Spelling suggestions: "subject:"extrema"" "subject:"xtrema""
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Ustory-Refactory: ferramenta de refatoração de requisitos aplicada em cartões user stories (CRC Cards)Minuzzi, Tiago da Silva 26 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:58:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 26 / Nenhuma / O surgimento de novas metodologias ágeis para apoiar o desenvolvimento de sistemas, como a Extreme Programming (XP), vem causando impacto nas empresas de desenvolvimento de software, especialmente por sua flexibilidade nas mudanças de requisitos no decorrer do projeto. Assim, um melhor entendimento e representação estrutural dos requisitos tornam-se fundamental. Logo, esta pesquisa aplica o conceito das técnicas de refatoração de código dentro da Engenharia de Requisitos, que é focado na metodologia XP, por meios das User Stories. O trabalho aplica um conjunto de padrões e regras que permite aos requisitos expressos em cartões CRC serem refatorados através de pré e pós-condições, sendo que esses requisitos são descritos por mapas conceituais (MC) em formato OWL. Por sua vez, os MCs são convertidos em diagramas de classes da UML por meio da UML-MC que formaliza esta transformação. Dessa forma, o ambiente UStory-Refactory automatiza parcialmente o processo de refatoração e permite que os requisitos refatorados / The emergence of new agile methodologies to support systems development, as the Extreme Programming (XP), has been causing impact on software development companies, specially for its flexibility in the requirements changes during the project. Thus, a better understanding and structural representation of the requirements become basic. Then, this research applies the concept of the code refactoring techniques, inside of the Requirements Engineering, which is focused at XP methodology, through the User Stories. The work applies a set of standards and rules that allows the requirements expressed in CRC cards to be refactored through pre and post-conditions, and the requirements are described for conceptual maps (CMaps) in OWL format. In their turn, the CMaps are converted into UML classes diagrams by the UML-MC that formalizes this transformation. This way, the UStory-Refactory environment partially automatizes the refactoring process and allows the refactored requirements to be exported in OWL format, promoting
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AVVIKANDE KROPPAR I DET SAMTIDA TV-UTBUDETHomman, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis discusses the representation of bodies in todays non-fiction television in Sweden. I have chosen to focus on deviant bodies (sexual, deformed or unhealthy) on display in reality-shows and documentaries on SVT, TV4 but especially on the commercial channels TV3 and Kanal5. Also discussed are the viewers emotional and bodily reactions. Altough these shows are different from one another in many respects, I argue that there is also a common thread between them. From a sociological and cultural perspective, and with help of some historical examples, I try to illustrate how we view these shows and what their function is. I conclude that the body is a site of powerstruggle and that these shows have many different levels of meaning. We cathegorize and value these deviant bodies but also our own. It is about making creating a ”us and them” and in the long run it has to do with making class and identity. The voyeuristic pleasure in watching these people displayed on TV is made possible from the safe distance of our livingroom.</p>
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Extrema sportutövare : Heroiska äventyrare, naiva idealister eller galna risktagare?Falkhäll, Glenn, Bergman, Markus January 2009 (has links)
<p>Man has always in one way or another had to take risks in order to survive, but in today's society, voluntary risks increased markedly. It is about both physical and financial risks. The aim of this essay is to problematize what it is for properties that drive people to extreme sports and adventure travel. We want to see how extreme sports performers own picture looks compared to how the media presents them. We have in this essay interviewed two long sailors, a BASE jumper and an ex-mountain climber to see how the performers own picture of reality looks. We examined how the media presents different extreme sports in the form of news magazines and lifestyle magazine. We have concluded that there is a huge gap between the self images of their sport compared to how the media presents them. News Magazines often deals with risks and dangers of extreme sports and put them in different contexts in their articles and that the sport is to demonstrate its capacity, to reach goals, triumph and prestige. Also Sunday supplement that are not news-oriented have the same main focus. Lifestyle magazines image of extreme sports performers is more consistent with the addition to the participants own image in which the actual experience and lifestyle is important and not the risk-seeking.</p>
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AVVIKANDE KROPPAR I DET SAMTIDA TV-UTBUDETHomman, Lina January 2007 (has links)
This thesis discusses the representation of bodies in todays non-fiction television in Sweden. I have chosen to focus on deviant bodies (sexual, deformed or unhealthy) on display in reality-shows and documentaries on SVT, TV4 but especially on the commercial channels TV3 and Kanal5. Also discussed are the viewers emotional and bodily reactions. Altough these shows are different from one another in many respects, I argue that there is also a common thread between them. From a sociological and cultural perspective, and with help of some historical examples, I try to illustrate how we view these shows and what their function is. I conclude that the body is a site of powerstruggle and that these shows have many different levels of meaning. We cathegorize and value these deviant bodies but also our own. It is about making creating a ”us and them” and in the long run it has to do with making class and identity. The voyeuristic pleasure in watching these people displayed on TV is made possible from the safe distance of our livingroom.
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Extrema sportutövare : Heroiska äventyrare, naiva idealister eller galna risktagare?Falkhäll, Glenn, Bergman, Markus January 2009 (has links)
Man has always in one way or another had to take risks in order to survive, but in today's society, voluntary risks increased markedly. It is about both physical and financial risks. The aim of this essay is to problematize what it is for properties that drive people to extreme sports and adventure travel. We want to see how extreme sports performers own picture looks compared to how the media presents them. We have in this essay interviewed two long sailors, a BASE jumper and an ex-mountain climber to see how the performers own picture of reality looks. We examined how the media presents different extreme sports in the form of news magazines and lifestyle magazine. We have concluded that there is a huge gap between the self images of their sport compared to how the media presents them. News Magazines often deals with risks and dangers of extreme sports and put them in different contexts in their articles and that the sport is to demonstrate its capacity, to reach goals, triumph and prestige. Also Sunday supplement that are not news-oriented have the same main focus. Lifestyle magazines image of extreme sports performers is more consistent with the addition to the participants own image in which the actual experience and lifestyle is important and not the risk-seeking.
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Uma abordagem evolutiva para a geração automatica de dados de teste / An evolutionary approach for automatic test data generationAbreu, Bruno Teixeira de 25 August 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Eliane Martins, Fabiano Luis de Sousa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T18:05:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Abreu_BrunoTeixeirade_M.pdf: 1214826 bytes, checksum: 85afe48e3c8196abe877dc2ea2efa102 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O teste é uma atividade importante do processo de desenvolvimento de software, e automatizar a geração de dados de teste contribui para a redução dos esforços de tempo e recursos. Recentemente foi mostrado que os algoritmos evolutivos, tal como os Algoritmos Genéticos (AGs), são ferramentas valiosas para a geração de dados. Este trabalho avalia pela primeira vez o desempenho de um algoritmo evolutivo proposto recentemente, a Otimização Extrema Generalizada (em inglês, Generalized Extremal Optimization, GEO), na geração de dados de teste para cobrir um subconjunto de caminhos de um programa, com ou sem loops. Sete programas muito conhecidos e utilizados como benchmarks por outros autores foram escolhidos como estudos de caso, e o desempenho do GEO foi comparado com o de um AG e o Random-Test (RT). Uma aplicação real do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) também foi testada para validar a pesquisa, e as comparações de desempenho incluíram uma variação do AG utilizado nos benchmarks. Para os benchmarks e a aplicação real, o uso do GEO exigiu muito menos esforço computacional para gerar os dados do que os AGs, e a cobertura média de caminhos obtida por ele foi muito semelhante à dos AGs. Além disso, o GEO também exigiu muito menos esforço computacional no ajuste interno de parâmetros do que os AGs. Estes resultados indicam que o GEO é uma opção muito atraente a ser utilizada na geração de dados de teste / Abstract: Software testing is an important activity of the software development process and automating test data generation contributes to reduce cost and time efforts. It has recently been shown that evolutionary algorithms, such as the Genetic Algorithms (GAs), are valuable tools for test data generation. This work assesses for the first time the performance of a recently proposed evolutionary algorithm, the Generalized Extremal Optimization (GEO), on generating test data to cover a subset of paths of a program, with or without loops. Seven well known benchmark programs were used as study cases, and the performance of GEO was compared to the one of a GA and Random-Test (RT). A real application from Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) was also tested in order to validate the research, and the performance comparisons included one variation of the GA used in the benchmarks. For the benchmark programs and the real application, using GEO required much less computational effort to generate test data than using the GAs, and GEO¿s average coverage was very similar to GA¿s. Besides this, it also required much less computational effort on internal parameter setting than the GAs. These results indicate that GEO is a very attractive option to be used for test data generation / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciência da Computação
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A Hardware Architecture for Scale-space Extrema DetectionIjaz, Hamza January 2012 (has links)
Vision based object recognition and localization have been studied widely in recent years. Often the initial step in such tasks is detection of interest points from a grey-level image. The current state-of-the-art algorithms in this domain, like Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) suffer from low execution speeds on a GPU(graphic processing unit) based system. Generally the performance of these algorithms on a GPU is below real-time due to high computational complexity and data intensive nature and results in elevated power consumption. Since real-time performance is desirable in many vision based applications, hardware based feature detection is an emerging solution that exploits inherent parallelism in such algorithms to achieve significant speed gains. The efficient utilization of resources still remains a challenge that directly effects the cost of hardware. This work proposes a novel hardware architecture for scale-space extrema detection part of the SIFT algorithm. The implementation of proposed architecture for Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA and its evaluation are also presented. The implementation is sufficiently generic and can be adapted to different design parameters efficiently according to the requirements of application. The achieved system performance exceeds real-time requirements (30 frames per second) on a 640 x 480 image. Synthesis results show efficient resource utilization when compared with the existing known implementations.
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Självledarskap i extrema miljöer : En kvalitativ undersökning av självledarskap i militära internationella insatser / Self-leadership in extreme environments : A qualitative study of self-leadership in military international operationsNell, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
I takt med en ökande individualism i samhället ställs nya krav på dagens organisationer, där medbestämmande och personlig utveckling önskas från medarbetare. Det kan dock innebära en paradox för militära organisationer när deras kärna så tydligt grundar sig i kollektivistiska värden och en anda av laget före jaget. Samtidigt finns höga förväntningar på militär personal att kunna påverka sig själva att agera och pusha sig igenom utmanande uppgifter, vilket är särskilt påtagligt i extrema miljöer som internationella insatser. Den här studien har undersökt om självledarskap är ett verktyg som militär personal använt för att kunna prestera under sina insatser. Trots att studier visat på positiva effekter av självledarskap i påfrestande förhållanden, har få studier undersökt huruvida det kan vara effektfullt i militära kontexter. Det kan samtidigt visa på att självledarskap inte nått militära organisationer än. Därmed har studien även undersökt synen på självledarskap hos Försvarsmaktens personal. Genom att ha intervjuat sex militärer som genomfört sin insats i Mali har studien kunnat visa på att flera strategier av självledarskap används i extrema miljöer. Den avvikelse som kunde urskiljas var att självmålsättning och självbelöning inte är lika synligt som övriga. Det kan delvis förklaras utifrån kollektivistiska värderingar där personalen redan motiveras av och känner stor tillhörighet till organisatoriska mål, men även att extrema miljöer medför hög arbetsbelastning och lite utrymme för återhämtning.
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Spatially Distributed Travel Time Modeling for Predicting Urban Floods During Extreme Precipitation Events / Modellering av spatialt fördelade flödestider för urbana översvämningar vid extrema nederbördshändelserDelavar, Mohammadreza January 2024 (has links)
The intensity and frequency of precipitation events have increased because of global warming and its direct impact on the hydrological cycle. This poses a significant challenge for various locations around the globe where in recent years more unpredicted flooding has been observed. The utilization of hydrological models for accurate prediction of urban floods under heavy rainfall events is crucial to deal with such global problems. The purpose of this study is to develop a model based on the Spatial Distributed Travel Time (SDTT) approach that estimates the response of watersheds to a short and intense rainfall event in urban settings. The model is developed in Python and uses the ArcPy package, which allows access to all the geoprocessing tools available at ArcGIS, along with the Numpy package that supports matrices which makes mathematical calculation efficient. One of the important factors affecting the response of watersheds is the contribution of upstream flow. The current study used Dynamic Upstream Contribution (DUC) to estimate the unit hydrograph and consider the effect of upstream runoff contributing to travel time equations using physical characteristics and the dynamic of rainfall events. The SDTT model was validated with a fully distributed model, MIKE 21, and showed that when the infiltration module estimates the total runoff volume accurately, the unit hydrograph of the DUC method can predict the peak almost as accurately as MIKE 21. Before validation, the excess rainfall estimated in the SDTT model is multiplied by a constant coefficient to align the total water volume of the model with that of the MIKE 21 model. The peak flow is the most important component of a discharge hydrograph since its accurate prediction helps in assessing the severity of flooding and the capacity of drainage systems to handle the excess water. Another component of a discharge hydrograph is time to peak which the SDTT model predicts with a delay compared to MIKE 21. The sensitivity analysis showed the simplification regarding the dynamic of rainfall intensity used in travel time equations contributes to this delayed peak. The other simplification that might impact the watershed response is the approach the model used to handle depression volume which is too general. A conceptual method proposed in this report can be used in future studies to improve this part of the model by capturing the spatial distribution of depression locations as well as the temporal dynamics of charging the depressions. After the model was validated in the first study area, it was implemented in another study area to evaluate the effect of urban development on the hydrological response of urban catchments to a short and intense rainfall event. This scenario-based analysis showed that by further development of the model, it can be used as a tool for the initial phase of hydrologic investigation of urban areas in response to heavy rainfall events. By conducting the screening phase of hydrological investigation and filtering the risky location, the SDTT model can be used as a complementary model for more advanced fully distributed models that are more computationally extensive. The recorded simulation time demonstrated that the SDTT model is quick when it comes to small-sized watersheds, but it is less time-efficient for large catchments. An approach proposed in this report can be utilized to optimize the model's processing time for larger catchments. By making the model time efficient and addressing the issues mentioned in the report, the developed SDTT model can facilitate the hydrological investigation by reducing the initial data gathering burden and simulation time, and making the assessments of urban watersheds more efficient can facilitate informed decision-making in urban flood risk management. / Till följd av den globala uppvärmningen har intensiteten och frekvensen av nederbördshändelser ökat, en direkt inverkan på den hydrologiska cykeln som utgör en betydande utmaning för olika platser runt om i världen där oförutsedda översvämningar observerats under de senaste åren. Användningen av hydrologiska modeller för att med noggrannhet förutseurbana översvämningar under kraftiga nederbördshändelser är avgörande för att hantera detta globala problem. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en modell baserad på Spatial Distributed Travel Time (SDTT) metodiken. SDTT-metodiken beskriver responsen från ett avrinningsområde för en kort och intensiv nederbördshändelse i urban miljö. Modellen är utvecklad i Python och inkluderar ArcPy-paketet som ger tillgång till alla geoprocesseringsverktyg som finns i ArcGIS tillsammans med Numpy-paketet som stödjer matriser som effektiviserar matematiska beräkningar. En av de avgörande faktorerna som visade sig påverka reaktionen från ett avrinningsområde var flödet från uppströmsområdet. Den aktuella studien använde Dynamic Upstream Contribution (DUC) för att uppskatta enhetshydrografen med hänsyn till effekten avrinningen uppströms har på avrinningshastigheten med hjälp av fysiska egenskaper och nederbördsdynamik. SDTT-modellen validerades med en fullt distribuerad modell, MIKE 21, och visade att när infiltrationsmodulen uppskattar den totala avrinningsvolymen exakt, kan enhetshydrografen för DUC-metoden förutsäga toppflödet exakt. Innan validering multipliceras överskottsnederbörden uppskattad i SDTT-modellen med en konstant koefficient för att justera modellens totala vattenvolym med den i MIKE 21-modellen. Toppflödet är den viktigaste komponenten i en flödeshydrograf eftersom dess noggranna förutsägelse hjälper till att bedöma allvarsgraden av översvämningar samt dräneringssystemens kapacitet att hantera överskottsvatten. En annan komponent i en flödeshydrograf är den tid det tar tills toppflödet uppstår, något som SDTT-modellen förutsäger med en fördröjning jämfört med MIKE 21. Känslighetsanalysen visade att förenklingen gällande dynamiken för nederbördsintensitet som används i ekvationerna för avrinningshastighet bidrar till denna fördröjda topp. Den andra förenklingen som kan påverka responsen från avrinningsområdet är metoden som modellen använde för att hantera volymen vatten som lagras i sänkor, som är förgenerell. En konceptuell metod föreslås i denna rapport och kan användas i framtida studier för att förbättra denna del av modellen genom att fånga den rumsliga fördelningen av sänkor samt tidsaspekten i att fylla upp sänkvolymerna. Efter att modellen validerats i det första studieområdet, implementerades den i ett annat studieområde för att utvärdera kopplingen mellan stadsutveckling och hydrologisk respons i urbana avrinningsområden i kontexten av en kort och intensiv nederbördshändelse. Denna scenariobaserade analys visade att modellen efter vidareutveckling kan användas som ett verktyg för den inledande fasen av hydrologisk undersökning av stadsområden, i syfte att utreda möjliga konsekvenser av kraftiga nederbördshändelser. Genom att genomföra screeningfasen av hydrologisk undersökning och filtrera den mest riskfyllda platsen kan SDTT-modellen användas som en kompletterande modell för mer avancerade fullt distribuerade modeller som är mer beräkningsmässigt omfattande. Den registrerade simuleringstiden visade att SDTT-modellen är snabb när det kommer till ett litet avrinningsområde, men modellen är mindre tidseffektiv för stora avrinningsområden. Ett tillvägagångssätt som föreslås i denna rapport kan användas för att optimera modellens handläggningstid för större avrinningsområden. Genom att göra modellen tidseffektiv och åtgärda frågorna som nämns i rapporten, kan den utvecklade SDTT-modellen underlätta den hydrologiska undersökningen genom att minska den inledande datainsamlingsbördan, minskasimuleringstiden, och dessutom göra utvärderingarna av urbana avrinningsområden mer effektiva. Slutligen kan modellens resultat användas för att underlätta informerat beslutsfattande kopplat till hantering av översvämningsrisker i städer.
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\'Permanecer em mim\' e no meu \'itinerário\': as interfaces do integrismo católico na trajetória dos intelectuais do grupo Permanência na França (1975-1989) / \'Staying in me\' and my \'itinerary\': the interfaces of catholic fundamentalism in the trajectory of the intellectuals of the group Permanence in France (1975-1989)Souza, Glauco Costa de 10 June 2019 (has links)
No contexto católico do integrismo internacional, a década de 1970 se caracterizou pela militância a favor do resgate dos valores cristãos ameaçados pelo avanço moderno na sociedade ocidental, que passou a ser tema central dos artigos publicados por duas revistas: a Permanência, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e a Itinéraires, na cidade de Paris. A partir dessas constatações, a tese procurou apresentar a trajetória intelectual dos líderes do grupo Permanência, Gustavo Corção e Julio Fleichman, durante os anos de 1975 a 1989. Nesse período, os intelectuais escreveram artigos para a revista Itinéraires e participaram do maior congresso do integrismo internacional promovido pelo Office International na cidade de Lausanne, na Suíça. Defendeu-se a ideia de que essa trajetória teve como objetivo apresentar um projeto de poder articulado entre a elite civil-militar brasileira e os intelectuais católicos, por meio de dois planos discursivos: de valorização ao regime e de ataques a Igreja progressista brasileira. O itinerário percorrido pelos intelectuais cariocas revelou a notoriedade do integrismo brasileiro e do país, que passou a ser reconhecido pelo momento autoritário, ao derrotar a subversão internacional comunista pela ditadura militar. E, como uma troca, o integrismo francês era tomado como exemplo de luta contra o progressismo católico. Das experiências compartilhadas por esses grupos do integrismo católico, a História dos Intelectuais forneceu conceitos e categorias de análises que permitiram identificar as redes de sociabilidades e os microclimas que fizeram parte dos sentimentos partilhados por essa geração de intelectuais. Corção e Fleichman foram mediadores de um projeto político e cultural que contribuiu para a construção de uma memória sobre a ditadura e que, nos dias de hoje, ressurgiu no imaginário político brasileiro por meio da luta anticomunista. / In the Catholic context of international integrism, the 1970s were characterized by militancy in favor of the rescue of Christian values threatened by modern advances in Western society, which became the central theme of articles published by two magazines: Permanência, in Rio de Janeiro, and Itinéraires, in Paris. Based on that, the thesis tried to present the intellectual trajectory of the leaders of the Permanência group, Gustavo Corção and Julio Fleichman, from 1975 to 1989. During this period, intellectuals wrote articles for Itinéraires and participated in the largest congress of integrism, Office International in Lausanne, Switzerland. It was defended the idea that this trajectory had the objective of presenting a project of articulated power between the Brazilian civil-military elite and the Catholic intellectuals, through two discursive plans: valorization to the regime and attacks against the Brazilian progressive Church. The path walked by the Brazilian intellectuals revealed the notoriety of Brazil and its integrism: the country became recognized by the authoritarian moment that defeated the communist international subversion by the civil-military dictatorship. And, as an exchange, French integrism was taken as an example of a struggle against Catholic progressivism. From the experiences shared by these groups of Catholic integrism, the History of Intellectuals provided concepts and categories of analysis that allowed to identify the networks of sociabilities and microclimates that were part of the feelings shared by this generation of intellectuals. Corção and Fleichman were mediators of a political and cultural project that contributed to the creation of a false memory about the dictatorship and that, in the present day, resurged in the Brazilian political imaginary through the anticommunist struggle.
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