Spelling suggestions: "subject:"endender roles"" "subject:"endender holes""
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Through Fiction's Mirror / Abjects in Neo-Victorian FictionElla, Jan-Erik 28 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Titta pappa vem som kommer på besök, nu kommer mamma - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga familjeförsörjareNooni, Niklas, Sveinsdóttir, Sunna January 2018 (has links)
Since the industrialization, the role of breadwinning has been part of the male gender identity. Even though it today has become more common with female breadwinners, the previous assumption of the man as a breadwinner is still a norm in society. This study examines what this norm breaking means for women and their relationships with their men. The purpose is to study Swedish women's experiences of being a breadwinner, how it affects the relationship and the roles one has in a relationship. Previous research has mainly been focused on objective financial aspects of female breadwinning but there is a lack of women's subjective experiences. This study is based on qualitative interviews with seven Swedish female breadwinners. The study shows that education is fundamental to explaining their role as female breadwinner. It also shows that the women's personal traits and good relationships with their men explains their experiences of being a female breadwinner. / Rollen som familjeförsörjare har sedan industrialiseringen varit en del av den manliga könsidentiteten. Trots att det idag blivit vanligare med kvinnliga familjeförsörjare, är den tidigare föreställningen om mannen som försörjare fortsatt en norm i samhället. I denna studie undersöks vad denna normbrytning betyder för kvinnorna och deras relationer till sina män. Syftet är att studera svenska kvinnors upplevelser av att vara familjeförsörjare, hur det påverkar relationen och de roller man har i en relation. Tidigare forskning har i hög grad fokuserat på objektiva finansiella aspekter av kvinnlig familjeförsörjning där det finns en avsaknad av kvinnors subjektiva upplevelser. Den här studien är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med sju svenska kvinnliga familjeförsörjare. Studien visar att utbildning är grundläggande för att förklara deras roll som familjeförsörjare. Studien visar också att kvinnornas personliga egenskaper och goda relationer till sina män förklarar deras upplevelser av att vara familjeförsörjare.
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”A compliment immediately becomes a harassment” : A qualitative study of young male university students’ perceptions on the #metoo movement and the changes in their attitudesNadjafi, Samantha, Murdock, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
In the fall of 2017, the #metoo movement began on social media to encourage victims of sexual harassment to speak up and show the magnitude of the problem, especially violence committed by men against women. The message of #metoo went viral and developed into a significant topic on gender equality. It became a global trend in countries such as Sweden, France and various other countries, which caused a storm of users to share their stories with the help of the hashtag metoo on their social media platforms. The motivation behind the chosen area of study is to comprehend opinions on the movement. In order to get a different perspective on the women’s movement the focus throughout lie on young men. The aim of this study is to examine how heterosexual male students at a university in Sweden view the movement both as a Swedish and a global phenomenon. Furthermore, the study examined if the students believe their attitudes toward sexual harassment have been affected or changed by the movement. This bachelor thesis attempted to answer the research questions and present the results by conducting focus group interviews. The presented results of the focus group interviews showed an overall positive attitude towards the purpose of the movement. However, a majority agreed that the movement had developed into something beyond its purpose and discussed the negative effects it brought with it. The participants expressed concern for the usage of the hashtag for minor incidents which eventually overshadowed the initial positive purpose of the movement. Through the study, it was furthermore revealed that the participants did not believe that a change in attitudes had occurred within themselves, even though they believed it may have brought change to other men in society.
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The Idealization of Domesticity in Turkey: Understanding Turkish Women’s Low Labor Force Participation Rate Since the Justice and Development Party’s Rise to Power in 2002Walker, Alexandra 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the intersection of politics, religious ideology, and gender norms in the context of the Turkish labor market. I aim to shed light on the increasing interplay of these forces under AKP governance and, by extension, provide a rationale for Turkish women’s consistently low labor force participation. Further, I intend to expose that, despite introducing several legal reforms geared towards promoting gender equality, the party continues to frame the traditional family unit as the main pillar of social stability, thereby forcing women into a domestic box from which they have not been able to escape. I hypothesize that several of the AKP’s reforms, which involve various domains of Turkish society—the social security system, the institution of marriage, the family unit (specifically public childcare), and, more indirectly, the education system—have deterred Turkish women from entering and/or remaining in the labor force, as they are predicated on the party’s idealization of domesticity. Ultimately, I grapple with the ways in which the AKP’s policies and ideology have led to Turkish women’s low labor force participation rate—reported by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to be 32.37 percent in March 2017.[1]
[1] “Labor Force Participation Rate, Female (% of Female Population Ages 15+) (Modeled ILO Estimate): Turkey,” The World Bank, November 2017, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS?locations=TR.
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Mamá, ¿ya estás viniendo? Varones y mujeres proveedores de recursos y cuidados / Are you coming home mom? Men and woman as household providers and caretakersValdivia Santa Cruz, Segundo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyses how labor, family and labor-family relationships have changed recently in Peru and analyses also their effects on the household division of work in families where both parents perceive salaries. Our findings focus on: a) the roles of both parents (male and female) as household providers and their views on parenting, b) the scheduling of family activities and labor flexibility, c) the tensions in labor-family relationships d) the social practices related to domestic activities and childcare and e) the struggles for power in daily interactions related to the division of labor. / Hemos investigado cómo los cambios por los que han pasado en los últimos tiempos el trabajo, la familia y la relación trabajo-familia han afectado a su vez a la relación y la división entre el trabajo remunerado y el trabajo familiar o doméstico de cuidados, sobre todo en familias donde tanto el varón como la mujer tienen trabajos remunerados. Nuestros principales hallazgos y reflexiones están relacio- nados con: (i) los roles del varón y la mujer: en la proveeduría de recursos, la maternidad y paternidad;(ii) la organización del tiempo en las familias y las condiciones de flexibilidad en los trabajos; (iii) las tensiones en la relación trabajo-familia / (iv) las prácticas en las tareas domésticas y de cuidados, y (v) las confrontaciones de poder en la interacción cotidiana para la realización de la división del trabajo.
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Hur problematiseras jämställdhet? : En WPR-analys av jämställdhetsproblemet i skolanWange, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is gender equality, and especially gender equality in school. The study assumes a poststructuralist position and aims to demonstrate how gender equality is problematized in the world of education. Through studies of documents and interviews with people in the school world, the representations of the gender equality problem were brought to light. A WPR-perspective helped in the process of revealing how gender equality is “made”. The material were reduced to three categories: gender roles, ethnicity, and knowledge. The research questions were based on Carol Bacchis WPR-perspective: 1) what is the problem with gender equality? 2) what assumptions underlie the problem? 3) What is left unproblematic? and 4) what are the effects? The result of the study shows that there are a lot of dichotomies in how gender equality is represented, but the primary representation is a matter of me/others. Through the problematization of boys (that is, students), culture (Swedish “equal” and non-Swedish, unequal “others”) and knowledge (unknowing, hence unequal other teachers) is the problem made someone else's and hence, ones own responsibility fails to represent the problem.
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(S)könlitteratur för barn : En genusteoretisk studie om hur kön gestaltas i populär skönlitteratur för barn.Valfridsson, Elin, Palm Sjödin, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Normer finns överallt och vi människor anpassar våra tankesätt och viljor efter dessa. En av de mest omtalade normerna är könsnormen, som avspeglar vilken roll de olika könen förväntas ha i samhället. Enligt forskning kan rådande normer förstärkas genom bland annat böcker, det blir därför angeläget att undersöka hur barns favoritböcker förhåller sig till dessa. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kunna sprida medvetenhet, inspirera till ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt och undersöka om dessa barnböcker följer läroplanens strävan efter att motverka könsstereotyper, eller om de istället reproducerar dessa normer. Detta genom att analysera ett urval av favoritböcker som barnen på fyra förskoleavdelningar valt att dela med sig av. Resultatet av studien visar att merparten av böckerna som analyserats har ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt, men fortsätter ändå reproducera stereotypa könsmönster genom karaktärernas gestaltning.
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"Har någon sett Lisa, tjejer och killar?" : - En studie om förskolepedagogers interaktion med barn ur ett genusperspektiv / “Have you seen Lisa, girls and boys?” : A study regarding preschool teacher’s interaction with children from a gender perspectiveLindroos, Sofie, Ulander, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that teacher’s interaction with children have a significant meaning for the construction of gender and that their approach maintains stereotypical perceptions of gender. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to survey and explain how preschool teachers at a preschool in Stockholm interact with children from a gender perspective and how their approach to traditional gender roles in their didactic work with children can affect their positioning. The essay will also discuss different types of pedagogical perspectives when it comes to gender, such as compensatory pedagogic and complicated pedagogic. The theoretical point of departure in this essay is feminism poststructuralism with focus on the term gender. The methods that are used in this study are interviews with preschool teachers and observations of their pedagogical work with children between the ages of 3-5 years. Based on this empirical description, different situations are analyzed which are based on Christian Eidevald’s two different discourses about gender: “We are born to girls and boys” and “We are made to girls and boys”. By showing that these discourses are present in one and the same situation, the child's positioning and gender-based subject creation can be explained as a complex process. The analysis, based on Eidevald’s gender discourses, shows that children’s positioning depends on how preschool teachers approach to traditional gender roles and how they interact with children on a daily basis. It also shows that preschool teachers have different expectations on boys and girls, which can lead to a limitation of their abilities. In conclusion, this study discusses which consequences this can lead to when it comes to a gender equality work. Key words: gender, sex, interaction, gender roles, positioning / Sammanfattning Tidigare forskning har visat att lärares interaktion med barn har en stor betydelse för konstruktionen av genus och att deras förhållningssätt upprätthåller stereotypa föreställningar om kön. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka och förklara hur pedagoger på en förskola i Stockholm, ur ett genusperspektiv, interagerar med barn och hur deras förhållningssätt till traditionella könsroller kan komma att påverka barnens positionering och könsmässiga subjektskapande. Uppsatsen diskuterar också olika typer av pedagogiska perspektiv: kompensatorisk pedagogik och komplicerande pedagogik. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är feministisk poststrukturalism med fokus på genusbegreppet. Metoderna som används i denna studie är intervjuer med pedagogerna och observationer av den pedagogiska verksamheten på en 3-5-års avdelning. Baserat på det empiriska materialet ges olika exempel på olika situationer med utgångspunkt ur Christian Eidevalds två diskurser om kön: ”Vi föds till flickor och pojkar” och ”Vi görs till flickor och pojkar”. Genom att visa att båda dessa diskurser är närvarande under en och samma situation kan barns könsmässiga subjektskapande förklaras som en komplex process. Analysen, som bygger på Eidevalds diskurser om kön, visar att barns positionering påverkas av pedagogers förhållningssätt till stereotypa könsroller och hur de interagerar med barn i verksamheten. Analysen visar även att flickor och pojkar har olika förväntningar på sig, vilket kan leda till att deras egenskaper begränsas. Slutligen diskuteras vilka konsekvenser detta kan leda till i ett jämställdhetsarbete. Nyckelord: genus, kön, interaktion, könsroller, positionering Centrala begrepp: diskurs, kön, genus, könsmässigt subjektskapande och positionering
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Women’s role in Peace Processes : A comparative study of women’s participation in the peace processes in Africa and Western AsiaOlofsson, Linda January 2018 (has links)
With the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 the role women play for peace and security was affirmed. Since the implementation of the resolution, almost two decades ago, more than 400 peace agreements has been signed. Since then one can assume much has happened regarding women and their role in the peace process. It can thus be valuable to explore if the implementation of the resolution has created a larger acknowledgement of women in the peace agreements and to see if women are limited to and by the roles they are assigned to in the peace agreements in their peace work. The focus of this study is a comparative case study that examines five cases where women’s role in peacebuilding were mentioned more extensively. This will be done in two sections. First, the roles women are assigned in peace agreements and second, what the women actually work with. This will create a basis for the thesis to investigate the presumed supposition that women are victims of conflict rather than agents of change and also look into if women are engaged in work that follow societal roles or if they act outside of these gender norms. The findings of the study showed that women engage in all types of peacebuilding work and even though women suffer and are victims of war they are also agents of change and when they are limited by the gender roles that exist, they use what agency they have within the frame of their roles as women to implement change.
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The Relations between Gender Roles, Sibling Constellations, and Modern Sexism / Relationer mellan könsroller, syskonkonstellationer och modern sexismLöf, Emma, Löf, Malin January 2018 (has links)
In this study we investigated the relations between gender roles, siblings and sexism. We wanted to know if boys who spent more time with their sisters were less sexist than those who did not. Another question we asked was if girls who identified with their traditional gender roles were more sexist than those who did not. We sampled 127 high school students in the ages of 15 to 19. The results showed that time spent with sisters among boys, did not significantly correlate with sexism. However boys were more sexist than girls. Girls who identified with their traditional gender roles were less sexist than those who did not. Another important finding was that boys not identifying with the feminine gender role were more sexist than those who did. In conclusion, Contact with sisters did not have a relation to boys being sexist. However, gender and gender roles did. Unexpected findings included the importance of the feminine gender role. Where not identifying with feminine gender role traits for boys showed higher tendencies for sexism. Whereas girls who identified with the feminine traits showed lower tendencies for sexism. / I denna studie undersökte vi relationen mellan könsroller, syskon och sexism. Vi ville veta om pojkar som spenderade mer tid med sina systrar var mindre sexistiska än dem som inte gjorde det. En annan fråga vi undersökte var om flickor som identifierade sig med sin traditionella könsroll var mer sexistiska än dem som inte gjorde det. Vårt urval bestod av 127 gymnasieelever i åldrarna 15 till 19 år. Resultaten visade att tid spenderad med systrar inte var signifikant korrelerat med sexism bland pojkar. Däremot var pojkar mer sexistiska än flickor. Flickor som identifierade sig med sin traditionella könsroll var mindre sexistiska än de som inte gjorde det. En annan viktig upptäckt var att pojkar som inte identifierade sig med den feminina könsrollen var mer sexistiska än de som gjorde det. Sammanfattningsvis, kontakt med systrar hade ingen relation till pojkars sexism. Däremot, hade kön och könsroller det. Oväntade resultat visade betydelsen av den feminina könsrollen där pojkar som inte identifierade sig med den feminina könsrollens egenskaper visade högre tendenser till sexism, medan flickor som identifierade sig med dessa egenskaper visade mindre tendenser till sexism.
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