Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap"" "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap10""
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Den digitala coachen : En systematisk litteraturöversikt kring digital coaching vid fysisk aktivitet. / The digital coach : A systematic literature review on digitalcoaching in physical activity.Nilsson, Zandra January 2021 (has links)
Det här är en litteraturöversikt med syfte att utifrån Självbestämmandeteorin analysera forskning kring digital coaching ämnad för fysisk aktivitet på distans. Litteraturöversikten är baserad på 15 artiklar och använder Självbestämmandeteorin (SDT) som ett analytiskt ramverk för motivationsfaktorer då det är en teori om mänsklig motivation, utveckling och välbefinnande. Teorin har visat positiv effekt på hälsosamma livsstilsvanor eftersom den inre motivationen visat sig vara viktig för hållbara resultat. Fysisk aktivitet bidrar till många positiva fördelar för hälsan och det finns forskning som visar på en positiv korrelation mellan digitala hälsointerventioner och engagemang för fysisk aktivitet. Att träna med en digital coach är flexibelt men vi behöver veta mer för att veta hur digitala coacher kan motivera sina klienter på distans. Designen för denna studie är en systematisk litteraturöversikt med syfte att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor genom att analysera och sammanställa tidigare forskning vilket skapar en översikt av forskningsläget. Resultat visar att ju mer stöd klienten får från en digital coach desto fler positiva effekter på den fysiska aktiviteten. De olika coachingplattformarna som studerats är appar, web-baserade plattformar, telefon/sms samt videocoaching och oavsett plattform så framkommer positiva resultat. Det är viktigt att coachen stärker klientens autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet genom ett samarbete där klienten är delaktig i sin målsättning och plan för att känna att aktiviteten och målet är självvalt, inom klientens kompetensområde samt känner social tillhörighet. / This is a literature review with aim of analyzing research on digital coaching based on Self-Determination theory. The literature review is based on 15 articles and uses the Self-determination theory (SDT) as an analytical framework for motivational factors as it’s a theory about human motivation, development and well-being. The theory has shown a positive effect on healthy lifestyle habits because the inner motivation has proven to be important for sustainable results. Physical activity contributes to many positive benefits for health and research shows a positive correlation between digital health interventions and commitment to physical activity. Training with a digital coach is flexible but we need to know more to know how digital coaches can motivate their clients at a distance. The design for this study is a systematic literature review with the aim of answering the study's research questions by analyzing and compiling previous research, which creates an overview of the research situation. Results shows that the more support the client receives from a digital coach, the more positive effects on physical activity. The various coaching platforms that have been studied are apps, web-based platform, telephone/SMS and video coaching and regardless of the platform, a positive result emerges. It’s important that the coach strengthens the client's autonomy, competence and relatedness through a collaboration where the client is involved in their goals and plans to feel that the activity and goal is self-chosen, within the client's area of competence and feels social belonging.
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Fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i höginkomstländer : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Physical inactivity among women aged 18-64 in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in high-income countries : A systematic literature reviewIlesjö, Emma, Rosvall af Geijersstam, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Fysisk inaktivitet beskrivs idag som ett växande globalt folkhälsoproblem där en tredjedel av världens alla vuxna inte når upp till de internationella rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet. Fysisk inaktivitet fastställs även som en av de ledande riskfaktor för förtida död och förknippas ofta med sjukdomar som hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, diabetes och cancer. Kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 år boende i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden beskrivs vara i särskild risk för fysisk inaktivitet, framförallt då bristande möjligheter till att utöva fysisk aktivitet är ledande för denna befolkningsgrupp. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva vilka riskfaktorer som kan bidra till fysisk inaktivitet samt vilka skyddsfaktorer som kan bidra till fysisk aktivitet bland kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 år i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i höginkomstländer. Metod: Den metod som tillämpades var en systematisk litteraturöversikt där 20 vetenskapliga artiklar stod till grund för resultatet. De databaser som användes i studien var PubMed och Medline och de vetenskapliga artiklarna var publicerade mellan år 2005–2020. Vidare granskades och bearbetats dessa artiklar utifrån en tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet redovisades med utgångspunkt från tre huvudteman; socioekonomiska faktorer, psykosociala faktorer samt fysisk miljö. I resultatet framkom det att faktorer som låg utbildningsnivå, låg nivå av self-efficacy, avsaknad av socialt stöd samt bristande ekonomiska förutsättningar och fysisk miljö var påverkande orsaker till fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Slutsats: Utifrån resultatet går det att dra slutsatsen att fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden är ett synnerligen viktigt ämne som berör många perspektiv, både på individnivå och på samhällsnivå. Den fysiska inaktiviteten bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt missgynnade stadsdelar handlar i stora delar om brist på de skyddsfaktorer som kan bidra till en ökad fysisk aktivitet. / Introduction: Physical inactivity is described as a growing global public health problem where one third of all the world’s adults do not achieve the international recommendations for physical activity. Physical inactivity is also identified as one of the leading risk factors for premature death and is often associated with diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Women aged 18-64 living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods are described as being at particular risk of physical inactivity, especially as lack of opportunitiesis common among this group of population when it comes to physical activity. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to describe the risk factors that can contribute to physical inactivity and the protective factors that can contribute to physical activity among women aged 18-64 living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in high-income countries. Methods: The method used was a systematic literature review based on 20 scientific articles.The databases that were used in the study were PubMed and Medline and the scientific articles were published between 2005–2020. Furthermore, these articles were reviewed and processed on the basis of a thematic content analysis. Results: The results were presented on the basis of three main themes; socioeconomic factors, psychosocial factors and physical environment. The results showed that factors such as low level of education, low level of self efficacy, lack of social support and lack of financial prerequisites and physical environment were influential causes of physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods is a particularly important topic that affects many perspectives, both at the individual level and at the societal level. The physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods is largely due to a lack of the protective factors that can contribute to increased physical activity.
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En intervjustudie om yrkesprofessionella spelberoendebehandlare och deras perspektiv på sitt nuvarande och framtida arbete i förhållande till digitaliseringen / A qualitive study of the perspectives of game therapists on their work and future work in relation to digitalizationMagrini Klövmark, Silvia January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Idag har omkring 340 000 personer i Sverige någon grad av spelproblem, vilket är drygt 4 procent av befolkningen mellan 16–87 år. Cirka 165 000 personer delar hushåll med någon som har ett problemspelande och 68 000 utav dem är barn. Spelproblem ger stora samhällskostnader och den beräknade kostnaden är cirka 14 miljarder kronor per år. Syfte: Att undersöka uppfattningar bland yrkesprofessionella spelberoendebehandlare om sitt nuvarande och framtida arbete och arbetssätt, dess vinster och begränsningar i förhållande till digitaliseringen. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiepopulationen bestod av sju yrkesprofessionella spelberoendebehandlare. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Majoriteten av spelberoendebehandlarna anser att digitalt stöd är ett bra hälsofrämjande komplement till de fysiska behandlingsmetoderna som finns idag. Med digitalbehandling behövs ingen restid, resväg eller transportmedel. De negativa aspekterna som framkom är att vissa klienter inte har råd eller tillgång till fungerande internetuppkoppling eller att kunskap saknas. Det finns även flertal frågetecken kring KBT som behandlingsmetod. Slutsats: Digital kompetens kommer sannolikt bli en av framtidens stora konkurrensfördelar då de digitala behoven ökar. Spelberoendebehandlarna kommer att behöva utveckla sin digitala kompetens, arbetssätt, lära sig att använda nya redskap och tjänster inom digital behandling. Spelberoendebehandlarna önskar också en kunskapsutveckling gällande spelberoende och spelmissbruk i samhället, både för vuxna,barn och ungdomar. / Introduction: Today, around 340,000 people in Sweden have some degree of gambling problem, which is just over 4 percent of the population between ages 16 to 87. About 165,000 people share their household with someone who has a problem with gambling and 68,000 of them are children. Gambling problems results in large costs for the society. The estimated cost is approximately 14 billion SEK per year. Aim: To examine gambling therapists perceptions and attitudes regarding their current and future work and working methods. And also it´s benefits and limitations in relation to digitalisation. Methods: Qualitative study with semi-structured interviews. The study population consisted of seven gambling therapists. The interview material was analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The majority of therapists believe that digital support is a good health promotion complement to the psysical treatment methods that exist today. With digital processing, no travel time, travel or means of transport are needed. The negative aspects that emerged are that some clients cannot afford or doesn’t have access to a functioning internet connection or that knowledge is lacking. There are also several questions about cognitive behavioral therapy as a treatment method. Conclusion: Digital competence is likely to be one of the great competitive advantages of the future as digital need increase. Therapists in gambling addiction will need to develop their digital skills, working methods and learn to use new tools and services in digital treatment. The therapists also want knowledge development regarding gambling addiction in society, both for adults, children and teenagers.
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Digitalt främjande av social delaktighet bland äldre : En intervjustudie bland yrkesverksamma på kommunala mötesplatser för seniorer under Covid-19 pandemin / Digital promotion of social participation among the elderly : An interview study among professionals at municipal meeting places for seniors during the Covid-19 pandemicIngby, Therese January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Rekommendation av fysisk distansering på grund av Covid-19 har förutom begränsning av socialt umgänge med familj och vänner även inneburit att kommunala mötesplatser och träffpunkter har stoppat sina aktiviteter för seniorer. Denna förändring har för många äldre medfört en avsaknad av sociala sammanhang och ökad ensamhet. Att försöka uppmuntra äldre till en fortsatt social delaktighet med hjälp av informations-och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) ses därmed som en viktig del i det hälsofrämjande arbetet gentemot målgruppen äldre. Syfte: Studien syftade till att få en ökad förståelse för hur olika kommunala mötesplatser upplevde och arbetade med att främja social delaktighet digitalt bland målgruppen seniorerunder Corona Covid 19 pandemin. Metod: Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Tio yrkesverksamma personer deltog vilka representerade 7 kommunala mötesplatser för seniorer i Skåne. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Majoriteten av mötesplatserna hade förändrat sin verksamhet och erbjöd istället aktiviteter av olika slag genom IKT. De flesta av kommunerna erbjöd även IT-supportstöd under pandemin. De äldre upplevdes dock som svåra att nå och rekrytering till digital aktivitet ansågs som låg. Slutsats: Av studien framgick att mötesplatserna bör arbeta för att stärka de äldres digitala kompetens och motivation för främjande av social delaktighet digitalt. De yrkesverksamma behöver också stimuleras i det digitala utvecklingsarbetet och erhålla kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling. Verksamheterna bör införa en digital strategi för utvecklingens fortlevnad även efter att de fysiska mötesplatserna öppnat upp. / Introduction; Covid-19 has, in addition to restricting social contact with family and friends, also meant that municipal meeting places have stopped their activities for seniors. For many older people, this change has led to a lack of social context and increased loneliness. Trying to encourage the elderly to continue social participation with the help of information and communication technology (ICT) is thus seen as an important part of the health promotion work. Aim; The study aimed to gain an increased understanding of how different municipal meeting places experienced and worked to promote social participation digitally among the target group of seniors during the Corona Covid 19 pandemic. Methods; The study was conducted through a qualitative interview study with a semi-structured interview guide. Ten professionals participated, represented 7 municipal meeting places for seniors in Skåne. The data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results; The majority of the meeting places had changed their operations and instead offered activities of various kinds through ICT. Most of the municipalities also offered IT support during the pandemic. However, the elderly were perceived as difficult to reach and recruitment to digital activity was considered low. Conclusions; The meeting places should work to strengthen the elderly's digital competence and motivation for promoting social participation digitally. The professionals also need to be stimulated in the digital development work and receive continuous competence development. The workplaces should introduce a digital strategy for the survival of development even after the physical meeting places have opened up.
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COVID-19’s effect on Domestic Violence in Sweden during the first 6 months of 2020. : A deeper look into gender differences, weekly crime rates, and the relationship between the victim and offender.Basic, Amir January 2021 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about several restrictions throughout society which has limited people's outdoor activities and forced individuals to stay home. These circumstances have possibly had an impact on the prevalence of domestic violence and other types of assault. This paper uses police crime data from the first six months of 2020 to analyse if any changes in domestic violence can be attributed to the implementation of COVID-19 restrictions in Sweden. Using the LUPP method, developed by The Swedish Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), this paper investigates weekly changes in crime compared to the same period in 2019 while additionally studying the prevalence of different types of relationships between the victim and offender. Results indicate that partner violence for men has doubled in relation to all assault crimes, and that partner violence for women has also increased substantially, accounting for 46 % of total assault crimes in the observed period. Abuse by family members, other acquaintances, and unknown persons have seemingly gone down in 2020, compared to the same period in 2019. A concluding regression analysis reveals weak to moderate correlations between changes in domestic violence- and non-domestic violence crimes and COVID-19 restrictions, even when changes in seasonality is accounted for. While the increase in domestic violence crimes does not directly coincide with the emergence of COVID-19, results indicate that the implemented restrictions have played an important role in maintaining heightened levels throughout the observed period. Future research is advised to continue testing for correlations to COVID-19 restrictions, while also considering other variables which could be related to domestic violence, such as increased alcohol consumption at home, family isolation, and economic stress.
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Covid-19-pandemin och ohälsa i gruppen äldre : Konsekvenser av ensamhet och isolering / The Covid-19 pandemic and poor health in the elderly : Consequences of loneliness and isolationHemmenbach, Annkatrin January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Den alarmerande spridningen av coronaviruset (COVID-19) utgör ett allvarligt hot mot nationer och samhällen runt om i världen (WHO, 2020). Risken för att bli svårt sjuk i covid-19 ökar med ålder. Viruset som orsakar covid-19 klassas som en infektionssjukdom och smittan sprids genom små droppar som skapas när en infekterad person hostar, nyser eller andas ut. Den påminner ofta om förkylning eller influensa med feber och hosta. Flera länder svarar genom restriktioner av icke-väsentliga aktiviteter och genom så kallade lockdowns eller rekommendationer samt med åtgärder som ska förhindra virusets framfart vilket varit ett viktigt verktyg tillsammans med smittspårning. Det har inneburit stora kostnader och negativ påverkanför både samhälle , den enskilde individen och i synnerhet de äldre. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka isoleringen och ensamhet påverkan på äldre individer under Covid-19 och dess konsekvenser för hälsa och välbefinnande. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie som inkluderade 11 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade 2020–2021 som söktes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Resultatet uppvisar gruppens heterogenitet men även belyser det faktum att flertalet äldre rapporterar ökad ensamhet och oro som konsekvenser av rekommendationer och åtgärder under covid-19 pandemin. Slutsats: Det finns en ökad ohälsa bland äldre individer. Många har klarat sig positivt och anpassat sig, medan andra har upplevt försämrade känslor av ensamhet och med oförmåga att anta ny teknik för att underlätta social interaktion. Att identifiera äldre individer som upplever ihållande ensamhet under pandemin kan vara avgörande för att förbättra deras allmänna välbefinnande och minska risken för ytterligare ohälsa. / Introduction: The alarming spread of the coronavirus leading to COVID-19 posed a serious threat to nations and societies around the world (WHO, 2020). The risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 increases with age. The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is spread through small drops created when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. It is reminiscent of a cold or flu with fever, cough, and many other symptoms. Several countries responded by imposing restrictions on non-essential activities, lockdowns, and social distancingrecommendations, as well as others measures to prevent the virus's spread. These have been important tools along with infection tracing. However, this also has entailedhigh costs and a negative impact at the level of society, the individual and especially the elderly. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on isolation and loneliness among elderly and consequences for health and well-being. Method: A systematic literature study using the databases, PubMed and CINAHL, included 11 peer-reviewed articles published between 2020–2021. Results: The results showed that the impact of COVID-19 washeterogeneous among elderly and highlighted that most elderly people reported increased loneliness and anxiety as a consequence of national and global health recommendations and measures, such as mandated quarantine and social distancing, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: COVID-19 increased ill mental health among older individuals. Many have coped positively and adapted, while others have experienced worsening feelings of loneliness,especially due to an inability to adopt technologies to facilitate social interaction. Identifying elderly individuals who experience persistent loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic iscrucial to improve their overall well-being and reduce the risk of further ill mental and physical health.
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Association between Community Group Membership and Justification of Physical Intimate Partner Violence among Women in Bolivia – a Cross Sectional StudyHellge, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to broaden the understanding of the role of communitygroups in the prevention of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Bolivia. Therefore, this work assessed the connection between community group membership and the justification ofphysical IPV among women in Bolivia. IPV justification was chosen as an outcome, as it is strongly correlated to IPV experience. Methods: Data from a quantitative survey by the World Values Survey involving 988 womenin Bolivia was used for the analysis. To assess possible confounders, bivariate analysis was conducted. Logistic regression analysis between women’s community group membership andtheir justification of physical IPV has been performed. Results: The results indicate that 19.6% of women in Bolivia partly or always justify IPV.There has not been a significant association between community group membership and IPVjustification. The factors that were significantly associated to IPV justification in the final model were age and educational level of the women. Women aged 50 + had lower odds ofjustifying physical IPV than women aged 18-29 (OR 0.59, 95% CI: 0.35-0.97, p= <0.05). Similarly, women in the highest educational group had lower odds of justifying IPVcompared to women in the lowest educational group (OR 0.63, 95% CI: 0.41-0.98, p= <0.05). Conclusion: The association between community group membership and IPV justification inthis study was insignificant. This could be due to limitations in the study design. Futureresearch in the area should conduct studies with focus on different types of community groups singularly.
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The association between intimate partner violence and under 5- child mortality in Nigeria : A cross-sectional study based on Nigerian demographic health survey from 2018Liimatainen, Maija January 2021 (has links)
Background Both Intimate partner violence and under 5- child mortality are alarmingly high in the world, Nigeria is one of the leading countries. The adverse health outcomes for both women and children as a result of living in a violent environment need to be addressed and combatted. This study aimed to investigate whether there was any association between maternal exposure of lifetime violence (Emotional, physical, sexual, and any violence) and under-5 child mortality. Method The study was a cross-sectional study based on secondary data from Nigerian demographic health surveys (DHS) from 2018. The study sample consisted of 8389 married and non-married women, aged 15-49 years who completed the domestic violence module, with a dead or alive first-born child. To assess the associations between maternal experience of lifetime exposure of different types of violence (Emotional, physical, sexual, and any violence) and under-5 child mortality Chi-squared tests were performed, followed by logistic regression. Result In this study, the prevalence of emotional violence was 33,6 %, physical violence 21,3 %, sexual violence 7,7 % and any violence 38,5 %. Moreover, 6,7 % of the children in the sample were dead. The results showed that emotional violence, physical violence, and any violence were not significantly associated with under-5 child mortality. However, sexual violence showed an association with under-5 child mortality (P-value: 0,002). In addition, logistic regression showed that religion was associated with under-5 child mortality (P-value: <0,001). Muslim women had increased odds of child death, compared with Christian women(aOR:0,63, CI:0,50-0,78). The oldest women aged 40-49 years were found to be associated with under-5 child mortality (P-value:< 0,001). High maternal age increased the odds for under-5 child mortality (aOR: 2,08, CI:1,58-2,75). Moreover, maternal working status was associated with under-5 child mortality (P-value: <0,001). Working women had increased odds for experiencing child death, compared with the non-working women (aOR: 7,04, CI: 4,99-9,92). Finally, wealth was negatively associated with the outcome of under-5 child mortality (P-value: 0,007). The richest women had the lower odds of under-5 mortality, compared with the poorest women (aOR: 0,62, CI: 0,44-0,88). Conclusion The study showed an association between sexual violence and under-5 child mortality. Both sexual IPV and under-5 child mortality must be addressed urgently because it has detrimental effects on both women’s and children’s health in Nigeria. The study also found that high maternal age increases the odds for under-5 child mortality, and adequate age for motherhood must be promoted, to save the lives of children. Moreover, belonging to a low wealth quintile increases the risk for child death, and therefore poverty must be relived in Nigeria, so SDG 3.2.1 can be reached: “End all preventable deaths under 5 years and not more than 25 child deaths per 1000 live births by 2030”.
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Implementation of children book in maternal care for children’s healthier lifestyle : Implementation process and the Swedish nurses experiences of Saga Sagor ‘’Fiffiga kroppen och finurliga knoppen’’Michalski, Karol January 2021 (has links)
Background In a world where the development of technology is fast and is continually creating new challenges for human health, there is a need to find an uncomplicated method to educate people to prevent different diseases and increase the level of physical activity. In Sweden, there is a book (Saga Sagor FKFK) that children receive during their 5-year health control visit in order to improve physical activity level. There is a long history of using books for educational purposes and has been shown to increase knowledge. Aim To describe the creation and implementation process in the case of Saga Sagor FKFK and to identify potential improvements for future similar projects. To describe how the book was experienced by child healthcare nurses and adoption of the book. Methods This is a descriptive study, which includes two semi-structured interviews and 574 answers from a survey of nurses working within child health care. Results The implementation of the book is divided into 11 steps that describes process of implementation. Nurses confirmed that they would need extra material and training about healthy lifestyles in order to improve the quality of child health care visits. The results indicate that 99% of nurses have a positive experience in working with the book and are using it during the 5-year health care visits. Conclusions In conclusion, Saga Sagor FKFK is a popular tool among nurses and facilitates their work during child health care visits. Thus, more material is needed in order to make the work with the book easier.
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Förbättrat inflytande för brukare med psykisk ohälsa : en kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan regionala och kommunala organisationerKrasniqi, Miranda, Rufat, Ayche January 2021 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är idag ett av de största folkhälsoproblemen i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att inom socialpsykiatrin undersöka samverkan, personcentrering och brukarinflytande för brukare med psykisk ohälsa. Syftet var också att kartlägga hur COVID-19 pandemin har påverkat organisationernas planerade insatser för brukarinflytande. Kvalitativ ansats användes för att intervjua olika professioner för att undersöka hur deras samverkan bidrog till brukarinflytande. Sammanlagt intervjuades 8 personer. Resultatet visade två kategorier: samverkan är nödvändig för arbete med brukarinflytande och personcentrering samt COVID-19 pandemin har begränsat organisationernas planerade insatser för brukarinflytande. Resultatet visade att brukarinflytande var en viktig del av arbetet som bidrog till att brukarna alltid var i centrum med att vara en del av utformningen av insatserna. Genom brukarnas delaktighet och inflytande kunde den psykiska ohälsan motverkas och bidra till välmående. De slutsatser som kan dras av studien var att samverkan var svår men samtidigt väldigt viktigt. Det behövdes samarbete med många aktörer för att samverkan skulle vara lyckat och naturlig del av arbetsprocessen för personcentrering och brukarinflytande.
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