Spelling suggestions: "subject:"erotica"" "subject:"arotica""
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Lirismo verbal e virtual: travessia de sentidosPaiva, Natascha Gomes 29 September 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-29 / The investigation subject of this dissertation is the configuration of erotic verbal
lyrism and erotic virtual lyrism based on reflection sonnets by Florbela Espanca (1894
1930) and digital verses/poems by Rui Torres (1973). The sonnets were selected from
Poemas Florbela Espanca, by Florbela Espanca and organization by Maria Lúcia Dal
Farra and the digital verses/poems Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste from the
electronic address www.telepoesis.net, by Rui Torres. Our purpose is to analyses the
lyrism produced by both authors, indicating likeness and differences that the two lyrical
forms manifests. The research problem-question was: is there a fusion between erotic
verbal lyrism produced by Florbela Espanca and the erotic virtual lyrism produced by
Rui Torres ? Or even better, assume that Florbela s poetry produces a erotic lyrical
voice, and the Rui Torre s poetry, a virtual lyrical voice, we can tell that Torre s poetry
dialogues with the Florbela s eroticism ? To conduct the investigation were selected the
hypothesis: Rui Torres make use of in a virtual way, in his poems, poetics procedures
from erotic verbal lyrism florbeliano, developing a dialogue with Florbela Espanca
poetry; Rui Torres, in the moment he establish a fusion between his lyrism and
Florbela s, extended the florbeliano lyrism and reveal lyrical potency from the virtual
environment. The critic and theorist are based on the specialist studies from the
portuguese poet, like Maria Lúcia Dal Farra, erotic and poetic studies by Georges
Bataille and Octavio Paz, researches from the literary and digital environment like Lúcia
Santaella and Joan Campás. Among conclusions, stand out that sensuality, in both
poets, is metaphorically represented, impelling the course from the erotic voice. The
poetic speech manifests advocate of the representation and fruition from desire and
pleasure / O tema de investigação desta dissertação é o lirismo erótico verbal e virtual em
sonetos de Florbela Espanca (1894 1930) e nos versos/poemas digitais de Rui Torres
(1973). Os sonetos foram extraídos da obra Poemas Florbela Espanca, de Florbela
Espanca e organização de Maria Lúcia Dal Farra e os versos/poemas digitais Amormundo,
ou a vida, esse sonho triste , do endereço eletrônico www.telepoesis.net, de
Rui Torres. O objetivo é analisar o lirismo nas produções poéticas de ambos os poetas,
apontando para as semelhanças e diferenças que as duas formas líricas manifestam.
A questão-problema da pesquisa foi a seguinte: até que ponto existe uma fusão entre o
lirismo erótico verbal de Florbela Espanca e o lirismo erótico virtual de Rui Torres? Ou
melhor, pressupondo que a poesia de Florbela Espanca produz uma voz lírica erótica,
e a poesia de Rui Torres, uma voz lírica virtual, pode-se dizer que a poesia de Torres
dialoga com o erotismo de Florbela? Para nortear a investigação, foram selecionadas
as hipóteses: Rui Torres recupera virtualmente, em seus poemas, procedimentos
poéticos do lirismo erótico verbal florbeliano, concretizando um diálogo com a poesia
de Florbela Espanca; Rui Torres, ao fundir seu lirismo ao de Florbela, redimensiona o
lirismo florbeliano e revela potencialidades líricas do meio virtual. A fundamentação
teórico crítica apóia-se nos estudos de especialistas desta poeta portuguesa, como
Maria Lúcia Dal Farra, nos estudos sobre o poético e o erótico de Georges Bataille e
Octavio Paz, em estudiosos do meio digital e literário como Lúcia Santaella e Joan
Campás. Entre as conclusões, ressalta-se que a sensualidade, em ambos os poetas, é
metaforicamente representada, impulsionando o percurso do eu erótico. O discurso
poético se manifesta a favor da representação e fruição do desejo e do prazer
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Identity politics and the body in selected comtemporary artworksDe Villiers, Cecilia Helene 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation concerns the socio-cultural politics expressed in the performances of
Matthew Barney, Steven Cohen, Marina Abramovic, and the ‘Pop’ artist Madonna. The
contention is that these artists mirror and dramatize marginalization and seem to reflect a
desire to resolve conflicts experienced between social and psychological identities in
contemporary society. The premise of this study is that these performers engage in a
‘dialogue’ with viewers as a form of self-preservation and self-healing.
The Performance artists’ measure of socio-cultural tensions suggests the merging of mass
media entertainment, theatrical devices and other cultural practices such as fetishism and
rituals involving altered states of consciousness, props and allusions to shamanism. An
ancient modality of healing, such as shamanism, when appropriated by artists, seems to
reflect an urgent phenomenological need of the individual within Western society for
overcoming feelings of powerlessness as a type of therapeutic practice. The Performance
artists’ Othering is acted out as a survival mechanism addressing and questioning the
‘degradation’ imposed on marginalized individuals who challenge the traditional notion of authentic identity and the ‘classic’ body. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)
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O nu e o olhar : uma iconologia do nu feminino na fotografia brasileira / Nude and regard : an iconology of the feminine nude on Brazilian photographyCamargo, Lucio Martins de, 1968- 29 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Stephane Remy Georges Malysse / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T03:44:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O objeto da pesquisa é constituído de vinte e quatro fotografias selecionadas dentro da produção fotográfica de nus femininos no Brasil, a partir do estabelecimento de alguns critérios, tais como a nacionalidade de fotógrafos e modelos, o suporte de publicação e o grau de nudez, entre outros, com o objetivo de criar uma gramática dos signos presentes nessas imagens. Num primeiro momento, foi possível identificar alguns modos recorrentes de apresentação dessas imagens: o "nu editorial" e o "nu artístico", que são os principais modelos temáticos dos fotógrafos brasileiros e um terceiro modo, muito menos expressivo em termos numéricos, mas que apresenta imagens mais densas em termos de conteúdo e questionamento de padrões pré-estabelecidos que é o modo do ?nu como expressão?. As fotografias foram separadas em grupos menores, para atender a projetos analíticos diferenciados, conforme cada capítulo, e foi feita a opção metodológica de análise imanente das mesmas. Ao final é proposta uma forma de classificação da produção de fotografias de nus conforme o conteúdo e sua abordagem, como alternativa para a percepção aparentemente exclusiva de conteúdo erótico e abordagem comercial / Abstract: The object of the research is constituted of twenty-four photographs selected among the photographic output of female nudes in Brazil, from the establishment of some criteria, such as the nationality of photographers and models, the support of publication and the rank of bareness, between others, with the objective of creating a grammar of the present signs in those images. In a first moment, was possible to identify some recurring ways of presentation of those images: the "editorial nude" and the "artistic nude", that are the main thematic models of the Brazilian photographers and a third way, a lot less expressive in quantity, but which presents denser images considering content and questioning of pre-established standards which is "nude as expression". The photographs were separated in smaller groups, to attend an analytic differentiated project, according to each chapter, and the methodological option made was of immanent analysis. To sum up, the purpose was to classify photographs of nudes output according to the content and approach, as an alternative to the apparently exclusive perception of erotic content and commercial approach / Mestrado / Mestre em Multimeios
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Analýza recepce knižní trilogie Fifty Shades a filmové adaptace jejího prvního dílu / Reception analysis of the Fifty Shades trilogy and a film adaptation of its first partJirková, Beáta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyse the reception of the Fifty Shades book trilogy and a film adaptation of its first part from the perspective of a female audience - both women who like the books and/or the film and women who do not like them. The thesis sought to describe the fundamental ways of the reception of the Fifty Shades phenomenon and to connect them to media and public discourse about the trilogy. The research questions were particularly focused on women's motivations to reading the books and/or watching the film, their approach to and evaluation of the trilogy. A part of the thesis was also a comparison of the two groups of female readers and viewers regarding the questions mentioned above and a connection of those questions with media and public discourse about Fifty Shades. During the conducted research 13 individual semistructured interviews with female readers and viewers of Fifty Shades have been done. The gained data were analysed by using the grounded theory method (particularly in vivo coding and axial coding). The outcome of the analysis is a description of two different ways of reception and interpretation of Fifty Shades which show persisting ambiguity of romantic fictions for women. The analysis also revealed an impact of media and public discourse about the trilogy on...
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Vad ser du? : En retorisk studie av blickar och identifikationsmöjligheter i feministisk erotik / What Do You See? : A Rhetorical Analysis of Gaze and Identification in Feministic EroticaSollervik, Malin January 2021 (has links)
This is a rhetorical study of Swedish feminist erotic short stories. The purpose is to investigate what kind of identification possibilities are offered to readers and if these are presented or influenced by the male gaze and normative gender perceptions. The male gaze is a concept based on men having the dominant perspective on sexuality and is the one whose needs are to be met in mainstream pornography and erotica. Through a narrative analysis we seek to examine characters, settings, plot, themes and rhetorical functions in the artefacts. To broaden the analysis, focus is placed on examining if and how a male and/or female gaze are presented in the short stories and coexists with a feminist gaze. The interest is to understand how these gazes affect the identification possibilities for readers. A feminist perspective should mean that the influence of the male gaze decreases sharply, right? The results show that a feminist gaze and perspective can contribute to broaden identification possibilities, but that it is not quite as manifested as one might think. The results also show that it is difficult to write feminist erotic short stories without letting the text be influenced by normative gender perceptions and the dominance of the male gaze.
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Adam a Eva. Nahota v umění a co si s ní počít ve výtvarné výchově / Adam and Eve. Nudity in Art and what to do with it in art educationBöhmová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Böhmová, Z.; Adam and Eve - nudity in Art and what to do with it in art education. [Diploma thesis] Prague 2015 - Charles University, Faculty of education, 106 pages. This thesis is analysing nudity by comparing religious, moral and political documents with perception of everyday reality and artistic portrayal. It follows the changes of paradigm of nudity in European culture since the start of Christianity. The objective of this thesis is to find the roots of connection between nudity and abashment. It finds the origins of finding nudity erotic and its connection with pornography. In the didactic part it tries to introduce this topic into visual arts education, defining this idea throughout artistic activities and comprehension of the changes in perception of naked body in modern painting. With the use of the medium of painting the semiotic character of nudity is being researched as well as the signs that reference nudity.
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[pt] No presente trabalho, faço traduções comentadas de dez gazéis do poeta persa do século XIV Hafiz de Xiraz. São traduções diretas do persa para o português, levando em consideração os elementos formais e temáticos do gazel – um tipo de poema lírico estruturado em dísticos. No que tange a forma, buscou-se adaptar os elementos formais – entre os quais se pode destacar a monorrima e os versos longos – tomando emprestando recursos da poesia espanhola. Em termos temáticos, as traduções consideraram as convenções tradicionais da poesia lírica amorosa do gazel, bem como a influência do sufismo, corrente mística do Islã. Considera-se que um elemento central da poética hafiziana é o jogo entre significados profanos e místicos, gerando indefinição e questionamento no leitor. Os gazéis que foram selecionados não seguem necessariamente uma linha em
comum, mas são poemas icônicos de seu divã, frequentemente traduzidos. / [en] This thesis presents annotated translations of ten ghazals by the 14th-century Persian poet Hafez of Shiraz. These are direct translations from Persian into Portuguese, considering the formal and thematic elements of the ghazal – a genre of poem structured in couplets. In terms of form, my translation tries to adapt the
formal elements of the ghazal – mainly its monorhyme and long lines. When it comes to themes, the translations take into consideration the traditional conventions of the amorous lyric ghazal, as well as the influence of Sufism – usually defined as Islamic mysticism. I see the interplay between profane and mystic meanings as a central aspect of Hafezian poetics, generating uncertainty in the reader. The ghazals that have been selected for translation do not necessarily follow a common thread, but are all iconic, oft translated, poems from his divan.
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The religiosity of the book of Song of Songs in contextVan der Zwan, Pieter 03 1900 (has links)
Despite its chequered interpretational history, the book of Shîr ha-Shîrîm (Song of Songs) in the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament has still not come to its fullest religious potential. The reason is that it has mainly served relatively closed religious traditions defined by the exclusion of those that have reacted against it. As the text of Song of Songs itself does not explicitly testify to any religiosity, these communities have understood it religiously by projecting their own predetermined needs and beliefs onto it. The text does, however, suggest several layers in the history of its formation, representing different levels of consciousness and stages of religiosity. In the postmodern globalising context where the importance of interfaith understanding is increasingly realised and the nature of human religiosity is constantly redefined in terms of ever-broadening horizons, the religiosity of the book has been stretched as wide as possible by also taking into consideration the ancient contextual influences which could have left their traces on the unconscious mind of its author(s) and redactor(s). To this end, the transpersonal psychological theory of Kenneth Wilber as interpreted by Michael Washburn has been used. Wilber’s inclusive view of religiosity respects all its forms as developmentally appropriate expressions of experiences of the divine which should all be taken seriously. The explicit “absence” of the divine in Song of Songs has been so conspicuous that it has ironically made it more present and led to a greater search for the Ineffable whose whispering and footprints are discernible in relation to the level of consciousness. Exploring the religiosity of Song of Songs in this way then becomes an exercise in being more sensitive to the presence of the divine in all other areas of life as well. Traditional polarities such as sexuality and religiosity are dissolved at the same time and proven to coincide as two aspects of the same experience. Not only does erotic love open one’s eyes to the divine in nature as the body of God, but one also encounters the divine in the body. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)
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On the Limits of Culture: Why Biology is Important in the Study of Victorian SexualityBurns, Robert Jonathan 02 May 2007 (has links)
Much recent scholarship in Victorian studies has viewed sexuality as historically contingent and constructed primarily within the realm of discourse or social organization. In contrast, the following study details species-typical and universal aspects of human sexuality that must be adequately theorized if an accurate model of the ideological forces impacting Victorian sexuality is to be fashioned. After a short survey of previous scholarly projects that examine literature through the lens of biology—much of it marred by an obvious antipathy toward all attempts to discover the involvement of ideology in human behavior—this study presents a lengthy primer to the modern study of evolutionary psychology, behavioral genetics, and human sexuality. Because the use of science is still relatively rare in literary studies, the first chapters are designed both to convince the reader of the necessity of considering biology and evolution in examining human sexuality, as well as to provide the general educated scholar in our field with the basic framework of knowledge necessary to follow the remainder of the text. Chapter three follows with a detailed examination of the sources of the political resistance to biological and genetic models of human behavior within liberal arts and social science departments, and chapter four presents an evolutionary and biochemical model for the apprehension of art that locates the origins of culture within the evolutionarily-fashioned brains of individuals and attempts to recuperate the concept of aesthetic emotion and foreground the special nature of erotica in its ability to produce immediate neurochemical effects in the brains of its consumers. Finally, the study examines works of Victorian literature, especially My Secret Life, to demonstrate the deficiencies in constructionist and interactionist theories of human sexuality while detailing the new readings that emerge when one is aware of the biological basis of human mate selection mechanisms.
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Flashing boobies and naughty no-no’s: a media-historiographical overview of the pornographic magazine in South Africa, 1939 to 1989Boonzaier, Christiaan Nicolaas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pornography in South Africa has only been legal for a mere 16 years, but is preceded by a 126-year history of inutile South African government attempts to suppress and curb it at its borders. To date, pornography as a research field has been largely overlooked by South African researchers, who have either mostly opted to choose fields that are socially more acceptable, or assumed that pornography was not present in the country before the 1980s and 1990s. This research, however, prefers to differ. The study investigates a minute part of a broader scope of pornography history in South Africa, by studying what international and domestic pornographic magazines were first seized and thereafter banned in the country between 1939 and 1989. By theoretically implementing an authoritative theoretical framework, the Annales’s functional structural approach, and applying the historical methodology to unearth unobtrusive historical data, the study compiles a narrative of events that ties a 50-year history of the pornographic magazine in South Africa together. The study eventually identifies 1 033 individual volumes, editions and issues of various pornographic magazine genres, including, among others, pulp and pin-up, naturist and nudist, soft-core, hard-core, male and female homosexual, bisexual, bondage, Asian, female impersonation and biker magazines, of which some, of course, are local South African pornographic magazines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pornografie is nog net 16 jaar wettig in Suid-Afrika en word voorafgegaan deur ’n geskiedenis van 126 jaar se sensuur wat deur die regering afgekondig is om pornografie buite die land se grense te hou. Tot op hede is pornografie as ’n navorsingsveld deur Suid-Afrikaanse navorsers oorgesien omdat hulle óf studies aanpak wat sosiaal meer aanvaarbaar is, óf aanneem dat daar voor die 1980’s en 1990’s geen pornografie in die land was nie. In dié verband wil hierdie studie met dié aannames verskil. Die navorsing ondersoek ’n klein deeltjie van ’n groter geskiedenis van pornografie in Suid-Afrika deur te kyk na watter buitelandse en binnelandse pornografiese tydskrifte tussen 1939 en 1989 in die land gevind en kort daarna verban is. Teoreties is die outoritêre en die Annales se funksionalisties-strukturalistiese raamwerk ingespan, en die historiese metodologie is gebruik om historiese data na te vors om ’n narratief saam te stel wat 50 jaar se pornografiese tydskrifte in Suid-Afrika saamsnoer. Die studie identifiseer uiteindelik 1 033 uitgawes van verskeie porno-grafiese tydskrifte, wat, onder meer, pulp- en prikkelpop-, nudistiese, sagte, harde, manlike en vroulike homoseksuele, biseksuele, knegskap-, Asiër-, fopdosser- en motorfietstydskrifte insluit; sommige van dié genres is, natuurlik, ook plaaslik in Suid-Afrika gepubliseer.
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