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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Street Level Food Networks: Understanding Ethnic Food Cart Supply Chains in Eastern Portland, OR

Novie, Alexander G. 25 November 2014 (has links)
Portland, OR, is the site of a unique urban food cart phenomenon that provides opportunities for small business ownership and access points for culturally specific food for the city's foreign-born and minority populations. Known as a "foodie haven," Portland also has an active sustainable food movement with engaged citizens and support from city and regional policies aimed at significantly increasing the consumption of local food. To date, there have been no in-depth studies on the sourcing habits of Portland food cart owners and whether or not these street-level actors are involved in the area's local alternative food movements (AFNs). The current understanding of the Portland food cart phenomenon is based on studies that have focused on carts and pods located in the central business district and "inner-ring" areas of the city. Areas beyond these locations (defined as Eastern Portland) are currently home to the majority of the city's growing foreign-born and minority populations. This thesis uses a situational analysis framework to explore the food supply practices of ethnic food cart owners operating in Eastern Portland cart pods. I investigate the feasibility of purchasing locally grown ingredients for use in ethnic cuisines and the degree to which cart owners incorporate the region's prevailing locavore ethics into their everyday culinary practices. Findings from this inquiry suggest that ethnic cart owners in Eastern Portland have a range of habitus, or personal dispositions and embodied knowledge, that is reflected in how they perceive the benefits of and barriers to "buying local" and the extent (if any) that they engage with AFNs in the Portland area. I assert that ethnic food cart owners in Eastern Portland are performing multiple community roles by providing access points for culturally specific cuisines for their particular ethnic groups, while also offering exotic experiences to other residents and tourists alike. I discuss variations within the food cart phenomenon itself by highlighting the differences in design, amenities, types of access, and neighborhood customer bases of cart pods located in Eastern Portland. Finally, I discuss future research directions for understanding the dynamics of food supply chains in small-scale, direct-to-vendor relationships and the implications for local and regional food sustainability policy goals.

Alternativní zdroje vody pro technologické procesy ve vybraných průmyslových odvětvích / Alternative water sources on technological process in selected sector of industry

Bártů, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The task of the master’s thesis is a study focused on re-use and process wastewater in the company Kostelecké uzeniny a.s. The thesis contains a description of wastewater treatment plants, sewage flow and metabolic load on each water treatment processes. The thesis describes the limit requirements for technological processes within the enterprise. Few variants of the use of alternative water sources for technological processes on the basis of health conditions that has been designed for treating waste water from truck wash were considered in the thesis. Treated waste water is being re-used within the truck wash. Part of the proposal is also economic calculation and evaluation of return on investment.

CleanBand – Reinigung, Desinfektion und antibakterielle Behandlung von Transportbändern in der Lebensmittelindustrie

Horn, Kerstin, Küzün, Berrin, Stancu, Claudia, Fröhlich, Maik, Naumenko, Evgenij 30 May 2018 (has links)
Die moderne Lebensmittel- und Verpackungsindustrie stellt hohe Anforderungen an den Umgang mit den Produkten und die Prozesshygiene. Transportbänder sind gängige Werkzeuge in der Produktion und unterliegen je nach Einsatzart den verschiedensten Anforderungen. Atmosphärische Plasmen stellen eine innovative Technologie zur gezielten Modifizierung von Oberflächen dar. Die Behandlung von Transportbändern mit atmosphärischen Plasmen verspricht eine Optimierung der Reinigungszyklen in der Lebensmittelindustrie und eine Verbesserung der Hygiene beim Transport von Lebensmitteln auf Transportbändern allgemein. [Zusammenfassung]

Säkerhetskulturens påverkan på olycksfallsfrekvens : En undersökning av säkerhetskulturen inom ett företag i livsmedelsbranschen samt förslag på förbättringsaktiviteter / Safety cultures effect on accident frequency : A study of safety culture within a company in the food industry and proposal to actions to improvement

Petersons, Paula January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Livsmedelsindustrin i Sverige omfattar flera olika delbranscher ochhar en stor geografisk spridning samt stor variation på företagens storlek. Totaltsysselsätts idag ca 56.000 personer. Generellt sett är olycksfallsfrekvensen höginom branschen jämfört med andra branscher. Godkända arbetsolycksfall harenligt AFA Försäkring en ökande frekvens för livsmedelsindustrin medan allabranscher totalt sett har en minskande frekvens. Syfte:  Studiens syfte är att få en förståelse för begreppen säkerhetsklimat ochsäkerhetskultur, granska hur anställdas delaktighet påverkar säkerhetskultur ocharbetsmiljöarbete, beskriva metoder för att förbättra säkerhetskulturen i enorganisation samt studera om det finns skillnader i hur säkerhetskulturen i enliten fabrik är jämfört med en större fabrik i ett företag. Metod/Genomförande: Litteraturstudie har genomförts samt granskning avföretagets statistik, andra kartläggningar och organisation avseendearbetsmiljö/säkerhet. En kartlä ggning av statusen på säkerhetskulturen på två avföretagets fabriker gjordes med hjälp av Arbetsmiljöverkets webb-enkät ipappersformat. Resultat:   Svaren på enkäten visar på skillnader mellan hur den lilla fabriken ochden stora fabriken ser på säkerhetskultur. Den lilla fabriken har över lag färresvaga områden. Totalt sätt visade resultatet på att det behövs förbättringar inomområdena ”Ledningens säkerhetsengagemang och säkerhetsförmåga”,”Ledningens involvering av medarbetarna i säkerhetsfrågor”, ”Ledningensrättvisa i säkerhetsfrågor”, ”Medarbetarnas prioritering av säkerhet och grad avriskacceptans” och ”Medarbetarnas upplärning och kommunikation”.Granskning av företagets tillbuds- och olycksfallsrapportering samt årliguppföljning av det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet visar på brister isäkerhetskulturen. Slutsats: Litteraturstudier visar på att begreppen säkerhetskultur och säkerhetsklimat saknar entydig definition och är komplexa att förstå. Delaktighethar ett tydligt samband med säkerhetskultur, olycksfallsfrekvens ocharbetsmiljöarbete generellt. Ledningens engagemang och prioritering avarbetsmiljö-/säkerhetsfrågor är av stor vikt för att förbättra säkerhetskulturenliksom att kulturen i företaget är rättvis och lärande. Min bedömning är attArbetsmiljöverkets webb-enkät för att ta tempen på säkerhetskulturen har sinabegränsningar men kan anses som ett bra verktyg på grund av enkelheten och attdet ger förslag på metodik för att arbeta med svaga områden. Nyckelord: Säkerhetsklimat, Arbetsskador, Arbetsolycksfall,Livsmedelsbranschen, Delaktighet, Enkät. / Background: The food industry in Sweden encompasses several different sectors, wide geographical spread and large variations in the company size. Today, approximately 56,000 people are employed. In general, the accident rate is high in the industry compared to other industries. Approved occupational accidents, according to AFA Insurance, have an increasing frequency for the food industry, while all industries have a total decreasing frequency. Objective: the purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the concepts of safety culture, to examine how worker participation affects safety culture and occupational health & safety, to describe methods for improving the safety culture of an organization, and to study whether there is a difference in the safety culture of a small factory compared with a larger factory in a company. Method/Implementation: Literature study has been conducted as well as a review of company statistics and other surveys and the company’s Health & Safety organization. A survey of the safety culture status at two of the company's factories was made using the Swedish Work Environment Authority's web survey in paper format. Result: The answers to the survey show differences between how the small factory and the large factory are looking at safety culture. The small factory generally has fewer weak areas. Overall, the result showed that improvements were needed in the areas of "Management's safety arrangements and safety ability", "Management's involvement of employees in safety issues", "Management's justice in safety issues," "Employee priority of safety and degree of risk acceptance" and "Employee learning and communication". Review of occupational reports of near misses and accidents as well as annual audit of the systematic work with Health & Safety reveals shortcomings related to safety culture. Conclusion: The concepts safety culture and safety climate lack a clear definition and are complex to understand according to literature studies. Worker participation has a clear connection with safety culture, accident rate and Occupational Health & Safety in general. Management's commitment and prioritization of Occupational Health & Safety issues are crucial for improving safety culture, as well as the culture of the company being fair and promoting organizational learning. The Work Environment Authority's web survey for measuring safety culture has its limitations, yet I consider it as a good tool because of its simplicity and that it proposes methodologies for working with weak areas. Keywords: Safety climate, Occupational accidents, Food industry, Participation, Survey.

Industry 4.0 as a Tool for Improvement in a Global FoodSupply-Chain : A Study on how Industry 4.0 can be Implemented in a Global Bakery Group

Lindahl, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is at the moment one of the most talked-about topics amongst industry companies. Management teams of discuss the area as something they want to implement, but since it is an ongoing industrial revolution it cannot be implemented straight away. This study is looking into the subject of Industry 4.0 and the identification of nine different technology drivers that a manufacturing company can use as tools in a production environment. However, what is less known is how the tools can be applied to a global company and its different cultures. Because even though Industry 4.0 is about decentralization and giving responsibility to every co-worker, they need to work with a common framework, thus standardization. A company that has started to look into Industry 4.0 is Lantmännen Unibake, who is a global bakery group. Therefore, they serve as the case company in this exploratory study where the goal is to conduct a pre-study that gives them, and the food industry, information and guidelines on how Industry 4.0 applies to their industry. Hence, what improvements it can lead to, what tools that will be suitable, and what the prerequisites for a successful Industry 4.0- transformation will be. The method to answer the research question starts with conducting a comprehensive literature study, followed by several interviews around Europe, and ending in an analysis of the current state with help from the literature framework. The analysis has ended in a conclusion that there is no single or easy answer to the questions since food industries might vary a lot from one to another. Although, in this case, the answer would be that six out of nine tools would be applicable in a global food-supply-chain, some needing more preparatory work than others. By implementing these tools, companies will see more engaged employees that are prone to take autonomous decisions, more accurate production planning, proactive rather than reactive working ways, fewer defects, and higher customer satisfaction. Regarding the prerequisites for transformation, the answer depends on what tools that are used. But what all cases have in common is that there is a need for aware and engaged employees. Everyone will have to be in on the change, understanding why and how, and what benefits that will come out of it. For future studies, it is suggested to look into how maturity models can be applied to these kinds of issues smoothly. The existing maturity models for Industry 4.0 are very complicated and difficult to apply; thus, they would need some development. Another area would be a cost model of the different tools, as well as a comparison of the tools and food regulations. / I dagens läge är Industri 4.0 ett av de hetaste ämnena bland industriföretag. Ett problem är att det ofta diskuteras som något som bör implementeras vilket skapar en felaktig bild av vad Industri 4.0 är, en pågående industriell revolution. Denna studie undersöker ämnet Industri 4.0 och identifierar nio verktyg som kan användas som teknologiska drivkrafter i en tillverkningsmiljö. Då dagens forskning är i sin linda finns det begränsat med information om hur dessa verktyg kan anpassas till att fungera i en global miljö med flera olika kulturer. Även om Industri 4.0 till stor del handlar om decentralisering och att ge ökat ansvar till alla medarbetare så kräver den nya typen av industri också standardisering och att ett företag har ett gemensamt ramverk. Lantmännen Unibake är ett företag som har börjat undersöka möjligheterna med Industri 4.0. Lantmännen Unibake är en av Europas ledande bagerigrupper och agerar som case-företag i denna utforskande studien. Syftet är att sammanställa en förstudie om hur Lantmännen Unibake och livsmedelsindustrin kan utnyttja Industri 4.0:s potentialer, det vill säga vilka förbättringar det kan leda till, vilka verktyg som är applicerbara på industrin och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för en lyckad transformation. För att svara på dessa frågor har en omfattande litteraturstudie och flertalet intervjuer genomförts runt om i Europa. Med hjälp av nulägesanalysen och litteraturstudien har slutsatsen blivit att det varken finns ett ensidigt eller enkelt svar på frågorna då livsmedelsindustri skiljer sig väldigt från företag till företag. I detta fall har sex av nio verktyg identifierats som användbara för en global livsmedelsvärdekedja, dock kräver somliga verktyg mer förberedelser än andra. Genom att implementera dessa verktyg kan företaget komma att se motiverad personal som är mer benägna att ta autonoma och snabba beslut, mer tillförlitlig produktionsplanering, ett proaktivt snarare än reaktivt arbetssätt, minskad mängd defekter och högre kundnytta. Förutsättningar för en förändring beror på vilka verktyg som väljs, dock kräver alla att personalen är medveten om förändringen. Både varför den behöver göras, hur det kommer gå till och vad för fördelar det kommer leda till. Förslag för framtida studier är att se över hur en mognadsanalys kan appliceras på denna typ av situation då de modeller som existerar inom området i dagsläget är väldigt komplicerade och därför svåra att applicera på gemene företag. Ett annat område är en kostnadsanalys för de olika verktygen, likväl en jämförelse mellan verktygen och huruvida de uppfyller livsmedelsreglerna.

Propuesta de implementación de la metodología Lean, Control estadístico de procesos y HACCP para estabilizar la calidad en los alimentos en la industria de IV Gama con la finalidad de reducir el índice de devolución de productos / Proposal for the implementation of the Lean methodology, Statistical Process Control and HACCP to stabilize the quality and traceability of food in the IV-Range industry in order to reduce the rate of product return

Cabrera Iturrizaga, Julissa Lisseth, Zapana Gago, Oscar Anthony 11 November 2021 (has links)
El sector de Industria alimentaria aportó el 20% del PBI de Manufactura en el año 2017. Dentro de este sector se encuentra el sector de frutas y hortalizas, los cuales representan el 29% y el 7% de las exportaciones respectivamente. Las frutas y hortalizas de IV gama entre los años 2009 y 2014 crecieron más del 50% según Euro monitor Internacional. El presidente del Comité de Alimentos afirmó que en Europa consumen 128 kg/habitante y en Perú 84 kg/habitante, siendo el mayor consumidor el grupo de 20 a 39 años que representa el 33% de la población peruana en el 2018. La presente investigación estudia las pymes del subsector de IV gama. La presencia de agentes contaminantes y la reducción de la vida útil son los problemas más frecuentes que afectan la calidad de los alimentos. En la presente investigación se realizó el diagnóstico del proceso productivo a través del uso de las herramientas DAP, VSM y AMFE. El análisis reveló que los procesos de deshojado y almacenamiento son áreas vulnerables a la contaminación y reducción de la vida útil. Se realizó la vinculación del impacto de las herramientas de solución con las causas raíces del problema, en la cual se identificó que la aplicación de 5S, HACCP y SPC solucionó más del 80% de las causas raíces. La validación se realizó a través de un piloto en la cual se presentan los resultados de la propuesta de implementación en una empresa Pyme procesadora de alimentos. / The Food Industry sector contributed 20% of the Manufacturing GDP in 2017. Within this sector is the fruit and vegetable sector, which represent 29% and 7% of exports respectively. The fresh fruit and vegetables between 2009 and 2014 grew more than 50% according to Euro monitor International. The president of the Food Committee affirmed that in Europe they consume 128 kg / inhabitant and in Peru 84 kg / inhabitant, the largest consumer being the group between 20 and 39 years old, which represents 33% of the Peruvian population in 2018. This research studies SMEs in the IV range subsector. The presence of contaminating agents and the reduction of the shelf life are the most frequent problems that affect the quality of food. In this research, the diagnosis of the production process was carried out through the use of the DAP, VSM and AMFE tools. The analysis revealed that the stripping and storage processes are areas vulnerable to contamination and shortened shelf life. The impact of the solution tools was linked with the root causes of the problem, in which it was identified that the application of 5S, HACCP and SPC solved more than 80% of the root causes. The validation was carried out through a pilot in which the results of the implementation proposal in a food processing SME company are presented. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Supply chain integration, resilience and performance in the South African Rail Industry

Maila, Z. B. 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Logistics Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The rail industry in South Africa performs an important role in the transportation of goods and people. It also contributes in various ways to the socio-economic success of the country’s economy. However, the industry faces various performance-related challenges in areas such as maintenance of rail lines, poor train availability and non-operation of long-distance rail service, decline in fleet availability and accidents, most of which are linked to ineffective supply chain management. To resolve these challenges, this study proposes the implementation of supply chain integration as a method to improve the resilience and performance of the rail supply chain in South Africa. Hence, the aim of the study was to investigate the connection between supply chain integration, resilience, and performance in the rail industry. To achieve the objectives of the study, a quantitative approach based on the positivist paradigm and deductive reasoning was followed. The sample consisted of 300 purposively selected supply chain management professionals including other departments working with supply chain, for example the industrial department and engineering department drawn from the rail industry in Gauteng Province. The collected data was analysed using descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The results of the study indicated significant positive relationships for the three components of supply chain integration, namely internal integration (β=0.132), supplier integration (β=0.369), customer integration (β=0.596) and supply chain resilience. Among these three independent constructs, customer integration emerged as the most significant predictor of supply chain resilience. Significant and strong positive relationships were also observed between supply chain resilience and the tangible (β=0.781) and intangible (β=0.673) dimensions of supply chain performance. Among other things, the study recommends the training of professionals on the importance of supply chain integration, improvement of communications within the rail industry, adoption of relevant technologies and the nurturing of organisational cultures that promote both intra and inter-organisational collaboration. The study is significant in that it contributes new knowledge to the exiting literature in the South African rail industry. It also directs supply chain management research to the rail industry, which is an important economic sector and where there are many emerging issues that require empirical attention. Practically, the study shows that if rail industries improve supply chain integration there will be benefits to the firm in the form of enhanced resilience and performance of the supply chain.

Adoption of Additive Manufacturing in the Food Industry : Exploring marketing, sales, and after-sales strategies for the adoption of Additive Manufacturing in the food industry.

Erol, Burak, Datar, Maitreya Chandrashekhar January 2022 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a technology that enables to print three dimensional solid objects which can be metal, plastic, and similar. AM has a lot of advantages such as lead time reduction and reduction in the number of steps required for manufacturing compared to the traditional manufacturing (TM) method.    This research is focused on adoption of AM in the food manufacturing industry. The use of AM in the food industry currently seems to be low. Therefore, the main aim of the research is to understand adoption of AM through marketing, sales, and after-sales strategies, which can be best suited for introduction and saturation of AM products and applications in the food industry.  The primary data is gathered from the potential customers (experts from the food industry), sales personnel who sell products and machinery in the food industry and the employees of the sponsor company, and it consists of thirteen different interviews. Qualitative interviews were conducted to obtain an in-depth knowledge about the perceptions and perspectives of AM in the food industry. AM has the potential to be adopted as the main manufacturing method for spare parts in the food industry. But, considering the market today, the potential of adoption seems to be wasted. Three different analyses help in determining the current situation of the AM industry and help to understand the potential that AM brings to the food industry. Outcomes of the qualitative interviews present the researchers with in-depth knowledge of facilitators and barriers that AM companies may face when approaching customers from the food industry. Outcomes of the qualitative interviews also suggest that there is limited knowledge about AM in the food industry. There is also a knowledge gap about the regulations and possibilities to use AM in the food industry based on these regulations. Indeed, food manufacturers are interested in the adoption of newer technologies and present the researchers with the formation of various themes to develop strategies for adoption of AM, through a recommendable marketing, sales and aftersales strategy that can be employed by AM companies.

Food handlers' knowledge of food waste and waste and waste prevention practices in supermarket kitchens in Soweto, South Africa

Xaba, Philisiwe Happy 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Tourism and Integrated Communication, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Background: Food waste in the foodservice units, which include supermarket kitchens, occur due to factors related to the menu such as the lack of careful menu planning, improper procurement of the menu items, lack of menu execution and improper practices during the distribution of meals. Also, improper refrigeration and storage facilities at optimal temperatures to maintain product’s shelf life contribute to food waste in foodservice units. Food waste management is a significant challenge globally and locally. Purpose of the study: To determine the knowledge on food waste and waste prevention practices of food handlers in supermarket kitchens in Soweto. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive research design was chosen to determine the knowledge and food waste prevention practices of food handlers. The population was 11 branches of supermarkets represented by one of the five largest franchise stores in South Africa with approximately 20 to 35 food handlers employed by each supermarket (± 220 total) as indicated by management. Only three supermarkets gave permission for the study. From the population, the survey system calculator was used to calculate the sample size (n=107). Purposive sampling was used to select the supermarkets and participants were conveniently sampled. A questionnaire based on reviewed literature was developed by the researcher to determine food handlers’ knowledge on food waste. An existing observation checklist was also amended for this study. Before the observations began, the researcher was alert about the reactivity problems. Data were collected during different times of the month, and the observations were conducted at different times of the day in each supermarket to measure the behaviour that was demonstrated by food handlers in the morning and in the afternoon. Collective instances of food waste practices were observed. For this study, descriptive statistics were used (SPSS version 27) to analyse the food waste knowledge of food handlers in supermarket kitchens. Presentation of the results was in the form of graphs, tables and charts. A frequency table was used. Results: The demographic profile of the participants indicated that many participants were women (60.7%) and 39.3% were men. The results suggest that to a larger extent, the food handlers have limited or insufficient knowledge on the customer’s profiles. The general food waste knowledge results was good. However only 47.7% of the respondents agreed that food waste can led to environmental damage. The majority of the responds (61.7%) strongly agreed that careful menu planning contributes towards preventing food waste. Food handles knowledge on food storage was good. Food preparation results reflected a good level of knowledge regarding the appropriate methods of food preparation to minimise food waste. Food handlers’ knowledge results revealed that participants had a moderate (45.4%) level of knowledge of green practices. There was a high level of knowledge on waste separation (82.3%). None of the supermarkets participated in any of the compositing activities to manage food waste. The observation results revealed poor waste prevention practices as influenced by the lack of menu planning. Lastly, menu planning results indicated that staff members recognise the importance of careful menu planning (61.7 percent strongly agreed) contributing towards preventing food waste. Factors and actions that were observed on food handler’s practices were mostly correct (56.7%) and 43.3 percent of the practices were lacking during food production in the kitchen. The results of the current waste prevention practices of food handlers in supermarkets revealed the necessity to develop food handlers’ guidelines. Conclusion and recommendations: It is evident that the supermarket food handlers may not be aware of the importance of a menu as a communication tool, which has a major influence on all the aspects of the foodservice unit including food waste prevention and management. Food handlers’ level of knowledge findings on food waste did not align with practices that were observed during meals production in supermarket kitchens. The level of food handlers’ knowledge and waste prevention practices has been determined and the guidelines on food waste prevention practices for this target group has been developed as the basis for further studies.

Industry 4.0 as a Tool for Improvement in a Global Food-Supply-Chain : A Study on how Industry 4.0 can be Implemented in a Global Bakery Group

Lindahl, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is at the moment one of the most talked-about topics amongst industry companies. Management teams of discuss the area as something they want to implement, but since it is an ongoing industrial revolution it cannot be implemented straight away. This study is looking into the subject of Industry 4.0 and the identification of nine different technology drivers that a manufacturing company can use as tools in a production environment. However, what is less known is how the tools can be applied to a global company and its different cultures. Because even though Industry 4.0 is about decentralization and giving responsibility to every co-worker, they need to work with a common framework, thus standardization. A company that has started to look into Industry 4.0 is Lantmännen Unibake, who is a global bakery group. Therefore, they serve as the case company in this exploratory study where the goal is to conduct a pre-study that gives them, and the food industry, information and guidelines on how Industry 4.0 applies to their industry. Hence, what improvements it can lead to, what tools that will be suitable, and what the prerequisites for a successful Industry 4.0- transformation will be. The method to answer the research question starts with conducting a comprehensive literature study, followed by several interviews around Europe, and ending in an analysis of the current state with help from the literature framework. The analysis has ended in a conclusion that there is no single or easy answer to the questions since food industries might vary a lot from one to another. Although, in this case, the answer would be that six out of nine tools would be applicable in a global food-supply-chain, some needing more preparatory work than others. By implementing these tools, companies will see more engaged employees that are prone to take autonomous decisions, more accurate production planning, proactive rather than reactive working ways, fewer defects, and higher customer satisfaction. Regarding the prerequisites for transformation, the answer depends on what tools that are used. But what all cases have in common is that there is a need for aware and engaged employees. Everyone will have to be in on the change, understanding why and how, and what benefits that will come out of it. For future studies, it is suggested to look into how maturity models can be applied to these kinds of issues smoothly. The existing maturity models for Industry 4.0 are very complicated and difficult to apply; thus, they would need some development. Another area would be a cost model of the different tools, as well as a comparison of the tools and food regulations. / I dagens läge är Industri 4.0 ett av de hetaste ämnena bland industriföretag. Ett problem är att det ofta diskuteras som något som bör implementeras vilket skapar en felaktig bild av vad Industri 4.0 är, en pågående industriell revolution. Denna studie undersöker ämnet Industri 4.0 och identifierar nio verktyg som kan användas som teknologiska drivkrafter i en tillverkningsmiljö. Då dagens forskning är i sin linda finns det begränsat med information om hur dessa verktyg kan anpassas till att fungera i en global miljö med flera olika kulturer. Även om Industri 4.0 till stor del handlar om decentralisering och att ge ökat ansvar till alla medarbetare så kräver den nya typen av industri också standardisering och att ett företag har ett gemensamt ramverk. Lantmännen Unibake är ett företag som har börjat undersöka möjligheterna med Industri 4.0. Lantmännen Unibake är en av Europas ledande bagerigrupper och agerar som case-företag i denna utforskande studien. Syftet är att sammanställa en förstudie om hur Lantmännen Unibake och livsmedelsindustrin kan utnyttja Industri 4.0:s potentialer, det vill säga vilka förbättringar det kan leda till, vilka verktyg som är applicerbara på industrin och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för en lyckad transformation. För att svara på dessa frågor har en omfattande litteraturstudie och flertalet intervjuer genomförts runt om i Europa. Med hjälp av nulägesanalysen och litteraturstudien har slutsatsen blivit att det varken finns ett ensidigt eller enkelt svar på frågorna då livsmedelsindustri skiljer sig väldigt från företag till företag. I detta fall har sex av nio verktyg identifierats som användbara för en global livsmedelsvärdekedja, dock kräver somliga verktyg mer förberedelser än andra. Genom att implementera dessa verktyg kan företaget komma att se motiverad personal som är mer benägna att ta autonoma och snabba beslut, mer tillförlitlig produktionsplanering, ett proaktivt snarare än reaktivt arbetssätt, minskad mängd defekter och högre kundnytta. Förutsättningar för en förändring beror på vilka verktyg som väljs, dock kräver alla att personalen är medveten om förändringen. Både varför den behöver göras, hur det kommer gå till och vad för fördelar det kommer leda till . Förslag för framtida studier är att se över hur en mognadsanalys kan appliceras på denna typ av situation då de modeller som existerar inom området i dagsläget är väldigt komplicerade och därför svåra att applicera på gemene företag. Ett annat område är en kostnadsanalys för de olika verktygen, likväl en jämförelse mellan verktygen och huruvida de uppfyller livsmedelsreglerna.

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