Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap"" "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap10""
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Healthy Cities - What makes the difference at a local level? : an analysis on factors for success in creating healthy public policyBolmgren, Margareta, Westin, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that working intersectorally and internationally with health issues is crucial in creating a change towards healthy public policy at a local level. Healthy Cities is one of the programmes where WHO uses a health governance approach (governing through networks) to try to reach this objective. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify the factors that make member cities of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network successful in reorienting local public policy towards healthy public policy. An analysis of nine documents corresponding to the selection criteria set up by the authors was conducted. These documents consisted of reports published by WHO on the Healthy Cities programme, but also of independent research articles and one thesis published on other networks similar to Healthy Cities. Also, further data was collected through telephone interviews with contact persons in four member cities. The interviews were transcribed word by word. Both data (documents and interviews) were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. The results show that the four key “elements for action” (political commitment, leadership, readiness for institutional change and intersectoral collaboration) crystallized by WHO for creating healthy public policy were mainly confirmed in this research study. Therefore, the authors draw the conclusion that WHO has succeeded in making the member cities commit to the Healthy Cities philosophy and in spreading the idea of health governance in Europe. However, additional factors were found both in the document analysis and in the interviews. When looking at the top four frequently occurring factors in the documents, community participation and status were highlighted. The two additional factors found in the interview data was holistic thinking and systematic, goal-oriented work. Also, the importance of political commitment was questioned by a minority of the respondents. This might indicate that the four key “elements for action” crystallized by WHO might not have as big of an effect in creating change at a local level as has been made out by WHO. Furthermore, respondents stated that difficulties existed in translating theory into practice at a local level. This might indicate that potential changes made in the member cities after joining the Healthy Cities programme are mainly ideological. Despite this, the attitudes among the respondents towards membership in the WHO European Healthy Cities Network were overall positive, and even though difficulties still exist, the respondents maintained that Healthy Cities enables them in taking the next step towards healthy public policy at a local level.
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Ett gott liv på äldre dar : Äldres upplevelse av hälsa och livskvalitetLindgren, Madeleine, Bergström, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
På grund av en ökande medellivslängd hos Sveriges befolkning, är en betydligt större grupp äldre att vänta. Mer kunskaper kring människors förutsättningar för ett gott liv i hög ålder kommer att krävas för att på bästa sätt kunna ta hand om denna åldersgrupp. Syftet med denna studie var att försöka få kunskap om hur äldre människor upplever sin livskvalitet och hur åldrandet påverkar deras livssituation. Inför studien valdes kvalitativ metod och 7 stycken intervjuer med målgruppen 80+ genomfördes. Dessa intervjuer analyserades med hjälp av grounded theory och resulterade i fem kategorier; livets ryggsäck, livskriser, känslan av trygghet och rädsla, att känna social glädje och sorg och självständighet ger meningsfullhet. Alla intervjuer genomsyrades av betydelsen av minnen från förr och hur dessa fortfarande påverkar det dagliga livet. På grund av detta, samt även att de fem kategorierna kunde förknippas med dessa minnen blev kärnkategorin kallad; livets ryggsäck. Resultatet visar tydligt hur självständigheten har betydelse för upplevelsen av vardagen och därigenom livskvaliteten. Brist på självständighet ger livet till viss del förlorad mening och innebär en känsla av sorg och svårigheter med det sociala livet. Den oro och rädsla som framgick i varje intervju handlar om att förlora sin självständighet eller sina sociala kontakter. Att förlora sin make/maka var något som de flesta av intervjupersonerna gått igenom och det var en avgörande händelse i livet som innebar stora förändringar i vardagen. Positiva minne tycktes kunna ge en mer positiv inställning till det nuvarande livet medan negativa minnen kan ge en sänkning av livskvaliteten. Vår slutsats är att känslan av att vara nöjd med livet man levt tillsammans med ett tillfredsställande socialt liv och en viss självständighet ger ett gott liv på äldre dar och en hög livskvalitet. / Because of an increasing average duration of live among the Swedish population, a larger group of elderly is to be expected. More knowledge about peoples qualifications for living a good life in older age is going to be needed, to be able to take care of this age-group in the best of ways. The purpose of this study was to learn how older people experience their quality of life and how aging is affecting their life-situation. A qualitative method was chosen for the study and 7 interviews were done with people older than 80. These interviews were analyzed by using grounded theory and the result was 5 categories; bag pack of life, life-crisis, the feeling of safety and fear, to feel happiness and sadness and independence gives meaningfulness. The importance of memories and how these still affect the daily life came up in all the interviews. Because of this, and because of the fact that all the categories could be associated with these memories, we named the main category; the bag pack of life. The results clearly showed how important independence is to the experience of daily life and therefore quality of life. The lack of independence gives a loss of meaning and implies a feeling of sadness and difficulties with the social life. The worry and fear that showed in all of the interviews came from the possibility of losing ones independence or social contacts. Almost all of the people who were interviewed had lost a spouse and this was a big incident that caused a lot of changes in the daily life. Positive memories seems to give a more positive attitude towards life meanwhile negative memories might cause a quality of life reduction. Our conclusion is that satisfaction with the past, together with a satisfying social life and some independence means a good life at old age and high quality of life.
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Healthy life for mentally retarded : a qualitative study from a staff perspectiveSjöbeck, Johanna, Nilsson, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hälsa är ett vitt begrepp som det finns många olika definitioner på. Det finns definitioner på hälsa som menar att hälsa handlar om att må bra och ha god handlingsförmåga samt lyfta fram vikten av att varje individ ska ha möjlighet att göra det som hon värderar som viktigt. Förståndshandikappade har begränsningar som gör att de inte kan leva sitt liv på samma sätt som normalbegåvade kan. Begränsningar är fysiska, psykiska och sociala. Förståndshandikappade åldras dessutom fortare än normalbegåvade människor. Det är löprelevant att arbeta för att främja de boendes hälsa och arbeta för att ett hälsosamt åldrande ska kunna ske. Litteraturgenomgång: Litteratur inom områdena förståndshandikapp, hälsa och åldrande visar att det finns behov av att arbeta för att främja ett hälsosamt åldrande hos de förståndshandikappade och därför finner vi det intressant att arbeta vidare med detta ämne. Syfte: Att ta reda på hur ett hälsofrämjande liv kan främjas hos förståndshandikappade enligt personal på boende för förståndshandikappade. Metod: Undersökningen är kvalitativ och enskilda intervjuer gjordes med åtta personer som arbetar på boende för förståndshandikappade. Intervjuerna spelades in på band för att sedan transkriberas. Materialet behandlades konfidentiellt. Resultat: Personal på boende för förståndshandikappade poängterar vikten av att äta nyttigt och att vara fysiskt aktiv. De menar att ett gott socialt liv ökar chansen till ett hälsosamt åldrande och att kulturaktiviteter har god inverkan på hälsan. De ser även att de själva har en viktig roll då det gäller att främja ett hälsosamt åldrande hos de förståndshandikappade. Diskussion: Förståndshandikappade som bor på boende för förståndshandikappade är beroende av den personal som arbetar där. Därför har personalen en ytterst viktig roll för att främja de boendes hälsa och arbeta för ett hälsosamt åldrande. Detta kan de göra på ett flertal olika sätt både då det gäller fysisk, psykiskt och social hälsa. / Background: Health is an important concept that there are many different definitions of. There are definitions of Health believes that health is about feeling good and having a good ability to act. The concept highlights the importance of that every individual should have the opportunity to do what she values as important. People which are mentally retarded have limits they can no do what they want and live their lives in the same way as normal gifted can. These limitations are physical, mental and social. People which are mentally retarded are aging faster than normal gifted people. It is relevant to work to promote residents' health and work for a healthy aging to happen. Literature Review: Literature in the fields of mentally retarded, health and aging show that there is a need to work to promote healthy aging of the mentally retarded and therefore we find it interesting to work with this subject. Aim: To find out how a healthy life can be promoted with disabilities according to staff attitudes towards the mentally handicapped. Method: The study is qualitative and individual interviews were carried out at eight people who work on housing for the mentally retarded. The interviews were recorded on tape and then transcribed. The material was treated confidential. Results: Staff in the housing for mentally retarded emphasize the importance of eating healthy and being physically active. They mean that a good social life increases the chance of a healthy aging and that cultural activities have good effect on health. They also see that they themselves have an important part in promoting healthy aging of the mentally retarded. Discussion: Mentally retarded living in housing for the mentally retarded is dependent on the staff working there. Therefore the staff has an extremely important role in encouraging the residents' healths and works towards healthy aging. This they can do in a variety of ways both in terms of physical, mental and social health.
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Attityder och kunskaper kring hållbara matvanor / Attitudes and Knowledge of Environmentally Friendly Food ConsumptionsByström, Ann January 2009 (has links)
The Purpose of this study was to examine what knowledge and which attitudes there are about environmental friendly food in the society. To do so an essay were constructed and distributed to five different working places. Altogether there were 50 essays distributed and 43 were returned. The main result; the respondents think that it is important for people to learn how to consume food in a more environmentally friendly way. The majority of the respondents recognized the eco-label KRAV but the European eco-label and Demeter were not recognized in a less extent. Few of the respondents knew what GMO stands for. Over half of the respondents thought that it is pretty important/important or very important to buy ecological food but only one third of them said that they commonly/always buy ecologic food. Slightly more than one third was shore that they could contribute to an environmental friendly development by consuming ecological food. Conclusion: the respondents know too little about what the eco-labels stands for. Far from everyone is convinced that it actually is environmental friendly to buy environmental friendly food.
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Medborgarpaneler : en analys av ett demokratiprojekt / Citizens' Dialog : an analyze of a democratic projectNilsson Tirbäcken, Sara-Louise, Wenell Larsson, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om den kommunala demokratiska processen har berörts av projektet Medborgarpaneler. Vi fick uppdraget av Gnosjö kommun att genomföra en halvtidsutvärdering av projektet. Projektet startade i november 2007 och kommer att pågå under tre år. Vi har använt oss av både kvantitativa datainsamlingsmetoder och kvalitativa djupintervjuer, som vi senare har sammanställt och analyserat, för att få fram material till vår undersökning. De resultat som vi fått fram visar på att det är ett lyckat projekt från kommunen och att det finns ett intresse att utveckla det efter projekttidens slut, detta enligt de politiker vi intervjuat. Valet av intervjupersoner gjordes på följande vis, vi mailade politiker i Gnosjö kommun och de tre första som svarade intervjuade vi. Vi skickade också ut enkäter till deltagarna i Medborgarpaneler via de befintliga mail-listorna som fanns. Genom enkäterna kunde vi tolka att deltagarna anser att det är ett bra initiativ av kommunen att starta projektet och även att de vill ha projektet kvar efter projekttidens slut. De saknar dock feedback på de svar de givit på enkäterna som kommunen hittills har skickat ut, de vill ha mer information om vad som verkligen hänt efter enkätinlämningarna. / The study purpose is to find out if the democtratic process in the municipality of Gnosjö has been affected during the project called Medborgarpaneler. We got this asignment to do a halft-time evaluation of the project from the Secretary to the executive committee of the municipality of Gnosjö. Medborgarpaneler was started in November of 2007 and is planned to go on for three years. We have used both quantitative methods in form of a questionnaire survey with the participants and qualitative intreviews with involved politicians. These materials has been gathered and analized to give us the answers we were looking for. Our material shows that the project has been succesful so far and there is an opening to develop the idea and make it an permanent element in the political process. We choosed our politicans by sending out e-mails and then picked the three first responds. The questionnaires we used were sent to all the participating citizens through already existing mailing-lists and through these answers we read out that they think it is a good initiative taken and they would like it to carry on after the project is due to end. Though they express a wish to get more feeedback and more information about what has happend after they’ve answered the polls.
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Hälsofrämjande åtgärder på arbetsplatser- : Enkätstudie bland stora och medelstora företag i Halmstad kommun / Health promotion in workplaces : A survey of large- and medium-sized enterprises in Halmstad municipalityAndersson, Hanna, Ohlsson, Elin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka på vilka sätt företag i Halmstads kommun arbetar hälsofrämjande. En enkätstudie gjordes på stora och medelstora företag i Halmstads kommun. Den ansvarige för hälsa och arbetsmiljö besvarade enkäten. Resultatet visade att av 34 företag satsade 31 stycken på friskvårdsbidrag, 23 stycken på ergonomiska åtgärder och 21 stycken på företagshälsovård, dessa var de främsta åtgärderna. Konsekvenser som lägre sjukfrånvaro och bättre hälsa gick att avläsa på flera företag. Det fanns även hinder för hälsofrämjande åtgärder såsom, tidsbrist, ekonomi och brist på motivation hos arbetstagarna. För att utveckla hälsofrämjande åtgärder på arbetsplatsen kan utbildning vara en bra investering. / The aim of this study was to examine how enterprises in Halmstad municipality, Sweden, worked with health promotion. A survey, in the form of a questionnaire was performed on large- and medium-sized enterprises in Halmstad. The respondents can be described as staff responsible for health promotion and work environmental issues. The results show that of 34 companies, 31 offer health promotion benefits, 23 actively work on improving the work environment by introducing ergonomic measures and 21 works with health services. The analysis indicates that by having these benefits and services in place, the absence due to sickness decreases while the employee’s health status increases. However, the study also found that there were difficulties in promoting health in these enterprises; mainly lack of time, economy and lack of motivation among employees. To further improve health promotion in work places we recommend educating responsible staff in particular and employees in general.
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Upplevelse av stress och lärande relaterat till KASAM och fysisk aktivitet : en enkätstudie till gymnasieelever / Experience of stress and education related to SOC and physical activity : A questionnaire study to upper secondary school studentsAdamsson Jensen, Sabina, Johnsson, Josefin January 2009 (has links)
Public health is important to many areas of society. It is important to have different goals to focus the work with health promotion in different sectors, one such area is the school. In the society of today there are a lot of public health issues like stress, overweight and physical inactivity. To experience well-being physical activity, sense of coherence (SOC) and the individual experience of stress have important functions. School is an important part of the student’s learning, development and socialisation. The aims of the study were numerous: how many of the upper secondary school students are physically active and if physical activity reduces the experience of stress. Other questions of the study were: if the experience of teaching about stress and physical activity relate to students SOC, physical activity and the experience of stress, and also illuminate the relation between SOC, physical activity and stress. A quantitative questionnaire study was performed among 187 students at three upper secondary schools in the south of Sweden. The questionnaire was classified into four different categories; stress, physical activity, pedagogy and SOC. The result showed that the students´ SOC related to the students’ experience of stress and prevalence of different symptoms. The students’ physical activity did not relate to the students SOC and experience of stress. The physical activity education showed a trend to relate to increased physical activity and prevalence of stress education was related to increased stress. The socio-cultural perspective imprinted the study that shows that learning takes place not only in school, but also in other social contexts. The school should open up for physical activity and create a bigger interest in good health and SOC and thereby create opportunities for the future life of the students.
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Bättre eller sämre på jobbet? : en jämförelse mellan olika yrkeskategoriers arbetsrelaterade hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvården mellan åren 2005-2009 / A comparison between professional categories work-related health from a salutogenic perspective in the health care between the years 2005-2009.Möller, Mariana, Olsson, Malena January 2013 (has links)
People spend much of their timeat work and health is affected by how we experience our everyday work situation. Health in the workplace is important for public health and seems to improve the occupational health of theemployees. The pace of work and requirements have hasincreased at work and it's not equal accepted to have an obstacle that makesyour work capacity decreases. Despite this, there are health factors that enable us meet therequirements and can maintaingood health in the workplace. Theaim of the studywas to see if there has beena change in healthcare workers work-related health over time. The Method entailed analysis of the existing data materials researchersfrom Kristianstad University have developed through cross-sectional studies in hospitals insouthern Sweden during the fouroccasions between 2005-2009. The result shows thatthe reported work-related health has improved markedly over the years within the professional categories. By looking at thevarious health factors, there wasa opportunity to see if the factors affect the occupational groupsdifferent. Conclusion, based on the results, it can be shown thathealthcare workers work-related health has been positively affected by various health factorswhich have enhanced in the workplace. Health promotionis therefore important for thepositive development of the work-relatedhealth. / Människan tillbringar en stor del av livet på arbetet och hälsan påverkas av hur vi upplever vår vardagliga arbetssituation. Hälsa i arbetslivet är därför ett viktigt folkhälsomål som verkar för att förbättra den arbetsrelaterade hälsan hos anställda. Arbetstempot och kraven har ökat ute på arbetsplatserna och det är inte lika accepterat att ha något hinder som gör att din arbetsförmåga minskar. Det finns hälsofaktorer som gör att vi klarar av kraven och kan behålla en god hälsa i arbetslivet. Syftet med studien var att påvisa om det har skett en positiv eller negativ förändring i sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsrelaterade hälsa genom att studera vilka faktorer som har förändrats under en fyraårs period. Metoden innebar analys av befintligt datamaterial som forskare från Högskolan Kristianstad har tagit fram genom tvärsnittsstudier på två olika sjukhus i södra Sverige under fyra tillfällen mellan åren 2005-2009. Resultatet visar att den rapporterade arbetsrelaterade hälsan har förbättrats markant mellan åren inom yrkeskategorierna. Genom att titta på olika hälsofaktorer fanns det möjlighet att se om de olika faktorerna påverkar yrkesgrupperna olika. Slutsats, utifrån resultatet kan det visas att sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsrelaterade hälsa har påverkats positivt vilket relateras till olika hälsofaktorer har förbättrats på arbetsplatsen. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet är därmed viktigt för att kunna fortsätta få en positiv utveckling av den arbetsrelaterade hälsan.
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Predictors of strong sense of coherence and positive attitudes to physical education in adolescentsSollerhed, Ann-Christin, Ejlertsson, Göran, Apitzsch, Erwin January 2005 (has links)
AIMS: The aim of this study was to find variables related to positive attitudes to physical education (PE) and strong sense of coherence (SOC) among adolescents. METHODS: The study included three parts: seven physical tests; a questionnaire which included ways of living, attitudes to PE, and subjective health, the 13-question version of SOC; and information on every student's grades. The study group comprised 301 teenagers (131 girls and 170 boys, aged 16-19 years) attending upper secondary school. Positive odds ratio was used in the logistic regression analyses with SOC and attitudes to PE as dependent variables. RESULTS: Variables related to positive attitudes to PE were strong SOC, high physical capacity, high leisure-time physical activity (PA), high grades in PE, and little time spent watching TV. Variables related to strong SOC were positive attitudes to PE, high grades in PE, very good subjective health, and feeling comfortable in school. Highest physical capacity, highest mean grades, and highest grades in PE were found among adolescents who reported exercise four times or more per week. CONCLUSIONS: An interrelation between attitudes to PE and SOC was shown. The relation between positive attitudes to PE and high scores in SOC indicated that past experiences of PA and PE could contribute to the development of SOC, and actual levels of SOC could influence the persistent attitudes to PE and be important for lifelong PA. One means of identification of favourable or unfavourable health behaviour among young people might be through PA patterns, and relations between attitudes to PE and SOC.
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En kvalitativ analys av jämställdhetsplaner i offentlig verksamhet : - Vad säger de egentligen? / A qualitative analysis of plans of gender equality in the public area : What do they really say?Andersson, Irene, Werle, Frida January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund Människor som utsätts för diskriminering löper större risk för psykisk och fysisk ohälsa. Diskrimineringslagen reglerar diskriminering, där bland annat kön är en av diskrimineringsgrunderna. Ett jämställt samhälle kan medverka till att könsskillnaderna i livstidshälsa minskar, och självrapporterade hälsobesvär är störst i ojämställda länder. Sveriges arbetsmarknad karaktäriseras av könsmässig segregering och det finns samband mellan könssegregering på arbetsplatsen och sjuklighet för båda könen. I Diskrimineringslagen står det också att arbetsplatser med minst 25 anställda måste ha en jämställdhetsplan. Syfte Syftet är att beskriva jämställdhetsplaner på arbetsplatser i offentlig verksamhet med utgångspunkt i Diskrimineringslagen. Metod Jämställdhetsplanerna har analyserats med hjälp av deduktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sex jämställdhetsplaner från olika arbetsgivare inom offentlig sektor har samlats in i en medelstor kommun i Sverige. Resultat De flesta planer följer riktlinjerna i Diskrimineringslagen. Alla anställda ska ha möjlighet att kombinera arbetslivet med familjelivet och ingen ska bli trakasserad på grund av kön. Ingen ska bli diskriminerad i arbetssökandet, men att viss positiv diskriminering får förekomma om det ena könet är underrepresenterat. Vidare ska inga osakliga löneskillnader förekomma. Diskussion Det kan finnas andra styrdokument som reglerar jämställdhetsarbetet på vissa av arbetsplatserna, och det kan därför saknas vissa delar i planerna. Socialt stöd och gruppidentifiering är skyddsfaktorer mot diskriminering, och borde ges större utrymme i planerna. Positiv diskriminering kan bli diskriminerande mot det kön som inte kvoteras in och detta skulle kunna lösas med att förändra genussystemet. För att jämställdhet ska ha en positiv effekt på folkhälsan bör även män anamma traditionellt sett kvinnliga roller. / Background People who are discriminated have an increased risk for poor mental and physical health. The discrimination law regulates discrimination, and in it it's written that gender is one of the discrimination foundations. A gender equal society makes gender differences in life expectancy smaller, and there are more self reported health inconveniences in countries who are not gender equal. Sweden's labour market is characterized by gender segregation, and there's a correlation between gender segregation at work and illness for both genders. In the discrimination law it's written that every workplace with at least 25 employees are obligated to have a plan for gender equality. Aim The aim is to describe plans of gender equality of workplaces in the public area with a base in the Swedish discrimination law Method The plans for gender equality have been analysed with deductive qualitative content analyzis. Six plans from different employers in the public area have been collected in a medium big municipality in Sweden. Result Most of the plans follow the directions in the discrimination law. Employees shall be able to combine family life with working life and no one should be harassed because of gender. No one should be discriminated in the process of job seeking, but some affirmative action can occur if one of the genders are underrepresented. There should be no irrelevant salary differences. Discussion There may be other policy documents which regulate the gender equality work at some of the workplaces, and therefore there could be some missing parts in the plans. Social support and group identification are factors of protection against discrimination, and should be given more space in the plans. Affirmative actions can be discrimination of the gender who is not prioritized and this could be solved with an elimination of the society based gender roles. In order for gender equality to have a positive effect on public health, men should adopt traditional female roles.
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