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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feminicidio jako alarmující problém mexické společnosti - analýza procesu u dvou vybraných případů / Feminicidio as an alarming problem of Mexican society: Process tracing of two selected cases

Kunická, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Gender violence in Mexico is a problem that affects its society on a long- term basis. Its most extreme form known as feminicide, that is a gender- based murder of women, appears with so much frequency that it can be considered a structural problem yet. Mexico is one of the countries with most cases in Latin America, however, insufficient and ineffective measures taken by the state facilitate their perpetration which is often immune from prosecution. This thesis aims to approximate the issue to the reader and explain the concept of feminicide in given context within its complexity. For that purpose, a process tracing analysis of two selected cases is done; starting from their perpetration to their sentencing by judicial instances. The sentences of both cases became very important milestones. The factors that contributed to the outcome are tracked and afterwards a comparison of tracked causal mechanisms is done. As it was already mentioned, the cases were not selected randomly. Not only are they important for their sentences, but moreover they took place in two Mexican states with traditionally high numbers of committed feminicides, that is in Chihuahua and Mexico State. The results of the analysis suggest that even though Mexico has signed the most important international conventions about women's...

Representaciones sociales sobre misoginia en estudiantes varones de educación superior de Lima Metropolitana / Social Representations about misogyny of male students of higher education in Lima

Guerra Valencia, Cecilia Alejandra 11 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación exploró las representaciones sociales sobre misoginia en estudiantes varones de educación superior. Se realizó desde el paradigma cualitativo, con el enfoque fenomenológico hermenéutico. En el estudio participaron ocho varones, utilizándose la entrevista semiestructurada para recoger la información. Los resultados evidencian que, en la construcción de las subjetividades de estos jóvenes, aun se preservaban representaciones estereotipadas de género. Asimismo, mantienen una concepción difusa sobre la misoginia y sus diversas expresiones. Otro hallazgo central es que las subjetividades actuales se encuentran en proceso de “pseudo transformación”, que expresa el rechazo de violencia de género en su discurso y la presencia de acciones misóginas en su accionar, lo que indica que aún no se puede hablar de una transformación integrada en las subjetividades de estos jóvenes. / The present research explored the social representations about misogyny in male students of higher education. It was carried out from the qualitative paradigm, with the hermeneutical phenomenological approach. Eight men participated in the study, using the semi-structured interview to collect the information. The results show that, in the construction of the subjectivities of these young people, stereotyped gender representations were still preserved. Likewise, they maintain a diffuse conception about misogyny and its various expressions. Another central finding is that current subjectivities are in the process of “pseudo transformation”, which expresses the rejection of gender violence in their discourse and the presence of misogynistic actions in their actions, which indicates that it is still not possible to speak of a transformation integrated into the subjectivities of these young people. / Tesis

Centro de rehabilitación integral para víctimas de violencia doméstica / Integral rehabilitation center for victims of domestic violence

Rebagliati Ordoñez, Francesca Giuliana 12 May 2021 (has links)
El siguiente proyecto de tesis consiste de un Centro de Rehabilitación Integral para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica en el distrito de Lurigancho – Chosica, dentro de la zona de Santa María de Huachipa. En el Perú, existe un problema cultural que se ha construido a través del tiempo, donde la mujer cumple un rol determinado colocándola por debajo del género masculino, lo cual se presenta en la desigualdad de poder entre miembros de la familia. Las víctimas de violencia familiar pueden desarrollar trastornos mentales o emocionales, y dificultades para desarrollarse en los aspectos más básicos de su vida cotidiana. Por ende, se plantea un Centro de Rehabilitación Integral, el cual brinde distintos servicios para restablecer y fortalecer la Salud Mental de estas personas. La salud mental tiene mayor peso cada día, y su rehabilitación se basa en un proceso desarrollado en conjunto por un equipo terapéutico multidisciplinario, que comprende actividades organizadas y planificadas con base en evidencia científica, dirigida al desarrollo de la máxima capacidad posible de habilidades y destrezas en las personas con trastornos mentales para mejorar su calidad de vida y lograr su reinserción y máximo nivel de rendimiento socio-laboral posible. Por lo tanto, este proyecto busca, mediante la arquitectura sensorial, contribuir en la recuperación de sus pacientes, a través del diseño de espacios que transmitan calidez, tranquilidad y una conexión interior-exterior. / The following thesis project consists of an Integral Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Domestic Violence in the district of Lurigancho - Chosica, within the Santa María de Huachipa area. In Peru, there is a cultural problem that has been built over time, where the woman fulfills a certain role by placing her below the male gender, which is presented in the inequality of power between family members. Victims of family violence can develop mental or emotional disorders, and difficulties to develop in the most basic aspects of their daily lives. Therefore, an Integral Rehabilitation Center has the purpose of providing different services to restore and strengthen Mental Health of these people. Mental health has greater weight every day, and its rehabilitation’s based on a process developed jointly by a multidisciplinary therapeutic team, which includes activities, organized and planned, based on scientific evidence, aimed at developing the maximum possible capacity of skills and abilities in people with mental disorders, to improve their quality of life and achieve their reintegration and maximum level of social-work performance possible. Therefore, this project seeks, through sensory architecture, to contribute to the recovery of its patients, through the design of spaces that transmit warmth, tranquility and an interior-exterior connection. / Tesis

Acciones estratégicas para Prevenir y atender la violencia contra la mujer en el Plan Nacional Contra la Violencia de Género 2016-2021 durante la emergencia sanitaria declarada por el Covid-19

Bustamante Barreto, Karmen Giulianna, Jaen Ramírez, Betsy Aracely, Urbina Flores, Shelley Jeraldi 30 September 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se titula “Acciones estratégicas para Prevenir y Atender la Violencia contra la Mujer en el Plan Nacional Contra la Violencia de Género 2016-2021 durante la Emergencia Sanitaria Declarada por el Covid-19”, el cual tiene por objetivo identificar el nivel de implementación de los mecanismos y de la acción estratégica para prevenir y atender la violencia contra la mujer en el marco de la declaratoria de emergencia sanitaria originada por el Covid-19 en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, en Lima. Con el propósito de alcanzar los objetivos propuestos de la presente tesis se elaboró una investigación con enfoque mixto, es decir cuantitativo y cualitativo, en base a la aplicación de cuestionarios y entrevistas aplicadas tanto a funcionarios relacionados a las políticas de violencia de género, como a los usuarios de los Centros de Emergencia Mujer (CEM) del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, así como, analizar e identificar el nivel alcanzado por parte de la ejecución de mecanismos y acciones estratégicas que se emplearon en función de los hechos registrados por casos de violencia familiar y de género durante la emergencia sanitaria. Al respecto en base a este análisis, se presentará una propuesta y recomendaciones a fin de que el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables tome en consideración y a futuro se puedan implementar mejoras en la gestión, diseño de los planes y programas orientados al fortalecimiento institucional en favor de la igualdad de género y el bienestar de las mujeres de nuestro país en situaciones de emergencia. / This research work is titled "Strategic Actions to Prevent and Address Violence against Women in the National Plan Against Gender Violence 2016-2021 during the Health Emergency Declared by Covid-19", which aims to identify the level of implementation of the mechanisms and strategic action to prevent and address violence against women during the health emergency declared by Covid-19 in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, in Lima. In order to achieve the proposed objectives of this thesis, an investigation was developed with a mixed approach, that is, quantitative and qualitative, based on the application of questionnaires and interviews applied both to officials related to gender violence policies, as well as to the users of the Women's Emergency Centers (CEM) of the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, as well as, analyze and identify the level reached by the implementation of mechanisms and strategic actions that were used in the framework of violence against women and gender during the health emergency declared by Covid-19. In this regard, based on this analysis, a proposal and recommendations will be presented so that the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations take into consideration and in the future improvements can be implemented in the management and design of plans and programs oriented to the fight against violence against women and gender, in emergency situations. / Trabajo de investigación

Centro Integral de Atención y Acogida para Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia en Chiclayo / Comprehensive Care and Shelter Center for Women Victims of Violence in Chiclayo

González Barturén, Gianella Estefanía 04 September 2021 (has links)
En el Perú, la desigualdad de género contra la mujer es uno de los problemas que sigue persistiendo, la cifra de casos de violencia es alarmante y la continua discriminación hacia la mujer, prolonga una cultura de desigualdad. En la región Lambayeque, según el ranking de mujeres afectadas por violencia familiar y sexual atendidas por el Programa Nacional contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual (PNCVF) que ofrece el MIMP, en los últimos 4 años, 2016 al 2019, se ha presentado un significante aumento de número de víctimas, el año 2016 presentó 704 casos y el 2019, 4188. Asimismo, Lambayeque se ha colocado en el tercer lugar de las regiones del norte del país con una alta tasa de feminicidio y sétima a nivel nacional, según el MIMP; es importante destacar que existe una alta demanda de víctimas y un déficit de centros de apoyo para la mujer. Por ende, el proyecto de tesis busca desarrollar un Centro Integral de Atención y Acogida para Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia ubicado en Chiclayo, capital de Lambayeque donde se encuentra la mayor cantidad de casos de violencia, con la finalidad de brindar protección y apoyo integral a la mujer. En consecuencia, el Centro va a contar con ambientes de albergue, para las víctimas en estado severo de vulnerabilidad; de rehabilitación, para su recuperación psicológica y física; y educativo, que contribuya al aprendizaje. Con el objetivo de que la mujer desarrolle habilidades y una mentalidad fuerte para reinsertarse a la sociedad con total empoderamiento. / In Peru, gender inequality against women is one of the problems that continues to persist, the number of cases of violence is alarming and the continuous discrimination against women prolongs a culture of inequality. In the Lambayeque region, according to the ranking of women affected by family and sexual violence attended by the National Program against Family and Sexual Violence (PNCVF) offered by the MIMP, in the last 4 years, 2016 to 2019, there has been a significant Increase in the number of victims, in 2016 there were 704 cases and in 2019, 4188. Likewise, Lambayeque has been placed in third place in the northern regions of the country with a high rate of femicide and seventh at the national level, according to the MIMP; It is important to note that there is a high demand for victims and a shortage of support centers for women. Therefore, the thesis project seeks to develop a Comprehensive Care and Reception Center for Women Victims of Violence located in Chiclayo, the capital of Lambayeque, where the largest number of cases of violence are found, in order to provide comprehensive protection and support to the woman. Consequently, the Center will have shelter environments for victims in a severe state of vulnerability; rehabilitation, for their psychological and physical recovery; and educational, which contributes to learning. With the aim that women develop skills and a strong mentality to reintegrate into society with total empowerment. / Tesis

Vraždy ze cti u palestinských žen: Kritická analýza / Honor Killings of Palestinian Women: A Critical Analysis

Salem, Tala January 2022 (has links)
Master Thesis Proposal Institute of Political Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University of Prague Supervisor: Bela Plechanovova E-mail: bela.plechanovova@fsv.cuni.cz Phone: Defense date: Author: Tala Salem E-mail: talena1703@gmail.com Phone: +420776100311 Specialization: MAIN THESIS TOPIC: HONOR KILLING OF PALESTINIAN WOMEN - A CRITICAL ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION: In my research, I'll be studying the reasons and motives that lead to honor killings in Palestine. Such acts are carried out against women whose actions are deemed unacceptable or outright taboo by the general community, or maybe by just the family members.The work shall be looking at whether honor killings are strongly correlated to social and religious reasons. As well as this, I'll also be studying what countermeasures the women can possibly take up from their end to face this issue, and also how the judicial system deals with honor killings. Research question: What are the underlying motives for honor killings in the Palestinian communities? How can we hope to find a solution to this atrocity? Literature survey: A) Scholarly: Some of the major sources I shall be utilizing for my thesis work are mentioned underneath. These works certainly assist in laying some solid groundwork to the overall topic being discussed here....

Sexismo ambivalente y violencia de género en relaciones de pareja de estudiantes de Ingeniería y Medicina de una universidad privada de Tacna

Ruiz Cuneo, Domenica Lourdes 15 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad relacionar el sexismo ambivalente y la violencia de género en parejas de jóvenes universitarios. La metodología fue cuantitativa, siendo una investigación transversal de tipo correlacional, utilizando como muestra 262 estudiantes. Se aplicó el Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente adaptado por Espósito, Muya y Glick (1998) para medir el nivel de sexismo, y la encuesta para la detección de violencia en el noviazgo en jóvenes (EMVN) propuesta por García-Carpintero, Rodríguez-Santero y Porcel-Gálvez (2018) para determinar la violencia ejercida y padecida en las relaciones de parejas jóvenes. Los datos se analizaron mediante tablas de contingencias y una prueba de Chi cuadrado. Como resultados se obtuvo que no existe correlación entre las variables objeto de estudio y que el rango promedio mayor en cuanto a sexismo y violencia de género corresponde a los hombres. / The aim of this paper was to relate ambivalent sexism and gender violence in couples of young university students. The methodology was quantitative, being a cross-sectional research of correlational type, using as sample 162 students. We applied the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism adapted by Espósito, Muya and Glick (1998) to measure the level of sexism, and the survey for the detection of violence in dating in young people (EMVN) proposed by García-Carpintero, Rodríguez-Santero and Porcel-Gálvez (2018) to determine the violence inflicted and suffered in the relationships of young couples. The data were analyzed using contingency tables and a chi-square test. The results showed that there is no correlation between the variables studied and that the highest average range in terms of sexism and gender violence is found among men. / Tesis


LUCIANA MOREIRA DE ARAUJO 14 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] A trajetória institucional dos grupos reflexivos para homens autores de violência (HAV) no Rio de Janeiro inicia-se com intervenções concebidas e executadas por organizações não governamentais, até que a promulgação da Lei 11.340/2006, em seus artigos 35 e 45, legitimou o Serviço de Educação e Responsabilização para HAV, como política pública, no âmbito do Poder Judiciário. Nesse movimento de elaboração em processo, à medida que se dava a implementação e a reflexão sobre as práticas, diversas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas foram acionadas para sustentação de propostas igualmente diversificadas. Com foco nesse processo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar fundamentos históricos, teóricos e ético-políticos de grupos realizados com homens autores de violência contra mulheres. Para tal, elegemos como campo empírico três Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher (JVDFM) da Região Metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e estruturamos o corpus analítico a partir de três fontes e três técnicas de produção de dados: 1) observação participante do primeiro ao último encontro de um grupo reflexivo em cada JVDFM pesquisado; 2) entrevistas semiestruturadas com condutoras/es dos grupos reflexivos observados; 3) análise de documentos e normativas instituintes do Serviço de Educação e Responsabilização para HAV. Os dados produzidos a partir da triangulação das fontes – homens autores de violência, condutoras/es de grupos reflexivos e documentos – e técnicas mencionadas foram analisados com base na perspectiva relacional dos estudos de gênero e nos estudos feministas situados na perspectiva dos direitos humanos, articulados aos conceitos de habitus, capital cultural, campo e agente, de Pierre Bourdieu. As conclusões indicam tendência crescente de padronização do trabalho desenvolvido em grupos com homens autores de violência, a partir da produção de normativas deflagradas pela promulgação da Lei Maria da Penha, ainda que preservando relativa margem de autonomia teórico-técnica dos responsáveis por sua condução. Parte significativa dos fundamentos do trabalho permanece tributária das experiências e elaborações iniciais, com marcada influência dos estudos de gênero com ênfase nos direitos humanos de mulheres e na necessidade de responsabilização e de mudanças de perspectiva dos homens autores. No entanto, a institucionalização dos serviços prevalentemente no âmbito do Poder Judiciário impõe importantes inflexões na correlação de forças em operação no campo, estabelecendo um paradoxo expresso pela realização de um trabalho que se pretende reeducativo em um espaço historicamente associado ao controle e à punição. / [en] The institutional trajectory of reflexive groups for male perpetrators of violence in Rio de Janeiro begins with interventions designed and carried out by non-governmental organizations, until the enactment of Law 11.340/2006, in its articles 35 and 45, legitimized the Education Service and Accountability for men responsible for gender-based violence, as a public policy, within the scope of the Judiciary. In this movement of elaboration in process, as the implementation and reflection on the practices took place, several theoretical-methodological perspectives were set to support equally diversified proposals. Focusing on this method, this study aims to identify and analyze historical, theoretical and ethical-political foundations of groups made with men who are perpetrators of violence against women. Therefore, were elected as empirical field three Courts of Domestic and Family Violence against Women in the Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro and structured the analytical corpus from three sources and three data production techniques: 1) observation participant from the first to the last meeting of a reflective group in each researched court; 2) semi-structured interviews with conductors of the reflective groups observed; 3) analysis of documents and regulations instituting the Education and Accountability Service for male perpetrators. The data produced from the triangulation of sources – male responsible for violence, conductors of reflective groups and documents – and mentioned techniques were analyzed based on the relational perspective of gender studies and on feminist studies situated in the perspective of human rights, articulated to Pierre Bourdieu s concepts of habitus, cultural capital, field and agent. The conclusions indicate a growing tendency to standardize the work developed in groups with male perpetrators of violence, from the production of norms triggered by the enactment of the Maria da Penha Law, while preserving a relative margin of theoretical-technical autonomy for those responsible for conducting it. A significant part of the foundations of the work remains a result of the experiences and initial elaborations, with a marked influence of gender studies with an emphasis on women s rights and the need for accountability and changes in the perspective of male authors. However, the institutionalization of services, predominantly within the scope of the Judiciary, imposes important inflections in the correlation of forces in operation in the field, establishing a paradox expressed by carrying out a work that is intended to be re-educational in a space historically associated with control and punishment.

“That’s How Marriage Is”: An Ethnographic Study of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Lambayeque, Peru

Whitmer, Lauren N. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

La violencia de género en el cuento fantástico y de terror de autoría femenina en Latinoamérica (2016-2022)

Romero Rosas, Dafne Elena 07 1900 (has links)
Ces dernières années, la littérature latino-américaine a connu un accroissement de la production et de la publication de femmes écrivains qui explorent des genres tels que l'horreur ou le fantastique pour aborder les questions sociales qui les intéressent. Parmi ces thèmes figure la violence fondée sur le genre. Cette violence est le résultat de comportements normalisés soutenus par les structures patriarcales des sociétés latino-américaines, que ce soit dans le système gouvernemental ou scolaire, au travail ou dans la sphère familiale. Le présent travail de mémoire vise à réfléchir à la manière dont certaines auteures latino-américaines contemporaines abordent la violence fondée sur le genre à travers des récits courts dans les genres de l'horreur et du fantastique. Des histoires tirées des livres de cinq écrivaines seront analysées : Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (2016) de Mariana Enríquez (Argentine), Las voladoras (2020) de Mónica Ojeda (Équateur), Sacrificios Humanos (2021) de María Fernanda Ampuero (Équateur), Despojos (2022) de Lola Ancira (Mexique) et Perras de reserva (2022) de Dahlia de la Cerda (Mexique). L'analyse examine en particulier la relation entre le genre et la forme littéraires, d'une part, et l'intrigue et le sujet des textes, d'autre part. Les histoires sont considérées à la fois comme des produits esthétiques et des produits sociaux qui remettent en question les pratiques sociopolitiques qui maintiennent l'inégalité des femmes en Amérique latine. / Latin American women´s writing has recently experienced an interest in the representation of social issues under the aesthetics of the fantastic or of terror. Among these social themes is gender violence. Such violence is the result of normalized behaviors supported by patriarchal structures in Latin American societies, whether in the government or school systems, at work or within the family nucleus. This thesis focuses on the representation of gender violence in horror and fantastic short-stories written by contemporary Latin American women. It analyses five volumes of short-stories: Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (2016) by Mariana Enríquez (Argentina), Las voladoras (2020) by Mónica Ojeda (Ecuador), Sacrificios Humanos (2021) by María Fernanda Ampuero (Ecuador), Despojos (2022) by Lola Ancira (Mexico) y Perras de reserva (2022) de Dahlia de la Cerda (Mexico). The analysis focuses on the relationship between formal aspects and the plot and themes in the stories. Thus, they are considered aestetical and social products that cuestion sociopolitical practices that mantain gender inequality in Latinamerica. / La literatura en América Latina ha experimentado en años recientes un auge en la producción y publicación de autoras que exploran géneros como el horror o lo fantástico para abordar los temas sociales que les interesan. Entre estos temas se encuentra la violencia de género. Dicha violencia es el resultado de conductas normalizadas apoyadas por estructuras patriarcales en las sociedades latinoamericanas, tanto en el gobierno o los sistemas escolares, como en el ámbito de trabajo o en el núcleo familiar. El presente trabajo analiza la representación de la violencia de género en relatos fantásticos y de horror escritos por escritoras latinoamericanas contemporáneas. El corpus de análisis está compuesto de cinco volúmenes de relatos: Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (2016) de Mariana Enríquez (Argentina), Las voladoras (2020) de Mónica Ojeda (Ecuador), Sacrificios Humanos (2021) de María Fernanda Ampuero (Ecuador), Despojos (2022) de Lola Ancira (México) y Perras de reserva (2022) de Dahlia de la Cerda (México). El análisis considera en particular la relación del género literario y de la forma con la trama y la temática de los textos. Los relatos se entienden en su doble vertiente de productos estéticos y de productos sociales que cuestionan prácticas sociopolíticas que mantienen la desigualdad de las mujeres en Latinoamérica.

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