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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett land som inget annat : Bilden av Sydafrika före, under och efter en utbytestermin i Stellenbosch

Olofsson, Terese January 2014 (has links)
The mental constructions of other places are based on impressions from everything that surrounds us in our everyday life, e.g. pictures, videos, texts and narratives. The tourism industry is especially influential when it comes to creating the image of before “unknown places”. Furthermore, it has a tendency to embellish and idealize people and places located in what is commonly known as the Third World. The mental construction of South Africa, today a rapidly growing tourist country among Western tourists, is especially interesting to investigate given its very long and complex colonial history. The purpose of this paper was to describe and analyze the image of South Africa among a group of Western exchange students who each of them had spent one semester at the Stellenbosch University, situated in the Western Cape in South Africa. This was made through a text analysis which was based on open conversations/interviews with five former students. They were asked to tell about their time in South Africa regarding expectations they had, what they experienced on place and how their image of South Africa altered during time. The analysis was made based on post-colonial theory with the emphasis on Edward Said’s notions Orientalism and imaginary geographies. The analysis was also put in comparison to what other writers researching the similar issues have found. The analysis showed that all students had an imaginary Africa. South Africa’s small town Stellenbosch in its colonial appearance surprised them and wasn’t considered as “the real Africa”. The exotic animals and the locals though, were just as they’d expected them to be – very exotic respectively nice and friendly. The study indicates that the imaginary Africa is deeply rooted and that it takes much reflection to change or influence these imaginaries.

How effective is the effort of the European Union to spread its normative power among its candidate countries through the ERASMUS+ exchange program? : The case of Albania

Gjolleshi, Xhesika January 2023 (has links)
The European Union, viewing itself as a normative actor, employs various means to disseminate its normative power within its member states, candidate countries, and the global context. The ERASMUS+ program comprises one of the tools designed to enhance the EU's international presence by facilitating cross-cultural interactions among participants and fostering group affiliations. This study aims to explore this impact on ERASMUS+ participants from EU candidate countries like Albania, employing constructivist concepts. By conducting interviews with both mobile and non-mobile Albanian exchange students, leading a comparative analysis, this research seeks to offer deeper insights into the extent to which the normative power of the EU influences these participants and their European identity formation. The guiding hypothesis, that participating in an ERASMUS+ program successfully shifts the identities of the students towards a more pro-European stance, has been verified through the discourse analysis of the interviewees answers. Hence, the normative power of the European Union is present and strengthened through this tool in the candidate countries.

大陸學生來台學習參與影響調查之研究 / The studies on the learning participation and the influences of the mainland students who come to Taiwan

李文瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性訪談及問卷分析法,以曾經選擇短期、一學期、一學年在臺灣的大學院校研習修課的大陸學生為主要研究對象,透過質性訪談及問卷分析的方式,探討兩岸文教學生的交流之影響。 兩岸文教交流近五年間歷經極大轉變,從第一波開放只有個位數的大陸學生,僅只能選擇短期一周或一個月間如寒暑假短期交流方式,至今幾乎臺灣的各大學院每一所校約計有超過數十位的大陸學生與臺灣學生一起共同學習上課,部份臺灣的私立大學還有超過數百位,甚至近千位的短期大陸研修生,大陸學生在臺灣儼然在校園裡成為特殊的「大陸研習生」新文化,這一波兩岸交流熱潮預料將持續掀起新一波的大型浪潮,悄悄地改變臺灣的高等教育生態。 為深入瞭解大陸學生選擇來臺灣研習的了解大陸學生在臺灣學習之過程經驗,是否足以再吸引更多大陸學生來臺之強烈動機,藉此提供臺灣大學院校掌握大陸學生之需求以及可能吸引大陸學生的原因。本篇論文採取問卷及訪談方式,為求瞭解陸生來臺之後,對於臺灣地區學生之學習態度、競爭力、師資設備與課程規劃知覺與預期相較之差距,對於未來再次來臺研習意願之關聯性,本文透過結構式問卷進行資料收集。 整體而言,陸生來臺實際接觸臺灣地區教學環境之後,普遍認為臺灣地區學生之學習態度略為高於預期、師資設備與課程規劃亦同優於陸生之預期,因此,陸生未來再次來臺意願偏高,惟有競爭力一項,陸生對於臺灣地區學生競爭力之知覺,明顯劣於來臺學習行前之預期。 深度訪談中則顯示大陸學生對臺灣的大學院校有較佳的意願興趣度,分析探討之因素多為兩岸學生在同一種語言學習環境裡、離家較近等距離時空因素,而臺灣的大學生在大陸學生的印象中,活潑、熱情、對社團參與度高,加上臺灣的師資水準仍具一定影響力,使大陸學生仍願意選擇在臺灣學習上課,甚至在兩岸高校互相簽定姐妹校關係下,採取學分交換方式,到臺灣擔任交換生。 / By interviewing and analyzing the questionnaires of the mainland students who studied in the universities in Taiwan for one or two semesters, the current research studied the influences of cultures and educations across strait through the exchange student programs. In the recent five years, there has been a big change in the cultural and educational exchange cross strait. In the beginning, there were only less than 10 exchange students from China to study here for only one week or one month, as well as short-term exchanges for summer or winter breaks only. Currently, almost every large-scale of universities in Taiwan, more than ten mainland students attend classes with Taiwan students. For some private universities, more than hundreds, even thousands of mainland students come to study. It has formed a new culture of “mainland students” on campus in Taiwan. This new culture is predicted to be a big trend which quietly changes the environment of higher education system in Taiwan. The objective of this study was to understand the motivations of these students from mainland China to study any program in Taiwan. The results of this study will provide colleges and universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Chinese students and understanding their needful. Both questionnaire and interviewing methodologies were used for this study. The results show that most of the Chinese students were interested in colleges and universities in Taiwan because students from both sides speak the same language and short distances between China and Taiwan for returning home. The impressions of local students to those Chinese students were active, passions and highly bound to extra curriculum. The level of teaching quality and environment in Taiwan was impressed and effective to the Chinese students. For all of the above mentioned reasons, students from China were still willing to attend the classes in Taiwan for some credit hours through the exchange student programs and mutual beneficial programs.

Ur kurs : Utbytesstudenters rörelser i tid och rum

Ahn, Song-ee January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study exchange students’ movement and exchange studies as a trajectory in time and space. The dissertation is based on interviews with fourteen Korean exchange students at Swedish universities. The theoretical framework is based on Actor–Network Theory (ANT). ANT argues that everything that does something is an actor (human and non-human) and that an actor cannot be separated from a network that acts through the actor. ANT also argues that one’s location is not explained only in terms of Euclidean space and time but also in terms of spatiality and temporality, which are a network’s production. The dissertation shows that the students were enrolled and mobilized in the exchange programs by heterogeneous actors and that there were specific network spaces that produced exchange students at the home universities. The exchange students were excluded at the Swedish host universities by being formally included without direction. At the host universities, they went off course from their educational trajectories because the curriculum disappeared during their exchange studies. The dissertation also shows that the exchange students were enrolled and mobilized in the networks of “international students” at the host universities. Theses exchange students instead moved in the same way as the other exchange students, which stabilized the networks of “international students” at the host universities. It describes how the exchange students acted at a distance as actor of networks in Korea. When they returned, many of them had to prolong their educational period. This was a result of the translation of exchange studies at the home universities. In this dissertation, it shows that the exchange program was performed not only by individual exchange students; rather, it was performed in the associations of heterogeneous actors. / Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka utbytesstudenters rörelser och utbytesstudier som banor i tid och rum. Avhandlingen baseras på intervjuer med fjorton koreanska utbytesstudenter som vistats på olika svenska värduniversitet. Den teoretiska referensramen grundar sig i Actor-Network Theory (ANT). ANT argumenterar för att allt som gör något är en aktör, oavsett om den är mänsklig eller icke-mänsklig. En aktör kan inte urskiljas från nätverket vilken agerar genom aktören. Aktörens lokalisering kan inte enbart förklaras i termer av det euklidiska rummet och tiden, utan också i termer av rumslighet och tolkningar av tidsförloppen vilka är nätverksprodukter. Avhandlingen visar att studenterna enrollerades och mobiliserades till utbytesprogrammen av heterogena aktörer och att det fanns specifika rum där utbytesstudenterna skapades. På värduniversiteten exkluderades de genom att formellt inkluderas i olika kurser utan att dessa ofta hade någon riktning i deras studier. Utbytesstudenternas studier kom ur kurs jämfört med deras ordinarie utbildningar eftersom en läroplan saknades på värduniversiteten. Avhandlingen visar att utbytesstudenterna enrollerades och mobiliserades in i nätverk av de internationella studenterna på värduniversiteten. Utbytesstudenterna rörde sig på samma sätt som andra utbytesstudenter, vilket stabiliserade nätverken av ”internationella studenter” på värduniversiteten. I avhandlingen beskrivs även utbytesstudenternas fortsatta agerande som aktörer i nätverken i Korea. När de återvänt till Korea behövde de flesta förlänga sin utbildningstid och detta var ett resultat av hur utbytesperioden tillgodoräknades på hemuniversiteten. Det var ett resultat av översättningen i utbytesprogrammen på hemuniversiteten. Avhandlingen visar att utbytesprogrammen inte enbart genomfördes av de individuella utbytesstudenterna; snarare genomfördes de i förbindelser med heterogena (mänskliga och icke-mänskliga) aktörer.

Utbytesstudier : En fenomenologisk studie om upplevelsen av utbytesstudier och att möta en annan kultur

Larsson, Josefine January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates the experience of exchange studies from a phenomenological perspective. Phenomenology studies the sentence structure of the phenomenon and places the lifeworld as a central concept. Husserl (2002/1954) described the lifeworld as a coherent universe of objects where we, all of us living with another in this world, may be conscious of the world as a universal horizon. In this study the lifeworld of exchange students is investigated with emphasis on their experience of the exchange. The aim of the study is to highlight the sentence structure in the experience of living as an exchange student which involves a meeting with a different culture. Seven interviews were conducted with exchange students that participated in at least one semester of higher education abroad and the resulting data was analyzed using the EPP method. This method describes the general meaning structure of the phenomenon and identifies several distinguishing features. For this study ten features were identified; an expectation and openness relative an uncertain future, a deliberate break, a part of something bigger, a deliberate approach to cultural codes, an encounter with different values, new interactions and relations, language difficulties, a new environment, a creation of identity and a personal development and responsibilities. The results indicate that the experience of exchange studies may not always be unproblematic since it’s often difficult to gain access to the culture and society of the host country. However, the experience also seems to be rewarding and is characterized by a personal development and a change in the perception of both oneself and people from other cultures. The results also show that the exchange student may gain a feeling of living in a global society where all possibilities are present. / Denna studie utgår ifrån en fenomenologisk ansats. Fenomenologins uppgift är att beskriva ett fenomens meningsstruktur där ett centralt begrepp är livsvärlden. Enligt Husserl (2002/1954) belyser livsvärlden den verklighet som man ständigt befinner sig i tillsammans med andra människor. Grundvalen för denna studie är att studera utbytesstudenters livsvärld där upplevelsen av utbytesstudier är i fokus. Syftet med studien är att beskriva meningsstrukturer i upplevelsen av att leva som utbytesstudent och som inbegriper ett möte med en annan kultur. Sju intervjuer har genomförts med utbytesstudenter som alla studerat minst en termin inom högre utbildning vid ett värduniversitet i ett annat land. De aktuella data som behandlats har analyserats med hjälp av studiens valda metod, Empirical phenomenological psychologial (EPP-metoden). Resultatet beskriver det aktuella fenomenets meningsstruktur som en helhet och visar vilka de generella kännetecknen är. De generella kännetecknen som framkommit i studien är; en förväntan och en öppenhet inför en obestämd framtid, ett medvetet uppbrott, en del i att uppnå något större, ett medvetet förhållningssätt till kulturella koder, ett möte med andra värderingar, nya interaktioner och relationer, svårigheter med språket, ändrade livsvillkor, ett identitetsskapande, en personlig utveckling och ett ansvarstagande. Resultatet indikerar att upplevelsen av utbytesstudier och att möta en annan kultur inte är helt oproblematisk då det ibland är svårt att få tillträde till värdlandets kultur och samhälle. Dock verkar upplevelsen även vara en värdefull tid som präglas av en utveckling och ett ifrågasättande av tidigare föreställningar om en själv och människor från andra kulturer. Resultatet påvisar också att utbytesstudenten kan ha en känsla av att leva i en global värld där alla möjligheter finns.

Exchange students in Brazil: some factors behind its choice: empirical evidences from a Brazilian school

Cino, Federico Figueiredo 18 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Federico Cino (fredcino@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-09-29T20:21:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Master Thesis Final Version - Federico Cino.pdf: 2487796 bytes, checksum: 5e0c260743d7dcaa3d4683754aebecbe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2014-09-29T21:00:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Master Thesis Final Version - Federico Cino.pdf: 2487796 bytes, checksum: 5e0c260743d7dcaa3d4683754aebecbe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-29T22:04:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Master Thesis Final Version - Federico Cino.pdf: 2487796 bytes, checksum: 5e0c260743d7dcaa3d4683754aebecbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-18 / O Brasil sempre foi um lugar conveniente para se visitar em termos de cultura, diversão e entretenimento. No entanto, este estudo visa o lado educacional do país, particularmente, os estudantes estrangeiros que escolhem o Brasil para programas de intercâmbio. Fins e razões por trás das escolhas dos estudantes foram identificados através de pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas, juntamente com a revisão da literatura já existente. A pesquisa primária foi feita por meio de entrevistas com estudantes de intercâmbio já no Brasil. Os dados coletados foram analisados e são apresentados de forma estatística, juntamente com a representação gráfica. O seguinte estudo apontou que os denominados 'turistas' e, assim chamados, 'money seekers', serem os principais fatores por trás da escolha de estudantes. A pesquisa também mostra que os alunos mais satisfeitos foram os que escolheram o Brasil por causa da qualidade da universidade sede, assim como para explorar as perspectivas de emprego, juntamente com iniciar uma carreira no Brasil. / Brazil has always been a desirable place to visit in terms of culture, amusement and entertainment, however, this study focus on the educational side of the country, particularly, the exchange students that chose Brazil as a host country. Purposes and reasons behind the students' choices was identified through quantitative and qualitative researches, along with the review of the already existing literature. Primary research has been done by interviewing exchange students already in Brazil. Collected data has been analyzed and is presented in statistical form. The following study found tourists and, so called, money seekers, to be the main factors behind student's choice. Research also shows that the students most satisfied were the ones that chose Brazil because of the quality of the host university, as well as to explore job prospects, along with to start a career in Brazil.

Česko-německé kulturní standardy z pohledu výměnných studentů / Czech and German cultural standards from the exchange students' point of view

Kutilová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the subject of Czech and German cultural standards and the way they influence the daily lives of exchange students. The main objective lies in the abstraction and definition of cultural standards of this specific target group. The theoretical part introduces different approaches to the term culture and further describes two main concepts of cultural studies -- the methodology of cultural dimensions and cultural standards. The practical part opens with an introduction to German history, economy and points out the leading role that this country has in the international relationships. Following is the list of possibilities for exchange study programmes at the University of Economics and the summary of activities that are organized by the International Studies Centre. Most importantly, this part sums up the results of the research I did among the exchange students from the Czech Republic and Germany. Further, I compare the results of my research with the conclusions reached by Ivan Nový. In the conclusion there is a set of recommendations for the exchange students that should ease their first contact with a foreign culture.

開放陸生來臺政策影響之研究:以政治大學為例 / The Study of Effect of Policy of Accepting Mainland China Students Studying in Taiwan: A Case Study in National Chengchi University

宋思緯, Sung, Szu Wei Unknown Date (has links)
2011年政府開放大陸學生來臺修讀學位,陸生來臺成為兩岸關係發展重大里程碑之一,本研究採用深度訪談之方式,選取政治大學2013-2014年間在校之交換陸生及學位陸生共18人為訪談對象,就來臺求學動機、在臺適應情況與陸生政策效果等三個面向,探討開放陸生來臺政策之影響:(1)在來臺動機方面,分別從吸引和阻礙陸生來臺不同原因切入,討論其對於陸生來臺積極促進或消極阻礙的影響;(2)在適應情況方面,依來臺前後預期想法與實際情況之差別,以及受訪者調整適應方式和校方協助建議等角度,分析陸生在臺適應問題與所需協助;(3)在政策效果方面,以受訪者對於臺灣發展情況正面肯定與負面批判之印象,和現行陸生政策對兩岸關係發展影響及未來政策調整方向之建議,進行政策相關影響評估。 經過訪談資料整理,本研究歸納政治大學之交換陸生與學位陸生受訪者回應,分別對陸生來臺利多與利空因素、陸生在臺面臨問題與適應情況、陸生對臺灣發展情況觀察以及開放陸生來臺政策利弊影響的意見反饋,進行相關因果分析與應對建議,期許能發揮權衡利弊揚長補短的效果,作為未來陸生政策影響評估及修改調整之參考。 關鍵詞:開放陸生來臺政策、交換陸生、學位陸生 / In 2011, the government implemented the policy to accept Mainland China students to study in Taiwan, which is regarded as one milestone of cross-straits relationship. In the study, interviewing method was employed to reveal influence and effect of the policy. The interviewees included in total 18 degree and exchange students from Mainland China who studied at National Chengchi University in 2013 and 2014, and they were asked questions in following three aspects. First, in terms of the motivation, the interview probed into factors that attract and hinder Mainland China students to study in Taiwan, furthermore discussed the factors’ influence. Second, in respect of adjustment, the study analyzed problems faced by Mainland China students to adapt to new conditions and what kind of assistance they require, mainly based on the answers to whether there is gap between interviewees’ anticipation and reality and how they adjust themselves internally and externally. Third, concerning effects of policy, the interview covered the participants’ impressions on development of Taiwan and advice on current policy of Mainland China students, thereby evaluated influence and effect of the policy. By collecting and analyzing interviewing records, the study concluded the response of degree and exchange Mainland China students at National Chengchi University, demonstrating conclusions and causality of their incentives and barriers to studying in Taiwan, their adjustment and problems in new environment, their perspectives on development of Taiwan and policy of Mainland China students. The findings of the study will provide universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Mainland China students and understanding their need. In addition, some advice on the policy of Mainland China students are presented for the educational administration to maximize the strengths whilst minimizing the shortcomings. Key words: the policy of accepting Mainland China students studying in Taiwan, exchange students from Mainland China, degree students from Mainland China

Japanska utbytesstudenter : en netnografisk studie om deras sociala liv på ett svenskt universitet / Japanese Exchange Students in Sweden : A Netnografic Study about Their Social life at a Swedish University

Häggander, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
Globalization and social interaction between countries are two current topics in today’s research. A shown interest in exchange studies among students all over the world is one of the positive outcomes of globalization and the social interactions that comes with it. This essay examines how a group of Japanese exchange students studying at a university in Sweden experience their social meetings with the local Swedish students and fellow Japanese exchange students. A netnographic method was applied to interview the informants online, 12 synchronous interviews were thus carried out to better understand the experiences of the Japanese exchange students. To better understand the relations that occur between the informants and the Swedish students, and the relations that occur with fellow Japanese students, the theory of “the Established and the Outsiders” by Norbert Elias and John L. Scotson (2010) is applied. This theory examines the relationship that takes place between a group that is new and has a low sense of community, and a group that is established and has a high sense of community. This study shows that the Japanese exchange students have a positive attitude when it comes to getting to know Swedish students. The X-program and also the mix of local students and exchange students in classes contributes to create a social platform for the Japanese exchange students. This study also shows that the group of Japanese exchange students have a low sense of community within the group, the study examines different factors to discuss why that may be.

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