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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bultförstärkning av berg vid konventionell tunneldrivning : En jämförelse av kamstålsbult och PC-bult / Rock Support in Conventional Tunneling : A comparison of rebar bolt and PC-bolt

Arleij, Axel, Åhlander, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
Vid tunneldrivning inom infrastrukturprojekt i Sverige är den mest förekommande bergbulten för permanenta förstärkningar den konventionella kamstålsbulten. En ingjuten bult utan förspänning. Montaget sker genom att med handkraft pressa in bulten i ett cementfyllt borrhål. Detta ger upphov till spill av cement och stor fysisk ansträngning, när tusentals bultar monteras i varje projekt. Den permanenta bergssäkringen uppnås först när den omslutande cementen har härdat. Detta medför ett moment i bergförstärkningsskedet där entreprenören måste säkra tunneln med temporära driftbultar.   För att undvika temporärbultning kan en förspänd ingjuten bult användas som permanent bult. Exemplet på en sådan bult är PC-bulten. Vid montage ger den en omedelbar driftsäkring och en permanent förstärkning genom injektering via det inre röret. Bulten blir då helt ingjuten av cement.  Syftet med studien är att jämföra PC-bulten med kamstålsbulten. Studien undersöker den förmodade nyttan i belastningsergonomi och ekonomi av att använda PC-bulten som permanent förstärkningsbult. Genom att utföra en styrd observation på ett studiebesök där tunneldrivning med bergförstärkning skedde har de båda bultarnas montagearbete jämförts ur belastningsergonomisk synpunkt. För att utreda skillnader i arbetsvolym och tidsåtgång utfördes beräkningar på ett sammanställt bultprotokoll. Beräkningarna visar vilken förstärkningsbult som medför den lägsta kostnaden för bultförstärkning.  Av resultatet i studien framgår det att det finns en stor potential i ett framtida användande av PC-bulten som permanent bult vid tunnelförstärkning. Potentialen ligger i en klart förbättrad arbetsmiljö i avseendet belastningsergonomi och i den tidsvinst framtida projekt kan nyttja. / The conventional rebar bolt, a grouted bolt with no pre-stress, is the most commonly used rock reinforcement bolt for tunneling in Swedish infrastructural projects. The assembly takes place by manually pushing the bolt into a borehole filled with grout. This gives rise to spillage and great physical exertion when thousands of bolts are mounted in each project.   Permanent safety is only achieved when the surrounding cement has cured. This entails a moment in the rock reinforcement stage where the contractor must secure the tunnel with temporary operating bolts.  To avoid temporary bolting, a pre-stressed bolt can be used as a permanent bolt. An example of such a bolt is the PC-bolt. When assembled, it provides immediate operational safety and permanent reinforcement by injection through the inner pipe. The bolt is then completely sealed with grout.  The purpose of the study is to compare the PC-bolt with the rebar bolt. The study explores the supposed benefit of economics and load ergonomics of using the PC-bolt as a permanent reinforcement bolt. By conducting a controlled observation on a field study to a site where tunneling with rock reinforcement occurred. The assembly of the two bolts has been compared out of a load ergonomic view point. In order to investigate differences in work volume and time, calculations were made on a compiled bolt protocol. The calculations show which reinforcement bolt results in the lowest cost of the assembly.  The result of the study shows that there is a great potential in the future use of the PC-bolt as a permanent bolt for tunneling. The potential lies in a clearly improved work environment regarding ergonomic loads and more time efficient installation that can be utilized in future projects.

The Complex Interplay between Health and Walking: Assessing Trip Purposes, Work Status, and Built Environment Associations

Pae, Gilsu 08 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Samarbete som resurs : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagares upplevelser av resurser i arbetet

Grönberg, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Sättet att organisera arbetet och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkar individernas välbefinnande, och idag är den vanligaste sjukskrivningsorsaken på grund av psykisk ohälsa (Lennéer Axelson & Thylefors, 2018). Detta grundar sig i bland annat bristfälliga organisatoriska och sociala villkor på arbetsplatsen. Därmed är syftet med uppsatsen att studera arbetstagares upplevelser av resurser i arbetet. Följande forskningsfrågor har besvarats: hur upplever arbetstagarna handlingsutrymme och egenkontroll i sitt arbete? Hur upplever arbetstagarna stöd från chef och kollegor i sitt arbete? Vilka likheter och skillnader kan identifieras i dessa upplevelser och hur kan de förstås? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsansats och fokuserar på resurser i arbetet med utgångspunkt i Karasek och Theorells (1990) krav-kontroll-stöd modell, dock har inte krav tagits i beaktandet eftersom studiens fokus ligger på resurser. Det har genomförts nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med arbetstagare inom en kommunförvaltningsledning i norra Norrland. Studiens resultat illustrerar betydelsen som möjligheten till egenkontroll och handlingsutrymme samt tillgång av socialt stöd kan ha för arbetstagarnas upplevelser av resurser och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Intervjudeltagarnas upplevelser avseende kontroll och stöd beskrevs övervägande som positivt. Resultatet påvisade att samtliga intervjudeltagare hade liknande upplevelser av kontroll och stöd. De kunde i stor utsträckning fatta egna beslut i sitt arbete, hade möjligheten att påverka arbetets utförande, upplevde socialt stöd från omgivningen samt saknade i viss mån feedback. / The way in which work is organized and the psychosocial work enviroment affect the wellbeing of individuals, and today the most common reason for sick leave is due to mental illness (Lennéer Axelson & Thylefors, 2018). This is based on among other things inadequate organizational and social conditions at the workplace. Thus, the purpose of this essay is to study employees experiences of resources at work. The following research questions havde been addressed: how do the workers experience scope for action and self-control in their work? How do the workers experience support from managers and colleauges in their work? What similarities and differences can be identified in these experiences and how can there be understood? The study is based on a qualitative research approach and focuses on resources in the work based on Karasek and Theorell´s (1990) requirements-control-support model, requirement have not been taken into account as the study´s focus is on resources. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees working in a municipal adminstration management in northern Norrland. The study´s results illustrate the importance that the possibility of selfcontrol and freedom of action, as well as access to social support, can have for the employees experience of resources and the psychososial work enviroment. The interview participants experience of control and support was described as positive, despite the fact that there were challenges in the work. The results showed that all interview participants had similar experiences of control and support. They could to a large extent make their own decisions in their work, had the opportunity to influence the execution of the work, experienced social support from their surroundings and to some extent lacked feedback.

Undervisning i hållbar utveckling i ett antal Grön Flagg-skolor : En kvalitativ studie om lärares mål och didaktiska verktyg i förhållande till de olika miljöundervisningstraditioner som råder / Education  within sustainable development in a number of Green Flag-schools : A qualitative study about teachers goals and didactic choices in relation to the three teaching traditions teachers can approach

Zareezade Palaric, Janet January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate a few primary school teachers approach to their education work in sustainable development. The teachers work in Green Flag schools, which is a network that offers teachers teaching material for the education in sustainable development. Research has shown that teachers lack of knowledge in how the education in sustainable development should be designed.   This study proceeds from these following questions: How does the interviwed teachers motivate their goals and didactic choices in the education of sustainable development? The investigation is based on a method triangulation. With qualitative interviews of six primary schools teachers and a text analysis of the teaching material the teachers use I am going to answer the questions of this study. Previous research has shown that there is three teaching traditions teachers can approach and in this study the aim of the teachers will be analyzed by the three traditions. The research shows that a normative teaching tradition is the most occurring teaching tradition with the education for sustainable development. The research also shows that teachers prefer to work  practical so that the students can experience the contents of sustainable development.

Stressens variationer : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av stress i en akutvårdskontext

Forslund, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Sjuksköterskeyrket, i synnerhet arbetet på akutmottagning, är ett yrke vars arbetsmiljö kantas av en mängd olika stressorer. Svenska sjuksköterskors arbete på akutmottagning i relation till stress är inte ett välstuderat ämne. Syftet i studien är att beskriva variationer i hur en grupp sjuksköterskor, verksamma vid akutmottagningar, uppfattar fenomenet stress i arbetsmiljön. Frågeställningarna i studien är: Vad erfar svenska sjuksköterskor som stressorer i arbetsmiljön? Hur påverkas sjuksköterskorna av arbetsrelaterad stress och hur hanteras den? Forskningsansatsen är av induktiv, kvalitativ och fenomenografisk karaktär. Datainsamlingen består av intervjuer med nio sjuksköterskor. Resultatet visade att de främsta stressorerna utlöses av bristande teamarbete, organisatoriska orsaker, ständiga avbrott i arbetet och en känsla av otillräcklighet. Informanterna upplevde flera aspekter av stress i arbetet och att de i olika grad påverkades av den arbetsrelaterade stressen på arbetet. Alla informanter, utom en, uppgav någon slags påverkan från arbetsrelaterad stress på fritiden. Vad gäller stressens påverkan identifierades följande kategorier; Påverkan på kropp och själ, stress som drivkraft, att de egna behoven blir sekundära samt påverkan i förmågan att kommunicera. Den vanligaste copingstrategin i denna studie var av problemlösande karaktär. Resultatet visade vissa likheter med internationella studier i ämnet tex att bristande teamarbete, avbrott i arbetet, konflikter i teamet, hög arbetsbelastning och krävande patienter och anhöriga är stressorer i arbetsmiljön. En slutsats i studien är att sjuksköterskorna sällan stressas av själva patientarbetet, det är andra faktorer i arbetsmiljön som uppfattas som stressorer. Detta underlättar förutsättningarna för ett förbättringsarbete. Studien visade att stressorer, stresspåverkan och stresshantering är av en mångfacetterad karaktär och att upplevelsen är högst personlig. Med en ökad kunskap om stress kan konstruktiva lösningar på problemet leda fram till en god arbetsmiljö. Sjuksköterskorna kan då ägna energi till att uppnå en patientvård i världsklass! / The nursing profession, in particular the work in the emergency department, is a work that is lined a with a variety of stressors. Swedish nurses working in the emergency department in relation to stress is not a well-studied subject. The purpose of the study is to describe variations in how a group of nurses, working in emergency departments, perceive the phenomenon of stress in their work environment. The questions in the study are: What does Swedish nurses experience as stressors in the work environment? How are the nurses affectetd by work-related stress and how is it handled? The research approach is inductive, qualitative and phenomenographic. Data collection consists of interviews with nine nurses. The results showed that the main stressors is triggered by a lack of teamwork, organizational reasons, constant interruptions at work and a feeling of inadequacy. The informants experienced several aspects of stress at work and that they in varying degrees were affected by work-related stress at work. All informants, except one, indicated some sort of impact of work-related stress at leisure. As to the impact of stress the following categories were identified; The effect on body and soul, stress as a driving force, the own needs become secondary and the effect of the ability to communicate. The most common coping strategy in this study were of the problem-solving nature. The results showed some similarities with the international studies on the subject such as the lack of team work, work interruptions, conflicts in the team, heavy workloads and demanding patients and families as stressors in the work environment. One conclusion of the study is that taking care of the patient rarely stresses nurses, there are other factors in the work environment that is perceived as stressors. This facilitates the conditions for improvement projects. The study showed that stressors and the impact of stress are of diverse nature. The experience is highly personal. With greater knowledge of stress constructive solutions can lead to a good working environment. The nurses can then devote energy to achieve a world class patient care!

Passeio aleatório unidimensional com ramificação em um meio aleatório K-periódico / One-dimensional random walk with branching in a random k-periodic enviroment.

Rocha, Josué Macario de Figueirêdo 25 October 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos um passeio aleatório, unidimensional com ramificação em Z+ em um meio aleatório não identicamente distribuído. Definimos recorrência e transiência para este processo e apresentamos um critério de classificação. / We study a \"supercritical\" branching random walk on Z+ in a one-dimensional non i.i.d. random environment, which considers both the branching mechanism and the step transition. Criteria of (strong) recurrence and transience are presented for this model.

Confiança interpessoal na sociedade de consumo: a perspectiva gerencial / Interpersonnel trust in the consume society: the management point of view

Novelli, Jose Gaspar Nayme 26 August 2004 (has links)
Este Estudo procura compreender a instalação e os efeitos da “sociedade de consumo", emergente nas últimas três décadas, sobre a confiança interpessoal no interior das organizações, do ponto de vista do quadro gerencial. Objetiva, adicionalmente, propor meios para tornar a confiança aspecto redutor da vulnerabilidade do homem no ambiente das organizações. O contexto da “sociedade de consumo" é analisado pelas categorias institucionais “dinamismo econômico" e “tranqüilidade social", que reconfiguram o grau de interdependência das pessoas no trabalho e trazem novos riscos e incertezas aos relacionamentos. Esse ambiente pode tanto atuar em favor da maior produtividade, quanto debilitar a coesão e os laços de cooperação no trabalho, o que implica reconstruir o conceito de confiança interpessoal sobre bases que agregam aspectos relacionados ao nível de análise, à natureza dos relacionamentos e às expectativas entre os atores envolvidos no processo de confiança. Os resultados das análises sugeriram a existência de uma ordem implícita para manifestação da confiança no interior das organizações: variáveis do ambiente economicamente dinâmico influenciam as variáveis da tranqüilidade social, que condicionam a confiança interpessoal. Além disso, observou-se que a confiança reduz a percepção de vulnerabilidade no trabalho, de maneira a criar um ciclo virtuoso: estimula a noção de possibilidade, que mobiliza para a ação, resultando em realizações e reconhecimento, que diminuem a complexidade do ambiente, não só tornando-o mais previsível, mas também alimentando a percepção de menor vulnerabilidade. / This study aims to understand both the establishment and effects of the “consumer society", a phenomenon that has increased over the last three decades, on interpersonal trust in organizations from the perspective of managers. Additionally, it aims to propose means of transforming trust into an aspect that reduces vulnerability when taking part in an organization’s complex environment. The “consumer society" condition is analyzed under the institutional categories of “economic dynamism" and “social tranquility". These interfere in people’s interdependence in their jobs and bring new risks and uncertainties to relationships. This environment can either help to increase productivity or to debilitate cohesion and cooperation in the workplace. This implies reconstructing the concept of interpersonal trust upon foundations that combine aspects related to the level of analysis, the nature of relationships and the expectations of the people involved in the process of trust. The results of the analysis suggested the existence of an implicit order for the manifestation of trust within organizations. The economically dynamic environment variables influence the social tranquility variables, which in turn cause interpersonal trust. It was also observed that trust reduces the perception of vulnerability in the workplace and creates a positive cycle. Trust stimulates the notion of possibility, which triggers action, resulting in accomplishments and recognition. This reduces the environment’s complexity, making it become more predictable while reinforcing the perception of less vulnerability.

Rozvoj komunikace u žáků se sluchovým postižením v ZŠ praktické / Communication development for hearing impaired pupils at basic

Orlíková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Master thesis titled Communication development for hearing impaired pupils at basic deals with connection between children's hearing impairment, early intervention and the whole communication development at children's family and school enviroment. First chapter is about family, family with impaired child and also about social cultural disadvantaged enviroment. Second chapter clarifies perception language and speech, describes speech development, language's sections, and the possibilities of alternative or augmentative communication. In third chapter deals with hearing, clasiffication of hearing impairment, describes hearing examination, possibilities of communication with hearing impaired people and what compensation aids they can use. Fourth chapter is about basic practical school, preparatory class and describes education of Roma children. Fifth chapter, practical part od thesis, describes all the research investigation. The goal of the investigation is the analysis of children's communation level at basic school and its preparatory class. To achieve this goal I used metods like observation, interwiev, documentation analysis, case report and tests. There were asked investigation questions. Results showed us, that the critical moment is the timing of the impairment detection and following...

Sazonalidade, refrigeração e diferentes tipos de recobrimento na conservação pós-colheita de estacas de cordiline (Cordyline rubra Hügel). / Seasonality, refrigeration and different types of coating on the postharvest conservation of Cordyline rubra Hügel cuttings.

Sakamoto, Nelson Mamoru 06 June 2005 (has links)
O mercado mundial de floricultura gera um fluxo de quase US$ 7bilhões anuais, atualmente concentrado em países como Holanda, Alemanha, Itália, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Equador, Quênia, Tailândia, Malásia, Israel e EUA. O Brasil ainda contribui pouco, aproximadamente 0,3% do total, sendo a participação brasileira concentrada na exportação de mudas, bulbos, flores e folhagens tropicais. O Brasil possui grande potencial exportador de flores e plantas ornamentais através da organização dos produtores, profissionalização do setor, apoio governamental e desenvolvimento técnico. O emprego de técnicas simples de armazenamento poderia viabilizar o transporte por modais que não o aéreo, reduzindo custos e podendo prolongar a vida útil dos produtos, criando um diferencial de qualidade em relação aos concorrentes. Este trabalho compara cinco diferentes tipos de recobrimento em estacas de Cordyline rubra Hügel (película amilácea, pasta de parafina no ápice, pasta de parafina no ápice e vermiculita umedecida na base, saco plástico ou sem recobrimento), sazonalidade (estacas coletadas durante primavera ou outono), dois ambientes de armazenamento (ambiente refrigerado a 10ºC ou temperatura ambiente 22-32ºC) e diferentes períodos de armazenamento (30, 60, 90 ou 120 dias), a fim de reduzir sua atividade biológica, perda de água e ataque de patógenos. Foi escolhida esta espécie por ser muito apreciada como planta ornamental devido à beleza de suas folhas, e exportada na forma de estacas de diferentes tamanhos. O experimento foi conduzido nas dependências do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo, no município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizadas 615 estacas com 30 cm de comprimento por 3 cm de diâmetro. Um lote testemunha sem armazenamento de 15 estacas foi colocado em leito de enraizamento. Cada tratamento foi composto por 30 estacas pré-tratadas (tipos de recobrimento), submetidas a diferentes períodos de armazenamento (30, 60, 90 ou 120 dias), sendo divididos em 2 sub-tratamentos de 15 estacas (temperatura ambiente ou refrigerada), totalizando 120 estacas. Após o armazenamento foram cortados 3 cm da base de cada estaca, em seguida tratadas com IBA a 10.000 mg/L e colocadas em leito de enraizamento. Após 90 dias foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: porcentagem de desenvolvimento, número e massas de matéria fresca e seca de brotos, raízes e rizomas. Observou-se que as estacas colhidas na primavera apresentaram melhor enraizamento e produção de massas secas e frescas. Os menores períodos de armazenamento proporcionam melhor desenvolvimento das estacas, bem como estacas armazenadas em ambiente refrigerado apresentaram melhores resultados do que as mantidas em temperatura ambiente. Os tipos de recobrimento que melhor conservaram as estacas, em ordem decrescente de resultados, foram o saco plástico, parafina no ápice e vermiculita umedecida na base, parafina no ápice, película de amido e sem recobrimento. Conclui-se que o método mais prático foi embalar as estacas em sacos plásticos por não necessitar de fonte de calor para o preparo da película. Quanto maiores os períodos de armazenamento, menores desenvolvimentos de brotos, raízes e rizomas; os melhores resultados foram obtidos com estacas colhidas na primavera e armazenadas em ambiente refrigerado. / The world market of floriculture, generates an annual flow of US$ 7billion, is currently based on countries like The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Kenya, Thayland, Malaysia, Israel and the USA. The Brazilian contribution to the total world market is approximately 0.3%, where the mains exports are cuttings, bulbs, tropical fresh cut flowers and foliages. Brazil, however, has a great potential to increase its export of flowers and other ornamental plants through the better organization of producers, professionalization of the sector, government support and technical development. The use of simple storage techniques, would enable the transport through other means than airplanes, consequently reducing costs and adding extra shelf life to the product, creating a quality differentiation in relation to competitors. This work was aimed at comparing five types of coating of Cordyline rubra Hügel cuttings (starch film, paraffin paste at the apex, paraffin past at the apex associated with moist vermiculite at the base of the cuttings, plastic bags or no coating), seasonality (cuttings harvested during spring or autumn), two types of enviromental temperatures (refrigeration under 10ºC or environmental temperature between 22-32ºC) and different lengths of time on storage (30, 60, 90 or 120 days), in order to reduce their biologycal activity, water loss and pathogen attacks. This specie is very appreciated as an ornamental plant due to the beauty of their foliage and is exported as cuttings of different sizes. The experiment was carried out at the Departament of Plant Production at "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo, in Piracicaba City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 615 cuttings were used, each measuring 30 cm by 3 cm diameter. A control group of 15 cuttings without storage was planted on rooting bed. Each treatment was comprised of 30 pre-coated cuttings (types of coating), stored at different periods (30.60, 90 or 120 days) and split into 2 sub-treatments of 15 cuttings, either stored at room temperature or under refrigeration, summing up 120 cuttings. After storage, each cutting had 3 cm excised from its base, prior to being treated with IBA 10.000 mg/L and placed at rooting beds. After 90 days, the following parameters were assessed: percentage of cuttings showing growth and development, number and fresh and dry matter of the shoots, roots and rhizoms. It was observed that cuttings obtained during the spring, showed better rooting and production of biomass. The shorter the storage periods the better the cutting sprouting. Cuttings stored under refrigeration showed better results than kept under room temperature. The types of coatings which best supported the longevity of the cuttings, in decrease order, were: plastic bag, paraffin paste at the apex and moist vermiculite at the base, paraffin on the apex, starch film and no coating. Such results allow to conclude that the most practical coating technique was found to be the use of plastic bags, which did not need heating for the prepare of the film. The longer the storage time the smallest the number of viable cuttings; best results where observed for cuttings harvested during the spring and kept under refrigeration storage.

Protagonismo Juvenil: um estudo a partir da série Mi país, nuestro mundo

Diniz, Priscilla Teixeira Lamy 22 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano (ppgmc@vm.uff.br) on 2017-08-25T13:13:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Protagonismo Juvenil um estudo a partir da série Mi país, nuestro mundo.pdf: 1168911 bytes, checksum: d526c944b265743b0232a4d25b27898b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jussara Moore (jussaramoore@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-30T16:37:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Protagonismo Juvenil um estudo a partir da série Mi país, nuestro mundo.pdf: 1168911 bytes, checksum: d526c944b265743b0232a4d25b27898b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-30T16:37:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Protagonismo Juvenil um estudo a partir da série Mi país, nuestro mundo.pdf: 1168911 bytes, checksum: d526c944b265743b0232a4d25b27898b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-22 / Este trabalho tem por objetivo problematizar o protagonismo juvenil em uma produção audiovisual focada em problemas ambientais locais. O objeto estudado compreende os vídeos da série Mi país, Nuestro Mundo, da TAL.TV, produzidos em 2012, na América Latina, constituída por 36 curtas, com aproximadamente 13 minutos de duração cada. A pesquisa analisa a participação de jovens na produção e realização destes documentários concebidos a partir de discussões e projetos ligados ao meio ambiente em nove países da América Latina: Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador, México, Paraguai, Uruguai e Venezuela. Busca-se discutir como é a produção desses documentários que mostram esses jovens investigando problemas, realizando ações e buscando soluções para as situações encontradas em suas regiões, em uma abordagem atravessada pelas demandas cotidianas / This work aims to problematize the youth protagonism in an audiovisual production focused on local environmental problems. The object studied comprises the videos of the series Mi país, Nuestro Mundo, from TAL.TV, produced in 2012, in Latin America, consisting of 36 short films, each approximately 13 minutes long. The research analyzes the participation of young people in the production and realization of these documentaries conceived from discussions and projects related to the environment in nine Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. We will discuss how the production of these documentaries shows these youngsters investigating problems, performing actions and seeking solutions to the situations found in their regions, in an approach crossed by the daily demands

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