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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O processo de expans?o urbana recente da Regi?o Sudoeste de Campinas: agentes e impactos / The process of recent urban expansion in the Southwest Region of Campinas: agents and impacts

Silva, Ricardo Alexandre da 20 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Alexandre da Silva.pdf: 4665229 bytes, checksum: cc37467a70880b84241ccf1b2383289f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-20 / Universidade Estadual Paulista J?lio de Mesquita Filho / This research want to understand and analyze the process of creating neighborhoods at Jardim Florence I e II, Parque Floresta, Jardim Itaja?, Jardim Lisa, Jardim Rossin, Jardim Sat?lite Iris, Jardim Santa Rosa, Ch?caras Cruzeiro do Sul e Parque Valen?a, deployed in the region of Campo Grande, Campinas / S?o Paulo. More specifically, it s intented to verify the performance of agents legislation as a tool of appropriation and transformation of large parts of territory in geographic space built; industry that apply to their production practices, streamlines and redevelop the city's urban scales; affordable housing, to be directed to the worker, stimulates the housing market to produce it in a legal and or illegal way. And applying the analysis made of these agents, pursuit through the case study of neighborhoods present in this area, identify the practices of occupation that resulted in the construction of neighborhoods that currently have large social and economic disparities, resulting in a poor urban settlement, with neighborhoods fragmented, dispersed and occupied by a population, permeated by predatory economic practices that give many of these places the title of "Sacrifice Zones". / A presente pesquisa pretende compreender e analisar o processo de cria??o dos bairros Jardim Florence I e II, Parque Floresta, Jardim Itaja?, Jardim Lisa, Jardim Rossin, Jardim Sat?lite Iris, Jardim Santa Rosa, Ch?caras Cruzeiro do Sul e Parque Valen?a, implantados na regi?o do Campo Grande, Campinas / S?o Paulo. Mais especificamente, pretende-se verificar o papel dos agentes a legisla??o como ferramenta de apropria??o e transforma??o de amplas parcelas do espa?o geogr?fico em territ?rio constru?do; a ind?stria que ao aplicar as suas pr?ticas produtivas, dinamiza e requalifica as escalas urbanas da cidade; a moradia popular, que ao ser direcionada ao trabalhador, estimula o mercado imobili?rio a produzi-la de forma legal e ou ilegal. E ao aplicar a analise feita destes agentes, busca-se por meio do estudo de caso dos bairros presentes nesta ?rea, identificar as pr?ticas de ocupa??o que resultaram na constru??o de bairros que atualmente apresentam grandes disparidades sociais e econ?micas, resultando em uma ocupa??o urbana prec?ria, com bairros fragmentados, dispersos e ocupados por uma popula??o, permeada por pr?ticas econ?micas predat?rias que conferem a muitos destes locais o titulo de Zonas de Sacrif?cio .

As interven??es urbanas em Buenos Aires no ?ltimo governo militar (1976-1983): a erradica??o das Villas e o Plan de Autopistas

Vega, Jimena Alejandra 18 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jimena Alejandra Vega.pdf: 11387367 bytes, checksum: e8b97232a2e5431bad6f21327531f495 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-18 / This work aims to analyze the successive urban policies adopted in Buenos Aires and, in particular, urban planning and interventions in urban space during the last Argentine dictatorship period. It seeks to contextualize these interventions in the urban thinking timeline of this city along the twentieth century, in order to understand the historical factors behind these urban policies and the developments that led to the structural changes that today characterize the contemporary city. By analyzing the successive urban policies adopted in Buenos Aires and, in particular, planning and interventions in urban space of the last Argentine dictator ship period, the study focuses on the one hand, the housing policies in the Federal Capital, understood as a vector backbone for modeling Buenos Aires urban space, and secondly, the road system designed for particular vehicular high-speed transport, understood within a plan of urban modernization. The research aims to contribute to a better understanding of the actions of the state represented by the last military government in the field of socio-spatial policies, in order to understand how far the urban intervention strategies contributed to a greater fragmentation of the sociopolitical-spacial tissue, and to the reproduction processes of the capitalist dynamics in the city of Buenos Aires, whose features can still be seen today in the production of its urban space. / Esse trabalho objetiva estudar as interven??es urbanas em Buenos Aires e, em especial, as estrat?gias e pr?ticas espaciais do ?ltimo per?odo ditatorial argentino. Procura-se contextualizar tais interven??es a partir da an?lise do pensamento urbano ao longo do s?culo XX sobre a capital portenha, com o intuito de entender que fatores determinaram a ado??o dessas pol?ticas urbanas, seus desdobramentos e as transforma??es estruturais que at? hoje marcam o tecido urbano da cidade. Ao analisar as sucessivas pol?ticas urbanas adotadas em Buenos Aires e, em especial, o planejamento e as interven??es no espa?o urbano do ?ltimo per?odo ditatorial argentino, o estudo privilegia, por um lado, as pol?ticas habitacionais na Capital Federal, entendidas como vetor estruturante na modelagem do espa?o urbano portenho, e por outro, o sistema vi?rio projetado para o transporte veicular particular de alta velocidade, compreendido dentro de um plano de moderniza??o urbana. A pesquisa pretende contribuir para uma maior compreens?o das a??es do Estado autorit?rio no campo das pol?ticas urbanas, buscando entender at? que ponto as interven??es realizadas, ou mesmo apenas projetadas, contribu?ram para a amplia??o da fragmenta??o do tecido sociopol?tico-espacial, e como fator favor?vel aos processos de reprodu??o da din?mica capitalista na cidade de Buenos Aires.

Ocupa??o das margens da represa de Salto Grande de Americana- S?o Paulo: interpreta??o de uma paisagem

Feliciano, Tatiane de Aguiar 17 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiane de Aguiar Feliciano.pdf: 16717841 bytes, checksum: aad2646485ed923363ab44099c759cac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-17 / The issue of human settlements on permanent protection areas (APP) have received a lot of attention from public managers and the general society. The contemporary society has the challenge of including the environmental problems created by the human action, consisting, among other things, of rethinking the relationship between environment, dwellings and urban configuration, which has direct consequences on the intra-urban areas of the city. This project aims at creating a study of the city of Americana - S?o Paulo, located in the metropolitan area of Campinas, one of the cities of the Piracicaba River basin. It consists in showing how the various urban management actions along the years (1950 - 2006) influence the environmental conditions of the poor areas of the dam which implies also the study of the involvement of the society and urban managers in the discussions about environmental preservation versus settlement location or else, the reflection on the urban configuration of the region in this period and the socioenvironmental quality of the environs of the dam. In methodological terms, it will be used the historic survey of the city, the legislation of the urban perimeter, of the division, usage and occupation of the land and the understanding of the role of the municipal and non-municipal public policies on industry, energy and water in the spatial configuration developed along the years in the region, to support the analysis that tries to relate the socio-environmental problems to the urban design. / A problem?tica dos assentamentos humanos, em ?reas de prote??o permanente (APP), tem recebido grande aten??o por parte de gestores p?blicos e da sociedade civil. A sociedade contempor?nea tem o desafio de incorporar a din?mica dos problemas ambientais desencadeados pela a??o humana, que consiste, entre outras coisas, no repensar da rela??o meio ambiente e configura??o urbana, com implica??es diretas para as ?reas intra-urbanas dos munic?pios. Esta pesquisa desenvolve um estudo no munic?pio de Americana - S?o Paulo - localizado na Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas, uma das cidades que comp?e a Bacia Hidrogr?fica do Rio Piracicaba. Procuramos compreender como as a??es das v?rias gest?es urbanas ao longo dos anos (1950 - 2006) est?o repercutindo nas condi??es paisag?sticas das regi?es carentes da Represa, ou seja, a reflex?o sobre a configura??o urbana adquirida pela regi?o nesse per?odo e a qualidade s?cio-ambiental do entorno da represa. Em termos metodol?gicos utilizou-se o levantamento hist?rico da cidade, a legisla??o do per?metro urbano, de parcelamento, uso e ocupa??o do solo e delimitou-se o papel das pol?ticas p?blicas municipais e n?o municipais - industrial, de energia e de recursos h?dricos na configura??o espacial da regi?o ao longo dos anos, a fim de respaldar a an?lise que pretende relacionar ao resultado paisag?stico, os problemas s?cio-ambientais e de desenho urbano.

A imposi??o do consenso: limites e possibilidades na experi?ncia participativa do Conselho de Meio Ambiente em Jundia? / The imposition of consensus: limits and possibilities at the participatory experience of the Council of Environment in Jundia?

Pupo, Samuel Cusin 23 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SAMUEL CUSIN PUPO.pdf: 7533186 bytes, checksum: 5d1c8f3028d469d348664bd4270c5bc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / In view of the environmental conflicts arising from the capitalist development in urban areas, this research goal is to analyze the institutional innovations of civil society participation and question analytically the political representation practiced by the Boards of Public Policies Management, from the perspective of the traditional political representation. For that, the research presents a case-study of public policy management of rainwater, from the program Saneamento para todos (from the Federal Government) in Jundia?, S?o Paulo State and the existing conflicts between the Municipal Public Power, the real state market and the structure of the municipal councils at urban and environmental management area. It also analyses critically the new dilemmas that emerged after twenty years of institution institutionalization of the model of the management councils of public policies, and under in a comprehensive view, the process of democratic reform and improvement of urban management itself. The method used is a case-study with a participant observation, bibliographic, documentary research and semi-structured interviews with representatives of COMDEMA, Management Board of the Serra do Japi, Committee on the Master Plan and the Movement in defense of rivers and streams from Jundiai and region. / A presente pesquisa, tendo em vista os conflitos ambientais decorrentes do desenvolvimento capitalista no espa?o urbano, tem por finalidade analisar as inova??es institucionais de participa??o da sociedade civil e problematizar analiticamente a representa??o pol?tica exercida pelos Conselhos Gestores de Pol?ticas P?blicas, sob a ?tica da representa??o pol?tica tradicional. Para tanto, realiza um estudo de caso sobre a pol?tica p?blica de manejo de ?guas pluviais, do programa Saneamento Para Todos do Governo Federal, no munic?pio de Jundia?, estado de S?o Paulo e os conflitos existentes entre o poder p?blico municipal, o mercado imobili?rio e a estrutura dos Conselhos Municipais na ?rea da gest?o urbana e ambiental. Tamb?m analisa criticamente os novos dilemas surgidos ap?s vinte anos de institucionaliza??o do modelo de Conselhos Gestores de Pol?ticas P?blicas, e sob um aspecto mais geral, o pr?prio processo de reforma democr?tica e aprimoramento da gest?o urbana. O m?todo utilizado ? o estudo de caso com a realiza??o de observa??o participante, levantamento bibliogr?fico, pesquisa documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes do COMDEMA, Conselho de Gest?o da Serra do Japi, Comiss?o do Plano Diretor Municipal e Movimento em Defesa dos Rios e C?rregos de Jundia? e Regi?o.

Projeto Pol?tico-Pedag?gico: reflex?es sobre dificuldades, limites e possibilidades / Pedagogical Political Project

Penteado, Tha?s Carvalho Zanchetta 02 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Carvalho Zanchetta Penteado.pdf: 470771 bytes, checksum: 7a523fbc62040fac3d20011f2efe2182 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-02 / Whereas the professional experience of researcher as integrating the management team of a public school municipal elementary school, this work proposes to make a critical analysis of the deployment of emancipation?s pedagogical political project. The theoretical basis was structured in two axes. The first axis is situated on the Brazilian educational reality discussing that education both serves the current economic order as may also be the instrument of emancipation. The second axis discusses the implantation of pedagogical political projects and its relationship with the school administration entrepreneurial and emancipatory. The work uses the methodological approach the dialectic materialist, because it is a critical analysis of experience. Official documents and daily field reports were analyzed to the implantation of the project, in view of the categories organized through theoretical framework. / Considerando a experi?ncia profissional da pesquisadora como integrante da equipe de gest?o de uma escola p?blica municipal de ensino fundamental, este trabalho se prop?e a fazer uma an?lise cr?tica da implanta??o de um projeto pol?tico pedag?gico emancipador. O embasamento te?rico foi estruturado em dois eixos. O primeiro eixo situa a realidade educacional brasileira discutindo que a educa??o tanto pode servir ? ordem econ?mica vigente como pode ser instrumento de emancipa??o. O segundo eixo discute a implanta??o dos projetos pol?tico-pedag?gicos e sua rela??o com a administra??o escolar empresarial e emancipadora. O trabalho utiliza o enfoque metodol?gico da dial?tica materialista hist?rica, por se tratar de uma an?lise cr?tica de uma experi?ncia. S?o analisados documentos oficiais e relat?rios/di?rios de campo da equipe parceira na implanta??o do projeto, tendo em vista as categorias organizadas atrav?s da fundamenta??o te?rica.

Avalia??o institucional na educa??o infantil: limites e possibilidades / Institucional evaluation in the infantile education: limits and possibilities

Rampazzo, Wania Cristina Tedeschi 17 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wania Cristina Tedeschi Rampazzo.pdf: 801780 bytes, checksum: 17c700f5a562d9fe4ed53d236ff8704e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-17 / This work deals with the Institucional Evaluation in the Infantile Education. It has for objective to analyze the process of implantation of an experience of Institucional Evaluation lived deeply by a Municipal School of Infantile Education in the city of Campinas, S?o Paulo. What it justifies the necessity of this research is to know, enters the schools of Infantile Education of the related city, the process of implantation of the Institucional Evaluation lived deeply by one of them, identifying to which the limits and the possibilities that had involved the development of such process, since it is about a subject little explored in this level of education. The adopted methodology was pautou in a qualitative boarding of inquiry, having as research strategy the accomplishment of a study of case in the related institution and the instruments used for the collection of data had been: the accomplishment of interview half-structuralized with open questions to the involved citizens in the process (direction, professors, employees and parents) and the documentary analysis, in which we analyze the Politician-Pedagogical Project of the school and other registers found on the process of implantation of the Institucional Evaluation. The collected data had been analyzed on the basis of a description-critical vision of education, evidencing the carried through process of Institucional Evaluation in an institution of Infantile Education adapted its reality inside of its limitations. The relevance of this research is placed in the possibility to contribute with the quarrels on the Institucional Evaluation to the level of the Infantile Education in the perspective of better understanding of this process. / Este trabalho trata da Avalia??o Institucional na Educa??o Infantil. Tem por objetivo analisar o processo de implanta??o de uma experi?ncia de Avalia??o Institucional vivenciada por uma Escola Municipal de Educa??o Infantil no munic?pio de Campinas, S?o Paulo. O que justifica a necessidade desta pesquisa ? conhecer, entre as escolas de Educa??o Infantil do referido munic?pio, o processo de implanta??o da Avalia??o Institucional vivenciado por uma delas, identificando quais os limites e as possibilidades que envolveram o desenvolvimento de tal processo, visto que se trata de um assunto pouco explorado neste n?vel de ensino. A metodologia adotada pautou-se em uma abordagem qualitativa de investiga??o, tendo como estrat?gia de pesquisa a realiza??o de um estudo de caso na referida institui??o e os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: a realiza??o de entrevista semiestruturada com perguntas abertas aos sujeitos envolvidos no processo (dire??o, professores, funcion?rios e pais) e a an?lise documental, na qual analisamos o Projeto Pol?tico-Pedag?gico da escola e outros registros encontrados sobre o processo de implanta??o da Avalia??o Institucional. Os dados coletados foram analisados com base em uma vis?o hist?rico-cr?tica de educa??o, evidenciando o processo de Avalia??o Institucional realizado em uma institui??o de Educa??o Infantil adaptado a sua realidade e dentro de suas limita??es. A relev?ncia desta pesquisa situa-se na possibilidade de contribuir com as discuss?es sobre a Avalia??o Institucional ao n?vel da Educa??o Infantil na perspectiva de melhor compreens?o deste processo.

Hackers e participa??o : uma an?lise de aplicativos de dados p?blicos do Brasil e seus criadores

Fontoura, Marcelo Crispim da 14 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:41:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 455564.pdf: 2427221 bytes, checksum: 395629c80655b9bca09b8c14836ed987 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-14 / This work seeks to explore the phenomenon of public data applications in Brazil. Mobile or not, they are digital programs created from public databases of the government. These programs reformat the information so as to make them more comprehensive and publicized to the general public. These applications are created by programmers and people interested in computer science, which are dedicated to explore government data and create visualizations and digital resources with them. The object of study thus lies at the intersection between the idea of government transparency and online participation, especially the work of hackers. We use the reconstructions of Coleman (2012), Levy (2010) and Castells (2003) to explore the work and practices of hackers. This is complemented with reflections from Jenkins (2009) and Shirky (2011) with regard to online participation, and the contributions of Rodriguez (2001), Schaffer (2007), Bowman and Willis (2003) and Bruns (2009) about citizen media. We apply, in addition, the thoughts of Williams (2005) and Castells (2001) on the assimilation of technologies and the relationship between technology and society, as well as the reconstruction of Briggs and Burke (2006) of the historical process of openness and circulation of information. This study, then, embeds a two-dimensional analysis. We analyze 17 applications from open data competitions in Brazil with the aim of contrasting the phenomenon of these programs with the concept of citizen media. We intended to understand how the two areas are related and what can be inferred from this manifestation in relation to other cases of online participation from the audience. This study also seeks to understand the motivations that lead these individuals to become involved in this area, exploring the underlying logic in their participations, and also the comprehension of their contributions. This was accomplished through semi-structured interviews with seven application developers. Moreover, we also created a typology of public data applications, with the goal of mapping this phenomenon. We seek to understand this recent concept, which is important from a social and communicational point of view. / Este trabalho se dedica a explorar o fen?meno dos aplicativos de dados p?blicos no Brasil. S?o programas digitais, m?veis ou n?o, criados a partir de bancos de dados governamentais e p?blicos, que reformatam estas informa??es de modo a torn?-las mais compreensivas e publicizadas para o p?blico em geral. Eles s?o criados por programadores e interessados em inform?tica, que se dedicam a explorar os dados governamentais e criar visualiza??es e recursos atrav?s deles. O objeto de estudo, assim, se encontra na intersec??o entre a ideia de transpar?ncia governamental, a participa??o online e a atua??o dos hackers. Utilizam-se as reconstru??es de Coleman (2012), Levy (2010) e Castells (2003) para se apreender a atua??o dos hackers. Isto ? complementado com as reflex?es de Jenkins (2009) e Shirky (2011) no que diz respeito ? participa??o online, e com as contribui??es de Rodriguez (2001), Schaffer (2007), Bowman e Willis (2003) e Bruns (2009) sobre a m?dia cidad?. Se disp?e, al?m disso, dos pensamentos de Williams (2005) e Castells (2001) sobre a assimila??o de tecnologias em meios sociais e a rela??o entre tecnologia e sociedade, e a reconstru??o de Briggs e Burke (2006) sobre o processo hist?rico de abertura e circula??o de informa??es. O presente estudo, ent?o, parte de uma an?lise em duas dimens?es. Se faz uma aprecia??o de 17 aplicativos de competi??es brasileiras de dados abertos, visando analisar o fen?meno destes programas ? luz do conceito de m?dia cidad?, para compreender como os dois ?mbitos se relacionam e o que se pode depreender da manifesta??o com rela??o a outros casos de participa??o online da audi?ncia. Busca-se tamb?m entender as motiva??es que levam estes indiv?duos a se envolver com esta ?rea, explorando as l?gicas subjacentes a suas participa??es, al?m do entendimento sobre suas contribui??es. Isto foi cumprido atrav?s de entrevista semi-estruturada em profundidade com sete criadores de aplicativos. De forma complementar, criou-se tamb?m uma tipologia dos aplicativos de dados p?blicos, objetivando mapear esta manifesta??o. Busca-se compreender amplamente este conceito recente, importante do ponto de vista social e comunicacional.

Mecanismos de prote??o da privacidade das informa??es de prontu?rio eletr?nico de pacientes de institui??es de sa?de

Magnagnagno, Odirlei Antonio 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-12-07T15:50:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 476570 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2151672 bytes, checksum: 39448330a77dfb97027f5628b9fad593 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-07T15:50:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 476570 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2151672 bytes, checksum: 39448330a77dfb97027f5628b9fad593 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / Information privacy in the healthcare industry gains a higher relevance, with a large number of individuals with access to the patient medical records, leaks of such information to the public may impact and cause irreversible damages to patients, their relatives and also healthcare institutions. The research focus on information privacy protection in medical records from health institutions, related with information secrecy and human behaviors from professionals which access such information in a daily basis. Is taken in to account how those professionals are trained or have access to the best practices for information protection during recording, storage and access. The main objective is to identify practices and processes that may aid to preserve information privacy in the patient?s medical records, verifying vulnerabilities and data processing practices along with applicable legislation. As medium and small medical institutions, may or may not know how to proceed to protect such information as a whole, taking into account aspects such structure, behaviors and processes in the information flux. Theoretical references where worked with privacy concepts in a general context and privacy in healthcare organizations, linking national legislation and international best practices. The research is exploratory and descriptive, making use of two methodological approaches, those being document analysis and case study. The result obtained was the finding of regulations and norms relevant to Information Security, the identification of mechanisms adopted by studied institutions for information security and classify 50 mechanisms found in a manner that hospitals may adopt. These mechanisms where identified by analyzing documents containing norms and regulations, also by interviews, internal documents and observations in the two case studies. Grouped and classified by type, requisite and line of action. Is concluded that the most frequently cited are processes related to safeguards and Relational Mechanisms linked to employees? awareness, proven with case studies, as both hospitals have all mechanisms in the norm and regulations documentation, which still isn?t enough as incidents are occurring in both institutions. / Ao tratar de privacidade da informa??o na ?rea da sa?de, em virtude do acesso de muitas pessoas ?s informa??es do paciente contidas no prontu?rio eletr?nico, o assunto ganha uma maior relev?ncia, uma vez que o vazamento dessas informa??es pode ser muito impactante para o paciente, para seus familiares e tamb?m para as institui??es de sa?de. Os danos causados podem ser irrevers?veis. O trabalho apresenta como tema a prote??o da privacidade das informa??es do prontu?rio eletr?nico de pacientes de institui??es de sa?de, relacionadas ao sigilo das informa??es e aos fatores que possam afetar o comportamento seguro dos profissionais que diariamente acessam os prontu?rios. Leva-se em considera??o, como esses colaboradores s?o treinados ou t?m acesso ?s melhores pr?ticas para proteger essa informa??o durante o registro, armazenamento e o acesso ? informa??o. O objetivo principal do trabalho ? identificar os mecanismos e os processos que podem preservar a privacidade das informa??es do paciente contidas no prontu?rio eletr?nico, verificando as pr?ticas de tratamento das informa??es de acordo com a legisla??o. Uma vez que os hospitais de pequeno e m?dio porte podem n?o saber como fazer ou o que fazer para proteger essa informa??o na integridade, levando em considera??o aspectos estruturais, comportamentais e processos do fluxo da informa??o. O referencial te?rico trabalha com os conceitos de privacidade no contexto geral e a privacidade em institui??es de sa?de, fazendo um link com as legisla??es nacionais e boas pr?ticas internacionais. A pesquisa ? do tipo explorat?ria-descritiva, utilizando-se de duas abordagens metodol?gicas, isto ?, a an?lise de documentos e o Estudo de Caso. O resultado final foi a localiza??o dos documentos Regulat?rios e Normativos que s?o pertinentes ? Seguran?a da Informa??o, a identifica??o dos mecanismos que os hospitais pesquisados utilizam para a Seguran?a da Informa??o e a classifica??o dos 50 mecanismos de privacidade da informa??o identificados, que os hospitais possam adotar. Esses mecanismos foram identificados atrav?s da an?lise de Documentos Regulat?rios e Normativos e atrav?s da realiza??o de entrevistas, an?lise de documentos internos e observa??es nos dois Estudos de Caso realizados. Posteriormente agrupados e classificados por tipo, requisito e eixo de a??o. Chegando-se a conclus?o que os mecanismos mais citados s?o os processos em rela??o ? salvaguarda e os Mecanismos de Relacionamento em rela??o a conscientiza??o dos colaboradores, o que se comprovou nos os Estudos de Caso, pois os dois hospitais possuem todos os mecanismos localizados nos Documentos Regulat?rios e Normativos, mas isso ainda n?o ? o suficiente, uma vez que nos dois casos ainda ocorrem incidentes com a informa??o.

A constru??o de um sistema de infoma??es democr?tico para a pol?tica de assist?ncia social

Raupp, Heraida Cyreli 26 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437602.pdf: 600044 bytes, checksum: 92d082e6cdacf44ad3ed62e6e75b88ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-26 / This dissertation focuses on the management of information (PROCEMPA) and Social Work. The research that underlies guided by the critical-dialectical method and was held at the Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social e Cidadania (FASC - Social Welfare and Citizenship Foundation) in Porto Alegre. For this work we made thirteen interviews with managers and technicians of FASC and PROCEMPA; and more eleven technical‟s foundation that we send online questionnaires. The proposal was submitted of the Investigative Commission of the Social Work Faculty and Ethics Committee of Research of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. The research problem was formulated: What was the contribution that the Management Information gave to the consolidating Social and Public policy the city of Porto Alegre in the period 2007-2008? This study tried identifying the process and the possible contributions of the information and structure of the Social Welfare management policy and more providing insight, for improving the management process. Throughout the production this study sought to contribute thoughts on management information and Social Welfare Policy strategy to qualify for from the impacts of changing world of work. The main results of the study underscore the importance of information for the entire management process, especially for the performance planning and decision making. And is very important the updating systematic of databases and information flows, which requires adequate infrastructure. Also emphasizes the needs for that information will be is effectively transformed into knowledge, and considers the Management of the Information Politics a strategy key to public policies, especially in the Social Policy, the subject of this study. The main conclusion stands out recognition of the use of the information necessary to guarantee Rights and the importance of management information for social assistance policy. However, no management or any form of information, but guided processes in collective access, in other words, an information management characterized as a democratic process. / Na presente disserta??o aborda-se a Gest?o da Informa??o e a Assist?ncia Social. A pesquisa que a embasou orienta-se pelo m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico e foi realizada na Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social e Cidadania, em Porto Alegre. Para tanto se realizaram 13 entrevistas com gestores e t?cnicos da FASC e da PROCEMPA e enviaram-se question?rios on line a 11 t?cnicos da mesma Funda??o. A proposta investigativa foi submetida ? Comiss?o Cient?fica da Faculdade de Servi?o Social e ao Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul. Pretendeu-se com o estudo identificar o processo de estrutura??o e poss?veis contribui??es da pol?tica de gest?o da informa??o na Assist?ncia Social, com vistas a contribuir com subs?dios para o aprimoramento do processo de gest?o. Ao longo da produ??o buscou-se aportar reflex?es sobre a Gest?o da Informa??o como estrat?gia para qualifica??o da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, a partir dos impactos das transforma??es do mundo do trabalho. Como principais resultados o estudo ressaltou a import?ncia da informa??o para todo o processo de gest?o, especialmente para a realiza??o do planejamento e tomada de decis?o. Destacou-se, ainda, a necessidade sistem?tica de atualiza??o de bancos de dados e fluxos de informa??o, o que requer infraestrutura adequada. Ressaltou-se, tamb?m, a necessidade de que a informa??o efetivamente seja transformada em conhecimento. Considerou-se a Pol?tica de Gest?o da Informa??o como estrat?gia fundamental ?s pol?ticas p?blicas, especialmente ? Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, tema do estudo. Faz-se necess?rio a utiliza??o da gest?o da informa??o para a garantia de direitos e para a Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, mas n?o qualquer forma de gest?o ou informa??o, mas processos pautados no acesso coletivo, ou seja, uma gest?o da informa??o caracterizada como democr?tica.

Um enfoque psicol?gico da educa??o ambiental no contexto da gest?o: uma experi?ncia de Fernando de Noronha / A psychological view of Environment Education in a management context: An experience in Fernando de Noronha s

Link, M?nica de Oliveira 24 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MonicaOL.pdf: 324604 bytes, checksum: 4dab56b1c8ef62feb374b553f7aba19b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Currently, many companies pay attention to the necessities of change of attitude in relation to the use of the natural resources and the environment quality of its products, mainly to keep a positive and competitive image in the market. This new concept of management associates the productive activities to the care with environment using the education of environment as a tool of programs of qualification directed toward the promotion of pro-environment behaviors. For effectiveness of this management it is essential the attachment of the employees and the major understanding of the importance of the preservation of the environment. This was the objective of the qualification process carried out in a lodge in Fernando de Noronha island. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to verify the power of this management system which fulfills the objectives of the environmental education. It was applied questionnaires to employees of three Inns and carried out a interview, in one Inn, with the participants of the program of qualification. The analysis of the data showed that the actions as care with the environment are strongly associates to the management system, which includes garbage control, as well water economy. It was observed that the environment accomplishment (EcoAntro) of the employees with environment decreases in proportion to their qualification. In the same way, as higher the instruction level, of the speaker and/or of the father, less is the apathy for environmental questions. It was also noticed that the knowledge about the development sustainability was very poorly used by the interviewed. The pro-environment behavior mentioned before, is not necessarily related to a local autonomy posture that could express a behavior related to job but not to environment it self. Therefore, a complete understanding about the reverberation of environment information an all the placed factors in a life stile facing a construction of sustainability remains as a question to be studied in future researches / Atualmente, muitas empresas atentam para as necessidades de mudan?a de postura em rela??o ? utiliza??o dos recursos naturais e a qualidade ambiental de seus produtos, principalmente para manter uma imagem positiva e competitiva no mercado. Esse novo conceito de gerenciamento associa as atividades produtivas ao cuidado com ambiente utilizando a educa??o ambiental como ferramenta de programas de capacita??o voltados para a promo??o de comportamentos pr?-ambientais. Para efic?cia desse gerenciamento ? imprescind?vel o envolvimento dos funcion?rios e a compreens?o maior da import?ncia da preserva??o do meio ambiente. Esse foi o objetivo do processo de capacita??o realizado por uma pousada em Fernando de Noronha. O prop?sito deste estudo, portanto, foi verificar o alcance deste sistema de gest?o em atender aos objetivos da educa??o ambiental. Foram aplicados question?rios a funcion?rios de tr?s pousadas e realizadas entrevistas com os participantes do programa de capacita??o de uma delas. A an?lise dos dados evidenciou que as a??es de cuidado ambiental est?o bastante associadas ao sistema de gest?o, que incluem controle de lixo, e tamb?m a economia de ?gua. Foi observado que o ambientalismo (EcoAntro) dos funcion?rios decresce ? medida que ? menor o seu envolvimento com o programas de capacita??o. Da mesma forma, quanto maior o n?vel de instru??o, do pr?prio respondente e/ou do pai, menor a apatia por quest?es ambientais. Tamb?m foi poss?vel observar que a no??o de desenvolvimento sustent?vel ? pouco dominada pelos participantes. Os comportamentos pr?-ambientais mencionados n?o est?o necessariamente relacionados a uma postura sustent?vel, podendo expressar um comprometimento com o trabalho, mas n?o com o meio ambiente. Desse modo, o pleno entendimento da reverbera??o da informa??o ambiental e dos fatores situacionais em um estilo de vida direcionado para a constru??o da sustentabilidade permanece como quest?o a ser estudada em pesquisas futuras

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