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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inquiry into the nature and causes of individual differences in economics

Brocklebank, Sean January 2012 (has links)
The thesis contains four chapters on the structure and predictability of individual differences Chapter 1. Re-analyses data from Holt and Laury's (2002) risk aversion experiments. Shows that big-stakes hypothetical payoffs are better than small-stakes real-money payoffs for predicting choices in big-stakes real-money gambles (in spite of the presence of hypothetical bias). Argues that hypothetical bias is a problem for calibration of mean preferences but not for prediction of the rank order of subjects' preferences. Chapter 2. Describes an experiment: Participants were given personality tests and played a series of dictator and response games over a two week period. It was found that social preferences are one-dimensional, stable across a two-week interval and significantly related to the Big Five personality traits. Suggestions are given about ways to modify existing theories of social preference to accommodate these findings. Chapter 3. Applies a novel statistical technique (spectral clustering) to a personality data set for the first time. Finds the HEXACO six-factor structure in an English-language five-factor questionnaire for the first time. Argues that the emphasis placed on weak relationships is critical to settling the dimensionality debate within personality theory, and that spectral clustering provides a more useful perspective on personality data than does traditional factor analysis. Chapter 4. Outlines the relevance of extraversion for economics, and sets up a model to argue that personality differences in extraversion may have evolved through something akin to a war of attrition. This model implies a positive relationship between extraversion and risk aversion, and a U-shaped relationship between extraversion and loss aversion.

Samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och basalmetabolism hos överviktiga barn

Nylander, Karolina, Gerdin, Sabina January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att utvärdera om samband finns mellan fysisk aktivitet, som antas öka muskelmassan och därmed även den fettfria massan, och basalmetabolismen hos barn i åldern 10-13 år med övervikt. Metod: En kvantitativ, deskriptiv korrelationsstudie utfördes. 24 barn som remitterats från Överviktsenheten till Enheten för klinisk nutrition och metabolism vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala för utredning av övervikt inkluderades i studien. Relevant data hämtades från deltagarnas patientjournaler och värden på den fysiska aktivitetsnivån (PAL) beräknades. Efter sammanställning av data delades deltagarna in i två grupper efter fysisk aktivitetsnivå varpå statistiska analyser utfördes. Resultat: Resultaten i utförd studie påvisade inga statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och basalmetabolism eller mellan andelen fettfri massa och basalmetabolism hos överviktiga barn i åldern 10-13 år. Någon statistisk signifikant skillnad i basalmetabolism eller andelen fettfri massa beroende på fysisk aktivitetsnivå fanns heller inte i den undersökta gruppen. Slutsats: I utförd studie kunde inga statistiskt signifikanta samband eller skillnader påvisas. Vidare studier är nödvändiga för att uttala sig om eventuella samband eller skillnader föreligger inom undersökta områden hos barn i åldern 10-13 år med övervikt.

Thinking about thinking : A study of anxiety, neuroticism and Need for Cognition.

Johansson, Martin, Ölund, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that the FFM factor neuroticism was negatively correlated with Need for Cognition. Anxiety has been shown to be highly correlated with neuroticism. It has also been shown that women tend to score higher on both neuroticism and anxiety. Need for Cognition has been shown to predict long term academic success. This study aims to contribute to the current understanding of anxiety, neuroticism and Need for Cognition by examining these three constructs together. The study will also analyzes how gender can affect the relationships between the constructs. 272 participants responded to three questionnaires measuring the constructs. 86 were men, 183 were women and 3 defined themselves as "other". 246 of the respondents were university students and 26 responded did not currently study at university. Results indicate that anxiety is a negative predictor for Need for Cognition. This is speculated to be because anxiety has an effect on working memory which in turn is associated with Need for Cognition. Gender differences are significant regarding all three constructs. Findings are complicated by a negative suppressor effect. Results, limitations, and future research are discussed. / Tidigare studier har visat att FFM faktorn neuroticism var negativt korrelerad med Need for Cognition. Ångest har visat sig vara starkt korrelerat med neuroticism. Det har också visat sig att kvinnor tenderar att skatta högre på både neuroticism och ångest. Need for Cognition har visat sig förutsäga långsiktig akademisk framgång. Denna studie syftar till att bidra till aktuell kunskap om ångest, neuroticism och Need for Cognition genom att undersöka dessa tre konstrukt tillsammans. Studien analyserar också hur kön påverkar relationerna mellan konstruktionerna. 272 deltagare svarade på tre enkäter som mäter dessa konstrukt. 86 var män, 183 kvinnor och 3 definierade sig som "övrigt". 246 av de svarande var universitetsstuderande och 26 svarande studerade inte för närvarande på universitet. Resultaten tyder på att ångest kan vara en negativ prediktor för Need for Cognition. Detta spekuleras kunna bero på att ångest har en effekt på arbetsminnet, som i sin tur kan påverka Need for Cognition. Det fanns signifikanta könsskillnader gällande alla tre konstrukt. Resultaten kompliceras av en negativ suppressor effekt. Resultat, begränsningar och framtida forskning diskuteras.

Är en introvert revisor mer oberoende än en extrovert? : en kvantitativ studie beträffande sambandet mellan revisorers personlighetsdrag och oberoende / Is an introvert auditor more independent than an extrovert? : a quantitative study regarding the relationship between auditors’ personality traits and independence

Le, Stina, Nilsson, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Revisorns oberoende är sedan länge ett omdiskuterat ämne. Brist på oberoende har tidigare orsakat flera större företagsskandaler och lett till att allmänheten förlorat förtroende för revisionsprofessionen. Därefter har ett flertal förändringar skett genom att olika regleringar har införts, vilka bland annat har syftat till att stärka oberoendet. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara huruvida det finns ett samband mellan revisorers personlighetsdrag och deras förmåga att bibehålla oberoendet. Denna studie undersöker hypoteser som har skapats utifrån befintlig teori och har därmed en kvantitativ ansats. För att undersöka revisorers personlighetsdrag har femfaktormodellen använts, som består av fem olika dimensioner vilka undersöker en individs grundläggande personlighetsdrag. För att undersöka oberoendet har tre vinjettfrågor tillämpats. Vinjettfrågorna lyckades inte mäta graden av oberoende tillsammans och således bör studiens resultat tolkas med försiktighet.  Resultaten av denna studie indikerar att personlighetsdragen neuroticism, öppenhet för erfarenhet och vänlighet skulle kunna ha en påverkan på revisorers förmåga att bibehålla oberoendet. Sambanden som återfinns är emellertid svaga. Vidare återfinns inga samband mellan extraversion samt samvetsgrannhet och oberoendet, vilket talar för att personlighetsdragen påverkar oberoendet i mycket låg utsträckning. Slutligen är revisorers personlighetsdrag ett forskningsområde som kan vidareutvecklas. / The independence of the auditor is since a long time a debated topic. Lack of independence has earlier caused several major corporate scandals and led to the public losing trust in the audit profession. Afterwards, several changes have been made through implementation of various regulations which among other things aim to strengthen the independence. The purpose of this paper is to explain whether there is a relationship between auditors’ personality traits and their ability to remain independent. This study tests hypotheses which have been created through existing theory and thus, has a quantitative approach. To examine auditors’ personality traits, the five-factor model of personality traits has been used which consists of five dimensions that explain an individual's fundamental personality traits. To examine the independence, three vignette questions have been used. The vignette questions did not manage to measure the level of independence together and consequently, the study’s results need to be interpreted with caution.  The findings of the study indicate that the personality traits neuroticism, openness to new experience and agreeableness might have an impact on the auditors’ ability to maintain the independence. However, the found relationships are weak. Furthermore, no relationships can be found between extraversion, conscientiousness and the independence which suggests that personality traits affect the independence to a very low extent. Lastly, the auditors’ personality traits are a research area that can be further developed.

Jämförelse av två konstruktionslösningar för en hjulaxel till en åkattraktion / Comparative study of two designs of an axle to a rollercoaster ride

Hedberg, Patrik, Shibli, Haidar January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbete genomförs på uppdrag av Skara Sommarland. Arbetet är till stor del baserat på att utföra en jämförande studie mellan två hjulaxlar till en åkattraktion. Den befintliga axeln består av tre delar, två axelpar och ett centerfäste, medan den nya designen av axeln enbart består av en del. Den befintliga axelns ändar som kopplas in i centerinfästningen utsätts för onödigt slitage. Arbetet belyser även orsaken som leder till nötningen samt möjligheter att minska nötningen. Den nydesignade axelns högre pris medför höga kostnader för företaget.I arbetet används Haigh-diagram för att undersöka om arbetspunkten för den nya axeln ligger under Haigh-diagram kurvan, som teoretiskt sett leder till oändlig livslängd. I arbetet utförs en FEM analys för att simulera båda axelkonstruktionerna och för att beräkna spänningarna i axeln under belastning.Resultatet av genomförda analyser visar att den befintliga axeln plasticerar medan den nya axeln inte når sträckgränsen för materialet. Varken den befintliga eller den nya axeln når brottgränsen. Eftersom brottgränsen inte nås finns ingen risk för sprickbildning enligt finite fracture mechanics. För den befintliga axeln visar resultatet att det uppstår en rörelse mellan axel och infäste som är tillräckligt stor för att klassificeras som en orsak för nötning.För att undvika eller minimera nötningen kan möjliga åtgärder genomföras vilka beskrivs i arbetet. Exempel på förbättringsförslag som skyddar mot korrosion och nötning ges som till exempel rengöring före ytbehandling och ökad korrosionshärdighet. / This thesis is performed on behalf of the amusement park Skara Sommarland. The work is based on a comparative study of two different shafts for a rollercoaster. An already existing shaft in three parts, two shafts and one hub, while the new shaft design consists of one homogenous part machined from a solid bloc of material. The ends of the shafts for the current shaft design that are mounted in the hub are exposed to unnecessary wear. The thesis partly focuses on the causes of the fretting wear and possible actions to prevent or minimalize the damaged caused by fretting. The new shaft design leads to increased costs, which leads to monetary losses for the client compared to before.Haigh-diagrams are used to evaluate if the critical point of the design is in the safe area of the diagram, theoretical leading to an infinite lifespan of the shaft. Finite element analyses were performed in 3D CAD to simulate the shaft design and calculate the stresses in the design when under the maximum operational load.The result of the analyses shows that the current shaft suffers from plastic deformation while the new shaft design does not reach the yield strength of the material. Neither the current nor the new shaft design reach the ultimate tensile strength. Because the ultimate tensile strength is not reached there is no risk of crack initiation through finite fracture mechanics. For the current shaft design the results show that there occur movement between shaft and hub with high enough magnitude to be classified as one of the causes of the fretting.To avoid or minimize fretting several actions can be performed. Examples of pre-emptive actions are cleaning of surfaces before surface treatment for corrosion resistance.

Personlighet och träning: Skillnader inom personlighetsfaktorer och fasetter mellan olika former av träning / Personality and exercise: Differences in traits and facets between different types of exercise

Kongstad, Joel, Ternevid, Anna January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation à l'échelle micro/nanométrique par Force Feedback Microscope / Characterization at the micro / nanoscale by Force Feedback Microscope

Carpentier, Simon 01 December 2016 (has links)
La mesure quantitative de propriétés mécaniques à l’échelle nanométrique en matière molle est un réel enjeu pour de nombreux domaines, en particulier en biologie. Cette thèse propose une technique de microscopie, appelé Force Feedback Microscopy (FFM), permettant de mesurer simultanément la force statique, la raideur G’ (N/m) et la dissi- pation G” (N/m) à une fréquence arbitraire à l’échelle nanométrique.Cette technique utilise un microlevier AFM muni d’une pointe ou d’une sphère. Une contre-force, qui maintient en temps réel la position de la pointe constante, permet de maintenir le système mécaniquement stable et de mesurer la force statique. Dans cette configuration, le régime linéaire de l’interaction et de oscillateur harmonique est obtenu grâce à de petites amplitudes d’oscillation. Dans le formalisme de la réponse linéaire, la raideur G’ et la dissipation G” sont obtenues par une transformation linéaire de l’amplitude et de la phase.Grâce à des cas d’école (couplage électrostatique et confinement hydrodynamique), les performances expérimentales sont démontrées.Grâce au FFM, nous présentons les propriétés viscoélastiques mesurées d’un nanomé- nisque à partir de mesure à différentes fréquences. Nous mettons en évidence un régime hors-équilibre thermodynamique, où le nanoménisque oscille à volume constant avec une ligne de contact ancrée.Une méthode de mesure sans contact direct en milieu liquide de propriétés mécaniques d’échantillon mince et mou à l’échelle nanométrique est présenté. Cette méthode, basé sur le travail E.Charlaix avec le SFA (le Surface Force Apparatus fût le premier instrument à mesurer les forces de Van der Walls), permet de s’affranchir des forces de surfaces qui dominent à faible indentation lors de mesure par contact direct. Le travail effectué pendant ma thèse permet de positionner le FFM comme un nano-SFA.Afin de mettre cette méthode à disposition pour le plus grand nombre, le transfert technologique vers un AFM commercial est effectué. / Quantitative measurement of mechanical properties of soft material at the nanoscale is a real challenge for many areas, particularly in biology. This thesis proposes a microscopy technique called Force Feedback Microscopy (FFM) for simultaneously measuring the static force, the stiffness G’(N / m) and the dissipation G"(N / m) at an arbitrary frequency at the nanoscale.This technique uses an AFM cantilever with a tip or sphere. A feedback force, that maintains in real time the position of the tip constant, ensures the mechani- cally stability and measure the static force. In this configuration, the linear regime of interaction and harmonic oscillator is obtained through small oscillation ampli- tudes. In formalism of the linear response, the stiffness G’ and the dissipation G" are obtained by a linear transformation of the amplitude and phase. Through case study (electrostatic coupling and hydrodynamic confinement), experimental performance is demonstrated.Thanks to the FFM, we present the measured viscoelastic properties of nanomenis- cus for different measurement frequencies. We highlight a thermodynamic system out of equilibrium, where the nanomeniscus oscillates at constant volume with a locked contact line.A method for non-contact measurement in liquid medium of mechanical prop- erties of thin and soft sample at the nanoscale is presented. This method, based on the work of E.Charlaix with SFA (the Surface Force Apparatus was the first instrument to measure the forces of Van der Waals), overcomes the forces of sur- faces that dominate at low indentation during direct contact measurement. The work done during my PhD positions the FFM as a nano-SFA.To put this method available to the greatest number, technology transfer to commercial AFM is performed.

The Influence of Identifiable Personality Traits on Nurses’ Intention to Use Wireless Implantable Medical Devices

Molosky, Vincent 01 January 2019 (has links)
Technically-driven medical devices such as wireless implantable medical devices (WIMD) have become ubiquitous within healthcare. The use of these devices has changed the way nurses administer patient care. Consequently, the nursing workforce is large and diverse, and with it comes an expected disparity in personalities. Research involving human factors and technology acceptance in healthcare is not new. Yet due to the changing variables in the manner of which patient care is being administered, both in person and in the mechanism of treatment, recent research suggests that individual human factors such as personality traits may hold unknown implications involving more successful adoption of emerging technologies for patient care. The purpose of this research was to empirically investigate the influence of personality traits on a nurse’s intention to use WIMDs for patient care. One hundred and two nurses from a tertiary teaching hospital in Michigan were surveyed to determine if their identifiable personality traits statistically related to their intention to use a WIMD. A predictive model was developed by combining constructs from the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model and the Five Factor personality trait model (FFM). The model used moderated multiple regression (MMR) to statistically identify if the personality traits of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, moderated one or more statistically significant relationships between 1) performance expectancy (PE) and intention to use (IU), 2) effort expectancy (EE) and IU, 3) and social influence (SI) and IU. It was predicted that PE, EE, and SI would show statistical significance on a nurse’s IU of a WIMD when moderated by one or more of the five personality traits. Results showed statistical significance between PE and IU, and EE and IU, but not between SI and IU, when moderated by extraversion. Results showed no statistical significance between PE and IU, EE and IU, or SI and IU when moderated by openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, or neuroticism. This research has contributed by conducting an investigation on individual human factors that may impact nurses’ intention to use emerging technologies; and by providing statistical evidence that may help to better predict the role personality traits have on a nurse’s adoption of WIMDs for patient care.

Personality, Fields of Research and Job Satisfaction : Evidence from a Swedish University

Knutas, Felix January 2021 (has links)
With the introduction of personality research, occupational and job satisfaction research has advanced in scale. Evidence from studies within Personality Trait and Work Psychology research strongly suggests there to be connections between not only Neuroticism and job satisfaction rates, but that personality traits also seem to be unevenly distributed across occupations. This report sought to confirm and further explore findings made on Neuroticism and job satisfaction, as well as potential differences in personality traits among researchers in Social Science, Physical Science and Technology. Using the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality and the Short Index of Job Satisfaction (SIJS), a survey study was conducted with a total of 83 participants. Using a Kruskal-Wallis test between fields of research and Personality Traits, this study found no significant differences between the fields of research. Correlations between Neuroticism and Job Satisfaction could not reach statistical significance enough to replicate previous findings. This report made other findings, such as significant links between personality traits, and discusses future research for this area of research. / Forskningen inom personlighetstyper innebar nya möjligheter för arbetspsykologin. Empiri ifrån studier föreslår starka kopplingar mellan jobbnöjdhet och personlighetstyper, men även att personlighetstyper skiljer sig mellan arbetsplatser och mer specifikt, mellan olika forskningsområden. Denna uppsats avsåg att hitta de kopplingar som gjorts tidigare mellan Neuroticism och jobbnöjdhet, men även eventuella skillnader i personlighetstyper mellan tre olika forskningsområden: Sociala vetenskaper, Fysiska vetenskaper och Teknologiska vetenskaper. Genom att kombinera Five Factor Model of personality (FFM) och Short Index of Job Satisfaction (SIJS) skapades två enkäter, en på Engelska och en på Svenska. Studien innehöll totalt 83 deltagare ifrån de tre valda forskningsområdena, och med hjälp av korrelationsberäkningar och Kruskal-Wallis test kunde man konstatera att resultaten som hade hittats av tidigare forskning inte kunde replikeras. Andra statistiskt signifikanta fynd mellan personlighetstyper gjordes dock, och dessa diskuteras tillsammans med implikationer för framtida forskning.

The Comparison of Resting Metabolic Rate to Daily Physical Activity in Adults Aged 55-69 Years Old

Mospan, Jessica Elizabeth 27 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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