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Hur görs kön av elever på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om pojkars och flickors görande av kön i sin fria lek på fritidshemmetFernando, Nihari January 2019 (has links)
This study examines how girls and boys in grade three perform gender in their free play in a leisure center. The result of the study shows that both girls and boys choose to relate to gendernorms in their free play in various ways. While some students chose to adopt to gendernorms in thier free play some others chose to take part in the free play by braking the norms. This gender doing was done by students with the help of the sex-encoded toys offered by the recreation center, the social interaktion, peer relations, language used by students were possible reasons för students gender doing. Thus, the gender and the language as two diffrent sociaal power axes contributed in some case to excluding certain pupils and including others, ehich means the power dominans of gender prevented some students to participate in the free play. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the power dominance of gender is not only an obstacle for students participation in play, but also limits thier possibilitis för action.
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Faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkars självkänsla i skolan. : en kvantitativ studie i form av enkätundersökning / Factors that affect girls´ and boys´ self-esteem in school. : a quantitative study in the form of surveyOttosson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkarssjälvkänsla i skolan, samt att finna eventuella genusskillnader. En kvantitativ metod i form aven enkätundersökning användes, där eleverna i årskurs 8 på en högstadieskola i VästraGötalands län deltog. Studien visar att flickorna har lägre självkänsla än pojkarna i skolan.Flickorna skattar sin egen kunskapsnivå lägre än pojkarna, trots att de har högre betyg änpojkarna. Flickor har svårare än pojkar att få fram sina åsikter i skolan. Flickor tycker det ärsvårare än pojkar att prata i helklass. Elever med aktiv fritid hade bättre självkänsla än eleverutan aktiv fritid. Detta resultat framkom bland bägge könen, men speciellt känsliga för dettaverkar flickor vara. Flickor utan fritidsaktivitet var de som hade lägst självkänsla och de somtrivdes sämst i skolan. Samband mellan aktiv fritid och självkänsla behöver tittas mer på.Personer med stark självkänsla upplever ökad livskvalitet och bättre hälsa. Låg självkänsla gersämre livskvalitet och sämre hälsa. Skillnaden mellan flickors och pojkars självkänsla kanantas vara så stor att särskild hänsyn behöver tas till detta i skolan. Skolan behöver ta merhänsyn till de olika behoven mellan könen, så att alla får lika förutsättningar och möjligheteratt kunna utvecklas på bästa sätt. / The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting girls' and boys' self-esteem inschool, and to find any gender differences. A quantitative method in form of a questionnairesurvey was used, where students in grade 8 in a secondary school in the region of VästraGötaland participated. The study shows that girls have lower self-esteem than boys in school.The girls estimate their own knowledge lower than boys despite having higher grades thanboys. Girls are more difficult than boys to obtain their views in school. Girls find it harderthan boys to talk when the whole class has lessons together. Students with active leisure timehad better self-esteem than students without active leisure. This result emerged among bothsexes but especially susceptible to this seems to be girls. Girls without leisure had the lowestself-esteem and enjoyed school the least. The links between active leisure and self-esteemneeds to be further looked into.People with strong self-esteem are experiencing improving quality of life and health. Lowself-esteem gives worse quality of life and poorer health. The difference between girls' andboys' self-esteem can be so great that special attention needs to be taken of this in school.Schools need to take more into account the different needs between the sexes, so that all haveequal conditions and opportunities to develop the best.
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Faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkars självkänsla i skolan. : en kvantitativ studie i form av enkätundersökning / Factors that affect girls´ and boys´ self-esteem in school. : a quantitative study in the form of surveyOttosson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkarssjälvkänsla i skolan, samt att finna eventuella genusskillnader. En kvantitativ metod i form aven enkätundersökning användes, där eleverna i årskurs 8 på en högstadieskola i VästraGötalands län deltog. Studien visar att flickorna har lägre självkänsla än pojkarna i skolan.Flickorna skattar sin egen kunskapsnivå lägre än pojkarna, trots att de har högre betyg änpojkarna. Flickor har svårare än pojkar att få fram sina åsikter i skolan. Flickor tycker det ärsvårare än pojkar att prata i helklass. Elever med aktiv fritid hade bättre självkänsla än eleverutan aktiv fritid. Detta resultat framkom bland bägge könen, men speciellt känsliga för dettaverkar flickor vara. Flickor utan fritidsaktivitet var de som hade lägst självkänsla och de somtrivdes sämst i skolan. Samband mellan aktiv fritid och självkänsla behöver tittas mer på.Personer med stark självkänsla upplever ökad livskvalitet och bättre hälsa. Låg självkänsla gersämre livskvalitet och sämre hälsa. Skillnaden mellan flickors och pojkars självkänsla kanantas vara så stor att särskild hänsyn behöver tas till detta i skolan. Skolan behöver ta merhänsyn till de olika behoven mellan könen, så att alla får lika förutsättningar och möjligheteratt kunna utvecklas på bästa sätt.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting girls' and boys' self-esteem inschool, and to find any gender differences. A quantitative method in form of a questionnairesurvey was used, where students in grade 8 in a secondary school in the region of VästraGötaland participated. The study shows that girls have lower self-esteem than boys in school.The girls estimate their own knowledge lower than boys despite having higher grades thanboys. Girls are more difficult than boys to obtain their views in school. Girls find it harderthan boys to talk when the whole class has lessons together. Students with active leisure timehad better self-esteem than students without active leisure. This result emerged among bothsexes but especially susceptible to this seems to be girls. Girls without leisure had the lowestself-esteem and enjoyed school the least. The links between active leisure and self-esteemneeds to be further looked into.People with strong self-esteem are experiencing improving quality of life and health. Lowself-esteem gives worse quality of life and poorer health. The difference between girls' andboys' self-esteem can be so great that special attention needs to be taken of this in school.Schools need to take more into account the different needs between the sexes, so that all haveequal conditions and opportunities to develop the best.</p>
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Flickors och pojkars matematiska uttryck i förskolan : Ett genusperspektiv / Girls and boys mathematical expressions in preschool : A gender perspectiveLöving, Charlotte, Blomstrand, Yvonne, Karlsson, Anneli January 2014 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie behandlar matematiska uttryck hos förskolebarn. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och beskriva flickors och pojkars matematiska uttryck i förskolan samt vilka eventuella skillnader som kan iakttas i deras uttryckssätt. Detta mot bakgrund av att matematiken har fått ett allt större utrymme i förskolans verksamhet efter att förskolan fick sin första läroplan, Lpfö 98, med uttalade mål att sträva mot. Tidigare forskning visar att pedagoger bemöter flickor och pojkar olika i förskolan. Kan det ha att göra med att de uttrycker sig olika? Med detta som grund ville vi undersöka om det finns skillnader i flickors och pojkars matematiska uttryck.Matematik är ett språk och barn i förskolan utvecklar matematisk förståelse genom upplevelser i lek och sociala sammanhang. Nya matematiska upplevelser sammanfogas med tidigare erfarenheter och ger ny förståelse. Studien genomförs på tre olika förskolor där vi observerar barn, ett till fyra år, i tre olika situationer som är återkommande för barnen; tamburen, uteleken samt måltiden. Datainsamlingen består av film och anteckningar. Resultatet visar att förskolebarn ger uttryck för matematiska begrepp som problemlösning, rumsuppfattning, antalsuppfattning, klassificering och ordningsföljd. Detta är genomgående i alla tre observationssituationerna. Resultatet visar skillnader i flickors och pojkars matematiska uttryckssätt. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine and describe preschool children's mathematical expressions and whether we can perceive any differences between girls and boys expressions. Mathematics has been given a place in preschool. Previous research shows that teachers treat girls and boys differently in preschool. Are there any differences between girls and boys mathematic expressions? We wanted to examine this.Mathematics is a language and children in preschool develop mathematical understanding through experiences in playground and in social context. New mathematical experiences together with previous experiences, provides new understanding. The study is conducted at three different preschools where we observe children in the age of one to four years, in three different situations. The chosen situations are recurrent for the children; hall, the playground outside and meal. Data collection contains film and notes. The result shows that preschool children express mathematical concepts such as problem solving, spatial awareness, number perception, classification and sequence. This is consistent across all three observational situations. The result shows differences in girls and boys mathematical expressions.
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The connection between academic achievement and dpression among adolescent girls and boysCallicoatte, alison Noel, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2008. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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What about the boys in school?Exploring the underachievement of boys in compulsory schoolsGarcia-Santos, Marina January 2013 (has links)
The underachievement of boys in school seems to be the general norm in many countries. Many studies have tried to find the key to this problem; still, no one seems to have found it. Studies about brain research, boys’ attitudes or motivation are trying to find the final solution and the appropriate strategies to address the problem. This degree project has chosen to explore if single-sex classrooms can enhance boys’ achievement in the language classrooms. Many scholars seem to be convinced that single-sex teaching can be the solution of the underachievement of the male students in compulsory schools. However the findings of this degree project show that more work must be done in this field to accept single-sex teaching as the solution to close the gender gap. Many recent articles, books and documents about the actual topic have been reviewed to give some light to this degree project.
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Tjejers och killars läsning : En undersökning av högstadieelevers syn på läsning / Girls' and Boys' Reading : An investigation of secondary school pupils' perspectives on readingPurmonen, Elina January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka högstadieelevers syn på läsning, både allmänt och skönlitterärt. Syftet är även att försöka utröna om eventuella skillnader och likheter kan identifieras vad gäller tjejer och killar, där frågeställningarna rör synen på läsning och resultatets didaktiska värde. Uppsatsen bygger på två teoretiska utgångspunkter, vilka är litteracitet och genus. Begrepp av värde, litteracitet och genus presenteras före bakgrunden. I enlighet med genusteorin betraktas tjejer och killar som en grupp individer framför två separata grupper. Bakgrunden koncentrerar på läsning kopplat till skolan, samt tidigare forskning på litteratur och skola med ett genusperspektiv. Undersökningsmaterialet består av tre undersökningsgrupper från tre olika skolor. Varje grupp består av en klass i år 7 och en i år 9 som har besvarat en enkät. Två tjejer och två killar har även intervjuats från varje klass. Undersökningsmaterialet utgörs således av 114 enkäter och tjugofyra intervjuer med fokus på elevers syn på läsning, både kopplat till fritid och skola. Resultatet visar att ”tjejers och killars läsning” snarare bör refereras som ”individers läsning” eftersom läsningen är mycket spridd, med avseende på, och oavsett, kön. Det finns vissa generella skillnader att utläsa mellan kön och ålder, där det gemensamma mellan informanterna är att de läser från datorn på fritiden och att den skönlitterära läsningen är personlig. En didaktisk slutsats är att den skönlitterära läsningen i skolan kanske främst borde vara personlig. Detta i och med att det finns skillnader mellan individer som gör det omöjligt att motivera alla att läsa en gemensam bok. Diskussionen bygger främst på resultatet och den teoretiska utgångspunkten. / The purpose of this study is to examine secondary school pupils’ views on reading in general, followed by a specific focus on fiction. The purpose is to identify similarities and differences between girls and boys, where the questions at issue are related to the pupils’ views on reading and the didactic value of findings based on the result. The essay is founded on two theories, which are literacy and gender. Concepts of value, literacy and gender are presented before the background. According to the gender theory, girls and boys are regarded as a group of individuals rather than two separate groups. The background concentrates mainly on reading connected to school; previous research on literature and education, with a gender perspective. The research material consists of three research groups from three different schools. Each group consists of one class from year 7 and one from year 9 who have answered a survey. Two girls and two boys have been interviewed from each class. The research material therefore represents 114 questionnaires and twenty-four interviews that focus on students’ views on reading, both in terms of reading during leisure time and at school. The result shows that "girls and boys reading" should rather be referred to as "individual reading" because reading is very widespread with respect to, and no matter of, sex. There are some general differences between the sexes and ages, where the joint between the informants is that, during leisure time, they read from the computer, whereas literary reading is personal. A didactic conclusion suggests that the literary reading in school should be mainly personal. This, given the differences between individuals, makes it impossible to motivate everyone to read a collective book. The discussion is based primarily on the results and the theoretical starting point.
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Исследование когнитивных стилей у девушек и юношей : магистерская диссертация / The study of cognitive styles at girls and boysКоваленко, В. Я., Kovalenko, V. Ya. January 2019 (has links)
Объектом исследования стали когнитивные стили. Предметом исследования является взаимосвязь когнитивных стилей, отличие когнитивных стилей у девушек и юношей. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (53 источника) и приложений, включающих в себя бланки применявшихся методик, таблицу результатов корреляционного анализа. Объем магистерской диссертации 103 страницы, на которых размещены 6 рисунков и 10 таблиц.
Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база. Первая главы включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования, описание подходов к изучению когнитивных стилей, их виды и положение в системе познавательной деятельности. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Третья глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методам: Опросник AHS (Koo и Choi), методика «Копирование сложной фигуры Рея-Остеррица» (J. H. Bernstein, D. P. Waber), методика оценки стилей мышления К.Безингер, методика «Включенные фигуры» (Witkin, Oltman, Raskin, Karp), методика «Сравнение похожих рисунков (The Matching Familiar Figures Test), методика свободных ассоциаций (Gardner, Holzman, Klein, Linton, Spence), опросник для выявления вербального-визуального стиля мышления (Richardson). Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования. / The object of the study was cognitive styles. The subject of the study was the relationship of cognitive styles, the difference of cognitive styles at girls and boys. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, a list of literature (53 sources) and applications, including forms of applied methods, a table of the results of the correlation analysis. The volume of the master's thesis is 103 pages, on which are placed 6 figures and 10 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, the purpose and objectives of the research, the object and subject of the research, hypothesis are formulated, the methods and the empirical base are indicated. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the research topic, a description of approaches to the study of cognitive styles, their types and position in the system of cognitive activity. Conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The third Chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization and methods studies and the results obtained for all methodologies used: AHS questionnaire (Koo and Choi), the technique of “Copying a complex figure of Ray-Osterritz” (JH Bernstein, DP Waber), a technique for assessing the thinking styles of K. Bezinger, the method of “Included figures” (Witkin, Oltman, Raskin, Karp), the method of “ Comparison of similar figures (The Matching Familiar Figures Test), the method of free associations (Gardner, Holzman, Klein, Linton, Spence), a questionnaire to identify the verbal-visual style of thinking (Richardson).. The conclusions of Chapter 2 include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, the practical significance of the study.
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Educação infantil, dimensão brincalhona, gênero e profissão docente: o que as professoras e professores têm aprendido com meninas e meninos pequenas/os? / Early childhood education, playful dimension, gender and teaching profession: what teachers have learned from little girls and boys?Anselmo, Viviane Soares 05 March 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de Mestrado investigou as possibilidades de retomada da dimensão brincalhona de professoras/es da Educação Infantil, dimensão esta entendida como principal pré-requisito de tal profissão docente em construção. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo, em uma das Creches/Pré-Escolas da Universidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa de um grupo de meninas e meninos pequenas/os (5 anos de idade) e de sua professora, além de momentos coletivos com todas as demais crianças, as professoras e o professor da instituição. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com a professora da turma observada e com o único professor da equipe, além da coleta e da análise de documentos, como o Projeto Político-Pedagógico da Creche/Pré-Escola. As análises dos dados foram realizadas em articulação com a produção brasileira e estrangeira de pesquisas recentes no campo da Pedagogia da Educação Infantil e das Ciências Sociais (como a Sociologia e a Antropologia), bem como na interface com as Artes na primeira infância, sobretudo com as corpóreas. As reflexões sobre os encontros entre meninas, meninos, professoras e professor da Creche/Pré-Escola, especialmente em momentos de brincadeira, também foram realizadas à luz das discussões que articulam Educação Infantil, gênero e profissão docente. Os dados coletados apontaram, entre outras questões, para a importância das relações centradas nas brincadeiras, nas linguagens do corpo, nas experiências artísticas e criativas, para que, no encontro com as crianças, professoras/es reconstruam suas dimensões brincalhonas de ser a partir de uma disponibilidade corporal e de um olhar atento para as criações de crianças pequenas. Além disso, o estudo discute o potencial transgressor da brincadeira na Pedagogia da Infância que buscamos: não escolarizada, não sexista, permeada por múltiplas formas de expressão, pela abertura à/ao outra/o e pela desconstrução das formas de dominação e poder. / The present Master\'s research investigated the possibilities of retaking the playful dimension of Early Childhood Education teachers, dimension understood as the main prerequisite of this teaching profession under construction. Therefore, a qualitative case study was carried out in one of the Nursery/Preschools of São Paulo University, through the observation of the educational journey of a group of girls and boys (5 years old) and their teacher, in addition to collective moments with all the other children and teachers of the institution. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with the researched teacher and with the only male teacher of the team, as well as the collection and analysis of documents, such as the PoliticalPedagogical Project of the Nursery/Preschool. Data analysis was performed in conjunction with Brazilian and foreign production of recent research in the field of Pedagogy of Early Childhood Education and Social Sciences (such as Sociology and Anthropology), in the interface with Arts in childhood, especially the corporeal ones. The analysis of the meetings among the girls, boys and teachers of the Nursery/Preschool, especially in moments of play, were also executed in the light of the discussions that articulate Early Childhood Education, gender and teaching profession. The collected data pointed out, among other issues, the importance of the relationships centered in games, in the body languages and in the artistic and creative experiences, so that, in the encounter with children, teachers reconstruct their playful dimensions of being, from a bodily availability and a close attention te the creations of girls and boys. In addition, the study discusses the transgressor potential of playing in the Pedagogy of Childhood that we seek: non-scholarized, non-sexist, permeated by multiple forms of expression, by opening to the other and by the deconstruction of domination and power forms.
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Educação infantil, dimensão brincalhona, gênero e profissão docente: o que as professoras e professores têm aprendido com meninas e meninos pequenas/os? / Early childhood education, playful dimension, gender and teaching profession: what teachers have learned from little girls and boys?Viviane Soares Anselmo 05 March 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de Mestrado investigou as possibilidades de retomada da dimensão brincalhona de professoras/es da Educação Infantil, dimensão esta entendida como principal pré-requisito de tal profissão docente em construção. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo, em uma das Creches/Pré-Escolas da Universidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa de um grupo de meninas e meninos pequenas/os (5 anos de idade) e de sua professora, além de momentos coletivos com todas as demais crianças, as professoras e o professor da instituição. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com a professora da turma observada e com o único professor da equipe, além da coleta e da análise de documentos, como o Projeto Político-Pedagógico da Creche/Pré-Escola. As análises dos dados foram realizadas em articulação com a produção brasileira e estrangeira de pesquisas recentes no campo da Pedagogia da Educação Infantil e das Ciências Sociais (como a Sociologia e a Antropologia), bem como na interface com as Artes na primeira infância, sobretudo com as corpóreas. As reflexões sobre os encontros entre meninas, meninos, professoras e professor da Creche/Pré-Escola, especialmente em momentos de brincadeira, também foram realizadas à luz das discussões que articulam Educação Infantil, gênero e profissão docente. Os dados coletados apontaram, entre outras questões, para a importância das relações centradas nas brincadeiras, nas linguagens do corpo, nas experiências artísticas e criativas, para que, no encontro com as crianças, professoras/es reconstruam suas dimensões brincalhonas de ser a partir de uma disponibilidade corporal e de um olhar atento para as criações de crianças pequenas. Além disso, o estudo discute o potencial transgressor da brincadeira na Pedagogia da Infância que buscamos: não escolarizada, não sexista, permeada por múltiplas formas de expressão, pela abertura à/ao outra/o e pela desconstrução das formas de dominação e poder. / The present Master\'s research investigated the possibilities of retaking the playful dimension of Early Childhood Education teachers, dimension understood as the main prerequisite of this teaching profession under construction. Therefore, a qualitative case study was carried out in one of the Nursery/Preschools of São Paulo University, through the observation of the educational journey of a group of girls and boys (5 years old) and their teacher, in addition to collective moments with all the other children and teachers of the institution. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with the researched teacher and with the only male teacher of the team, as well as the collection and analysis of documents, such as the PoliticalPedagogical Project of the Nursery/Preschool. Data analysis was performed in conjunction with Brazilian and foreign production of recent research in the field of Pedagogy of Early Childhood Education and Social Sciences (such as Sociology and Anthropology), in the interface with Arts in childhood, especially the corporeal ones. The analysis of the meetings among the girls, boys and teachers of the Nursery/Preschool, especially in moments of play, were also executed in the light of the discussions that articulate Early Childhood Education, gender and teaching profession. The collected data pointed out, among other issues, the importance of the relationships centered in games, in the body languages and in the artistic and creative experiences, so that, in the encounter with children, teachers reconstruct their playful dimensions of being, from a bodily availability and a close attention te the creations of girls and boys. In addition, the study discusses the transgressor potential of playing in the Pedagogy of Childhood that we seek: non-scholarized, non-sexist, permeated by multiple forms of expression, by opening to the other and by the deconstruction of domination and power forms.
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