Spelling suggestions: "subject:"framing."" "subject:"raming.""
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Regulatory fit and performance in elite bowlersAdam, Kihlman, Timmy, Fredriksson January 2019 (has links)
Research within regulatory fit framework has shown that athletes perform better when in a state of regulatory fit. This state occurs when there is a match between a player’s chronic regulatory focus and the framing of the given task. In a counterbalanced within-groups experimental design, bowling players (N = 34) performed various rounds of the same ecologically-valid pin-setting configuration under two different experimental conditions: in a promotion manner (aspiration to make the spare) and in a prevention manner (obligation not to miss the spare). Results showed no significant relationship between regulatory fit and bowling performance. Findings are discussed in terms of task difficulty and experimental manipulation in relation to regulatory fit theory. / Forskning inom ramverket för regulatory fit har visat att idrottare presterar bättre när de befinner sig i ett tillstånd av regulatory fit. Detta tillstånd uppstår när det finns en överensstämmelse mellan en spelares kroniska regulatory fokus och framingen av den givna uppgiften. I en motbalanserad inomgruppsdesign genomförde bowlare (N = 34) flera omgångar av en ekologiskt valid kägeluppställning, fördelad på två olika experimentella förhållanden: ena på ett promotion-sätt (strävan efter att spärra), den andra på ett prevention- sätt (skyldighet att inte missa spärren). Resultatet visade inget signifikant samband mellan regulatory fit och förbättrad prestation. Vidare diskuteras resultatet utifrån uppgiftens svårighet och de experimentella manipulationerna, i relation till regulatory fit teorin.
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En svensk konstruktion av klimatförändringar : Ramanalys av Svenska Dagbladets bevakning av klimatfråganBefrits, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
This paper concerns the framing of climate change in Svenska Dagbladet, during the period of January 1st to November 30th, 2018. Climate change has been described as the challenge of our time, perhaps even the biggest to ever face humanity. Though Sweden has, for a long time, expressed a general consensus regarding the existence and gravity of climate change the importance of how the question is handled remains. Media plays a crucial role in defining and explaining the issue, including causal interpretations and what ought to be done. The outset of the current study was to explore how one of Sweden’s leading newspapers constructs and represents this issue of climate change. Through a method of framing analysis, using Nisbet’s framing typology, the study examined 69 articles in Svenska Dagbladet within the chosen time frame. Two research questions guided the study: Q1 - Which are the primary frames used in the articles? Does frequency differ among the frames? Q2 - What constitutes each frame? Which defining features and arguments can be identified for each frame? The results show that climate change is portrayed as an advanced crisis with the need for immediate and massive efforts to limit the consequences. The newspaper highlights the importance of lowering individual footprint, the need for a green approach in markets and above all, the pivotal role of the UN and transnational agreements for a global solution. More work is needed within the research field to further investigate the findings concluded in this paper.
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Förnybara energikällor i mediaAhlbäck, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
To combat the rising global temperature Sweden have signed the Paris Agreement to limit the release of CO2 and keep the temperature to a minimum increase of 1,5 degrees. A transformation of today’s energy system towards renewable energy is paramount to this endeavour, which in part relies on public acceptance where media plays an important role inshaping public acceptance. This study aims to map acceptance of renewable energy sources and draws on framing theory, which states that the media focuses attention on certain events and gives information meaning, in a sense how something is presented to the audience influences their choices in how to process said information. As this is a qualitative study, 49 articles about bio-, geothermal, solar, water and wind energy from Sweden’s four major newspapers, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet, have been gathered from the Svenska dagstidningar database and examined through frame analysis. Media framing contributing to public acceptance was bio- and solar energy while water subtracted from it. Wind energy were both contributing and subtracting from acceptance while geothermal lacked articles entirely, prohibiting it from entering public discourse altogether. Meanwhile the biggest deciding factor towards framing acceptance for renewable energy depended largely on the newspaper. / För att bekämpa den stigande globala temperaturen har Sverige undertecknat Parisavtalet föratt begränsa koldioxidutsläppen och hålla temperaturen till en minsta ökning på 1,5 grader. En omvandling av dagens energisystem mot förnybar energi är avgörande för detta mål, vilket delvis bygger på allmänhetens acceptans och som media har en viktig roll i att utforma. Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga acceptans av förnybara energikällor och bygger på Framing Theory, som menar att media fokuserar uppmärksamhet på vissa händelser och ger det mening, hur det presenteras sedan för publiken påverkar deras val. Eftersom det här är en kvalitativ studie har 49 artiklar om bio-, geotermisk-, sol-, vatten- och vindenergi från Sveriges fyra största tidningar, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet samlats från databasen Svenska dagstidningar, dessa granskas genom Frame Analysis. Media framing som bidrar till allmän acceptans var bio- och solenergi medan vatten inte bidrog. Vindenergi både bidrar till och minskar acceptans medan geotermisk saknad eartiklar helt och hållet, vilket gör att den utelämnas från den offentliga diskursen. Samtidigt berodde den största avgörande faktorn av framing för acceptans av förnybar energi på nyhetstidningen.
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Enchanting borders: the art & psychology of Chinese hanging scroll mounting.January 2010 (has links)
Chau, Cheuk Ying. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 265-275). / Abstracts in English and Chinese; includes Chinese. / List of Illustrations --- p.vi / Acknowledgements --- p.ix / Introduction: a Psychological Approach to the Art of Mounting --- p.1 / The Significance of Mounting --- p.3 / Classical Literature and Past Research on Chinese Mounting --- p.10 / a psychological approach --- p.18 / Dissertation Structure --- p.24 / Chapter Chapter One: --- Scrolling' through History --- p.33 / Desire to Display´ؤFrom the Warring States to the Tang Dynasty --- p.33 / Splendid Adornment - The Song Dynasty --- p.40 / Emergence of the Literati - The Ming Dynasty --- p.60 / Subtlest of Pastels - The Qing Dynasty --- p.74 / Virtual Invisibility - The Republican Period and After --- p.84 / A Thousand Years of Hanging Scroll Mounting --- p.92 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Seeing through the Enchanting Borders --- p.97 / Palette and Induction --- p.99 / Depth and Window --- p.109 / Oversized Outfit and Illusionary Size --- p.120 / Stave Strips and Composition --- p.126 / psychology and chinese hanging scroll mounting --- p.133 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Experiment on Aesthetic Quality of Mounting --- p.137 / Method --- p.141 / Results --- p.146 / Discussion --- p.149 / Limitations --- p.152 / Conclusion: Subordination of Mounting --- p.153 / Appendix A: Experiment Questions --- p.157 / Appendix b: List of Artworks Included in the Experiment --- p.159 / Appendix c: Artworks Presentation Sequence in Different Groups --- p.161 / Appendix d: Aesthetic Quality Rating Sections of Different Groups --- p.162 / Group k --- p.162 / Group L --- p.168 / Chapter 1.1 --- Group M --- p.174 / Group n --- p.180 / Appendix E: Means (Standard Deviations) for Aesthetic Quality Ratings --- p.186 / Plates --- p.187 / Bibliography --- p.265
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Media Framing of Refugees in the United States and CanadaAllwright, Janine 01 January 2018 (has links)
The ongoing war in Syria and the subsequent refugee crisis has brought the need for refugee resettlement to the forefront of policy debates. Canada and the United States display stark differences in the outcome of their refugee policies. Canada continues to welcome Syrian refugees, whereas the United States has become less willing to engage in resettlement. The purpose of this study was to use Entman's conceptualization of framing theory to compare media framing of refugees in Canada and the United States to deliver insight into the different policy outcomes. Data were acquired through a content analysis of 850 newspaper articles in each country that were measured with 2 separate Lexicoder instruments to represent the salience and selection of the media coverage about refugees. These data were then analyzed primarily through compare-means tests to determine if there were differences in media reporting between the 2 nations. Findings indicated that newspapers in the United States portrayed refugees more negatively than newspapers in Canada. The tone and frame of the articles differered significantly between the 2 countries (p < .001). These results suggested that newspaper articles in the United States portrayed a less favorable attitude toward refugees compared to Canada. The implications for positive social change include the necessity by intergovernmental, governmental, and nonprofit organizations who are tasked with refugee resettlement in the United States to counter the negative portrayals of refugees in the media in order to enhance the integration process of refugees in society and motivate additional resettllement opportunities.
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Från olja till bläck : En studie om medias inramning av ”Etiopiensvenskarna”Land, Johan, Svedberg, Anders January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka skapa en större förståelse för hur svenska tidningar har använt sig av framing/inramning och sociala representationer i sin nyhetsrapportering kring de två svenska journalisterna Johan Persson och Martin Schibbye som satt fängslade i Etiopien. För att skapa en större förståelse kring inramningen av "Etiopiensvenskarna" har denna uppsats använt sig av kritisk diskursanalys på svenska morgon- och kvällstidningar under två olika tidsperioder, en i inledningen och en i slutfasen av situationen med "Etiopiensvenskarna" Resultatet av vår analys visar att det har skett en framing/inramning av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Johan Persson och Martin Schibbyes situation i Etiopien. Denna inraming har bland annat skett genom att tidningarna tilldelar dem en hjältestatus där de har valt att belysa vissa delar av situationen, som till exempel deras nationalitet, yrke och frågan om yttrandefrihet. Denna inramning kan påverka mottagarens tolkning.
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En studie om Socialdemokraterna och Moderaternas användning av Instagram under valkampanjandetår 2014 / The role of Instagram in the Swedish election campaign 2014Grevlind, Andreas, Svensson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Undersökningen kartlägger innehållet på en latent och manifest nivå i de fotografier och texter som Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna distribuerat genom Instagram som politisk kommunikationskanal under val-kampanjandet år 2014. Frågan är om avsändaren uppmanar till aktion och i så fall, hur? På vilket sätt framtonas respektive partiordförande? Och på vilket sätt innehåller kommunikationsbudskapet sakpolitiska frågor? Fyra legitima strategier för valkampanjande på Internet har använts och en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av de 143 bilder och texter som Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna distribuerat under perioden 1e januari till 13e september har legat till grund för undersökningen. I ljuset av teorin om framing och semiotik analyserades resultatet och de centrala upptäckterna är att de båda partierna till största del använder respektive Instagram-konto som en nyhetskanal i vilken dem informerar om samtida politiska aktiviteter. Instagram erbjuder de politiska partierna en möjlighet att involvera, informera, mobilisera och ansluta sina väljare utan censurering och filtrering från traditionell media. Denna uppsats redogör vidare för den potential Instagram som politisk kommunikationskanal har i svensk kontext. / This paper is mapping the content on a latent and manifest level in the pictures and texts, which have been distributed via Instagram as a political communication channel by Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna during the Swedish election campaign in 2014. Does the sender invite the receiver to act? And in which ways are the prime minister candidates perceive in terms of salience? And in which way does the content discuss political issues in terms of salience? The theory of semiotics has been used when operationalization of the issue, on which a quantitative content analysis consisting of 143 images and text fragments that Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna uploaded during the period 1st January to 13th September 2014 has been the basis for this research paper. In light of the framing theory the result and the key findings is that the two parties for the most part uses the respective Instagram account as a news channel, in which it inform the public about political activities. Instagram gives political parties an opportunity to both involve and mobilize voters without censoring and filtering from traditional media therefore the political parties should realize what potential Instagram has as a political communication channel.
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Race, Gender, and Media Practices: A Critical Framing Analysis of the Media’s Coverage of USDA Worker Shirley SherrodMcGovney-Ingram, Rebecca 03 October 2013 (has links)
On July 19, 2010, conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart posted a story on his website claiming USDA worker Shirley Sherrod was racist in her work with farmers. The edited video included with the story as proof, showed Sherrod speaking at an NAACP banquet. Sherrod was subsequently vilified in the media and fired from her job, only to be exonerated and rehired later that week.
Although the media claims their routine writing and reporting practices (such as newsworthiness, source selection, objectivity, and perpetual news cycle) make the industry better, researchers have shown that these practices lead to the use of shortcuts and stereotypes. This is especially detrimental to Black women because of the double-dose of stereotyping they are subject to when they are portrayed in the media.
The purpose of this study was to understand how media practices influenced the framing of race and gender in the media coverage of Sherrod. In order to integrate key elements of critical theory (i.e. activism, intersectionality, speaking position, subjectivity) I chose a mixed-methods approach for my framing analysis. This included open-ended reading of the news stories, constant comparative analysis of possible frames, quantitative coding sheet, analysis of statistics in SPSS, and inclusion of qualitative examples.
I analyzed a total of 93 news articles from 12 news sources for this study. Most of the news stories came from newer, online publications (n=67, 72.0%) and over half came from new sources with a liberal philosophy (n=47, 50.5%). I found three frames that were used to describe Sherrod in terms of race and gender: victim, good woman, and above her place. I also found that these frames were closely aligned with news values that help determine a story’s newsworthiness. I found seven sources were used repetitively and selectively associated with the frames. I also found differences in frames by news source type and philosophy. Finally, I found that the frames followed an identifiable news cycle.
The results of this study show that the media do indeed utilize negative stereotypes of Black women in their products and that media’s use of routine writing and reporting practices exacerbate this problem.
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Implementation of Metallic Profiles in Social HousesGarcia Rivera, Francisco, Hoyos Rodriguez, David January 2018 (has links)
This paper presents a metallic structural solution for communities with minor resources, which is able to adapt to the climatic conditions of La Guajira (Colombia). The mains objectives of this structure are to reach good quality and reduce execution time as well as cost. The structure was designed by using Light Weight Steel Framing method, due to its simplicity as well as its ease in the assembly due to the lack of resources in those communities. The design was calculated by using an iterative method in which a compromise solution between prices and strength was reached. This paper concludes that the same structure which was being built, can be improved (decreasing of the price, and industrialisation of the method) by using the structural solution proposed by this work.
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Efeitos do framing de promoções de preço nas escolhas dos consumidores / Price promotions framing effects on consumers\' choicesMarina Begalli Schreiner 29 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é verificar se os consumidores são suscetíveis aos efeitos do framing de promoções de preço, ou seja, se descontos equivalentes mostrados em porcentagem ou em reais têm atratividades díspares entre os consumidores, em diferentes tipos de produto. O framing é um conceito discutido por Tversky e Kahneman (1979, 1981, 1986) e Kahneman (2003a) ao demonstrarem que a formulação dos problemas de decisão pode afetar nossos julgamentos cognitivos e, portanto, nossas preferências. Os objetivos específicos deste trabalho são verificar quais tipos de promoções mostram-se mais atrativos para diferentes tipos de produto (alto valor e baixo valor); se variáveis demográficas, como \"renda\" e \"escolaridade\", exercem algum efeito nas preferências pelo tipo de promoção; e, se as promoções têm impactos variados em diferentes marcas. O método utilizado consiste em pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa, a partir de um experimento com hipóteses, aplicado em 400 consumidores da cidade de São Paulo durante janeiro e fevereiro de 2013. O questionário utilizado teve como base os trabalhos de Chen et al. (1998) e Gendall et al. (2006). Os resultados apontam que para o produto de baixo valor (biscoito recheado), a forma de promoção é indiferente para o consumidor (na forma \"10% de desconto\" ou \"De R$ 1,71 por R$ 1,54\"); e que para o produto de alto valor (notebook), o desconto em reais parece ser mais atrativo. Estas conclusões estão de acordo com o trabalho de Gendall et al. (Ibid.). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas preferências dos diversos grupos de renda, escolaridade e outras variáveis demográficas analisadas (sexo, idade, estado civil e região da cidade onde mora). / The objective of this study is to verify whether consumers are susceptible to price promotions framing effects - more specifically, if showing the same discount as percentage or in monetary terms for different products alters consumer preferences. Framing is a concept described by Tversky and Kahneman (1979, 1981, 1986) and Kahneman (2003a), who demonstrate that the framing of decision problems can affect our cognitive judgment and therefore our preferences. The specific objectives of this study are: to verify which type of price promotions are more attractive to high price and low price products; to access if demographic variables such as \"income\" and \"educational level\" present any effects on consumer promotion preferences; and to examine if promotions have different impacts on different brands. The method consists in a quantitative descriptive survey, applied with 400 consumers in São Paulo, Brazil, between January and February 2013. The questionnaire was based on Chen et al. (1998) and Gendall et al. (2006) work. Results show that for the low price product (stuffed cookie), the consumer is indifferent to the promotion type (\"10% off\" or \"From R$ 1,71 to R$ 1,54\"); and for the high price product (notebook), discount in monetary terms seems to be more attractive. These conclusions are in line with the findings of Gendall et al (Ibid). No significant difference in preference was found between different income groups, educational level and other demographic variables (gender, age, marital status and neighborhood).
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