Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geographic forminformation system"" "subject:"geographic informationation system""
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Flächennutzungsmonitoring - aktuelle Ergebnisse und Entwicklungen im IÖR-MonitorMeinel, Gotthard, Krüger, Tobias, Schumacher, Ulrich, Hennersdorf, Jörg, Förster, Jochen, Köhler, Christiane, Walz, Ulrich, Stein, Christian 10 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Nach Darstellung der Anforderungen an ein zeitgemäßes Flächennutzungsmonitoring werden aktuelle Ergebnisse des Monitors der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) vorgestellt. Diese beruhen insbesondere auf der Analyse topographischen Geobasisdaten von 2012 (mittlere Grundaktualität 2010). Die Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche steigt danach weiter ungemindert, sodass keine Entwarnung bzgl. des Erreichens der Flächensparziele gegeben werden kann. Da sich der IÖR-Monitor insbesondere auf die Auswertung des ATKIS Basis-DLM stützt, werden dessen jüngste Entwicklungen mit den Aspekten Aktualität und AAA-Migration vorgestellt. Erstmals werden die Ergebnisse des IÖR-Monitors durch Migrationseffekte geringfügig beeinflusst, die im Detail dargestellt werden. Anschließend werden neue Indikatoren der Kategorie Siedlung (Bodenversiegelungsgrad), Gebäude (Gebäudedichte und -überbauungsgrad) sowie Landschaftsqualität (Anteil naturbetonter Flächen und Hemerobieindex) erläutert. Inzwischen ist auch die kleinräumige Indikatordarstellung in Form von Rasterkarten bis 100-m-Rasterweite in einem integrierten Detailviewer mit GIS-Funktionalität möglich. Die technische Realisierung und die verfügbaren Indikatorkarten werden kurz vorgestellt. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die nächsten Arbeiten im IÖR-Monitor ab.
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Zur Erzeugung hochauflösender datenschutzkonformer MischrasterkartenDießelmann, Markus, Meinel, Gotthard 10 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit adressbezogener Daten im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung geometrischer Raster zur Raumuntergliederung haben die Voraussetzungen für kleinräumige Analysen deutlich verbessert. Bei der Verwendung personenbezogener Daten müssen datenschutzrechtliche Vorgaben eingehalten werden, falls die Rasterzellen zu wenig Fallzahlen enthalten. Vielfach werden diese Rasterzellen ausgeblendet, wodurch Informationen in der Karte verloren gehen.
Eine datenschutzkonforme Alternative stellt die Aggregation von Rasterzellen dar, bis die Fallzahlen einen vorgegebenen Grenzwert überschreiten. In diesem Beitrag werden Möglichkeiten vorgestellt und bewertet, nach denen sich datenschutzkonforme Mischrasterkarten erzeugen lassen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Auflösungsverluste der erzeugten Mischrasterkarten gelegt, um geeignete Datengrundlagen für kleinräumige Analysen zu schaffen.
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Automatische Erkennung von Gebäudetypen auf Grundlage von GeobasisdatenHecht, Robert 10 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Für die kleinräumige Modellierung und Analyse von Prozessen im Siedlungsraum spielen gebäudebasierte Informationen eine zentrale Rolle. In amtlichen Geodaten, Karten und Diensten des Liegenschaftskatasters und der Landesvermessung werden die Gebäude in ihrem Grundriss modelliert. Semantische Informationen zur Gebäudefunktion, der Wohnform oder dem Baualter sind in den Geobasisdaten nur selten gegeben.
In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode zur automatischen Klassifizierung von Gebäudegrundrissen vorgestellt mit dem Ziel, diese für die Ableitung kleinräumiger Informationen zur Siedlungsstruktur zu nutzen. Dabei kommen Methoden der Mustererkennung und des maschinellen Lernens zum Einsatz. Im Kern werden Gebäudetypologie, Eingangsdaten, Merkmalsgewinnung sowie verschiedene Klassifikationsverfahren hinsichtlich ihrer Genauigkeit und Generalisierungsfähigkeit untersucht. Der Ensemble-basierte Random-Forest-Algorithmus zeigt im Vergleich zu 15 weiteren Lernverfahren die höchste Generalisierungsfähigkeit und Effizienz und wurde als bester Klassifikator zur Lösung der Aufgabenstellung identifiziert.
Für Gebäudegrundrisse im Vektormodell, speziell den Gebäuden aus der ALK, dem ALKIS® oder dem ATKIS® Basis-DLM sowie den amtlichen Hausumringen und 3D-Gebäudemodellen, kann mit dem Klassifikator für alle städtischen Gebiete eine Klassifikationsgenauigkeit zwischen 90 % und 95 % erreicht werden. Die Genauigkeit bei Nutzung von Gebäudegrundrissen extrahiert aus digitalen topographischen Rasterkarten ist mit 76 % bis 88 % deutlich geringer.
Die automatische Klassifizierung von Gebäudegrundrissen leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gewinnung von Informationen für die kleinräumige Beschreibung der Siedlungsstruktur. Neben der Relevanz in den Forschungs- und Anwendungsfeldern der Stadtgeographie und Stadtplanung sind die Ergebnisse auch für die kartographischen Arbeitsfelder der Kartengeneralisierung, der automatisierten Kartenerstellung sowie verschiedenen Arbeitsfeldern der Geovisualisierung relevant.
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台灣地區高速公路系統建設對人口及產業空間分布之影響 / The impact of highway construction on the spatial distribution of population and economic activities- the case study in Taiwan陳學祥, Chen, Syue Siang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究希望以我國從1976至2010年來,共九條高速公路系統 建設為研究主軸,利用台灣城際運輸系統需求模式(TMD2008)之旅行時間資料、內政部戶口普查及工商普查資料為基礎,並運用事前事後比較(before and after analysis)與空間自相關分析(Spatial Autocorrelation analysis)等分析方法對高速公路系統建設所造成區域人口、產業之空間變動進行評估,分析高速公路系統建設對於區域人口、產業及交通可及性之空間分布變化影響。最後則建構高速公路可及性對區域人口及產業空間影響模型,並針對歷年來高速公路系統建設對國家及區域發展的影響進行實證分析。 / The benefits of highway infrastructure investments include promoted inter-regional accessibility and mobility, saved travel time and cost and increased land value in freeway interchange areas. In sum, highway infrastructure investments play an important role in national and regional development. It contributes to the population re-distribution, the growth of economic activities, and more importantly, the land use change. Therefore, how to effectively evaluate the impact of highway investments on national and regional development is an important research topic. The analytical results in this study can be applied to increase the accuracy of population and economic projection, and to manage transportation policy decisions.
Between 1976 and 2010, there were nine highway systems had been built in Taiwan. This study emphasizes on the impact of highway investments on the spatial distribution of population and industry, and regional accessibility change. In this paper, we utilize before and after analysis and Spatial Autocorrelation analysis with Geographic Information System to analyze demographic data, economic data and TDM2008 database in order to perform the spatial analysis of population and industry re-distribution along highway constructions. Finally, a spatial gravity model is built to verify and describe the related spatial impacts so that several influential factors can be identified by this empirical study.
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Applications of Spatio-temporal Analytical Methods in Surveillance of Ross River Virus DiseaseHu, Wenbiao January 2005 (has links)
The incidence of many arboviral diseases is largely associated with social and environmental conditions. Ross River virus (RRV) is the most prevalent arboviral disease in Australia. It has long been recognised that the transmission pattern of RRV is sensitive to socio-ecological factors including climate variation, population movement, mosquito-density and vegetation types. This study aimed to assess the relationships between socio-environmental variability and the transmission of RRV using spatio-temporal analytic methods. Computerised data files of daily RRV disease cases and daily climatic variables in Brisbane, Queensland during 1985-2001 were obtained from the Queensland Department of Health and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, respectively. Available information on other socio-ecological factors was also collected from relevant government agencies as follows: 1) socio-demographic data from the Australia Bureau of Statistics; 2) information on vegetation (littoral wetlands, ephemeral wetlands, open freshwater, riparian vegetation, melaleuca open forests, wet eucalypt, open forests and other bushland) from Brisbane City Council; 3) tidal activities from the Queensland Department of Transport; and 4) mosquito-density from Brisbane City Council. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used as an exploratory technique for discovering spatial and temporal pattern of RRV distribution. The PCA results show that the first principal component accounted for approximately 57% of the information, which contained the four seasonal rates and loaded highest and positively for autumn. K-means cluster analysis indicates that the seasonality of RRV is characterised by three groups with high, medium and low incidence of disease, and it suggests that there are at least three different disease ecologies. The variation in spatio-temporal patterns of RRV indicates a complex ecology that is unlikely to be explained by a single dominant transmission route across these three groupings. Therefore, there is need to explore socio-economic and environmental determinants of RRV disease at the statistical local area (SLA) level. Spatial distribution analysis and multiple negative binomial regression models were employed to identify the socio-economic and environmental determinants of RRV disease at both the city and local (ie, SLA) levels. The results show that RRV activity was primarily concentrated in the northeast, northwest and southeast areas in Brisbane. The negative binomial regression models reveal that RRV incidence for the whole of the Brisbane area was significantly associated with Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) at a lag of 3 months (Relative Risk (RR): 1.12; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.06 - 1.17), the proportion of people with lower levels of education (RR: 1.02; 95% CI: 1.01 - 1.03), the proportion of labour workers (RR: 0.97; 95% CI: 0.95 - 1.00) and vegetation density (RR: 1.02; 95% CI: 1.00 - 1.04). However, RRV incidence for high risk areas (ie, SLAs with higher incidence of RRV) was significantly associated with mosquito density (RR: 1.01; 95% CI: 1.00 - 1.01), SOI at a lag of 3 months (RR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.23 - 1.78), human population density (RR: 3.77; 95% CI: 1.35 - 10.51), the proportion of indigenous population (RR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.37 - 0.87) and the proportion of overseas visitors (RR: 0.57; 95% CI: 0.35 - 0.92). It is acknowledged that some of these risk factors, while statistically significant, are small in magnitude. However, given the high incidence of RRV, they may still be important in practice. The results of this study suggest that the spatial pattern of RRV disease in Brisbane is determined by a combination of ecological, socio-economic and environmental factors. The possibility of developing an epidemic forecasting system for RRV disease was explored using the multivariate Seasonal Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) technique. The results of this study suggest that climatic variability, particularly precipitation, may have played a significant role in the transmission of RRV disease in Brisbane. This finding cannot entirely be explained by confounding factors such as other socio-ecological conditions because they have been unlikely to change dramatically on a monthly time scale in this city over the past two decades. SARIMA models show that monthly precipitation at a lag 2 months (=0.004,p=0.031) was statistically significantly associated with RRV disease. It suggests that there may be 50 more cases a year for an increase of 100 mm precipitation on average in Brisbane. The predictive values in the model were generally consistent with actual values (root-mean-square error (RMSE): 1.96). Therefore, this model may have applications as a decision support tool in disease control and risk-management planning programs in Brisbane. The Polynomial distributed lag (PDL) time series regression models were performed to examine the associations between rainfall, mosquito density and the occurrence of RRV after adjusting for season and auto-correlation. The PDL model was used because rainfall and mosquito density can affect not merely RRV occurring in the same month, but in several subsequent months. The rationale for the use of the PDL technique is that it increases the precision of the estimates. We developed an epidemic forecasting model to predict incidence of RRV disease. The results show that 95% and 85% of the variation in the RRV disease was accounted for by the mosquito density and rainfall, respectively. The predictive values in the model were generally consistent with actual values (RMSE: 1.25). The model diagnosis reveals that the residuals were randomly distributed with no significant auto-correlation. The results of this study suggest that PDL models may be better than SARIMA models (R-square increased and RMSE decreased). The findings of this study may facilitate the development of early warning systems for the control and prevention of this widespread disease. Further analyses were conducted using classification trees to identify major mosquito species of Ross River virus (RRV) transmission and explore the threshold of mosquito density for RRV disease in Brisbane, Australia. The results show that Ochlerotatus vigilax (RR: 1.028; 95% CI: 1.001 - 1.057) and Culex annulirostris (RR: 1.013, 95% CI: 1.003 - 1.023) were significantly associated with RRV disease cycles at a lag of 1 month. The presence of RRV was associated with average monthly mosquito density of 72 Ochlerotatus vigilax and 52 Culex annulirostris per light trap. These results may also have applications as a decision support tool in disease control and risk management planning programs. As RRV has significant impact on population health, industry, and tourism, it is important to develop an epidemic forecast system for this disease. The results of this study show the disease surveillance data can be integrated with social, biological and environmental databases. These data can provide additional input into the development of epidemic forecasting models. These attempts may have significant implications in environmental health decision-making and practices, and may help health authorities determine public health priorities more wisely and use resources more effectively and efficiently.
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Βιοπαρακολούθηση (biomonitoring) των προστατευόμενων περιοχών του δικτύου Φύση 2000 με σύγχρονες μεθόδους τηλεπισκόπησης και τηλεμετρίαςΓεωργιάδης, Γεώργιος 20 April 2011 (has links)
Η επιστήμη της τηλεπισκόπησης και τα δορυφορικά δεδομένα, αποτελούν σήμερα ένα σύγχρονο επιστημονικό εργαλείο, αφού παρέχουν πλήθος σημαντικών πληροφοριών διευκολύνοντας σημαντικά την έρευνα σε πολλά επιστημονικά πεδία. Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα διαχρονικής παρακολούθησης της βλάστησης και των ανθρώπινων επιδράσεων στην προστατευόμενη περιοχή του Δάσους της Στροφιλιάς – λιμνοθάλασσας Καλογριάς και Κοτυχίου με σύγχρονες μεθόδους Τηλεπισκόπησης και Τηλεμετρίας. Ειδικότερα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν αεροφωτογραφίες και εικόνες από το δορυφόρο Landsat για απεικόνιση των φασματικών υπογραφών και ανίχνευση των μεταβολών της βλάστησης και του τοπίου. Επίσης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δεδομένα από αισθητήρες μέτρησης υδρολογικών παραμέτρων για να δείξουμε χρονικές μεταβολές. Τέλος δημιουργήθηκε μία on-line βάση δεδομένων με σκοπό να διευκολύνει την εργασία πεδίου αλλά και το χρόνο της καταχώρησης της δειγματοληψίας. / In nowadays the science of remote sensing and satellite data, represent a modern scientific tool, due to the fact that can provide plenty of important information making easier the research in a lot of scientific fields. In the present work we demonstrate a complete biomonitoring system of diachronic follow-up of vegetation and human effects in the protected region of Strofylia's Forest and the lagoons of Kalogrias and Kotyhi, with modern remote sensing methods and Telemetry. More specifically we used aerial photos and satellite images from the Landsat satellite in order to illustrate spectrum signatures and detection of changes. Also we analyzed data from sensors that measured environmental parameters in order to show time changes. Finally we created an online database so as to store all this important information that we produced but also to minimize the total time of registration and sampling.
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Os acidentes na atenção básica de saúde : tipologias, vítimas e territórios em uma região do município de Porto Alegre/RS / Accidents at the health basic care: typologies, victims and territories in a city quarter of the municipality of Porto Alegre-RS / Los accidentes en la atención básica de salud: tipologías, víctimas y territorios en una región de la municipalidad de Porto Alegre-RSBueno, André Luis Machado January 2010 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo retrospectivo, com abordagem quanti e qualitativa, da morbidade por causas externas não intencionais (acidentes) entre os atendimentos dos serviços de Atenção Básica de Saúde das regiões da Lomba do Pinheiro e Partenon, do município de Porto Alegre/RS, de janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2008. Objetivou descrever e analisar as principais características da morbidade por causas acidentais. A partir da década de 80, as causas externas passaram a ocupar o segundo lugar entre as causas de morte no Brasil, chegando a 12,5% do total de mortes no ano 2000. Entre os tipos de agravo destacam-se as lesões acidentais e os acidentes de transporte. Este estudo se propôs a uma análise dos registros, a fim de traçar um perfil frequencial e tipológico dos atendimentos (vítimas e agravos), além de geoprocessar as informações para contextualizar os eventos. O tratamento e análise dos dados contaram com o auxílio de uma planilha eletrônica e dos softwares SPSS versão 16 e TABWIN versão 3.6 para análise dos dados quantitativos, MAPINFO versão 7.8 e TERRAVIEW versão 3.3.1 para o georreferenciamento e análise dos dados espaciais. Utilizou-se o teste estatístico qui-quadrado (p < 0,05) em conjunto com o coeficiente de contingência a fim de verificar possíveis associações e o grau das mesmas entre as variáveis. Os registros profissionais discursivos foram analisados considerando a descoberta de sentidos nas comunicações e na identificação dos comportamentos presentes nos mesmos. A análise dos dados indicou que o domicílio, com 53,8% do total de dados, foi o local de ocorrência mais registrado e que existem diferenças de comportamento na constituição das situações de vulnerabilidade aos acidentes, principalmente, ao se levar em consideração condutas pessoais, fatores ambientais, aspectos geracionais e de gênero. Constatou-se também que os olhares profissionais são predominantemente dirigidos para a lesão, desconsiderando o contexto social dos acidentes. Os registros atestam a baixa gravidade das lesões atendidas na Atenção Básica, sugerindo que muitas das mesmas possam ser tratadas localmente, sem a exigência de serviços de maior complexidade, sustentando o potencial da Atenção Básica na implementação de ações preventivas e promocionais em saúde no campo desses agravos. / It is about an epidemiologic, descriptive and retrospective study with quantitative and qualitative approach on morbidity due to non-intentional external causes (accidents) among attendances of services at the Health Basic Care units located in the city quarters of Lomba do Pinheiro and Partenon in the municipality of Porto Alegre – RS from January 2002 to December 2008. It aimed at describing and analyzing the main characteristics of morbidity due to accidental causes. From the 1980´s on, external causes started occupying the second position among death causes in Brazil, reaching 12.5% of the total deaths in the year 2000. Among the types of injuries, accidental lesions and transportation accidents stand out. This study had the proposal of making an analysis of the records in order to trace a frequency and type profile of the attendances (victims and injuries) besides processing the information geographically in order to contextualize the events. The treatment and analysis of the data were carried out with the aid of an electronic table and of software such as the 16-version SPSS and the 3.6-version TABWIN for the analysis of quantitative data and the 7.8-version MAPINFO and the 3.3.1-version TERRAVIEW for the geographic referral and space data analysis. The statistic chi-square test (p < 0.05) was utilized in association with the contingency coefficient in order to verify possible associations and their degree among the variables. The discursive professional records were analyzed by considering the discovery of meanings upon communication and in the identification of the behaviors present in such meanings. The analysis of the data indicated that the domicile comprising 53,8% of the total data was the most registered place of occurrences and that there are differences of behavior in the constitution of the situations of vulnerability to accidents mainly when one takes into consideration personal conducts, environmental factors, generation and gender aspects. It has also been found out that professional glances are mostly addressed to the lesion and do not consider the social context of the accidents. The records evidence the low severity of the lesions attended at the Basic Care Services, suggesting that they can be treated locally without requiring services of more complexity what supports the potential of the Basic Care Services in the implementation of preventive and promotional health actions in the field of these injuries. / Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y retrospectivo, con abordaje cuantitativo y cualitativo, de la morbilidad por causas externas no intencionales (accidentes) entre los atendimientos de los servicios de Atención Básica de Salud de las regiones de Lomba do Pinheiro y Partenon en la municipalidad de Porto Alegre/RS, de enero de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2008. El objetivo fue describir y analizar las principales características de la morbilidad por causas accidentales. A partir de la década de 1980, las causas externas pasaron a ocupar la segunda posición entre las causas de muerte en Brasil, llegando a 12.5% del total de muertes en el año 2000. Entre los tipos de agravios, sobresalen las lesiones accidentales y los accidentes de transporte. Este estudio se propuso a un análisis de los registros, a fin de trazar un perfil de frecuencia y de clase de los atendimientos (víctimas y agravios), además de procesar geográficamente las informaciones para contextualizar los eventos. El tratamiento y análisis de los datos contaron con el auxilio de una planilla electrónica y de los programas computacionales SPSS versión 16 y TABWIN versión 3.6 para el análisis de los datos cuantitativos, MAPINFO versión 7.8 y TERRAVIEW versión 3.3.1 para el referencial geográfico y el análisis de los datos espaciales. Se utilizó el teste estadístico chi cuadrado (p < 0,05) en conjunto con el coeficiente de contingencia a fin de verificar posibles asociaciones y el grado de las mismas entre las variables. Los registros profesionales discursivos fueron analizados considerando el descubrimiento de sentidos en las comunicaciones y en la identificación de los comportamientos presentes en los mismos. El análisis de los datos indicó que el domicilio, con 53,8% del total de los datos, fue el local de ocurrencia más registrado y que existen diferencias de comportamiento en las constituciones de las situaciones de vulnerabilidad a los accidentes, principalmente, al llevarse en consideración conductas personales, factores ambientales, aspectos de generación y género. Se constató, también, que las miradas profesionales son predominantemente dirigidas para la lesión y no consideran el contexto social de los accidentes. Los registros atestan la baja gravedad de las lesiones atendidas en la Atención Básica, sugiriendo que muchas de las mismas pueden ser tratadas localmente, sin la exigencia de servicios de mayor complejidad, sustentando el potencial de la Atención Básica en la implementación de acciones preventivas y promocionales de salud en el campo de estos agravios.
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Gerenciamento costeiro integrado à luz dos sistemas e da diversidade ambiental: aplicação em Jaguaruna, Santa CatarinaMartins, Eduardo Marques January 2017 (has links)
Conflitos de uso da terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente inseridas na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) da Baleia Franca incitaram o Ministério Público Federal (MPF) a decretar um embargo nos balneários do município de Jaguaruna/Santa Catarina em 2011. O problema está relacionado à falta de planejamento urbano adequado, à limitada capacidade de ação tecnológica e técnica, e de investimento financeiro para o equacionamento dos impactos ambientais oriundos da expansão urbana por parte da gestão pública municipal. O objetivo da presente tese é propor ações e cenários de manejo para as condições de conflito observadas no balneário Camacho/Jaguaruna (com vistas à replicação da proposta nos demais balneários do município) a partir da avaliação integrada: de regiões homogêneas da Diversidade Ambiental (naturezas biótica e abiótica), da dinâmica sedimentar, do paradigma da Geodiversidade e das diretrizes de instrumentos de gestão e planejamento pré-existentes. Todos os procedimentos de avaliação espacial foram realizados em ambiente de Sistema de Informações Geográficas, a escala e a unidade de análise adotadas foram, respectivamente: 1:10.000 e a paisagem. A proposta metodológica se desenvolveu pela consecução das seguintes etapas: (1) Regionalização do campo de dunas interior; (2) Setorização da Orla Marítima; (3) Identificação de conflitos e condicionantes; (4) Aplicação do Índice de Criticidade Legal – Ambiental (ICLA); (5) Avaliação da geodiversidade; (6) Elaboração das ações e dos cenários de manejo. A identificação dos diferentes objetos geográficos está diretamente relacionada com a capacidade de representar a compreensão das condições de conflitos na conjuntura local A aplicação do ICLA identificou e hierarquizou as condições de conflito de forma simples e inteligível. As abordagens sobre a Diversidade Ambiental e os geosserviços (serviços ecossistêmicos abióticos) possibilitaram a incorporação e a valoração de benefícios da natureza abiótica nas propostas de manejo. As ações e cenários de manejo foram estruturados a partir de três tipos de intervenções/concepções: (i) Manutenção da tendência atual de desenvolvimento; (ii) Sustentabilidade como meta (conservação ambiental); (iii) Reconstituição ambiental (preservação ambiental). Entretanto, tais tendências têm caráter balizador (indicam possibilidades de gestão); dessa forma, os gestores públicos podem deliberar um cenário híbrido. As ações de manejo se fundamentaram na dinâmica da Diversidade Ambiental e visaram a readequação das ações e das feições antrópicas para que sejam coerentes com a dinâmica e o ambiente em que se localizam. Os cenários de manejo foram destinados ao delineamento de novas estratégias de desenvolvimento, haja vista que o planejamento municipal atual para as áreas litorâneas não contempla as suas peculiaridades. A proposta metodológica incorporou e deu continuidade à instrumentos de gestão preexistentes e decisões consensuais coletivas (deliberados em audiências públicas e em rodadas de debates sobre gestão de conflitos), condição que reforça a legitimidades e relevância dos atores sociais envolvidos na promoção de ações que objetivaram o equacionamento das condições de conflito. Os resultados foram submetidos à avaliação dos gestores públicos municipais e estaduais, à APA da Baleia Franca e ao MPF (tendo em vista a sua possível aplicação em Termos de Ajuste de Conduta sobre o embargo instaurado no município). / Land use conflicts in Permanent Preservation Areas within the Baleia Franca Environmental Protection Area (EPA) prompted the Federal Prosecution Service (FPS) to promote an embargo in the balnearies of the municipality of Jaguaruna/Santa Catarina in 2011. The problem of the municipal public management is related to the lack of adequate urban planning, the limited capacity for technological and technical action, and financial investment to solve the environmental impacts of urban expansion. The objective of this thesis is to propose management actions and scenarios for the conflict conditions observed in Camacho balneary/Jaguaruna (with a view to the replication of the proposal in the other municipality balnearies) from the integrated assessment of homogeneous regions of Environmental Diversity (biotic and abiotic natures), sedimentary dynamics, the Geodiversity paradigm and the guidelines of pre-existing management and planning instruments. All the spatial evaluation procedures were performed in a Geographic Information System environment, the scale and the unit of analysis adopted were, respectively: 1: 10,000 and the landscape. The methodological proposal followed these stages: (1) Regionalization of the interior dune field; (2) Sectorization of the Seafront; (3) Identification of conflicts and constraints; (4) Application of the Legal - Environmental Criticality Index (ICLA); (5) Geodiversity assessment; (6) Elaboration of management actions and scenarios. The identification of the different geographic objects is directly related to the capacity to represent the understanding of the conflict conditions in the local conjuncture. The application of the ICLA identified and hierarchized the conflict conditions in a simple and intelligible way The approaches to Environmental Diversity and geoservices (abiotic ecosystem services) have enabled the incorporation and valuation of abiotic benefits in the management proposals. Management actions and scenarios were structured based on three types of interventions/conceptions: (i) Maintenance of the current development trend; (ii) Sustainability as a goal (environmental conservation); (iii) Environmental reconstitution (environmental preservation). However, such tendencies are just guidelines for the management; in this way, public managers have the option to decide on a hybrid scenario. The actions of management were based on the dynamics of the Environmental Diversity and aimed at the re-adaptation of the anthropic actions and infrastructures to be coherent with the dynamics and the environment in which they are located. The management scenarios were designed to outline new development strategies since current municipal planning for the coastal areas does not take into account their peculiarities. The methodological proposal incorporated and continued pre-existing management tools and collective consensual decisions (deliberated in public hearings and rounds of conflict management debates), a condition that reinforces the legitimacy and relevance of the social actors involved in the promotion of actions that aimed at solving the conditions of conflict. The results obtained were submitted to the evaluation of the municipal and state public managers, the Baleia Franca EPA and the FPS (with a perspective of possible application in the “Terms of Adjustment of Conduct” about the embargo established in the municipality). / Los conflictos de uso de la tierra en Áreas de Preservación Permanente inseridas en el Área de Protección Ambiental (APA) de la Baleia Franca incitaron al Ministerio Público Federal (MPF) a decretar un embargo en los balnearios del municipio de Jaguaruna/Santa Catarina en 2011. El problema de la gestión pública municipal está relacionado a la falta de planificación urbana adecuada, a la limitada capacidad de acción tecnológica y técnica, y de inversión financiera para solucionar los impactos ambientales oriundos de la expansión urbana. El objetivo de la presente tesis es proponer acciones y escenarios de manejo para las condiciones de conflicto observadas en el balneario Camacho/Jaguaruna (con miras a la replicación de la propuesta en los demás balnearios del municipio) a partir de la evaluación integrada: de regiones homogéneas de la Diversidad Ambiental (naturalezas biótica y abiótica), de la dinámica sedimentaria, del paradigma de la Geodiversidad y de las directrices de instrumentos de gestión y planificación preexistentes. Todos los procedimientos de evaluación espacial se realizaron en ambiente de Sistema de Información Geográfica, la escala y la unidad de análisis adoptadas fueron, respectivamente: 1:10,000 y el paisaje. La metodología desarrollada siguió las siguientes etapas: (1) Regionalización del campo de dunas interior; (2) Sectorización de la Orilla Marítima; (3) Identificación de conflictos y condicionantes; (4) Aplicación del Índice de Criticidad Legal - Ambiental (ICLA); (5) Evaluación de la geodiversidad; (6) Elaboración de las acciones y de los escenarios de manejo. La identificación de los diferentes objetos geográficos está directamente relacionada con la capacidad de representar la comprensión de las condiciones de conflicto en la coyuntura local La aplicación del ICLA identificó y jerarquizó las condiciones de conflicto de forma simple e inteligible. Los enfoques sobre la Diversidad Ambiental y los servicios ecosistémicos abióticos posibilitaron la incorporación y la valoración de beneficios de la naturaleza abiótica en las propuestas de manejo. Las acciones y escenarios de manejo fueron estructurados a partir de tres tipos de intervenciones/concepciones: (i) Mantenimiento de la tendencia actual de desarrollo; (ii) Sostenibilidad como meta (conservación ambiental); (iii) Reconstitución ambiental (preservación ambiental). Sin embargo, las tendencias presentadas indican solamente posibilidades de gestión; de esa forma los gestores públicos pueden deliberar un escenario híbrido. Las acciones de manejo se fundamentaron en la dinámica de la Diversidad Ambiental y buscaron la readecuación de las acciones e infraestructuras antrópicas para que sean coherentes con la dinámica y el ambiente en que se ubican. Los escenarios de manejo se destinaron al delineamiento de nuevas estrategias de desarrollo, dado que la planificación municipal actual para las áreas litorales no contempla sus peculiaridades. La propuesta metodológica incorporó y dio continuidad a instrumentos de gestión preexistentes y decisiones de consenso colectivo (deliberadas en audiencias públicas y en reuniones sobre gestión de conflictos), condición que refuerza la legitimidad y relevancia de los actores sociales involucrados en la promoción de acciones que objetivaron la solución de las condiciones de conflicto. Los resultados fueron sometidos a la evaluación de los gestores públicos municipales y departamentales, a la APA de la Baleia Franca y al MPF (teniendo en vista su posible aplicación en los “Acuerdos de Ajuste de Conducta” relacionados al embargo instaurado en el municipio).
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Potencial impacto das mudanças climáticas nas perdas de solo e água na microbacia do córrego Jaqueira, Alegre - ES. / Potential impact of climate change on soil loss and water in the watershed of the córrego Jaqueira, Alegre - ES.Oliveira, João Paulo Bestete de 22 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-22 / The control of erosion requires an understanding of the complex interactions between chemical, physical, hydrological and meteorological. Several mathematical models have been developed and improved in objective to predict the magnitude of soil loss by erosion, like the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The potential of projected global climate changes to increase the risk of soil erosion, with related environmental consequences is clear, but the real damage is not yet known and needs to be evaluated. It was objectified with this work to evaluate the impact of climate change on soil loss and water catchment in the Espírito Santo. To reach the proposed objectives was held to characterize the watershed area of stream Jaqueira located in the Alegre-ES city, and the lifting of the input files of the WEPP model (climate, soil, land use and management and topography). Subsequently, we obtained the future climate scenarios through the deviations from expected values for the climatic elements (rainfall, solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperatures), according to the HadCM3 global climate model. Finally, we applied the model to predict soil loss and water through the integration of softwares GeoWEPP, TOPAZ and ArcView to current climatic conditions and relating to different time-slices (2020, 2050 and 2080) and emissions scenarios (A2 and B2). The obtained results allowed to conclude that: the current simulated average losses in the watershed of the stream Jaqueira are of 52.9 mm year-1 for the runoff and 17.5 t ha-1 yr-1; in the current scenario, the areas with the largest losses were secondary regeneration and natural grassland; the hillslope 3, by has average slope, land cover influences; is forecast in 2020 A2, B2 2020 B2 and 2050, increase the runoff and the rate of soil loss, when is expected increase in precipitation, is predicted by 2050 A2, 2080 A2 and B2 in 2080, reducing runoff and soil loss rate, even when expected increase in precipitation / O controle do processo erosivo requer o entendimento das interações complexas entre os processos químicos e físicos do solo, além dos hidrológicos e meteorológicos. Diversos modelos matemáticos vêm sendo desenvolvidos e aperfeiçoados com o objetivo de prever a magnitude das perdas de solo por erosão, como o Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). O potencial das mudanças climáticas globais projetadas em aumentar o risco de erosão do solo, com as conseqüências ambientais relacionadas, é claro, mas o real dano ainda não é conhecido e precisa ser avaliado. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o impacto das mudanças climáticas globais sobre as perdas potenciais de solo e água em microbacia hidrográfica no Espírito Santo. Para tanto, realizaram-se caracterizações climáticas e físicas da área da microbacia do córrego Jaqueira, localizada no município de Alegre-ES, bem como a criação dos arquivos de entrada do modelo WEPP (clima, solo, uso e manejo do solo e topografia). Posteriormente, foram simulados os cenários climáticos futuros através dos valores dos desvios esperados para os elementos climáticos (precipitação, radiação solar, temperaturas máximas e mínimas), de acordo com o modelo climático global HadCM3. Por fim, aplicou-se o modelo para a predição das perdas de solo e água através da integração dos softwares GeoWEPP, TOPAZ e ArcView, para a condição climática atual e referentes a diferentes time-slices (2020, 2050 e 2080) e cenários de emissões (A2 e B2). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: as perdas médias atuais simuladas na microbacia do córrego Jaqueira são de 52,9 mm ano-1 para o escoamento superficial e de 17,5 t ha-1 ano-1; no cenário atual as áreas que apresentaram maiores perdas foram regeneração secundária e pastagem natural; a encosta 3, por possuir maior declividade média influencia a cobertura vegetal; há previsão, em 2020 A2, 2020 B2 e 2050 B2, de aumento do escoamento superficial e da taxa de perda de solo, quando esperado aumento da precipitação; há previsão, em 2050 A2, 2080 A2 e 2080 B2, de diminuição do escoamento superficial e da taxa de perda de solo, mesmo quando esperado aumento da precipitação
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Sistema integrado de informações para preservação de recursos hídricos em unidades de conservação / Integrated information system for protecting water resources in protected areas.Lucy Mary Soares Souza 10 June 2010 (has links)
The increasing demand of mankind by use of water quality and sufficient volume to meet their needs in their different uses, shows that water resources must be managed and preserved. A watershed is the physical unit that integrates the entire flow of water that makes up the hydrological cycle, but its use is being carried out in a disorderly way, without complying with the compliance of their characteristics and fragilities. Brazil has a very advanced legislation regarding the environment, especially related to water, and a growing awareness of the need to demarcate areas in order to safeguard the different ecosystems found in this vast territory. In Brazil, many of the areas selected to include environmental protection within its boundaries major resources stocks. However, deforestation and poor land use along these water resources may affect and jeopardize the supply and quality of water throughout their watersheds, affecting populations downstream. The purpose of this paper is to present an Integrated Information System, embodied in a Geographic Information System (GIS), which adds the elements required for management and conservation of water resources in protected areas. In the development of GIS will be used the new structure and Geographical Data Vector (EDGV) and the Geospatial Metadata Profile of Brazil (MGB), approved in 2008 by the National Cartography (Conc), aiming to standardize the structures spatial data, facilitating data sharing, interoperability and rationalization of resources among data producers and users of geospatial information. In the proposed system shows that the systematic organization into a Geographic Information System (GIS) of water resources and the various elements and factors about them impacting facilitates the analysis and subsequent management of water resources conservation units (CUs). Through these spatial analysis and comparative data were obtained as a result of the making of a final map containing an indication of inharmonious elements in the area. Indicated the best places to collect water in order to assess its quality and, eventually, we proposed a new limit for the conservation unit. The final map will serve as support for management to operate and monitor the areas according to their real possibilities and implement corrective measures and mitigation. Additionally, information based on the database associated with the GIS will enable the integration of various public and private entities that deal with specific issues, enabling interoperability and cooperation between them, as well as confirming that the use of Geotechnology is an appropriate option for the best management of the areas involved. The techniques and procedures used can be applied in the management of water resources from other areas. We used the União Biological Reserve - Rebio Union - located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, as a case study.
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