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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High-frequency statistics for Gaussian processes from a Le Cam perspective

Holtz, Sebastian 04 March 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht Inferenz für Streuungsparameter bedingter Gaußprozesse anhand diskreter verrauschter Beobachtungen in einem Hochfrequenz-Setting. Unser Ziel dabei ist es, eine asymptotische Charakterisierung von effizienter Schätzung in einem allgemeine Gaußschen Rahmen zu finden. Für ein parametrisches Fundamentalmodell wird ein Hájek-Le Cam-Faltungssatz hergeleitet, welcher eine exakte asymptotische untere Schranke für Schätzmethoden liefert. Dazu passende obere Schranken werden konstruiert und die Bedeutung des Satzes wird verdeutlicht anhand zahlreicher Beispiele wie der (fraktionellen) Brownschen Bewegung, dem Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-Prozess oder integrierten Prozessen. Die Herleitung der Effizienzresultate basiert auf asymptotischen Äquivalenzen und kann für verschiedene Verallgemeinerungen des parametrischen Fundamentalmodells verwendet werden. Als eine solche Erweiterung betrachten wir das Schätzen der quadrierten Kovariation eines stetigen Martingals anhand verrauschter asynchroner Beobachtungen, welches ein fundamentales Schätzproblem in der Öknometrie ist. Für dieses Modell erhalten wir einen semi-parametrischen Faltungssatz, welcher bisherige Resultate im Sinne von Multidimensionalität, Asynchronität und Annahmen verallgemeinert. Basierend auf den vorhergehenden Herleitungen entwickeln wir einen statistischen Test für den Hurst-Parameter einer fraktionellen Brownschen Bewegung. Ein Score- und ein Likelihood-Quotienten-Test werden implementiert sowie analysiert und erste empirische Eindrücke vermittelt. / This work studies inference on scaling parameters of a conditionally Gaussian process under discrete noisy observations in a high-frequency regime. Our aim is to find an asymptotic characterisation of efficient estimation for a general Gaussian framework. For a parametric basic case model a Hájek-Le Cam convolution theorem is derived, yielding an exact asymptotic lower bound for estimators. Matching upper bounds are constructed and the importance of the theorem is illustrated by various examples of interest such as the (fractional) Brownian motion, the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or integrated processes. The derivation of the efficiency result is based on asymptotic equivalences and can be employed for several generalisations of the parametric basic case model. As such an extension we consider estimation of the quadratic covariation of a continuous martingale from noisy asynchronous observations, which is a fundamental estimation problem in econometrics. For this model, a semi-parametric convolution theorem is obtained which generalises existing results in terms of multidimensionality, asynchronicity and assumptions. Based on the previous derivations, we develop statistical tests on the Hurst parameter of a fractional Brownian motion. A score test and a likelihood ratio type test are implemented as well as analysed and first empirical impressions are given.

Essays in Information Economics

Wangenheim, Jonas von 23 August 2018 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei unabhängigen Artikeln in dem Forschungsfeld der Informationsökonomik. Ein wiederkehrendes Motiv in allen drei Artikeln ist die ambivalente Rolle von privater Information. In Kontrast zur klassischen Entscheidungstheorie, in der mehr Informationen Individuen niemals schlechter stellt, analysiere ich drei verschiedene Umgebungen, in denen mehr Konsumenteninformation die Konsumentenrente verringern kann. / This dissertation comprises three independent chapters in the field of information economics. The recurrent theme of all three chapters is the ambiguous role of information: While in standard decision theory additional information enables individuals to weakly increase utility through making better choices, I analyze three di erent environments in which more information to consumers may actually be detrimental to consumer utility.

Flux internationaux de capitaux et secret bancaire

Keufak Tameze, Hugues Magloire 29 November 2013 (has links)
Symbole de protection des libertés individuelles, le secret bancaire est perçu par les profanes, avec le développement de la criminalité financière transfrontalière, comme étant un élément qui favorise les fraudes, le blanchiment de capitaux, le financement du terrorisme ainsi que l’évasion fiscale. L’analyse juridique de cette institution nous montre qu’elle est l’élément le plus important de la réussite des opérations ayant pour but les flux internationaux de capitaux, et un facteur qui stimule la réussite économique et la mondialisation. La réglementation et la régulation des flux internationaux de fonds par un certain nombre de législations éparses et variées modifie considérablement la notion du secret bancaire. Une des caractéristiques fondamentales de ce bouleversement est qu’il institue des liens entre les différents opérateurs qui interviennent dans le contrat. Le contrôle de cette opération pousse les Etats à mutualiser leurs efforts et à se mettre ensemble en vue de défendre leurs intérêts financiers respectifs à travers la lutte contre les flux de capitaux illicites. Par ailleurs, la défense de ces intérêts financiers entraine incontestablement la redéfinition substantielle des missions du banquier d’une part, notamment sa façon de percevoir la relation avec la clientèle, de recueillir et d’échanger des informations, ainsi que la coopération avec les autorités publiques et de contrôle internes et internationales. D’autre part, on note du fait de cet élargissement de missions du banquier, une extension des risques pénaux à l’égard de ce dernier. Cependant, la dilution du secret bancaire à l’échelle internationale tant pour des nécessités contractuelles, que pour les nécessités de la lutte contre la criminalité entraine des dérives importantes se manifestant à travers le manque de stratégies adaptées permettant d’éviter dangers et de réagir en cas d’atteinte aux droits de l’Homme. D’où la nécessité de redéfinir un nouveau cadre juridique qui permet non seulement de limiter les atteintes au secret bancaire et aux droits de l’Homme, mais aussi, oblige les différents intervenants dans la chaine des transferts internationaux de fonds, «de jouer aux mêmes règles du jeu», d’être tributaires de mêmes droits, et surtout des mêmes obligations. C’est à ce prix et à ce prix seulement, que le secret bancaire pourra être réhabilité en tant qu’institution fondamentale / The regulation of the international flows of fund by a number of scattered and varied legislations modifies considerably the notion of the bank secrecy. One of the fundamental characteristics of this upheaval is that it establishes links between the various operators who intervene in the contract. The control of this operation urges States to mutualize their efforts and to put itself together to defend their respective financial interests through the fight against the illicit capital flows. Besides, the defense of these financial interest conduct unmistakably the substancial redefining of the banker on one hand, in particular the way it perceives the relation with the clientele, of collects and of exchanges information, as well as the cooperation with the public authorities and control internal and international. On the other hand, we note because of this extension of missions of the banker, an extension of the penal risks towards him.

The role of Bible translation in the development of written Zulu: a corpus-based study

Masubelele, Mthikazi Roselina 25 August 2009 (has links)
While translation can be studied with a view to throwing light on a number of aspects in life, in this thesis translation has been researched with a view to outlining the development of written Zulu from its earliest stages, using twelve texts of the Book of Matthew. The Book of Matthew has been chosen in this undertaking because it was the first book of the Bible to be translated into Zulu and was thought to be the most apposite instrument with which the development of written Zulu could be measured. The polysystem theory and the descriptive approach to translation studies are the theoretical models that inform the arguments presented in this study. Polysystem theory sees translated literature as a system operating in the larger social, literary and historical systems of the target culture, while with the descriptive approach translations are regarded as facts of the target culture. Against this premise the focus of this study is mainly on the twelve translations of the Book of Matthew and no comparisons between source and target texts are undertaken here. Corpus-based research provided tools such as WordSmith Tools 3.0 for linguistic analysis. Biblical texts were obtained, scanned and presented in electronic format ready to be analysed. From the findings drawn, written Zulu developed all the way through Bible translation, with some translations revealing slight developments and others showing enormous ones. As the findings of this study reveal, Zulu developed gradually, as evidenced by the change to conjunctive writing which occurred over a considerable period, along with the appropriate representation of Zulu speech sounds and grammar conventions. It could also be established at what point during the development of the language, processes such as consonantalisation and palatalisation were introduced into the written language. It is also clear that words of Greek and Hebrew origin were brought into the Zulu language through Bible translation. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that it is feasible to use corpus-based research for analysis in the indigenous languages of South Africa. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

A comparative review of legislative reform of electronic contract formation in South Africa

Snail, Sizwe 09 May 2016 (has links)
Electronic contracts in the new technological age and electronic commerce have brought about world-wide legal uncertainty. When compared to the traditional paper-based method of writing and signing, the question has arisen whether contracts concluded by electronic means should be recognised as valid and enforceable agreements in terms of the functional equivalence approach. This study will examine the law regulating e-commerce from a South African perspective in contrast to international trends and e-commerce law from the perspective of the United States. The research investigates various aspects of contract formation such as time and place, validity of electronic agreements, electronic signatures, attribution of electronic data messages and signatures, automated transaction as well as select aspects of e-jurisdiction from a South African and United States viewpoint. / Mercantile Law / LLM

由學名藥侵權訴訟評估均等論在生物相似藥侵權訴訟的影響—以美國為例 / A Study of the Doctrine of Equivalence on Biosimilars Based on the Patent Infringement in the context of Generics –From U.S. Perspectives

沈雅慧, Shen , Yea Huei Unknown Date (has links)
BPCIA在2010年三月生效後,生物相似藥廠商開始可以利用簡化的文件向美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)申請藥品許可證,這個新醫療法賦予FDA決定如何落實法案的權力。基於不同生物製劑之間缺乏比較性這個已知的事實,加上公眾安全的考量,在還沒有累積大量經驗可以歸納出哪些是比較分析必要的資訊之前,FDA會保守的要求生物相似藥廠商以BPCIA提出申請時,必須提供臨床試驗資料來證明與參照藥品之間沒有臨床上有意義的差異。 雖然BPCIA給出了解決專利糾紛的框架,俗稱專利舞蹈(patent dance),依照目前聯邦巡迴上訴法院對BPCIA的解釋,認為BPCIA法案不強制生物相似藥申請者遵循其規定之專利糾紛解決程序,雖然就目前的最新發展來看,迴避專利舞蹈可以避免一些程序上的麻煩,但真正參照藥品廠商和生物相似藥公司的輸贏仍是在訴訟戰場上見真章。 美國FDA在2015年3月6日核准了的一個生物相似藥-Zarxio( filgrastim-sndz),目前尚不清楚均等論這種不確定性在生物相似藥上影響的程度,但藉由簡化新藥申請上市的小分子藥物所涉入的侵權訴訟做有限度的推論可以發現,小分子藥物的均等謬論案件是牽涉到外圍專利,當專利不再提供足夠的誘因去激勵專利權人時,學名藥廠商就會贏得均等論謬論案件。因為生物製劑是一種製程決定的產物,因此其專利通常是集中在製程。以BPCIA和專利法為框架來分析過去的相關侵權訴訟,可以預測生物相似藥廠商在轉化前步驟、轉化步驟、調劑、或包裝做改變,其成功的機會較大,而在細胞培養會純化步驟做改變,成功的機會最小。然而,最終還是要看法院將來如何解決生物相似藥的侵權問題,各方都要意識到科學與法律議題的複雜性,及妥適解決侵權訴訟的重要性。 台灣廠商要進入生物相似藥的領域,是困難重重的。生物相似藥的開發及法規成本,不如想像中低,鑒於蛋白質藥『產能』一直被看作是市場發展受阻的主要原因,藥廠委外合作(CRO、CMO或NRDO) 的模式能快速與國際藥廠接軌,逐步奠定台灣在藥物開發的供應鏈合作利基並提昇國際知名度。 / The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation of 2009 was activated on March in 2010. Now the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can approve biosimilars and was empowered to how to practice. Given the known issues with lack of comparability between different biologics preparations, and the Agency’s strong interest in protecting public safety, it is probable that, until it has developed a body of experience with regards to the amount and kind of data needed to make comparability evaluations, the FDA will adopt a conservative approach and require at least some clinical studies before approving biologics under BPCIA. Though BPCIA provide the frame for resolving patent issues, that is so-called patent dance, Federal Circuit said that parties were not compelled to dance. Thus the law uncertainty was shifted to patent infringement. FDA approved the first biosimilar, Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz), on 6, March, 2015. It is unclear how biosimilar will be treated in court based on doctrine of equivalence. Based on the experience from generics, courts tends to adjust the scope of equivalents to improve the correspondence between patent scope and desired patent incentives. In contrast, biologics is path depended. That is to say process decided what biologics would be. Both the BPCIA and patent law guide the shape of infringement suits. Follow-on biologics companies will be most successful when they make a change in the pretransformation process, the transformation process, the formulation, or the packaging. They will be least successful when they make a change in the cell culture conditions or the purification process. It remains to be seen how courts will address issues of infringement for follow-on biologics, but all parties should be aware of the complexity of the scientific and legal issues and the importance of addressing them properly. The cost for development and the complexity of regulation in biosimilars were tremendously high. Thus it is difficult for biopharmaceutical industries in Taiwan to enter this field. In the light of unmet production capacity in protein drug, pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan could apply the mode of CRO, CMO or NRDO to integrate into global biopharmaceutical community.

České překlady románu Vojna a mír L. N. Tolstého / Czech translations of historical novel by Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace

Sedláčiková, Irena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on comparison of selected Czech translations of the novel by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy War and Peace. It is based on an extensive selected material to identify a degree and a quality of the overall approximation of the selected Czech translation to the original text of the novel, especially respecting the aesthetic values of the work, its lexical - semantic, syntactic and stylistic plane. The thesis assesses furthermore the adequacy of the translated texts relatively needs of their readers or pragmatic aspect. The conclusion summarizes the results of analysis, which lead to deepening our knowledge of these issues and their usage in the practice of translation. The Annex contents the interview with Mr. L. Dvorak who is the last translator of the novel. Key words: artistic translation, translation as an act of communication, equivalence, adequacy, obsolescence of translation, orientation to readers, shift in translation, Czech translations of the novel War and Peace

Vývojové tendence v ruské teorii tlumočení na přelomu 20.a 21.století (teoretická studie) / Development trends in Russian interpreting theory at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries

Mistryukova, Ekaterina January 2014 (has links)
The present Master's thesis Development trends in Russian interpreting theory at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries is a theoretical study dedicated to the current situation in the interpreting theory in the Russian Federation. The aim of the thesis is firstly to analyze the information available on the development of the Russian interpreting theory within the international context, research being carried out by the current Russian authors, universities providing education in both conference consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, professional organizations associating highly-qualified translators and interpreters, professional journals, and the situation on the market in the field of interpreting, and secondly to draw a conclusion regarding the overall present situation, its probable reasons and assumed future development. Besides the introductory and conclusive chapters, the thesis is divided into four parts. The first part describes the research resources of the Russian interpreting theory in the international interpreting studies context. The second part is focused on the main research fields of interest of the Russian authors in the initial formation phase of the interpreting theory as an independent scientific discipline. The object of the third part is a comparison of several...

Převod (ne)zdvořilosti při tlumočení / The transfer of (im)politeness in interpreting

Kavínová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
While the linguistic concept of politeness has been thoroughly analyzed, the same does not apply to its interpreting. The present theoretical-empirical work describes the means for expressing politeness grouped by G. Leechʼs maxims of politeness. The empirical part analyzes recordings of simultaneous interpretation from media and European Parliament settings. This is a quantitative study and the outcome is the number of means for expressing politeness which the interpreters conveyed into Czech. On average and in all of the material 65,7 % of means for expressing politeness were conveyed into Czech in compliance with the maxims. The means analyzed are prosody, non-verbal communication, modality, personal reference, etc. An equivalent interpretation of means of politeness was deemed desirable. The thesis verifies the hypothesis whether the level of politeness significantly increased in comparison with the original speeches. Key words: politeness, pragmatics, illocutionary act, maxims of politeness, face, modality, prosody, non- verbal communication, Czech, English, interpreting, equivalence, US presidential debate, Obama, Romney, Common Agricultural Policy, European Parliament, Catherine Ashton, forms of address

Investigating the effectiveness of available tools for translating into tshiVenda

Nemutamvuni, Mulalo Edward 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Abstracts in English and Venda / This study has investigated the effectiveness of available tools used for translating from English into Tshivenḓa and vice versa with the aim to investigate and determine the effectiveness of these tools. This study dealt with the problem of lack of effective translation tools used to translate between English and Tshivenḓa. Tshivenḓa is one of South Africa’s minority languages. Its (Tshivenḓa) lack of effective translation tools negatively affects language practitioners’ work. This situation is perilous for translation quality assurance. Translation tools, both computer technology and non-computer technology tools abound for developed languages such as English, French and others. Based on the results of this research project, the researcher did make recommendations that could remedy the situation. South Africa is a democratic country that has a number of language-related policies. This then creates a conducive context for stakeholders with language passion to fully develop Tshivenḓa language in all dimensions. The fact is that all languages have evolved and they were all underdeveloped. This vividly shows that Tshivenḓa language development is also possible just like Afrikaans, which never existed on earth before 1652. It (Afrikaans) has evolved and overtaken all indigenous South African languages. This study did review the literature regarding translation and translation tools. The literature was obtained from both published and unpublished sources. The study has used mixed methods research, i.e. quantitative and qualitative research methods. These methods successfully complemented each other throughout the entire research. Data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews wherein both open and closed-ended questions were employed. Both purposive/judgemental and snowball (chain) sampling have been applied in this study. Data analysis was addressed through a combination of methods owing to the nature of mixed methods research. Guided by analytic comparison approach when grouping together related data during data analysis and presentation, both statistical and textual analyses have been vital in this study. Themes were constructed to lucidly present the gathered data. At the last chapters, the researcher discussed the findings and evaluated the entire research before making recommendations and conclusion. / Iyi ṱhoḓisiso yo ita tsedzuluso nga ha kushumele kwa zwishumiswa zwi re hone zwine zwa shumiswa u pindulela u bva kha luambo lwa English u ya kha Tshivenḓa na u bva kha Tshivenḓa u ya kha English ndivho I ya u sedzulusa na u lavhelesa kushumele kwa izwi zwishumiswa uri zwi a thusa naa. Ino ṱhoḓisiso yo shumana na thaidzo ya ṱhahelelo ya zwishumiswa zwa u pindulela zwine zwa shumiswa musi hu tshi pindulelwa vhukati ha English na Tshivenḓa. Tshivenḓa ndi luṅwe lwa nyambo dza Afrika Tshipembe dzine dza ambiwa nga vhathu vha si vhanzhi. U shaea ha zwishumiswa zwa u pindulela zwine zwa shuma nga nḓila I thusaho zwi kwama mushumo wa vhashumi vha zwa nyambo nga nḓila I si yavhuḓi. Iyi nyimele I na mulingo u kwamaho khwaḽithi ya zwo pindulelwaho. Zwishumiswa zwa u pindulela, zwa thekhnoḽodzhi ya khomphiyutha na zwi sa shumisi thekhnoḽodzhi ya khomphiyutha zwo ḓalesa kha nyambo dzo bvelelaho u tou fana na kha English, French na dziṅwe. Zwo sendeka kha mvelelo dza ino thandela ya ṱhoḓisiso, muṱoḓisisi o ita themendelo dzine dza nga fhelisa thaidzo ya nyimele. Afrika Tshipembe ndi shango ḽa demokirasi ḽine ḽa vha na mbekanyamaitele dzo vhalaho nga ha dzinyambo. Izwi zwi ita uri hu vhe na nyimele ine vhafaramikovhe vhane vha funesa nyambo vha kone u bveledza Tshivenḓa kha masia oṱhe. Zwavhukuma ndi zwa uri nyambo dzoṱhe dzi na mathomo nahone dzoṱhe dzo vha dzi songo bvelela. Izwi zwi ita uri zwi vhe khagala uri luambo lwa Tshivenḓa na lwone lu nga bveledzwa u tou fana na luambo lwa Afrikaans lwe lwa vha lu si ho ḽifhasini phanḓa ha ṅwaha wa 1652. Ulu luambo (Afrikaans) lwo vha hone shangoni lwa mbo bveledzwa lwa fhira nyambo dzoṱhe dza fhano hayani Afrika Tshipembe. Kha ino ṱhoḓisiso ho vhaliwa maṅwalwa ane a amba nga ha u pindulela na nga ha zwishumiswa zwa u pindulela. Maṅwalwa e a vhalwa o wanala kha zwiko zwo kanḓiswaho na zwiko zwi songo kanḓiswaho. Ino ṱhoḓisiso yo shumisa ngona dza ṱhoḓisiso dzo ṱanganyiswaho, idzo ngona ndi khwanthithethivi na khwaḽithethivi. Idzi ngona dzo shumisana zwavhuḓisa kha ṱhoḓisiso yoṱhe. Data yo kuvhanganywa hu tshi khou shumiswa dzimbudziso na u tou vhudzisa hune afho ho shumiswa mbudziso dzo vuleaho na dzo valeaho. Ngona dza u nanga sambula muṱoḓisisi o shumisa khaṱulo yawe uri ndi nnyi ane a nga vha a na data yo teaho na u humbela vhavhudziswa uri vha bule vhaṅwe vhathu vha re na data yo teaho ino ṱhoḓisiso. viii Tsenguluso ya data ho ṱanganyiswa ngona dza u sengulusa zwo itiswa ngauri ṱhoḓisiso ino yo ṱanganyisa ngona dza u ita ṱhoḓisiso. Sumbanḓila ho shumiswa tsenguluso ya mbambedzo kha u sengulusa data. Data ine ya fana yo vhewa fhethu huthihi musi hu tshi khou senguluswa na u vhiga. Tsenguluso I shumisaho mbalo/tshivhalo (khwanthithethivi) na I shumisaho maipfi kha ino ngudo dzo shumiswa. Ho vhumbiwa dziṱhoho u itela u ṱana data ye ya kuvhanganywa. Ngei kha ndima dza u fhedza, muṱodisisi o rera nga ha mawanwa, o ṱhaṱhuvha ṱhoḓisiso yoṱhe phanḓa ha u ita themendelo na u vhina. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

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