Elkraft Sverige should embrace the role as a trustworthy company, and since energy services strengthen the customer contact, the company will secure future sales by broadening its focus to include customer satisfaction, not only delivered energy. Elkraft Sverige should also make sure that the company’s staff is competent and has been provided the relevant education. This is important because trust, which is secured through knowledge and motivation, is crucial if the company wants to land future sales. Also, they must keep their eyes open for changes on the ever-changing market for energy services.

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