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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Geospatial Social Network lnnovation Assessment of the Spanish Higher Education

Fombuena Valero, Arnau 10 September 2018 (has links)
El contexto actual es el de una crisis en la Unión Europea, especialmente en los países del sur. Para acabar con la crisis, la Unión Europea elaboró la estrategia Horizon2020 que se centra en la innovación para abordar los desafíos socio-económicos. La innovación tiene un impacto en la sociedad y por tanto también sobre el territorio en el que habitan las personas que forman dicha sociedad. El empleo de la perspectiva geoespacial permite llevar a cabo un tipo de análisis que es raramente utilizado por los expertos en Educación Superior que suelen centrarse en metodologías puramente estadísticas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un modelo que utiliza los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para evaluar la innovación desde el punto de vista de las universidades y el territorio. Además, a través de la aplicación de ese modelo para el caso específico de la innovación producida por las universidades españolas que forman parte de la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas en el año 2015, un segundo objetivo es identificar patrones y tendencias que puedan revelar nueva información. Los resultados muestran dichos patrones así como la posibilidad de mejorar los métodos actuales de evaluación de la innovación. El modelo presentado en esta tesis provee una solución para entender mejor las redes de innovación y su efecto en el territorio. En el caso específico estudiado, la evaluación provee una solución que es fácil de entender para las personas responsables de la toma de decisiones en cada una de las provincias españolas. Estas personas pueden identificar qué tipo de instituciones promueven la innovación y dónde se encuentran, qué conexiones tienen y cómo mejorar los resultados de innovación a través de la identificación de socios significativos. Además, la financiación de investigación e innovación podría dirigirse mejor hacia aquellas instituciones con mayor potencial de innovación. / The current context is one of crisis in the European area, especially in the southern countries. To put an end to the crisis, the European Union elaborated the Horizon 2020 strategy focusing on innovation to tackle the socio-economic challenges. Innovation has an impact on society and, as a result on the territory inhabited by the people forming such society. Employing a geospatial perspective allows performing a type of analysis that is seldom approached by higher education experts, who tend to focus on purely statistical methodologies. The main goal of this dissertation is the development of a model that uses GIS for innovation assessment from the perspective of universities and the territory. Then, through application of the model for the case of the assessment of innovation produced by the Spanish universities listed in CRUE in the year 2015, the secondary goal is to identify patterns that may unearth new significant information. The results show spatial patterns and the potential of improving the current methods of assessing innovation. The model presented in this thesis does provide an innovative solution to better understand innovation networks and their effect on the territory. In the specific case studied, the assessment provides an easy-to-understand solution for decision makers in the different provinces. The decision makers can then identify what type of institutions are driving innovation and where they are located, what connections they have and how to improve their innovation results through the identification of significant partners. Furthermore, the funding for research and innovation could be better directed towards those institutions with the higher potential. / El context actual és el d'una crisi a la Unió Europea, especialment als països del sud. Per acabar amb la crisi, la Unió Europea va elaborar l'estratègia Horizon2020 que es centra en la innovació per afrontar els desafiaments socio-econòmics. La innovació té un impacte en la societat i per tant també sobre el territori en el que habiten les persones que formen eixa societat. L'ús de la perspectiva geoespacial permet realitzar un tipus d'anàlisi que és rarament utilitzat pels experts en Educació Superior que solen centrar-se en metodologies purament estadístiques. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament d'un model que utilitza els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica per avaluar la innovació des del punt de vista de les universitats i el territori. A més, a través de l'aplicació d'aquest model per al cas específic de la innovació produïda per les universitats espanyoles que formen part de la Conferència de Rectors de les Universitats Espanyoles durant l'any 2015, un segon objectiu és identificar patrons i tendències que puguen mostrar nova informació. Els resultats mostren aquests patrons així com la possibilitat de millorar els mètodes actuals de l'avaluació de la innovació. El model presentat en aquesta tesi proveeix una solució per comprendre millor les xarxes d'innovació i el seu efecte sobre el territori. Al cas específic estudiat, l'avaluació ofereix una solució que és fàcil de comprendre per a les persones responsables de la presa de decisions en cadascuna de les províncies espanyoles. Aquestes persones poden identificar quins tipus d'institucions promouen la innovació i on es troben, quines connexions tenen i com millorar els resultats d'innovació a través de la identificació de socis significatius. A més, el finançament d'investigació podria dirigir-se millor cap aquelles institucions amb major potencial d'innovació. / Fombuena Valero, A. (2018). Geospatial Social Network lnnovation Assessment of the Spanish Higher Education [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107943

La Economía Circular en las organizaciones: estrategias e indicadores. Análisis de casos

Palanca Roig, Ana 17 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los retos sociales y medioambientales a los que nos enfrentamos en el siglo XXI han sido el motor de la investigación en economía circular (EC). La EC se define como un sistema económico que minimiza la entrada y el desperdicio de recursos, las emisiones y las fugas de energía del sistema mitigando los impactos negativos sin poner en peligro el crecimiento y la prosperidad (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). Esta tesis persigue proporcionar un marco conceptual con el fin de analizar el esfuerzo requerido para implementar estrategias de EC en las organizaciones, así como el impacto que genera y la forma en que se mide su grado de avance. Para ello se han realizado los siguientes estudios: (1) análisis bibliográfico del concepto de la EC, estrategias e indicadores; (2) análisis bibliométrico; (3) estudio del caso y análisis comparativo. Esta investigación profundiza en la forma en que la aplicación de la EC está impactando en las organizaciones de la triple hélice: sector académico, empresarial y administración (Ranga et al., 2015), enfatizando los desafíos y lecciones aprendidas. De modo que se puedan identificar las oportunidades, fortalezas, debilidades y barreras que está teniendo la aplicación real de la EC en las organizaciones. Con dicho fin, se han seleccionado once organizaciones que han sido entrevistadas y analizadas siguiendo los criterios de diversidad (representación internacional pero también una fuerte presencia de la Comunidad Valenciana en el modelo de innovación de triple hélice), autenticidad y relevancia (grado de conocimiento del concepto de EC en para analizar un entorno heterogéneo con diferentes niveles de experiencias, oportunidades, fortalezas, debilidades en el campo de la EC e indicadores.) Los desafíos comunes identificados para todas las organizaciones analizadas son la monitorización de la EC, la heterogeneidad en la aplicación y monitorización de las estrategias EC, la dimensión social, el involucramiento de todos los acto-res de la sociedad y la pandemia COVID-19. Por otro lado, las lecciones aprendidas comunes a todos los casos de estudio son la cooperación en proyectos de I+D+i financiados, el impacto económico positivo en las cadenas de valor circulares y la formación permanente. Finalmente, los indicadores que son empleados por todas las organizaciones analizadas se centran en el carácter medioambiental (huella de carbono, LCA) o el carácter general (KPI) de los indica-dores. / [CA] Els reptes socials i mediambientals als quals ens enfrontem en el segle XXI han sigut el motor de la investigació en economia circular (EC). La EC es defineix com un sistema econòmic que minimitza l'entrada i el desaprofitament de re-cursos, les emissions i les fugides d'energia del sistema mitigant els impactes negatius sense posar en perill el creixement i la prosperitat (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). Aquesta tesi persegueix proporcionar un marc conceptual per a poder analitzar l'esforç requerit per a implementar estratègies de EC en les organitzacions, així com l'impacte que genera i la forma en què es mesura el seu grau d'avanç. Per a això s'han realitzat els següents estudis: (1) anàlisi bibliogràfica del concepte de la EC, estratègies i indicadors; (2) anàlisi bibliomètrica; (3) estudi del cas i anàlisi comparativa. Aquesta investigació aprofundeix en la forma en què l'aplicació de EC està im-pactant en les organitzacions de triple hèlice: sector acadèmic, empresarial i administració (Ranga et al., 2015), emfatitzant els desafiaments i lliçons apreses. De manera que es s'identifiquen les oportunitats, fortaleses, febleses i barreres que està tenint l'aplicació real de la EC en les organitzacions. Amb aquesta fi, s'han seleccionat onze organitzacions que han sigut entrevista-des i analitzades seguint els criteris de diversitat (representació internacional però també una forta presència de la Comunitat Valenciana en el model d'innovació de triple hèlice), autenticitat i rellevància (grau de coneixement del con-cepte de EC en per a analitzar un entorn heterogeni amb diferents nivells d'ex-periències, oportunitats, fortaleses, febleses en el camp de la EC i indicadors). Els desafiaments comuns identificats per a totes les organitzacions analitzades són el monitoratge de la EC, l'heterogeneïtat en l'aplicació i monitoratge de les estratègies EC, la dimensió social, l'involucrament de tots els actors de la socie-tat i la pandèmia COVID-19. D'altra banda, les lliçons apreses comunes a tots els casos d'estudi són la cooperació en projectes d'I+D finançats, l'impacte eco-nòmic positiu en les cadenes de valor circulars i la formació permanent. Finalment, els indicadors que són emprats per totes les organitzacions analitzades se centren en el caràcter mediambiental (empremta de carboni, LCA) o el caràcter general (KPI) dels indicadors. / [EN] The social and environmental challenges that we face in the 21st century have been the engine of the circular economy (CE) research. The CE is understood as an economic system that minimizes the resource input and waste, emissions and energy leakage from the system mitigating negative impacts without jeopardizing growth and prosperity (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). This thesis aims to provide a conceptual framework to be able to analyse the effort required to implement CE strategies in organizations, as well as the impact generated and the way in which its degree of progress is measured. With the described purpose, the following studies have been carried out: (1) bibliographical analysis of the CE concept, strategies, and indicators; (2) bibliometric analysis; (3) case study and comparative analysis. This research delves into the way in which the application of CE is impacting on the triple helix organization: scientific, industrial and administration sector (Ranga et al., 2015), emphasizing points for improvement and lessons learned. So that we can understand the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges that the real application of CE is having in the organizations. For this purpose, there have been selected eleven organizations that have been interviewed and analysed following the diversity criteria (international represen-tation but also a strong presence of the Valencian Community in the triple helix innovation model), authenticity and relevance (degree of knowledge of the concept of CE to analyse a heterogeneous environment with different levels of experiences, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses in the field of CE and indicators). The common challenges identified for all the organizations analysed are the monitoring of CE, the heterogeneity in the application and monitoring of CE strategies, the social dimension, the involvement of all actors of society and the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the common lessons learned are cooperation in funded R&D projects, the positive economic impact on circular value chains, and continuous training. Finally, the indicators that are used by all the organizations analysed focus on the environmental character (carbon footprint, LCA) or the general character (KPI) of the indicators. / Palanca Roig, A. (2023). La Economía Circular en las organizaciones: estrategias e indicadores. Análisis de casos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195108

Análise molecular do gene HES1 em pacientes portadores de hipopituitarismo congênito / Molecular analysis of the HES1 gene in patients with congenital hypopituitarism

Otto, Aline Pedrosa 29 July 2014 (has links)
Estudos em modelos animais transgênicos possibilitaram o conhecimento de parte dos genes envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária e da etiologia genética do hipopituitarismo em humanos. Entretanto, a etiologia da maior parte dos casos de hipopituitarismo congênito, principalmente os associados à neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE), ainda é pouco definida. Mutações no gene PROP1 são a causa genética mais comum de hipopituitarismo descritas até o momento, mas estão sempre associadas à neuro-hipófise tópica. Estudos destinados a esclarecer o mecanismo molecular da mutação do gene Prop1 em camundongos demonstraram a participação da via de sinalização Notch e de seus componentes, dentre eles, o gene Hes1. O HES1 é um gene que codifica um fator de transcrição que participa de estágios precoces do desenvolvimento hipofisário e está envolvido com a morfogênese da neuro-hipófise. A avaliação do camundongo com nocaute em homozigose deste gene acarreta uma hipoplasia da adeno-hipófise e ausência da neuro-hipófise; e sua expressão constitutiva está associada ao hipopituitarismo. Como a NE é um achado comum no hipopituitarismo congênito e o gene HES1 pode estar relacionado a sua fisiopatologia, a região codificadora do gene HES1 foi avaliada em 192 pacientes com hipopituitarismo congênito. A variante alélica c.578G > A (p.G193D) em heterozigose foi encontrada em um paciente com hipopituitarismo congênito associado à NE. A avaliação da predição in silico do efeito funcional da variante pela ferramenta MutationTaster sugere que a troca do aminoácido glicina, altamente conservado entre os mamíferos, por ácido aspártico, seja deletéria. No estudo da segregação familiar, quatro irmãos aparentemente normais apresentam a mesma variante, sendo que dois deles possuem alterações discretas na imagem da hipófise. Em conclusão, esta é uma nova variante alélica descrita no gene HES1, ausente em grandes bancos de dados e controles saudáveis da população brasileira, mas presente em irmãos não afetados. Estudos funcionais in vitro são necessários para esclarecer o efeito biológico desta variante. Um padrão de herança complexo com penetrância incompleta é possível e já descrito em outros genes associados ao hipopituitarismo. Na tentativa de elucidar a causa genética do hipopituitarismo neste caso, o material genético deste paciente e de seus familiares foram submetidos ao sequenciamento do exoma, mas os resultados estão inconclusivos até o momento / Studies of transgenic animal models have allowed for the discovery of genes involved in human pituitary embryogenesis and the genetic etiology of hypopituitarism. However, the genetic causes of most cases of congenital hypopituitarism, especially those associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary, remain poorly defined. Mutations in the gene PROP1 are the most common genetic causes of hypopituitarism described to date, and are always associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Prop1 mutations in mice have demonstrated the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway, including its downstream target Hes1. The HES1 gene encodes a transcription factor that participates in early stages of pituitary development and is involved in posterior pituitary morphogenesis. Hes1 knockout mice exhibit a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and absence of a posterior pituitary. Conversely, constitutive expression of Hes1 is associated with hypopituitarism. Since an ectopic posterior pituitary is commonly found in congenital hypopituitarism and the HES1 gene may be related to its pathophysiology, the coding region of gene HES1 was screened in 192 patients with congenital hypopituitarism. A heterozygous allelic variant c.578G >A (p.G193D) was identified in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Assessment by MutationTaster, a bioinformatic tool for in silico prediction of functional effect of missense variants, suggests that substitution of glycine (a highly conserved amino acid in this position among mammals) for aspartic acid is deleterious. In the genetic study of family members, we identified four apparently normal siblings with the same variant, two of which have discrete changes in their pituitary MRI. In conclusion, we described a new allelic variant in the gene HES1, absent in large databases and healthy Brazilian controls, but present in the unaffected siblings. In vitro functional studies are needed to clarify the biological effect of this variant. A complex pattern of inheritance with incomplete penetrance is possible in this case, as it has already been described in other genes associated with hypopituitarism. In an attempt to elucidate the genetic cause of hypopituitarism in the family described, DNA samples of this patient and his family were submitted to exome sequencing, but results are inconclusive at this time

Análise molecular do gene HES1 em pacientes portadores de hipopituitarismo congênito / Molecular analysis of the HES1 gene in patients with congenital hypopituitarism

Aline Pedrosa Otto 29 July 2014 (has links)
Estudos em modelos animais transgênicos possibilitaram o conhecimento de parte dos genes envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária e da etiologia genética do hipopituitarismo em humanos. Entretanto, a etiologia da maior parte dos casos de hipopituitarismo congênito, principalmente os associados à neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE), ainda é pouco definida. Mutações no gene PROP1 são a causa genética mais comum de hipopituitarismo descritas até o momento, mas estão sempre associadas à neuro-hipófise tópica. Estudos destinados a esclarecer o mecanismo molecular da mutação do gene Prop1 em camundongos demonstraram a participação da via de sinalização Notch e de seus componentes, dentre eles, o gene Hes1. O HES1 é um gene que codifica um fator de transcrição que participa de estágios precoces do desenvolvimento hipofisário e está envolvido com a morfogênese da neuro-hipófise. A avaliação do camundongo com nocaute em homozigose deste gene acarreta uma hipoplasia da adeno-hipófise e ausência da neuro-hipófise; e sua expressão constitutiva está associada ao hipopituitarismo. Como a NE é um achado comum no hipopituitarismo congênito e o gene HES1 pode estar relacionado a sua fisiopatologia, a região codificadora do gene HES1 foi avaliada em 192 pacientes com hipopituitarismo congênito. A variante alélica c.578G > A (p.G193D) em heterozigose foi encontrada em um paciente com hipopituitarismo congênito associado à NE. A avaliação da predição in silico do efeito funcional da variante pela ferramenta MutationTaster sugere que a troca do aminoácido glicina, altamente conservado entre os mamíferos, por ácido aspártico, seja deletéria. No estudo da segregação familiar, quatro irmãos aparentemente normais apresentam a mesma variante, sendo que dois deles possuem alterações discretas na imagem da hipófise. Em conclusão, esta é uma nova variante alélica descrita no gene HES1, ausente em grandes bancos de dados e controles saudáveis da população brasileira, mas presente em irmãos não afetados. Estudos funcionais in vitro são necessários para esclarecer o efeito biológico desta variante. Um padrão de herança complexo com penetrância incompleta é possível e já descrito em outros genes associados ao hipopituitarismo. Na tentativa de elucidar a causa genética do hipopituitarismo neste caso, o material genético deste paciente e de seus familiares foram submetidos ao sequenciamento do exoma, mas os resultados estão inconclusivos até o momento / Studies of transgenic animal models have allowed for the discovery of genes involved in human pituitary embryogenesis and the genetic etiology of hypopituitarism. However, the genetic causes of most cases of congenital hypopituitarism, especially those associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary, remain poorly defined. Mutations in the gene PROP1 are the most common genetic causes of hypopituitarism described to date, and are always associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Prop1 mutations in mice have demonstrated the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway, including its downstream target Hes1. The HES1 gene encodes a transcription factor that participates in early stages of pituitary development and is involved in posterior pituitary morphogenesis. Hes1 knockout mice exhibit a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and absence of a posterior pituitary. Conversely, constitutive expression of Hes1 is associated with hypopituitarism. Since an ectopic posterior pituitary is commonly found in congenital hypopituitarism and the HES1 gene may be related to its pathophysiology, the coding region of gene HES1 was screened in 192 patients with congenital hypopituitarism. A heterozygous allelic variant c.578G >A (p.G193D) was identified in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Assessment by MutationTaster, a bioinformatic tool for in silico prediction of functional effect of missense variants, suggests that substitution of glycine (a highly conserved amino acid in this position among mammals) for aspartic acid is deleterious. In the genetic study of family members, we identified four apparently normal siblings with the same variant, two of which have discrete changes in their pituitary MRI. In conclusion, we described a new allelic variant in the gene HES1, absent in large databases and healthy Brazilian controls, but present in the unaffected siblings. In vitro functional studies are needed to clarify the biological effect of this variant. A complex pattern of inheritance with incomplete penetrance is possible in this case, as it has already been described in other genes associated with hypopituitarism. In an attempt to elucidate the genetic cause of hypopituitarism in the family described, DNA samples of this patient and his family were submitted to exome sequencing, but results are inconclusive at this time

Estratégias bem sucedidas na interação universidade e empresa: uma análise da trajetória de instituições privadas

Koste, Raquel Cecilia Jung 16 August 2010 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-16T21:04:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 22c.pdf: 4652907 bytes, checksum: ab21111b63aa4aebf99649423c80f786 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-16T21:04:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 22c.pdf: 4652907 bytes, checksum: ab21111b63aa4aebf99649423c80f786 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-16 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / O conhecimento é o fator-chave para a criação do novo e a inovação é dependente do capital humano e da cooperação entre as pessoas e organizações. Este estudo qualitativo utiliza o método do estudo de caso e busca compreender a evolução de estratégias bem sucedidas de interação universidade e empresa e identificar os principais diferenciais que explicam os ganhos estratégicos decorrentes das parcerias. A seleção das instituições para este estudo – PUC-Rio e Fundação Dom Cabral e o relacionamento com a Petrobras – considerou o fato de serem de natureza privada, com trajetórias bem sucedidas de relacionamento com empresas e reconhecidas pela excelência no ensino e pesquisa. A trajetória destas empresas é marcada por eventos que permitem observar as implicações dos relacionamentos e da mobilização dos recursos estratégicos para a prática da inovação. O aporte teórico que embasa a análise da interação Universidade-Empresa se utiliza da abordagem da Hélice Tríplice, das Redes Interorganizacionais, da Visão Baseada em Recursos e da Visão Relacional. A análise dos dados coletados apresentou evidências de que o diferencial estratégico das instituições pesquisadas é obtido a partir de posicionamentos e ações estratégicas ao longo do tempo; da capacidade de gerar conhecimento e inovar; da capacidade de conexão com o mercado e de desenvolver novas competências organizacionais; da capacidade de mobilizar recursos internos e de estabelecer parcerias através de relacionamentos interorganizacionais; e da capacidade de atrair e reter talentos que possam contribuir para a excelência acadêmica, a sustentabilidade e a efetiva participação no desenvolvimento social. / Knowledge is the key factor for the creation of anything new and innovation is dependent on human capital and cooperation among people and organizations. This qualitative study uses the case study method and seeks to understand the evolution of successful strategies of interaction between university and industry and to identify key differences that explain the gains arising from strategic partnerships. The selection of the institutions for this study - PUC-Rio and Fundação Dom Cabral and the relationship with Petrobras - considered the fact that they are private in nature, with histories of successful relationships with companies and recognized for excellence in teaching and research. The trajectory of these companies is marked by events that allow us to observe the implications of the relationships and the mobilization of strategic resources for the practice of innovation. The theoretical bases that support the University-Industry interaction are the Triple Helix approach, the Interorganizational Network, the Resource-Based View and the Relational Vision. The data analysis presented evidence that the strategic differentiator of the institutions surveyed is derived from placements and strategic actions over time, the ability to generate knowledge and innovate, the ability to connect with the market and to develop new organizational skills, the ability to mobilize domestic resources and to establish partnerships through interorganizational relationships, and the ability to attract and retain talent that can contribute to academic excellence, sustainability and effective participation in social development.

Utilisation d’unités γ-lactames pour le développement de vecteurs de pénétration intracellulaire et la conception de foldamères / Gamma lactam units in developpement of intracellular vectors and conception of foldamers

Messerschmitt, Alexandre 10 January 2019 (has links)
L’utilisation d’oligomères d’α-amino-γ-lactame (Agl-αAA) comme vecteurs de pénétration intracellulaire est décrite dans ce manuscrit. Nous avons montré que ces oligomères structurés en ruban sont capables de traverser la membrane plasmique pour atteindre le cytosol et y délivrer un cargo biologiquement actif. A la différence des séquences peptidiques, ces oligomères ont une très bonne résistance enzymatique. Une nouvelle famille de foldamères d’α-amino-γ-lactame (Agl-βAA) obtenus à partir de séquences /β peptidiques est également décrite. La structure secondaire de ces composés a été étudiée par RMN, IR-TF, CD et DRX. Nous avons montré que ces oligomères sont capables d’adopter une structure stable en hélice 12. De façon remarquable, ces oligomères sont solubles en milieux aqueux malgré une absence totale de chaînes latérales hydrophiles. / The use of α-amino-γ-lactam oligomers (Agl-αAA) as cell penetrating vectors are described in this work. These ribbon structured oligomers are able to cross the cell membrane to reach the cytosol and deliver a biologically active cargo. Unlike peptide sequences, these oligomers display a strong enzymatic resistance. A new family of α-amino-γ-lactam oligomers (Agl-βAA) obtained from conversion of /β peptide sequences are also described. Secondary structure of these molecules have been studied by NMR, FTIR, CD and XRD. These oligomers are able to adopt a stable 12-helix structure. Unexpectedly, these oligomers are soluble in aqueous mediums without any hydrophilic side chains

La question du bonheur dans l'oeuvre de Christian Bobin

Ahmadi, Masoumeh 07 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse cherche à connaître le bonheur tel que Bobin conçoit et projette dans son œuvre. Pour ce but, l'approche bachelardienne nous a servi à définir dans l'œuvre de Bobin un élément symbolique pour le bonheur : la flamme. Pour traiter la question du temps et sa complexité, très liée à notre question principale, les réflexions de Bachelard, de Bergson et de la physique moderne sur le temps sont prises en référence ainsi que la " logique du contradictoire " (de Lupasco). Les images plus attachées à l'intellect sont analysées suivant les travaux d'Henry Corbin et définies comme " images-corps-réalités ". Elles témoignent d'un regard mystique chez Bobin. Une tendance vers la géopoétique pour acquérir l'Unité du monde s'ajoute aussi à ce regard. Et une langue d'" anima/animus " et un processus de la production du sens, " hélice du sens ", interviennent pour traduire l'intransmissible en fragments. Cela rend l'écriture de Bobin " fragmentaire ", ce que nous avons désigné comme un nouveau genre : " poésie-prose " mystique.

Les rapports université/entreprise à l’Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique (UNAM) : la vision de professeurs ayant de l’expérience de collaboration avec des entreprises

Ortega Villalobos, Maricela 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le rapport université/entreprise au Mexique après 1990. Il s’agit d’une étude de cas sur l’Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique (UNAM), la plus grande université mexicaine et la plus importante institution productrice de connaissances scientifiques au pays. À partir de 1988, l’introduction au Mexique d’une économie du marché a été le point de départ des nombreux changements politiques et économiques qui ont modifié les conditions d’exploitation des organisations et des institutions au pays. Ainsi, depuis 1990, le nouveau contexte politique et économique du Mexique a modifié les politiques gouvernementales vers les institutions publiques y compris celles de la santé et de l’éducation. Pour ce qui est des universités publiques mexicaines, ces politiques ont réduit leur financement et leur ont demandé une participation plus active à l’économie nationale, par la production de connaissances pouvant se traduire en innovation dans le secteur de la production. Ces nouvelles conditions économiques et politiques constituent des contingences auxquelles les universitaires font face de diverses façons, y compris l’établissement des relations avec les entreprises, comme le prescrivent les politiques du gouvernement fédéral élaborées sur la base des recommandations de l’OCDE. En vue de contribuer à la connaissance des relations université/entreprise développées au Mexique, nous avons réalisé notre étude de cas fondée sur une approche méthodologique qualitative à caractère exploratoire qui a recueilli des données provenant de sources documentaires et perceptuelles. Nous avons encadré notre recherche du point de vue de l’organisation par la théorie de la contingence, et pour l’analyse de la production de la connaissance sur la base des modèles de la Triple hélice et du Mode 2. Différents documents de sources diverses, y compris l’Internet, ont été consultés pour l’encadrement des rapports université/entreprise au Mexique et à l’UNAM. Les sources perceptuelles ont été 51 entrevues semi-structurées auprès de professeurs et de chercheurs à temps plein ayant établi des rapports avec des entreprises (dans les domaines de la biomédecine, la biotechnologie, la chimie et l’ingénierie) et de personnes ayant un rôle de gestion dans les rapports des entreprises avec l’institution. Les données recueillies ont montré que la politique de l’UNAM sur les rapports université/entreprise a été aussi flottante que la structure organisationnelle soutenant sa création et formalisation. Toutes sortes d’entreprises, publiques ou privées collaborent avec les chercheurs de l’UNAM, mais ce sont les entreprises parastatales et gouvernementales qui prédominent. À cause du manque d’infrastructure scientifique et technologique de la plupart des entreprises au Mexique, les principales demandes adressées à l’UNAM sont pour des services techniques ou professionnels qui aident les entreprises à résoudre des problèmes ponctuels. Le type de production de connaissance à l’UNAM continue d’être celui du Mode 1 ou traditionnel. Néanmoins, particulièrement dans le domaine de la biotechnologie, nous avons identifié certains cas de collaboration plus étroite qui pointaient vers l’innovation non linéaire proposée par le Mode 2 et la Triple hélice. Parmi les principaux avantages découlant des rapports avec les entreprises les interviewés ont cité l’obtention de ressources additionnelles pour la recherche, y compris de l’équipement et des fonds pour les bourses d’étudiants, mais souvent ils ont observé que l’un des plus gros avantages était la connaissance qu’ils obtenaient des contacts avec les firmes et le sens du réel qu’ils pouvaient intégrer dans la formation des étudiants. Les programmes gouvernementaux du CONACYT pour la science, la technologie et l’innovation ne semblent pas réussir à renforcer les rapports entre les institutions génératrices de la connaissance et le secteur de la production du Mexique. / Since 1988, the introduction of a market economy in Mexico have changed the government policy towards public universities in the country, reducing their budget and asking them to participate more actively in the national economy, by producing knowledge that could translate into innovation in the production sector. The budgetary constraints imposed on Mexican public universities affect their functions of teaching and worsen the conditions for research. The economic and political context after 1990 has created the eventuality in which academics must implement different mechanisms, including the establishment of relations with commercial enterprises as guided by the policies of the federal government, which were developed on the basis of recommendations by the OECD. In order to contribute to the theme of university/enterprise relations developing in Mexico, we conducted a case study on the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the largest university and which is the most advanced institution in the development of scientific knowledge in Mexico. Using a methodological approach of qualitative exploration, our case study collected data from documentary and perceptual sources to describe the characteristics of the university/enterprise relationships at the institution. From an organizational point of view, we established the framework of our research on the theory of contingency, and for the analysis of knowledge production we have taken the basis of models of the triple helix and Mode 2. The documents on various important aspects on the framework of the university/enterprise rapport in Mexico and in UNAM have been consulted and 51 semi-structured interviews conducted with persons having institutional experience of work with companies. The target population of the research was composed of two groups: 1) full-time professors (faculty and researchers) working in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology, chemistry, and engineering, and 2) persons having a management role in the relations between firms and the institution. The institutional policy of UNAM on the university/enterprise relationship and the structure supporting their creation and formalization has varied according to the changing criteria of successive university administrations. There are all kinds of enterprises, both public and private, collaborating with researchers at UNAM, however governmental and quasi-governmental enterprises are predominant. Related to the lack of scientific and technological infrastructure of most enterprises in Mexico, the major requests addressed to UNAM are for technical or professional services to help firms to solve specific problems. Nevertheless, particularly in the field of biotechnology, we identified some cases of closer collaboration pointing to non-linear innovation, as proposed by the Mode 2 and the Triple helix. The interviewed perceived more advantages than disadvantages from these relationships. Among the main benefits the researchers cited the acquisition of additional resources for research, including funds for student scholarships and some equipment, but several of them have remarked the importance of the knowledge coming from this contacts and the sense of reality they can convey in the training of students. On the basis of the answers collected, the government programs drawn up for science, technology and innovation did not seem to succeed in strengthening the relations between the knowledge generating institutions and the productivity sector of Mexico.

Modélisation et commande d'un système innovant pour la propulsion navale / Modeling, optimization by control strategies of an innovative system for naval propulsion

Debbou, Mustapha 03 June 2014 (has links)
Les travaux menés durant cette thèse s'intéressent principalement aux avantages que peut offrir la machine asynchrone à double alimentation (MADA) dans un système de propulsion navale. Ceci est obtenu à travers les degrés de libertés additionnels qu'elle apporte, d'une part, par l'exploitation de la redondance structurelle naturelle, et d'autre part , par les stratégies de contrôle qui lui sont appliquées. La première partie de ce mémoire, présente la modélisation du propulseur innovant. Ce dernier est conçu principalement autour de la MADA comme moteur de propulsion. Il est alimenté par deux onduleurs de tension à Modulation de Largeur d'Impulsion (MLI), et entrainant une hélice à trois pales fixes et symétriques. Plusieurs stratégies de commande ont été introduites pour piloter le système. En effet, des lois de contrôle de type linéaires et non linéaires, associées à des divers modulateurs MLI ont été validées et appliquées à cette structure de propulsion. L'innovation apportée dans le cadre de ces travaux consiste à associer à l'optimisation par conception (machine et convertisseurs d'alimentation), une optimisation par la commande et ce en évaluant l'influence de ces techniques pour deux critères de dimensionnement majeurs, à savoir, les pertes dans les convertisseurs de puissances, et les bruits acoustiques et vibratoires. La propulsion navale, comme tout système embarqué, possède des exigences en matière de qualité de service non seulement en termes de performances mais aussi de fiabilité et de disponibilité. En effet, les systèmes conçus pour ce type d'application doivent assurer et garantir une continuité de service en cas d'apparition de défauts au sein des constituants du système. L'utilisation de la MADA dans les systèmes de propulsion offre une redondance structurelle naturelle et analytique, introduite par la commande, qui permet d'assurer une continuité de service du système en présence d'une défaillance dans la structure. Deux défauts sont ainsi considérés dans cette étude, un défaut de semi-conducteur de puissance dans le convertisseur de puissance et un défaut de capteur vitesse/position. Les stratégies de contrôle proposées, les modèles de propulseur établis ainsi que les reconfigurations adoptées suite aux défauts ont été validées expérimentalement sur les bancs développés au LAPLACE dans le cadre de ces travaux. / This study focuses on the benefits that can be induced by the use of the Double Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) operating in motor mode for marine propulsion systems. It can be achieved by the additional degree of freedom it provides, firstly, by exploiting the natural structural redundancy, and secondly, by the alytical redundancy introduced by applied control strategies. The first part of this thesis presents the modeling of a propeller architected mainly around the DFIM and its load such as a propeller with three fixed and symmetrical blades. Several control strategies have been introduced to control the system, in fact, linear and nonlinear control laws type associated with various modulators have been validated and applied to the propulsion structure. The objective was to evaluate the influence of these techniques for two major design criteria, namely, losses in power converters, and noise and vibration noise. Naval propulsion as any embedded system has requirements for the quality of service not only in performance but also reliability and availability. Indeed, the systems designed for these types of applications must ensure and guarantee continuity of service in response to the failures in system components. The use of MADA in propulsion systems provides a natural structural and analytical redundancies which ensure system service continuity in the presence of a fault in this structure. Two faults are considered in this study, a power semiconductor fault in the power converter and a speed sensor / position failure. Control strategies proposed, the propeller modeling established and reconfigurations adopted following settings have been validated by simulation and experimentally on the real laboratory or industrial benches developed in the context of this study.

O processo de incubação social da Universidade Federal de Goiás: os desafios para a interação significativa na construção do conhecimento / The process of Social Incubation in the Federal University of Goiás: the challenges to the significant interaction in the production of knowledge

Ribeiro, Geisa Müller de Campos 05 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-08-30T17:20:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Geisa Muller de Campos Ribeiro - 2016.pdf: 2724443 bytes, checksum: 58e60b3cc66b5bb9542ba366d999ff97 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-08-30T17:21:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Geisa Muller de Campos Ribeiro - 2016.pdf: 2724443 bytes, checksum: 58e60b3cc66b5bb9542ba366d999ff97 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-30T17:21:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Geisa Muller de Campos Ribeiro - 2016.pdf: 2724443 bytes, checksum: 58e60b3cc66b5bb9542ba366d999ff97 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research analyses the significant interaction of the University with two popular self-management Enterprises - cooperative societies that work with recyclable materials – located in Goiania city as part of a program named originally as Social Incubation developed by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). It is an empirical research, in which the interactional movement between the University (Social Incubation) and the enterprises assume that there are conflicts caused by the cultural differences among the participants. These differences are represented by the non-scientific type knowledge derived from the participants’ empirical experience, from the practical and religious activities and working techniques, and by the scientific knowledge produced in the University posted as truth. It is a qualitative study. For the data collection, the participative observation constituted fundamental element. Some data were obtained from informal and semi-structured interviews, besides the documental research that was an opportunity to understand the general context of the cooperative societies and the Social Incubation. In this study, it was conceived that the relation established between the participants is not linear and permanent and it demands that the construction of the knowledge must be done in group. That’s how the knowledge among the cooperators goes through changes, significations and resignifications, caused by the dialogical practice needed. The participants’ experiences, perceptions and beliefs are inherent to the construction of knowledge and human capital. The dialogical process assumes knowledge and symbolic exchanges and it is an assumption to the communicational process among those involved. It was clear that in the process of incubation of the enterprises, there is a complexity that demands considerable efforts from the agents of the Incubator and the cooperators. There were difficulties from both parts that were broken. This way, the context of the Social Incubator enabled to think in the performance of the University through the extension, that is still an activity with little involvement and recognition by professors and students. Besides that, there is also the need to overcome capitalism in which universities are inserted into redirection of production of technology and science focusing in popular interests. This is the aspect in which the political relations are still fragile under this study’s reality. / Estudo que analisa a interação significativa entre a Universidade e dois empreendimentos populares autogestionários - cooperativas de materiais recicláveis - localizadas na cidade de Goiânia que fazem parte do programa de Incubação Social da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Trata-se de uma pesquisa empírica na qual o movimento interacional entre a Universidade (Incubadora social) e os empreendimentos incubados pressupõe que há tensionamentos causados pelas diferenças culturais entre os atores envolvidos: os conhecimentos de natureza não científica, provenientes das experiências empíricas dos cooperados, suas atividades práticas, religiosas e técnicas do trabalho, e os conhecimentos científicos produzidos na Universidade posicionados, muitas das vezes como verdade. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo. Para a coleta de dados, a observação participante constituiu-se como um elemento fundamental. Alguns dados foram obtidos com entrevistas informais e semi-estruturadas, além da pesquisa documental que oportunizou entendimento do contexto geral das cooperativas e da incubadora social. No estudo, concebeu-se que a relação que se estabelece entre os atores não é linear e permanente e exige a construção do conhecimento em conjunto. É assim que o conhecimento depois de problematizado entre os cooperados passa por transformações, significações e resignificações, decorrentes da prática dialógica necessária. As experiências, vivências e crenças dos atores envolvidos são imanentes na construção do conhecimento e do capital humano. O processo dialógico pressupõe, trocas de saberes e trocas simbólicas e é premissa do ato comunicacional entre os envolvidos. Ficou evidente que no processo de incubação dos empreendimentos há uma complexidade que demanda esforços consideráveis dos gestores da incubadora e dos cooperados e dificuldades/resistências de ambas as partes que precisam ser rompidas. Concluindo, o contexto da incubadora social possibilitou pensar a atuação da Universidade por meio da extensão que ainda é uma atividade com pouco envolvimento e reconhecimento por parte dos docentes e discentes. Além disso, existe a necessidade de superação do capitalismo no qual as universidades estão inseridas para um redirecionamento de produção de tecnologia e ciência voltadas para interesses populares. É neste aspecto que as relações políticas ainda são frágeis para a realidade em estudo.

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