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Vaccination Hesitancy Among Parents in Stockholm, Sweden : A qualitative study examining the effect of the incorporation of the “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” into Swedish Law in 2020Danovska, Ketija January 2020 (has links)
Background: On 1 January 2020, the UNCRC was incorporated into the Swedish national law. The Convention argues that all children have the right to health, life, survival and development. The Articles of the UNCRC require higher authorities, health facilities and parents to act in the best interest of children, and to do everything to secure children’s rights. Interpreting the Convention, it is possible to conclude that all children have the right to safe and effective vaccines. Even though vaccines are accessible and free of charge to all children in Sweden, vaccination coverage for multiple vaccine-preventable diseases in Sweden has dropped. As one of the reasons for this drop in vaccination coverage is proposed vaccination hesitancy. To fulfil children’s rights as proposed in the UNCRC, vaccination hesitancy needs to be understood and addressed. Aim: The objective of the study is to understand causes of vaccination hesitancy among parents living in Stockholm, Sweden and to examine how healthcare professionals in Stockholm County are working to eliminate vaccination hesitancy, in goal to promote children’s rights to health, life, survival and development after the UNCRC became a Swedish law on 1 January 2020. Additionally, to analyze if strategies applied by Stockholm County are truly addressing identified causes of vaccination hesitancy among parents living in Stockholm, Sweden and in that way increasing vaccination rates this year. Method: This study used a qualitative research strategy. Vaccination hesitancy in Sweden was studied using 20 semi-structured interviews with parents living in Stockholm, while effect of the UNCRC incorporation into Swedish law on vaccination hesitancy was studied using a semi-structured interview with one health professional working in Stockholm County. The gathered data was summarized, categorized and analyzed according to the proposed themes of two theories. The theoretical framework consisted of the Health Belief Model and Social-Ecological Model. Conclusion: It was possible to conclude that the choice of immunization among parents is shaped by; 1) sources and type of the received information on vaccines, vaccination and vaccine-preventable diseases included in the general Swedish child vaccination program, 2) their views on vaccine quality, safety, effectiveness and necessity for satisfying children’s rights to health, life, survival and development, 3) the level of knowledge of epidemiological concepts, mechanisms, infectious diseases and vaccines included in the vaccination program, and 4) the level of trust in the Swedish Government and healthcare, and belief if they are acting in the best interest of children. After the UNCRC incorporation into Swedish law, there have not been observed any changes in the strategic work of Stockholm County against vaccination hesitancy. For the past ten years, they are applying methods at the individual- and interpersonal level, which are not quite reaching vaccine hesitant parents living in Stockholm. Other methods at the community- and public policy level are needed. Due to unclear implications of the UNCRC entrance as a national law and COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible to estimate if there are any changes in the vaccination rates this year.
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Barnmorskors erfarenheter av covid-19 i patientnära vård : En webbenkät / Midwives' experiences of covid-19 in patient-centered care : A web surveyBohman, Helena, Damberg, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19 är en luftburen infektionssjukdom med hög smittorisk som främst överförs via droppsmitta. Nationella samt internationella försiktighetsåtgärder har framtagits i syfte att minska smittspridningen av viruset. Folkhälsomyndigheten har skärpt rekommendationerna för gravida samtidigt som omprioriteringar görs inom hälso- och sjukvården. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka barnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta i patientnära vård under virusutbrottet covid-19. Metod: Studien var en tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamling har gjorts via en webbenkät som besvarats anonymt. Resultat: Av de 159 respondenter som svarat på studien upplevde majoriteten en ökad stress samt en oro att bli smittad av covid-19 och föra smittan vidare. En femtedel av barnmorskorna upplevde ett nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande. Slutsats: Riktlinjer på nationell nivå för simulering, skyddsutrustning och tydlig information för barnmorskor kring arbetet i patientnära vård under covid-19 efterfrågas. Detta i syfte att skapa trygghet i arbetet, att inte bli smittade eller föra smittan vidare. / Background: Covid-19 is a highly contagious airborne infectious disease which primarily spreads via droplets when throat or nasal secretions are released into the air. Precautions have been implemented worldwide with the intent to minimize the spread of the disease. The Public Health Agency of Sweden has implemented new and improved recommendations. Purpose: The aim for this study was to investigate the midwife’s firsthand experiences working intimately with patients during the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. Method: The study was a cross- sectional study with a quantitative method. The data was gathered throughout anonymous online questionnaires answered by midwives in Sweden. Result: Of the 159 respondents in the study, the majority reported an increased level of stress and anxiety related to becoming ill or transferring the virus to others. One in five respondents experienced a decrease in mental wellbeing. Conclusion: National guidelines for midwives regarding practice simulations, protective gear and comprehensive information concerning the work in near proximity to the patient was desired. Midwives called for this to ensure a safe working environment, and to avoid transferring the virus to their colleagues and patients.
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Bidrar lokala avfuktare till en kontrollerad miljö för sterilt material? / Do local dehumidifiers contribute to a controlled environment for sterile material?Johansson, Susan January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion Hög luftfuktighet har i flera år orsakat problem i sterilförråd på svenska sjukhus. Sterila förpackningar ska enligt standard förvaras i en temperatur på 22±3 ˚C och i en luftfuktighet på 30-70 %. För att relativt enkelt och kostnadseffektivt få bukt med fuktighetsproblemet installeras avfuktare. Inga studier finns på hur avfuktare fungerar i sterila miljöer. Elimineras risken för fuktiga emballage utan tillväxt av mikroorganismer i förråd med sterilt material. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka om den lokala avfuktaren Dantherm kan bidra till en kontrollerad miljö genom att antal bakteriebärande partiklar, dvs. colony forming units (cfu) i protesförråd och sterilförråd håller sig inom godkända nivåer relaterat till rekommendationerna i den tekniska standarden SIS TR 57:2020, dvs. 100 cfu/m3 när avfuktaren är installerad och aktiverad. Metod Studien är en kvantitativ pilotstudie. Aktiv och passiv luftprovtagning utfördes i två förråd med två olika sorters Danthermavfuktare samt i två andra förråd, dvs. ett förråd med avfuktare av märket Wood’s och ett förråd helt utan avfuktning. Åtta mättillfällen gjordes per förråd mellan slutet av juni till mitten av oktober år 2020. Resultat Resultatet visar att de allra flesta värdena låg inom referensvärden enligt standard. Slutsats Dantherm avfuktaren verkar bidra till en kontrollerad miljö i förråd med sterilt material. De gånger avfuktaren var aktiv kontaminerade den inte miljön med mikroorganismer. Således kommer den att installeras i fler förråd med sterilt material på Hallands sjukhus och utvärderas kontinuerligt nästkommande år. / Introduction High humidity has been a problem for a long time in sterile storage rooms in Swedish hospitals. According to standards temperature in sterile storage rooms should be within 22±3˚C and the relative humidity 30-70 %. In order to achieve these conditions in a relatively easy and cost effective way, local dehumidifiers have been installed. No previous studies on eliminating the risk of moist packaging without microbial growth in sterile storage rooms have been carried out. Aim The aim of the study is to evaluate whether the dehumidifier Dantherm could contribute to a controlled environment by keeping colony forming units (cfu) in the storage rooms called protesförråd (prostheses storage room) and sterilförråd (sterile storage room) within recommendations according to the standard technical report SIS TR 57:2020 written by Swedish institute of standards, i.e. 100 cfu/m3 when the dehumidifiers are installed and running. Method This study is a quantitative pilot study. Active and passive air sampling were made in two sterile storage rooms with two different kinds of Dantherm dehumidifiers. Two other sterile storage rooms were sampled of which one had a Wood’s dehumidifier installed and the other one lacked totally a dehumidifier. Eight measurements per storage room were made from the end of June to mid-October in the year 2020. Results The results show that almost all rates were within recommended limits. Conclusion The Dantherm dehumidifier seems to contribute to a controlled environment in sterile storage rooms as it did not introduce additional microbiological contamination. Consequently, it will be installed in several more sterile storage rooms at Halland’s hospitals and will be continuously evaluated next year.
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PERCEIVED MEANINGFUL LEISURE TIME AND EDUCATION : A sub-study of actions for sustainable education and health among youthParvin, Dill Robiya January 2021 (has links)
A higher level of education increases the chances of getting work, therefore, this can improve the socio-economic status and social position. Besides, higher education ensures improved health by providing fundamental health knowledge. Completing high school even with low grades increases the chances of getting a job, whereas, unemployment is three times more common among the students with incomplete high school education which leads to low socio-economic status and an unhealthy lifestyle in the long run. This study aims to gain a better understanding of high school students’ perspectives living in Västerås and Eskilstuna regarding meaningful leisure activities and perceived quality of education from their school which may lead to complete high school education. This study will also investigate whether there are any associations between membership in sports and perceived quality of education by adolescents at different gender and socio-economic levels. A cross-sectional study design was applied in this study. The result shows there are many available outdoor activities where the adolescents live to spend their leisure, among them parks are the most reported (314, 58%); walking and cycling paths, running track, outdoor gym and soccer field are the second most reported available opportunity (309, 56.8%) followed by the free sports activities (295, 55.9%). The most popular activities to adolescents are free sports (71, 13.2%) together with homework help at school (70, 13.1%); and more adolescents have membership in sports associations compared to other associations. Also, the study finds that adolescents who either have membership in sports or not do not make any change to the perceived quality of education by students whether they get a very good education, good education, and less than good education in high schools at different gender and self-reported socioeconomic levels. / ACTION: Actions for sustainable education and health among youth
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The Community-Centered Solution to a Pandemic : Risk Communication and Community Engagement for Co-Production of Knowledge in Health Emergencies and Infodemic ContextPalazuelos Prieto, Antonio January 2021 (has links)
This research explores how community-centered solutions facilitate the success and ownership of the response actions to deal with a public health emergency, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. When an outbreak or a hazard impacts a group of people, there is a strong need for communication in order to be able to access to the right information that takes people to make the correct decision and thus to take a protective action to be safe. This approach, known as Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)[1], allows the co-production of knowledge needed for a group of people to remain safe. For this approach, social listening tools, such as media monitoring and community feedback collection are critical understand communities’ needs. Its analysis allows to tailor a RCCE strategy that is able to substantially reduce the threat that a public health emergency poses to human lives[2]. Communities need solutions that are adapted to their needs in order to be able to deal with any emergency, including the Covid-19 pandemic. The RCCE approach empowers communities and provides them with the tools to amplify their voices. This participatory approach allows them to co-produce knowledge and get full ownership of the solutions. Nevertheless, in an environment with excess of information, it may not be easy to discern the truth from the false. Unverified information and rumors are frequent and social media channels facilitate their rapid dissemination without borders. ‘Infodemic’ refers to an excessive amount of information concerning a problem such that the solution is made more difficult. (WHO, 2020)[3] Some rumors may encourage people to take wrong decisions and perform actions that exacerbate risks during an emergency. The RCCE approach helps to promote real-time exchange of information to avoid that rumors and disinformation flourish. (WHO, 2018)[4]. It also allows to identify and implement community-centered solutions to communities’ problems. RCCE needs data to monitor and evaluate its activities and reach effectively populations in risk to encourage them to observe the health preventive measures. Lives at risk depends on the right information conveyed through the right channel at the right time. To be able to supply tailored and accurate information to those communities and engage them, evidence-based RCCE strategies are needed, respecting the socio-anthropological and cultural context of the community. This research is based on the findings from five African countries -Cabo Verde, Cameroon, the Gambia, Mozambique and Niger-, all of them seriously affected by current Covid-19 pandemic. Its conclusions help to understand the critical role that RCCE plays in health emergencies resilient recovery. [1] World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) readiness and response to the 2019 novel coronaviruses (2019-nCoV): interim guidance, 26 January 2020. Geneva: WHO. [2] Risk Communication is one of the eight core functions of the International Health Regulations (2005) [3] World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). Infodemic management: a key component of the COVID-19 global response. Weekly Epidemiological Record 95 (16), 145 - 148. World Health Organization. [4] World Health Organization (WHO) (2018). Communicating Risk in Public Health Emergencies - A WHO Guideline for Emergency Risk Communication (ERC) policy and practice. Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Hur påverkas ensamstående mödrars mentala hälsa utifrån deras ekonomiska utsatthet? / How is the mental health of single mothers affected by their financial vulnerability?Wiberg, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Ensamstående mödrars ekonomiska utsatthet utgör en riskfaktor för gruppens psykiska välmående. Ett problem som är känt sedan tidigare men som fortfarande är aktuellt än idag. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att undersöka hur ensamstående mödrar påverkas mentaltav sin ekonomiska utsatthet. Metod: Genom en systematisk granskning av artiklar utförs en innehållsanalys med hjälp av textkondensering. Resultat: Undersökningen visade på att ensamstående mödrars psykiska välmående påverkas av deras ekonomiska situation och att den psykiska ohälsan bland målgruppen fortfarande är hög. Identifierade teman: Socioekonomi, Kombinera arbetsliv och privatliv, Jämställdhet. Diskussion: Samband mellan ekonomi och psykisk ohälsa existerar men i framtida forskning behöver mer fokus ligga på policys och åtgärder eftersom problemet med psykisk ohälsa består inom målgruppen. / Introduction: The financial vulnerability of single mothers is a risk factor for the group's mental well-being. A problem that has been known for a long time but is still relevant today. Aim: The purpose of the literature review is to investigate how single mothers are mentally affecte ed by their financial vulnerability. Method: Through a systematic review of articles, a content analysis is performed using text condensation. Results: The study showed that the mental well-being of single mothers is affected by their financial situation and that mental illness among the target group is still high. Identified themes: Socio-economics, Combining working life and private life, Gender equality. Discussion: The link between economics and mental illness exists, but in future research more focusneeds to be on policies and measures as the problem of mental illness persists within the target group.
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Hälsofrämjande arbete på RapatacDavidsson, Wilhelmine January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the health promotion work for the children and young at Rapatac from an employee perspective. A qualitative method was used. Interviews with six employees at Rapatac were conducted using semi-structured questions. Data was analyzed by coding and forming categories and subcategories. Results showed that respondents' concept of health promoting work had both similarities and differences. There was an agreement on the complexity of health promotion, on the importance of promoting safety and on the lifestyle perspective in health promotion. The organization worked in various ways to implement health promotion initiatives for children and young people through activities, education, empowerment and supportive environments. Results also pointed to the need to develop collaboration with schools and families, staff competence and resources to improve health promotion strategies. In conclusion, respondents perceived health-promoting work as complex, were aware of the ongoing health promoting work in the organization and identified potential areas for improvement. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka det hälsofrämjande arbetet riktat mot barn och unga på Rapatac utifrån medarbetarnas perspektiv. Metoden för studien var kvalitativ och genomfördes på Rapatac med sex medarbetare. Studien utfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data analyserades för att hitta meningsbärande enheter som kodades och delades in i subkategorier och huvudkategorier. Resultat visade att respondenternas hade en förståelse om hälsofrämjande arbete med både likheter och skillnader. Det rådde en samsyn i beskrivningarna av hälsofrämjande arbete som komplext, vikten av trygghetsfrämjande arbete och levnadsvanor. Organisationen arbetade på olika sätt att implementera hälsofrämjande insatser för barn och unga genom aktiviteter, utbildning, empowerment och stödjande miljöer. I studiens resultat framkom även några utvecklingsområden, bland annat samarbete med skolor och familjer, kompetensutveckling för personalen samt resurser för att förbättra verksamhetens hälsofrämjande strategi. Slutsatsen var att det hälsofrämjande arbetet uppfattades som komplext, att det fanns en medvetenhet om verksamhetens pågående hälsofrämjande arbete och flera områden med utvecklingspotential identifierades.
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Strategiskt arbete med hållbar IT och digital arbetsmiljö en empirisk kvalitativ studie av företag inom privat sektor.Svedin, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur motiverar Studenthälsan universitetsstudenter till minskad alkoholkonsumtion? : - En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning / How Student Health Center motivate university students to reduce alcohol consumption? : A qualitative interview studyAl-Fayadh Mean, Sophada January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Mean, A.F. S. (2019). How Student Health Center motivate university students to reduce alcohol consumption? A qualitative interview study was carried out at three selected Swedish universities and four professionals employed were included in this empirical study. Bachelor thesis in Public Health Science. Department of Occupational and Public Health Science. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies. University of Gävle, Sweden. Background: Universities and Student Health Centers are arenas that works with motivation methods to reduce student’s alcohol consumption during studies. Previous studies have discussed social norms, alcohol culture and pointed out that nearly half of all Swedes between 18-25 years are university students. Over the years, this age group has had a higher alcohol intake compared to other periods in life. High alcohol consumption can affect health and all three sustainable aspects: social, economic and environmental sustainability that according to SDGs is to be achieved at year end 2030. The Aim of study: was to investigate how Student Health Centers motivate students to reduce alcohol consumption. Method: A qualitative interview study was carried out at three selected Swedish universities and four professionals’ employees at Student health centers were included in this investigation. Result: The Student Health Centers used a number of different evidence-based methods and strategies with motivational interview to motivate university students to reduce their alcohol consumption. Motivational work was focused on both individuals and groups. Motivational work based on personal experiences and the implementation of motivational conversations with students were accordance with students´ health status and their alcohol issues. Discussion: Students search motivational counseling not because of perceived alcohol problem, but due to stress factors and similar problems. A change in attitudes towards less alcohol intake among young adults could be reached due to increased awareness and knowledge of alcohol harm and alcohol-free drinks alternatives. Conclusion: The main task of the student Health Service is to try to reach all university students by using different motivational methods and tools. The main goal is to increase health promotion, reduce alcohol risk, prevent alcohol abuse and injuries at universities and colleges. Further qualitative research is needed to be able to identify patterns of underlying stress factors and alcohol-related ill-health among university students on a larger number of Universities and Student Health Centers. / Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Universitet och Studenthälsan är arenor som arbetar med motiverande metoder för att minska studenters alkoholkonsumtion under studietiden. Tidigare studier har diskuterat sociala normer, alkoholkultur samt visat att närmare hälften av alla svenskar mellan 18–25 år är universitetsstuderande. Under studieåren hade denna åldersgrupp högre alkoholintag jämfört med andra perioder i livet. Hög alkoholkonsumtion kan förutom hälsa även påverka de sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga hållbarhetsperspektiven som enlig SDGs ska uppnås vid årsslut 2030. Syfte: är att undersöka hur Studenthälsan motiverar studenter till minskad alkoholkonsumtion. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning har utförts på tre utvalda svenska universitet där fyra yrkesverksamma på Studenthälsomottagningar har inkluderats. Resultat: Studenthälsan använder en rad av olika evidensbaserade metoder och strategier för att motivera universitetsstudenter till att minska sin alkoholkonsumtion. Motiverande arbete är inriktat på både individer och grupper. Motiverande arbete bygger ofta på samtal som baseras på aktörernas personliga erfarenheter och studenternas alkoholfrågor kopplat till deras hälsotillstånd. Diskussion: Studenter söker inte motiverande stödsamtal på grund av alkoholproblem, utan på grund av stressfaktorer och liknande problematik. En förändring i attityd gentemot minskad alkoholkonsumtion bland unga vuxna kan nås genom ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om alkoholskador och alkoholfria alternativ. Slutsats: Studenthälsans viktigaste uppgift är att försöka nå alla universitetsstuderande genom olika motiverande metoder och verktyg för att utveckla hälsofrämjande insatser, förebygga alkoholmissbruk och alkoholskador på universitet och högskolor. Ytterligare kvalitativ forskning behövs för att kunna identifiera mönster av underliggande stressfaktorer och alkoholrelaterad ohälsa bland universitetsstudenter på ett större antal lärosäten.
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Kan 20 minuter massage i hemmet bidra med stressreducering hos kärlekspar?Almqvist Berglund, Joy, J Heikkilä, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på om en kortare massage i hemmet kan bidra med stressreducering hos kärlekspar och om en instruktionsvideo för att lära ut massage kan vara en bra metod. En kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats har använts, även kallat mixed methods. Deltagarna var 18 personer, som alla ingick i kärleksrelationer. Inledningsvis fick de titta på en inspelad kort informationsvideo om massage för att sedan med stöd av en inspelad 20 minuter lång instruktionsvideo massera varandra på rygg och nacke. Före och efter att de gett och fått massage, skulle de också svara på en webbenkät. Resultaten från enkäten visade att stressnivån sjönk hos både de som gett (p=0,0463) och de som fått (p=0,001) massage. Av de som fått massage kände alla sig avslappnade efteråt och majoriteten (83,3%) kände sig lugna. De som gett massage kände sig även de mer lugna (77,8%) efteråt. Ingen av deltagarna uppgav att de kände sig stressade efter massagen. En instruktionsvideo visade sig, genom svaren från webbenkäten, vara en bra metod för att lära ut massage till kärlekspar. / The aim of this study was to find out if a shorter massage at home can contribute to stress reduction in love couples and if an instructional video for teaching massage can be a good method. A qualitative and quantitative approach has been used, also called mixed methods. The participants were 18 people, all of whom were involved in love relationships. Initially, the participants had to watch a recorded short information video about massage and then, with the support of a recorded 20-minute instructional video, massage each other on the back and neck. Before and after giving or receiving a massage, they also had to respond to an online survey. The results from the survey showed that the stress level decreased in both those who gave (p = 0.0463) and those who received (p = 0.001) massage. Of those who received massage, all felt relaxed afterwards and the majority (83.3%) felt calm. Those who gave massages also felt calmer (77.8%) afterwards. None of the participants stated that they felt stressed after the massage. An instructional video proved, through the answers from the web survey, to be a good method for teaching massage to love couples.
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