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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring toxic lexicon similarity methods with the DRG framework on the toxic style transfer task / Utnyttjande av semantisk likhet mellan toxiska lexikon i en toxisk stilöverföringsmetod baserad på ramverket Delete-Retrieve-Generate

Iglesias, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the detoxification of language in social networks with a particular focus on style transfer techniques that combine deep learning and linguistic resources. In today’s digital landscape, social networks are rife with communication that can often be toxic, either intentionally or unintentionally. Given the pervasiveness of social media and the potential for toxic language to perpetuate negativity and polarization, this study addresses the problem of toxic language and its transformation into more neutral expressions. The importance of this issue is underscored by the need to promote non-toxic communication in the social networks that are an integral part of modern society. The complexity of natural language and the subtleties of what constitutes toxicity make this a challenging problem worthy of study. To address this problem, this research proposes two models, LexiconGST and MultiLexiconGST, developed based on the Delete&Generate framework. These models integrate linguistic resources into the detoxification system to guide deep learning techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed models perform commendably in the detoxification task compared to stateof-the-art methods. The integration of linguistic resources with deep learning techniques is confirmed to improve the performance of detoxification systems. Finally, this research has implications for social media platforms and online communities, which can now implement more effective moderation tools to promote non-toxic communication. It also opens lines of further research to generalize our proposed method to other text styles. / Ämnet för denna avhandling är avgiftning av språk i sociala nätverk med särskilt fokus på stilöverföringstekniker som kombinerar djupinlärning och språkliga resurser. I dagens digitala landskap är sociala nätverk fulla av kommunikation som ofta kan vara giftig, antingen avsiktligt eller oavsiktligt. Med tanke på hur utbredda sociala medier är och hur giftigt språk kan bidra till negativitet och polarisering, tar den här studien upp problemet med giftigt språk och hur det kan omvandlas till mer neutrala uttryck. Vikten av denna fråga understryks av behovet av att främja giftfri kommunikation i de sociala nätverk som är en integrerad del av det moderna samhället. Komplexiteten i naturligt språk och de subtila aspekterna av vad som utgör toxicitet gör detta till ett utmanande problem som är värt att studera. För att ta itu med detta problem föreslår denna forskning två modeller, LexiconGST och MultiLexiconGST, som utvecklats baserat på ramverket Delete&Generate. Dessa modeller integrerar språkliga resurser i avgiftningssystemet för att vägleda djupinlärningstekniker. Experimentella resultat visar att de föreslagna modellerna presterar lovvärt i avgiftningsuppgiften jämfört med toppmoderna metoder. Integrationen av språkliga resurser med djupinlärningstekniker bekräftas för att förbättra prestanda för avgiftningssystem. Slutligen har denna forskning konsekvenser för sociala medieplattformar och onlinegemenskaper, som nu kan implementera mer effektiva modereringsverktyg för att främja giftfri kommunikation. Det öppnar också för ytterligare forskning för att generalisera vår föreslagna metod till andra textstilar.

Att göra kaos i ett cisnormativt kosmos : en laborerande studie av den transteoretiska och-aktivistiska samvaron med Satan

Jangmyr, Michelle January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to present an opening to argue for a transtheoretical and - activist fellowship with Satan and the values connected to hir. A transactivist fellows-hip with Satan builds on two primary points of contact. It is on one hand the opportu-nity to take advantage of the non-conformist, non-normative and polemical signifi-cance Satan has been attributed, especially in the history of literature, but also in the history of religion. And on the other hand this study also dwells upon how Satan as a figure has served as an expression of evilness, hatred, darkness and suffering amongst people. The questions i ask, is if there is a course that allows me to theorize for a stra-tegic collaboration between the transactivist struggle and the ideas that is connected to the satanfigure in John Miltons Paradise Lost. I also ask if there is a transtheoretical-and activist approach where Satan can function as an ally within the transactivist re-sistance. The purpose of this paper also carries on a confrontation with the notion of ”tone-policing", and love and tenderness as the only sanctioned (and praised) incenti-ves for political struggle. In this thesis I make a link between the logic that connects to Satan as an ideological basis and a non-conformist (militant), seperatist, anti-capi-talist and queer attitude in transactivist struggle. With the help of Susan Stryker's the-ory of the monsteridentity I will experiment with extracts from John Milton's Paradise Lost, where the Satan figure and the transactivist position builds on a fellowship as my analysis proceeds. To do this i use a queer-deleuzian tool as a method that focuses on textual framings within the idea of spatial relations, meaning how the actual text can and should correspond with discourses outside its territorial space. This allow me to di-sengage Satan from its original amplitude, and instead of interpreting how Satan handles hirself in Paradise Lost, i will liberate Satan from this narrative and create a relation between hir and my thesis. In this way I create an occasion, through a theore-tical approach to trans-subjectivity as comparable to the perception of the monster as a non-normative figure, to bring the transgendered monster together with the satanic monster. The ”what” that will subsequently crystallize during the analysis have the intention to tell the story about the ways in which the non-confirmative transactivist have in common with Satan. After doing this i will conclude my thesis with a discus-sion that reflects on how this fellowship has evolved in relation to the proposed politi-cal and emotional connections between the non-confomative transactivist and Satan.

Geschwisterrivalitäten im Buch Genesis : Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse ausgewählter Geschwisterrivalitäten / Sibling rivalries in Genesis : a literary analysis of selected sibling rivalries

Martella, Immanuel Matthäus 11 1900 (has links)
Genesis ist ein Buch von Familiengeschichten, welche durchgehend von Konflikten geprägt sind. Insbesondere gilt dies für Rivalitäten zwischen Brüdern. Häufige Vertauschungsepisoden und weitere Katalysatoren entfachen Konflikte, die die familiäre Kontinuität stets gefährden. Die Geschwisterriva-litäten wurden in der Forschung ausgiebig behandelt, doch die Analyse verbindender und wiederkeh-render literarischer Motive zwischen den Erzählungen wurde bisher nicht ausreichend erforscht. Daher untersucht die vorliegende Studie drei Hauptrivalitäten zwischen Brüdern in ihren literarischen Verbindungen: Kain und Abel, Jakob und Esau sowie Josef und seine Brüdern. Dabei werden beson-ders die Abschnitte analysiert, die den Ausgangspunkt, die Eskalation und die Auflösung dieser Kon-flikte behandeln. Als Ergebnis der Studie werden lexikalische und thematische Motive, sowie Motive im Handlungsverlauf zwischen den Erzählungen erarbeitet. Die beschriebenen Motive stellen ein dicht verwobenes literarisches Netzwerk zwischen den Erzählungen dar. Sie zeigen einen narrativen Span-nungsbogen auf, der vom urgeschichtlichen Brudermord zur Bruder-Vergebung geht und sich im Verlauf stets am Rande eines Brudermords bewegt Genesis is a book of family histories which are marked throughout by conflict. This applies in particular to rivalry between brothers. Frequent episodes of reversals and other catalysts ignite conflicts which continually endanger family continuity. Although sibling rivalry has been extensively addressed by the academic research, the analysis of interconnected and recurrent literary motifs among the stories has not yet been sufficiently explored. Therefore, the present study investigates the literary connections among three principal rivalries: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers. This includes, in particular, the analysis of those texts which deal with the origin, escalation and resolution of these conflicts. As a result of this study, lexical and thematic motifs, as well as motifs of plot development among the stories are worked out. These motifs present a tightly interwoven narrative network among the stories. They reveal a narrative arc of suspense which ranges from the primeval fratricide to fraternal forgiveness, teetering continually on the brink of fratricide / Genesis is a book of family histories which are marked throughout by conflict. This applies in particular to rivalry between brothers. Frequent episodes of reversals and other catalysts ignite conflicts which continually endanger family continuity. Although sibling rivalry has been extensively addressed by the academic research, the analysis of interconnected and recurrent literary motifs among the stories has not yet been sufficiently explored. Therefore, the present study investigates the literary connections among three principal rivalries: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers. This includes, in particular, the analysis of those texts which deal with the origin, escalation and resolution of these conflicts. As a result of this study, lexical and thematic motifs, as well as motifs of plot development among the stories are worked out. These motifs present a tightly interwoven narrative network among the stories. They reveal a narrative arc of suspense which ranges from the primeval fratricide to fraternal forgiveness, teetering continually on the brink of fratricide / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

Srovnání amerického a mexického pojetí svobody projevu / Comparison of U.S. and Mexican approach to freedom of speech

Drhlíková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right which is important not only for the intellectual integrity of an individual but also for the healthy development of the whole society. The work represents both general arguments for freedom of expression and codification of freedom in two different legal cultures. In the United States the freedom of expression is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, which complements the rich jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the United States. In Mexico, the right is regulated in Article 6 of the Constitution. The work shows how both countries reached the current legislation on the basis of examination of legal developments and cultural values. The values of the societies are presented on the basis of Hofstede's cultural dimensions. The core of the thesis is to compare the legal limits, which is made primarily on the basis of judicial practice of the Supreme Courts of both countries. Emphasis is placed on four main areas which are related to freedom of speech: (i) fighting words including hate speech, (ii) symbolic speech, (iii) obscenity, and (iv) defamation. In addition to the legal limits the work interprets also the most significant actual limits in both countries. Finally, the author examines the relationship between freedom of expression and...

The Emotional Economy of Sex, Fear & Violence / On Politics & Emotion in Occidental Media Discourses

Bartscherer, Sheena Fee 20 June 2024 (has links)
Die hier vorgelegte kumulative Dissertation befasst sich mit der Frage des emotionalen Sprachgebrauchs als Teil der öffentlichen politischen Kommunikation in abendländischen Demokratien. Durch die Anwendung etablierter Erkenntnisse und Ansätze aus den Bereichen der affektiven Neurowissenschaften und der Neurolinguistik zu emotionalem Sprachgebrauch, wird versucht neue Perspektiven und Analysetechniken für die Sozial- und Politikwissenschaften herauszuarbeiten, die sich mit der rhetorischen Gestaltung und Funktion öffentlicher politischer Kommunikation befassen. Im Rahmen dieser Bemühungen habe ich einen sequenziellen Mixed-Methods-Ansatz entwickelt, eine neopragmatische Diskursanalyse (NPDA), die auf der bestehenden Methodologie der Pragmatischen Soziologie der Kritik (PSC) basiert. Diese Methode ermöglicht es, die Argumentationsstrategien und -muster von Akteuren abzuleiten und ihre Verwendung von hochgradig erregender emotionaler Sprache (via HAEWWörterbuch) nachzuzeichnen. In zwei separaten Fallstudien habe ich diesen neu entwickelten Ansatz angewendet, um (1) die US-Präsidentschaftswahlkämpfe 2016 von Trump und Clinton zu analysieren sowie (2) öffentliche Reden britischer Parteiführer:innen der Conservative und der Labour Party von 1900 bis 2019. Ich habe festgestellt, dass emotionale Sprache in der gesamten untersuchten (politischen) Kommunikation vorkommt und dass sie hauptsächlich eine Highlighter-Funktion in den Argumentationen der Akteure einnimmt. Politische Kommunikation, als eine spezifische Ausformung menschlicher Kommunikation, scheint immer ‚emotional‘ zu sein. / This cumulative dissertation addresses the issues of emotive language use as part of public political communication in occidental democracies. By applying established findings and approaches from the fields of affective neuroscience and neurolinguistics on emotive language use, the here presented dissertation intends to offer new perspectives and analytical techniques for the social and political sciences, concerned with understanding the rhetorical design and function of public political communication. As part of these efforts, I developed a sequential mixed methods approach, a neopragmatist discourse analysis (NPDA), which is based on the existing methodology associated with the Pragmatic Sociology of Critique (PSC). This method allows for the deduction of actors’ argumentative strategies and patterns and to detect their use of highly arousing emotive language (via HAEW dictionary). In two separate case studies I applied this newly developed approach, analysing (1) the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaigns of Trump and Clinton as well as (2) public speeches of British party leaders from the Conservative and Labour Party from 1900 – 2019. I found that emotive language appeared throughout all analysed (political) communication and that it mainly served a highlighting function within actors’ argumentations. Political communication, as a specific form of human communication, seems to always be ‘emotional’.

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