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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Stankiewicz, Kathleen Lynn 10 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Revisiting and re-evaluating same-sex sexual acts in Christian ethics – four evaluations and a suggestion

Hedlund, Simon January 2016 (has links)
This paper investigates three questions; how an exegetically sound basis for a biblical ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts might be construed, what role the Bible, and other sources of ethical insight, should play in construing Christian ethics, and what a Christian ethic founded on the answers to those questions would say concerning same-sex sexual acts today. To perform these investigations, the hermeneutical issue regarding biblical texts, as well as the relation between revelatory and non-revelatory ethical sources within Christian ethics, is discussed, and the construed Christian ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts and sexuality of Lisa Sowle Cahill, Samuel W. Kunhiyop, Richard B. Hays, and Peter Coleman are evaluated before a suggestion is presented. That suggestion states that a sound exegetical basis demands a historical-critical reading that aims at understanding the language agreement between first recipients and author(s). It also claims that it is the perspective of the text that should be in focus in forming biblical ethics. Further, it is suggested that the Bible should be considered as having a unique role in Christian ethics by means of supplying a unique perspective on other sources for ethics, as well as on the insights of Scripture itself. This perspective is based on revelation, and should be formed from the central Scriptural notion of imitatio Dei/Christi. The Bible should also be recognized as a unique source of Christian ethical insight. However, an awareness of the impossibility of perfect understanding of Scripture opens the need for a dialog with other sources of ethical insight, such as experience, tradition, and secular reason, through which they are able to play a role in construing Christian ethics. Finally, the Christian ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts holds such acts to be in need of a discriminating division between good and bad; those that are performed within a loving and caring relationship and those that are not. The former are tentatively commended based on an understanding of the clearly encouraged homosocial love they might result of, as well as positive human experience, while the latter are vehemently condemned because of their damaging nature to one or both of the people involved. / Uppsatsen undersöker tre frågor; hur en god exegetisk grund för en biblisk etik angående samkönade sexuella handlingar kan utformas, vilken roll Bibeln och andra källor till etisk insikt ska ha i utformandet av kristen etik, och hur en kristen etik baserad på svaren på dessa två frågor skulle se på samkönade sexuella handlingar idag. För att undersöka dessa frågor kommer hermeneutiska frågor angående bibeltexter likväl som relationen mellan uppenbarelsebaserade och icke-uppenbarelsebaserade källor till etisk insikt inom kristen etik att diskuteras. De konstruktioner av kristen etik angående samkönad sexualitet som gjorts av Lisa Sowle Cahill, Samuel W. Kunhiyop, Richard B. Hays och Peter Coleman utvärderas också innan ett eget förslag presenteras. Det förslag som sedan presenteras menar att en god exegetisk grund kräver en historisk-kritisk läsning som söker förstå den språkliga överenskommelse som fanns mellan ursprunglig(a) mottagare och författare. Förslaget menat också att det är textens perspektiv som ska vara i fokus i utformandet av en biblisk etik. Vidare föreslås det att Bibeln ska anses ha en unik roll i utformandet av kristen etik genom att den erbjuder ett unikt perspektiv på andra etiska källor och på Skriten själv. Detta perspektiv är baserat på uppenbarelse, och bör utformas utifrån den i Skriften centrala idén om imitatio Dei/Christi. Bibeln bör också erkännas som en unik källa till kristen etisk insikt. En medvetenhet om det omöjliga i att nå perfekt förståelse av Skriften öppnar dock upp för behovet av en dialog med andra källor till etisk insikt, källor såsom erfarenhet, tradition, och sekulärt förnuft, genom vilken dessa källor kan spela en roll i konstruktionen av kristen etik.Den kristna etiken angående samkönade sexuella handlingar menar slutligen att det måste göras en skarp skillnad mellan bra och dåliga handlingar av det slaget; de som utförs inom en kärleksfull relation, och de som inte utförs inom en sådan. De förstnämnda är försiktigt lovordade i egenskap av att resultera från en klart uppmuntrad homosocial kärlek, liksom till följd av positiva mänskliga erfarenheter, medan de senare är kraftfullt fördömda på grund av deras skadliga natur i relation till en av de, eller båda, inblandade

The Impact of the Closing of Camp Edward Gary Upon the Economy of San Marcos, Texas

Smith, Edgar Grant 08 1900 (has links)
"The problem investigated in this thesis is that of determining the impact of the disestablishment of Camp Edward Gary on the economy of the city of San Marcos, Texas...it is anticipated that this study may contribute two additional outcomes of value: the first is a test of certain ideas in economic theory pertaining to recessions; and the second is an evaluation of the data pertaining to the economy of small communities...the data presented in Chapter II and the summarization of that information in Chapter III lead to the inevitable conclusion that the deactivation of Camp Edward Gary caused a recession in the City of San Marcos, Texas, which was shared in varying degree by virtually every element of the economy...it is further concluded that the impact of the loss of the military community was modified to some degree by the beneficial effects of the growth in its educational institutions and the fact that the loss was shared, although in a lesser degree, by other communities in the general area." --leaves 4, 5, 79

Groundwater flow and recharge within the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer, southern Travis and northern Hays Counties, Texas

Hauwert, Nico Mark 07 November 2011 (has links)
The Barton Springs Segment, part of the karstic Edwards aquifer in Central Texas, is a Sole Source aquifer, is habitat to rare karst species, and provides water to a well-loved municipal swimming pool, yet its hydrogeologic properties remain insufficiently understood. For this study, the hydrogeologic characteristics of the Barton Springs Segment were investigated using several approaches, including mapping of hydrostratigraphic units and faults, measurement of upland infiltration, groundwater traces, and aquifer tests. The depositional environment, diagenesis, fracturing, down-dropped and dipping faulted blocks, and subsequent dissolution were determined to play important roles in controlling groundwater flow-path development within the Barton Springs Segment. In particular, downdropped fault blocks create groundwater gradients to the southeast that influence flow in the Edwards outcrop area. Upland internal drainage basins were found to be extremely efficient at conveying recharge to the underlying aquifer. The maturity of natural internal drainage sinkholes can be measured by its bowl volume, which grows in proportion to the catchment area it captures. A 19-hectare internal drainage basin, HQ Flat sinkhole, was monitored for rainfall, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and discrete runoff to the cave drain. During a 505-day period, 5.5% of measured rainfall entered the cave drain as discrete recharge, 26% of measured rainfall infiltrated through soils on the slopes, and the remaining 68% was lost through evapotranspiration. This amount of upland infiltration is consistent with infiltration measurements in other karst areas and is much larger than the 1% upland recharge of rainfall that was previously estimated. A chloride mass balance indicates that at the adjacent Tabor research site, about 50% of rainfall infiltrates to a 6-meter depth. Dye-tracing and pump tests demonstrated that primary and secondary groundwater flow paths are the major influence on transmissivity within the Barton Springs Segment. Groundwater tracing breakthroughs reveal very high advection and relatively low dispersion. Drawdown response to pump tests indicates a very high degree of anisotropy, controlled by location of groundwater flow paths. Overall the Barton Springs Segment is a mature karst aquifer with highly developed rapid, discrete network for both recharge and groundwater-flow. / text


Gómez Alfonso, Carlos José 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] ABSTRACT This work aims to compile and to study school buildings which were designed and constructed in Valencia and its province, between the year 1920 and 1939. The period begins in 1920 when the Oficina Técnica de Construcción de Escuelas was founded, given that this measure -together with others of the same moment- supposed a very important change in the mechanisms that the State arranged for the construction of school buildings. The temporary period of this study finishes in 1939, moment in which Spanish II Republic falls. The present work raises five thematic core issues (nudos temáticos) able to establish a framework capable to centering the context from where the school production was developed The second part of this work consists on the specific study of all the schools compiled in Valencia, by means of a systematic analysis, which uses defined variables distilled from the above mentioned core issues. This analysis will allow us to explain some circumstances in a relatively trustworthy way, that is to say we will be able to extract founded conclusions. To be able to study the school buildings in Valencia and to understand the school buildings production in our environment, there has been compiled a great quantity of information about the school buildings designed and constructed, gathered in four annexes in this work. / [ES] RESUMEN Este estudio se plantea como objetivo la recopilación y estudio de los grupos escolares proyectados y construidos en Valencia y su provincia, entre los años 1920 y 1939. El ámbito temporal se inicia en 1920 con la creación de la Oficina Técnica de Construcción de Escuelas, puesto que esta medida junto con otras del mismo momento, suponen un cambio muy importante en los mecanismos que el Estado dispone para la construcción de edificios escolares. El periodo temporal de estudio finaliza en 1939, momento en que cae la II República El estudio plantea cinco nudos temáticos que establecen una trama capaz de centrar el contexto sobre el que se desarrolló la producción escolar. La segunda parte de este trabajo consiste en el estudio específico de todas las escuelas recopiladas en Valencia, mediante un análisis sistemático, destilado de los nudos temáticos a través de las variables definidas. El análisis nos permitirá explicar algunas circunstancias de una manera relativamente fiable, es decir extraeremos conclusiones fundadas. Para poder realizar el estudio de las escuelas en Valencia y entender la producción escolar en nuestro entorno, se ha recopilado una gran cantidad de información sobre los edificios escolares proyectados y construidos, recogida en los cuatro anexos de este trabajo. / [CA] RESUM Aquest treball es planteja com a objectiu la recopilació i estudi dels grups escolars projectats i construïts a València i la seua província, entre els anys 1920 i 1939. El període temporal s'inicia en 1920 amb la creació de la Oficina Técnica de Construcción de Escuelas, ja que aquesta mesura juntament amb unes altres del mateix moment, suposen un canvi molt important en els mecanismes que l'Estat disposa per a la construcció d'edificis escolars. El estudi finalitza en 1939, moment en què cau la II República. El treball planteja cinc nusos temàtics que estableixen una trama capaç de centrar el context sobre el qual es va desenvolupar la producció escolar. La segona part d'aquest treball consisteix en l'estudi específic de totes les escoles recopilades a València, mitjançant una anàlisi sistemàtica, destil¿lat dels nusos temàtics a través de les variables definides. L'anàlisi ens permetrà explicar algunes circumstàncies d'una manera relativament fiable, és a dir extraurem conclusions fonamentades. Per a poder realitzar l'estudi de les escoles a València i entendre la producció escolar en el nostre entorn, s'ha recopilat una gran quantitat d'informació sobre els edificis escolars projectats i construïts, recollida en els quatre annexos d'aquest treball. / Gómez Alfonso, CJ. (2016). CONSTRUCCIONES ESCOLARES EN VALENCIA. 1920-1939 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62170

Women in the Foreign Service: A Case Study of Margaret Parx Hays, 1942-1964

Craig, Maddison L. 12 1900 (has links)
This project seeks to include the historical significance of women in the Foreign Service and subsequently the United States Department of State between 1942 and 1964. Using the life and experience of Margaret Parx Hays, one of fewer than three hundred female foreign service officers before 1960, this study explores the importance of examining women at the "ground level." This narrative examines the life of Hays at several different duty stations and her experience navigating a male-dominant workplace congruent to the political and diplomatic missions of each stations. Hays was stationed in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1942-1945); Bogota, Columbia (1945-1947); Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1948-1950); Washington D.C., U.S. (1951-1954; 1959-1962); Manila, Philippines (1954-1956); Mexico City, Mexico (1956-1958); and Hong Kong, China (1962-1964). Throughout the deployment at each station, Hays was confronted with major political events in her duty station's history or in the intersection of American foreign and domestic policy. Through the use of Hays's archived collection of personal papers, including letters and newspapers, this thesis presents a more representative story about women and about the Department of State as a larger whole than previous scholarship that has ignored how gender affected diplomatic history.

Teologisk normativitet - en vetenskaplig synd? : En komparativ analys angående acceptabel normativitet inom akademisk teologi

Knutsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to discuss what kind of normativity can be considered acceptable in academic theology today in Sweden. This I do by critically and comparatively analyze two debates. The first debate is from Sweden and has its origin in the book Den okände Jesus written by Cecilia Wassén och Tobias Hägerland. The second debate is an international debate about Joseph Ratzingers or Benedict XVI book Jesus of Nazareth. For the purpose of comparison I am working with three analytical questions. I am asking the different texts whether the author express any ontological assumptions or if he or she argumenting at a epistemological level, what enables intersubjective verifiability according to the author and what kind of methods does the author see as acceptable to reach historical knowledge? This questions works as a methodological cluster and the answers indicate what the authors think about acceptable normativity in academic theology. After that I identify similarities and divergences and I ́m comparing different positions and arguments. Finally I evaluate the reasonability of these positions and argument. The reader will be lead to the conclusion that intersubjective verifiability in academic theology and exegetic doesn ́t demand naturalistic or empirical points of departure but rather transparency and cognitive understandable argument which includes theological normative arguments and research. An attitude I name as methodological reciprocity.

Send in the...Scholars?: The History of the Fulbright Program from 1961-1970

Smith, William S., II 27 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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