Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1amily history"" "subject:"bamily history""
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Heritage SitesBurke, Leah 02 July 2019 (has links)
A written thesis to accompany the M.F.A. Exhibition Heritage Sites, in which vignettes of the artist’s personal and familial narratives become a backdrop for examining themes such as global tourism, the notion of universal heritage, and questioning Puerto Rico as a postcolonial place. A two channel short video layers archival imagery with original material to examine the ways Puerto Rico has been represented and misrepresented personally and globally.
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Fast Registration of Tabular Document Images Using the Fourier-Mellin TransformHutchison, Luke Alexander Daysh 24 March 2004 (has links)
Image registration, the process of finding the transformation that best maps one image to another, is an important tool in document image processing. Having properly-aligned microfilm images can help in manual and automated content extraction, zoning, and batch compression of images. An image registration algorithm is presented that quickly identifies the global affine transformation (rotation, scale, translation and/or shear) that maps one tabular document image to another, using the Fourier-Mellin Transform. Each component of the affine transform is recovered independantly from the others, dramatically reducing the parameter space of the problem, and improving upon standard Fourier-Mellin Image Registration (FMIR), which only directly separates translation from the other components. FMIR is also extended to handle shear, as well as different scale factors for each document axis. This registration method deals with all transform components in a uniform way, by working in the frequency domain. Registration is limited to foreground pixels (the document form and printed text) through the introduction of a novel, locally adaptive foreground-background segmentation algorithm, based on the median filter. The background removal algorithm is also demonstrated as a useful tool to remove ambient signal noise during correlation. Common problems with FMIR are eliminated by background removal, meaning that apodization (tapering down to zero at the edge of the image) is not needed for accurate recovery of the rotation parameter, allowing the entire image to be used for registration. An effective new optimization to the median filter is presented. Rotation and scale parameter detection is less susceptible to problems arising from the non-commutativity of rotation and "tiling" (periodicity) than for standard FMIR, because only the regions of the frequency domain directly corresponding to tabular features are used in registration. An original method is also presented for automatically obtaining blank document templates from a set of registered document images, by computing the "pointwise median" of a set of registered documents. Finally, registration is demonstrated as an effective tool for predictive image compression. The presented registration algorithm is reliable and robust, and handles a wider range of transformation types than most document image registration systems (which typically only perform deskewing).
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Srovnání faktorů ovlivňujících vznik nadváhy a obezity u sedmiletých dětí a adolescentů / Comparison of factors affecting the origin of overweight and obesity at seven years old children and adolescentsHanusová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is based on a study of seven year old children Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) processed by Institute of Endocrinology sponsored by WHO Europe and MZ ČR and on a study of adolescents Childhood Obesity Prevalence And Treatment (COPAT) organized by Institute of Endocrinology sponsored by Norway grants and MŠMT ČR. These studies were focused on the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents and on factors possibly related to origin of overweight and obesity. Obesity is a severe chronical multifactorial disease that significantly affects health conditions and development of children. Obesity, as a risk factor, is involved in origin of cardiometabolic problems (II. type diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia), cancer, musculosceletal problems and reproductive system disorders (infertility, hypogonadism, polycystic ovary syndrome, disorders of sexual development in children). Preventive programs, focused on childhood obesity, are important part of health care. These programs are based on results of factors involved in the origin of obesity. The aim of this thesis is determine and compare the prevalence of overweight and obesity in seven year old children and adolescents by classification of Czech republic, WHO...
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Advanced natural language processing and temporal mining for clinical discoveryMehrabi, Saeed 17 August 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / There has been vast and growing amount of healthcare data especially with the rapid adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) as a result of the HITECH act of 2009. It is estimated that around 80% of the clinical information resides in the unstructured narrative of an EHR. Recently, natural language processing (NLP) techniques have offered opportunities to extract information from unstructured clinical texts needed for various clinical applications. A popular method for enabling secondary uses of EHRs is information or concept extraction, a subtask of NLP that seeks to locate and classify elements within text based on the context. Extraction of clinical concepts without considering the context has many complications, including inaccurate diagnosis of patients and contamination of study cohorts. Identifying the negation status and whether a clinical concept belongs to patients or his family members are two of the challenges faced in context detection. A negation algorithm called Dependency Parser Negation (DEEPEN) has been developed in this research study by taking into account the dependency relationship between negation words and concepts within a sentence using the Stanford Dependency Parser. The study results demonstrate that DEEPEN, can reduce the number of incorrect negation assignment for patients with positive findings, and therefore improve the identification of patients with the target clinical findings in EHRs. Additionally, an NLP system consisting of section segmentation and relation discovery was developed to identify patients' family history. To assess the generalizability of the negation and family history algorithm, data from a different clinical institution was used in both algorithm evaluations.
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Mellan två samhällen : Inflyttat arbetsfolk i Linköping under det förindustriella 1800-talet / Between two societies : Migrant labourers in Linköping during the pre-industrial 19th centuryNygren, Victoria January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka den sammantagna livssituationen för ett begränsat urval individer (en primär kohort av 19 män och en utökad kohort av ytterligare 42 män, det vill säga totalt 61 män) i ett familjesammanhang. Det handlar närmare bestämt om att så långt källorna tillåter söka kvalitativt förstå och karaktärisera socioekonomiska villkor, familjeliv och hälsa, såsom de gestaltar sig i den vardagliga livsföringen och i relation till den specifika tiden och den lokala stadsmiljön. Gemensamt för dessa utvalda individer är att de företrädesvis tillhörde det undre samhällsskiktet och flyttade till staden under början av 1800-talet, innan inflyttningen till städerna blev fri. I denna skärningspunkt mellan individen och den yttre omgivningen undersöks såväl möjligheter som begränsningar, händelser och handlingar med ett mikrohistoriskt angreppssätt. I syftet ingår således också att gestalta själva det lokala samhället i förändring och dess förhållande till nya invånare och grupper, för att ge underlag för fortsatt forskning kring social förändring. Vidare karaktäriseras den utökade kohorten i förhållande till stadens demografiska profil. Studiens huvudmaterial utgörs av kyrkböckerna, det vill säga husförhörslängder, födelse- och dödböcker samt vigsel- och flyttlängder. Detta material kompletteras med ett flertal andra källor såsom sjukhusjournaler, saköreslängder, fattigvårdens protokoll, bouppteckningar, landshövdingens femårsberättelser, sockenstämmoprotokoll och lokala tidningar i syfte att få en så bred bild som möjligt. Individerna följs genom sina livskurser i staden under flera decennier och analyseras i nära kontakt med den lokala kontexten. Det senare innebär också en analys av de lokala auktoriteternas syn på och hantering av inflyttningsfrågan i staden under 1800-talets första hälft, det vill säga innan inflyttningen till staden, eller landsbygdens socknar, blev fri 1847. Staden var inte redo för detta arbetsfolk som valde att bo kvar där och skaffa familj. Det var ett ovanligt val, sett i förhållande till migrationsmönstret, och de gjorde det på eget bevåg, det vill säga de bosatte sig utanför husböndernas hushåll och tog därmed risken att inte få ett patriarkalt beskydd. Fattigvården tog också formellt avstånd från dessa arbetsfolkfamiljer och sökte hindra deras inträde i staden. Det visar sig i flera fall att fattigvården agerade utan lagligt stöd då de försökte fatta beslut kring inflyttning baserat på framtida försörjningsprognoser och antal barn i familjen att föda. Överhuvudtaget var dock stadens inflyttningsrestriktioner hårdare på pappret än de var i verkligheten. Relativt få fall blev ovillkorligen nekade inflyttning och de flesta som prövades individuellt fick flytta in med villkoret att de kunde visa försvar och/eller borgen. Staden var på så vis kluven inför arbetsfolket på ett sätt som tolkas som typiskt för den förändring som låg i tiden. Borgarna behövde det unga, ogifta tjänstefolket som arbetskraft men ville inte behålla det i staden när det skulle bilda familj. Männen i kohorterna, och deras familjer, behövde för sin del finna en ny plats att stadga sig på när landsbygdens möjligheter till försörjning började sina. Livet i staden blev för många av dem ett liv mitt emellan två samhällen. Det karaktäriserades, för många, av en svår försörjningssituation med inslag av en dold ekonomi men med sämre förutsättningar än på landsbygden och där till exempel tiggeriet troligen spelade en betydande roll. Det innebar ett begynnande arbetarliv men baserat på en mager lön som egentligen skulle räcka till en person, snarare än fem-sex stycken. Männens livsföring var i många fall tärande och de fick ta del av det ”urbana straffet” i form av hög dödlighet i den sena medelåldern. Nöden spred sig inom familjerna. Arbetsfolket i staden blev en länk mellan torparlivet och arbetarlivet. Många familjer bodde tillfälligt utökade och hyste släkt och familjemedlemmar utanför kärnfamiljen, vilket tolkas som ett sätt att tackla en svår situation. Genom sina livsval medverkade dessa individer till en betydande social förändring. / The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate the overall living situation for a selected group of individuals(one primary cohort of 19 men and one extended cohort of another 42 men, i.e. a total of 61 men) in a familycontext. This means, as far as the sources allow, trying to qualitatively understand and characterise socioeconomicconditions, family life and health, as it appears in the everyday life and in relation to the specifictime and the local urban environment. These individuals mainly belong to the lower social strata and havemoved to Linköping in the early 19th century before the regulations made it free to move into town. Possibilitiesand limitations, as well as events and acts are investigated in the intersection between individual and theenvironment, from a micro-historical point of view. In the purpose is thus also included to picture the localsociety in change and its relation to newcomers, as a foundation for further research regarding social change.Furthermore, the extended cohort is characterised from a micro-demographic perspective. The basic sources for this study are church books, i.e. records of catechetical meetings, records of births and deaths, records of weddings and migration. These sources are completed by several other sources like hospital records, records of fines, the chronicles of the county governor, records of the parish assembly and poor relief committee and the local newspapers, to get as rich a picture as possible. The individuals are followed throughout their life courses in town for several decades and are analysed in close connection to the local context. The latter also means that the local authorities are analysed in regard to their attitude and policy towards the migrants to town during the first half of the 19th century, i.e. before the 1847 legislation made migration free in the country. The town was not yet ready for these labourers who chose to stay there and start a family. They did thison their own responsibility, i.e. they settled outside the master´s household and risked being without thepatriarchal protection. The poor relief committee in town also rejected these families and tried to prevent theircoming into town. It is shown that the poor relief committee sometimes acted without legal support when ittried to make decisions regarding migration, based on estimated future incomes and the amount of children tofeed. Overall, the migration restriction was stricter in writing than it was in reality. Relatively few people weredenied access to the town and most who were tried individually got permission to move in on condition thatthey could show that they hade an employment and/or a personal guarantee. In this sense, the town was dividedin its attitude towards the servants and labourers in a manner typical of the situation. The burghersneeded the young, unmarried servants as labour force but were not interested in their staying in town to startfamilies. The men in the cohorts, and their families, on the other hand needed to find a new place to settlewhen the countryside ran out of opportunities. The life in the town became, for many of them, a life betweentwo societies. It was characterised by a constant struggle to support oneself, with a strain of a hidden economywhere for example begging was most likely important. This also meant a labourer´s life but with a meagresalary, sufficient only for one person, not for five or six. Many of the men in the cohorts were struck by the“urban penalty” with high mortality in late midlife. These labourers became a link between the crofter´s lifeand the labourer´s life. Many families were temporarily extended when they housed relatives and familymembers beyond the nuclear family and this is interpreted as a way of handling a tough situation. By their lifechoices these men and families contributed to an important social change.
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Martin Bertrand, du Maroc à l’Indochine : microhistoire d’un « tirailleur métropolitain » (1943 -1951)Dehouck, Jacques 08 1900 (has links)
Cadet sans terre d’une famille paysanne des Hautes-Alpes, Martin Bertrand (1915-2008) échappe au séminaire en s’engageant dans la garde républicaine mobile qui le conduira à Casablanca, au Maroc, où il sera stationné dès 1941. Mobilisé en 1943 à la suite du débarquement des Alliés en Afrique du Nord, il est affecté à l’encadrement d’une unité coloniale marocaine. Avec « ses » tirailleurs, il participe à la campagne d’Italie, au débarquement en Provence, à la libération de l’Alsace et à l’occupation de l’Allemagne. Après avoir regagné le Maroc pour quelques années, son bataillon est déployé de 1949 à 1951 à Tourane, en Indochine, où l’administration coloniale française tente de reprendre le contrôle de la région. Durant chacune de ses longues absences, Martin Bertrand écrira quasi quotidiennement à son épouse, Hélène, originaire d’une famille de colons espagnols installés en Algérie. Par l’analyse de cette correspondance, ce mémoire de maîtrise propose d’intégrer l’expérience de Martin Bertrand, sous-officier d’un régiment colonial, au sein d’une histoire impériale plus large; celle d’une France qui mène ses troupes au front de ses dernières guerres coloniales et qui déstabilise, dans ce processus, l’ordre qui régit la fonction et la position de chaque soldat. Ainsi, en faisant parler les mots intimes de Martin Bertrand au prisme du contenu de sources plus officielles, telles que les rapports militaires sur le moral des hommes, ce mémoire rend compte à la fois de la complexité des hiérarchies sociales et raciales qui établissent les rapports entre les sous-officiers français et la troupe « indigène » tout autant qu’il explore les questionnements identitaires plus personnels d’un petit cadre. / Deprived of his land inheritance like many youngest-born of peasant descent, Martin Bertrand (1915-2008) eventually fled life as a seminarian in the French High-Alps by enlisting in the Mobile Guard and then being stationed in Casablanca, Morocco in 1941. Following the Anglo–American invasion of French North Africa, he was drafted in 1943 to lead a Moroccan colonial recruit unit. With “his” tirailleurs, he took part in the Italian campaign, the Provence landing, the liberation of Alsace, and the occupation of Germany. After the War, he returned to Morocco only to be deployed 3 years later with the same battalion to Tourane, Indochina where the French colonial administration attempted to retake control of the region. During each one of his long absences, Martin Bertrand wrote almost daily to his wife Hélène, descendent of Spanish settlers established in Algeria. By analyzing these letters, this master’s thesis proposes to integrate Martin Bertrand’s experiences, in his functions as a non-commissioned officer in a colonial regiment, into a broader imperial story where France led her armies through her last colonial wars and destabilized the colonial order under which each soldier was governed. Furthermore, this study compares Martin Bertrand’s private letters with more official sources like troop morale reports which allows for an analysis of the complex social and ethnic hierarchies between French non-commissioned officers and “indigenous” troops. At the same time, it explores the deeper questionings of a military intermediary’s self-identity.
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Gestion des attentes : autodétermination et respect des traditions choisies chez des jeunes Québécois d’origine algérienneCoulombe, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la deuxième génération issue de l’immigration, plus précisément sur ces Québécois dont les parents sont issus de l’immigration algérienne des années 90. Cette vague d’immigration offre un cadre légitime pour se pencher sur la deuxième génération, car les parents de ces Québécois ont immigré dans une temporalité et une géographie données, tout en provenant d’un même milieu social. Ce faisant, ces Québécois ont été socialisés à travers deux ensembles culturels, celui du Québec et celui de leurs parents. Ces deux ensembles peuvent sembler contradictoires ou en tension concernant les normes et les valeurs qui guident et encadrent la vie de ces derniers. Ce mémoire s’est donc intéressé à comprendre comment ces enfants, qui ont grandi au Québec, composent avec les attentes de leurs parents concernant le respect des valeurs et des traditions familiales et religieuses. Pour ce faire, nous allons explorer deux grandes thématiques. La première va se focaliser sur la relation de ces Québécois avec leur histoire familiale. La deuxième va se concentrer sur le positionnement de ces derniers vis-à-vis de différentes dynamiques familiales (école, religion et interdits). / This thesis investigates second-generation immigrants, more precisely the Quebecers whose parents are from Algerian immigration from the 90s. This wave of immigration offers a legitimate framework to examine the second generation, because the parents of these Quebecers immigrated in a given temporality and geography, while also coming from the same social background. Thus, these Quebecers were socialized through two cultural groups, that is, that of Quebec and that of their parents. These two groups may seem in contradiction or in tension regarding the social norms and values that guide and frame their lives. This thesis is therefore interested in understanding how this new generation, who grew up in Quebec, deal with their parents’ expectations regarding the respect of family and religious values and traditions. To do so, we will explore two main themes. The first one focuses on the relationship between these Quebecers and their family history. The second one focuses on the position held by these Quebecers regarding different family dynamics (school, religion, what is forbidden). / اخترت فى هذا البحث التحدث عن الجيل الثاني للهجرة من اصل جزائري في حقيقة الأمر سوف أحاول مناقشة بعض الامور التي تخص ابناء المهاجرين خلال فترة التسعينيات ‘’90’’هده الموجة من الهجرة المقننة تدفعنا الى الاهتمام بالجيل الثاني لهده الفئة وأعني بدلك أبناء الجيل الاول ومن البديهي والمعقول ان يكون اختلاف بين الاباء والابناء . عاشوا ظروفا مختلفة عن الابناء اللذين ازدادوا في (Québec)هدا الاختلاف يتجلى في بعض المجلات:جغرافيًا ،عادات و تقاليد وايضا الجانب الديني مما يجعلنا نلاحظ ان الجيل الثاني يعيش ثقافتين مختلفتين في نفس الوقت:الثقافة الجزائرية فى البيت بكل مكونتها الاجتماعية والدينية اضافة الى ما يعيشه الجيل الثاني في المجتمع الكبيكى وأقصد بدلك الشارع العام ،المدرسة و العمل ة،المناخ العام. فهدا الموضوع مركز على إبراز كيفية التعايش الجيل الثاني مع العادات ،التقاليد والتعامل الاجتماعية ،الثقافية والدينية داخل البيت وخارجه
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Magical Bodies, those who see and those who don'tCunningham, Amirah M. 23 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Geschwisterrivalitäten im Buch Genesis : Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse ausgewählter Geschwisterrivalitäten / Sibling rivalries in Genesis : a literary analysis of selected sibling rivalriesMartella, Immanuel Matthäus 11 1900 (has links)
Genesis ist ein Buch von Familiengeschichten, welche durchgehend von Konflikten geprägt sind. Insbesondere gilt dies für Rivalitäten zwischen Brüdern. Häufige Vertauschungsepisoden und weitere Katalysatoren entfachen Konflikte, die die familiäre Kontinuität stets gefährden. Die Geschwisterriva-litäten wurden in der Forschung ausgiebig behandelt, doch die Analyse verbindender und wiederkeh-render literarischer Motive zwischen den Erzählungen wurde bisher nicht ausreichend erforscht. Daher untersucht die vorliegende Studie drei Hauptrivalitäten zwischen Brüdern in ihren literarischen Verbindungen: Kain und Abel, Jakob und Esau sowie Josef und seine Brüdern. Dabei werden beson-ders die Abschnitte analysiert, die den Ausgangspunkt, die Eskalation und die Auflösung dieser Kon-flikte behandeln. Als Ergebnis der Studie werden lexikalische und thematische Motive, sowie Motive im Handlungsverlauf zwischen den Erzählungen erarbeitet. Die beschriebenen Motive stellen ein dicht verwobenes literarisches Netzwerk zwischen den Erzählungen dar. Sie zeigen einen narrativen Span-nungsbogen auf, der vom urgeschichtlichen Brudermord zur Bruder-Vergebung geht und sich im Verlauf stets am Rande eines Brudermords bewegt
Genesis is a book of family histories which are marked throughout by conflict. This applies in particular to rivalry between brothers. Frequent episodes of reversals and other catalysts ignite conflicts which continually endanger family continuity. Although sibling rivalry has been extensively addressed by the academic research, the analysis of interconnected and recurrent literary motifs among the stories has not yet been sufficiently explored. Therefore, the present study investigates the literary connections among three principal rivalries: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers. This includes, in particular, the analysis of those texts which deal with the origin, escalation and resolution of these conflicts. As a result of this study, lexical and thematic motifs, as well as motifs of plot development among the stories are worked out. These motifs present a tightly interwoven narrative network among the stories. They reveal a narrative arc of suspense which ranges from the primeval fratricide to fraternal forgiveness, teetering continually on the brink of fratricide / Genesis is a book of family histories which are marked throughout by conflict. This applies in particular to rivalry between brothers. Frequent episodes of reversals and other catalysts ignite conflicts which continually endanger family continuity. Although sibling rivalry has been extensively addressed by the academic research, the analysis of interconnected and recurrent literary motifs among the stories has not yet been sufficiently explored. Therefore, the present study investigates the literary connections among three principal rivalries: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers. This includes, in particular, the analysis of those texts which deal with the origin, escalation and resolution of these conflicts. As a result of this study, lexical and thematic motifs, as well as motifs of plot development among the stories are worked out. These motifs present a tightly interwoven narrative network among the stories. They reveal a narrative arc of suspense which ranges from the primeval fratricide to fraternal forgiveness, teetering continually on the brink of fratricide / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)
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Ancestral Narratives in History and Fiction: Transforming IdentitiesHabel, Chad Sean, chad.habel@gmail.com January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of ancestral narratives in the fiction of Thomas Keneally and Christopher Koch. Initially, ancestry in literature creates an historical relationship which articulates the link between the past and the present. In this sense ancestry functions as a type of cultural memory where various issues of inheritance can be negotiated. However, the real value of ancestral narratives lies in their power to aid in the construction of both personal and communal identities. They have the potential to transform these identities, to transgress natural boundaries and to reshape conventional identities in the light of historical experience.
For Keneally, ancestral narratives depict national forbears who narrate the nation into being. His earlier fictions present ancestors of the nation within a mythic and symbolic framework to outline Australian national identity. This identity is static, oppositional, and characterized by the delineation of boundaries which set nations apart from one another. However, Keneallys more recent work transforms this conventional construction of national identity. It depicts an Irish-Australian diasporic identity which is hyphenated and transgressive: it transcends the conventional notion of nations as separate entities pitted against one another. In this way Keneallys ancestral narratives enact the potential for transforming identity through ancestral narrative.
On the other hand, Kochs work is primarily concerned with the intergenerational trauma causes by losing or forgetting ones ancestral narrative. His novels are concerned with male gender identity and the fragmentation which characterizes a self-destructive idea of maleness. While Keneallys characters recover their lost ancestries in an effort to reshape their idea of what it is to be Australian, Kochs main protagonist lives in ignorance of his ancestors life. He is thus unable to take the opportunity to transform his masculinity due to the pervasive cultural amnesia surrounding his family history and its role in Tasmanias past.
While Keneally and Koch depict different outcomes in their fictional ancestral narratives they are both deeply concerned with the potential to transform national and gender identities through ancestry.
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