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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cama de gato: um ensaio a partir de Malhas da liberdade, de Cildo Meireles / Cats cradle: an essay departing from Malhas da liberdade

Clarissa Diniz de Moura 20 September 2013 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A partir da análise das diversas versões de Malhas da Liberdade (1976-2008), obra de Cildo Meireles, o ensaio Cama de gato traça um percurso rizomático por entre as transformações e inflexões das estratégias políticas e de alteridade da produção do artista e, de modo mais amplo, de parte da recente arte brasileira. Atravessando aspectos como a história da arte, a subjetividade, a economia e a história, o ensaio faz uma leitura sobre as metaformoses dos modos de participação ativados e propostos pela prática artística, atentando para suas implicações políticas e ideológicas. Por entre a cama de gato de ideias e interpretações do ensaio estão, ainda, reflexões sobre a historiografia da arte brasileira e seu processo de internacionalização, além de uma preocupação com a relação entre arte, participação, alteridade, topologia, espaço social e democracia / Departing from the analysis of the various versions of Meshes of Freedom(1976-2008), artwork of Cildo Meireles, the essay Cats Cradle traces a rhizomatic path through the transformations and inflections of political and otherness strategies of the artist's work and, more broadly, of part of Brazilian recent art. Tresspassing aspects such as art history, subjectivity, economics and history, the essay reflects upon the metaformoses of the modes of participation proposed and activated by artistic practice, paying attention to their political and ideological implications. Through the cat bed of ideas and interpretations of this essay are also reflections on the historiography of Brazilian art and its internationalization process, as well as a concern with the relationship between art, participation, otherness, topology, social space and democracy

The added-value of minority rights protection for Muslims in Western Europe : multiculturalist approaches and international law

Berry, Stephanie Eleanor January 2014 (has links)
Against the backdrop that multiculturalism has failed in Western Europe, this thesis argues that minority rights standards should be applied to Western European Muslims. Western European States have consistently excluded Muslims from minority rights protection under international law on the basis that they constitute 'new minorities'. However, this thesis asserts that the justifications given by States for the exclusion of Western European Muslims from minority rights protection no longer hold true and have the potential to undermine the object and purpose of the minority rights regime – security and justice. Furthermore, by considering the content of both generally applicable human rights standards and minority rights standards in the light of the situation and specific claims made by Muslim minorities in Western Europe, in relation to the preservation of their identity, this thesis proves that there is an added-value to minority rights protection for these communities. Minority rights standards and multiculturalist policies adopt a similar approach to the accommodation of societal diversity. Thus, given the exclusion of Western European Muslims from the additional protection offered by minority rights standards, this thesis submits that multiculturalist approaches to the accommodation of European Muslims have not failed; insufficient measures have been adopted to ensure their success. If a multiculturalist approach to the accommodation of diversity is to be pursued in Western Europe, States must allow Muslim minorities to benefit from the protection available under minority rights standards.

Ensaios sobre decisão, incerteza e escolha social no contexto político

Mariani, Chantós Guilherme Antunes January 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta dois ensaios sobre decisão, incerteza e escolha social no contexto eleitoral. O primeiro ensaio aborda de modo teórico o tema da ambiguidade nos discursos de campanha dos políticos, relacionando-o com a teoria da decisão sob incerteza, e trazendo os seus efeitos para a tomada de decisão individual e coletiva. O segundo ensaio trata de uma análise teórica acerca da liberdade de escolha dos indivíduos durante o processo eleitoral quando há incerteza a respeito das características dos candidatos, utilizando como base duas abordagens axiomáticas de liberdade de escolha presentes na literatura. / This dissertation presents two essays on decision, uncertainty and social choice in the electoral context. The first essay theoretically approaches the topic of ambiguous campaign discourses, relating it to the decision theory under uncertainty, and showing what effects it can have on individual and social decision-making processes. The second essay analyzes the freedom of choice aspects of the electoral process when there is uncertainty about the characteristics of candidates, using two axiomatic approaches of freedom that are present in the literature.

Teacher autonomy in a context of Chinese tertiary education: case studies of EFL teachers

Long, Nana 18 October 2014 (has links)
This thesis reports on a multiple case study of four EFL teachers’ long-term development of autonomy in a particular Chinese mainland university. Each teacher was selected as a holistic case because of their variations in dispositions, backgrounds, experiences, and trajectories of development. It addresses three major research questions: 1) How do the teachers control over the multiple aspects of their teacher work across time and contexts? 2) What are the major individual and contextual factors that facilitate and constrain the development of teacher autonomy? 3) How do teacher identities affect the development of teacher autonomy? The study adopted many narrative forms of data collection instruments, including (auto)biographies, interviews, casual conversations, questionnaire, complemented by classroom observations, staff meeting observations, and documents, in order to understand teacher autonomy from the lived experiences of the four teacher participants throughout their careers and lives. By examining the concept of teacher autonomy through the lens of teacher identity, this study analyzed how four teacher participants exercised different degrees of autonomy at different stages of their teaching, research, and administrative roles. It provides a holistic picture of zigzagging pathways towards teacher autonomy across the whole course of their careers. It then discussed how the teachers’ autonomy was facilitated and constrained by contextual and individual factors across time. Based on the findings, this study proposes a conceptual framework to illustrate the close relationship between teacher identity and teacher autonomy, and this relationship’s dynamic and unstable nature across time and contexts. It also suggests there is an urgent need for teacher autonomy scholarship to broaden its scope by moving beyond language teaching and learning to more crucial aspects of language teachers’ daily work and to explore the development of teacher autonomy in a long-term process.

Peirce's Idea of God as Metaphysical Condition for Freedom

Acosta López de Mesa, Juliana 01 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis has as its main aim to present Peirce's project as an organic system that is able to provide a reasonable account of our complex experience of freedom. For this reason, in the first chapter I will maintain that there are three conditions of possibility for human freedom that can be established according to an attentive reading of Aristotle's works, namely, the contingency of the world, the existence of a being who can take advantage of the world's contingency, and the capacity of a person to decide his or her own idea of Happiness or final good in a human community. These conditions can be tracked, consolidated, and improved through Peirce's philosophy. It can be tracked, first of all, in their common perspective regarding the world's element of contingency and openness to growth. Second, both philosophers think that human beings have the power to decide and actively participate in the world through experience and habit. Finally, both grant an important role to community in their philosophies in order to give sense to persons' actions. After establishing this background, I will focus primarily on the detailed presentation of the first condition of possibility for freedom, that is, in Peirce's idea of God as a metaphysical condition for freedom. In the second chapter, I will explore the historical development of Peirce's cosmology, in order to show that Peirce's idea of God is not the product of a stubborn religious prejudice but a genuine achievement of his philosophy that harmonizes with his general project of an evolutionary philosophy open to critique and working hand in hand with science. Finally, in the third chapter, I will try to clarify further Peirce's idea of God in dealing with some misconceptions generated by standard religious notions of God and by the philosophical conception of the Absolute. Thus, I hope to present Peirce's idea of God as a middle ground between these two approaches. I will argue that, on the one hand, he wanted to propose an idea of God that is open to scientific critique, as is the conception of the philosophical Absolute. On the other hand, he defended an idea of God that has bearing upon our conduct of life and, therefore, is sentimental and approachable as is the idea of God proposed at least by Christian religion. As a result, Peirce's God works as a condition of possibility for freedom insofar as he is the living idea of a developmental telos open to growth. That is, Peirce provided an idea of a cosmos that shares with us the general features of being reasonable and free.

Les "sectes religieuses" en droit français. / "Religious sects" under French law

Kestler, Evelyne 20 October 2011 (has links)
Les « sectes religieuses » en droit françaisEn général le syntagme « sectes religieuses » est peu employé en raison d'une association consubstantielle entre la « secte » et une dimension religieuse supposée. Or, il existe des « sectes » non religieuses qu'il est important de différencier des « sectes religieuses ». En effet, les « sectes religieuses » sont susceptibles de revendiquer des droits accordés aux confessions. Mais, si le droit français reconnait l'existence de « sectes religieuses », il opère par là même une distinction entre ces dernières et les Églises établies. En conséquence, outre les difficultés définitionnelles, la question se posait de savoir si le législateur français pouvait établir une telle distinction sans porter une atteinte grave et injustifiée à la liberté religieuse. La question se posait encore de savoir si cette distinction était nécessaire au regard des dérives « sectaires » dénoncées par plusieurs rapports d'enquête parlementaires et des associations antisectes. En définitive, nonobstant l'émergence d'une distinction jurisprudentielle entre les « sectes religieuses » et les Églises établies, une telle distinction ne saurait prospérer sans subir la condamnation de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. De surcroît, l'efficacité du droit commun préventif et répressif conduit à conclure à l'inutilité de cette distinction. / « Religious sects » under French lawIn general the noun phrase « religious sects » is little used because of a consubstantial association between a sect and an assumed religious dimension. However, non-religious sects do exist and it is important to differentiate them from « religious sects ». Indeed, « religious sects » might claim rights granted to confessions. But if French law recognizes the existence of « religious sects » it makes at the same time a difference between these last ones and established churches. Consequently, apart from the difficulties in defining the former, the question arose, could French legislation establish such a distinction without causing serious and unjustifiable harm to religious freedom. Another question was if such a distinction was necessary because of « sectarian deviances » denounced by several parliamentary reports and anti-sects associations. Ultimately, notwithstanding the emergence of a jurisprudential distinction between religious sects and established churches, such a distinction could not prosper without being condemned by the European Court of Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties. In addition the effectiveness of preventive and repressive common law leads one to conclude that such a distinction would be of no use.

“On the Critical Legacy: Two Perspectives on Enlightenment” / Sobre el legado crítico: dos perspectivas sobre la Ilustración

León, Sebastián 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present essay approaches two different conceptions of Enlightenment and modernity. The first part considers Michel Foucault’s understanding of modernity as an “attitude” or “critical ethos” belonging to that age, that necessarily questions that which we have come to be in various contingent processes (how we have constituted ourselves as subjects); the second part considers Jürgen Habermas’s proposal, which invites us to understand modernity as an “unfinished project”, as a certain potential or rational ideal that is still to be carried out. Towards the end of the essay both stances are confronted, whereby an attempt is made to engage elements retrieved from each in a productive dialogue, and to raise some criticisms and observations regarding the sociohistorical conceptions of each author. / El presente trabajo busca aproximarse a dos concepciones distintas sobre la Ilustración y la modernidad. La primera parte considera la comprensión del filósofo francés Michel Foucault sobre la modernidad como una “actitud” o ethos crítico de la propia época, que pasa necesariamente por una problematización de aquello que en distintos procesos contingentes hemos llegado a ser (cómo nos hemos constituido como sujetos); la segunda parte se enfoca en la propuesta del alemán Jürgen Habermas, que invita a comprender la modernidad como un “proyecto inacabado”, como un cierto potencial o ideal racional aún por realizar. Hacia el final del ensayo se confrontan ambas posturas, tratando de que emerja un diálogo productivo que nos permita rescatar elementos de cada proyecto y planteando algunas críticas y observaciones soore las concepciones sociohistóricas de cada autor.

Escravos e libertos: autores das a??es de liberdade em Diamantina (1850-1871)

Mariano, Delsa de F?tima dos Santos 18 December 2015 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Ci?ncias Humanas. / Submitted by M?rden L?les (marden.inacio@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-07-07T22:32:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) delsa_fatima_santos_mariano.pdf: 1114462 bytes, checksum: b82edce62904fecaded34003d0101805 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-07-11T18:46:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) delsa_fatima_santos_mariano.pdf: 1114462 bytes, checksum: b82edce62904fecaded34003d0101805 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-11T18:46:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) delsa_fatima_santos_mariano.pdf: 1114462 bytes, checksum: b82edce62904fecaded34003d0101805 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / RESUMO O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar o protagonismo de cativos e libertos em Diamantina para conseguir ou manter a liberdade, por meio do aparato judici?rio. A fonte documental utilizada foram as chamadas a??es c?veis de liberdade, localizadas na Biblioteca Ant?nio Torres (BAT), em Diamantina, territ?rio da antiga comarca do Serro e espa?o escolhido para esta pesquisa. O recorte temporal compreende o per?odo entre 1850, ano em que foi abolido o tr?fico negreiro e o ano de 1871, tomando-se como base o per?odo anterior ? promulga??o da Lei do Ventre Livre, em 28 de setembro de 1871. Essa escolha do recorte cronol?gico final se justifica porque a partir dessa lei um novo padr?o nas rela??es entre senhores e cativos se acentua com a interfer?ncia do Estado nas quest?es relativas ? alforria. Conseguir a liberdade era o objetivo de homens e mulheres que procuraram a justi?a para reivindicar seus direitos. Em contrapartida, houve aqueles que impetraram a??es para comprovar ou manter sua condi??o de liberto, o que revela aspectos que evidenciam os obst?culos e a prec?ria fronteira que separava a escravid?o da liberdade imposta no cotidiano das rela??es escravistas. Cativos e libertos s?o, assim, os principais personagens a falar (mesmo que indiretamente) nos processos. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. / ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the role of slaves and freedmen in Diamantina to achieve or maintain freedom, through the judicial apparatus. The documentary source used were the so-called civil claims of freedom, located in Ant?nio Torres Library (BAT), in Diamantina, territory of the former region of Serro and location chosen for this research. The time frame covers the period between 1850, when the slave trade was abolished, and the year 1871, taking as a basis the period prior to the enactment of the Law of Free Birth on 28 September 1871. This choice of chronological frame is justified because, from that law, a new standard in relations between masters and slaves increases with State interference in matters relating to manumission. Achieving freedom was the goal of men and women who sought justice to claim their rights. In contrast, there were those who filed actions to establish or maintain their free status, which reveals aspects that highlight the obstacles and the precarious border separating the bondage of liberty imposed in the daily lives of slave relations. Slaves and freedmen are thus the main characters talking (even indirectly) in the processes.

O sábado no Antigo Testamento e na perspectiva de Jesus

Fabio Wilhelm 22 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende investigar o sábado na Bíblia e as suas implicações para o povo de Deus. Estudaremos também o posicionamento de Jesus em relação ao sábado. O primeiro capítulo investiga o sábado no período do Antigo Testamento, para podermos compreender o valor desta instituição nos tempos de Jesus. No segundo capítulo, analisaremos uma perícope do evangelho de Marcos (2.23-28), nos quais é relatada uma discussão entre os fariseus e Jesus em torno do sábado. Finaliza-se o trabalho expondo a parte teológica do sábado, o posicionamento de Jesus e o surgimento do domingo, como dia de comemoração da ressurreição de Jesus. / This study aims to investigate the Sabbath in the Bible and the implications that it has brought to the people of God. Also, we will study Jesuss position regarding the Sabbath. The first chapter explores the Sabbath in the Old Testament period, in order to understand the value of this institution in the times of Jesus. In the second chapter, we will do an exegesis of the Gospel of Mark (2:23-28), in which a discussion between Jesus and the Pharisees about the Sabbath is reported. The conflicts of Jesus, in the Gospels, regarding the Sabbath revolve almost solely around what things were allowed to do or not allowed to do on that day. All texts deal with cures on the Sabbath, with the exception of Mark 2:23-28. We will analyze the position of Jesus in relation to the Sabbath, based on this pericope, for Jesus establishes this one as the primary matrix for understanding all the other texts on the Sabbath. We finish by presenting the advent of Sunday as the day to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. The day of the resurrection became special for the memory of the first Christians and for the Christian Church.

As origens doutrinárias e a interpretação da função social dos contratos no código civil brasileiro

Branco, Gerson Luiz Carlos January 2006 (has links)
Esta tese propõe a investigação sobre as origens doutrinárias da função social dos contratos e, a partir delas, apresenta os instrumentos para a interpretação da cláusula geral do art. 421 do Código Civil. A tese encontra na doutrina italiana e no pensamento de Miguel Reale a base doutrinária da clláusula geral. A principal proposição dessa incursão é de que o juiz, ao aplicar a cláusula geral, deve usar os parâmetros doutrinários construídos pela tradição. A tradição e os dispositivos constitucionais que disciplinam a liberdade de contratar são os principais instrumentos para o controle das decisões judiciais, o que é indispensável que se preserve as regras do regime constritucional democrático e princípio da dignidade da pessoa. / The thesis proposes to survey the doctrinary origins of the social function of contracts and, from them, to present the instruments to interpret the general clause contained on the Civil Code’s article 421. The thesis sets the general clause doctrinary base on the Italian doctrine and also on Miguel Reale’s thought. The approach’s main proposition is that the judge, on applying the general clause, must use the doctrinary parameters built by tradition. Tradition and constitutional prescriptions that discipline the freedom to establish a contract are the main instruments to carry out the control of judicial decisions, what is fundamental to preserve the rules of the democratic constitutional regime and the person’s dignity principle.

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