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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktiska omständigheter och faktiska problem : En studie av skiljemäns prövning av förekomsten och beskaffenheten av ett visst faktiskt förhållande / Factual circumstances and actual problems : A study of arbitrators’ rule on the existence and nature of a particular fact

Karnell, Simon January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Kommunikationer, tillgänglighet, omvandling : en studie av samspelet mellan kommunikationsnät och näringsstruktur i Sveriges mellanstora städer 1850-1970 / Communications, accessibility, transformation : a study of the interplay of communications networks and industrial structure in medium-sized Swedish towns 1850-1970

Westlund, Hans January 1992 (has links)
This study deals with the relationship between communications networks and economic structure in medium-sized Swedish towns 1850-1970. Medium-sized towns have been defined as those which were ranked 4th-20th in terms of population at two points in time: in the year 1900, when industry had established a foothold and the most important railways had been built, and in the year 1970, at the end of the period studied. This means that the group studied comprises 22 towns. The communications networks which are examined are shipping, railways and roads. The economic structure is studied at various levels from economic sectors to sub-branches.Two measures have been constructed for the purpose of establishing the positions of the towns in the communications networks: accessibility and nodality. The former is calculated on the basis of distance from other towns and their populations. The latter is computed via quantification of the towns' access to the links of the respective networks and an assessment of the quality of these.Statistical relation analyses of correlation and regression type have been the principal method of analysis, which has been supplemented, however, by information culled from urban monographs and other studies.The study shows that there is a relationship between communications networks, primarily the railways, and the transformation of the towns' economic structures during the first half of the period studied. The predominant alignment of this relationship appears to be that the structural transformation precedes the expansion of the railways. Among the various economic sectors, the relationship between industry and the railways is the clearest. The relationship changes direction with the passage of time and can be divided into four phases:1.1850s - 1870s. The towns with strongest population and industrial growth attract railways to themselves and are themselves most active in expanding the railways. A weak correlation between accessibility of towns in the shipping network and industry dwindles away when the railways begin to expand.2.1870s - 1900. The relationship between industry and railways is two-way.3. 1900-1950.The building of the most important railways is completed. Industry continues to adapt to accessibility within the railway network.4.After 1950. The medium-sized towns begin to be deindustrialised as the service sector undergoes vigorous growth. The correlation between industry and railways weakens.On the other hand a supplementary study of conditions at regional level shows that railway expansion preceded structural change. In the rural parts of Sweden the railways were an important driving force behind urbanisation and industrialisation, and they created a special type of new population centre -"station villages", as they were called - which came to function as industrial focal points in the countryside. Many of these station villages rose to the status of towns later on.At lower levels of the economic structure the relationships between economic activities and communications networks are not statistically guaranteed as a rule. This is interpreted to mean that at first it was only large aggregates such as population density and total industry that were capable of influencing railway expansion. In similar fashion the railways later became a factor exercising influence primarily at the macro level, while at the micro level they formed only a base on which a number of other location factors were collected and evaluated before the individual firms reached their decisions. / digitalisering@umu

Psykosociala arbetsförhållanden och mental ohälsa : Vilka tänkbara orsakssamband som leder till den anställdes mentala ohälsa?

Erlandsson, Agata January 2012 (has links)
Det har skett stora förändringar på arbetsmarknaden, där visstidsanställning/ behovsanställning blivit alltmer vanligare anställningsformen i Sverige. Individer som inte har fast anställning har även sämre psykosociala arbetsförhållanden och upplever större stress på arbetsplatsen, vilket i sin tur kan leda till mental ohälsa. Även kvinnor upplever sig ha sämre psykosociala arbetsförhållanden jämfört med män. I denna studie undersöks sambandet mellan psykosociala arbetsförhållanden, arbetsbelastning, anställningsform samt kön och mental ohälsa. De psykosociala förhållanden mäts genom den så kallade krav- och kontrollmodell som omfattar vilken typ av arbete individen utför. Resultatet uppvisade positiva samband mellan både psyksociala arbetsförhållanden, alltför många arbetsuppgifter, visstidsanställning, kvinna och mental ohälsa då mental ohälsa var större hos de individer som upplever sig ha höga krav och låg kontroll i arbetet (spänt arbete) än hos individer med låga krav och hög kontroll på arbetsplatsen. Även alldeles för stor arbetsbelastning hade en stor betydelse när det gäller mental ohälsa. Detta gäller även anställningsform då resultatet visade att visstidsanställda var i högre utsträckning utsatta av mental ohälsa än de som har fast anställning. Emellertid vad gäller kön så resultatet uppvisade att kvinnor drabbas i högre utsträckning av mental ohälsa jämfört med män däremot kan detta inte kopplas till krav och kontroll på arbetsplatsen. Studien avslutas med diskussion kring de resultat som har erhållits från regressioner. / There have been major changes in labor markets, where temporary employments have become increasingly more common form of employment in Sweden. Individuals who do not have a permanent job have also worse psychosocial working conditions and experience greater stress in the workplace, which in turn can lead to mental ill health. Although women perceive themselves as having poorer psychosocial working conditions compared to males. The present study examines the relationship between psychosocial working conditions, workload, employment status, sex and mental ill health. The psychosocial working condition measured by the so called demands and latitudes model that includes the type of working the individual performs. The result showed a positive correlation between psychosocial working conditions, too many tasks, temporary employment, women and mental ill health where mental ill health was grater in those individuals who have high demands and low control at work than those with low demands and high control in the workplace. Also heavy workload had a major role in the mental ill health. This also applies to employment status when the results showed that temporary workers were more often affected of mental ill health than those with permanent employment. However, in terms of gender, the results showed that women are affected more often of mental ill health compared to men; however, this cannot be linked to demand and control in the workplace. The study concludes with discussion of the results obtained from the regressions.

Upsetting Offsets : A case study of Colombia and their legislation of biodiversity offsetting

Levin, Linda, Olsson, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Title: Upsetting Offsets - A case study of Colombia and their legislation of biodiversity offsetting Authors: Linda Levin and Linda Olsson Supervisor: Åsa-Karin Engstrand Background: The global loss of biodiversity is a very timely debate, and experts are actively working on finding new ways to lessen and reverse the negative impacts placed on the environment. One such way is biodiversity offsetting and it is a methodology that is becoming more prevalent within national environmental legislations. Colombia enforced a legislation regarding biodiversity offsetting in 2012, and it quickly became apparent that the process would not progress without its issues. Aim: The aim of this study is to research the government, NGOs and companies in relation to the legislation of biodiversity offsetting in Colombia established in 2012, to acquire knowledge regarding their roles, relationships and the challenges they are experiencing. Methodology: The empirical data was collected during a two months field study in Colombia. The data was collected in a qualitative manner, through interviews with employees at governmental entities, NGOs and companies. While conducting the empirical research, theoretical information was gathered, which implies an iterative approach. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, there are various issues to be found in the implementation process of the legislation, both in regards to practical difficulties, as well as in the relationships between the different actors. Some of these problems could be mitigated with a national habitat banking system, where the offsetting activities are managed by an external part.  Key words: Biodiversity offsetting, environmental governance, Colombia, NGOs, the government, companies, roles, relationships, challenges. / Bakgrund: Den globala negativa påverkan på den biologiska mångfalden är en högst aktuell debatt, och experter arbetar ständigt med att hitta nya sätt att vända de negativa effekterna på miljön. En metod som ämnar göra detta är ekologisk kompensering, vilken blir allt vanligare inom nationell miljölagstiftning. I Colombia trädde en lagstiftning gällande ekologisk kompensering i kraft under 2012, och det blev snart uppenbart att processen inte skulle fortskrida utan sina problem. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att i Colombia, undersöka regeringen, ideella organisationer och företag i relation till lagstiftningen om ekologisk kompensering som trädde i kraft 2012, för att förvärva oss kunskap om deras roller, relationer och utmaningar. Metod: Det empiriska datamaterialet samlades in under en två månader lång fältstudie i Colombia. Detta skedde kvalitativt, genom intervjuer med anställda på regeringsorgan, ideella organisationer och företag. Samtidigt som vi genomförde den empiriska undersökningen, samlade vi även in teoretisk information, vilket visar på användningen av en iterativ metod. Slutsats: Resultaten av denna studie visar att det finns vissa svårigheter i implementeringsprocessen av lagstiftningen, såväl gällande praktiska svårigheter, som i relationerna mellan de olika aktörerna. Några av dessa problem skulle kunna lösas med ett nationellt habitat banking system, där kompenseringsaktiviteterna hanteras av en extern part. Nyckelord: Ekologisk kompensering, miljöstyrning, Colombia, ideella organisationer, regeringen, företag, roller, förhållanden, utmaningar.

Du och Jag är Volvos riddare i kampen om svenskheten : En multimodal språkanalys av Volvos reklamfilm Vintersaga / You and I are Volvos knights in the struggle for swedishness : A Multimodal linguistic analysis of Volvos commercial film Vintersaga

Fellnert, Markus January 2015 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur Volvo konstruerar svenskhet och sin egen identitet i deras reklamfilm Made by Sweden – Vintersaga. Med tanke på hur olika uppfattningar kring vad som är svenskt florerar fritt i både Sverige och världen så är det intressant att undersöka hur en svensk symbol och ett multinationellt företag som Volvo väljer att reproducera denna. Detta är en språkinriktad undersökning som använder sig av en multimodal analys för att synliggöra vem som gör vad i reklamfilmen och hur den inkluderar och engagerar tittaren. Den multimodala analysen bygger på Michael Hallidays systemisk-funktionella grammatiska analysmodell och förklaras sakligt hur den används för att tjäna syftet. I resultatet dyker stora deltagargrupper upp som är människor, element och Volvo själva. Dessa engagerar och inkluderar tittaren på olika sätt vilket skapar en kontakt och ett meddelande mellan Volvo som är sändare och tittaren som är mottagare. Symboliskt sett så gestaltas en kamp mot det stora vemodet som består av svåra svenska förhållanden i form av kyla, blåst och väta. Tittaren och de mänskliga deltagarna i reklamfilmen blir svenska och uppmanas implicit att använda en Volvo i sin kamp för att fortsätta vara svenska. För det är bara de med rätt vilja och rätt val av utrustning som blir svenska och kan tåla kampen. Fälttåget leds av världsliga representanter som Timbuktu och Börje Salming, starka individer som samarbetar i grupp med Volvo som sin kuse. Kampen finns i språket som Volvo har valt i bild och sång.

Kvinnliga våldsförövare : - En studie i en svensk kontext om kvinnor som dömts för våldsbrott / Female Perpetrators of Violence : - A Study in a Swedish Context about Women that has been Convicted of Violent Crime

Linnér, Vendela, Rundgren, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera händelseförloppet i domar där kvinnor blivit dömda för våldsbrott. Detta för att studera om det återfinns likheter i brottens tillvägagångssätt. Utöver att studera likheter i brottens händelseförlopp, ämnade även studien att undersöka om det återfanns några likheter i omständigheterna kring brottet, exempelvis studerades domarna med fokus på sociala förhållande. 50 stycken domar inhämtades från JUNO och användes som material till studien för att möjliggöra studerandet av kvinnliga våldsförövare. Studiens resultat påvisade att det återfanns likheter i domarna gällande både händelseförloppen och omständigheterna kring brottet. Det framkom att det vanligaste brottet som de studerade kvinnorna dömdes för var misshandel av normalgraden. Kvinnliga våldsförövare var generellt mer benägna att använda tillhyggen än att inte använda tillhyggen vid brottet. Det tillhyggen som hade använts av flest kvinnor var kniv. Våldshandlingarna som kvinnorna begick riktades främst mot män snarare än mot andra kvinnor. Gällande sociala förhållande återfanns det i studien att det var relativt vanligt att den kvinnliga förövaren hade kontakt med socialtjänsten. Kontakten med socialtjänsten kunde ske genom att socialtjänsten exempelvis tillhandahöll en bostad åt förövaren eller att förövaren hade kontakt med socialtjänsten med anledning av sina barn. Det återfanns även i de studerade domarna att förövaren hade varit alkoholpåverkad i nästintill majoriteten av fallen och att några av de studerade förövarna hade en uttalad alkoholproblematik. Sammantaget har studiens resultat bringat en djupare förståelse om fenomenet kvinnliga våldsförövare. Kunskapen som har genererats kan användas för att utveckla effektiva förebyggande insatser riktat mot kvinnliga våldsförövare. Framtida forskning inom samma område bör enbart fokusera på att analysera en brottstyp för att få ut mer specifika likheter gällande kvinnliga våldsförövare.

Ledarskap på akuten : Att leda tillfälliga grupper under påfrestande förhållanden i rollen som ledningssjuksköterska / Leadership in the emergency department : Experiences of leadership in temporary groups during demanding conditions as a charge nurse

Törnestam, Andrea January 2024 (has links)
Akutsjukvården i Sverige är en samhällsviktig verksamhet i vardag, kris och i händelse av krig. Den operativa ledningen på akutmottagningar sköts av en sjuksköterska med ledningsansvar, vars uppdrag är att leda och fördela arbetet under ett skift. På akutmottagningar i Sverige arbetar såväl tillsvidareanställd ordinarie personal med olika erfarenhetsnivå, liksom bemanningsanställd personal under förhållanden som kan definieras som påfrestande. Syftet med denna studie har varit att bidra med förståelse av ledarskap i akutsjukvårdens kontext genom att undersöka upplevelser av ledarskap av tillfälliga grupper under påfrestande förhållanden i rollen som ledningssjuksköterska. Med en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med ledningssjuksköterskor från olika akutmottagningar i Region Stockholm. Resultatet analyserades genom en tematisk analys där en i Sverige etablerad ledarskapsmodell användes. Analysen genererade fyra teman som beskriver rollen och sammanhanget ledningssjuksköterskor verkar i, vad som kännetecknar påfrestande förhållanden i akutsjukvården och vilka omgivnings- och ledarfaktorer som påverkar ledarskapet hos ledningssjuksköterskor. Ett resultat av studien är en empirisk tillämpning av generell ledarskapsteori i akutsjukvårdens kontext. Studiens viktigaste bidrag är att ledningssjuksköterskor anpassar sitt ledarskap efter graden av påfrestning och personalgruppens kompetens, erfarenhet och behov av stöd. Resultatet indikerar också att kännedom om personalgruppens kompetens kan vara av särskilt betydelse under påfrestande förhållanden med tidsbrist, osäkerhet och psykiska påfrestningar som följd. / Emergency healthcare in Sweden holds a vital societal function in ordinary circumstances, crisis situations, and in the event of war. The operational management within emergency departments is lead by a nurse in charge, tasked with the responsibility of leading and allocating work during a shift. Within Swedish emergency departments there is a mix of permanently employed regular staff with varying levels of experience and temporary staff working under conditions that can be defined as demanding. The aim of this study has been to contribute to an understanding of leadership within the context of emergency healthcare by examining experiences of leadership of temporary groups during demanding conditions in the role of a charge nurse. A qualitative study involved conducting six semi-structured interviews with charge nurses from various emergency departments in the Stockholm Region. The results were analyzed using a thematic analysis utilizing a well-established leadership model in Sweden. This analysis generated four themes describing the role and context in which chargenurses operate, what characterizes demanding conditions in emergency healthcare, and which environmental and leadership factors affect the leadership of charge nurses. An outcome of the study involves the empirical application of general leadership theory. The primary contribution of this study is that charge nurses adapt their leadership based on levels of adversity and the competence, experience and support needs of the staff group. The results also suggest that awareness of the staff group’s competence can be particularly significant under demanding conditions, including time constraints, uncertainty and stress.

Från Barndom till Ålderdom: Multipel-aktörsansats för hälsa och välbefinnande genom livscykel- perspektiv från barnläkares erfarenheter / From Childhood to Old Age: Multi-actor approach to health and well-being through a life course perspective from pediatrician's experiences

Hemmenbach, Annkatrin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att undersöka äldres hälsa och välbefinnande med ett livscykelperspektiv ger insikter i hur tidiga livserfarenheter formar välbefinnandet senare i livet, vilket är det övergripande ramverket för denna empiriska studie. Studien betonar vikten av att förstå de komplexa faktorer som påverkar hälsa och välbefinnande hos äldre över livet från ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Med en ökande åldrande befolkning är det avgörande att adressera dessa faktorer för att främja hälsosamt åldrande. Studien utforskar äldres hälsa och välbefinnande genom ett livscykelperspektiv med en unik ansats, belyser hur samverkan mellan familjen, samhället och vetenskapen kan främja detta, med barnläkares perspektiv som en central komponent för att främja hälsa och välbefinnande under livets olika faser. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambanden mellan tidiga livsfaser och hälsa samt välbefinnande i äldre ålder. Genom att utforska hur barnläkares expertis inom pediatrisk utveckling och hälsa kan bidra till förståelsen av långsiktiga hälsoeffekter orsakade av barndomens förhållanden. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte användes en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem äldre barnläkare i Sverige som har minst två decenniers erfarenhet av klinisk verksamhet. Deltagarna valdes ut genom målinriktat urval. Den insamlade datan analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med inslag av Grounded Theory. Resultat: Studien identifierar fyra huvudkategorier: Familjens och samhällets roll i barnets utveckling och hälsa, Reflektion över Barnets Utveckling och Livscykelperspektiv, Betydelsen av Tidiga Insatser och Förändring, samt Vetenskapens Ansvar i Barnets Utveckling och Hälsa. Resultaten av studien visar på barnläkares betydelsefulla insikter om livscykelperspektivet och understryker behovet av en multipel-aktörsansats genom att involvera både familjen, samhället och forskarsamhället i processen. Slutsats: Äldre barnläkares perspektiv på livscykelperspektivet ger en unik inblick i hur de sambandet barnets hälsa och välbefinnande i senare skeden av livet. Det understryks en vidgad förståelse av barns utveckling och hälsa med fokus på familjens generationsöverskridande interaktioner och samverkan. Vidare föreslås att en holistisk och multipel-aktörsansats som involverar familjen, samhället och forskargemenskapen är avgörande för att skapa gynnsamma förhållanden för barn och individer. / Background: Investigating the health and well-being of the elderly through a life cycle perspective provides insights into how early life experiences shape well-being later in life, which is the overarching framework for this empirical study. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding the complex factors affecting the health and well-being of older people over a lifetime from a public health perspective. With an increasing aging population, it is crucial to address these factors to promote healthy aging. The study explores the health and well-being of older people through a life cycle perspective with a unique approach, highlighting how the collaboration between family, society, and science can promote this, with the perspective of pediatricians as a central component for promoting health and well-being throughout the various stages of life. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the connections between early life stages and health and well-being in older age. By exploring how pediatricians’ expertise in pediatric development and health can contribute to understanding the long-term health effects caused by childhood conditions. Method: To answer the study’s purpose, a qualitative method was used with an inductive design. Data collection was collected through semi-structured interviews with five senior pediatricians in Sweden who have at least two decades of clinical experience. Participants were selected through purposeful sampling. A qualitative content analysis, with elements of Grounded Theory was used to analysis the data. Results: The analysis resulted in four main categories: The Role of Family and Society in Child Development and Health, Reflection on Child Development and Life Cycle Perspective, The Importance of Early Interventions and Change, and The Responsibility of Science in Child Development and Health. The results of the study highlight the significant insights of pediatricians on the life cycle perspective and underscore the need for a multi-actor approach by involving both the family, society, and the research community in the process. Conclusion: The perspective of older pediatricians on the life cycle perspective provides a unique insight into how they connect child health and well-being in later stages of life. An extended understanding of child development and health with a focus on intergenerational family interactions and collaboration is emphasized. Furthermore, it is suggested that a holistic and multi-actor approach involving the family, society, and the research community is crucial to create favourable conditions for children and individuals.

Risk matters : studies in finance, trade and politics

Vlachos, Jonas January 2001 (has links)
This thesis consists of four self-contained empirical essays. In the first essays "Markets for Risk and Openness to Trade: How are They Related?" (with Helena Svaleryd), we ask if there is an empirical relationship between financial development and openness to trade. Numerous theoretical papers have noted that trade policies can be used as an insurance against shocks from international markets. It follows that the development of markets for risk should reduce the incentives to rely on trade policy for insurance purposes. Feeney and Hillman (2001) explicitly demonstrate how asset-market incompleteness can affect trade policy in a model where trade policy is determined by the lobbying of interest groups. If risk can be fully diversified, special-interest groups have no incentive to lobby for protection, and free trade will prevail. Likewise, trade liberalization might increase the demand for financial services, thereby spurring the development of financial markets. Using several indicators of both openness to trade and financial development, we find an economically significant relation between the two. In particular, the relation holds when using the well known, although criticized (Rodriguez and Rodrik 1999), Sachs-Warner index, and structurally adjusted trade, as indicators of openness. For tariff levels and non-tariff barriers, the results hold only for relatively rich countries. Causality seems to be running both from openness to financial development and the other way around, depending on which indicator and methodology are used. Due to underlying technological differences, industries differ in their need for external financing (Rajan and Zingales, 1998). Since services provided by the financial sector are largely immobile across countries (Pagano et al., 2001), the pattern of specialization should be influenced by the degree of financial development. In the second essay, "Financial Markets, the Pattern of Specialization, and Comparative Advantage: Evidence from OECD Countries" (with Helena Svaleryd), we find this effect to be strong. In fact, the financial sector has an even greater impact on the pattern of specialization among OECD countries than differences in human- and physical capital. Further, the financial sector gives rise to comparative advantage in a way consistent with the Hecksher-Ohlin-Vanek model. Large and active stock markets, as well as the degree of concentration in the banking sector, produce the strongest and most consistent effects. The results also support the view that the quality accounting standards and the legal protection of creditors affect the pattern of industry specialization, while the depth of the financial system (measured by the amount of liquidity in an economy) is a source of comparative advantage. The third essay, "Who Wants Political Integration? Evidence from the Swedish EU-Membership Referendum" looks directly at the determinants of political attitudes towards regional integration and separation. More precisely, the regional voting pattern of the 1994 Swedish EU-membership referendum is analyzed. To explain this variation, an empirical investigation based on the extensive theoretical literature analyzing the determinants of regional economic and political integration is undertaken. Since enhanced possibilities of inter-regional risk sharing is one of the main gains from integration discussed in the literature (e.g Persson and Tabellini, 1996), special attention is given to this issue. The empirical results show that individuals living in labor markets exposed to a high degree of risk were more negative towards EU-membership than those living in safe ones. It is also shown that inhabitants of high-income labor markets, with a high level of schooling and small receipts of central government transfers were relatively positive towards the EU-membership. Given the restrictive regulations limiting discretionary policies within the EU, these results suggest that inhabitants of safe and rich regions voted in favor of secession from the Swedish transfer system, rather than in favor of European integration. In the final essay, "Does Labor Market Risk Increase the Size of the Public Sector? Evidence From Swedish Municipalities", I study if a high degree of private labor-market risk is related to a larger public sector in Swedish municipalities. The theoretical hypothesis is based on Rodrik (1998), who argues (and shows empirically) that countries exposed to a high degree of external risk also tend to have larger governments. The safe public sector is expanded at the expense of risky sectors and hence provides insurance against income volatility. Several problems related to data availability and comparability that apply to cross-country studies are circumvented by using data on Swedish municipalities. Further, there is no need to aggregate the public sector across different levels of governance: local risk is directly related to the size of the local public sector. The paper is not a complete parallel to Rodrik’s study, however. Several alternative insurance mechanisms that do not exist between countries are available between municipalities. For example, the central government provides insurance against individual-specific risk such as unemployment and illness, private capital markets are better integrated within than between countries, and the central government can hand out grants to municipalities. Despite these mitigating factors, local labor-market risk is found to have a substantial impact on municipal public employment. It is also found that shocks increasing the size of the public sector across all municipalities tend to generate a larger increase in risky locations. For municipal public spending and taxation the results are, however, much weaker. Hence, labor-market risk affects the labor intensity of the municipal public sector, rather than its size. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2002</p>

Bridging Boundaries in the Borderland of Bureaucracies : Individual Impact on Organisational Adaption to Demanding Situations in Civil and Military Contexts

Alvinius, Aida January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to reach a deeper understanding of how boundary spanners are bridging boundaries between uniformed bureaucratic organisations and their environment, characterised by demanding conditions. The main part of this thesis is based upon empirical data gathered through 71 interviews with Swedish civil and military informants from several uniformed organisations. Four articles have been included in this thesis in order to address the overarching aim. The results show that boundary spanners are crucial to the adaption of uniformed organisations to demanding conditions. A number of aspects that are included in the process of organisational adaption have been identified. One of the tasks is to balance between structuring and improvisation where much is at stake. The other task is to create confidence among the involved actors and contribute in different ways to create a sense of symmetry between partners. Finally, the third task for boundary spanners is to recognise improvised roles such as spontaneous links in order to maintain stressful conditions and bridge a gap in the bureaucratic organisation.  The present thesis contributes to sociological theory of emotions, disaster management and military studies through a common denominator, namely the demanding context. Taken together, the findings increase awareness of how organisations act towards their environments and how individuals, especially boundary spanners, adapt the organisation to its environment. For leaders and managers, it is important to make decisions, provide mandates and authorisation, as well as invest confidence in boundary spanners. The hierarchical chain may remain in existence, but it can be made shorter and more transparent through this kind of knowledge. / BAKSIDESTEXT: Organisational adaption to the environment is a complex area of research, necessitating enquiry into how such adaption may take place. The purpose of this thesis is to reach a deeper understanding of how boundary spanners are bridging boundaries between uniformed bureaucratic organisations and their environment, characterised by demanding conditions such as disasters and war. The main body of the thesis is based upon interviews with Swedish civil and military informants. The results show that boundary spanners are crucial to the adaption of uniformed organisations to demanding conditions. Their tasks involve balancing between structuring and improvisation, creating confidence among the involved actors and recognising improvised roles such as spontaneous links in order to maintain stressful conditions and bridge a gap in the bureaucratic organisation.  Taken together, the findings increase awareness of how organisations act towards their environments and how individuals, especially boundary spanners, adapt the organisation to its environment. For leaders and managers, it is important to make decisions, provide mandates and authorisation, as well as invest confidence in boundary spanners. The hierarchical chain may remain in existence, but it can be made shorter and more transparent through this kind of knowledge. The present thesis contributes to sociological theory of emotions, disaster management and military studies through a common denominator, namely the demanding context.

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