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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Levererar Big-4 en högre revisionskvalitet jämfört med Non-Big 4? : En kvantitativ studie som jämför större och mindre revisionsbolags revisionskvalitet relaterat till revisionsarvodet / Do Big-4 audit companies deliver a higher quality compared to Non-Big 4 companies? : A quantitative study comparing large and small audit companies audit quality related to the audit fee

Dahlström, Viktor, Danielsson, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Större revisionsbolag har länge inom redovisningslitteraturen associerats med bättre revisionskvalitet jämfört med mindre revisionsbolag. På senare tid har frågan lyfts om större revisionsbolags höga revisionsarvoden beror på högre revisionskvalitet eller marknadsmakt. Denna studie bidrar med nya empiriska underlag inom jämförelsestudier mellan större och mindre revisionsbolag, där revisionsarvodet används som proxy för revisionskvalitet. Vidare tar denna studie, till skillnad från tidigare studier, även hänsyn till revisionskvalitet inom olika riskmiljöer.   Metod: Studien har använt sig av en kvantitativ metod med ett positivistiskt förhållningssätt genom arbetet. En deduktiv forskningsansats har tillämpats där tidigare forskning har legat som grund till studiens framförda hypoteser. Insamling av finansiella sekundärdata för totalt 2518 företag har utförts via databasen Thomson Reuters Datastream.   Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar signifikanta skillnader i revisionskvalitet mellan större och mindre revisionsbolag i studiens olika riskmiljöer. För studiens europeiska länder är förhållandet mellan större och mindre revisionsbolag likvärdiga medan de amerikanska revisionsbolagen skiljer sig signifikant revisionskvalitetsmässigt.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien har genomförts utan hänsyn tagen till kvalitativa faktorer som kan komma att påverka revisionskvalitet, vilket öppnar ett utrymme för komparativa studier med en kvalitativ inriktning. Det finns även möjlighet att utöka antalet börsmarknader för respektive land eller utvidga antalet länder i olika riskmiljöer.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien lämnar två bidrag till redovisningslitteraturen i form av nya empiriska bevis inom revisionskvalitet mellan större och mindre revisionsbolag samt unik forskning kring revisionskvalitetsstudier mellan riskmiljöer. Vidare lämnar studiens resultat incitament åt praktiker att granska revisionsmarknaden för eget vinstintresse samt svarar på normgivares funderingar kring marknadsbalansen mellan större och mindre revisionsbolag. / Aim: Big audit firms have long been associated with higher audit quality, compared to smaller audit firms. Recent studies suggest that the higher audit fees from bigger audit firm is affected by market misuse rather than better audit quality. This study provides new empirical evidence between the comparison of big vs small audit firm, where audit fees are used as proxy for audit quality. Furthermore, this study investigates different litigation environment that could affect audit quality.   Method: This study uses an quantitative based method with an positivist, deductive approach, were earlier studies have had an impact on our hypotheses. Financial information from 2518 companies has been collected from Thomson Reuters Datastream.   Result & Conclusions: This study's result provides significant differences of audit quality between big and small audit firms in different risk environments. For this study, the audit quality relationship between big and small audit firms are equivalent for the European countries while audit quality between big and small audit firms in the US differ significantly.   Contribution of the thesis: This study leaves two contributions to the extent audit literature, in terms of empirical evidence of audit quality between big and small audit firms and unique research results of audit quality in different litigation environments. Furthermore, the results of this study creates incentives for practitioners to review the audit market for self interests and answer legal setters concerns about unbalanced audit markets.   Suggestions for future research: The study has been carried out without consideration of qualitative factors that may affect audit quality. It’s opening a space for comparative studies with an qualitative approach. It is also possible to expand the number of stock exchanges for a country or expand the number of countries in different risk environments.

Problematika intermodálního propojení ČR s námořními přístavy / The issue of intermodal transport connection between Czech Republic and the seaports

Procházková, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the analysis of the intermodal connection between Czech Republic and the seaports. The importance of this connection for the Czech Republic as for an open economy with a large volume of international trade is undervalued. The connection between Czech Republic and the ports is mainly provided by the container combined transport road -- rail. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of this field as it has a potential to be the most effective way of transport considering both economical and environmental criteria. The aim of the thesis is to survey the issue of intermodal connection with the ports, to evaluate the current status and future development options, including the barriers to this development. The result of the thesis is an analyzed current situation: the ports to which Czech Republic is connected have been determined as well as the modes of transport and the key players on the Czech market that provide the shipping services to the ports. A significant part of attention is paid to METRANS, a.s. which is the leading provider of intermodal transport services between Czech republic and the ports. A major problem associated with the development of combined transport is the harmonization of the conditions between road and rail transport. There is one chapter of the thesis which is devoted to this issue. Thanks to the information obtained from companies operating in the intermodal transport business, it was possible to calculate the costs related to the transport of the consignment by road and rail route, to highlight the problems in the daily operation of combined transport, to identify the weaknesses that may hinder the development of the METRANS or to bring other real outcomes.

Vliv vývoje právního názoru v oblasti lhůt pro vyměření daně na výběr daní v ČR / The influence of the development of a law opinion in the section of terms for assesment of a tax on tax collection in the Czech Republic

Stránská, Ester January 2009 (has links)
This thesis was focused on the influence of the development of a law opinion in the section of terms for assesment of a tax on a tax collection in the Czech republic. The purpose was to find out if the law about the tax and fees administration was a sufficient procedural tax norm in the section of terms for assessment of a tax, if existed the practice of the Supreme Administrative Court, which would edit, explain and improve interpretation provision § 47 Terms for assesment of tax which was wrote in the law about tax and fees administration. Furthermore was analyzed if the new procedural norm, the tax regulation, effective from 1. 1. 2011, was settled with interpretation the practice of the courts and what changes become against adjustment betray into the law about tax and fees administration. At the close work were make results, that the law about tax and fees administration was imperfect procedural norm in the section of terms for assesment of a tax and that the new procedural law, the tax regulation, which is more detailed specifies in the section of terms for assessment of a tax, can contribute to a better orientation in those problems.

Har kvinnors riskaversion effekt på redovisningskvalitet och revisionsarvode? : En kvantitativ studie på 129 företag i Europa.

Jonsson, Josephine, Lund, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: Do women's risk aversion have any effect on earnings quality and audit fees? Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Josephine Jonsson and Josefin Lund Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Date: 2019 – june Aim: Due to the positive qualities women are considered to add to the boardroom and the countries' quota requirements for the proportion of women on boards, it is of great importance to examine the possible effect of an increased number of women on boards. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a connection between external audit fees and the proportion of women on the board. A second purpose is to investigate whether a higher/lower audit fees associated with women on the board is related to higher earnings quality. Method: The study adopts a hypothetical-deductive approach with a positivistic perspective. Quantitative secondary data has been obtained from the Thomson Reuters Eikon. A longitudinal study has been designed and the selection has finally been analyzed in multiple regression analysis using the statistics program IBM SPSS. Result & Conclusions: The study's literature review gave reason to expect a connection between the proportion of women on the board and the companies' earnings management and audit fees explained by women's risk aversion. The study measures the companies' earnings quality with earnings management in order to seek answers to whether the audit fee can be explained by the earnings quality. The result shows no correlation and the study can thus not explain the companies' audit fees with women's tendency to act risk averse. Contribution of the thesis: From a theoretical perspective, the study contributes to business research through an increased understanding of the view of the female leader, as this study seeks out explanations other than risk aversion to the connection between audit fees and the female leader. The study's practical contribution is about clarifying the effect of appointing more women on boards, and the study provides valuable information to the companies' stakeholders due to the quota requirements of women on boards in certain countries. Suggestions for future research: Since the results in the study do not fall in line with previous research, future research should take an open perspective on whether women should be assumed to be risk averse. There may be many other explanations for the effects of women on leading positions. These effects should be investigated. It is also interesting to investigate how the quota of women in leading positions affects the companies' profitability, if the woman is hired because of her gender and not her experience and competence. / SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Har kvinnors riskaversion någon effekt på redovisningskvalitet och revisionsarvode? Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Josephine Jonsson och Josefin Lund Handledare: Jan Svanberg Datum: 2019 – juni Syfte: Med anledning av de positiva egenskaper kvinnor anses tillföra i styrelserummen samt ländernas kvoteringskrav på andel kvinnor i styrelser är det av stor vikt att undersöka den eventuella effekt som kommer av ett ökat antal kvinnor i styrelser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan externt revisionsarvode och andel kvinnor i styrelsen. Ett andra syfte är att undersöka om ett eventuellt högre/lägre revisionsarvode associerat till kvinnor i styrelsen är relaterat till högre redovisningskvalitet. Metod: Studien antar en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats och ett positivistiskt perspektiv. Kvantitativ sekundärdata har inhämtats från databasen Thomson Reuters Eikon. En longitudinell studie har designats och urvalet har slutligen genomgått analys i multipla regressionsanalyser med hjälp av statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens litteraturundersökning gav anledning att förvänta sig ett samband mellan andel kvinnor i styrelsen och företagens resultatmanipulation och revisionsarvode förklarat med kvinnors riskaversion. Studien mäter företagens redovisningskvalitet med resultatmanipulation för att söka svar på om revisionsarvodet kan förklaras med företagens redovisningskvalitet. Resultatet visar inget samband och studien kan således inte förklara företagens revisionsarvoden med kvinnors tendens att agera riskavert. Examensarbetets bidrag: Ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv bidrar studien till den företagsekonomiska forskningen genom en ökad förståelse på synen på den kvinnliga ledaren, eftersom denna studie söker andra förklaringar än riskaversion till sambandet mellan revisionsarvodet och den kvinnliga ledaren. Studiens praktiska bidrag handlar om att tydliggöra effekten av att tillsätta fler kvinnor i styrelser och studien tillhandahåller värdefull information till företagens intressenter med anledning av kvoteringskrav på kvinnor i styrelser i vissa länder. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Då sambanden i studien inte faller i linje med tidigare forskning bör framtida forskning inta ett öppet perspektiv på huruvida kvinnan kan antas riskavert. Det kan finnas många andra förklaringar till effekterna som uppstår av kvinnor på ledande poster. Dessa effekter bör undersökas. Det vore även intressant att undersöka hur inkvotering av kvinnor i ledande positioner påverkar företagens lönsamhet, ifall kvinnan inkvoteras på grund av sin könstillhörighet och inte sin erfarenhet och kompetens.

Tarifas de energia elétrica no Brasil. / Tariffs of electric energy in Brazil.

Carção, João Francisco de Castro 01 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o desenvolvimento da indústria da energia elétrica brasileira, a formação e composição das tarifas de energia elétrica e suas implicações e reflexos na economia em geral. Nesse sentido foi feito um breve histórico dessa indústria desde o ano de 1.993, que foi o ano em que se migrou de uma regulação de tarifas pelo sistema denominado custo do serviço para o sistema regulatório denominado price cap, ou seja, preços máximos pelo sistema de incentivos. Foi analisada essa linha regulatória que passou basicamente por dois governos sucessivos, com dois mandatos consecutivos. Fernando Henrique Cardoso no período de 1994 a 2003, que traçou as linhas mestras dessa regulação, com um programa de privatizações de empresas geradoras, transmissoras e distribuidoras de energia elétrica, delegando à iniciativa privada a maior parte da responsabilidade desse serviço. Nessa fase foram constituídas diversas agências reguladoras, sendo criada a ANEEL Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica, com o objetivo de regular e mediar os interesses dos investidores e dos consumidores. Posteriormente, no governo Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, foi dada continuidade à esse tipo de regulação, com algumas modificações, basicamente na área do planejamento indicativo da expansão do sistema elétrico, que havia sido abandonado. Para analisar o comportamento das tarifas de energia elétrica desde o ano de 2005, foram eleitas cinco distribuidoras de energia elétrica representativas da diversidade geográfica brasileira, e comparado o crescimento do IGP-M com o crescimento das tarifas de consumidores típicos. / This dissertation has as main goal the analysis of the Brazilian electrical energy industry development, the formation and composition of electrical energy fees and its implication and reflexes in the economy as general. This way it is made a small historic of this industry since the year of 1993, which was the year that the regulation of fees by the system named custo do serviço migrated to the regulatory system named price cap, in other words, maximum prices by the system of incentives. This regulatory line, which basically went through two governments successively, was analyzed with two consecutive mandates, Fernando Henrique Cardoso during the period from 1994 to 2003, who wrote the main lines of this regulation, with a program of privatization of generation, transmission and distribution companies, delegating to the private initiative the major part of the responsibility of this service. In this phase were constituted many regulatory agencies, being also created the ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Electrical Energy National Agency), with the goal to regulate and mediate the interests of the investors and consumers. Lately, during the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, it was given continuity to this kind regulation, with some modifications, basically in the area of planning indicating the expansion of the electrical system, which was abandoned. To analyze the behavior of the electrical energy fees since the year of 2005, were chosen five distributors of electrical energy representatives of the Brazilian geographical diversity and it was made the comparison between the growth of the IGP-M and the growth of the typical consumer fees.

Análise das características das carteiras acionárias, das estratégias de gestão e dos retornos dos fundos de previdência privada complementar PGBL/VGBL que investem em renda variável / Study of Brazilian private pension funds that invest in variable-income assets

Furlanetti, Carlos Eduardo 04 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal desenvolver um modelo para estimar o retorno anual de fundos privados de previdência complementar, PGBL/VGBL, que investiram em ativos de renda variável, entre 2007 e 2015. As variáveis utilizadas para discriminar as estratégias implementadas pelos gestores de fundos foram o beta do portfólio de ações, a taxa de administração cobrada pelo fundo e a porcentagem do patrimônio do fundo aplicada em ativos de renda variável. Os dados de 671 fundos diferentes foram extraídos do banco de dados Economática®. Os fundos estavam associados a 29 administradoras diferentes. Com esses dados, foi possível investigar a composição das carteiras de ações dos fundos administrados pelas principais instituições financeiras que operam no mercado brasileiro. Cada uma das principais administradoras de fundos manteve, no período, um padrão de seleção de portfólio de ativos de renda variável: a composição das carteiras acionárias de boa parte dos fundos pertencentes a uma mesma administradora, quando não idêntica, apresentou alto grau de similaridade. Para verificar se houve alguma diferenciação na estratégia de gerenciamento de fundos entre as principais administradoras, foram aplicados testes multivariados de igualdade de Wald. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas médias das variáveis que discriminaram estratégias de gestão dos fundos, dentro de um intervalo de confiança de 95%, em pelo menos uma das cinco principais administradoras de fundos. Os retornos anuais médios dos fundos, obtidos no período, estavam positiva e fortemente correlacionados ao principal índice de mercado de ações do Brasil, o Ibovespa. Esta descoberta indica uma possível passividade no gerenciamento de fundos, conforme encontrado por outros estudos acadêmicos. Especificamente, os fundos PGBL/VGBL com investimentos em ativos de renda variável que foram administrados pela administradora Itaú Unibanco SA obtiveram melhor desempenho médio, quando os retornos foram ajustados aos riscos incorridos. Para ajustar os retornos anuais ao risco, este trabalho apresentou, com base em um conjunto de premissas descritas no capítulo introdutório, uma metodologia que simplifica o cálculo das betas dos fundos, permitindo ordená-los com base em desempenhos ajustados ao risco. O modelo encontrado para estimar os retornos anuais dos fundos foi obtido por meio da técnica de regressão multinível com dados em painel. Tal modelo apontou, dentro do domínio temporal do estudo, que a cada ponto percentual adicional de taxa de administração cobrada pela instituição financeira, a estimativa de retorno ao investidor de determinado fundo era reduzida em um ponto percentual. Esta descoberta é mais uma evidência de passividade na gestão de fundos. Finalmente, a variação dos retornos anuais dos fundos é explicada principalmente pela variação na interação entre a porcentagem do patrimônio do fundo investido em ativos de renda variável e o retorno anual do Ibovespa. / This work aimed to develop a model for estimating the annual return of the most popular private retirement funds in the Brazilian market, PGBL/VGBL funds, that invested in variable-income assets, between 2007 and 2015. The variables used to discriminate the strategies implemented by the fund managers were the beta of the stock portfolio, the management fee charged by the fund, and the percentage of the fund assets applied in variable-income assets. Data from 671 different funds were extracted from the Economática® database. The funds were associated to 29 different financial institutions. With these data, it was possible to investigate the composition of the stock portfolios of the funds held by the main financial institutions that operate in the Brazilian market. Each of the main financial institutions maintained a pattern of portfolio selection for variable-income assets in the period: the composition of the equity portfolios of most of the funds managed by the same financial institution, when not identical, presented a high level of similarity. In order to verify if there was any differentiation in the fund management strategy among the main financial institutions, multivariate Wald equality tests were applied. Statistically significant differences in the average of the variables that discriminated fund strategies were found, within a 95% confidence interval, in at least one of the top fund financial institutions. The average annual returns of the funds obtained in the period were positive and strongly correlated to the main stock market index of Brazil, the Ibovespa. This finding indicates a possible passivity in fund management, as found by other academic studies. Specifically, the PGBL/VGBL funds with investments in variable-income assets that were managed by Itaú Unibanco SA obtained better average performance over the almost whole period, when returns were adjusted to the incurred risks. In order to adjust the annual returns to risk, this work presented, based on a set of assumptions described in the introductory chapter, a methodology that simplifies the calculation of the betas of the funds, allowing to order them based on risk adjusted performances. The model found to estimate the annual returns of the funds was obtained through the multilevel regression technique with data in panel. Such a model pointed out - within the time domain of the study - that at each additional percentage point of management fee charged by the financial institution, the estimated return on the investor of a given fund was reduced by the same one percentage point. This finding is one more evidence of passivity in fund management. Finally, the variation of the annual returns of the funds is mainly explained by the variation in the interaction between the percentage of the fund equity invested in variable-income assets and the annual return of the Ibovespa.

L'industrie française des OPCVM : conflit d'intérêt, compétition et incitation illicite / French Mutual Fund Market : conflict of interest, competition and implicit incentive

Tran dieu, Linh 01 December 2011 (has links)
Le marché français, caractérisé en particulier par une forte segmentation, d’une faible sophistication des investisseurs et une domination des banques, serait peu compétitif. Sur le plan théorique, nous cherchons à illustrer, à l’aide des deux modèles simples, les effets d’une absence relative de compétition entre les fonds. Le premier met en évidence le rôle de la compétition dans la création des incitations implicites. Le second tente d’illustrer le fait que cette absence de compétition (liée à la domination des banques sur le marché français) conduirait à une performance plus faible pour les fonds. Sur le plan empirique, nous vérifions, d’une part, l’existence de ce manque de compétition du marché français. D’autre part, nous mettons en évidence l’existence d’un conflit d’intérêt direct entre les investisseurs et les fonds, résultant direct du manque de compétition du marché. Au niveau de la rentabilité des fonds, le manque de compétition du marché reflète dans le fait que les investisseurs ne réagissent pas fortement à la rentabilité relative des fonds. Au niveau des frais, l’insensibilité des investisseurs individuels aux frais des fonds pourrait traduire une moindre concurrence du marché. Nous observons également une discrimination par les frais entre les investisseurs institutionnels et les investisseurs individuels. Ces derniers paient plus chers pour une rentabilité plus faible. Toutefois, le marché commence à montrer des signes de compétition, reflétant dans le fait que les investisseurs individuels commencent à faire attention au rapport qualité-prix des fonds. Par ailleurs, un plus grand degré de sophistication des investisseurs institutionnels pourrait expliquer le fait que nous ne constatons aucun lien entre les frais et la rentabilité des fonds dans ce segment. En effet, ces investisseurs, susceptibles d’être plus sophistiqués, pourraient estimer la qualité de la gestion par des mesures plus complexes de la performance. Enfin, nous fournissons une preuve de l’existence d’un conflit d’intérêt entre les investisseurs et les fonds : les déséconomies d’échelle de performance. / The French market, characterized especially by a strong segmentation, low sophistication of investors and a domination of banks, would not be competitive. On the theoretical side, we try to illustrate, using two simple models, the effects of a lack of competition. The first one highlights the role of competition in the creation of implicit incentives. The second one shows that the lack of competition leads to weak funds’ performance. Empirically, we verify firstly the existence of this lack of competition in the French market. Secondly, we show the existence of a conflict of interest between investors and funds. The lack of competition reflects by the fact that investors do not react strongly to funds’ performance and individual investors are not sensitive to fund fees. We also observe a price discrimination between institutional and individual investors. The latter pays more for lower return. However, the market begins to show some signs of competition. In fact, individual investors start to pay attention to the “price-quality” rapport. In addition, a greater degree of sophistication of institutional investors may explain the fact that we do not obtain any relation between fees and return in this segment. Indeed, these investors may be more sophisticated and could estimate the quality of a fund by more complex measures of performance. Finally, we provide evidence for the existence of a conflict of interest between investors and funds: diseconomies of scale.

Barnidrott och föreningsavgifter : En studie om föreningslivet, ideellt arbete och avgift / Sports for children and compounds fees

Mohamed, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
Sports club fees keep increasing among members and participants in Sweden, as an effect of proffesionalization and commersialization. When the Swedish National Sports Association abolished the amateur rules in 1967, the state and the market gained more possibilities to affect the Swedish sports movement. Sports should be a platform where children and young adults can spend time and grow as individuals as well as develop an interest for a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, the proffesionalism and commercialism causes many young athletes to quit exercising sports. Multi-faceted sports are an essential part of keeping children in the sports movement, as well as creating a lifelong interest in sports. The purpose of this study was to investigate the club of Gimonäs Umeå IF in Sweden, to see what thoughts and experiences seemed frequent regarding club fees, also investigate if the parents are happy with the content how the fees were being used. To summarize, the parents were generally pleased with the fees being taken although some were miss content since they had preferred lower fees. The clubs, on the other hand, were disappointed with the contribution from the state and the county.

Tempo de fechamento faríngeo correlacionado com consistências, volumes, gênero e idade em videoendoscopia da deglutição / Pharyngeal contraction time on fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing: correlation with consistency, volume, gender, and age

Lemos, Elza Maria 28 March 2011 (has links)
O peristaltismo constritor é um dos principais componentes da fase faríngea da deglutição. Foram estudados os efeitos das consistências e volumes de alimento ofertado sobre a duração do fechamento faríngeo (white-out) por meio da videoendoscopia da deglutição em 61 indivíduos com deglutição normal. Os resultados foram correlacionados com gênero (24 masculinos e 37 femininos) e idade (20 a 77 anos). Foram ofertadas amostras alimentares de 5 e 10mL, nas consistências liquido, liquido espessado, pastoso e sólido a todos os indivíduos, obtendo-se 394 vídeos do período de fechamento faríngeo nas diversas consistências e volumes. As imagens foram digitalizadas e analisadas quadro-a-quadro no programa Adobe® Premiere® 6.5. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante no tempo de fechamento faríngeo comparando-se entre as diferentes consistências e volumes. Não houve diferença quando comparados com gênero ou idade dos indivíduos. Conclui-se que o tempo de fechamento faríngeo não sofre impacto das diferentes consistências e volumes, assim como o gênero e idade em indivíduos com deglutição normal / Peristaltic constriction is one of the main components of the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. This study assessed the effects of various food consistencies and volumes on pharyngeal contraction time (as measured by duration of white-out during fiberoptic endoscopy) in 61 subjects with no swallowing problems. Results were correlated with gender (24 male, 37 female) and age (range, 2077 years). Food was provided in 5 and 10mL samples in various consistencies (fluid, thickened fluid, pureed, and solid) to all participants; a total of 394 video recordings of pharyngeal contraction during the passage of these various food consistencies and volumes were obtained. Footage was digitized and frame-by-frame analysis was carried out in the Adobe® Premiere® 6.5 software package. There were no statistically significant differences in pharyngeal contraction time during swallowing of the various food consistencies and volumes provided. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences between male and female patients or across different age. We conclude that sample consistency, bolus volume, gender and age have no impact on pharyngeal contraction time among individuals with no pathological changes in swallowing

Tarifas de energia elétrica no Brasil. / Tariffs of electric energy in Brazil.

João Francisco de Castro Carção 01 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o desenvolvimento da indústria da energia elétrica brasileira, a formação e composição das tarifas de energia elétrica e suas implicações e reflexos na economia em geral. Nesse sentido foi feito um breve histórico dessa indústria desde o ano de 1.993, que foi o ano em que se migrou de uma regulação de tarifas pelo sistema denominado custo do serviço para o sistema regulatório denominado price cap, ou seja, preços máximos pelo sistema de incentivos. Foi analisada essa linha regulatória que passou basicamente por dois governos sucessivos, com dois mandatos consecutivos. Fernando Henrique Cardoso no período de 1994 a 2003, que traçou as linhas mestras dessa regulação, com um programa de privatizações de empresas geradoras, transmissoras e distribuidoras de energia elétrica, delegando à iniciativa privada a maior parte da responsabilidade desse serviço. Nessa fase foram constituídas diversas agências reguladoras, sendo criada a ANEEL Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica, com o objetivo de regular e mediar os interesses dos investidores e dos consumidores. Posteriormente, no governo Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, foi dada continuidade à esse tipo de regulação, com algumas modificações, basicamente na área do planejamento indicativo da expansão do sistema elétrico, que havia sido abandonado. Para analisar o comportamento das tarifas de energia elétrica desde o ano de 2005, foram eleitas cinco distribuidoras de energia elétrica representativas da diversidade geográfica brasileira, e comparado o crescimento do IGP-M com o crescimento das tarifas de consumidores típicos. / This dissertation has as main goal the analysis of the Brazilian electrical energy industry development, the formation and composition of electrical energy fees and its implication and reflexes in the economy as general. This way it is made a small historic of this industry since the year of 1993, which was the year that the regulation of fees by the system named custo do serviço migrated to the regulatory system named price cap, in other words, maximum prices by the system of incentives. This regulatory line, which basically went through two governments successively, was analyzed with two consecutive mandates, Fernando Henrique Cardoso during the period from 1994 to 2003, who wrote the main lines of this regulation, with a program of privatization of generation, transmission and distribution companies, delegating to the private initiative the major part of the responsibility of this service. In this phase were constituted many regulatory agencies, being also created the ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Electrical Energy National Agency), with the goal to regulate and mediate the interests of the investors and consumers. Lately, during the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, it was given continuity to this kind regulation, with some modifications, basically in the area of planning indicating the expansion of the electrical system, which was abandoned. To analyze the behavior of the electrical energy fees since the year of 2005, were chosen five distributors of electrical energy representatives of the Brazilian geographical diversity and it was made the comparison between the growth of the IGP-M and the growth of the typical consumer fees.

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